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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1789930 No.1789930[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the ways you d/ic/ks manage to keep yourself motivated?

>> No.1789944
File: 39 KB, 500x340, you don't got a fucking choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work or end up on the street

>> No.1789963
File: 2.90 MB, 1080x1920, 1390448228959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has everything I don't have:

Color application

Find a favorite Artist.

>> No.1789969

/ic/ keeps me motivated. I'm not kidding. Seeing artists that are better than me, seeing artists that are worse, seeing artists that are trying hard and posting their work every few days just pushes me to try harder.

>> No.1789971

that dudes anatomy is disturbing

>> No.1789973
File: 104 KB, 415x345, 1262827444974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're putting in honest work seek feedback as much as possible.
There is no negative feedback.
If it takes someone 5 seconds to call your art shit thats a win.
If someone gives you a critique, thats a win.
If someone simply tells you they like it, thats a motherfuckin win.

>> No.1789982

I find that genuinely unnerving.

>> No.1789995

Thats because your not a paedophile

>> No.1790013
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1080, 1355213329885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rinfag can learn a thing or two from Wokada. You people have shit tastes, despicable.

>> No.1790021


>> No.1790022
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>> No.1790023
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I will never

>> No.1790032
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You're a big guy.

>> No.1790033

for you

>> No.1790052
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>> No.1790053

wow great thread

i'm so glad the quality of posts is so important to the community

>> No.1790054

Clearly the motivation to some is indeed successful stylization, have you not noticed? Shitty Animu still requires fundamentals.

>> No.1790093

if you need motivation to do something then you're probably depressed and you should look into that. If you know you're not depressed then you should maybe rethink why you're drawing in the first place

>> No.1790104

I have a strange feeling. I have a job I like but it isn't art related. So all this race to "the top" kinda irrelevant for me. Sometimes I'm asking myself "why I even do this". I guess some sort of aspiration to creation something new brings me back to drawing. Also I like hanging out here.

>> No.1790185

I love drawing. I also love to learn how to draw, studying anatomy makes me feel better, seeing progress and etc. It's like I'm not in this word at the moments when I'm drawing.
Also, there are people in this world who draw better than me. This is unacceptable.

>> No.1790189


This. It's fight or die.

I chose fight.

>> No.1790195

I don't even like drawing, so motivation is very hard for me, but whenever I start to lose interest again I just remember that no one else is going to draw good shota guro and that usually motivates me to get back to drawing.

If you have motivation problems just tell yourself that you're the only person who will draw what you want to see. It's a duty then.

>> No.1790511
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He actually followed me on pixiv, it was a very "SENPAI NOTICED ME" moment. But, I cannot draw what I don't understand, and now I am really grinding hard on anatomy.

It was this pic by the way

>> No.1790515

Well all the more reason to strive for knowledge, both you and Wokada have a soft spot for muscular girls it seems. Keep at it.

>> No.1790522
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So, I'm trying to keep myself motivated and get back into the hobby. Last time I drew seriously was before I got a job 3 years ago. I fell out because the only thing I could really do was photo copy, and my freehand looked like garbage. Tried something the other day using references and it looks pretty mediocre as well, but at least I'm drawing again. If I git gud enough by the end of this year I might spend the money on some equipment to do digital.

This is pretty much what inspired me again. Hellshock's art touched the /k/ in me.

>> No.1790541

Kind of this, I already have a career as an engineer so I don't really feel the need to put pressure on myself or anything, I draw because it helps me focus and at the same time it's kind of relaxing, like sometimes I see beautiful works of art and I know I'll probably never be able to draw like that but I don't give a shit, I enjoy the activity, it's the only reason for what I do it.

>> No.1791673
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everyone procrastinates a little bit sometimes, especially for long-term-reward-only things like x778hr loomis grind. op probably isn't that bad.

remind self that it's all in the starting. once you've started, it's all easy after that.

related: i've started timing myself. you need to do 15 uninterrupted minutes of x. after you're in the stride of things, you'll probably end up doing a lot more because it's rewarding and hey, art is fun. if not...you did 15 minutes at least. it stacks up.

>> No.1791811

The biggest motivation is the christian podcasts/videos on youtube. Seriously, find Jesus.

>> No.1791816

The Christian board is here, brother.


