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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 71 KB, 450x276, Fun-With-A-Pencil-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1772363 No.1772363 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

You are a beginner if it still says so in the sticky, so Absolute Beginner and Beginner.

Practice Practice Practice!

Previous thread: >>1768309

>> No.1772366
File: 174 KB, 1000x1000, 423432423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1772371

Why are you using pictures? Take a damn pepper put it in front of you and draw it as you see it from different angles. It'll help you much more than trying to draw the same picture over and over again.

>> No.1772372

Ill buy one tomorrow then.

>> No.1772375

You don't have to get a pepper. Get an apple, a carrot, use something you have in your house.

>> No.1772379

k. I might not upload till tomorrow night though,

>> No.1772384
File: 110 KB, 1024x618, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on perspective today.
Is there anything wrong with this picture so far?

>> No.1772412

were these exercises from any book?

>> No.1772425
File: 31 KB, 372x684, dudeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, improving. Slowly but I am.

>> No.1772429


I smoke but I've never smoked a cigarette quite like that. If you want a crit most people have the cigarette halfway between the middle and the end of their lips, complete newbies smoke from the middle of their mouth, and no one's cigarette sticks up at that much of an angle unless they're trying to get smoke in your eyes. Also his lips don't seem to distort where the cigarette is.

What's the scratchy stuff behind his neck?

>> No.1772441

jesus h christ how do you into color/paint at all?
i start out and think I have a decent study sketch, simple shapes, perspective lines, whatever, and then I go to put the color in and it's like i might as well have no eyes. i don't even know where to begin with a tablet, how the fuck do people do this with real paint and a canvas?

can someone tell me at least what the first steps to this kind of thing are?

>> No.1772442
File: 317 KB, 790x1132, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant to post pic

>> No.1772447

Your values look off. Try doing some in greyscale first before working in colour. Once you have the value right the colour part of it comes fairly easily. Also worth reading up on the dimensions of colour and colour space.

>> No.1772454

shading in grey before putting color?

>> No.1772455

fill your drawing spaces with a base color. Then choose a darker shade of that color to paint in shadows where they need to be. Simplest way to color and show a bit of depth.

>> No.1772457

I am gonna start painting next week, should I start digitally or with real paint? acrylic or water color?

>> No.1772461
File: 565 KB, 800x995, blergh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he means just working in black, white and grey first, and not putting in any color until you feel like your greyscale work is good enough.

Personally I never got how someone could do a still life in greyscale, my beginner mind can't really convert the color I see on my desk into black and white zzz

When I did picrelated piece of crap, I just looked really intently at what color I was actually seeing, and the differences between colors.

For your example, did the cup really get hit with such a strong blue light? Was the rubber really that saturated on the side? Ask yourself stuff like that and keep trying m8.

Take my advice with a grain of salt though because I'm bad at this too.

>> No.1772463

Oh I'm dumb, I didn't see we made a new thread. Anyways, question from the last

How detailed should a 30 second gesture be?

I've been told to avoid the hands and feet, and just generalize the head as an oblong sphere. Is this the correct way or what?

>> No.1772464

If it helps, while the overall polish isn't that great, it works as a thumbnail, which is the most important step in any piece you'll ever make.

>> No.1772465

What's some good construction practice? I can draw 3d forms fine and even situate them the way I want when drawing from my head, but translating from a reference seems to be a bit troublesome. Particularly proportions.

>> No.1772466

Yea last time I posted this I was told it was really messy. I've learnt how to layer mask now though so I'll give another still life a go tonight and try get it cleaner.

>> No.1772468

yeah there was a blue light coming from my speakers and that's why the eraser also had that odd color on the side. I guess it's not good for a beginner like me to study with a weird light condition like that. i should probably look into actually setting up still lifes better, because that pic is literally just what was on my desk.

i think your study is bretty good btw

>> No.1772489

what book of loomis should I go after fun with a pencil

>> No.1772508

you shouldnt even go for loomis to begin with.

what do you wanna do? figure drawing? perspective? environments? anything else?

>> No.1772519

Where's a good place to start value in addition to still lifes?

>> No.1772559

Is there something wrong with the perspective on the cup? The top ellipse looks bigger than the bottom one.

>> No.1772563

I think the building on the left is a shed next to some plants. If so, I think the plants look too big and the shed looks too small.

>> No.1772573

Work hard, niggers!

>> No.1772577
File: 1.27 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost a week of drawing due to work, hopefully this week will be better!

Warmed up with pencil, then drew with a pen as suggested by another anon.

What else should I practice other than figures? I want to draw mechs one day...

>> No.1772578


I like it, they have style but still look anatomically correct. How good are your faces and male bodies?

>> No.1772579

what are the best mecha anime anon?

>> No.1772580

If you want to draw mechs then look up some references of machinery and practice constructing them with basic forms, paying attention to perspective and drawing through them etc

^might come in handy

>> No.1772582

Everything else sucks, obviously - only able to draw animu faces and they look weird 80% of the time! probably cause I can't draw real faces. I feel like male bodies are more forgiving, but has been a while since I drew one, will practice tomorrow.

I'll browse /m tomorrow for some reference material :)

Nice site - Thanks a bunch!

>> No.1772617

Friend of mine is into drawing and wants to get into art college next year.
He draws only with pencil and no colors etc.

Now I dont know shit about that stuff but I want to suprise him with something nice. Show my support with his birthday coming up.
What do you think is a good present?

Can't afford those expensive big graphite-sets by Faber-Castell.
Came down to this stuff:

I don't know the second one (Royal and Langnickel). Where I live they cost about the same.
What should I go for? Planned on getting him a nice big folder where he can put his drawings and shit and maybe a nice sketchbook.

>> No.1772619

Do you live in Germany?


Get the Langnickel-Set, it's full of new toys for your friend.

>> No.1772620
File: 114 KB, 2048x1236, doover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scale is off.

>> No.1772621

>Do you live in Germany?

Yeah I do mate. I'll get the Langnickel-Set then. Thanks.

>> No.1772624

And get him a nice knife. Teppichmesser, anything looking sturdy and nice, because he will love sharpening them new pencils and then sanding them off with his brand-new sandpaper.. thing.

>> No.1772627

I thought you use a normal sharpener for that stuff.

>> No.1772635

I'm neither of these anons but sometimes I want a flat graphite tip. With a blade, I can just shave off the parts I don't need and carve out a nice tip.

>> No.1772691

pls help

>> No.1772696
File: 894 KB, 614x1032, Forget about it Jake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beep boop

>> No.1772728


Sure gesture is important but you don't have to stress about it. Also why time yourself? Is there a secret gesture competition going on that I don't know about? You don't need to time yourself.

