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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.54 MB, 5000x5000, anatomy20141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1849366 No.1849366 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ic/ I've been thinking about creating a new thread which re-occurs.

Unlike the draw threads/begginer threads or animu/manga cartooning etc..

This one will solely focus on anatomy and helping people achieve better anatomy, I honestly welcome everyone from beginner to advanced/masters (you never know there might be some in /ic/)

So New thread, I'll try my best to keep it active.

Anatomy Thread, 29/09/2014.

Pic related, spent 40 minutes on 5 minute poses and some quicker poses. Any crits welcome.

>> No.1850040

Where do you find good poses?

>> No.1850069

I dig the idea. I think most on here will shit on it for no apparent reason, but I think having a lot of activity threads on /ic/ make for a more progressive environment.

>> No.1851318


Thanks man will begin dumping, a few replies should get the thread on the first page.

>> No.1851363

just post in the beginner cowardly faggot threads

>> No.1851373
File: 1.56 MB, 5000x5000, anatomy20142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Begun doing some male anatomy like you do, don't know why but i find it slightly trickier to do male anatomy in comparison to female anatomy.

Yeah but that's solely for beginners and there should be a thread that supplies a base for all people than just newbies.

>> No.1851379

Sure, lets just distill /ic/ into 50 generals and call it a day

>> No.1851384


There are maximum like generally 5-6 generals m8. Don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.1851386


I don't mind this thread but,
where is the anatomee studies?

>> No.1851391


I'm going to start posting them actually really busy now doing some concept art for my course to hand in for tomorrow.
The thread will last forever as long as we bump so I will get back to posting tomorrow.

In the mean time I'll post some of my old stuff.


>> No.1851392
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, need2fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1851394
File: 145 KB, 1000x1000, ARCHANGEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tried to do a alpha superhuman look with this one and the wings n stuff were just me getting bored at the end.

>> No.1851397
File: 148 KB, 1200x900, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1851398
File: 531 KB, 2500x2500, demwarrior2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for all the red line and reworks all I have currently on this drive.


>> No.1851401


This is pretty much all I currently have on this drive. Sucks cause my other drive died on me had so much of my artwork that I could have posted here.

>> No.1851419
File: 64 KB, 736x702, 388ad740dba19f46b98e9b9225d656e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't studies though, they are sketches and there really is no point in having a thread redlining anatomy for peoples drawings. You won't improve quickly if you haphazardly sketch like that you know.

>> No.1851760



5 min ref studies, you sure you know what a study is?

>> No.1851794

if you want to be like lucien freud you shouldn't be worrying about construction. and saville uses a projector for her drawing stages.

>> No.1851916

the link you posted is about gestures and gestures usually dont exceed the 2 minute mark. while part of figure drawing, gestures are not "studies"

>A gesture drawing is work of art defined by rapid execution. Typical situations involve an artist drawing a series of poses taken by a model in a short amount of time, often as little as 30 seconds, or as long as 2 minutes. Gesture drawing is often performed as a warm-up for a life drawing session.

> The fast pace of gesture poses help an artist "loosen up" to avoid a stiff drawing style.

>The artist who undertakes gesture drawing also receives the benefits of self-training their drawing ability. This kind of very rapid drawing of the figure builds (through the act of frequent repetition) an instinctive understanding of human proportions which may aid the artist when executing more extended works.

>Drawings longer than two minutes are usually not considered gestures, as they inevitability allow the artist more time to measure and plan the drawing, or to begin to define the form with modeling. Once the artist begins measuring, erasing, shading or otherwise improving the drawing with a second pass, they have ceased to gesture draw and begun rendering. They will be improving the complexity of their current drawing, but they are no longer practicing their ability to draw correctly from an instant impression

>> No.1851922

i do! i do!

there are two, almost opposite ways of using "study" because they're for the same purpose.

def A) sort of like a thumbnail, a little sketch/drawing which the artist uses to work something out. for example you might do a little study of the subjects hands, as they are complex and need to be well drawn to communicate feeling well. or you might do a quick painting of the whole arrangement to work out how the lighting is going to work.

def B) an analytical picture, wherein the aim is not artistry but very carefully recording all the little nuances of a subject. a study can focus on one aspect or another but the point is accuracy. generally it takes a rather long time as you are including lots of information you might cut out if you were doing an artistic picture.

either way the point is analysis, either so you can paint the particular picture you're working on better, or that you gain a better understanding and thus paint all future pictures better.