>> No.1791829

/pol/ - Praise Our Lord

>> No.1791849

I usually just masturbate until my dick stops working and then sketch something or play a video game

motivation videos and shit don't do shit

>> No.1791855

>shit don't do shit
a wisdom to live by.

>> No.1791856

But Christianity tells you to give up your life and belongings to practice it...

>> No.1791913

Call me an edge master, but I just want to open my jugular and end my suffering. Today has been a shitty day, no work done, can't get my shitty chinese tablet to work with Manga Studio, Photoshop is a shit for linework so I'll always have that shitting me while I draw, and I am shit beyond shit drawing.

All I can do is just copy shit up, everyone around me is leagues better. Even the failures.

And on top of that, my family disapproves of me drawing. "You let that go to waste", "You can't stay up late at night", "Your brother is the real artist of the family".

Fuck everything.

>> No.1791918
File: 13 KB, 252x276, 1400538249551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't get my shitty chinese tablet to work with Manga Studio
What did I tell you and everyone about Huion's crap? What did I fcking tell you?

>> No.1791929

Oh look, it's literally every artist to have ever lived.

>> No.1791931

>Photoshop is a shit for linework
There's better options but nah, it's just your fault.

>> No.1791948

i want to git gud as much as i wanna breathe. Thats how I keep motivated.

>> No.1791953

i'm using huion + ms5 just fine

>> No.1791971


Yep, same here. It's just a wacom faggot who realised how much he spent on overpriced crap and is now trying to make himself feel better.

>> No.1791986


Enjoying your chink plastic made from recycled materials I see.

>> No.1793176
File: 1.38 MB, 891x1485, dem colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fell in love with pic after some anon posted it here. I love those colors

>> No.1793178
File: 48 KB, 535x577, tfw crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is unacceptable
I feel you

>> No.1793205
File: 56 KB, 500x475, feel the universe, and it shall feel you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need motivation.

I don't care that my drawings look like shit.
I know that if I draw, critically and analytically, applying all the concepts I have learned, and keep learning, I will get better.
I also know this is a matter of years, so looking for short term progress is futile and demotivating.

Sometimes I'll look at a drawing I did 6 months ago, and I think to myself
>Huh, I used to be that shit.
Then I realize all I did was draw, critically and analytically, and that's all there is too it.

>> No.1793218

Good approach I guess, but you may run into some issues years from now when progress in 6 months won't be noticeable, and progress over like even a couple years will be minute or uncertain if it even exists.

>> No.1793223

this. at some point you'll reach a stage that won't let you get past it unless you draw every single day and pour your mind into it.

>> No.1793239

I know how it goes.
To me progress isn't purely 'aesthetics'.
If I feel I got quicker at drawing certain thing, or if I feel I gained a better understanding of a certain concept, or I feel that my anatomy knowledge is slightly stronger, than that is good progress to me. Even if my drawings look the same.

Anyhow, that was not the point of my post anyway, looking at my old drawings isn't my source of motivation.
>I also know this is a matter of years, so looking for short term progress is futile and demotivating.

Did I imply that I do not do these things?
I draw at least, AT LEAST, 2 hours a day.
Even when not drawing I try to be engaged. Looking at the work of other artists, or just analysing people while sitting on the bus.

>> No.1793248
File: 558 KB, 500x1509, depression089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but I am unmotivated and depressed. Antidepressants aren't helping that much and neither is my psychiatrist. So should I just kill myself now? I have some good days, but today for example, I couldn't bring myself to do anything useful. Whenever I tried to draw something, it was bad, because I'm in a shitty mood and I almost started crying whenever something didn't go well. I know it sounds pathetic, that's why you can't talk to anyone about it, they're all going to say to just stop being a lazy pussy.
Seems like a lot of 4chan is depressed though.

You really can't do much to stop feeling like that. If you're not depressed, try watching some art videos/tutorials, look at inspiring art pieces, go outside, block all time absorbing websites with an app called cold turkey and draw whatever makes you happy besides doing studies and boring things. You just have to learn to have fun at drawing, which shouldn't be a problem if you're not depressed.

>> No.1793251

>I draw at least, AT LEAST, 2 hours a day.
Yeah, that won't cut it once you get past your noob gains. But your general attitude and approach seem good for progress, so just continue and be patient I guess.

>> No.1793257

Go to your countrys national gallery, a lot of them have archives you can access so you can actually see the sketch in person close up.