>> No.1772737

>Please don't say you're lazy

How about worthless?

>> No.1772740

Not the anon, but don't most people on /ic/ do over 1000 gestures a month? If I can only draw for an hour a day, wouldn't timing be very important then, like 30 secs a gesture?

>> No.1772743

You should get as much as you can in 30 seconds.
The details aren't your first priority, it's the placement of body parts, placement of facial features, then you would flesh it out some, go into some shadows, maybe focus an interesting group of muscles if that's what you're drawn to.

Think of it as taking notes well enough that you could do the drawing again just with what you got down in that gesture. So detail really is your last priority.
Remember general to specific.

What information is most important for that?

>> No.1772746

Most people on /ic/ do gestures for a certain amount of time per day. I do them as an hour warm up before drawing. And actually you don't just do 30 second gestures, you'll start with those to loosen up and ease into doing a few longer ones.

Look at how pixelovely's class mode is broken up:
(1 hour)

-10 poses, 30 seconds
-4 poses, 1 minute
-2 poses, 5 minutes and 45 seconds
-1 pose, 11 minutes and 30 seconds
-Short Break
-1 pose, 30 minutes

>> No.1772748

>Please don't say you're lazy
Is that a K-On! reference?

>> No.1772749

>Also why time yourself? Is there a secret gesture competition going on that I don't know about? You don't need to time yourself.

Yes, you do. That's the entire point.
Gestures are timed to force you away from details and to focus on the important things first. This gets you in the habit of finishing your work as a whole as well as focusing on the big general shapes first before moving into smaller ones, and proportion.

That's why people will do short ones followed by increasingly longer ones, it gets you into some very important habits.

>> No.1772751


For warm-ups sure but for making a finished piece nobody is looking over your shoulder to judge you if your character illustration was draw in under 30 seconds.

>> No.1772752


okay I don't want to get into another gesture argument

>> No.1772754

No man, ask questions. It's better to talk it out then to not know. Hell, debate if you want. Come on, let's do this.

>> No.1772759
File: 181 KB, 400x300, 2083456m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's cool, I got shit to do. Maybe next time.

>> No.1772760

Hahaha. Alright. That's too bad, I was hoping we could have a nice conversation about it.

Maybe another time. Later dude.

>> No.1772765

logging off now


>> No.1772766
File: 26 KB, 700x500, image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do values look acceptable in this?

>> No.1772769

If dis is K-ON, then I call being mugi.

>> No.1772773

Aw thanks nigga, then Ill try to look into different types class schedules like this one when I one day get to drawing gestures. I hope to one day get at least 500 gestures a month.

>> No.1772789

OP here, yes.

>> No.1772796
File: 1.60 MB, 1936x2592, 2014-07-07 10.55.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Keys to Drawing" project 3A standing figure. I'm on proportions and midpoint.

>> No.1772803


>> No.1772806

Alright, I call being Azusa.

>> No.1772807
File: 133 KB, 554x547, 9033409f8f85739362c06082c3d6f9ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the ref

>> No.1772808

Is there some good exercises to do in places when you can't draw, like on the bus?

>> No.1772809

Look at things and imagine how you would draw them, construct them, do imaginary gestures on people etc.

I've never done it myself but I've heard it being recommended.

>> No.1772810


>not starting with loomis


>> No.1772851
File: 45 KB, 467x764, fjoefjofj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, I wasn't expecting a critique about the cigarette is just a detail I added without thinking. This scratchy stuff is a "shadow" another detail added without thinking. But thank you. I'll remember what you said. Trying to adapt this face construction to younger man and woman. Still don't know how the fucking eyes work.

>> No.1772911

If you don't know anything about construction or never draw, go with Loomis.

This is the beginner general you can't throw someone whom might be a Absolute beginner into figure drawing or perspective without the basics, they'll choke hard and probably quit drawing altogether.
+ >>1772810

Back of his head seems weird, like you cut half of his cranium or maybe i'm just seeing things.
Do more gestures. In your drawing she looks fat and short, using a little bit of perspective could help you.

>> No.1772948

I stare at the folds on people's clothing to see how they bunch up

I try not to make it too obvious...

>> No.1772968

I can just imagine a bunch of female fatfucks trying to flirt with you after seeing you checking out their fat folds.

>> No.1772989

>implying he doesn't flirt with the fat fucks

>> No.1773036
File: 113 KB, 500x614, Art 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner working through Keys to Drawing right now. Here's my feet.

I have a bit of an odd beginner question: So many of these exercises in beginner books involve drawing your hand (this is actually why I moved from Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain to Keys to Drawing, less hand stuff so far). I am an arm amputee. I've drawn the hand I was drawing with a few times, but that really limits me to one position. Is drawing hands from photo reference for such exercises an alright substitute, or is there anything else you'd suggest?

>> No.1773057
File: 602 KB, 1920x1080, Root Horror Desktop WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukkit, I'm trying a desktop.

>> No.1773063 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 2670x2552, IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty gesture incoming. Just figured I'd post at least a page since I keep throwing them away from sheer disgust.

Are you guys doing gesture as well?

>> No.1773080

Is it detrimental to use a straight edge while learning to draw perspective? I don't use it for everything but it's difficult to draw some lengthy perspective and horizon lines.

>> No.1773096

Get a ruler or make one if you can't, but you should really practice those lines.

>> No.1773099

I'm actively trying to improve my linework and I've gotten significantly better over the last few months. I can do lengthy lines but it takes a while to get right and usually comes out messy. It just seems I could get more practice in by speeding up the process with a tool.

>> No.1773141

I need help in this area too. Pls help, thanks!

>> No.1773146

When I did the hand drawings, my takeaway was drawing what I was actually seeing. Putting it another way, it was an introductory exercise to drawing edges. Also, I think the beginner books choose the hand because you can twist your hand and curl your fingers in so many ways that it is good practice to actually "draw what you see".

>> No.1773233
File: 7 KB, 382x510, Jesus christ how horrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First ever time drawing an actual person. Literally burst out laughing when I finished. She looks WAY too much like a man, and im pretty positive I should never ever show her this ever.

Destroy me, and please tell me what I can do better next time.


>> No.1773243

Why the fuck would you need to be to destroyed if you already self-destructed?

>> No.1773252

Try to use basic construction if you are using a photo as ref and if going by imagination even more reason to build upon basic geometric shapes.

It's like you forgot Loomis-sensei, dude.

>> No.1773257
File: 1.35 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing for about 9 months, finished a ream of paper (500 sheets) - bound all my drawings today.

The drawings are not worthy of a moleskin or sketch book. The first books are really hard to look at.

How do other anons archive their work and track their progress? Do you burn everything in disgust? Scan and trash? Use a tablet?

