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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 731 KB, 824x3500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1781817 No.1781817 [Reply] [Original]

Tips/tutorials for getting into commission work?

>> No.1781951

Jesus christ, 5 months for one goddamn picture...

>> No.1781968

Wow what a lazy bastard

>> No.1781975

Well, first off you make sure to do a few quick sketches to see what the commissioner likes. You can see where this doesn't happen here and ends up making the process go even slower.

>> No.1781976

Dobson really turned into a lazy hack, if you look at some of his older works you could see he actually put in some effort (See: >>1774150 ) looking at that image just tells me how NOT to be an artist, if it were me making the commission, I'd do my damn best to make it look good and i'd finish it the day the dude would send me the money. I mean usually I would draw shit for free, who WOULDN'T put SOME effort in a drawing where you get paid to do what you love?
And honestly Dobson's commission looks like it could be done in a hour but he spent 5 MONTHS to finish something with a heavily referenced image for the goddamn background, he really is scum, at least Hitler was a proper artist.

>> No.1781980

There's no excuse to what happened there, the artist was obviously avoiding work since it took him months to do the freaking lineart, color, and fixing a damn sketch. Those things should take hours or days AT MOST.

>> No.1781983

i don't understand. shouldn't this take about 4 hours max?

>> No.1781986

More like 2

>> No.1781994

sounds like a fair price

>> No.1782006

For the time it took and the quality, I would have refunded it down to $30.

>> No.1782009

If that even. 5 months is just unacceptable. 2 days is pushing it for me.

>> No.1782012
File: 114 KB, 359x340, 1315264918650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I charge well over twice that, sometimes four times that and I'm probably not even as good as dobson
god bless the loose wallets of gay furries

>> No.1782015

I think that's a little too generous. For that picture, $45 is fine if it's finished in less than a month. I heard It's good to give yourself about a month, even if you can finish it in a day.

>> No.1782035


get 30 minutes of my time for that.

>> No.1782041

Well, 45$ is incredibly low for a full color illustration. Any good artist charges about 500-1000$ for something like that.

>> No.1782043

I'm sure you're rolling in cash bro.

Also post your art.

>> No.1782047

I wonder just how many commissions he get

>> No.1782053
File: 1.90 MB, 1560x966, bdde3004eba13fcae767a28cf0f8121d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually am
~200 a pop, can do one in around two days so it comes out over twice the minimum wage in my state. For the amateur level I'm at, its a miracle I'm making money at all honestly

>> No.1782055

>amateur level
>that drawing

Shhhh, don't make me feel bad about myself.

>> No.1782057

That's amateur level? Looks pretty good, then again I don't know a damn thing about art.
How long have you been drawing anon?

>> No.1782058

It would be pretty funny if he still did inflation shit on the down low.

>> No.1782064

Triple your rates

>> No.1782071

>and I'm probably not even as good as dobson
aren't you a funny guy

>> No.1782073

lmao you're definitely better than dobson, at least you try. dont be so humble anon. give yourself some credit

>> No.1782097
File: 922 KB, 1149x813, c8d4af8a64fa543e2e89f0101aff0091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its pretty amateur. I need to learn how to do new things with my lines and I think my images would look a lot better.
My workflow right now is sketch > inks > flats > rendering
But I see a lot of artists that I admire kind of cut out the inks portion and just sort of paint with the sketch so their lines come out not black, but different dark hues that blend in with the image more.
Also my figure construction is slow and tentative and my light sourcing is TRASH. I don't know what it is about finding a light source and drawing shadows accordingly but it is a struggle for me. So as you can see, I kind of just soft shade every spherical form the same generically-okay looking way.

I think if I found a way to mold my lines into the coloring process more and also got better at identifying a light source and basing all the shadows off of that, my pictures would be way better.
Also general anatomy stuff, finally studying vlippu now, learning loads of shit.
Excuse the dong, but here's a commission I finished a couple days ago. I focused more on using the light source but the lines are still hunky black chunks.

idk I post a lot to give advice to people who want to start doing commissions, but I always want /ic/ to tear apart my drawings and tell me things I can do to improve them but I know everyone will get sick of me if I'm posting furry faggot garbage all day.

>> No.1782099
File: 555 KB, 628x971, a1b4a434a7dc78fb56f51a88ab867b3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops I meant to post this as the picture.
Okay I'll fuck off now sorry for jamming a ton of furry shit in this thread OP

>> No.1782106


Your linework and anatomical understanding is much higher than amateur level. Your shading does need a bit of work though, but you're sitll not in the amateur category.

>> No.1782107

No, definitely not. Anyways, it's good to have people like you here to help people out, gay furry or not.

>> No.1782124

Nice, I can do illustrations like that too but I never knew what I could charge for them.
Thanks for posting

Do you get the comission for subjects like this on Furr affinity or DA? Not trying to be rude or offensive. Just you know, monster dudes with no clothes.

>> No.1782126


different anon, but your colors are pretty nice but a bit flat. i think if you mixed in some other colors that are close in the spectrum with what you already are laying down, it can really bring another dimension to your work. i.e. adding purples to your blues, oranges to your yellows, etc. maybe even using some complimentary tones. im a bit biased to bold and saturated colors so maybe my suggestion is a bit skewed, but it's something to consider.

also, maybe more texture might be nice considering it is furry work, but i understand if the lack of it is stylistic.

otherwise your work is killer and definitely above average. give yourself more credit.

>> No.1782151

fuck you and your humble shit - i wouldnt call you a beginner or amateur
please go on about anything you know about commission work - if you dont think your skill justifies giving us advice, the money your clients pay surely does
id like to know how constant / regular your income is and how difficult / easy it is to get to a certain level of popularity so people are more likely to pay a lot ( more than any non-furry would think is reasonable )

>> No.1782248

Not enough to pay rent, so probably not many.

>> No.1782339

Goddamn, I didn't think I'd find you here man, I'd have guessed in /v/ because of your nick but not in /ic/.

Nice seeing ya.

>> No.1782378

please learn to colour a bit better because you're already drawing alright, but them colours is nasty

>> No.1782398
File: 349 KB, 776x1162, Screen Shot 2014-07-17 at 09.16.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking damn.

I've been awake for 24 hours straight, my head's swimming, I've already done a lot of drawing tonight but just for fun let's see if I can produce something better than Perfectly Proportioned Bear and how long it takes.

Rough sketch, 14 minutes in so far.

>> No.1782465

i like how it started with "post your art" as if to mock the person and then he actually posted his art and only got positive responses.

>> No.1782477

anon pls, where can i find your work.

>> No.1782514
File: 116 KB, 839x823, de1258ae7794cb3a49ccc7c7488bdc63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't expect to get so much of a response

It's not rude at all. I commission off of FA. I think your personal skill is important but it also helps to have a decent amount of watchers. I'm almost at 4000 (which is really still not even close to popular) but I'll fill up slots pretty much as soon as they're open.

yo thanks you're totally right about mixing in other colors. Its so simple but I didn't think about it at all. I've already done it a bit on the commission I'm working on now and it looks better.

my income is as regular as I am with doing work. I've never had an empty slot for more than a day, shit fills up like crazy. I could do a picture about every day and a half working at maximum but I'm a lazy faggot so I'll take like 3-4 days working on multiple ones.
Just post shit on FA and start working up an install base. If you go and look at when I started drawing fporn shit like two years ago on my FA account, its fucking trashcan tier shit. I was doing requests for free until some guy was like 'no I HAVE to pay you' and he gave me like 10 bucks lol (same dude later acted all bewildered when I raised my prices what a tool). From there I just did commissions and steadily got better. I think I've improved a lot but I have a long way to go. Incase is kind of my rolemodel for what I hope to one day be doing.

sup fucker

justmegabenewell at tumblr and FA

Hopefully I answered any questions correctly, thanks for putting up with me, I didn't mean to act like a self-deprecating piece of shit. Stay noided /ic/

>> No.1782532
File: 110 KB, 1222x864, tyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh... excuse me, how exactly you want to improve your art? Let's be honest - u've been drawing all the same gay porn for a years, still zero fucks given about anatomy. proportions and stuff. You will draw more of that kinky stuff without any changes in general. Vlippu, light sources, etc., who the fuck cares, you're generic porn artist, none of your customers will notice that. I'm not trying to offend you, just enjoy your easy money and don't waste your time.

>> No.1782536

do it anon!

>> No.1782538

Even ignoring the fact that the better you are the more money you make, there's also a level of personal satisfaction with improving in your hobby.
Getting better at drawing is never 'wasting your time', ESPECIALLY when it means you'll be making more money.

>> No.1782540

I would like to know too.

You inspire me, >>1782514
My dream is to draw gay porn and you're living it ;_;

>> No.1782545
File: 453 KB, 850x1202, REIQ_Life_drawing_Studies_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, just want to throw out the fact that there are A LOT of shit tier porn artists who don't make much money at all. The average customer does not care much about rendering, that's true, but they do care about the drawing. Subconsciously for the most part, but they still do care. The most successful porn artists are all at the very least decent draughtsmen (I'm sure there are a couple of exceptions to the rule, no need to harp on that).

Look at Reiq for example, he's one of the more successful porn artists because his drawing skills make him stand out from his competition and he clearly has a passion for art, not just to make easy money. Which also allows him to do regular commission work and not just be a porn artist.

>> No.1782546

>5 months for one goddamn picture...

