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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 238 KB, 850x693, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1780656 No.1780656[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/ !
First time posting, but I figure if any place could help me out it would be this one.

I've started lurking around on 4chan again after a brief hiatus, and the work of a certain artist by the name of jjfrenchie came up on another board. The extremely erotic nature of it aside, I was absolutely stunned at how... appealing the style was.

After some digging, I managed to find out that his name is Jurion Joel, and he has a ton more stuff out there, and I've spent an incredible amount of time having it all sink in: between the colour, the artstyle, the movement - all of it has been an unbelievable inspiration for me.

My question is a bit peculiar but I'll do my best to ask it: what do you think could have been the influences behind his style? The hands, eyes and mouth in particular all have a certain something that I have definitely seen elsewhere but can't quite place. I've mostly sketched here and there for years, but this guy has lit a proverbial fire under my ass to take pencil to paper and start getting better at it. I'm no sap: I've done some anatomy work, understand proportion and perspective, and generally got better by sheer brute force of repetition - copy and trace enough hands and you'll start to get the hang of them yourself. Hence, if I knew some other, say, comic books or a series in particular that could arrive at this sort of style for reference, it would be a huge help.

Thanks in advance for reading! I'll post a few more pictures that I think convey the message pretty well in terms of the style I'm referring to.

>> No.1780659
File: 109 KB, 960x397, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of the same. He has a bunch of pictures across many years, and the style varies a bit from exaggerated, disproportionate manga ones (for which I unfortunately don't much care, craftsmanship be damned) this this rather more levelled portrayal of the body.

>> No.1780660
File: 265 KB, 738x1083, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1780665
File: 376 KB, 900x1239, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a more technical note, I was also wondering if anyone could tell me what type of pen would achieve this kind of inking. A regular fineline sharpie never seems to arrive at this type of finish - is it a purely digital effect?

>> No.1780668
File: 1.62 MB, 200x150, 3NCQZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1780670
File: 417 KB, 1400x1927, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More inking.

>> No.1780674
File: 605 KB, 1400x860, 57172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dude, you don't understand. His erotic stuff is out of this WORLD.

>> No.1780680
File: 119 KB, 737x960, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1780681

so many words for one line: how to draw like jjfrenchie

>> No.1780683

If that redhead is a boy, I see some Poju influence


>> No.1780686
File: 482 KB, 1027x1200, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this board deserves a bit better than one liners, especially give the nature of my question.

It's part of a comic about man-boy love in roman times (I'd post more, but not sure about the acceptability of that stuff here)

>> No.1780689
File: 186 KB, 900x518, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1780690

snow white can't even

>> No.1780695
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>> No.1780707
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>> No.1780713

just looks like another weeabo with some french comic influences

>and trace

>> No.1780725

Lets see some of your art

>> No.1780728

jj is great and all but I don't have any idea what you're trying to ask

>> No.1780731
File: 105 KB, 960x821, 10376164_587196784731041_7530435921652227407_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And not even remotely ashamed of being one - I don't give a shit about what I need to do to get better.

On a side note, you actually made a pretty decent point. The reason I haven't found any regular influences is because most of them probably came from France, and Tin Tin / Asterix and Obelix are about as far as I go in that field. So thanks, kind internet stranger!

>> No.1780732

A good example of an artist who has great talent and potential doing smut to pay the bills. He tries to keep them separated but sadly the dots get connected. Really doubt any company wants to hire a guy who draws sexual picture of little boys.

>> No.1780734
File: 85 KB, 960x680, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read one piece and use that as a basis for your sketches, your style will inevitably start to mimic one piece characters (lanky bodies, squarish nails, long limbs etc.) I'm trying to figure out what gave root to jj's current work, so that I could spend more time of my own on it.

>> No.1780735

It's a shame because he's really talented, like OP said. It's just a shame he has drawn some creepy fucking shit.

>> No.1780740
File: 80 KB, 393x393, ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1780743
File: 118 KB, 772x960, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly though, like, yeah the pederasty stuff is extreme (confused boner inducing to boot as well) and its a shame that those are the images that leave a lasting impression, all the moreso because of the way they're communicated across, but with his quality of work I honestly couldn't care, as long as he keeps producing. To reiterate, it's the shota/futa stuff that I saw pictures of, and I'm hooked on everything else of his.

p.s. Any tips regarding the inking?

>> No.1780750

OP in order to emulate another artists style you have to sort of dissect their drawings. Storyboarders in the animation industry do it all the time which is why they have style sheets and what not. But those usually have explanations and how not to draw a character. And here's the thing you will only learn by doing. You'll just have to copy his drawings and parts of this characters until they become second nature. Not trace but take your time and study his line work and then put it to practice with an original drawing of your own design. Hope that helps.

>> No.1780751

Links, sauce? anything???

>> No.1780762

Yeah, that's my approach exactly actually (let's forget about the tracing business, that was to start out - lately it's all been "look and transfer to paper" butidigress). If nothing else, thank god I made the connection between jjfrenchie and his real self, because it opened up an absolute treasure trove of material to work with.

Pic related is the name of the comic, google that + jjfrenchie. Chime back in once you've finished masturbating :) I'd post it all but then mods etc.