>> No.1773258


Can you show first and last few pages

>> No.1773259

You're bounding them with what? Those black thingies? It's possible to leaf through without the pages falling out?

I just throw everything after a while, keeping 1-2 pages just to keep my progression in check.

>> No.1773264

>only able to draw animu faces and they look weird 80% of the time! probably cause I can't draw real faces.
Hey anon, I aint trying to insult you, but I just have to get this off my chest, Isn't not being able to draw realism, but being able to draw anime is a red flag on /ic/? Like as a "professional" d/ic/k spamming Loomis on the spot red flag?

>> No.1773265

Here, I mean.

>> No.1773266
File: 56 KB, 1152x2048, 3W1SFxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it, how do I do hands?

Got any good practices?

>> No.1773290
File: 413 KB, 1270x724, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but it is. It's easier to go from realism to animu than to go from animu to realism, drawing only animu is the reason lots of western mangas are so shit.

Drawing animu shit early on can create lots of bad habits that later will be difficult to erase plus lots of stuff used on realism that apply to /a/ can only be learned properly drawing realistic, like anatomy for instance.

>red flag

Loomis is only a red flag for people that aren't total beginners and know how to use geometric shapes to construct things. Loomis is OK for beginners, of course nowadays there are better teachers, so feel free to search.

>> No.1773293

Sure, give me a few minutes to collage them

Got them bound at a copy center 3.50 each, the tape binding lets them lay flat. They use the same binding to bind course notes

Ya, I only discovered /ic like 3wks ago, and it was the first tip I got. I have not had a chance to ween myself off the animu yet. I got time to learn the right way so bear with me :)

>> No.1773297

Well, I plan on checking out Vipplu, Loomis, and Hampton figure drawing books when I get to figure drawing. Is there any other major figure drawer author I should know about too?

>> No.1773299
File: 982 KB, 2046x1764, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone please please please please display how this would be context used properly in perspective?
I am really anxious to draw something of resemblance but am a little consumed as to how to apply construction/perspective for the little rooms and cylindrical parts. So how do you place the strut yes right next to each other?

>> No.1773305

*also how do you place the structures right next to each other?

>> No.1773310

The list of books in the sticky seems to have everything. If you want to expand, just search for the author, most of them published more than one book, sometimes on the same subject.

>> No.1773316


>> No.1773321

Damn. I can't believe I fell for the newfag's stickytrap again after making my whole drawing book backlog.

One question I still have though, is that should I l read a bunch of books on colouring before or after learning to draw the human figure?

>> No.1773322

Embrace minimalism and trash them all.

Or bring them to a local Goodwill/thrift shop. Somebody will buy them.

>> No.1773340

After. When you get the hang of shadowing you can start worrying about colors unless you want to be a painter. Get your basics first.

>> No.1773342

Aw okay. I was a bit confused because the sticky list the color as a fundamental, and I thought fundamentals are supposed to be learned before figure drawing.

>> No.1773344
File: 264 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took pix of what I remembered to to be "the best" at the time and I tried to evenly distribute them. Otherwise the variance is too high, even so I hate the old pictures...

Book 1 - October 2013 to December 2013 chronological top to bottom left to right

>> No.1773345
File: 325 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book 2 - January 2014 to April 2014 chronological top to bottom left to right

>> No.1773347
File: 351 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book 3 - April 2014 to May 2014 chronological top to bottom left to right

>> No.1773349
File: 316 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book 4 - May 2014 to June 2014 chronological top to bottom left to right - last picture is from a few days ago

>> No.1773351
File: 90 KB, 500x540, 1360746843814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really cant get past Chicken Scratching, Any methods I can use this to my advantage

>> No.1773353

Saw someone recommend peter hans dynamic sketching on youtube. So far so good. Im just using a scratchpad from walmart. Four pack for two dollars.

>> No.1773354

Think fast, draw fast

>> No.1773355

I recognize klk, eva, ttgl. Any other titles I missed?

>> No.1773382

took me a few hours to do this. the right side looks off to me. i can post the ref pic when the other beginner thread dies

>> No.1773383
File: 1.12 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1773387

So, what Ive noticed is that most of /ic/ has a huge knowledge of different types of artists. How do I build my knowledge of different types of artists?

>> No.1773389

Not sure if this is a valid technique, but I draw in pencil, erase, then draw over the erased part. Usually on my second iterations, I am more confident when seeing the ghost image as a guide

>> No.1773401
File: 72 KB, 643x607, Buttalert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been content to stick to doodles for the longest time, but recently I've been trying to get into the habit of actually improving instead of three minute sketches.

That's the idea at least, in reality I keep distracting myself and just drawing a dumb face or something silly in the middle of a study. It's probably reinforcing a bunch of bad habits.

>> No.1773427

How does one draw from the shoulder on a tablet?
When I draw with a tablet I am basicly forced to hold the pen as if I was writing with it. In this position I can't draw from the shoulder.

>> No.1773430

I hold my stylus writing style all the time and just 'lock' my wrist, getting all the movement from my elbow and shoulder.

>> No.1773431
File: 173 KB, 746x637, notsonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, So I purchased a medium Intous Pro tablet today since I really want to get into animating,
I'm finding it a amazing tablet, didn't know it was also wireless until a hour ago,
I love it, but i'm still unsure of what software would make best use out of my "abiliies"
I'm currently using Autodesk Sketchbook express but I feel like the brush support is lacking,
>here's my first try of a drawing,
But anyway, I'm finding this so fun and can't wait to actually sit down and work on something properly,
Also amazing art work guys, love your work

>> No.1773435

learn how to draw traditionally first before you move on to digital.

>> No.1773438

Back in the day I was actually amazing with my water pastels, I'm just finding it hard with the whole drawing while looking at the screen, I'll get the hang of it,
Also I'm not sure if my last post came off serious with my trying with that sonic drawing, because I defiantly was not,

>> No.1773439


try Mypaint. It's a small free program, but a part this I really like the brushes it has

and don't listen to people that tell you to use the traditional tools. Use whatever you prefer at the moment.

>> No.1773441
File: 468 KB, 550x640, Getting there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so i'm starting to get the hang of it, but i'm still off with drawing then looking back at the screen again,
Any tips you guys could give me?
Thanks, defiantly will try

>> No.1773442

This advice will stunt your growth, don't listen to him.

Learn both. Working with just a pencil and paper will give you greater control than using a tablet as a beginner and let you study the basics easier, while practice with digital will also get you used to controlling your tablet and your program.

>> No.1773445

>while practice with digital will also get you used to controlling your tablet and your program.

which is something you can always do later anyway. if you are good at drawing already then the transition to digital isnt that hard. if you arent good at drawing then tablets will only make things more complicated.