That'd be absolutely fine with a complex painting or drawing. But this should have been done in three days even with a busy schedule.

>> No.1782547
File: 259 KB, 1000x1088, creatures conc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the better you are the more money you make
That's true, but doesn't work in the furry community. Cuz actually, the more popular you are - the more money you make. Wait for more watchers and double your price, result will be the same - less than an hour and slots are filled.

>> No.1782572

chalk it up to personal satisfaction then.
Also, not arguing your point because its very true, but the better you are, the more watchers you'll get.

>> No.1782594

>because its very true, but the better you are, the more watchers you'll get.

On FA? Nope, not here.
Also counts if you draw things which furries like (see: porn and these artists with generic styles copied of each other, drawing generic wolves over and over again). Also depends if you get the hype, or you might as well be neglected. Seen great (better than majority) artists there with under 100 watchers in 3 years, just because.

>> No.1782597

You had a lot of time to improve your artwork, then why didn't you? 2 years of drawing on the same level was okay for you, until now.

>> No.1782603

Well, any advice for getting freelance work without getting into porn or furry stuff?

I can probably do character art or illustrations. Where can I find some work? Not necessarily commissions.

>> No.1782608

be good

>> No.1782611

I meant places to look for them. Do you randomly apply?

I'm confident enough in my work, and I do feel I'm capable of delivering decent enough work.

>> No.1782622

I suppose this is complex for Preston.

>> No.1782629

It's nuts, he was almost decent. If I saw that and didn't know who had drawn it prior I would never have guessed it was Dobson's.

>> No.1782636

If you're pretty good, post your work on Behance and cargocollective.

>> No.1782738

>That'd be absolutely fine with a complex painting or drawing.

Haha, no real client will ever let their illustrators work on one painting for almost half a fucking year, no matter how complex. I guess, as always, there might be some very rare exceptions to this, but I have never heard of such a case within the entertainment industry.

>> No.1782740

My main problem is that he acutally refused to fix some mistakes the commissioner didn't like

>> No.1782745

I asked this in the question thread, but here might be more appropriate. Do you guys know a good alternative to Paypal that allows nsfw work?

>> No.1782937

Blatantly ignored what the commissioner asked really.

>> No.1782938

that's still way too god damn long, especially for a digital artwork.

>> No.1782943

>I guess, as always, there might be some very rare exceptions to this
I've seen one guy on CA post some of the work he did for a train company in which he basically painted a full train with Rockwell-like 1:1 scale figures. I don't remember how much it took, but it was probably a fuck lot.
Kind of funny comparing it to what Dobson did.

>> No.1782947

looks nice so far brah

>> No.1782965
File: 1.64 MB, 1500x1500, professional faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't think I'm drawing on the same level as I was two years ago.
I know its not a fuckton of improvement, but if you really want an explanation I was at uni and just graduated recently. I've always been trying to improve but now I have more time for it.
I've never seen people on /ic/ say 'you should just not bother trying to get better' before.

>> No.1783013

Man, that lineart looks sick!

>> No.1783015
File: 29 KB, 400x400, hanging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never be that good

>> No.1783019

Nice work. How did you learn anatomy so well? Any recommended books?

>> No.1783031

How old are you, if I may ask? How long have you been drawing?

>> No.1783066

Do you actually enjoy gay furry porn? Or have you detached yourself from whatever you are asked to draw? If the latter, any advice on how to detach yourself to draw shit you don't like?

>> No.1783080 [DELETED] 
File: 1.45 MB, 1112x1496, improvemuntthang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I better get my shit together if I wish to achieve that amount of quality.

I was extremely shitty when I first started out, but I did a crazy amount of studies after hearing the horror stories of stagnation. Though, I'm still kind of bad since I've slacked off and switched my focus to animation recently.

>> No.1783084

>I was extremely shitty when I first started out
Your art is still kinda shitty though, and that much progress in 3 years is kinda inexcusable.

>> No.1783111

What world do you live in? That's quit a bit of progress, especially seeing that the one on the left has no depth, to anatomy, no foundations... nothing.

Don't be so discouraging towards others.

>> No.1783115

Well I mean he didn't use the best examples to show his improovment, it's not bad but it could have been better.

>> No.1783118

It looked like a sketch... one that showed form, perspective, and anatomy with correct proportions. Compared to the almost child like drawing on the left I'd say he has come quite a way. I've seen people who go to goddamn art schools for 3 of 4 years and still draw flat anime characters. That was a douchey thing to do man. You could have at least given some critique.

>> No.1783120

I just wasn't satisfied with that improvement in 3 years. I just thought about myself and if I improved that much in 3 years I'd kinda hate myself, then again you just can't tell much from a sketch alone.

Also why did he delete the post?

>> No.1783125

Probably not used to people giving him bad feedback. I personally ask what I can do to improve. You gotta give more than just insults. Could have helped him improve... then again, I get that this is 4chan.

>> No.1783138


I thought that it was embarrassing to keep on here, but it did confirm the thought that I've been following the wrong track the entire time. Feeling aimless is admittedly discouraging, but it's kind of expected with trying to improve a skill without community involvement.

>> No.1783154
File: 248 KB, 1280x1024, Picture 154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think nigga
Though honestly, I like my loomis books but everything I learned from anatomy is from just googling shit. I'm finally learning the names of all the muscles and bones now though which I should have done a year ago.

I just turned 22 and I've been drawing my whole life but I just started actually trying to get better in 2012

yeah I do. I like all porn though. Someday I want to break into hentai foundry and do straight/futa non-furry stuff. My long term goal with pornography is to be able to do everything and to do it well. loli/shota, muscle, fat, straight, gay, furry, guro, etc etc.
I realized a year ago that no matter what kind of amazing drawing you do, the best response will be like 'I loved this, this inspired me, this is really good', which is great praise..but does it compare to 'I masturbated to this'?
I'm going to sound like a creep but there is no greater joy to me than people masturbating to my drawings, that to me is the most sincere form of praise. I want to be able to reach all people in all walks of life, and have them masturbate to my drawings. Its a pipe dream though, I'll probably just do gfur shit for a couple years and then get into a car accident and lose my hands.

>> No.1783155

damn I can't imagine you drawing an attractive woman

>> No.1783157

>I like all porn though.

Thank God I'm not the only one.

>> No.1783158

Muscle girls ftw

>> No.1783162

you really don't need much skill to give the weirdos on the internet a boner

>> No.1783168

That's a nice goal, good luck.

I still can't see myself drawing fetishes I hate, I'm a pretty lazy fuck when it comes to things I don't enjoy doing. But hey, most people say they don't enjoy working, so maybe giving it a shot wouldn't be such a bad idea.

>> No.1783170

What do you like about people masturbating to your stuff though? I'm so nonplussed about it but some people find it super creepy or gay.

>> No.1783181
File: 318 KB, 320x200, tearsofjoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are such an inspiration to me, anon. Seriously.

>> No.1783185

If i wanted to ask you things about fa commissioning etcwhere should i contact you? Also how long will it take me to get commisions if i make a fa account these days with some furries to show my work? Skillwise i think we r kinda close . Cheers

>> No.1783186

What's wrong with muscle girls?

>> No.1783190

nothing, I just mean you don't need much skill to pander to fetishists
that shouldn't critizise our furry drawing friend at all, I'm just saying trying to draw normal porn for normal people is a much bigger challenge

>> No.1783201

Oh absolutely, when it comes to normalfags and drawn porn there is a level of perfection you must hit. You are basically creating perfect girls. Very little can be off.

>> No.1783228

What's are the best niches to get into making the most money on furaffinity? Traps, bara, m/f, etc? How often should you post too? Sorry if this is too personal so feel free not to answer this one but how much money did you make off of commissions last month? Do you have a day job (if yes, if you were to quit your job would you be able to live comfortably just doing furry commissions?).

>> No.1783232

You're too good to be doing this weird furry shit bro, make money with legit work. Unless you're into this stuff, in which case I guess you've got a good thing goin.

>> No.1783249

I doubt he'd bother if he didn't enjoy it to some degree.

>> No.1783269
File: 1.97 MB, 1356x2200, queenofpainplayingcardATTEMPTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people can say something looks good and not really mean it. But if they jack off to it you can't fake that shit yo

blamus on steam, blammykins on skype, or just send me notes or w/e on the aforementioned sites

you guys are absolutely right. Coupled with the fact that I've been drawing almost exclusively beefy dudes for two years now and its a lofty goal. I think someday I might be able to do it though. Right now however I can try my hardest but the women I draw come out chunky and manly and off. I really have done zero female studies in years though so I'm not too torn up about it.

uhh I don't know it seems like everything will get you popular as long as you're above the admittedly abysmal average of that site. If you're good, go for straight stuff but if you're my level, I think gay stuff will get you more since I think the standards are lowered a bit. I don't really keep super good track of the money I make but I guess something like two thousand? Its not amazing but its better than minimum wage I guess.

>> No.1783320
File: 385 KB, 1402x772, mom it's not what u think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think this is about comparsion between your best and very first artwork? You can look at your average stuff, it doesn't seem you tried to improve.
Welp, apologies for being an asshole, just keep on doing your stuff and perhaps someday I'll see you drawing some incredible artwork.

>> No.1783339
File: 240 KB, 834x1000, Rain_goes_aside_by_gugu_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon asked about how to get into commision work and now you're only talking about gross, disguisting, fetid, gay furfag pornography like it's the only way around.
It's depressing.