>> No.1780763
File: 285 KB, 775x1200, rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now for the actual fucking pic related

>> No.1780778
File: 57 KB, 645x960, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1780780

it's literally just a lot of anatomy and practice. ...and everything else that is fundamental.
there is no other way you will ever reach that level. even if you try to copy the style, you'll just end up with muh style tumblrshit.

people with good fundamentals who can stylize freely always end up with a style of this level.

>> No.1780790
File: 165 KB, 1115x928, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All true, all valid, never said anything to the contrary. However, again, practice and anatomy requires you to use something as a baseline - I am far less concerned with "hone your skills and you will achieve a style of this level" and much more focused on "what do I practice based on to arrive at a similar level". Frankly though, it seems that shitposter above was right - googling French Comics yielded results desired, now its just a matter of fine tuning.

>> No.1780801
File: 86 KB, 960x649, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently only french, but the guy has a series of books published!!
Klaw, tome 1: Eveil
Klaw, tome 2: Tabula Rasa
Anachron, tome 1-5
Suffice it to say, I think I answered my own questions here, thanks y'all for the words, kind and otherwise!

>> No.1780802


why ruin a perfectly hot character by giving him a dick. wtf. fuking futas ruining everything nowadays.

>> No.1780805

Give a boy the dick, ruin the boy.
Saying it out loud actually puts a lot of things in perspective....

>> No.1780806

Sigh, fuck this repressive society we will in, where a guy can't even draw a couple pics of sexy little boys without potentially hurting his career.

>> No.1780809

Never understood why you'd want the same or even very similar style as someone else.

I admire many artist but i would never want to look like them, it wouldn't feel right. I'd always know in the back of my head that this shit just isn't mine.

>> No.1780815
File: 186 KB, 1131x1600, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery. In order to create, I would still need to achieve a level of mastery in some degree. Sure I could spend the years doing natural sketches and anatomy (which is mandatory regardless) and then experiment and arrive at some style I'm comfortable with - but in his work I find an incredible level that I want to strive towards.

It's like this: if I hear a trumpeteer play a piece that moves me to tears and makes me want to learn to play the trumpet just like him, it is both and homage to him and a testament to my dedication. Nothing is stopping from growing and hopefully one day being a better trumpeteer, you dig?

>> No.1780817

its a. . . boy? From the first pic I would not have guessed that.


This is the first time /ic/ has ever admitted (at least that I've seen) that smut can hurt your chances of employment. I don't think any employer would care about the cheesecake girls but the shota? Yeah . . . I think that is the point where people start caring. Is he doing this on commission or of his own volition?

If he's french its a moot point; the french are unashamed of their loli/shota.

>> No.1780823
File: 838 KB, 800x1127, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The french part definitely has things to do with it, but I honestly think it also has to do with the fact that his risque shit comes later in his career, when he's comfortable enough that he really honestly doesn't give a shit (support: his earliest works (2003) and sketches (2000) I could find have nothing even remotely as daring as the Rome shit.

I like to think, though, that at the end of the day its the motivation, and there is nothing more... liberating, I guess, than doing something just 'cause you can and 'cause you want to. If nothing else, I'm sure that there's a producer or 10 in Japan that would happily throw money at him just as long as he keeps giving form to these... eccentricities.

>> No.1780824

So was this a commission, or did he just go "well I drew a sexy little boy might as well try my hand at dog dick"?

>> No.1780825

>what do you think could have been the influences behind his style?

There's one particular school in France for learning comics, based at Angouleme. He learned there. This is why his style is giving that franco-belgium vibe.

Very funny to see how he took from guys like Bellamy and Loisel. His style is really a fusion of a fukton of artists.

>> No.1780827
File: 127 KB, 850x620, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually a drawing of a drawing. There's an inception joke here somewhere.
I couldn't possibly tell you whether he gained from it or not, but then why do people draw shit in the first place?

As an aside, he's totes not a furry cause he'd know better than drawing a human tip for scoobs.

>> No.1780830

I didn't ask for this. But uh, at least it's well drawn? I mean more power to the guy and I'm envious as fuck of his skill but still. I guess it's worked for him.

>> No.1780831
File: 308 KB, 850x1238, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, gracious, kind, wandering wizard - where have you been this whole thread? You've given me a whole lot to work with, but if you know of any other artists in particular that left that school / are in that vein of art, I would be eternally grateful. May whatever deity you currently worship smile upon you!

>> No.1780833
File: 679 KB, 1000x984, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, took the post far too literally.

Couldn't tell ya mate. I feel once you reach that level of talent, you're probably given at least some form of free passes in one shape or another.

>> No.1780843

is... is that dog with a human dick?

>> No.1780855

Nah its a dick with a human dog

>> No.1780857

It's the natural process of learning to imitate. Even if you learn from a how to book or an anatomy book you're simpling mimicking. The real proof of an artist is executing what they learned by mimicking into their own work then natural progression takes hold. There are tons of comic book artists out there who started drawing by reading Drawing Comic The Marvel Way. They pretty much spent their youth imitating the style of John Buscema. And as time went on and they experience life and art their own styles emerged. Any artist that constantly hones their craft should see an evolution. So if OP does copy jjfrenchies style in time his styles should become his own.