>> No.1773456
File: 134 KB, 874x1280, 105031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still having trouble focusing on an art style
I want to draw something like the official artist for the Disgaea series Harada Takehito, but I cant cut out what it is that makes his art pop out

>> No.1773476

You don't focus on an art style before learning fundamentals.

Anyway if you want to have a similiar style try to copying him. Make your own designs and try to do it in his style.

>> No.1773478

I've read in various places that copying a master helps.

I'm in the second chapter of Keys to Draw and so I copied two of them. Not focusing too much on achieving the same pic, but in drawing with the same strokes, direction, and so on.

I guess that this would be even more helpful if instead of copying a pic, you could copy the painter moves while they're painting.

Are there some good videos showing someone drawing something from real life? And sketching?

I mean, in youtube you can find a lot of speeded drawing, but most of them are from imagination, using a table (which it makes hard to follow), or focusing on painting and not drawing.

>> No.1773482
File: 706 KB, 1500x1125, 20140708_0502077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just starting today.

Been practicing line confidence. Filled a few small pages. Gets dry pretty fast.

Is it alright to throw in some Loomis on the side? Doing different things is good yes?

>> No.1773522
File: 72 KB, 563x579, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im getting better with the Chicken Scratching, still pretty bad though, Drawing on this tablet is so relaxing

>> No.1773525

Yes, just keep your accuracy in mind when working on your construction/anatomy/whateveryoure studying

>> No.1773532

why is drawing from reference so hard

it feels so much easier to draw out of nothing using construction steps, but as soon as I attempt to do stuff from observation, it's like I've had the rug pulled from under my feet and it feels awful.

It's like I'm afraid to try it, because I suck

>> No.1773533
File: 90 KB, 525x700, 4777048677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i have no personal pride or image as an artist
>tfw it can only improve from my past drawings
Best Feeling.

>> No.1773538

I wish I had your problem, I feel pretty decent at drawing from Reference, but from nothing, I always seem to draw my characters "Popping" Their chest out

>> No.1773545


Feels like I'm too autistic to draw sometimes. I do the same thing repeatedly in hopes of getting it right, filling pages upon pages of the same subject matter done in more or less the same way, and have trouble taking my time with the things I do.

I can't even do full bodied drawings. I also can't stop drawing small. Guh.

>> No.1773550

damn, are you me?

>> No.1773551



man, I need a real kick up the ass sometimes

>> No.1773607

Same. I can draw freehand ellipses and basic forms from any angle and perspective, but can't even draw pan from real life. My gestures from imagination are better than gestures from references.

>> No.1773611


I can't do any of those :[

>> No.1773622

This is me too.

>> No.1773667

Does someone know a simple program that allows you to create a scene using top and front views and then has the option to render the scene in 3d?

things you should be able to do
* define the POV
* set up lights
* create some simple objects such as cubes, con, balls (with some texture/material maybe?)

>> No.1773678

I need some tutorials/references on eyes, please

>> No.1773679
File: 389 KB, 1716x1450, figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for the anon from the draw thread.

You'll have to excuse how horrible it looks, because all I've done so far is with pencil and paper. Although it's really fun to work with photoshop and I can't wait to get into painting

But basically what I do as of now is draw the gesture, then the chest and pelvis, and then I try to box them and put them in perspective sort of. Pelvis gives me a lot of trouble.

I want to get this down before I move onto specific parts of the body that the book teaches, like the head.

>> No.1773699

Your lack of confidence is disgusting.

>> No.1773704

Yeah I see how horrible it looks.

In hindsight I should've used a bigger brush, a smaller page and far less scribbling.

>> No.1773717
File: 941 KB, 1716x1450, 231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, just try to clean it up a bit, and start to show the form more. Make sure to clarify the ands of each form where it meets other forms, that is the most important part (the joints). Just clarify the form and contours now since you have a rough base to work on. Also note the ASIS, which is marked in dark blue--it's a crucial landmark.

>> No.1773727


I'm not that anon you quoted, but I'll give you a tip. Put the image in a smaller size and try to do the overall form with a big hard brush, with that blob of color marking the silhouette you trace the gesture inside. It's easier to not go way over the reference using this method, and builds in more confidence as your lines will be more decisive.

>> No.1773754

what lessons are those? did you get those from a book?

>> No.1773809

Not him but pretty sure that it's these leasons:



>> No.1773816
File: 90 KB, 700x1108, kill-me-please1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is important to draw gestures without looking at paper? Also I'm a little bit lost right now because i don't know which approach is better, Vilppu is starting from the head, Hampton from the spine, loomis is calling this shit balance line, in other book it's called an motherfucking line of action and it's longer than my dick.

>> No.1773828

Why would you not look at the paper..? I think, correct me if I'm wrong, that gesture is in the big picture an element of composition, which I don't think you can really master. The idea is to make visually pleasing images, part of which is visually pleasing poses of pretty much everything including humans.

>> No.1773877
File: 787 KB, 1060x900, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got to te page in Loomis where it says "DON'T MISS THIS PAGE" and goes onto talking about combining the ball with other basic forms. I'm kinda struggling with what I should do here, I don't really get how to go about doing this without just looking at the models and copying it down.

can I get some advice on how I can really get this part down?

>> No.1773885

>5. Try to keep your eyes on the screen instead of your paper.

From Posemaniacs tips section. It somehow helped in the short run but I'm a little overhelmed with all these different approaches. Maybe I'm just too haste with everything and there's no such thing like one method to rule them all.

>> No.1773889

I wouldn't trust tips from Posemaniacs as gospel. If anything I've heard people call blind contour drawing a waste of time more than anything else.

Yes, you should be spending most of your time looking at the model, but you're still creating a drawing and you have to look at it to see where you are going wrong. You'll never be put in a situation where you'll have to draw blindfolded, so why practice it? Don't cut out the 'eye' from 'hand-eye coordination'.

>> No.1773891
File: 48 KB, 540x960, 15178_10202817957424528_535422858_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to do some fan art for Mighty Number 9 awhile ago, I really need a good resource to train myself in either CARTOON proportions and or realistic proportions, preferably the first option.

>> No.1773895
File: 35 KB, 500x407, 1395294474939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loomis in a nutshell

>> No.1773916
File: 70 KB, 321x240, exemple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw the geometric shapes alone first in different positions so you can understand how the sides work than combine them with the basic ball construction. You'll be just fusing the figures together to reach the face shape you want.

Use this to understand the angles of a cube:

Another way to do it, is to get a photo or any finished image and try imagining what shapes was used to construct them.

>pic related, just a quick paint exemple, and yes i know there's alot of things wrong in it but i guess you understand the concept

More like steps 1 and 5.