>> No.1793258
File: 73 KB, 725x474, weak man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key word being 'at least'.
On average it's more like upwards of 5 hours a day. But I don't always have that kind of time to spare.
During the weekends I try to cram in as much as possible, but if I spend more than 8 hours drawing, I start to see diminishing returns, and I start to burn out.
I also don't understand where you get the notion that I'm somehow a 'noob'.

But whatever man, you /ic/ wizards know it all.

>> No.1793263
File: 499 KB, 245x240, 67037-Christian-Bale-oh-kiss-reactio-NZEo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My motivation is, that once I will be godtier, I can publicly shit on phony artist without people telling me "show ur work faggot"

>> No.1793269

pic sauce pls

>> No.1793271

I can draw whenever, but sometimes I'll just say to myself "I'll do it tommorow." Don't fucking fall for that shit, I fell for it for 3 months straight with shitty doodles and quick shit.

I can only can really in the zone from 1am to 5am, I'm pretty nocturnal but drawing at night is the best. It's quiet as fuck where I live so it's the perfect time to concentrate and 4chan is shit from 1am to 5am, so it really helps to keep me drawing.

Also coffee helps a lot, oh and a warning which I heard from many artists. Don't fucking use mind altering drugs for concentration, I'm not talking about weed or shit like that, I mean those concentration drugs you'd give to a ADHD child. You'll never feel right in the head again, it can really take down the creativity.

>> No.1793274

Enjoy being hated more than praised.
Just think about it for a moment.

>> No.1793275


>Top fighter talking shit to people who can't beat him in a fight
>They hate his guts because they can't beat a God

Seems about right, whats the problem? Why would art be any different?

>> No.1793278


>>1793223 here. i wasn't really trying to accuse you of anything. i was just trying to say how these things generally go.
for me as at least, i found it easy to get them starting gains. it felt very natural and i was constantly learning.
but after a while (a long while) it was like i'm running in circles, and motivation became harder as well. that's the kind of plateau i'm talking about. at that point you need to work hard for every ounce of improvement.

basically i'm saying: even though you said
>I also know this is a matter of years
it doesn't mean that you can do as you're doing right now and you'll go all the way to master-level.
unless you're a genius, you're bound to hit a plateau.
and from that point, it'll become a very different game, especially in terms of mentality.

really, i was just commenting on >>1793218
didn't mean to offend you.

>> No.1793283

My end goal is to be able to draw anything and everything. I don't really give a fuck about style and other things, I just want to have a massive visual library so I can make my wildest dreams appear on paper. Until I get to that point I'll never lose motivation.

>> No.1793286

Hated by people from industry? Maybe.
Hated by people giving jobs to industry? I think not.

Anyways, it's not Like I'm going to go around saying shit people, they should die. But if anyone asks, I will just say their work is shit because *some actual reason why something is legitimate shit*.

>> No.1793290

It's a sad day when you have to dream of a time when you can just call out people for being shit. It used to be the norm on CA and stuff, but now with changes in the industry and fb, it's impossible to do anything other than asspat. Hell, even here on /ic/ people are flipping out when people call out stuff as shit.

>> No.1793308

No offence taken.
Sorry, if I came across harsh.

I guess you're right, but honestly I can't see myself hitting any major, extreme plateau's really soon. There's still so much I know I can actually improve on simply because I haven't practised it enough. By time I'm done with getting that shit to a decent level I'm sure my art will stagnate, but that's going to be a couple of years down the line, man. That's a whole different ballpark.
I'll face those problems then and there, but there's no use in me worrying about them right now.

If all else fails I can always kill myself right, lel.

>> No.1793335

Hey man, I know that feeling, I was using weed to help take the edge of but started feeling more dependent on it, so trying to stop.

I would look into a method called 'mindfullness' it's like Buddhism without all the religious stuff.

Seems toi be helping me as I seem to be drawing more lately.


>> No.1793408

Weed just makes me lazy and less productive, even if feeling good otherwise.
And thanks, I'll look into it, even if it seems ridiculous for the average western person.

>> No.1793457

you'd be surprised
there's quite a bit of good literature the average westerner can access about mindfullness and mindfullness-based meditation.

And to address the question of the thread, my friends motivate me and so do other artists. But it's not really that important. You just need to treat drawing like brushing your teeth; something you do everyday.

