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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 238 KB, 1007x1100, exo_skeletron_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1853059 No.1853059 [Reply] [Original]

how much do concept artists actually make? talking employed here btw, but if you have any trustworthy info on known freelancers, feel free to share that aswell!

i was wondering if anyone knew what salary is normal for a junior concept artist, a regular and senior concept artist.

>> No.1853069

I make about 5k per illustration, just saying

>> No.1853071

No salary is 'normal' as there are not very many regulations governing what kind of wage artists make. I myself make minimum wage in my country, which is $33,000 a year. I would feel more comfortable if I were making 50k. Always push to negotiate a higher salary whenever you can.

>> No.1853082


for some reason i have a hard time believing that.


what country is that? and what is your position? because i'm pretty sure a concept artist should make significantly more than that? no?

>> No.1853084


Artist in an "indie" game dev company. Concept art is just one of the things that I do. Illustration, modelling, concept art, UI design, jack of all trades really.

>> No.1853085

>>>1853069for some reason i have a hard time believing that.

Yes but it could take 2 months to do an illustration. Then how much is 5K for the illustration. ~15 per hour US Dollars.

>> No.1853086


Oh yeah, country is Australia.

>> No.1853091

>2 months for an illustration
>concept art = illustration art

most concept artists can nock out a few concepts in a week

>> No.1853092

not the same sorry

>> No.1853093

What isn't the same?

>> No.1853104


the guy that claims to be tehmeh is mocking him. nobody gets paid 5k per illustration.

>> No.1853116

Some people get paid that much.

>> No.1853117

Everything you read on the internet is real.

>> No.1853122
File: 490 KB, 960x1280, photo (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently im a student at SVA, most of my professors are paid between $1,400-3,000 for and editorial illustration.

here is a better price guide:
Ny Times Book Review - $200
NYT Op-Ed page - $100
Village Voice - b/w spot $3-400 color spot $400-5, cover $1000 inside cover $800
New Yorker - $500 spot $4000 cover
NYT Mag - $700 spot, $800 half page, full page $1200, Cover 2500
gerneral mag spots - $500-$700

>> No.1853158

>2months for one illustration
Have fun starving you fucking gook

>> No.1853163

You really think someone would do that?
Go on the Internet and post lies?

>> No.1853165

I don't get what that has to do with anything

>> No.1853175

probably meant as proof that they are an SVA student, though it proves nothing

>> No.1853191

It proves that if he's in school he should ask for a refund

>> No.1853202


Sorry i didnt impress you. You post your work, well shit on that.

>> No.1853203

Yes, you are sorry newfag

>> No.1853206
File: 489 KB, 800x1154, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.1853207

Even if it was good how does would it prove that you are enrolled at a specific school? There's no logic to it.

Also I hope your in 1st year.

>> No.1853209

photoshop skills are... meh.
dat shit anatomy though

>> No.1853210

That is some intense jealousy I'm detecting, Anon

>> No.1853212
File: 579 KB, 1278x1202, img952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw the feet

>> No.1853213

>not recognizing pasta
>being this new

>> No.1853258

>taking the bait

>> No.1853281

so what? you're talking about illustration in a thread about concept art. you're not even answering the question

>> No.1853289

aaron beck's concept art looks like shit.
sure it does the job but it has to be among the worst concept art i have ever seen from a technical standpoint.

>> No.1853331

that handgun popping out look so silly

>> No.1853336

pew pew pew

>> No.1853342




>> No.1853364

What's up with this image?

>> No.1853373


It was actually from one of the few times where someone was challenged to post their work and the guy followed through with it and posted that merc_wip.

Its now been saved and copy pasted around whenever someone asks someone else to enter a d/ic/k measuring contest to see whoever is the better artist. So now in some threads its just

>anon1 gets into arguement with anon2
>both go nowhere in proving their point
>only way to see who is correct is who has the bigger art-dick
>"post your work faggot"

>> No.1853393
File: 311 KB, 680x681, 8de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1853396

/ic/ might be the wrong place to ask. anyone who starts being successful probably leaves this place running.