>> No.1773921
File: 79 KB, 800x488, Hampton-interview-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More like steps 1 and 5.


Loomis way of teaching doesnt really make any sense. His forms dont make any sense and his drawings are missing a lot of necessary lines. It's hard to understand what you are suppossed to do from his instrunctions. He just sucks as a teacher.

I get it, it looks like it makes sense, if you look at it for 5 seconds, but take a closer look. His drawings are shit and they arent helping anyone.

Loomis a shit.

pic related, drawings that are actually comprehensible.

>> No.1773923

so should I stay on this part until I get it or should I more onto the next part in the book

>> No.1773925

True dat. I've lost two weeks on fun with a pencil because I had to figure everything out on my own. Never again.

>> No.1773927

Practice it a lot, both by copying his examples and inventing your own. It's more about the mindset of constructing complex forms from basic forms, and showing how it's iterative.

Watch these videos too. Same concept, but it might be easier to follow:

>> No.1773928


Dude FWTP isn't Hampton head construction. You are just having fun making basic shapes so you know things are made out of shapes.

>> No.1773929 [DELETED] 

>Complain about Loomis
>Post a clusterfuck image way above begginer level
Those first 30 or so pages of Fun of Pencil is just him trying to get you on the mindset that everything can be build upon geometric shapes. If you get that and can create drawing using this tecnique move on. The book really start at page 36.

>> No.1773931

Do you know any hampton books that are good?

>> No.1773935

thanks guys will take this into consideration

>> No.1773939
File: 26 KB, 400x400, drawfaces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if this book is any good?

It's for 15 minute portrait studies.

>> No.1773943
File: 163 KB, 723x811, 24311234123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are just having fun making basic shapes so you know things are made out of shapes.

"fun". Again, Loomis way of teaching sucks. In fact Loomis himself used references for his work. It's not the way to learn how to draw from imagination.

Hampton teaches you geometry in a much more understandable way, while also teaching you how to draw heads. Seriously, Hampton made me realize how important it is to view everything as a 3D object. He isnt as explicit about it as Loomis but you should come to the realisation anyway, because he often posts sketches where you can see how he constructs everything.

>clusterfuck image way above begginer level

the pic wasn't a good example. this one is better.
also, Hamptons drawings tell you a lot more about the process. They look harder than it is. Especially if you are starting out you shouldnt bother with light and shadow anyway. Describing the form is what is really important.

>> No.1773944

there is only one and it covers the whole figure.
head, arms, legs, gestures, etc.
even in the head section there are sub sections for each facial feature.

starting out with a ball, like loomis does, is really hard for a beginner, especially the retarded as way loomis does it.

>> No.1773945

I really want to know which should I use for overall drawing, I started Loomis and I am noticing a bit a progress but I really want results, the only reason I started Loomis was because it was mentioned on the sticky and I noticed people posting their sucesss with it. Which would you honestly recommend for a complete beginner

>> No.1773946

Today I was struggling with Figure drawing for all it's worth, I was forced to search for every thing he didn't explain in his book. I've spent more time with google than with a pencil.

>> No.1773951
File: 823 KB, 2272x1704, P1020969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



if you are a total beginner(e.g. cant even draw a straight line/chicken scratches/general lack of control over your pencil) then it's probably best you start off with drawing from references.

as a matter of fact, learning how to draw takes a lot of time. like a lot. there isnt the one right way. just do something. like tehmeh says; start with what you are interested in.
my point just is that loomis sucks. i drew loomis and this is how my shitty drawings looked like.

it's horrible and i really had no idea what i was doing. just trying to copy him.
with hampton i had better success and better understanding of what i am doing

>> No.1773952
File: 111 KB, 1324x638, 41234123124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing after going through hampton's head section.

>> No.1773961

by references you mean drawing what you see right? I can do that but that's if I "chicken scratch" I just started getting in the habit of steering away from that. I have friends who can only draw things that they see or draw from their imagination and it looks pretty shit, I basically want to be able to draw anything and everything from my imagination honestly.

>> No.1773971

yeah but to do that, you should get a feeling for it first. being able to copy something precisely is a useful skill. it generally helps you with drawing. you need to be able to work cleanly and precisely. you need to get your muscles into drawing. it's like with any activity: in the beginning your body isnt used to the movement and the range of what you can do is limited. however, the more you do something, the more you train your muscles, the more control you will have.
now this has nothing to do with training your muscles for strength. it's training your ability to control your muscles precisely.
that's why exercises like drawing pages of circles are so important and a lot of artists do them as warm ups before they start with the actual drawings.

once you are somewhat confident with drawing in itself, then you should move on to the next step, whatever interests you.
drawing from reference is useful because it trains your muscles and your hand-eye coordination. you get rid of symbol drawing in the process.

>> No.1773981

Not even an artist but whatever.
- thicken fingers on middle one,
- top one is too awkward idk
- one on right is like a foot long. Depth is way too strong.

>> No.1773988

about that... I've got a question.

Any tip to redraw an arbitrary line (like Dynamic Sketching I exercise) or draw a curve from a sequence of dots (like Scott's book/video exercise)? I can't keep my eyes ahead the pencil - I don't have troubles with drawing straight lines and look at the end point and so.

>> No.1774013

Practice, practice, practice.

You already know what the problem is, start practicing everyday. You should do at least one page of those exercises before your normal drawing session, just a quick page, 10 to 30 minutes max.

I've been doing them for almost 2 weeks and the results are showing, my lines are more confident, my ellipses don't look like a parkison's patient anymore , it's a magical feeling seeing such simple exercises making a big difference.

>> No.1774031

>Loomis way of teaching sucks

Everyone works differently.
I liked Loomis' books

>> No.1774033

I started following Peter Hans dynamic sketching. Then I got bored and just started making and retracing the lines over and over towards the bottom wherever I could get them.

>> No.1774059
File: 67 KB, 970x577, 7-8-2014 8-32-05 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about studying some of bagboose's stuff so I can practice loosening my drawings more. Bad move for a beginner? Just studying from the books doesn't seen to answer some questions I have (generally speaking).

>> No.1774064

study from artists who have strong drawing skills. look at life drawings done by animators like glen keane, walt stanchfield, andreas deja, etc etc

>> No.1774068

I figured that. I was more curious as to the effects of studying certain aspects of a so-so artist that perhaps excels at something. Like a boring artist with good draftsmanship or a weeb with beautiful coloring and values.

>> No.1774078

My general rule of thumb is to look and study from artists that understand and utilize perspective well.

>> No.1774112
File: 79 KB, 970x577, 7-8-2014 9-33-07 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably set some kind of standard for myself to keep me from absorbing other's mistakes. Best way to do that is studying from masters, aye?

/ic/ you win yet again.

