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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 76 KB, 636x857, ua7qnkjjwnq7nnd8sbnw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1826099 No.1826099[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


This is bullshit, right? Of course the 3D model looks anatomically wrong when you purposely model it all wrong.

>> No.1826102

they could have done better for the head I guess, but the right arm is really unsalvageable.

>> No.1826103

ye3s it's bullshit.

anny 3d modeller could have done this better.

>> No.1826106


it's an eggsageration for comedic purposes.

>> No.1826109

What I'm saying is that this whole method of trying to use a 3D model to prove faults in a 2D drawing is flawed. It's not even about whether the original is wrong or not (though I don't believe it is, in any major way at least)

Like the head for example. The head's apparent size on a 2D image depends not on just its position on the neck, but the distance of camera, focal length, etc. You could blow her head up to beach ball size and just push it far enough back and down and under the ground plane and it would look the same from that angle.

>> No.1826118

yeah the head is entirely wrong and he probably did it for comedic purposes. or maye it was lazyness

that being said the original does have problems, but they're not quite that ridiculous

>> No.1826164

It's hilarious that SJWs and amateur artists are desperately trying to call out Milos Manara for poor anatomy. First of all, you aren't pissed off about bad anatomy (otherwise you would never read comics ever). And secondly, there is no poor anatomy. Manara is a master.

Keep trying fags, it ain't happening.

>> No.1826218

>Angry about her practically bare ass being shown so prominently
>Critique the anatomy of the arms, neck and head

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

>> No.1826232

>Sjw rant
into the trash it goes

>> No.1826237

Why the fuck is every kid on the block obsessed with correct anatomy?

>> No.1826242

The manara cover looks extremely stupid and makes spider woman look like a silent hill character with how out of whack her entire body is. It's even more exaggerated than the usual over the top fare you see in comics ( Giant pecs and bulges in guys, weird perspective, ect.). However, I'm so tired of seeing this everywhere. We get it. It's a bad cover. Can we move on?

>> No.1826318
File: 452 KB, 1280x1967, 1387845179165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, Humberto Ramos has got to be the shittiest artist to date, and I haven't seen an uproar in his anatomy at all. I swear feminist just try to find the things that get them mad. This could've been just another bad anatomy picture, but some bitch had to make it like it's the biggest deal in the universe. Like this is the first time it ever happened.

>> No.1826358
File: 177 KB, 645x659, galion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was under the impression that manara was well respected enought to be over this kind of shit.

anyway, the guy must be like 100 now, and his b&w drawings always were much better than his covers.

>> No.1826361

SJW and feminist respects no one.

>> No.1826377
File: 154 KB, 634x999, article-0-20E7403A00000578-325_634x999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well respected enought

That's precisely because he's well-known that they attack him. That's part of their market plan: you will know about "unknown SJW 448" because she's the one who critized Manara. He's their gold ticket for their 15 minutes of fame.

They also attack Hyung-Tae Kim and Kamitani. Because they're somehow famous but not enough to be unassailable.

> Meanwhile, things like this are happening

>> No.1826383
File: 35 KB, 454x610, PERFECLY_OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Comic book cover

But comics have completely over the top anatomy. Why is this one worse than any example I could easily gather from the web?

>> No.1826405
File: 961 KB, 245x250, 1364924281106.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's less anatomically impossible and more of the viewer not understanding how perspective works and having terrible depth perception. You could do this with pretty much any pose, especially from that angle.

>> No.1826502
File: 395 KB, 1000x711, ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a shit cover any way you slice it

also lel at the idea most of the people complaining knew of manara's existence before this and are purposely targeting him

do you honestly not see the hilarity in marvel trying to win a female audience by genderbending thor and then turning round and approving this bdsm tracing disasterpiece of a cover

>> No.1826536

>by genderbending thor
Except Thor isn't genderbended. He's still male.

>> No.1826583
File: 14 KB, 510x255, des-hommes-reduits-au-rang-d-objet-pour-mieux-denoncer-le_583019_510x255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you honestly not see the hilarity

No. Companies do that all the time. They sell a product to women claiming that each women has a different body size and how much they respect women in their diversity.