>> No.1853404

he was asking about concept artist, not illustrators

>> No.1853430

You mean anyone who starts getting successful gets chased away and harassed.

>> No.1853434
File: 114 KB, 559x400, geq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not every picture needs to be a full body view. don't be ignorant.

>> No.1853436

Even the OP pic isn't full body. I have clients who actually request that I don't paint anything below the knees.

>> No.1853437

yeah what's up with that.
anyone remember scooby? he was a cool guy that really helped /fit/izens with their exercises and shit and then all of a sudden he got threats and i think someone was at his house. anyway, he had to move away and stopped making videos.

>> No.1853442

Yeah that's what happens when someone gets doxxed. Scooby seems alright now though, building airplanes and shit.

/ic/ has had a few people get shit too like Teal and even Tehmeh had some people harrassing him. At least the guys hating on Bagbosse seem to have stopped. Actually I think it's best to just avoid using a trip, it makes it too easy to target you.

>> No.1853444

no one has a problem with bagbosse if he posts once in a while but sometimes he is close to spamming this board with his drawings because they dont take long and he obviously has no interesting in improving.

also teal was a pedo that drew loli shit. so i kinda understand why he got shit for it.

but then there are posters who really do nothing to offend anyone and they still manage to offend some faggots because as soon as you are recognizeable someone will just take his anger out on you.
also prolly the reason why you see a lot of good artists only post in the tumblr threads and rarely in the drawing/stylisation thread

>> No.1853445

Bagbosse received more than just "don't post so much bro". I seem to recall a while back whenever he would post an image there would be like four replies all saying "you suck, pls go".

And Teal was very helpful on the board and provided many of the best redlines here and as far as I can recall didn't post the lewd stuff here. His other shit wasn't even posted under the same name, he was doxxed by someone who figured out the similarities in style or something.

>> No.1853503
File: 6 KB, 263x192, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bangbus shamelessly samefaggs and swears hes not a cheap moebius knockoff. let him wallow in his mediocrity. its amusing.

teals a kidfucker

temehs a moron

tumblr cunts are cowards begging for followers

>> No.1853560
File: 126 KB, 500x319, tumblr_ncwkldXpSH1rqxmhvo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1853562

>temehs a moron

why would anyone call tehmeh a moron??

>> No.1853564

They are trying to troll obviously. Look at how that post is written, it just insults every single group here.

>> No.1853568


its fucking obvious its not him

>> No.1853591

who is bangbus?

>> No.1853596


>> No.1853605

>it just insults every single group here.



>> No.1853618

Noah Bradley says he paid off his $40,000 student fees in one year with freelancing

>> No.1853631


which is one of the millions of lies he has ever told the world. every word that comes out of his mouth has only one purpose: exposure.

>> No.1853633

Did he? That's hard to believe considering he only basically did work for MtG and they don't pay well enough for him to have paid it off on that alone. Are you sure he didn't pay it off using the money from his art camp thingy? He supposedly made like $130k off it.

>> No.1853723


Doxxed? What private info was leaked, or is this another case of 4channers enjoying the smell of their own farts too much?

>> No.1853724

he's using the word doxxed wrong. someone just found his tumblr and posted it
kinda sad that he's gone though because he actually provided content and wasn't smug about it

bagbosse and the 30 year old guy get loads of shit because their skill level is very low yet they're incredibly arrogant with their posts

>> No.1853730

Ah maybe I did use it wrong, but I was under the impression his real name and identity was revealed.

>> No.1853734


Practically everyone knew from the start. That wasn't the issue, no shits were given. The stylization thread just ran its course. The same people having the same problems and the same passive aggressive, petty arguments is enough to tire anyone out.

>> No.1853735

>bagbosse and the 30 year old guy get loads of shit because their skill level is very low yet they're incredibly arrogant with their posts

when was bogbosse ever arrogant with his posts? he literally justs posts stuff and moves on. some anons like his work, some anons don't, no big deal. but the anons who don't accuse the anons who do of being samefagging-bagbosse. which is not true, and i would know because i am one of the anons who like his work.

no idea who the 30 year old is supposed to be. deathelm?

