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1774061 No.1774061 [Reply] [Original]

Do you let people make changes/add upon your work?
Why or why not?
Im currently loathing the TA that did this shit to my self portrait. Left is how it was yesterday after 6 hours, right is after another 6 hours of working today (not including body on these photos)
They completely janked up my face, it's so offbeat to my own personal soft and careful style and killed the vibe I was going for.
How can I fix it, anons?

>> No.1774063

restart, i don't think you will be able to return to the lower contrast version

>> No.1774081

>Do you let people make changes/add upon your work?
Because I'm better than other people.

>> No.1774089
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Do you think a kneaded eraser could take away some of the intense orange by the right eye (our left)?
I really don't want to have lost 12 hours on this for nothing, I'm trying to put together a portfolio by the end of this summer.
Its so god awfully scratchy looking though, truthfully I was fighting the urge to cry as he wrecked it in less than 5 minutes of his possession. If I tried to smooth it out by adding more pencil would it look bad?

Were you ever in an art school?

>> No.1774120

If I were you, I don't think I could resist the urge to fix it. But I'm gonna give the same advice as this guy. >>1774063
Even if the facial rendering isn't pleasant, the composition and hair rendering are very good in the right one. And it has a more defined shape, whereas the left one has some areas that look flat, specifically around the left eye. I might have kept the right one around just to study it.
Of course, assuming you're just gonna lighten it up, and fix that god awful right cheek, there should be no problem anyway.

>> No.1774125

Yes, and we didn't have special helpers that make the rounds to fuck up your shit, we just did our own work, and got advice from the instructor.

>> No.1774132


In mine if you're struggling with something really bad the instructor will only draw what he absolutely needs to to be able to explain it, then expects you to do the same so he knows you got that shit down.

>> No.1774138

Im only interested in in lightening it up a bit, I personally dislike such high contrast.
I had added in more contrast and defined some areas but the TA insisted I push the contrast and said "he would demonstrate so I could follow suit" I rendered all the hair! The only thing they left alone haha. The first photo everything is still in rather early stages.
So putting an eraser to it would just damage it right? Its so tempting..

Thats what I prefer as well, of course. Sometimes the teachers get a bit carried away...
Things of this sort have happened several times on occasion but nothing that upset me to this degree.

>> No.1774156

all things aside, looks like the colouring is technically improved. Personally, i wouldn't spend that much time on a myspace angle. makes it look like a selfie, not a portrait.

>> No.1774168

I don't know about lightening it, but I usually blend by marks and smooth prisma out with rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab. That may soften the work up a little bit, and I find that it allows me to lay out more pigment.

Be very careful not to muddy the work though, and practice on a piece of scrap paper to make sure that's what you want.

I've also seen an artist named Carlos Haunte (I think that's how it's spelled) use an electric eraser that seemed to work okay.

Again these wont get the exact effect you're looking for but it will get rid of sketchiness, and take you back to that slightly unfocused look.

>> No.1774180

yours is 1000x better. The only thing I would say is the hair is more defined on the right one, but you could've easily done that on yours. The face is way worse and overdone on the right one.

honestly I'd say start over.

To answer your question, I've only had my prof add to one of my drawings, just because he was walking by and inspired by it. But I trusted him as an artist and liked the outcome. I would never let someone change the work I'd already done, especially if I was fond of the piece, and certainty not someone I didnt have 100% confidence in (i.e. not a TA)

>> No.1774195

So tell them you don't want them touching your work without getting your permission first.

>> No.1774197

Point taken. However the left actually looked like me - the right looks like me after being tossed in a wrestling ring against donkey kong. The whole left cheek and eye is just awful.
Its not so myspace angly with the body in view, I promise.

Thankyou! I will try out the rubbing alcohol and see how that turns out. Im afraid that with the shadow tones on the jaw that part would get murky. Been meaning to invest in an electric eraser for a while too, I'll order one next time around.

Haha yeah, I had been working on my face and left my hair till after. I think somewhere in the middle between the two drawings would be good, the left could do with some more definition to some forms but the right is just... no.