At the same time, they sell a product to men explaining how using it will win you the love of a 10/10 hot woman.

That's all for $. They are not sexist pigs, they are smart. What do you think they expected when they ask this cover to Manara? What he delivered.

>> No.1826868


They don't have a problem with the anatomy. 99% of the people complaining are non-artists who don't know who Milos Manara is (a renowned artist who has been in the business for forty years). Their problem is that Spider-Woman's ass is so prominently erotic.

However, just screaming "ASS ASS ASS" isn't good enough. They have to criticize the anatomy (again, a topic they don't know anything about) of the artist (who again, is a master in the medium with decade of experience) to legitimize their campaign. It's not enough that the ass is on display, they have to emphasize that the whole cover is shit and that Manara is a hack artist.

It's really hilarious. You have amateurs trying to redline a seasoned pro (as seen here >>1826502) and in doing their redline they don't just "fix" the anatomy, they change the pose entirely and redraw the ass to be less explicit. The funny thing is if the ass had been drawn differently nobody would have said a thing about the anatomy (because they don't know anything about anatomy), while if the pose did have 100% perfect anatomy Manara could have easily found a working position for the ass anyway.

Anatomy is to go-to complaint for the SJWs. It happens all the time when they try to say a torso can't twist 90 degrees or criticize a bent spine. You don't even have to be an artist to know how your spine works, you can easily test these poses yourself. But you can't expect dumbshit feminists to figure that one out.

>> No.1826981

So you lowered the camera angle. Well done.

Now can you now do the blueline from the correct perspective.

>> No.1826986
File: 229 KB, 757x1000, 1000x1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat face
is he going senile?

>> No.1826987

That's stupid.What does it have to do with fame?Manara clearly represents women as sexual objects fit to print because it sells.He also obviously finds the feminine figure alluring and beautiful.Doesn't change the fact that he is emphasizing a perspective of women which underscores and supports common female representations. None of the examples I've found seem like very full characters, just very full asses.Which is fine.Butt, it's also fine to point out that it carries out the masculine standard for female representation.yuh

>> No.1827000

This is why western comics are a half dead industry, even though the only magic to it is that you can draw and create things that you
can't have in real life, in the west you are actually partially not allowed to create half the things that you can imagine.

>> No.1827005

it's supposed to be funny

>> No.1827146


Who cares? Are we so bitchified as a society that we can't have a single cover playing off the fact that women are sexy? Everything has to be equal, we can't have one cover aimed at men anymore?


There are a lot of reasons why Western comics are half-dead. Marvel and DC are the comics equivalent of a dead-end job (the only advancement you get is into the corporate world), while doing creator-owned material carries a lot of risk and probably won't sell well.

And of course you have the general cuntiness of Western society bearing down on creative people, just waiting to call them a sexist, racist or homophobe. Hey, guess what? Sexism isn't drawing a nice ass on a cover. Sexism is wrapping a woman in blankets and pelting her to death with rocks because she was raped. You can't even be a conservative working in comics without the witchhunt coming after you (you'd think they'd learn after the liberals' last witchhunt nearly killed the industry and set the artistic evolution of American creators back decades).

Right now the best career path seems to be working at Marvel/DC to build a reputation and fanbase and trying to parlay that into your own creations, a career path that requires a lot of luck and a lot of grace. The only consolation is the industry being slightly more favorable to artists. Artists get paid more and can piggyback off successful writers (for example, if Mark Millar wants you to do a project with him it will probably change your life).

>> No.1827165

the article the sight is talking about labels the spider woman as porn and says that cleavage is not safe for work, akin to showing the shaft of a penis.

the 3d model is purposefully broken

no, unless you use a weird prospective, than a 3d model can be a good way to see if the pose is broke... problem is they went with a stock human, and not a concept character pose for this spiderwoman.

i wont defend the image, parts of it are pretty broken

you must love robert liefeld than.

pretty sure they made thor female now.

get in that pose... show me a human in that pose... fucking dare you.
and how is the ass sexual form that angle

what was the liberal witch hunt that set comics back a decade? because as far as i know the comic code thing was a conservite effort and put in place a retarded rule of "the hero and do anything immoral" which was followed for what 20 years?

and no body likes conservatives, at least not what america has as conservatives anymore. the ideas that set them apart from liberals wont win them votes so they run on the lies that they help the economy.

granted right now either party is a shit hole till you remove money from politics, but liberals are the lesser of the two evils.