>> No.1853751

hes talking about the firez guy,
i think people on here need to chill the fuck out, firez gets so much shit and you can see people shitposting for hours just to offend him lol.
I actually feel bad for him, hes a 30 yo guy struggling to draw as much as he can, just leave him be with his fuckin trip. who the fuck cares if people got a trip for fuck sake. it's like you're envious or something .
About bagbosse,he just doodles and it's clear hes having fun, yes he doesnt study and his stuff is kinda always the same but yeah who cares really.
It's really depressing to see people shitposting this much.
just draw if you actually care about it .

>> No.1853777

>when was bogbosse ever arrogant with his posts?
There was several threads in which he received critique and responded with "dork" and "loser" and proclaimed his work to be great. I think they were more on /co/ than /ic/, though.

That said, I've talked toe bagbosse outside of /ic/, and the guy's a twat. He's not open to criticism of any sort and just shrugs it off without any real consideration and acts like a cunt.

>> No.1853780


This. Teal didn't post his questionable art at all here which is why I think how his tumblr leaked and his eventual alienation was really unfair and disgusting, however disgusting or morally objectionable his personal art was (which he didn't want to flash around here in the first place.)

>> No.1853785
File: 2.25 MB, 1168x1732, img951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole hearted apology to you then my friend. We've all done childish things in the past, and I can admit to that.

>> No.1853784

>I actually feel bad for him, hes a 30 yo guy struggling to draw as much as he can, just leave him be with his fuckin trip. who the fuck cares if people got a trip for fuck sake. it's like you're envious or something .

I defended him until he started a drawthread with his trip not once but twice. His head is so far up his ass that he can't deal with the fact that some people are going to filter him, so he did it purely for people to unfilter him and get himself some more attention. I don't mind a guy like that tripping I mean he's 30 working a shit job and trying to art. It's pretty obvious by his posts he has some mental issues, and I just feel bad for him. Bagbosse just needs to stop spamming his shit and acting deep. It's clear he also gets off to the attention even though its negative, and if that's what he lives for then he's just another dude I feel bad for.

>> No.1853786


Firez's aesthetics and tastes suck though that's why it's fun to rag on him

Bagboss is a drunken fool but he's funny and his ideas are interesting sometimes.

>> No.1853795

lol. this thread was about money and now here we are, talking about ourselves, and the couple of people who have some degree of fame/antifame on here.

>> No.1853797
File: 37 KB, 812x561, 1379536982876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Quit this trivial gossiping and mind your own business. These Anons who you have given a form of identity (except Firez) partake on /ic/ to either receive feedback or to provide useful information.

Gossip spreading lying cunts, the lot of you.

>> No.1853800


how can you defend noah bradley? dear god you are a fag. the other guys, sure. totally agreed. but who the fuck would defend that noah bradley clown?? i bet you think hitler was alright too. what a cunt you are.

>> No.1853803

>defend noah bradley

That one part about the exposure I thought Anon implied Bagbosse only posted here for exposure.

>> No.1853805
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, heston.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You shut up you fucking dork. Are you the janitor? The meta-police?

>> No.1853817

>You see ivan
>Wne you shoot with leetle gun
>And big gun
>Enemy takes boolets
>1.5 times faster

>> No.1853819

I see I'm quite famous here.


>> No.1853823

Every thread ends up with people arguing over always the same pointless shit haha
gutnacht ic i wish you to get good and live happily lifes hard dont be negative

>> No.1853827
File: 165 KB, 424x362, ic-sleeps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ni-ni Anon.

>> No.1853859

I love you Noah!

>> No.1853860

See you tomorrow!

> yorehereforever.tga

>> No.1853893

stop wasting your time here, it would be better spent taking pictures and collecting references...you photoobashing cheater.

>> No.1853933

Noah pls go.

>> No.1853937 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 800x1070, ffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw you plebs still aren't on my level

>> No.1853938
File: 171 KB, 800x1070, ffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw both of you still aren't on my level

>> No.1854044

Thanks for the information anon.