>> No.1783345
File: 318 KB, 1194x1920, collector_final_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a useless post. But perhaps you can share your infinity wisdom with us and answer OP question.

>> No.1783353

Like yours is any better.
I can't answer OP's question because I'm wondering about the same thing.

>> No.1783362

Even if it's nasty, furfag shit is an option whenever you're in a bind, various artists decide to turn to it when things aren't going so well.
Clearly it's nobody's ideal, but it's freelancing.

>> No.1783366

Well, I'm in the same boat. What I can say if you want to get into commissions, just be better than everyone else, build a large fanbase by having a distinct style, niche, fandom, or just be really good. Then, offers will start coming in.

Mention that you are open for commissions in your art posts, and provide contact info while you're at it. If you want to cater to general people, provide a flat rate with examples. If you want something more professional gigs, just let your client offer/ you give your price.

That's from my observation anyway. But yeah, kinda hoping for a freelance/commission thread that does not go into porn or furry stuff.

>> No.1783369
File: 465 KB, 780x1024, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a lot of people itt are interested in this gay furry shit, they're asking a lot of questions, nothing to do. I'm simply ignoring this.

>> No.1783378
File: 212 KB, 490x768, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started doing commissions like 3 months ago, on deviantart and now I made myself a hentai foundry account and get some commissions there too. I use to do this kind of stuff in two days (because I have to show a sketch first an then wait for the approval, this image took me like 4-6 hours).
I don't know what's my drawing level and sincerely i don't give a shit, I just draw the way I feel comfortable and try to discover the tricks by myself.

I'm also wanting to know how to get more commissions, but I think that all I need is just get better and do other stuff than just porn (right now I'm working on a sci fi psychedelic comic, and it's awesome to work on it). But then you see all this shitty artists that are always commissioned and it makes you wonder whats the secret? that, or you begin to think that your art is worse than those guy's stuff

>> No.1783394

In my defense, I only came into this thread initially to laugh at dobby getting paid 45 bucks for a commission. You shouldn't shit on the viability of gfur porn for average artists though. People have questions about it and this is a good enough thread as any to get answers.

I see your point. My improvement is very subpar and that progression image does exaggerate it.

>> No.1783395


How much are you charging per illustration?

>> No.1783399

How do you get commissions on deviantart? I can't get anyone to look at my shit or even favorite/comment on it. And I put my shit on every possible group that relates to whatever painting I did.

>> No.1783403
File: 136 KB, 1600x1105, goliath2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wondering, have you ever tried to do something lineless? I mean not just turn off your line layer, but also change your methods to make something different. It will be really usefull.

>> No.1783406
File: 136 KB, 406x614, pinup03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For an illustration like this one I ask for 25 usd

On the DA forums there's a section of job offers. They are new offers every day, you should check it out. Also, sharing images in groups. Sometimes altought, random people ask me for commissions, but ultimately there have been some that never answered when I told them the prices. I don't know if I'm asking for too much or if they are just kids wanting to fap

>> No.1783407

>Dat chromatic aberration

>> No.1783408

I've tried a couple times but it always come out bad. Do you know the standard method to it? I figure its rendering from loose to tight under a sketch layer and eventually going over it and covering up the sketch?

>> No.1783425
File: 882 KB, 1800x913, seventh_wave_by_oharya-d7kg5om.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I firs get an okay for me lineart, when throw colors until it looks like something i want, then I merge line and paint layers and keep working.

Picrelated was made this way.

>> No.1783426

The new lens flare

>> No.1783427

that's a nice pic

>> No.1783434

>Using the laziest excuse of them fucking all
get to work and dorp that victim complex

>> No.1783437

Just use invoices and don't mention anything nsfw in the description.

>> No.1783489
File: 87 KB, 1344x605, landsc prct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why is it bad? That's the point, you can see what is actually wrong, then you should try to fix that. Light, form, shadows, anatomy (even if u're drawing non existent stuff, you still should learn some basics) etc, everything should be believable when the thick line is not here to help you point out the edges.
I don't think there is a "standart" method. Everyone uses his own way to draw, you just have to find it through experiments with tools, techniques, styles. I started to draw not so long ago with zero experience and tried a lot of stuff, learned from my mistakes, I simply wanted to get better with every art, and still there is so much shit to learn. Usually I prefer to draw in b/w, helps me to see the light values. (I do suck at coloring tho).
Also what are you drawing for? Just for fun, to make porn? Cuz every fucking day when I'm looking at professial artists, filled with tons of envy, I realize that I want to be like them, have an opportunity to draw some great shit, maybe even work in the industry. That's a huge motivator for me.

btw, Ignore my grammar, if there is something, I don't know english that well.

>> No.1783493

Honestly, telling someone to stop using linedrawings in his work is the most retarded thing ever. it should be the exact opposite. All the beginners like you should draw way more and stop relying so much on painting and rendering to describe forms because you clearly aren't good at it. All the great digital painters who start directly with value are very strong draughtsmen.

>> No.1783497
File: 495 KB, 464x262, obama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts gay furry porn
>is complimented by everybody

>> No.1783499

>I don't really keep super good track of the money I make
Don't you pay taxes? i was actually thinking about breaking into this thing as i have been a hobbyist for a long time
and i think that my skill is good enough to make money with, but what are you writing in your tax report? just art commissions?

>> No.1783505

I'm not telling him to stop, just a suggestion to try something new, so he can think from a different side.

>> No.1783515
File: 207 KB, 1200x848, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing porn commissions has been my main source of income for 5 years now. I recently became the honest tax guy, got an accountant and started to pay taxes for this shit properly. I feel like an adult now.

OP's image seems ridiculous but that's how a lot of artists operate. You would not believe how many of my clients deal with a shitty work ethic like that everyday. It got so bad that some clients are baffled that I don't want to take money upfront, involve them in the creative process and only take a couple of days to finish images. It's ridiculous how easy it is to get returning clients if you just try a little bit.

Word of mouth seems to be very important. Porn commissioner community is pretty tight like that. If you do good work, you will get recommended to others and soon you will be knee deep in work.

Things that clients really appreciate:

1. Explain to them how your process works. I always give my new clients (and returning ones too, why not) a step by step explaination of what we'll be doing, when to pay me etc..

2. I make a couple of rough sketches for the client to choose from. You should do roughs to figure out the image anyway, so why not let the client decide what he wants. There is a risk they will pick the worst one, but hey, it's their image. Also this pretty much eliminates the possibility of the client dropping the commission halfway through because the pic is not what he wanted.

3. Before I ask for money I draw the detailed sketch. It is a risk to do this much work before getting any money, but I've done around 150 commissions and a client bailing at this stage happened to me maybe once. Maybe because I give them options before this stage?

4. Be clear about pricing and don't change it after you started working on their picture. It feels like you are holding the commission hostage and nobody likes it.

>> No.1783517
File: 173 KB, 1200x848, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


5. Don't ever stop the communication after you take the money. If you promised to finish the picture in a week, write them an e-mail when the time is up, even if the work isn't done. Even if you aim to finish it the next day. They will appreciate it.

Most stories you hear about clients being awful are from artists with shit work ethic. Over the years I had maybe 4 clients that were shitty. They cut it out after I called them out on it.

Weird thing about the commissioners they will rarely call you out on your bullshit. They will smile, pay and never, ever return again. Establish a work ethic and stick to it even if the client seems to be super happy with you. He might not be.

I think the quality that gets you commissions is neither popularity, nor technical skill. Both are important, but there is something else. You have to have something remarkable about your art. And by that I don't mean you have to be good. Just something that sets you apart. There is a lot of commissioners that circle the new image section on HF like hawks looking for decent new artists, so you don't really need popularity to get your first client.

>> No.1783518
File: 132 KB, 1200x848, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I started out I had no watchers and my technical skill level was pretty bad. I think I got commissions because my style was a bit different than most, and I was good at polishing turds. It's better to be shit and unique, than good but bland. Seems unfair, but that's life for you. There's an artist called Nobody in Particular. He is kinda shitty when it comes to artistic skill, but a nice style and a niche theme makes him memorable. If he was doing commissions I don't think he would have any trouble getting them.

So if you want commissions early, forget about "fundamentals first, style later" and take care of your style a bit first. If you already have a nice style, you can beef it up with fundamentals later. But that's only if you plan to make money making content on the internet. Any real art job will require you to actually have skill first.

Also have a titling.

>> No.1783520
File: 98 KB, 514x806, incase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I think I've seen your stuff, is this yours?

If so, do you make a living with porn or do you have a regular job to help supplement this stuff?

Will you be making a transition into regular concept/production work? And if so, are you worried about people dredging up your old porn stuff?

And lastly are there things you won't draw for 'moral' reasons?

>> No.1783521

There is no god. I het art now.

>> No.1783522

I just wanted to chime in with a thank you for sharing.
I'm currently only getting one HF commission a month and making suit process despite having mid tier skills/style but your information is encouraging. I follow you on HF and think of you as one of the one to aspire to be so it's really awesome to see you have a welcoming and helpful attitude to your peers! I can't say the same for all of the big players on HF.

>> No.1783530

your style seems fucking average though

>> No.1783533

is she a midget? her torso is so short.

>> No.1783534


Although I'm not really interested in doing porn commissions, I probably could do it on that level, and just don't try it because if someone links it to my real persona I would be screwed... But it's good to see someone giving advice on that level and being open in this board.
A lot of people start to be too reserved when it comes to do the professional side in art.