>> No.1827167

>liberals are the lesser of two evils
Dat kool-aid.

>> No.1827178

He means real liberals, not sjw internet liberals whom are more akin to bizarro nazis.
Fuck this is stupid.

>> No.1827208


> you must love robert liefeld
> than.

Jack Kirby.
You clearly don't read comics, fuck off strawman.

>> No.1827283

>That's stupid.What does it have to do with fame?

What do you think? They want to get up the SWJ ladder. The only way to do so is by acting and getting recognized for it.
But actions take time and effort.
Bitching about someone famous, on the other hand...

>> No.1827285

the idea of the cover is retarded, and te blame is in the publisher.

if it was"sexual adventures of spider woman" by manara, it would be appropriate. I'd read that shit.

>> No.1827324

I wonder what Manara is thinking about this.

He's probably laughing is old perverted ass off.

>> No.1827331

He's actually responded to it

Here: http://www.theouthousers.com/index.php/news/128751-milo-manara-responds-to-spider-woman-covergate.html

Never mind that the writer of this article (as well) is a complete faggot, though I have to admit the random islamophobe comment confuses me too

>> No.1827336

>pretty sure they made thor female now.
No they didn't. The person who is "Thor" now is a completely different person, like Beta Ray Bill for example.

Why do people pretend they read comics?

>> No.1827354


>> No.1827371

Manara sounds like a sensate, smart guy, despite the tangled translation.

>> No.1827391

>Talking shit about liefeld.

He's a compelte bro. He sucks a big fat dick at drawing, but seriously the dude's awesome.

>> No.1827424

sjw are retards, you also have republicans who literally believe the bible and that the earth is 6000 years old and we need war in the middle east so jesus can come back... wow... after saying that i just made sjw seem like a minor annoyance...

>block obsessed with correct anatomy?
so you like jack kirby, someone who could pull correct looking anatomy out of his ass blindfolded, and than ask why everyone likes correct anatomy... are you retarded?

yea, thor is a title that moves from person to person who can pick the hammer up... not even going to pretend i can spell that right, so they effectively made thor a woman, unless they still follow penis having thor around and the woman is just in the shadows.

he may not be a douche... but for fuck sake he can not draw to save his god damn life, you know... his job. its hilarious in a kind of pathetic way, and sad in a he made what, a few million, never being able to draw in a field that demands drawing good...

>> No.1827439
File: 203 KB, 582x915, batman-and-catwoman.v4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm puzzled.
How can they complain about that cover like it's a new level of bad?
I remember way worse things. And more knowledgeable guys from /co/ could post even way worse than what I remember of.

Meanwhile, Greg Land is still tracing Porn.

>> No.1827440


> so you like jack kirby, someone
> who could pull correct looking
> anatomy out of his ass blindfolded,
> and than ask why everyone likes
> correct anatomy... are you retarded?

Jack Kirby comics don't have correct anatomy. You don't read comic, thanks to prove my point.

>> No.1827452

It's not tracing. It's using references.

>> No.1827456

Wow, that is a fucking awful cover.
No dude, Land actually traces.

>> No.1827465

>That Catwoman design


Also, how could they make a more impractical situation?

>> No.1827481

> Impractical

I'm sure Batman, having all that experience under his belt, will find a solution.

>> No.1827484

>get in that pose... show me a human in that pose... fucking dare you.

I don't have to and thats not that point.

>and how is the ass sexual form that angle

Seeing straight down someone's ass crack is pretty sexy.

>as far as i know the comic code thing was a conservite effort and put in place a retarded rule of "the hero and do anything immoral" which was followed for what 20 years?

This is probably the biggest myth in comic book history.

The formation of the CCA was a leftist effort. A major controversy with comic book was the percieved endorsement of fascism in superheroes, which afterwards were defanged by the CCA. EC Comics actually featured house ads proudly labeling themselves as a right wing anti-commie book.