At my school its customary to have TA's detail upon your work, especially portfolio work. Most are RISD graduates. This specific TA got a gold portfolio medal from scholastic. He's good, but.. he didn't put in the effort to acknowledge my way of approaching things before putting his pencil to my work. I like this one girl, she does, but she wasn't around today unfortunately.

Thanks for the replies! Im going to finish this one up and try to salvage the face. If not I'll restart..

If anyone else has any ideas on how to fix this please share!! I REALLY don't want to restart this
Sorry for the wall of text

>> No.1774256

While I do think it's rude to just draw on someone else's art work like that, especially for as far as the TA went...I still understand why the TA did it. I do think that while you are in school you should not be that concerned with 'style.' You are in school to LEARN. You are there to open your mind up to other things.

While your style may be 'soft' or whatever, you still need to take the time to open yourself up and try something different. Even if you go back to what you normally do that's ok...at least you tried something new.

Just reading your rant reminded me of all the kids that I went to art school that complained about this. I mean...none of them were even that good to be worried about that and it's just classwork. A few years from now you are not even going to remember this piece. Assuming that you pursue art and get even better you are going to look at it and be like "I can do way better than this now!"

As for what you can do for the piece...just start anew. That's your best bet. Take the lessons that the TA gave you in their revision and apply it to your new one. Honetly, the one of the right makes you look alive, like an actual human being. The one on the left seems very novice...deviantart-tier.

>> No.1774264

I'm assuming this is an assignment so I'm just gonna say do not restart it. It's an assignment, keep going with it the best you can, finish it and move the fuck on. Note what you learned from doing it and you'll do better next time. There's a good chance you'll want to throw it away in a year anyway.

That said, the right looks better rendered. looking between the two the left looks like you were afraid to make your face look unflattering.

>> No.1774277

Maybe he/she thought he'd have a giggle and draw how bruised and sore you are from what they've done. Could just be a way to make you draw it again for a reason they knew was good for you.
If there's anything I learnt from art teachers, it's that they have good, but weirdly outputted intentions.

>> No.1774278

OP is going to try and do everything in their power to save it rather than to just let it go. Best to start anew and take the lessons that the TA gave them and apply them to their new piece.

That's really moving on.

>> No.1774361

it's so simple... if you can't handle someone drawing over, then don't do self-protraits

yours was flat as a pancake with no confidence, you basically copied what you saw instead of thinking of the form and WHY it is as it is

>> No.1774364

I will admit that I am not so good I've 'created my own style"/ When I refer to soft, I mean I just tend to be careful in application and gentle when it comes to drawing. I wouldn't have minded if it were an assignment, it's just that Im working for my college portfolio - I want to have as much finished by the end of the summer, and having to restart a 12 hour self portrait will take time away. In that time I could have finished a painting.
I agree on the left I'm looking a bit jaunty on the left, I think a balance between the two drawings would be better.

They know I'm on a time restraint. All TA's are looking to help you work quicker. I think the issue was he went really dark in one area and then compensated by making everything else really dark. Im just... really pale in person.

Yep, trying to save 12 hours of work rather than lose it because muh precious time muh precious 'folio. But I will keep their lessons in mind when I work on more portraits!

I'll probably post an update with final picture later today, should be done by then.

>> No.1774600

TBH it's not bad, but it's obviously not the same as yours.

>> No.1774625

I'm going to sound harsh but I think it was fundamentally fucked from the start....

Though I agree the TA fucked up what you had.

>> No.1775896
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>12 hours for that

>> No.1775913
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I started working on something else so I haven't finished this yet. Still have to work on the shirt more and some detailing on the hair/nest/eggs and some stuff on face.

Concrit appreciated as always!

>dont do self portraits
Kind of nexessary for my portfolio, anon.
I agree, mine was quite flat looking. I need to improve on developing form haha.

I've gotten used to it for the most part now- the contrast anyway. The extreme amount of lines on my cheek, not so much. Im going to try out what >>1774168 reccomended on another piece of paper when I have the time.

>fundamentally fucked from the start
In what regard? I'd love some concrit.

I'll admit Im slow and hesitant and like layering color on slowly and carefully. But it is colored pencil and on a large piece of paper. Colored pencil is naturally slow because of the method of application.
I'm sure you know this.