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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1784309 No.1784309 [Reply] [Original]

Which site do you prefer to post your work on and why? What do you dislike most about either one?

>> No.1784317

definitely not tumbeler

>> No.1784323
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I feel there's a bigger audience you can reach out to tumblr. I also enjoy tumblr for personal reasons. There's a lot of blogs you can follow, factual, funny, historical pictures, and other artists.

Deviant art is deviant art.

>> No.1784328
File: 82 KB, 736x952, d90c3738ad4f93ef75e91018c07a9d16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After honestly trying to put my art on either of these sites, I can honestly say that both of them are waste of time (at least to me).

dA is flat out more cohesive and productive as an artist community. tumblr's lack of posting and comments and all that basically force it to be just a circlejerk. it's almost impossible to get any critiques or any discussion of your art at all.

that said, it is easier to get popular on tumblr. certain tags are just booming with popularity. but that's also kind of its downfall (dA has this problem too). you begin to obsess over your notes and followers and all that shit. it eventually becomes hard to just draw because you want to study or love drawing.

i use blogspot. i use blogspot because it has better design and ultimately i want to display my progression for only me and a few people who give a shit. i've found that creating art without the expectation of others seeing it makes me learn and get better.

that said, if i had some kind of urge to draw fanart, i would probably post it on tumblr. it's easier to get people to see your art on tumblr, flat out. on dA it can sometimes be fucking impossible. i also have a personal tumblr that i use to find funny pictures of dogs and other useless shit.

but seriously, fuck both of these sites ultimately.

related: tumblr is pretty good for finding good art/motivation, but pinterest fucking blows it out of the water ten fold, probably because it's more professional and used by adults and not tumblr maymay retards.

>> No.1784331

Tumblr hands down.

If you post your art on DA they own the license and can sell your art onwards to 3rd party companies.

there was a shitstorm a while back because an artist had his work in hot topic or something because DA sold his work.

Also, you cannot delete your DA account.

>> No.1784338

I found that posting on either site made me a slave to attention, to the point where it was affecting my creativity. I feel a lot more unhindered now having left

>> No.1784339

I use DA but not Tumblr, since Tumblr isn't an art site and you can't really comment or do anything that you'd expect to be able to do. Don't even own a personal Tumblr, never got the point of the site.

>selling to hot topic

Whoa wait what. I've heard about them owning your art, but they've actually fully took use of that? Wow.

>> No.1784345


but it's not just DA they steal from


>> No.1784349

I think it's interesting in a way.

That you have people who post and post and post (on tumblr or any site with notes) to keep the wheel spinning. That chain of "I need to do more stuff!" might not be so good for you.

Since it forces you into making even your studies presentable (are you even learning anything at that point?)

Art isn't really a race, but a lot of people treat it like it is. I think that's a shame.

"This is great" is the best praise, only when it comes from within. If you need external motivation then you're going to do things that are detrimental for yourself since you can't see your own path very clearly, only looking for the road with the biggest spotlight.

>> No.1784352

They "own" the whatever it is so they can sell your prints through deviantart.

>DA sold his work
That's bullshit. If someone steals your shit from a store, it's not the store's fault.

You also can deactivate your account and delete your art, which is technically not really different.

>> No.1784358

Tumblr is awful if you actually want to follow artists, you have to keep track with your dashboard everyday.
Also it uses a snowball effect for popularity

DeviantArt is nice and tidy

>> No.1784363

Ah I see. DA had no part of that. Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.1784378

I use both, I prefer tumblr.

>> No.1784589

i have used tumblr since 07' and the inly problem i see with the service is the image downscaling

>> No.1784985

My nigga

>> No.1785166

Ive used both and vastly prefer tumblr.
Tumblr seems better in every way for getting your work in front of people. Some of the tumblr accounts that collect art have a bunch of followers so submitting a piece to them can really give you a boost. Also, because there is no tumblr banner across people's pages, if you choose a decent theme and get a custom URL it can serve as a decent profile page.