>> No.1774130

I found this torrent and I'd like to get started with drawing.
Opinions on this choice?

I also like digital art. Will I be able to easily transfer my practice over to paper once I can afford materials if I enjoy it?

>> No.1774131

I got to the Divided Ball and plane method of Loomis and It's not really working that well for me can anyone give me and pointers?

>> No.1774169
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>> No.1774183
File: 103 KB, 1063x645, 7-8-2014 10-49-55 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You spoke volumes with your pick, bro. many thx.

>> No.1774232
File: 341 KB, 983x714, quack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone mind pointing me to a good place to into values and shading stuff??

>pic sorta related

Want to actually render people some time soon.

>> No.1774234
File: 309 KB, 2058x500, Process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should come in handy.
Work from simple -> complicated when it comes to rendering. Check ctrlpaint.com for some neat tutorials and remember to practice from life as well as photos.

>> No.1774239

>mfw somebody actually saved the image I made

>> No.1774244

Thx4it anon I found it handy at the time.

>> No.1774269
File: 27 KB, 640x480, 1358410851947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on adding Depth on closed eyes, they always look like slits

>> No.1774272

The eyes are spheres. The eyelids wrapping around them still conform to that sphere. The opening of the eyelids visibly wrap around the sphere, even when closed.

If anything, it should be several times easier to draw/paint closed eyes because you less form changes to worry about (among other things).

>> No.1774292
File: 624 KB, 873x689, sharpener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to draw this sharpener all day (from life, I have an identical one on my desk right now) and I'm obviously doing something wrong. The one immediately below the picture is my best attempt but still looks off. I'm working my way through Keys to Drawing right now but am still a little deficient in my ability to accurately copy what I see. Is getting better at that just practice, or am I doing something wrong (and can anyone help me with the sharpener)?

>> No.1774298

When drawing from life focus on the overall shape of the object first, its silhouette and try get that down with some straight lines. Then look for the relationship between individual parts, what angle the two holes make when you line them up etc and draw more guidelines to show those relationships.

At least that's how I do stuff from life. Just keep practicing.

>> No.1774307

My upside down stravinsky looked absolute crap , should I just give up

>> No.1774310

you got a pic?

>> No.1774313
File: 18 KB, 594x792, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1774315

yes, the best way to get better is barely trying and then giving up when you dont get it right the first time

>> No.1774317

it's fine, it's supposed to look like absolute crap

>> No.1774318

it's suppossed to look like the pic you are trying to copy

>> No.1774319

Thats not bad, you did well with the hands

>> No.1774320

but betty edwards said i will be surprised at how good it looks
that wasn't the case at all

>> No.1774321

Try copy it the right way up and you'll probably do even worse. The point is when you change your mindset you can draw better from observation.

By viewing the image as a clusterfuck of lines instead of a person, it becomes easier to copy. Sure you might not have done well as expected but it would've been much worse had you tried right-way up. Keep going with the book to address your problems.

>> No.1774324
File: 145 KB, 1400x832, sketchscan11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First sketch I ever posted here. I was trying to focus on drawing while looking at the subject and looking for trapped shapes. The person wasn't wearing laces so I didn't draw any. My line work is crap, my circles are uneven, and I don't know at all how to shade yet. Any critique would be highly appreciated.

>> No.1774327

Better than what I did when I started, and Im showing improvements, just keep drawing

>> No.1774328

yeah, I know that, but I was wondering if someone could give me some useful advice.

How many cm are your eyes ahead your pencil? At first, did you focus only on keep your eyes completely ahead?

>> No.1774402
File: 1.32 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok anon, I tried something new just for you. Drew some faces out of that loomis book that I heard so many great things about...

All the faces look like 1950s super heros... It's like I drew 30 Captain Planet heads - they are so ugly. I guess I will add faces into my exercise rotation - looks like I need some practice. Any tips on making them more expressive? (Aside from giving them expressions)

Got sick of the faces so I drew more animu bodies but with loomis heads.

>> No.1774404

Yup, it is easier for me to pick up the pencil and start drawing if i copy something i like

Also some vividbutt was up there - never seen it, just have a thing for girls in mech-wear

>> No.1774439

>Drawing undetailed figures all day
>get frustrated and try to do a detailed one fast
>it comes out really shitty and rushed
>Lose all motivation to draw today
I am so over the beginner stage...

>> No.1774444
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>> No.1774448


>> No.1774451

how much time took you to do that

>> No.1774501


>> No.1774524
File: 617 KB, 1520x2048, 199fc42f-63bb-41b1-83be-623cc0243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys I'm currently working on pic related. It's just copy pasting andsupposed to be in black and white. I'm looking for a shading tutorial for beginners.

>> No.1774545


Betty Edwards is an annoying cunt

So is Bert Dodson. Every time I look at his squiggly messy bullshit I want to tear apart keys to drawing. Thank you for the example drawings Bert, I hope your Parkinson's gets better. He's so up his own ass about it too.

Anyways, I did a bunch of exercises, and while I understood the purpose of them, everything I draw looks like garbage. Even after several attempts things don't look any better. I've been going through these books drawing my feet, and fucking bottles and apples and shit, but it just feels like I've missed some prior step.

Every single beginner book I've looked at just seems so damn impractical. You get a guitar technique book and it's this nice flow of exercises that perfectly accommodates your skill level. You get a drawing book and it's so much fucking wankery and bullshit just to get to 'draw a pepper' out of the blue. Yeah, I followed everything you told me Bert and it's a fucking mess every time. I can't even draw a fucking cup without it looking like shit. I draw the outline, hidden shapes, put in my 'values', 'restate' my lines (fuck you Bert), I end up with some some Lovecraftian abomination.

It feels like there should just be this nice, simple, structured practice routine I could follow, but I just get 'draw this thing good'.

Sorry if I'm just venting here. If I just draw a bunch of crappy looking life drawings over and over for months will I actually get better? I see these pictures of people's drawings never improving over time and it makes me worried.

>> No.1774590
File: 1.95 MB, 2146x2008, poop two copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1774591

2-3 hours, I try to draw 2-3 nights a week for a few hours

>> No.1774592
File: 419 KB, 700x989, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 minute + ??? shits, no technique
argh how do i into color and edges and do all those nicely rendered paintings

>> No.1774681
File: 22 KB, 243x290, 0e1350478ee90ad8976f7f.L._V171409530_SL290_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats right! Look at this son of a bitch ass nigger. You should go cum right on his smug face right now to express your dissatisfaction.

>> No.1774698

I've asked this in the question thread a while ago but no one answered

Can I just start with Hampton's book? I'm very interested in figure drawing, problem is I don't know if I should go over important fundamentals to get the most out of this book.