I would like to know that too. Also, as I mentioned, aren't you worried people in your real life discover about that side of your work?

>> No.1783535

the torso is actually pretty long for those legs

>> No.1783537

>and just don't try it because if someone links it to my real persona I would be screwed
Protip: No one cares

>> No.1783538

no one will ever hire you if they know you made furry stuff for cash.
also the biggest problem imo is paypal blocking your account, how the fuck will you get paid for commissions without paypal

>> No.1783539
File: 332 KB, 1400x906, done r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's mine.

Drawing porn is my full time job at this point. Should have clarified that.

Not interested in drawing anything else at this point. I like my job. And I don't care about this shit following me all my life. I made peace with that. It's getting less and less relevant every year.

Nothing I wouldn't draw for moral reasons, but laws in my country forbid drawing rape, underage characters and bestiality.

Forgot to add that everything I said only applies to drawn porn. I know I am a medicore nothing outside of that.

Yeah she a midget. Doing a comic about sexy halflings. I am still trying to figure out the best proportions

Everybody knows what I do, but they don't have the access to my gallery. But some day I am sure it will leak out and I will have to explain all of the midgets, traps and other ridiculous shit I drew. Oh well.

>> No.1783543
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, 1331121299378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laws in my country forbid drawing rape, underage characters and bestiality.
What's this, Freedomland, Canada or Saudi Arabia? I honestly can't tell.

>> No.1783545


>> No.1783546

Well, if you do classy porn or erotic commissions then that's true. A lot of very successful and popular artists have done that and are still doing that sort of stuff, but if you do fetish commissions and you ever get popular doing real art, then that shit is going to haunt you.

>> No.1783547


When you say full time, what kind of income are you talking about? Average for where you live? Below average?

>> No.1783548

Joel Jurion draws little boys getting fucked in the ass as JJfrenchie and nobody cares.

>> No.1783549

>Joel Jurion draws little boys getting fucked in the ass as JJfrenchie and nobody cares except SJW and feminist.


>> No.1783550


Yeah, right. If you don't have family, friends, or aren't interested in woman or making artists friends, then probably nobody cares.
Seriously, if I draw something like those tentacle porn shit and it leaks or someone links the work to my facebook people would think I have problems or I'm a sick creepy dude and would delete me for sure.
Also, I can't see the woman I'm dating accepting me doing this kinda of shit, it would creepy her for sure. It's probably more acceptable in Japan, but I think that's it.

>> No.1783554


Nobody... Hah! You truly think like that? I liked his page at facebook and I have a lot of artists in my friend list and guess how many of them likes his page? Also, I think it would be pretty hard for him getting a girlfriend/making a family doing this kinda of stuff. Don't know about his real life friends, but I bet he don'st have many, if have one at all.

>> No.1783555

but hows it gonna haunt you if lets say after some time of commissioning you delete your paypal account and stop making fetish artetc.
I mean , my plan is to create a business account for fetish commissions just to get some easy cash then when i reach a better level for actual commercial art stuff i stop doing it. delete my paypal, my fetish tumblr etc.
Fetish clients wouldnt know my real name because its a business account

>> No.1783560

you're doing it to GET MONEY, not because you get off to it

>> No.1783561

Another guy asked this but how are you dealing with paypal? after all this time paypal didn't get to you that you are
doing porn? it would be a huge reduce in client convenience if you suddenly stop being able to use paypal and that scares me.

>> No.1783567

Yeah, try explaining to people why you're doing creatures with big dicks fucking each other.

>> No.1783572

But if you use a business account on paypal then you shouldn't have to worry about people ever knowing your real name?

>> No.1783573

You guys are seriously just ended up making bonds with the wrong people, i am not the other porn guy but i do
hentai for many years now as a hobby and side income, every time some friend or acquaintance learns about it gets excited and starts
asking how i learned, asks for commissions etc, just don't get involved with people that wouldn't understand.

>> No.1783574

Do you use an alternative alias for drawing porn?
I fear that i will forever be branded a porn artist if i use my real alias

>> No.1783579

Right now I make around 2 - 2.5k $ a month. Which is waaaaaay above average for where I live. And I am pretty sure I can get it up to 3k with some effort.

Nobody that matters.

I thought we were talking employment opportunities. Yeah in real life nobody wants to talk to a guy that draws shota, that's for sure. But he still get's work so it must not be that big of a deal for him. As long as you don't draw something really awfull I think people would be understanding. You might get teased but so what.

Yeah you can alway say that it's just a job. People understand money.

I never let my clients write anything even hinting that it's porn in the transaction details. Also I don't use my work e-mail as my paypal e-mail. You can't just report me. A client only learns my paypal e-mail when he is supposed to send me money. And since I treat my clients well there is really no reason for them to backstab me like that. Also if somebody bought porn from me, and then reported me, he would also get in trouble.

I used to be really afraid of paypal banning me, but if it hasn't happened after 5 years, I don't think it will happen. And now I have enough options, other than paypal that I am not worried. I can go full paysite, I can take western union, or bank transfers or whatever paypal alternative there is. It would be a pain in the ass, but I think I could keep my income at the same level even without paypal.

Drawing comics for money was always my dream, and I started drawing because I wanted to draw pretty girls. What I am doing right now is pretty much living the dream for me. I am not gonna throw that away because some people might not like it. Do you really want to live your life like that?

If you are doing porn as a cynical cash grab, then yeah it's a risk. But for me it's more, so being exposed as a perverted weirdo to everybody I know is a price I am willing to pay if it comes to that. I can deal with that.

>> No.1783584

InCase I just want to let you know that I have a huge amount of respect for you and your dreams, keep up the good work!

>> No.1783585

>If you are doing porn as a cynical cash grab, then yeah it's a risk. But for me it's more, so being exposed as a perverted weirdo to everybody I know is a price I am willing to pay if it comes to that. I can deal with that.

Hmmm.. I can understand you. I wouldn't mind either if it was my dream, but it would just be a temporary step to get away from my 9-5 job. My dream is to work for MtG and I doubt they would contract someone who does porn on the side.

But... Honestly, it looks like the people who are responding me don't have social life to don't know how people like do judge. So I'll ask directly to you that is already working with it and is being honest. Do you have an active social life? I really don't see how this would work with a girlfriend or even some friends/family. I would have to shut myself away from those people or live a lie and hope it don't spill out to everybody.
Your clients know your real name?

>> No.1783588

do you fap before you draw so you don't get a boner while you draw?
do you even fap anymore? i once heard that people working in sex industry lose their libido after years of exposure.

>> No.1783593

jesus fuck stop getting your panties wet about girlfriend/family, it's just his income! And he's just drawing stuff, there are plenty of porn stars that had to suck more then 50 huge black dicks and still got a family

>> No.1783597

thank you

>> No.1783599

Oh yeah, you bet every porn star has a good relation with people and friends. lol
Shut up forever alone, I'm asking real questions.

>> No.1783602

>you bet every porn star has a good relation with people and friends
why shouldn't they you judgmental asshole

>> No.1783604

MtG aren't going to mind some vanilla hetero porn of sexy ladies in fantasy situations, it's only the niche stuff that'll bother them.

Most of my friends know I draw hentai but I keep it on the down low any way. People are morbidly interested at worst, or over enthusiastic and assume I'm suddenly DTF, but mostly people just want to hear stories of "funny" commissions.
My boyfriend knows I do them but I don't let him see most of the bdsm stuff I do and I can't draw with the screen facing him for some reason. I can't figure this one out but I need to because it makes me look shady.

>> No.1783612

thank you :*

I think with the internet becoming big in the last couple of years people's attitudes towards porn are shifting. It's slow, but I think it's getting more acceptable. Yeah you might loose opportunities, but I don't think it's a complete blacklist if you draw a tit... I base this opinion on absolutely nothing. I really have no idea how real world works.

As for my social life, lately I've been a hermit, but not because of porn. Everybody I know, including my fucking grandparents know I draw porn. My mom brags about it to her friends at work. She downplays the porn part, but still. I never hid what I do, and I never ever had a bad reaction. On the contrary, I had a couple of people sit me down and actually say that they have a huge amount of respect for me for chasing my dream like that. They might have reacted differently when they saw all of the weird shit I draw, but I don't think it would be very different.

I've gone out with two girls since I started drawing porn and both dumped me for unrelated reasons. Neither saw the gallery tho.

I am open about some of the themes that I deal with. Not with my family, but my friends know I draw dickgirls, and I am slowly starting to admit the gay shit. I get some teasing, but so what. Reminding them that I make three times what they do, doing what I love usually shuts them down fast.

Admittedly only one person that I know in real life ever found my gallery. I keep a tight lid on this shit. A girl I know ( a gamer girl and also an artist) found it and she really didn't say much about it. She didn't shun me or anything like that, just made a couple of jokes and complimented my style. That's it. I could tell she was a bit uncomfortable, but she dealt with it . I was never really big friends with her tho.

Media likes to play up the outrage but regular people don't really care about that stuff. It might be different for where you live, but here nobody gives a real shit.

>> No.1783615

Not him, but porn between 2 adults that isn't some really weird fetish shit has much less of a social stigma nowadays than you make it out to have. So it really comes down to whether you want to make money drawing the most disgusting and weirdest fetish fuel or make money by doing much less extreme regular porn drawings. The latter requires more skill to make a decent living though because your clients will have a much bigger talent pool of artists to choose from.