>> No.1780870

I know how you feel op, I too was inspired by an artist's work to draw, my greatest fear not being as good as him, but I'll do what it takes.

>> No.1780888
File: 385 KB, 1400x761, shentai.org--115583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, fuck that noise about not being as good as X. There are people younger than my 23 years old that are lecturing at Harvard, or some that are curing diseases etc. etc. ad infinitum.
So fuck it - I want to draw, and want to draw as well as this guy, and there is no one that can make that happen but myself (with the wonderful help of the lovely people in this board, of course)

>> No.1780893

Good luck anon.

>> No.1780907

alice doe lol

>> No.1780911

Ugh these pictures

>> No.1780915

we are waiting to see your master piece anon where is it?

>> No.1780918
File: 1.06 MB, 1400x1235, shentai.org--238330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh bad or uuuuuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhh? :)

>> No.1780921

Bad. He's a good artist no doubt, but the things he draws are very unappealing to me. It's good for him though, he can draw his own porn.

>> No.1780922
File: 416 KB, 600x601, jjfrenchie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't mind OP, do you have a collection of his works in a .rar that you could share? I remember hearing at a point that they removed most of their old work from dA.

I was wondering if you had any of it? I remember first seeing his stuff. My immediate first thought was that I like how he handles body language, probably because he has a good foundation and doesn't shy away from perspective. I like how he handles line weight too, the content itself not so much.

>> No.1780931

I second this for interest

>> No.1780934
File: 348 KB, 800x954, shentai.org--53881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the pictures I've been posting here I simply found from googling either jjfrenchie or Jurion Joel, and sifting through whatever there is.
Here's his DA: http://joel27.deviantart.com/
and the "other" stuff, though like you said its missing a lot of the good stuff: http://jjfrenchie.deviantart.com/

Google seems to be the best option, because he doesn't have a site but posts his stuff on various other ones. Oh and his facebook page has a lot of nice pieces too.

>> No.1780936
File: 1.05 MB, 1400x1258, shentai.org--73590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for my abilities to make boobies on demand I would never have picked up the pencil in the first place :D

>> No.1780937

you are based anon. i like you.

>> No.1780939

Ow man. That heel.

>> No.1780940

>long winded, "what's this style?" topic
>52 replies thus far in a span of a few hours
meanwhile, the draw and sketch generals rot

fucking ic

>> No.1780941

Maybe someday the full library will be built up again then by someone willing to dig through everything.Thanks for the links! I had them but I didn't know about the facebook or that he put them up through other channels.

Good luck on your quest. Like others said, just keep practicing your fundamentals and draw from imagination + study how he puts his lines down and you'll get that much closer to how he does it. I hope others know about his art so they can link his inspirations,

>> No.1780944

>bitches about other threads not getting contributions
>contributes to thread

point made

>> No.1780948

I don't know much about french artists but the art style looks french. The little boy comic seems to be inspired by Po-ju as another anon said earlier mixed in with a french influence (again I dont know french artists so I cant tell you which one draws like this).

>> No.1780955

I like your obsession OP
I recently started looking at hirohiko araki's stuff and I felt that same kind of excitement.
This shit look french as fuck tho

>> No.1780957

>This shit look french as fuck tho
i'm pretty sure he's french

>> No.1780958

>unappealing to me
homosexual detected

>> No.1780964
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x1249, shentai.org--73261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is, with the exception of his facebook page, he's super non-commital about things. He posts some things here, other things there. Wish my French was up to snuff so I could just petition (read: beg) him to start a website and dump everything on there of his own volition.

>> No.1780970

I'm into dicks, and appreciate both male and female bodies, I juar don't like seeing dicks on females or males that look a lot like females with a dick.

>> No.1780981
File: 82 KB, 444x556, nf (192).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm into dicks, and appreciate both male and female bodies
Sorry, I should have been more specific: Bottom homosexual detected.

>> No.1780982
File: 1.46 MB, 1400x1232, shentai.org--166071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a whole load of unpleasant for ya! :D

>> No.1780991
File: 710 KB, 850x1171, shentai.org--125917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is I wouldn't call it an obsession, more of a clarity of mind. Its sappy and all, but when you want something bad enough you'll find a way to do it or to get it, and if you don't want it bad enough, well, you'll find a good enough excuse pretty quickly.
But yeah, glad I come off as a motivated person, even had to originate from a boy-pussy artist.

>> No.1781088

I agree. Its like whenever I hear about people getting accused of child pornography for drawing little boys and girls or whenever you see that they put disclaimers like "all the characters drawn are over the age of 18". As if age mattered... its a fucking cartoon character most of the time, they don't really have an age.

>> No.1781094

is there a site with ALL of his work? I've only been able to find bits and pieces

also I don't understand the hate for him drawing lewd stuff. He spent all that time getting his skills up, so if he wants to draw velma sucking scooby's dick let him do it in peace

>> No.1781097
File: 112 KB, 654x799, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont know why, but i did this.