>> No.1793464

>You just need to treat drawing like brushing your teeth; something you do everyday.
exactly. i found that if i don't draw in the morning, i don't have motivation for the entire day. but if i do force myself to make something as the day started, at least i've done something for the day.

>> No.1793472

That's a good tip. Will try in the morning.

>> No.1793475

true, western religions also have a contemplative side. christianity has had a tradition of meditation since at least the middle ages (Cloud of Unknowing), continued into the modern era by monks like Thomas Keating and Thomas Merton.

>> No.1793483
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i comfort myself with the idea that even if things get worse, I could end it anytime.

>> No.1793500

Fucking depression really has me struggling. I don't know how to get motivated enough to break through it anymore.

I drew constantly from middle school to around the time I graduated from high school, but I slowed down and then stopped entirely a few years ago when my depression got worse. I constantly want to pick it back up again, and sometimes on good days I get as far as sitting down with paper and pencil, or my tablet or something, but as soon as I try to start drawing I get hit with the wave of shit and give up. I hate it.

There was a year during this time when I was taking art classes at my local community college, and it was great. I could do my work in a structured environment, and actually improved. It made me feel great. I thought I had finally broken out of my shitty depression. But then due to fucking life circumstances I had to move to the middle of nowhere; now I have nowhere to take classes, and I just can't seem to work without that structure. I miss having access to a studio and models to draw from alongside everyone else, and a teacher who would offer relevant advice when I was struggling with something, or let me know when I was getting the hang of things.

I feel like I should be able to keep going without that structure, but I just can't do it. Does anyone else have this same issue? Do you know how to recreate that feeling without actually having a class to be a part of? Wanting to improve so badly but being unable to physically get myself to work on my art is driving me insane.

>> No.1793542

Reading articles on science websites with an increasingly inborn nature bent and the implication that I do not have said nature.

Shit's real motivating.

>> No.1795407

If there is one thing I want to draw besides sultry women it's clouds and a starry night sky. I my dick would melt if I could paint like that.

Anybody got any tutorials on blending and some brushes?

>> No.1795409
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>shota guro


>> No.1795443

go youtube Alan Watts.
I had the EXACT same problem you did and Alan WOULD have helped...alas, I didnt learn about him 'til m,ush later. A friend pulled me through my rough times.

>> No.1795454

Care to specify the lecture?

>> No.1795458


Start with these. If you get hooked you'll watch them all anyways.

>> No.1795459


>> No.1795463

draw a video/gif where a shots gets a sex change into a loli or vice versa ty

>> No.1795485


>> No.1795840

Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga

>> No.1795876

On a more somber note:

If I don't become an artist, I will fail myself personally.

I would become one of those people who work a blue-collar job ten hours a day, six days a week. I will fall into obscurity, having no legacy to my name after my time has passed. My life would be filled with naught but worrying about paying the mortgage and car insurance.

Being an artist is one of the few things that lets me keep my inner child. Were I to completely surrender that saccharin mindset, I would become one of those Joe Shcmoes you see at the gas station and Wal-Mart. It's either be an artist, or become a wage-slave blue collar nobody.

>> No.1795895

wow what a fantasist ,i hope your a very young fellow so you still have time to grow out of it.

>> No.1795902

Yeah, I know that being an artist will most likely not make me rich or whatever, so I'll still have to deal with bills and taxes.

But as long as I'm not working 70 hours a week in a mine shaft, factory or office cubicle, I'll have won.

>> No.1795931

How old and wrinkly does a woman need to be before you consider her attractive?

>> No.1795958

Fuck...Am I depressed?

>> No.1795968

If you are like me, it's just circumstantial depression.

>> No.1795973

You'll be working 90 hours a week at a desk doing art though.

>> No.1795993

Yes, but then I'll be doing something I love. I love it when I get in the zone and just sit down with my sketchbook, whittling away the hours from late night to early morning.

>> No.1796017
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1403780221556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i want to get better at drawing
>have ADD
>my attention span is like frikin' ten secs

Fuck this

>> No.1796035

shit I dunno! maybe!?
I went around saying that I was happy for 8 years before I realized I had been a depressed wreck the entire time.
I just said I was happy because I WANTED to be.

Then I got to talk it all out with a shrink and now I only got occasional episodes of melancholy.

>> No.1796038

get off the internet.
get off your computer.
try it for a week

>> No.1796042


But the real world is scary.

>> No.1796057

Too bad Rtil is a prick.

