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1785100 No.1785100 [Reply] [Original]

Reposting because mods are fags,
So after using a tablet on and off for about 6 months I have come to 2 possible conclusions
1. Digital is a shit.
2. I need a larger tablet
More than likely the second one but to put it like this, I can draw freehand perfectly straight lines with pen or pencil but can't with a tablet even after months of practice. Should I get a larger one or just keep at it with the bamboo?
Pic Semi Related, only digital piece I don't completely hate.

>> No.1785105

3. You are shit.

Consider that one?

>> No.1785107

>that chicken scratch and scribble tone
Draw that piece again except with a extra fine felt tip marker or fountain pen. It'll expose your real line control.

>> No.1785109
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considered, disgarded when I realized I was at least confident with traditional medium. also thanks for the bump :^)

>> No.1785110
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>Chicken scratch
>lack of line control
That was my point, I can't into line economy with a tablet.
also I did actually, just didn't scan it because... well why would I? I did it traditionally because I like working traditionally.

>> No.1785119

try harder, faggot

>> No.1785143

What do you mean on and off? A couple of times a month? Of course you're not getting better
>2. I need a larger tablet
This is not a problem, the medium doesn't make the artist better. Learn to use a tablet before buying a larger one, if you even need it.

>> No.1785235
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>le eletism
I draw between 3-6 hours every day
usually the difference is split between digital and traditional.
I put 120% into my practice.
Now if we're done saying
>le wurk harder xD
I would like to know, has anyone found discomfort and lack of control with smaller tablets that was relieved by larger ones, yes, no.

>> No.1785240

While bigger tablets are more comfortable and less wrist damaging, I got used to my small Intuos and it's a stupid excuse to blame the tablet for your shit skill. How old are you? You just have to get used to it, draw draw draw.

>> No.1785479

>has anyone found discomfort and lack of control with smaller tablets that was relieved by larger ones.

I wouldn't say I had a lack of control with a smaller tablet but I like moving my entire arm, smaller tablets restricted my movement a ton compared to how I draw on paper and it just felt super uncomfortable after a while. After getting a larger surface it just felt more natural, I wouldn't say my drawings looked any different though.

>> No.1785502

this is what I meant, I draw with my shoulder and elbow but the tablet is too small to allow that unless I zoom in like crazy, so would you say it was worth it to get a larger one, rather, would you switch back to the smaller one for any reason?

>> No.1785520


>would you switch back to the smaller one for any reason?

Unless I couldn't afford at least a medium sized one probably not. I only used the small one in college anyway and when I got my own I got the large one and noticed it suited me a lot better.

>> No.1785527

Maybe working larger than 72dpi would help.

>> No.1785781

have you ever used a program that had a lazy brush (fuck if i know what its called in every program, they all seem to say it differently)

its kind of like that.

the tablet itself isn't bad, but your control is only as good as you are, a larger tablet would give you more room for error.

and there is a reason that every time a tablet thread is brought up the h610 is mentioned, its cheaper than the bamboo and also bigger than it too, with the precision of a intuos for 1/5th the price.

your problem may just be not being comfortable with tablets in any way shape or form. i have used them forever and just can not get use to drawing on them.

if you want a larger tablet on the cheap, monoprice, their 12X9 is typically 100~$ and has been as cheap as 50$, if thats to big, huion H610

>> No.1786230

Put a sheet of paper on the surface of the tablet and try again op...

>> No.1786761

a sheet of paper wont let him draw with his arm if the thing is to small.

though that is good if you are looking for a more paperlike feal.

>> No.1786795 [DELETED] 


Getting a bigger tablet will help with your line problems. I recommend an Intuos 4 Medium.

But based off your responses in this thread and the work you posted, your "I blame the world and not myself" is very immature. You are a weak artist and a huge dick head.
>le wurk harder xD
This is go-to advice for a reason. Don't dismiss it because it's hard. Work harder, dipshit. No amount of tools will make you a better artist, as others have said in this thread. Think digital is an easy medium to transition into? It's hard and it takes time. Stop blaming the digital medium for your own inadequacy. It's truly pathetic.

>> No.1786802

>>1785100 (OP)

Getting a bigger tablet will help with your line problems. I recommend an Intuos 4 Medium.

But based off your responses in this thread, the work you posted, and your "I blame the world and not myself" attitude, it's easy to see you are a weak artist and a huge, immature dick head.
>le wurk harder xD
This is go-to advice for a reason. Don't dismiss it because it's hard. Work harder, dipshit. No amount of tools will make you a better artist, as others have said in this thread. Think digital is an easy medium to transition into? It took time, patience and hard work for everyone else, and you're no special exception because you're apparently so good at working traditionally. Stop blaming the digital medium for your own inadequacy. It's embarrassing.

>> No.1787109