>> No.1774716

Start with whoever you feel more comfortable.

I would recommend getting Loomis' Fun with Pencil, Hampton's Figure Drawing, Dodson's Keys to drawing and Betty Edwards' Right side of the brain.

Read a little bit, do some exercises than choose one. Some people do better with Loomis others with Right side of the brain.

For instance, i started with Loomis but now i go back and forth between him and Hampton's book.

Put in your head that there is no magnum opus of books that teach drawing, lots of authors have weak spots, so get others books to cover them.

>> No.1774747

Awesome! Thanks for the draw over - proof that /ic can be useful :)

>> No.1774757


Not >>1774698, but I got maybe halfway through Betty Edward's book, thought I wasn't really struggling with symbol's, so now I'm on Fun with a Pencil, and I'm wondering if it's really worth it to draw every single head on the pages with tons of faces. After a while, it becomes tedious.

>> No.1774776
File: 152 KB, 750x632, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried again, taking >>1772447's advice. i think it looks a little better

>> No.1774781

I also think I kinda fucked up the proportions, any ideas what might be wrong? It could also be the lack of shadows.

>> No.1774805
File: 606 KB, 2048x1536, 20140709_142717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 2 of trying to construct a good 3d head... I'm giving myself a week before I can do it decently... feature though.

Anyway life is suffering...

>> No.1774850
File: 35 KB, 446x402, aad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from http://www.posemaniacs.com/tools/handviewer/

>> No.1774866

You should be posting in the draw thread, this looks pretty advanced.

>> No.1774899
File: 70 KB, 1063x645, 7-9-2014 7-45-34 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I'm expecting instant gratification but this is pretty demoralizing. Such shit. Welp, about 99 more studies until I can paint barely decently.

>> No.1774900

Why do you have a purple bg? Next time spend longer on your painting, pay closer attention to the values, and pick a reference with better lighting.

>> No.1774915

Not done with it yet, chief. Just a progress pic.

>> No.1774916
File: 182 KB, 1600x1212, study 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, look at how my bro alex approaches a study like that and take notes. he doesn't just start painting on one layer.
there is probably a sketch layer hidden (so draw a sketch first)
he's masking the figure, based on his sketch.
he paints bg and figure on separate layers.
he's using different brushes, notably for hair and skin pores. hard, soft, textured, small and large.
the arm on the figure to the left is on it's own separate layer.
that is unless you are trying to create something super stylized paintings, this is the way to go.

>> No.1774921
File: 186 KB, 1366x761, muh rig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my set-up
pic related.

I should probably get into the habit of doing parts individually, though. Somehow I think I'll feel comfortable with that.

>> No.1774925

why are you doing it in greyscale? look at colors, paint colors. grab a greyscale ref if you wanna practice just values.

>> No.1774930

I.... actually completely spaced on that. Holy fuck thx for bringing that up.

>> No.1774937

i mean you COULD color a greyscale base, but the colors will be off and coloring with blend modes and adjustment layers is best left to art from imagination. the studies will teach you more if you paint with colors.
btw, your sketch is flawed in many aspects, but if you want to practice painting, be my guest.

>> No.1774938
File: 159 KB, 1222x1630, WP_002196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug, I'm pretty proud of my upside-down miko.

>> No.1774944

dont they call this the shrimp method?

>> No.1774945 [DELETED] 

>btw, your sketch is flawed in many aspects, but if you want to practice painting, be my guest.

Care to elaborate?

>> No.1774946 [DELETED] 

nvrmind I see them.

>> No.1774958

Nah, shrimp has some drawing over pictures for forms and a couple other things added to it. I'm sure this is where they got the idea for it though.

But yeah basically the same shit.

>> No.1775006

any tips on gestures?

>> No.1775008
File: 240 KB, 1162x1475, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

optypped over

>> No.1775045

You're supposed to use different pictures. Theres no point trying to just perfectly recreate the same angle. Learn when to move on.

Get a big collection like four or five and just run through them.

>> No.1775047

lol. Im doing that just as we speak. Just wait, in about 2 to 3 hours im gonna upload a giant cluster of items at different angles ive practiced on.

>> No.1775154
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, picture022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been using FWAP for the past few days and these is some stuff

>> No.1775155
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>> No.1775156
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>> No.1775159

so, how long till the new beginner thread comes?

>> No.1775169

Probably still a day away

>> No.1775175

Man, I feel like attention whore for this, but I think Ill wait for the new thread to begin before I post some stuff. i just dont want to upload a bunch of shit, just for no one to see it.

>> No.1775177

nah i get you. that happens to me all the time in regular draw threads

>> No.1775182
File: 95 KB, 496x846, Isuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just can't do it, with or without reference i don't like the outcome and hampton is not working for me, btw i really dislike loomis, so is there any other good book you guys can recommend?

>> No.1775185
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>> No.1775188

You completely missed the gesture on that drawing. But anyways, I always like to recommend Bridgman. I started with Loomis like 5 years ago and hated him, switched to Bridgman and since then have copied out his entire books maybe a good 3 times or so. Get his Constructive Anatomy book and Human Machine, they are both super cheap. They are a bit love 'em or hate 'em, but are still classics and taught me more than any other books.

>> No.1775192


Is that a good book or what?

>> No.1775196
File: 37 KB, 286x846, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my second attempt, not sure if better.

>> No.1775197

how the fuck should I know? I aint no pessimistic nigger.

>> No.1775201

wow, human machine looks really good, i'm gonna try it. thanks.

>> No.1775203

The quality of the images is a bit worse in Human Machine. I think Constructive Anatomy as a whole is a little clearer, but I think both are good so just get them both and study each.

>> No.1775204

stupid quetion. i've got a wacom tablet lying around (for about..4-5 years now?) but i don't know whether i should begin drawing with a pencil again or just hop on the tablet and do the exercise.

>> No.1775205

They are completely different things, I'd say start with the Wacom if you want to do Digital art

>> No.1775207
File: 16 KB, 183x144, 3123132123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead, run away, bitch!

>> No.1775208

ty. if you don't mind, what is the big difference (besides the name and the context it's being used in) between using a pencil/what not to draw and using a computer? I mean, is there a different mindset when it comes to dealing with digital art?

>> No.1775211
File: 213 KB, 999x772, rapid-viz_15-53 Page17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing exercises from this Rapid Viz book and I can't seem to understand this part. How does the box in the middle measured at 5, 10, ect units? It doesn't seem to tell me that how large one unit is in the first place. Is it talking about the triangles? I can only assume the box isn't a cube, at least.

>> No.1775213

Different guy but your core drawing skills will carry over either way. Gesture, form, value, anatomy, etc work irrelevant of the medium. You'll need to improve those things either way.