>> No.1781100
File: 12 KB, 300x300, Clarence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's pretty sad when puritans like these two are very common in art and have pretty much destroyed free artistic expression in the last 50 odd years.

>> No.1781102

Oh shut up, fag.

>> No.1781103
File: 767 KB, 1029x1134, shentai.org--165007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there ain't, just bits and pieces scattered all over the web, like you said. I feel like he posts and does shit exclusively in the french world, with the occasional outings to mainstream shit via facebook and the like. As I am unfortunately not well versed in the language, I scratch my head at where else to look :(

>> No.1781107


Go complain about it on facebook, kid.

>> No.1781110
File: 364 KB, 1200x689, shentai.org--52201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh. I know it feels wrong to get boners to the futa/shota things he draws, but I get one anyway. And you know what they say - if it feels good, then do it.

>> No.1781113
File: 495 KB, 1000x1453, shentai.org--81952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an aside though, I found an interview of him online, and he (rather unfortunately) looks EXACTLY like I imagined he would :(
Talent doesn't discriminate, I suppose...


>> No.1781118


Dude got that zigzag dick.

>> No.1781126

I imagine he looks at least slightly better if the angle isn't right below his chin.

>> No.1781155

It's a boy? what a faggot.

>> No.1781161

>fucked up teeth
>looks like what he his, a filthy pedophile

You must have a pretty vivid imagination, lol

>> No.1781169
File: 28 KB, 774x521, sheeeeiiiitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face of a gay pederast weeaboo pedophile faggot.

Not so handsome, huh?

>> No.1781170

He might be overweight but that angle is very unflattering. I'm saying SLIGHTLY better.

>> No.1781173

Dude, are you joking?
Jurion Joel is currently working in French animation like "The 2 Queens"

>> No.1781184
File: 45 KB, 650x433, france_gay_marraige_law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1781188

lol very funny meme :)

>> No.1781190

Yeah seriously I think he broke his dick

>> No.1781195


Oui Love Dicks

>> No.1781206
File: 600 KB, 1280x1920, litnot_01_059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.1781207


SRS/tumblr plz get out, and take your pedophobia with you. It's the 2014's, not the 1420's ffs. Men are attracted to youth and beauty, and there's nothing you can do about it, except go cry about it in your little girl's club

>> No.1781210


>He draws hermaphrodites who are making love.

Mi gusta

>> No.1781215

>fuck-ugly fat pedophile faggot detected

Enjoy living on the fringes of society you diseased, degenerate queer.

>> No.1781217

I am in LOVE with your style though holy shit

>> No.1781229

OK whatever you say, ms. feminazi. Just remember that there's no good reason to be against pedophilia. (inb4 child cannot consent). You're no better than bigots who opposed gays or interracial marriage 30 years ago.

>> No.1781231

This is why i hate that i wasn't born in japan, even if i would have to censor my drawings at least my ideas would
not get restricted, i feel really sad when i see shitty hentai artist on popular comics/ero magazines and i know that my
perverted skills are all going to waist while i draw things that i don't enjoy for money and never share the things that i actually
like on the internet out of fear.

>> No.1781232

What reason is there to be all for pedophilia??

>> No.1781234

love, sexual edification of a younger person by an older more experienced partner. The fact that people are born with this sexual orientation and they're persecuted for it. I could go on.

>> No.1781235
File: 320 KB, 666x549, jaden tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outa my land sick weeb

>> No.1781243

holy fuck what the hell is wrong with you people

>> No.1781244
File: 895 KB, 240x183, 1401911966524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the 2014's, not the 1420's ffs
Except it was more socially acceptable back then for older men to be 'romantically' involved with younger women. Your comment makes no sense.

So you're admitting it then, eh?

Nice false flag post, tumblr, trying to make 4chan look bad (worse [just as shitty as it is]).

>(inb4 child cannot consent)
Just remember that there's no good reason for the U.S. to have anti-trust and worker protection laws (inb4 gilded age)

It's obvious you want to sexually use people who don't have the maturity to understand what you're trying to take them them. Don't try to dress it up with this horseshit.

>> No.1781246
File: 61 KB, 306x472, chemfag pedophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is overrun by pedophiles and pederasts. Even /pol/ has 2 well known pedophiles, Boypussy Admirer and Pedochemfag.

>> No.1781250

>Confusing artist that want to draw their fantasies with people that want to act on them.
I am sure that all gore artist are murderers as well anon.

>> No.1781252

If you are against something I expect you to have good reasons to back up your position. Especially when people's free sexual expression, life and liberty are at stake. But all moralist pedophobes can really do is spout out faulty claims, backed up by outdated science, unfounded hysteria and hate. Plz realize that you're the type of person that would have gladly cheered--satified with the lack of proof and fully believing that you were doing god's work-- as an accused witched was being burned at the stake. You, madam, make me sick. Please open up you mind, let go our your preconceived notions. Your kind are literally dying off.

>> No.1781264

looks super french. check out some french comics.