Tumblr is god awful for getting critiques, but deviantArt doesnt seem massively better for that and there are plenty of other ways to get them.

>> No.1785169

>implying you can get any audience whatsoever on tumblr if you don't hold big audience elsewhere

That's just not true

>tfw nobody at all cares anywhere

I wish I knew what's so horribly wrong with my work, but nobody says a word not even here


>> No.1785256

is tumblr good for posting rule 34/oc porn ?

>> No.1785258


Fuck off, tits n cum guy. Learn to draw.

>> No.1785262

lel fuck off constipation artist wannabe

>> No.1785309

I've been posting my art on tumblr for about half a year now and I had a deviantart account when I was a beginner in art.

Tumblr may be better for art posting since it could reach anyone that likes it. On deviantart, your audience is rather restricted because it's an art focused website and community. That being said, tumblr kiddies are very alike to deviantart kiddies, so a good idea might be posting on both and keeping a link to your tumblr account on your deviantart and vice versa.

>> No.1785517

does a bear shit in the woods

>> No.1785540
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I tried with a DA account and just didn't feel like I was doing anything. it wasn't for me I guess...

>> No.1785563

>Post Pokemon fanart; get lots of notes and views

>Post Original work; no attention at all whatsoever, but maybe two favorites on dA.

I know that feeling.

I used to use both Tumblr and dA but ran into similar problems with both. But I have to say that I liked dA's community better (or at least, certain parts better than Tumblr as a whole).

I'm probably going to give dA another shot, but I have a Wordpress for main stuff, and a Pixiv for separate stuff, which usually just gets posted on boorus in the end...

>> No.1785595

I use both and the one I like most is Twitter. Because fuck both tumblr and dA.

but in less of a shitty way of saying it:

tumblr - good for getting your art out there and gaining popularity quick if you know what you're doing. terrible when you follow artists who half of the time turn out to be SJW.

dA- imo these days it's difficult to get your art out there, there's so many hidden gems with barely anyone following them on that site. But it's good for keeping a tidy gallery and also to get money for commissions or adoptables.

>> No.1785872
File: 25 KB, 448x412, 1388463975589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know moons a bit but not japanese
>really like this weeb game that the west doesn't know much about and love making fanart of it
>want to make a pixiv so I can circle jerk with other japanese people about my weeb game
>but scared some of them will judge me for not knowing japanese as much/being a filthy gaijin

>> No.1785876

also what should I do?
should I go for it and make a pixiv account?

>> No.1785890


Man up and do it already

>> No.1785996

Just wanted to shine light on what dA's about for anybody wondering. Just now I'm refreshing my most popular and theres a sorry ass excuse for a drawing at the very top. A whole bunch of characters, badly drawn, colored even worse all facing eachother. Look through artists gallery and not a single head is facing anything other than profile. But her image has almost every popularfictional character in the last year and made it to the top of the page. Somwbody who is so insecure they won't draw anything but profiled faces (altho she's no good to begin with) and shitty coloring skills made it because of cartoon horses and sonic. Fuck this shit...

>> No.1786060

enjoy your deleted-1488-666-butts-younowhaveAIDS

fuck tumblr

>> No.1786163
File: 67 KB, 512x384, purrlcheeks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really neither, I've only used Tumblr for doodles and a gaming blog in the past and I never liked DeviantART. If I were to do a serious art blog I would just use Blogger or make my own site.

Pic related, one of the many doodles I did on Tumblr

>> No.1786167
File: 25 KB, 150x260, purrlshake_nobg0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever even used it? You just follow a lot of people, send a few asks, and make some stupid doodles. Eventually a semi-popular blog will reblog you and you'll get a ton of notes and some followers. It's like Twitter for artists

>> No.1786206

They wont care, Ive had a pixiv for years and everyone pretty much keeps to themselves. Just add in your profile that you are foreign if you like.

>> No.1786456

tumblr, more costumization for my page, I guess and feels more personal.