>> No.1783617

dude i dont like furries and this fetish stuff but im interested in doing some for easycash. I dont see how real life people would ever know you made some furry shit.
>Make business account with apposite mail linked to a card, not your bank account
>get money through invoice
>when you wanna stop it delete everything
>make actual mtg level stuff
>fuck qts inbetween and hang out with your friends coz they wont ever find out(besides my friends dont even care lol )

thats what im gonna do, how will anyone ever know you drew this shit unless you tell them or youre dumb enough to use your real name/known nickname on this shit

>> No.1783620

> Reminding them that I make three times what they do, doing what I love usually shuts them down fast.

Are your friends all unemployed NEETS or is there really that much money in porn commissions?

>> No.1783622

>I base this opinion on absolutely nothing. I really have no idea how real world works.

Yeah. No kidding.

>> No.1783624

Maybe poland is just really acceptable, I don't think you would get the same reactions in 'murrica >>1783599, right faggot?

>> No.1783627

You're asking a fucking retarded question. Everyone is different, which means the situation is unique for everyone. A pleasant person that people like to be around will most likely have friends regardless what his profession turns out to be, as long as it's legal. Someone like you on the other hand, who is clearly an insufferable cunt, will most likely lose all his friends in the same situation.

>> No.1783629

>with apposite mail linked to a card, not your bank account
What kind of card are you referring to? A debit card? Don't you need to link a bank account to PayPal, if not how are you going to get the money to your bank account? Please explain.

>> No.1783633

Dude, don't be stupid. I would be friend with a lot of people doing weird stuff, but I can't say the same for our society.

I agree, but with the beast porn thing they probably would. lol
I know some people in my life wouldn't mind, but if it's get linked it to other works it could possibly ruin a career.

You think if the things got serious with some girl she would freak out when discovering what you draw? lol
I can see my friends accepting it, even more because of what you make doing it, but new people would always be scared if they knew beforehand.

I live in Brazil and here people would judge A LOT, they made it look like we're sexually open, but it's a very conservative country.

Porn stuff would probably be ok, the weird stuff that is problematic. I really don't know how is the market for normal porn commissions, but it seems the weird stuff has a lot more of heat and money flowing. lol

>> No.1783637

I thought I would have to link my real name to the bank account/paypal to get the money...

I'm from Brazil and people here aren't open about those subjects and love to gossip on each other.

No, it's not. You're the only one complaining about my questions. They're valid, this subject is very sensible and don't you think Art Directors would be pleased by your persona when they discover you're doing tentacle rape drawings.

You just seems very delusional about social life.

>> No.1783642

Please respond.

>> No.1783643

In my country you can buy a kind of credit card in postal offices even if you dont have a bank account like me. So i would register on paypal with this card then when im done with this shit delete it all. The card cant be re-used for another paypal account so ll just buy a new one since you can have as many as you want.
yes you register to paypal with your real info but the client wont see that info with a business account if set right.

>> No.1783644

>You just seems very delusional about social life.
No you're the one
>Bawww all my friends will reject me forever for drawing a pair of tits

You're just bait now

>> No.1783648

im >>1783643 and >>1783617, forgot to add the money will store into my paypal account and i can use it online through the aforementioned card or even get it physically. i dont need a bank account really

>> No.1783654

Well then it sucks to be you. You should explain where you live before scaring everybody with your tales of social stigma.

Also it seems like you are talking out of your ass. There is a lot of "would" or "could" in your statements. I am not saying I know everything about the subject, but at least I have 5 years of experience being the porn guy.

>> No.1783655

Do you mean like a prepaid visa/MasterCard or something? And you could use that card to withdraw money from PayPal? Or would buying a PayPal card just be a better choice?

>> No.1783656

I understand minors, but bestiality and rape? Really? Aren't they all in the gray area?

>> No.1783663

It's all very vague. The laws are worded very poorly.

>Can't draw minors
But you can fuck them. Age of consent is 15 here. I could fuck a 15 year old, but I could not draw myself fucking her.

>Can't draw porn that is linked to the representation of violence or use of an animal

Whatever that means.

The whole porn section in polish law is a clusterfuck. You can't even be sure if it all applies to drawings or not. It all depends on the interpretation of the prosecutor, and that's not something I want to depend on. So since neither bestiality, loli/shota, or rape is really my thing I stay away from it.

>> No.1783667

I'm not trying to scare anybody, I'm just thinking what probably would happen to my social life or professional life if I try to join this fetish stuff. I really regard your answers, I'm glad you took the time to respond, I don't know why the aggressiveness now.
In my country people show ass in the TV all the time, in the carnival woman walk with their tits showing. But if you see someone half naked in other situations it's a taboo and woman would be treated like a whore. We have a very hypocrite people.
Also, I already explained that I want to work for WotC someday, and I'm not sure if this would hurt any opportunity with it, I think it all depends on who is the AD.

>> No.1783669


Just out of curiosity, how much realistic work do you do, if any at all? Did you transition to your style from realism or did you just start drawing the way you do and gradually improved? I imagine you're pretty good at realistic anatomy drawing.

>> No.1783672

Why the hell should he do that? That's what you get a day job for. Keep the commission money for yourself.

>> No.1783681
File: 29 KB, 280x390, neanderthal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I really want to know is has a background in fetish porn ever hindered anybody's artistic career in any way?

Aside from exhibit A in OP's pic, if you call that a career

>> No.1783684


I wouldn't even lift my pen for that price.

>> No.1783689

It's like that here too, but even stupider since the age of consent is 14. A few weeks ago I asked the police if it's legal to draw children in sexual situations, the answer I got was (tl;dr) "even if it's a simple pencil drawing, if it's understandable that there are minors in a sexual situation, then owning, drawing and distribution of the image is punishable. Of course the court, who judges each image separately, has the last word." She then mentioned that "The image may make others want to recreate it in real life, so it is an indirect danger to children. Interest in such images is a sign of danger and the person needs help (lel)." Even though the former hasn't been scientifically proven. In fact, it's the opposite. I haven't heard of anyone with merely drawn images being arrested or anything. Plus, there are so many wormholes - what if a 14 year old draws himself and another 14 year old having sex etc etc. I should probably read through the constitution again, maybe there's something about artistic freedom that opposes her statement.

>> No.1783691
File: 130 KB, 550x733, shamefur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah like that, on withdrawing cash im not sure but i read you can do it,anyway spending it online isnt a problem to me. Dont know shit about paypal card tho

tried sketching something, I dont think im gonna go into this porn commissioning thing though, seems too risky yet i wish i could make money lol

if only i were into this fetish stuff i probably wouldnt mind

>> No.1783701

Not being aggressive. I just realised you are arguing about your theories, not actual experiences.

That's a good question. All I ever heard are opinions like >>1783667

I know of 3 people who's real lives are linked to their porn.


Draws ridiculous futas. I heard his day job is doing art work for some vanilla thing. Can't confirm that unfortunately

>Joel Jurion

Draws shota, looks like he still has work in comics.


A lesser known artist who draws guro. He's actually a polish guy that despite being outed as a guro guy still has work in marketing, , graphic design and comics.

Not to mention all of the japansese aritsts who started out in hentai and moved on to manga and anime.

Is there a documented real story about a guy who was blacklisted because he drew porn? Never really heard of it.

>> No.1783706

So then how exactly do you work with people. I've had people asking me to do commission work for them and I just don't know the process at all. I know to give them a few sketches to see which ones they like, but at what point do I have them pay. I really want to do commissions, but the whole thing gets my nerves going. How do you handle it all?

>> No.1783710

In Canada I think if a underage minor sends material of themselves to another minor they can both be out on the sex offenders register, but I'm not sure of the re being any actual punishment. Such bull shit

>> No.1783715
File: 357 KB, 518x800, Book4-cover01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris Sanders does pin-ups and he designs cartoon characters for Disney and Dreamworks

It's not hidden at all, just Googling his name gets you stuff like this

>> No.1783725

I usualy work with a big queue. I take on 10-20 commissions at one time and work through them over a couple of months. After I take a commisison I send the client a step by step of how I work, and an estimate of how long it will take me to get to his slot.

Here's the step by step:

1.We talk about the details of the picture. You send me the reference pics you have etc.
2. draw a couple of rough sketches to figure out the pose and angle
3. Based on the rough of your choosing I draw a bigger, detailed sketch
4. At this point I get paid.
5. I take around a week to finish the picture

I allow the clients to request big changes during step 2 and minor changes in step 3. When step 4 comes I send them my paypal e-mail, and start work on the inks/painting when I get the money on my paypal. When the picture is finished, I sent the low res to them. I add the high resolution if they ask. After they see the pic I upload it errywhere to promote myself. I feel they should be the first ones to see it.

That's pretty tame. I am talking full on dicks in assholes, werid fetishes etc. . But a nice find anyway.

>> No.1783731

Thanks for the run down... 10-20 sounds like a lot to take on at one time, so I may start a little slower(if I still have people interested, I've ignored quite a few due to anxiety).

Anyways, here's to hoping I can get this going. Again, I appreciate it.

>> No.1783736


Are you seriously comparing doing pinups with doing fetish porn? Every good artist, no matter how prude has drawn the naked human figure A LOT at one point in their life, so no art director will ever give someone shit for drawing sexy women in provocative poses.

>> No.1783741

Ooooh i remember you! I had a huge folder of your works i downloaded from somewhere for you know...for research purposes. Where can i check out your new stuff?