>> No.1781308

you are saying some retarded things.
>"what do I practice based on to arrive at a similar level"
like i said, everything. it's the skill that makes it so good.
in terms of influences, it's probably animation and comics (east and west), like with most cartoonists.

in terms of style there really isn't much to say. the builds he draws are rather sturdy. he likes to pay attention to the curves of the body. he tends to draw a slim waist.
beyond all that, he knows his anatomy, he knows his gesture and his proportions. he knows how to simplify and how to stylize.

i'm not sure what you even want. his "baseline" are his influences (which we can only guess), and everything else is based on practice. it's like that with most people.
just shut up and draw ffs.

>> No.1781326

Isn't there that guy in Japan that killed and ate a woman that's invited to gore conventions. He also created his own comics.

>> No.1781342

Do you mean that guy who went to another country to study and ate a woman there? i remember his shitty drawings,
he is sort of an infamous celebrity now so i guess he is trying to monetise his shock value. He also made some porn
with a girl that got told what he had done only after the shooting and she was pretty shocked.

>> No.1781361

That's ho.. wait a minute

>> No.1781377

i remember watching the doc, that guy is pretty creepy

>> No.1781390

Yeah, a loophole in the justice system enables him to live almost like a completely free person in japan. He reached celebrity status because of his unusual crime and him being so open about it all in interviews and in his book.

>> No.1781442
File: 219 KB, 553x759, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that documentary was frightening. I was NOT expecting pictures of her mutilated body to flash all over the screen!

>> No.1781450

is this a reference to the actual moebius, like some kind of inside joke, or is it completely unrelated to moebius?

>> No.1781454


I came across a video once of a gang of jap dudes fucking a corpse while one of them was hacking off the limps with an axe. What the fuck is wrong with japanese people.

>> No.1781459

Some faggots misinterpreted the meaning of this post
He was just saying that drawing that kind of porn isn't saw well in our society, not that he doesn't respect the artist.

>> No.1781463

Btw that's incredible imho, and i don't like french comics that much

>> No.1781464

Residual affect of getting nuked to the Stone Age.

>> No.1781466

ARRGGHH!!! You've just reminded me of that poor Japanese girl that was tortured for over a month, by a group of youths in the 70's. They got of Scott free as well. WTF Japan.

I couldn't even read the sort of stuff they did to her, it made me feel nauseous, and I wanted to kill those bastards. My faith in humanity also wained that day.

>> No.1781472

Thank you, /ic/ for giving me something else to rage about.

I hate this. I really do. I heard of something else like this that happened in Japan that I don't want to talk about.


I wish the UN or Interpol would just storm in there and do away with this bastard.

>> No.1781473
File: 605 KB, 1078x1004, 19500272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the crazy futa fetishists have such great art styles?

>> No.1781475

Didn't she die, as well?

>> No.1781477


They love what they create probably more than what the average artist does. They have extra motivation to work harder and for longer, and naturally improve a lot as a result.

>> No.1781479
File: 5 KB, 220x220, 1-chris-hansen-220x220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole thread
"The password is still 'LOOMIS,' right, guys?"

>> No.1781480

just like the furries

>> No.1781488

>have some weird fetishes
>woud love to make some dough on the side by sharing them with other weirdos
>too scared somebody would find out or connect it to my legit work
>reputation and job opportunities ruined

Drawing pinup or even regular porn would probably get a pass... but heavy fetish stuff? Shit's worse than getting a sex tape leaked...

>> No.1781494

I still think this is a fucking joke, has this actually ever happened to someone?

OP's artist could have just drawn his fetish art for himself, instead of sharing it with the whole internet. We should all be grateful he gave us some great pictures we can fap to.

>> No.1781495

To be fair, he's carreer as a celebrity cannibal was short-lived. I read that once the novelty worn off, he stopped getting invites and paychecks but instead has a huge problem finding a job and basically no sane person wants to interact with him. I think he actually said that he's severely depressed and contemplates suicide, so justice served I guess?

>> No.1781500

That dumb bitch probably deserved it anyway. Women have ruined this world.

>> No.1781503

That's a shitty excuse not to draw.

Unless you're famous,
A. nobody is going to know
B. nobody is going to give a shit enough to "expose" you.

And even if it did happen, the client isn't going to look beyond your portfolio. If you draw cool shit, they're going to want some of it. They're not going to give a shit enough to spend their time digging up your secret twisted porn tumblrs and then skipping on commissioning you.

And unless you're applying for concept art lead position at Pixar, your employee is not going to give a shit either.

>> No.1781550

You are all talking about a fictional character, rite?

>> No.1781554

Sorry for bringing you this news, but the Japanese cannibal dude exists. Issei Sagawa.

I couldn't vouch for the other scums though.

>> No.1781646


>> No.1781656


What if you draw subject matter like rape and loli? Would you be fucked entirely?

>> No.1781660

Depends what you were trying to do. It you're trying to give people a boner then I think you would get some strange looks if you put it in your portfolio.

>> No.1781685

the 2nd sentence makes no sense

>> No.1781689


>Slowly gets weirder and more fetishistic as you go along the line.

>> No.1781690


Wow that's a big question.

I checked to see if I know artists who are from that school. Interestingly enough, he's not one of the graduate, apparently he drop out before getting his diploma.