I think some of the confusion comes from fiction conflating the CCA with HUAC, since they more or less ran parallel to each other. Watchmen made that connection and I believe the JSA/All-Star Squadron did as well, with superheroes being called before the HUAC.

Liberals are always the ones trying to tell people what they can and can't do. They're the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Their approach to debate is "Tell me what your opinion is and if I disagree with it you're evil and you should lose your job." Hence why you have comic creators being forced to keep quiet about their political views. If you take money out of politics then conservatives are far and away the lesser of two evils because they don't act like fucking children.

>> No.1827487

>Batfags pls go

Also, isn't that the black Batman? I can tell by the skin tone and the glowing insignia.

>> No.1827489

>after saying that i just made sjw seem like a minor annoyance...

Yes, SJWs are a minor annoyance. Christian Conservatives may be dickbags but the ball is in the Liberal court and what are they doing with it? Hunting down Conservatives and killing their careers because apparently their business is everybody's business and if you don't fit into the liberal world view you need to be punished for it. Christian Conservatives will tell you you're going to hell for not believing what they believes, SJW Liberals will get you fired for not believing what they believe.

Both extremes are absolute dogshit but at least the Conservatives won't fuck your life up.

>> No.1827711

They don't care about anatomy, it's just a way they think they can criticize it without out right saying that art should be censored.
>you must love robert liefeld than.
I love Rob Liefeld.

>> No.1827712

oh god it's not even sexy anymore.

>> No.1827713

>That's precisely because he's well-known that they attack him. That's part of their market plan: you will know about "unknown SJW 448" because she's the one who critized Manara. He's their gold ticket for their 15 minutes of fame.

We are living in an age where EVERYONE is under the impression that they can garner some type of praise and celebrity just by pointing out how much less of a piece of shit person they are than someone else.

This is why when anyone anywhere does or says something stupid, misogynistic, racist etc. it is beat deader than fucking Anubis over and over again.

It is a symptom of the shitty-ness of our society: People don't actually do good things and aren't actually good because that takes hard work, instead they just point and say "Well I'm not as bad as that other guy!"

>> No.1827716

disgusting western feminist society

>> No.1827717

>you also have republicans who literally believe the bible and that the earth is 6000 years old and we need war in the middle east so jesus can come back
That is a very specific minority of Christianity.

The "war in the middle east for Jesus" is an Evangelical thing and is more like "We need to support Israel because whenever Jesus decides to come back we won't go to hell".

Of course this is just on the surface. Foreign policy is much more complicated than that.

>> No.1827718

>Christian Conservatives will tell you you're going to hell for not believing what they believes, SJW Liberals will get you fired for not believing what they believe.

At least when you run into crazies like the Westboro Baptists all they are going to do is scream about how you are going to hell.

SJW Liberals will read a Tweet about a joke you made overheard by a third party and ruin your career.

>> No.1827720

its not really a topic for here so i won't go on beyond this. the conservative point of view right now is xenophobia and drumming up fear, if possibly going to war which you see them trumpet all the fucking time as well, the lesser of two evils comes from the left as at the very least they aren't screaming pro war shit all the time. republicans also largely push forward racist laws like voter id that disproportionately hit minorities, look at furgason, the republicans are calling it disgusting that the left is trying to set up was for the people to elect officials that represent them.

sure, you have retards on the left who screem you are evil for small bullshit, but largely its people what equal rights for everyone and republicans try to stop that at every fucking turn.

like i said, not a topic for here so this is the last i will go on about this.

>> No.1827722

>, the republicans are calling it disgusting that the left is trying to set up was for the people to elect officials that represent them.
Is this even a sentence?

>sure, you have retards on the left who screem you are evil for small bullshit, but largely its people what equal privileges, if the state says so for everyone
Fixed That For You broheim.

>> No.1827738


in all the simulations they seem to not understand that the leg on the left is not touching the ground with the knee. But it's still out and straight.

>> No.1827904
File: 161 KB, 448x1024, hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In many of his drawings there are some anatomy's mistakes.
Roman Polanski once said something like: "You look at it and you notice the anatomy is wrong, but it's still beautiful"