>> No.1783743

>Are you seriously comparing doing pinups with doing fetish porn?

he is...

>> No.1783757

>Not being aggressive. I just realised you are arguing about your theories, not actual experiences.

Theories based on experiences in how people react to those subjects.
Anyway, glad you took the time to answer.

lol... You can't be serious to compare this with girls being raped by tentacles or futa girls fucking eachother.

>> No.1783775

InCase! I ran across some of your stuff a while ago on the web and was really impressed, I still follow your blog, love seeing your studies. I'm not really into the whole cartoon porn thing but I really dig your style.

Props for doing what you love.

>> No.1783782

Don't be stupid, I draw porn for a living and erotic pin ups for fun. Most of the people who likes them are women. Also I have a girlfriend and I fuck like 5 days a week. This "you won't get a girlfriend, you will be outside of society" shit is a lie, I preffer to draw people fucking that all thos stupid mary jane/batgirl/spiderwoman/whatever character from DC and marvel in sexy poses with a stupid face

>> No.1783793

>just don't get involved with people that wouldn't understand.

100% truth. Anyone who gives you real shit (not just teasing) for drawing pictures is just not worth your time or the oxygen they breathe

>> No.1783817

Why /ic/ is so full of moralfags?

What /ic/ thinks about Milo Manara? He has drawn shota and loli scenes and I think he is respected and his stuff is in libraries and bookshops...

>> No.1783829

Also what about serpieri

>> No.1783832

Where? This board has accepted the use of 'cancer' as a derogatory term, its not much different to /b/

fundamentally good art = good art
regardless of the subject

>> No.1783833

Some people say using another artist name for porn commissions and drawings is a good idea, would you say it's a good idea to use an alias?

>> No.1783835

Not the porn guy, but I'm doing that right now. Just to avoid stupid problems and also you can try and make yourself a brand for your porn stuff. People like brands, right?

>> No.1783839

Yeah, it's somewhat of a mixed feeling i have about it, i want to work as a gamedev, i already do, and making porn would be easy for popularity, but would forever brand be as a porn artist. It also seems a lot of porn artists use aliases, with all the Z's and X's, and that their name only brings up porn. Like if i was a porn artist i would just name myself Zyraxian or some shit.

>> No.1783857

I think that if you're doing that for a business, then it's a cool move to create an alias and even a logo/alterego so people recognize it. Also, the best, the BEST thing you can do is make awesome works, draw everyday, turn yourself into a crazy drawing machine like the japanese people do with everything, and then become incredible. So incredible that no one could tell you anything if you do porn or other stuff.
The artist's way is hard but is full of joy; unlike the way of the supermarket employee or the guy in a suit that goes to the office every fucking day. Dude, that shit sucks, I preffer to be a crazy hermit pothead fucker drawing everyday than become one of those "normal" people that are fucking the whole world up.

>> No.1783915

This thread has been pretty tame on the moralfags, you also gotta remember that it's still summer (albeit the end of summer) and moot has done nothing to scare away "that" audience for the last 3 or 4 years now.

>> No.1783920

>I think that if you're doing that for a business, then it's a cool move to create an alias and even a logo/alterego so people recognize it. Also, the best, the BEST thing you can do is make awesome works, draw everyday, turn yourself into a crazy drawing machine like the japanese people do with everything, and then become incredible.

Not the op, but this is what I had in mind as well. For my "normal" image, I wanna make sci-fi comics and for the bulk of my work I want to draw porn. I know its gonna be tough to study all of the necessary things, but I've never cared about anything more in my life than to be a prolific artist.

and thank you 'InCase' for posting answers and advice. I really appreciate it.

>> No.1783928

Dude, you are just like me. Right now I'm making my way drawing mostly porn/eroic stuff. In the meantime I practice with sci fi themes. I grew up reading the oldschool underground sci fi comics from europe (I first saw richard corben when I was 9 years old) And that was always the way I wanted to follow. But as you said, there's much to be learned and drawing porn is a cool way to get some cash and plus, practice anatomy and develop style.

>> No.1784125

If you drew that then yeah, that's good enough to be getting commissions on FA once you get enough attention. Though all that "body hair" looks a bit gross... Tend to see those overly masculine bara types in gay porn more than straight.

Just letting you know in case you do decide to try and chase easy money.

>> No.1784241

Is this thread saved somewhere? pls link me there

>> No.1784343

>It's depressing.
i feel you. ic is really obsessed with porn these days. in some threads it feels like it's the only thing they care about.

>> No.1784361

because /ic/'s posters are pretty much all in their mid 20's and virgins?
Which 4chan board isn't obsessed with porn?

>> No.1784365

hey hey i'm in my late 20s

>> No.1784381

>money will store into my paypal account and i can use it online
I was thinking of that too, how much money can you keep in paypal before it limits your account or forces you to pay taxes though?

>> No.1784383


Don't be a faggot. Money is money. If I could draw all day and get paid for it I wouldn't give two shits about what the subject matter was. You have to be realistic when it comes to art. Most of us just can't compete with all the talent squeezing into the few art jobs around the world, so you have to take what you get. It just so happens to be that porn is a very viable avenue, and therefore it's a highly discussed topic.

>> No.1784384


If you want your actual job to be art... You're going to be making some compromises. It's just like with real jobs. No one really wants to have an office job, or stand outside all day directing traffic or wearing signs or whatever, but they do it for the cash. Even workaholics who enjoy their job in other fields will have to make compromises if it means putting food on the table.

If you're doing it as a hobby and just making some spare cash, then yeah I understand being picky.

>> No.1784395

i'm not judging or anything.
it's more about /ic/ and the anons within it. like when someone has another strong kneejerk reaction to defend the rights of making porn. or that guy who always posts karei as if he was the best artist in the world.
every time i feel like, "i get it, you like porn, but do you really even care about drawing? we're on /ic/"
it feels like you got your priorities all messed up, and i die a little inside every time.
it's hard to explain what actually bothers me here. maybe i just can't share the enthusiasm, i only care about the craft side of things.
i like people like incase through. all that information is useful since i've considered making a HF account before.

>> No.1784399

i dont even like porn that much and im not into the fetish stuff. I actually feel bad when drawing porn but not because of any bigotry,because i could spend that time on studying or drawing what i actually enjoy doing.
I did try drawing porn or sexy stuff and found it incredibly boring , yet im considering this thing because i need money.

>> No.1784401

>because i could spend that time on studying or drawing what i actually enjoy doing.

Is the subject of a drawing really that important? I just enjoy moving my stylus across the tablet, I don't care if I'm going to draw a cloud or a dick

WHAT I should draw is usually my biggest problem, this thread at least gives me a direction to go into

>> No.1784403


This nigga gets it. Subject matter means shit all to me. I just enjoy the process of creating something incredible from nothing, whether that's a dog-man with a oversized dick shoved in the ass of a chick who also has a gigantic dick, or a concept for a spaceship. If I can get paid for anything artistic I'll be happy as fuck.

>> No.1784408
File: 44 KB, 640x368, La_punition_3.0-00-45.160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct, i m from europe and in the 70's lot film director began with erotic-porn movies because it was a smaller budget, smaller presure and a good way to make first steps,experiment and make contact

>> No.1784411
File: 568 KB, 755x1000, 3076579920_8091006f_0586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually feel bad when drawing porn but not because of any bigotry,because i could spend that time on studying

If you tried your best to make the drawings as good as you can, you'd learn a fuckton about anatomy, foreshortening, perspective and multiple figures in one scene by drawing porn.

It's actually a really good way to exercise figure drawing, because you can't just draw floaty single characters, they always have to be solidly grounded on a plane and interact with at least another figure in consistent perspective.

>> No.1784414


>> No.1784419

> If you already have a nice style, you can beef it up with fundamentals later. But that's only if you plan to make money making content on the internet.

It also helps to do draw futas.

>> No.1784426

Yes it does. Being willing to draw things that people are likely to commissin helps obviously. But I think what I wrote still applies.

>> No.1784428


True, for more realistic porn art. But the major demand is for fucking retarded shit, like little anime girls with gigantic tits bigger than them. No one wants to buy realistic porn art.

>> No.1784431

you still have to know about perspective and foreshortening, doesn't matter what crippled creature you try to draw, stop making excuses

>> No.1784462

It sounds to me like you are just looking for a reason to complain. About everyone in this thread is asking questions either about commissioning, or how to improve their art. You don't like the subject, that's cool. I don't like gay furry stuff... yet I have learned a lot from that anon in this thread, same with InCase. Just because you don't like a subject doesn't mean that it isn't still art and technically impressive, or that the advice going around isn't helpful. If you don't like the subject that much you can always go to Deviant Art.

>> No.1784486

look up work by an artist called Demon Man

and prepare yourself

>> No.1784705


Is this yours? I completely coincidentally saw this on exhentai just now.

>> No.1784713

>Incase in this thread

An artist whose work I admire appears and I've no idea what to ask. Fuck.

>> No.1784722

>An artist whose work I admire appears and I've no idea what to ask.
Here, take those:
- What book/video/torrent/workshop was most useful for you?
- How does your typical day look like? Do you have some kind of schedule for improving your art (and what is it)?
- If you could give yourself from past one advice about becoming professional painter, what it would be?
>inb4 don't do it
- Are art communities (like concept art, UL from deviant art, permanoobs and so on) actually useful? What place was best for you?
- Will you make some livestreams or speedpaints?