There are few guys I know from this school, but they have very distinct styles, as they don't teach to draw like xyz :
> Claire Wendling (think of her as a female french Mignola)
> Jean-Luc Masbou (De capes et de crocs)
> Algesiras (Candelabres)

You may have more chance looking at Boulet website or even Maliki (he's a weeboo though).

I searched for interviews from Joel Jurion and found that he's found of the works of:
> Uderzo, Franquin, John Byrne, Matsume Shirow, Adam Hugues, Toriyama

Guess I'll have to watch his interviews, there's not a lot of written stuff on him (most of his comics were not successful; which is not exceptionnal in France and in fact is the norm).

>> No.1781692

Nah, furry shit is usually pretty terrible (unfortunately)

>> No.1781700
File: 375 KB, 1000x659, shentai.org--064_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't thank you enough. It's amazing to see that the thread is still going (even if it has side tracked somewhat), and I am very grateful for the names/works you listed, it definitely gives me a lot more to draw from (pun intended). Thank you, gentle wizard.

Sure, he's the quintessential troll. But then I cannot imagine a hypothetical 6'2' fit guy with a blue/white collar job and a wife and kids to constantly and consistently pursue art as a means to get along, especially in light of all the other things he probably manages in his life.

He's a weeabo neckbeard faggot, but he may as well be a black, quadraplegic, retarded nihilist and I would still applaud and be in awe of his works of art.

>> No.1781702
File: 630 KB, 1334x810, shentai.org--167021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax, mate. I asked for influences, not how to get better at them - I have more than readily admitted that I'm happy to work hard and draw and draw and draw. But I won't be pulling shit from my head - I will be doing it based on something.

As an aside, any OTHER crazy futa/fetishist artist of note whose work I should study?

>> No.1781705

>20 year old kiddies try to tell me what to draw

>> No.1781706


As in, would your reputation be screwed?

>> No.1781713

>thoroughly analyze every gay-ass futa picture in the thread
>not one milliliter of blood flows into penis
Heterosexuality confirmed, hell yeah.

>> No.1781715
File: 811 KB, 950x1110, shentai.org--242312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As other artists if they know comics / books / artists with similar styles

Easy there, 20 year old kiddie.

>> No.1781718

The girl who was kidnapped and tortured for over a month was a real thing. Junko Furata was her name.

>> No.1781721

*Furuta, my bad

>> No.1781725

Holy shit, you think he works this way?

>> No.1781732

you wish.

I thought that he was some fat guy.

>> No.1781734

Where can I get a ball like that?

>> No.1781736

Anon, I am proud to present to you the 2014 Gayest Thread on /ic/ Award.

>> No.1781737
File: 1.47 MB, 1799x2449, shentai.org--55148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heaven forbid. I don't expect every drawfag that stumbles in from /b/ to all of a sudden be a rational, competent creature. Still though, dominance asserted etc.

>> No.1781739

I thought that /ic/ was pretty gay.
Not /v/ kind of gay, but at least kinda gay.

>> No.1781741
File: 810 KB, 1400x1448, shentai.org--164960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank me later :)

Oh god, I... This is all so sudden! I'd like to thank the academy, God (for making me be reasonable enough to choose the superior sexual path) and my parents for never believing in me! You've all been so lovely!!!

>> No.1781742
File: 1007 KB, 1400x991, shentai.org--230348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I fucked up with the thread links. That first one was meant for you :)

>> No.1781743

Are you sure about that? Lots of straight guys get turned on by chicks with dicks. Maybe you prefer a dick attached to a hairier, more masculine body.

>> No.1781766

Hate to break it to you buddy but being attracted to an effeminate man is still completely homosexual. Those "straight guys" aren't straight

>> No.1781777

>completely homosexual
That's wrong too, man that like effeminate men are usually bisexual as they like both genders for different reasons,
If you like cute man you are probably bisexual, i would know as i have been one my whole life, completely homosexual
would be someone who can't fap to women, if we are talking about traps that is, futa is a completely different thing
as it's usually just a woman with a more convenient strapon.

>> No.1781783

Homosexual: attracted to people of same sex.
Heterosexual: attracted to people of opposite sex.

You're claiming that bisexual people are neither homosexual nor heterosexual, while in reality they are both. The terms are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.1781784

this is what closet homosexuals actually believe lol. Get this through your thick gay head: if you get off to the idea of having sex with a male - even a very girly one - you are at least a little bit gay (obvs the more masculine your like your men, the gayer you are). BUT if you get turned on by pictures of FEMALES with dicks, you're basically straight.

>> No.1781795

He said completely homosexual, you can't be completely homosexual if you also find woman sexualy

>> No.1781801
File: 256 KB, 1116x1600, joel jurion3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do anyone have this guy's comics? I'm digging his inks.

>> No.1781803

>females with dicks
How do we determine sex again? Doesn't it have something to do with genitals?

>> No.1781807

C'mon dude, let's not pry into that territory.
But if it's what you want...

>> No.1781810

I don't know, if we go by that logic that man that find futanari erotic are gay, would a straight male
find a man with a vagina attractive?