>> No.1796061

didn't say you have to go out

>> No.1796139

shota: 2D little boys
guro: gore, torture and mutilation

JC, it's like you're new here. You're really opening yourself up to ridicule by asking such stupid questions.

>> No.1796196

I don't get how someone calling your art shit is a win. A really hateful critique that is mostly insults but still contains some small form of advice is still a win, but e knowlege that some faggot who can't even string a good argument together saw my drawings is nothing in my opinion.

>> No.1796713
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I motivate myself that i will be able to make good rule34 as long as i keep working. The things i want to see rule34 of have practically none that is good.

>> No.1796735

I know right.

Fucking everything is eating at my attention all the fucking time. Not being on the internet helps, somewhat, though not that much.

WHat I found helps is that I just draw fucking everywhere. I have notepads and little sketchbooks everywhere. I just doodle all the goddamn time everywhere all the time always.

>> No.1796736

Not that guy bot, How anon?
My work consists of using the computer, and i mainly have PDF's for drawing.

>> No.1796740
File: 243 KB, 637x900, 1406688269224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ADD is sort of a "Fuck you now" but a "Fuck Yeah Later" thing.
ADD in my experience is the constant need for stimuli, and any stopping the flow of it feels worse than someone without it.
So, if you look at a kid with ADD, you might see him do some activity that includes involvement, and he is doing it more than other people, it might be video games or sports or so on.
So an ADD person will get dragged into things that are easy to get in and give stimuli while having involvement in the action, Still following what im saying?
So, this means things that require extensive learning, like sciences, or school in general, will not appeal to the ADD person.
Drawing is one of those that requires extensive learning to be fun.
Now, drawing, once you have gotten good, is an activity that gives stimuli while including involvement in that action.
So, you will have a much harder time getting into art, but once you're in you can end up doing nothing but drawing all of the time.
Just my thoughts, i have the philosophy of "Weaponising your Weaknesses".

>> No.1796746

o look another fotobash..get a real brush you capitalist pig

>> No.1796758

Oh look another amateur who will never make money with his art

>> No.1796761

jokes on you i just this week came second in a national portrait competion $12,000 beybe

>> No.1796762

that;s dope, can you post?

>> No.1796763


>> No.1796769

12 bucks? Damn, congratz man. That's quite something. An artist of your calibre can easily live off of that for a couple of weeks.

>> No.1796781
File: 3.50 MB, 250x141, 1406860512482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have short attention span because ADD
>learned to draw because adderall
>off adderall but drawing is all i know how to do
>literally haven't finished a real piece in several years but am CONSTANTLY doodling little 10 minute things like I'm a shitty bootleg version of kim jung gi
>want to quit but can't
>don't know what i'm doing with my life anymore

>> No.1796815

Have the exact same thing. I'm simultaneously working on 9 drawings right now. I just draw a little bit all over the place and finish something eventually.

>> No.1796829


I feel exact same and doing same thing. The problems is bad concentration. I cam make 10 thumbnails in a minute but can't finished anything.

you must work on concentration. Relax. Calm down. Start thinking. Pake plan. Follow plan (which mostly slightly change while drawing/painting process but always follow it. Otherwise you are just mindlesly/carelesly scribbling. And that leads to frustration because you don,t draw what you would like too but hand is just scribbling on its own.

sorry for my english

>> No.1796844
File: 26 KB, 336x229, 1385097077474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once someone posted a drawing I did at a random dump. I was very happy and motivated until someone specifically appointed that it was shit an even made a picture making fun of the drawing. Then other people agreed. Ruined my week.

Looking back the drawing really wasn't very good but come on it wasn't that bad either.

Why the bad comments always brand us with fire...

I'm trying to get better. I swear.

>> No.1796847

Can i see it?

>> No.1796849

This is my situation too.
Except I never had/don't have access to adderall.

>> No.1796853
File: 298 KB, 583x634, a610cd8fc5063ab7fd81484666073a08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not

I got it from the internet because at the time I deleted it from everywhere but someone already had it saved and eventually uploaded

>> No.1796856

Her face is the only part that looks bad, in my opinion, at least. Other than that, it looks pretty good.