>> No.1784797

IKR? For a second there I thought I was in bizarro world or something.

>> No.1784811

I think it's because we appreciate things that are well drawn, regardless. A normal person would not give a second thought to those things, or even comliment the artist for his technique if it's something s/he disliked.

>> No.1785101

thank u kind anon

>> No.1785136


"Weird people on the internet give me big bucks for this shit.".

Whoa, that was easy.

>> No.1785139

how much $$$ do you earn from drawing porn?

>> No.1785369

I started reading creative illustration after I saw your picture. It's incredible how many useful techniques and tools it provides. Sad that /ic/ has a hate boner for Loomis now of days.

>> No.1785536


>> No.1785599
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, 506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not "realistic" as in the kind of sex you can get picking up strangers at the bar, but super shiny desu anime figures aren't the only game in town.

>> No.1785911

When you first when to FA how fast did you get watchers? When did you hit your first thousand? I joined about a month ago and I've gotten 16 watches and about 6 favorites for each drawing I've submitted. The reason I ask this is because I see very badly drawn sketches get 100+ favorites which is why I'm curious. Also what's a way to get your art more out there/popular on FA?

>> No.1785928

People like artists for their skill and the content they make. The scale is slightly unbalanced with people liking artists mostly for their content.
Produce what's trendy and in good quality and you'll have their attention.
It's easier if you like the stuff you're doing.
Being a furfag can't be that bad
It's probably like being a jew, you get lots of money but you destroy everything good in the world

>> No.1785938


Oh boy, someone who makes DOTA2 fanart, it's good to meet someone like that, even though it' s gay shit.

I wish I had half your ability at coloring.

>> No.1785947
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>> No.1785954

What I am afraid is the payment method.

Do people thrust Money upfront? I've also heard Paypal kills accounts for NSFW activities.

And really, can I use that paypal balance in real life to buy groceries? I live in the middle of nowhere, I can't just buy food online to get delivered, the 1 day delivery would ruin me.

>> No.1785958


i'm sure there's some way to automate it so that paypal immediatly sends the money over to your regular bank account, so you can pay with debit-card

>> No.1786048

20-30 once I started not completely sucking shit. Now it seems slower, but I think its just more consistent. My improvement has tapered out in the last couple months so I've got to get my shit together and get to the next level of skill and I think it'll pop up a bit faster.
idk I've noticed from a guy in this thread that I have started to stagnate quite a bit and its kind of embarrassing. That's why I'm currently feeling really pressed to improve.

>> No.1786054

At least he's creative, you got to give him that.

>> No.1786056


Who's paying for that though?

Go to any porn board and it's either a) furry shit, or b) weeaboo retard balloon tits super shiny shit. I would be down for drawing realistic porn because you'd get practice in things like anatomy, correct rendering, etc. which can be transferable later into a more stable industry job. You won't get that drawing anime shit, so it's basically a waste of time unless you're happy to try and find additional time to do more important art on top of your commission hours.

>> No.1786064

If I want super realistic looking porn I look at photos.

>> No.1786073

>~200 a pop
>if i just hone my skills a little more i could make an easy living selling furry porn
my life's dream

>> No.1786074


Exactly. It's disappointing there's no real market for well-drawn porn, but that's the way it is I suppose.

>> No.1786109
File: 42 KB, 239x397, 1395640689257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the market's flooded with people who draw huge 'roid furries because it's easier to define the muscles that way
>they're doing it for cash and not out of love/lust, and it shows

>> No.1786112

>or fat furries, where you just have to draw bags of goo on a skeletal rigging
>as usual, money proves once again to be the root of all evil

>> No.1786122

thats because they ban western on h. In western lies semi-realistic porn. does it even sell? Yes, but from what i can remember it's mostly paysites. it's a very small market since the west consists of nothing but prudes.

>> No.1786125

>even the fucking French are succumbing

hold me, I don't want to endure this anymore

>> No.1786145

Most realistic porn is really badly drawn though. Usually, people who do realism, yet have to resort to porn are not very skilled individuals and end up with very creepy drawings that don't flow very well, are stiff, overrendered and lifeless. A stylized drawing with good perspective, attractive proportions, interesting foreshortened pose etc is both much more appealing to most people AND the better work from an artistic standpoint.

>> No.1786164

depends what you mean by realistic. if it's line-art it's usually just as good.

>> No.1786182


Well, I think it more has to do with realistic drawn porn being less forgiving. You can fuck up drawing anime porn and no one will know you fucked up because the whole thing is stylised beyond recognition. You can make the tits look like hot air balloons and have almost 0 facial construction and no one will no better. You draw tits that don't have any weight to them on realistic figures and everyone will immediately know something is wrong, even if they can't pinpoint it because, well, it's an attempt at reflecting the real world.

I don't want to put down artists who choose to do anime art, but I think the entry level is lower. A kid can learn how to draw an anime face in an afternoon and then go off to draw their own from imagination. The same kid will struggle to do the same with a realistic face.

But I mean the point is redundant anyway, because people don't want realistically drawn porn. They can just look at actual porn for that.

>> No.1786195

Good stylization requires construction just as much as realism does. The surface anatomy is simplified or exaggerated but the solidity of the construction underneath it is still there. If it's not, then it looks like shit, just as much as realism does if it's done without solid construction. You really seem like you have no idea how stylization actually works and what it is and you believe the moment someone adds big eyes to a figure, everything else suddenly becomes irrelevant.

>A kid can learn how to draw an anime face in an afternoon and then go off to draw their own from imagination.

Not really. The anime face is still based on the 3 dimensional shape of a real face, the construction is still mostly the same, the only difference is that it uses less defined features and bone structure, while it pronounces the eyes for expressive purpose. If you can't draw a feature-less loomis-head in perspective from any angle, you can't draw a good stylized face either.

>> No.1786218
File: 701 KB, 1243x737, dfgsdrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, I was being a bit hyperbolic. But the most important key word is simplification. By definition it would require less work to achieve a simplified outcome.

If I had a kid and he couldn't draw the left from imagination after an afternoon, I'd slap his shit up then disown him. If he couldn't draw the one on the right after an afternoon, I'd be a little more forgiving.

>> No.1786224



>> No.1786225

your example on the left is horrible and the perfect demonstration of how copying animu faces without giving any thought to structure will result in flat disfigured abominations
>it would require less work to achieve a simplified outcome
yes, but it doesn't mean you don't have to study as much to do stylized art as if you wanted to do realistic art

>> No.1786227

perspective is all fuckedy with the one on the right anyway

>> No.1786229
File: 3.34 MB, 3023x2137, nsio_super_pov_practice___26_viewing_angles__by_nsio-d7mioh0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the left is complete shit though and not even remotely an example of construction.

Try and do something like pic related and then come back and tell me how easy it is.

>> No.1786231

yeah yeah, there doesn't exist an image in the entire world where the perspective isn't all "fucked" by /ic/ standards.

>> No.1786235


Yeah, your right, Hampton doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.

Christ you're autistic.

>> No.1786239


>yes, but it doesn't mean you don't have to study as much to do stylized art as if you wanted to do realistic art

Yes, it does? There's less to know? I don't see why this is so complicated. You need to know every ridge and orifice to achieve realistic facial construction and make it convincing. For anime, you need to know how to draw a circle, draw a cross grid on the surface, and then divide some of it in half and a quarter. I could teach an 8 year old that in a few hours max.

>> No.1786240

it's subjective

>> No.1786243


hahahahah fuck you're actually an idiot. perspective can't be subjective you retard.

>> No.1786245

i said fuckedy not fucked.

>> No.1786248

You seem like you are quite the beginner who is completely hung up on surface details. The important thing about realism is getting the big shapes down correctly in right perspective and proportions and in 3 dimensional space. The exact same principles apply to stylized work. That construction part is the single most important step in a figure drawing for both realist artists and people who stylize their work. The small details and surface anatomy is nothing but memory work. Sure, it takes some effort to memorize it very thoroughly, but it is nowhere near as important as the construction part.

Also, good stylization creates many different problems that the artist has to solve. Simplification and exaggeration requires the artist to make creative design choices that he wouldn't have to face if he went for the more realistic approach.

>For anime, you need to know how to draw a circle, draw a cross grid on the surface, and then divide some of it in half and a quarter.

Clearly that is not true, because the anime drawing you posted early who does just that looks like absolute garbage and nothing like a good stylized drawing.

>> No.1786249
File: 539 KB, 1200x1600, 7FfjDCu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


90% of that is lost in the end image, so it's redundant to do all of those construction forms. Do a basic gesture, then don't fuck up the basic shapes of the body. None of it will show through in the line art or the rendering at the end.

In realistic art you need to know what bone and what muscle is surfacing where, and make sure it works convincingly in the scene and how it is lit. You also need to make sure to make sure your values and colours are spot on, or everything looks weird.

In comparison, this is image is what would be considered a professional anime porn art.

>> No.1786253


Construction of anatomical forms, particularly in perspective, is the easiest part, as long as you're not retarded. Anyone could go through a Loomis or Hampton book and understand how those forms work in under a week. It's even one of the very first things covered by Loomis.

The latter part, and the more interesting and complex part, is what separates the simplified from the realistic art. The further you go, the more you need to apply the more important aspects: value, colour, complex forms, overall composition, etc., etc. Whereas in anime, you basically stop after the large form construction, and then just airbrush your way through the rest with some generic skin colour palette you found on DeviantArt.