>> No.1781823

I'm not derailing the thread anymore. I concede. There is nothing gay about loving the the taste of a big, long, thick penis and the way it feels while throbbing in your ass, pumping it full of semen. Upon reconsideration, I don't see how I ever could have considered that anything but straight.

>> No.1781838

>this thread
>all these people attacking a artist over his "offensive/creepy" art

Oh how low /ic/ has fallen. I'm almost afraid to ask what people think of creative freedom.

>> No.1781846

japan's probably the only country where you can openly do porn with clients or self published material without needing to hide behind a second name and a fake fucking paypal address and other 'normal' clients and peers won't give a fuck

fucking prudes

>mfw half of capcom and sega's character designers used to openly do R18 doujinshi with the same names
>mfw more than half of the recent TM media from cd cover art to LN art are done by ero artists, one having done literally almost nothing but shota
>mfw people like naruco get fucking character designer positions for high budget TV anime, and just about every other end/credit guest art at the end of a TV anime is commissioned to an ero artist, higashiyama did and probably still does graphic designs and art for ads in various tech companies
>mfw people like oyari have open public galleries with loli shit everywhere on the walls and people aren't giving him shit about it

>> No.1781848

You know, it's okay to critique art based on something other than creativity or technical skill

>> No.1781850


Yea either /ic/ has become even worse or its just summer.

>> No.1781852

Critiquing over the subject? So basically, it's okay to say certain pieces of art shouldn't exist if they are deemed offensive.

He'll, it can be a beautiful work, but if you find it offensive or it doesn't fit the social climate than we should view it in a negative light and critique it for not conforming to what we find acceptable?

>> No.1781860

I didn't say anything about censorship. I'm just saying that just as it's okay to say "I don't like this piece because it's uninspired" or "I don't like this piece because the perspective sucks" it is also okay to say "I don't like this piece because I think it's wrong for an grown man to have sex with a ten-year-old boy".

An artist that creates uncreative pieces can be judged as being uncreative; an artist that creates art with poor technical skill can be judged as having poor technical skill; but an artist that creates offensive art cannot be judged as being offensive?

>> No.1781871

that's fine I guess. It's not a very convincing argument and you're probably just being a hypocritical moralist. But I can't tell you not to be judgmental of a specific aspect of an artwork anymore than I can tell an artist not to draw something that offends me. As long as no one takes steps to actually criminalize art, then it should be ok.

>> No.1781872

Uncreative=subjective seeing as some very "average" looking pictures can inspire great things
Offensive=the most subjective of all and of all things the most useless. To call something offensive holds no weight seeing as some people quite enjoy offensive pieces.

So really you just want to discourage art from being made. It's sad.

>> No.1781877

It's just one person.

>> No.1781885


Then that one person needs to fuck off and stop ruining the thread.

>> No.1781890

Seriously, that shits getting old. You have to deal with enough of that everywhere else.

>> No.1781934

>oh no, they're invading our pedophile-safe space. oh the humanity.

>> No.1781940
File: 176 KB, 1024x487, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Klaw is an actual published comic of his, in 3 parts, and he has some older ones.

Also, as a complete aside, I'm gonna dust off my French and see about writing him a letter to ask directly: no better source than the source.

>> No.1781956
File: 450 KB, 1200x1115, shentai.org--119603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I watched that whole fucking thing and you could just feel the collective cringe of the guys in the room whenever the camera panned over them.

>> No.1782029

Can you please fuck off you prude asshole?

>> No.1782037


You're what kills the /ic/

>> No.1782038

Sweet, thanks man!
What are you gonna ask him?

>> No.1782039

>draw beastiality? ok.
>draw shemales? ok.
>draw rape? ok.
>draw little girls? ...maybe...
>draw little boys? NOW YOU'VE CROSSED THE LINE!!!!!

At the end of the day, it comes down to homphobia. People still equate it to that...which is a shame really.

>> No.1782065

>Not being gay for little boys somehow makes me homophobic

I really like the artists work, not complaining about any of his crafts, but seriously dude? Unless i'm missing the point here.

>> No.1782072

Not getting turned on by this type of art doesn't make you homophobic; throwing a fit and trying to impose your morality on everyone else and saying how gross you think this is makes you pedophobic tho. And if you're ok with loli but not this, then you're also homophobic tbh.

>> No.1782077

he's talking about the attitudes in the art world and in this thread. it's generally perfectly okay for artists to have smutty side careers, everyone's cool with it until it comes to little boys, and then it's just too much. fuck, a roman pedophilic comic could even be considered historically accurate, but for some reason everyone in the thread is acting like it totally ruins professional careers and is more inappropriate than every other porn ever drawn combined

>> No.1782079

Got it, my bad for being an idiot.

>> No.1782083

Seeing as you can be reasoned with you're far from being a idiot.

>> No.1782090

Why are people making such a big thing out of it? We all have things we like to draw and some of them might be a little questionable. Opinions of others shouldn't matter if you're drawing for yourself. This guy is very talented and he can draw all the twisted shit he has in mind without any problems, good for him.