>> No.1851948

kill yourself

>> No.1853028


>5 minute option
>10 minute option.

You are attempting to get into an argument for no reason what so ever, when in-fact there is no argument. LOL.

1: I never mentioned anything about Gesture, the whole thread I said is dedicated to Anatomy, which gesture is a sub-category of.

2. The link I posted isn't to 'ONLY' doing gesture drawings. It has a 5-10 minute option for a reason as well as more complex pictures that require longer time spent on

3. I said reference studies, not gestural studies or anything else, I just did the work and believe it or not it was longer than 30s-2mins.

4. Gesture is not everything in Anatomy.

Just chill out, stop arguing for no reason. As well as assuming. We're all artists I know its 4chan but do yourself a favor please.

>> No.1853038

I was going to post in the question thread, but this might be a better place to ask.

Are there any study guides for learning anatomy? I've basically just been copying the models from Anatomy for Artists and memorizing all of the muscles and landmarks, but when I try to apply that knowledge to figure drawing, my brain just can't translate what I'm seeing to what I've memorized.

Am I going about this the wrong way?

>> No.1853041

Buy an anatomy book silly. Hampton, Bridgman, and Peck are all good choices.

>> No.1853048

I read Hampton and I was having the same problem. That's why I ask if I'm doing it wrong.

Maybe I should just do a hundred figure drawings of each major body part and then I'll have more visual vocabulary to work with.

>> No.1853054

>You are attempting to get into an argument for no reason what so ever, when in-fact there is no argument. LOL.

i didn't, retard. i was just posting facts.

>I never mentioned anything about Gesture

you posted a link to a site for gestures.
gestures arent as long as 5 or 10 minutes and studies arent as short.

you suck at reading comprehension.
looks more like you are the one who is trying to get into an argument.
also you are a faggit. period.

>> No.1853056

>tfw you realize /ic/ is even more hateful, elitist, and argumentative than the likes of /mu/ or /lit/

I'll just grab my loomis shit and be on my way

>> No.1853108

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>/ic/. The hardest working board on this shithole.

>> No.1853145

Oh god that legit made me laugh dude you're a fucking loser

>> No.1853150

>not sure what a well thought overall study is
>gesture = study, in the go-to anatomical sense
>shouldn't be worried about construction

I'm in a burning building right now, but everything is going to be just okay. My skin is melting but that's just a minor setback.
In a few moments it will all be over.

>> No.1853154

>buying art books
You fucking casual.
All you have to do is Google: "Hampton PDF"
And boom. You have it for free.

Maybe you can take it slow and do it the way you posted. Or you can go through your "notes" and see where you messed up and try to remember where you learned it from so you can erase it.
At least that's what I do.

>> No.1853155

>30s to 10min

10 min is the absolute minimum you'd spend on a anatomy comprehension drawing.
The way I hope I'm reading this is that you take the pictures and open them up in a new tab and take as much time as you need to complete the study.

>gesture isn't everything
No shit.
We were just worried you were 'Rollin around at the speed of sound' through these studies

>> No.1853156

>going to /mu/ and /lit/
It's your own fault

>> No.1853162

What's the best way to learn how to draw accurate anatomy from the imagination? Or at least accurate enough that most people won't notice any small imperfections. What's the best way to practice that?

I don't feel like I've been improving in that area at all. I can draw a model pretty well, but I'm terrible without a reference. I can barely even form a clear pose in my mind to draw, much less accurately draw it. It's frustrating and I'm at the point where I almost feel like I should just give up art if I'm not going to get any better.

So I guess I really have two questions. 1. How do I stop myself from feeling like shit whenever I draw something and 2. What's the best way to practice anatomy, with the intention of eventually being able to construct a believable figure without a reference?

>> No.1853801

I second the Hampton recommendation.

>> No.1853808

Hah. I remember you coming in and shitting all over the guys in a /b/ drawthread. I also remember commenting your proportions are off on that sketch.

Fun times.