And, like I said before as my initial point, you can fuck up in this part massively (gigantic hot air balloon tits that defy gravity, etc.) and no one will no whether it's stylisation or retardation.

>> No.1786257

Can you post some of your drawings?

>> No.1786258

>And, like I said before as my initial point, you can fuck up in this part massively (gigantic hot air balloon tits that defy gravity, etc.) and no one will no whether it's stylisation or retardation.

Only shit tier artists like yourself can't judge stylized work objectively. Anyone else, even most consumers who have no idea about art can easily see when stylized work looks like shit due to a lack of skill. Especially balloon tits without gravity are ridiculed by non-artists all the time.

>> No.1786261
File: 500 KB, 450x625, IMG_0113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll do you one better. 2 min no ref sketch I did especially for you.

Like I said, construction is the simplest fucking thing anyone can learn.

>> No.1786264


>Only shit tier artists like yourself


Also, this is one of the top rated posts on r/futanari:

imgur com/a/YR1pX

Funny shit. I could stick my stylus between my ass cheeks and fart out something more impressive than that.

>inb4 b-b-but those complex anatomical forms senpai!!!

>> No.1786268

That looks pretty terrible and I never said terrible stylized art doesn't exist. Just like terrible realist art exists because of people like you, there exists plenty terrible animu art because of people who are at around your skill level but happen to draw anime instead of realism.

You really have no clue about construction if you think that image shows even the slightest bit of basic understanding of 3 dimensional forms.

>> No.1786270

cute, gives me a hard-on. whats the prob?

>> No.1786271

listen up, kid
actual perspective is not subjective
someone's opinion of how the perspective looks in any given image, is subjective

>> No.1786273

perspective is subjective, that's literally the point of perspective or 'point of view'

>> No.1786275


No problem. The other cunt is getting offended because I said the style is simplistic, easier to produce and learn to produce, and is far, far more forgiving than realism.


>devolving into personal attacks

B-but senpai I made it especially for you :(

How do you think I drew that? Started top left and worked my way to the bottom right, no construction process at all? Nice one.

>> No.1786280

0/10 cute attempt.

>> No.1786284


Lol what

>> No.1786287

You are a fucking retard. It's very badly constructed. Which is why I said construction is the single most important aspect of both realism and stylization. It looks like shit because it is badly constructed, not because it is stylized

>> No.1786288

its not hard to understand, perspective is a way of modelling space with regards to a subject. it's not objective like euclidean space for example.

>> No.1786295


It literally uses Hampton's construction method. If you want to say his construction method is bad then that's up to you, but you'll look like an idiot doing it. I seriously can't tell if you're just trolling at this point or you're if actually desperately hugging your anime pillow trying to defend the supreme desu~~~

>> No.1786296


wait what. perspective is just a reflection of the rules of 3d space, isn't it? Can you explain a bit more or ur just fucking around?

>> No.1786301

And again your drawing is shit, its some hobbyist from the west that tries to make money from shitty animu, its average but no way professional.
At this point it's like you're trying too hard. Stylisation is difficult because your errors are harder to spot and you are always struggling
to find what appeals to people aesthetically instead of just trying to be faithful to certain rules and references, while on stylistic work you
have to do all that and also stylize them. Stylisation is as hard as more realistic work and only someone who never tried or an amuteur
would think like that, and as for why people prefer more stylistic work for porn, my guess is that it's because it's easier to forget about reality and
get in a ideal fantasy world, but that's up to the individual. In the end it come down to what your standards are.

>(gigantic hot air balloon tits that defy gravity, etc.) and no one will no whether it's stylisation or retardation.
We are not in the 80's, things like that would never pass to people with taste anymore,the stylization world has been improving in a tremendous
speed the past decade, and the standards are a lot higher than you think if you want to actually draw something that will be considered professional and not hobbyist tire.
Both are hard and both can be appealing, reducing once value to the other is like trying to justify your own inability, the yeah atleast i dont draw animu because if i did i would be
the best kind of mindset. Being professional and being popular on the internet is different.

>> No.1786302

I've been wanting to talk about this for a while, and yesterday, while watching my 3 favorite artists livestream side by side, I noticed something.

When using construction like this, or even some very basic gesture then building from that, you lose something. It looks very mechanical. Even when done lightly you just don't get a natural look to it, which I find weird. I can't figure out why this is.

Now my favorite artist would maybe draw a light, and I mean LIGHT, sphere for the head, perhaps a line of action... then just go at it. While a little cartoonier than the other two artists his pictures looked much more natural and absolutely full of life.

I wonder if there is some "science" behind this, some method?

>> No.1786305

Not sure about it but i used to do my drawings in 3 steps, i would start with a gesture, then make a sketch out of it
and finally trace the sketch to a final lineart. I realised that my drawings were very different from my first gesture in the end
and i was losing the action so i stopped doing the middle part and i go from gesture to final form, it's kind of harder but helps
me keep faithful to the gesture.

>> No.1786313
File: 6 KB, 269x187, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about royo?

>> No.1786314

That's a matter of inking(a issue I had for a while). This is more a matter of the construction of a drawing making it look mechanical. I'm sure it comes down to preference of what you want to achieve from the drawing. Perhaps some people want this more carefully planned out look, but I think that there needs to be some exploration of "going for truth" when drawing. Even more so than some animation books which already have a more relaxed take on construction and building figures. I almost wonder, if in some cases, a sphere and a line of action is good enough. Then confidence in drawing what you want to see. Perhaps we put to much emphasis on being restricted to the building of figures, and in some cases we lose individuality.

... not trying to give people a valid excuse to skip their fundamentals, but I am starting to wonder if this may be another valid way to approach art.

>> No.1786328


What, I'm confused now. You think that's my work? I found that on r/futanari. It's one of the top posts at the moment bro, and I'm pretty sure the artist is professional, they'd be getting commissions, that's for sure. And I'm betting Asian too.

I'm curious, can you post some work? You seem to have exceptionally high expectations. Either that or you're arguing with me because you're stubborn and I'm being a bit of an asshole.

>> No.1786329

Can you give an example of the art you are talking about? i am really curious now.

>> No.1786334

He was drawing along side boogie and one other adult artist(plants I think it was?)a couple of days ago. It seemed that most of the time he just went straight for the drawing, usually only starting with one or two forms. More so, he didn't even have something in mind and was just doodling. I'd say some of his work is very comparable to Nezumi's. Because of this it seemed he was more focused on the "emotion" and over all "truth" of the art, like with most animators, giving his work a sense of life. The others, while technically impressive, lacked a sense of life in their work. It just looked like a regular drawing.

>> No.1786337

No i don't think that art is yours, i know the artist and he is from britain and a pretty bad hobbies making money from
people with no taste. You seem to be confusing professional like in monthly published works in magazines with making money from
people that want to see their personal fetishes and OCs draw out even by okish hobbyists, none of the artist you postes where close
to being professionals, they are all part time hobbyists at best, so no the fact that a popular futanari artist on internet is bad dose
not prove that good stylisations is easy to achieve.

>> No.1786457

Well, as Vilppu says, "art has no rules, only tools".

>> No.1786528

Hi, gabe, how is it going.
Just a question, do you have to put your real name on a PayPal account so you can receive the shekels?
Can people see your real name when they pay you through PayPal?

>> No.1786587

Just wanted to say this is a great thread. I stumbled into here somehow from a blurry fap-daze from /d/ and it made me wonder why I stopped drawing. Funny, the weird places you can get incredible inspiration from. Gay furry guy, it seems like you've got it all figured out and I envy you so much for that. InCase I am just honored to post in a thread you were in .

I make a modest living with a full time job but it's not exactly fulfilling. You guys are very lucky to be doing what you're doing. Im not about to throw everything away to pursue a career in porn illustration, but you guys have made me dust off the old tablet once more

>> No.1786622

Can't you just upgrade to a business account to avoid that?

>> No.1786648


Well then post a professionals work.

Your criteria for professional is stringently high. If any of these "hobbyists" are getting paid for their work and commissioned on a regular basis they should be considered professional. If InCase is making a living off his art, then he is a professional. Regardless of what you personally think of their work, they are still by definition professional, and make up the mass bulk the anime freelancing community.

>> No.1786681
File: 3.29 MB, 2098x2976, prof_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to star doing commissions next year and i not stastifed with my level right now but for the next few months what should i prioritise

more anatomy

rendering (metal cloth light ....)

here is my current level

>> No.1786701

omg your arms are like twigs

>> No.1786702

You have more than a year before you are professional, sorry. I would say focus on fundamentals--construction, gesture, value. Rendering is pointless without the previous points. If you work consistently and improve at a decent rate you can be professional probably in around 2 years.

>> No.1786705

>more anatomy

yes. anatomy is all that matters. anatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomyanatomy. and then some more anatomy.

>> No.1786717

head is too big on the left and right feels really alien. i think you really need to work on your proportions. work more on classical drawings

>> No.1786755
File: 757 KB, 1398x1984, study_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1786702 nah that ok. one year,two year even five years it dosent mater when you are young (22) and like art (even i have a bad habit to not finish what i started)

anyway for value training doing studies is the right thing like i did ?

ok thanks i going to study anatomy until she become my wife

you mean classical drawings like Michaelangelo or pencil sketchs

>> No.1786866
File: 32 KB, 384x640, yiffe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care
need cash

>> No.1787035

So drawing without any construction? I'd imagine you would have to have a decent grasp on forms and anatomy to do this practically.