>> No.1854070
File: 228 KB, 1600x947, our_dreadful_savior_by_noahbradley-d6nnogw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1854167

>interesting OP
>loads of comments
>bookmark to read
>not one useful post

I'm interested in both the wages of illustrators/freelancers, cuz I have no direction yet.

How much would a fresh FZD grad make if they get hired for in-house?
And how much do Noah Bradley/Algenpfleger get per illustration?

>> No.1854176

>Noah Bradley/Algenpfleger get per illustration?
MtG pays used to pay in the 800-1000 range, but they recently changed it up and I think pay more now, so like 1000+, some people probbaly get around 1400 or so if they are big names. Applibot pays similarly from what I hear. But those two companies pay better than most others, you can expect to get half of that or less for many other card games and such.

>> No.1854178

Thanks! :3

Also, correcting myself >>1854167
Meant to type "illustrators/concept artists"

>> No.1854210

Varies greatly depending on what company and where in the country you work. For in-house in California; 50-80k$, senior 70-120k$ (ish).

Check www.glassdoor.com and www.h1bwage.com for specifics

For freelance, anything from 30-150$/h depending on how stupid/experienced/fast you are. www.artpact.com for specifics

>> No.1854846

ty for the links

>> No.1854881

So, a birth of a new meem?

>> No.1854894

>he started a drawthread with his trip not once but twice.
It was more like a fucking dozen times

>> No.1854899

>see topic
>scroll down
>namefag of the month bashing
>no meaningful discussions

/ic/, just the way I like it.

Here's a starter. This is from Ben Mauro. I think this got posted here a year back maybe, and there's some discussion going in depth about wages.

Tehmeh and a couple of other guys also gave their two cents, but I can't really remember the thread much, but It would be awesome if somebody could find an archive of it. But he's pretty optimistic about it. That nigga is travelling around Asia that time, so I guess the pay is not that bad.

Feng Zhu did state something similar, saying "it pays the same as a surgeon, since it is a specialized skill". They are the exception though, see projects worked.

I would like to know what a mediocre, mid-level concept artist makes. I've worked on illustrations job before, never concept art. Regardless, you should always try to reach the top instead of settling in being mediocre.

Can't link the Mauro's facebook discussion here since moot thinks it is spam. Look for the image in his large ass image gallery.

>> No.1854900
File: 218 KB, 2048x1571, 1537590_10202049226404838_1318341720_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't attached the image.

>> No.1854906

sometimes they give you a per diem on freelance jobs, if you need to travel for the job especially. list should of mentioned that

>> No.1854913


Geography also plays an important factor. Others including taxes, living expenses in your city/country, health benefits, track records and recurring clients, etc.

Again, there's a discussion involving the image on his fb if you can be arsed to find it.

>> No.1855976

[citation needed]

>> No.1856046

Just curious about tehmeh, can someone give like a tl;dr about him and /ic/ ? Cause I found a sketchbook thread of his on permanoobs and his stuff looked pretty damn good.

>> No.1856049

tehmeh is an oldfag. He used to be not that good and now he's pretty good. He doesn't post often but is usually very helpful and informative when he does. He is a professional working artist in his early-mid twenties.

>> No.1856057
File: 152 KB, 866x923, Progress Chart (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he got from symbol drawing faggot to pretty good in about a year. I think this progress chart is his.

>> No.1856084

>tfw you're still not as good as 2010 tehmeh
and hes now 4 years beyond that

>> No.1856152

there's old and new stuff here

>> No.1856177

>ben mauro

god dayum dis niggas facebook is a reference foto goldmine.

>> No.1856846

Wow, I wonder how much he grinded.

>> No.1856848

those are literally the only pictures he did in those 2 years

>> No.1856852


christ tehmeh give it a break...

>> No.1856857

daily reminder that most concept artists learn all the technical skills they need to make a drawing but lack the design skills to make something unique.

anybody else tired of the generic soldier, post apocalyptic warrior, robot, gun, dilapidated castle, or knight?

>> No.1856858