>> No.1782091
File: 827 KB, 1300x1784, shentai.org--061_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly I was just going to directly ask what his go to reference for his works was - he had to have either a tutor or a baseline that was unique to him, maybe ask the names of some books that he used (French or otherwise). Besides that, just a few question about tools - I still haven't heard anyone chime in as to how >>1780665
might have been inked

>> No.1782093

>not being gay for little boys

lel get a load of this pleb. I bet he gets turned on by women of prime child bearing years.

>> No.1782095

Actually my fetish is rape.

>> No.1782104

So you should know it isn't fair to judge others for their sexuality because they didn't choose it.

>> No.1782112

Uhh, okay? When did I ever imply I didn't?

>> No.1782113

not attacking you
i never got people who "excuse" homosexuality by saying fags dont chose it
a child drops a plate and it breaks
it was on purpose: scold it
it was an accident: dont scold it

if this analogy ( huehue anal ) represents the discussion about whether to judge homos or not, then in the end both parties pro-fags and contra-fags are implying being homosexual is something bad ( breaking the plate )
wouldnt true acceptance of homosexuality include tollerance for fags who chose to be homosexual? ( IMPORTANT leaving the question aside if you can chose sexuality or not in the first place - which i think will never be solved because everything is subjective )

>> No.1782115

I don't think he attacked anyone's sexuality. Calm your tits son.

>> No.1782117

Neat. Be sure to tell us if he answers!

>> No.1782121

Rape is entry level pleb shit. It's the rihanna of fetishes. It tries to come off as edgy, but really it's the same ol bland shit.

>> No.1782125

It was one of my first, then I went through every possible fetish there is and gained them all, then, after years of 4chan, I went back to full vanilla. I mean, I can still get off to milfs, lolicon, toddlercon, monsters, furries, whatever, but if it isn't vanilla as fuck and have a extremely happy ending I can't fap to it.

>> No.1782143

You're not reading the good stuff man

>> No.1782147

I'm kind of like you - I found this site in 08 (I was twelve or thirteen then) and I rarely deviated far from the same ol' softcore pics and ecchi, and even then not for long.

A psychologist would guess that I'd be pretty fucked up sexually, but I'm the same now as I've always been.

Except for furry stuff. That's one thing that I did take a permanent liking to.

>> No.1782166


I think it's not so much about framing homosexuality as a bad thing that must be excused. It's about the futility of trying to "cure" homosexuality, as it's an integral part of a person just as much as physical appearance and shouldn't be grounds for discrimination.

>> No.1782178 [DELETED] 

None of them is okay you degenerate faggot.

>> No.1782182

Anything is okay to draw.
Most of those aren't okay to DO.

>> No.1782196 [DELETED] 

Stop liking what God dislikes!

>> No.1782200

oh wow thanks
thats something i didnt consider

>> No.1782205 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 252x271, top lel is trapped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homosexuality is muh genetic

>> No.1782224
File: 50 KB, 500x333, 1357284926898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why ruin a perfectly hot character by giving him a dick. wtf. fuking futas ruining everything nowadays.
>ruining things

I had no idea /ic/ was the gayest board on 4chan. like seriously no idea.
How do so many fags congregate in one place? Like really? no one here likes dicks?
I'm so glad I don't browse this board often.

>> No.1782242
File: 56 KB, 372x500, Yotsuba01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right, a lot of artist, especially cartoonist, have drawn plenty of dirty stuff and still produced a lot of regular material to the public anyways. http://www.cracked.com/article_19005_6-famous-artists-you-didnt-know-were-perverts.html

hell even Kiyohiko Azuma drew some ero doujins as well including one with a high school student and teacher.

>> No.1782255

It's not strange, i have been here a long time and its one of the few boards that people totally unrelated to 4chan find
and browser because one of their friends on deviantart or tumblr told them about this good place to get critiques, what do you expect?

The point is that he is from japan, and japan has grown in drawn porn and it's something very common to do, that's not likely to be the case
in a country with a very small porn or artistic scene. In my case i live in a country that produces absolutely no art at all, and cartoons are what
americans and japanese people draw for children, if i ever try to pull something like that here i would be in the fucking news. I don't really care
though because i only work online, as there is no in house jobs here anyway, but if you are planning to go in house surly people would care more
about how their long term employees would be, depending on the country.

>> No.1782260

Can't believe this thread went over 200 posts without anyone posting a link to his Pixiv account. It has more shit on it than the DA.

>> No.1782262


>> No.1782269


Higashiyama's career pretty much sunk the moment he was outed for tracing with Prism.

If we're thinking of Show and not someone else.

>> No.1782297


One of you guys post it.

>> No.1782307


>> No.1782405

She's kawaii as fuark.

>> No.1782411



>> No.1782412


I regret nothing and I take nothing back.

>> No.1782523

>Hentai artists doing LN art
Gee whiz, what a surprise. I was expecting a Miyazaki animator draws all those big ecchi titties and otaku wish fulfillment illustrations.

A lot of artists used other names when publishing doujinshi but it's more or less become more open now. People used to freak out about artists doing porn, like the creators of Hellsing and Excel Saga, but now it's not considered a big deal at all. I think Japanese artists have more confidence in their own name now.

It's linked on Danbooru.

>> No.1782544

manga artists never use their own name. fir manga ir anything else. you don't know the real name of any manga artists.