>> No.1796869

something like that happened to me, someone posted a video of a dude doing a 20 minute demonstration and i said "hey in 20 minutes i can paint almost that good, what a good feeling." then blah blah blah someone asked and i did a painting in about the same time. and of course i had over estimated my ability some what. but some fucker goes ahead and takes like a 50 hour painting by that artist puts it in an image next to mine and claims i said i was as good a painter as if i were comparing those two images, accusing me of the dunning kruger (which to be fair i did have a bit of i think). but it was so fucking obviously a twisted unfair version of the truth that it gave me a lot of insight into just how intellectually dishonest people can be and still perhaps think they're being fair.

>> No.1796874
File: 133 KB, 404x399, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If is not asking too much, could you point exactly what's wrong with it?

Does this problem still persist in these more recent drawings? (pic)

Just want to be sure and try to get rid of it if is still there

>> No.1796880

Not noticably. On the first drawing, the eyes were a little too big, and in the wrong place, the cheeks were too high, and the lips seemed a little too full. I can sketch over it quickly, to show you, if you'd like.

>> No.1796884

of course

>> No.1796902
File: 322 KB, 804x671, sfdkjgsfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not perfect or anything, but these are the things I'd do differently. The size difference is intentional, I'd make the canvas size more like that.
Excuse my awful handwriting.

I also noticed her posture looks like she's all tensed up or something, but her expression doesn't show the same thing. To fix this, I'd just rotate the torso a little and relax the shoulders.

The eye positions and the nose shapes on a couple of your other examples are still a little off, (mostly the two on the left) but it's not nearly as bad as the first one. You're definitely improving, though, man, so good luck in the future.

>> No.1796906

Please don't redline until you have enough experience.

>> No.1796911

Thanks anon.

>> No.1796915

You do it, then? i mean, I know it's not perfect and it's rough as shit, but it still points out the problems he had.
No problem, yo.

>> No.1796917

Because you don't want to get into the mindset that negative feedback or people being assholes is negative or demotivating for you.

>> No.1796918

>beginners trying to teach people better than themselves

pls anon

>> No.1796919


>> No.1799655
File: 137 KB, 790x464, 214567231456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make comics that makes people think and reconsider, the sort of 'Oh, i...' feeling that can stick for days.

>> No.1799735

love art

>> No.1799747

You have glaring structure issues, even in the more recent pieces (although I can spot an improvement, especially with eye placement)

I mean, to me, it looks like you have a lot of potential, but your proportion and structure/anatomy issues are taking away from the better aspects of your artwork. Grind anon grind, and stop making the cranium a circle, it should be more oval shapped. In fact, practice drawing the cranium as a 3D rectange so that you learn to see depth in the head

>> No.1799796
File: 21 KB, 500x276, I expect nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get motivated...I get so depressed I don't want to do anything else but draw...and then sometimes I don't even do that.

>> No.1799799

why is 98% of artists deprtessed?

>> No.1799800


>> No.1799803

Well, it could be because a lot of recluses/depressed people pick up art as a hobby, while it could also be that creating art is such a strenuous endeavor that it causes people to become depressed. Either way, it'd be great if I could do art and live off that instead of having to work a 9-5.

>> No.1801912

I use art as a form of escapism, when you're working on a piece you forget about everything else in life but that. I was depressed before i picked up art, and now that i'm not i find myself drawing and such much less than i used to. I kinda doubt that art is making people depressed, its more of a anti-depressant.

>> No.1801921

Depressed people are usually alone or lonely, drawing is a pastime you can perform in solitude.

>> No.1801928

not true. being lonely is depressing. but depression doesn't necessarily make you lonely or alone.

for instance i'm depressed but i have a wife.

>> No.1801956

>for instance i'm depressed because i have a wife who fucks the homeless for $5 a pop


>> No.1802112

>mah nigga

Same here, man. Except with me, I really like /ss/. I find good artists that do it, but they are still rare. And instead of commissioning them to draw my fantasies, my motivation is that I'll be able to do them myself.

>> No.1802113

>but depression doesn't necessarily make you lonely or alone.
Get reading comprehension, because that's not what that Anon said at all.
>are usually alone or lonely

>> No.1802143

>24 lvl
>no relatives
>no job
>no education
>no skills
>spent two years learning how to draw
>learn nothing
I feel nothing.

>> No.1804324

getting close to that here.
so time for us to supergrind anon.
no backing down.
let's ignite the fire in our hearts again!
best of luck.

>> No.1804530
File: 51 KB, 480x340, mining-ore-wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear it gets better when you no longer have to grind fundamentals as much and can just draw most of the day.