>> No.1786543

Newish to both. Maybe 6 months. I've gotten like 60 people following and watching me, total. That's without any major spikes from being featured or reblogged somewhere prominent.

No really good critique. I plan on resuming daily study in the next month or two (after a big move) and posting all that here in order to get my crit fix. It's not really what I'm on those other sites for, nor is it what I expected from those sites, so I'm not terribly disappointed.

I'm a little disappointed by my response to opening commissions. But I'm not terribly surprised since most of my followers are other artists. Again I've got some ideas of how to remedy the issue once I have more time. There are commission groups on DA, and I might contact some small press game publishers directly in the near future.

I'm definitely in the market for finding additional places to hang out. DA and tumblr are pretty crap for discussion. Here and /co/ are okay, but relatively narrowly focused. Are there any good, active forums? People mention Facebook groups but rarely get more specific.

>> No.1787069

I started my Tumblr at the beginning of May this year and will break ~1500 followers this week. My original goal was 1000 followers and now my goal is 10,000. The power and ease of submitting your work to larger blogs and audience makes growing your followers very easy. If you do nothing though, you'll make no new fans.

1,500 followers isn't even that much, but it's brought me $1000+ in commissions, several artist interviews, fans on my other social pages, fanmail (which is really nice to read), and the knowledge of how to make social networks work for you.

Tumblr is just the best place to show your work to a lot of people. The reach of a few reblogs is amazing.

To people who avoid it because they think it's filled to the brim with SJW's. There are some, but it's like saying 4chan is simply /b/. There are lots of other types of Tumblers out there, and everyone is hungry to reblog your work. Get to it, dickhead.

>> No.1787078

>The power and ease of submitting your work to larger blogs and audience makes growing your followers very easy.
Please elaborate a bit. What sorts of blogs are good, or how should one go about finding and submitting to them? I haven't used the submission stuff very much yet myself.

>> No.1787081

That's cool to hear. Your work should be good... Could you post it so you can gain one more follower? :)

>> No.1787103

I dump all sorts of content on tumblr. Sketches, studies, videos, finished lineart. And I use DA as a storage for finished stuff since it allows very high resolution.

I am not worthy of high resolution yet but when I git gud it's going to be useful.

>> No.1787115

Totally. Finding good general art ones just involve doing some Google researching and finding the biggest art blogs. Some of the ones I like best include:


That last one has been amazing. They're really series focused, so if you have a similar set of works (3-8 pieces), you can get some major exposure. The one series I submitted raked in ~5000 notes and got me around 250+ new followers in one go. I highly recommend it!

Also, if your work has appeal to a particular niche, then you can also submit work to any blogs within that. Like I do a lot of gaming inspired stuff, and it can all be submitted to large video game Tumblr blogs.

Thanks! My work is really nothing jaw dropping. I make a lot of my simpler illustrations into quick, looping 3-frame GIFS, and people love GIFS. You can check it out here: http://ronanlynam.tumblr.com/

>> No.1787130

Thanks, man.

>> No.1787185

The thing about deviantart is that you really should not use it as an art site if you ever get good. their terms of service agreement lets them sell the rights to your artwork to other companies (e.g. clothing producers, among other things) who can then use it without paying you a dime.

tumblr's okay, and i've seen a lot of famous people use it, but >>1784328 is right, go for blogspot or some other more complicated sites.

>> No.1787211

>their terms of service agreement lets them sell the rights to your artwork to other companies (e.g. clothing producers, among other things) who can then use it without paying you a dime.
You got a link to something that elaborates on this? Or is this like the facebook TOS paranoia where it's just odd phrasing around "you grant us the right to display what you post?"

>> No.1787239

well, shit, it's the former. I made the mistake of trusting the opinions of my artfriends without looking it up myself.


Still really hesitant to use deviantart, but it's nowhere near as awful as I thought it was though.

>> No.1787246

Thanks for looking into that. I was combing through the FAQ myself and hadn't found anything useful yet.