That being said, there's a bit of a learning curve to get back into tablet drawing and it's really much easier to practice color and painting digitally rather than traditionally. I use line to build form and do construction and it's nice to be able to go crazy with construction in photoshop and then build whatever you want on top in another layer rather than have to be careful with smudging the shit out of your paper with too much construction.

It really doesn't matter, i switch back and forth. If you're one of those people who uses a painterly technique to build form with value rather than line it's probably best to use digital primarily but mostly it doesn't matter, drawing skills carry over both ways.

>> No.1775217
File: 132 KB, 672x854, image88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beginner here

is it OKAY to draw from reference photos? I have been working alot on drawing from life latley and have been dissuaded about drawing from photots by the highly anti-reference going on here.

pic related is a photo of myself
(I was too lazy to draw my hair in)

>> No.1775224
File: 281 KB, 681x623, Belly grill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried using a small reference and enlarging it
What did I fuck up besides the hand and face

>> No.1775225

Are you a caveman?

Anyway, /ic/ doesnt have a collective opinion on anything but i'd say there's a right and wrong way to use references.

Most people just take a picture and copy it exactly, they just look at it and draw the contours and maybe note one or two gay things they'll forget anyway and they'll draw some gay picture that they'll get nothing out of. They'll go on here and say "druw frum luff" and make dumbass studies that teach them nothing.

The proper way to use references is to actually study them and not copy them. You can easily use references the correct way by never using the correct angle for your drawing, for example using a frontal picture of a face to draw a quarter viewed face that's facing upward slightly. Copying a picture will just make you better at copying a picture. Study references against your drawings indirectly and use more than one and you'll actually get something out of them.

>> No.1775227


thats clears alot up. your post has been screencapped for me to use for "reference" later

>> No.1775229
File: 84 KB, 720x960, 968030_493498147443654_1166101858_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting my art makes me nervous
i never actually finish anything in the end because i overwork too much.

>> No.1775230

also its nose is right fucked.

>> No.1775231
File: 595 KB, 1069x569, Dio ECT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want to do Is draw porn, but I cant get gestures right, could someone use this as an example and draw the basic lines for it

>> No.1775243
File: 380 KB, 1291x990, Powerforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I join you guys? I'm a drawfriend from /b/ who is trying desperately not to suck shit.

>> No.1775245

if you are already a drawfag on /b/, why would you even need to post in a beginner thread?
Also, no. /b/ sucks ass and is for lazy ass 15 year olds who rely on shitty memes 24/7 and suck OneyNG's dick. Hell, someone like you might even be the downfall of the beginner threads because all draw"friends" from /b/ are circlejerking tripfags. And no, I dont want to circlejerk with you.

tl;dr: fuck off and go throw sling your shit at the non-beginner draw threads, you circlejerker.

>> No.1775246

put a tampon in it man, I'm posting in the beginner thread because I'm not learning anything in the /b/ thread and want to get better... I figured /ic/ was the place to be.

>> No.1775247

then you didn't even have to mention that you come from /b/, like you're proud of it.

>> No.1775248

don't listen to him, he's a buttmad faggot who's using you mentioning "/b/" as an excuse to rant.

as far as your picture goes, i'd recommend looking into gesture and perspective the most. there's a very good book by Ernest Norling that basically spells out perspective for you. I'd say start there; I'm sure you could find a PDF of it.

>> No.1775249

Is it Perspective made easy? cause I got that not too long ago

>> No.1775250
File: 1.54 MB, 1578x1098, img810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your heads look like they're glued to the top of the body. Don't outline the entire jaw, but rather have it disappear into the neck. Hard to explain.

>> No.1775251

yup. then from there I'd recommend learning about body proportions and anatomy. Loomis's book on figure drawing is great for a beginner.

>> No.1775257

I don't seem to be observing correctly. When I try to draw other pictures upside down, I almost always get the proportions wrong and the image is either squashed or stretched out. When I try to draw 3D shapes, they end up having that wonky unfolded papercraft look, if you know what I mean. Especially cubes and distortions of cubes, in which case one corner is almost always sticking out too far. Is this simply something that'll take practice to do away with or am I missing a fundamental skill?

>> No.1775264
File: 32 KB, 704x396, 4723894723487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buttmad faggot
Am I really suppose take anyone who thinks this an insult seriously?

Look, you can ignore me all you want now. But if weren't for people like me, this whole thread would be full of avatar fags posting mlp everywhere and saying gay ass terms like drawfriend.

Dont take these faggot /b/tard draw"friends" lightly. They'll use shit like banbuster to evade mods, use gay ass tripfag names, and post using gay ass avatars. The best thing to do is just to ignore everything they post and rape that report button if any illegal circlejerking activity is detected.

Seriously, even all the memespouting underagefags on /b/ hate these faggots

>> No.1775265

When you're drawing, by chance are you drawing with your paper flat on the table? A lot of times that's what causes getting squashed or stretched.

Don't try distortions of cubes until you can draw a good cube. Have you practiced perspective, like by putting down a horizon line/vanishing points and using a ruler? Try that first before you attempt freehanding them. You need to get used to what things in perspective look like.

You also need to practice your lines more, it seems like you can't put them down accurately. They should end up where you want them, not off so much that things look wonky.

Check the thread with the scans of Scott Robertson's how to draw, there are very good line exercises in the beginning of the book that train your accuracy.

>> No.1775310

Anon-kun, please put some ice on your anus.

>> No.1775344


>> No.1775353


You guesstimate. I'm sure the author did the same.

>> No.1775379
File: 37 KB, 500x375, 51A9S2GMsIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sketch the damn thing. It can look something as crude as this.Gesture drawing in other languages means quick sketch. If your brains melts about where to place a line in the sketch phase then you got problems. The reason they have you take your time gesturing in the academic world is so that you understand what the body is doing,what /ic/ calls 'feeling it', but 1 approach taught by a teacher isn't going to work (or be practical) for every situation so you take what you learn and sketch it first go back over with another layer. You wouldn't draw, for example, an environment by first going straight into technical rules you would just sketch the scene but remembering the rules. You wouldn't try 'gesturing' a human (in this case the picture you requested) by telling yourself "okay remember what Hampton Sama taught me; head, neck,spine, stretch,hip, supporting leg, and limbs!" would you? In that picture it wouldn't be practical because her ass is like the hierarchy of the composition, I'd start sketching her ass because it's most important.

>> No.1775380

Oh yeah, I GET Gesture, but whenever I do it, I always go, "Looks to stiff" then I keep doing it, until its some Gelatinous blob creature

>> No.1775382


Then that is where you need more practice in that area.

>> No.1775400

Anons, what does symbol drawing mean?

>> No.1775401
File: 45 KB, 349x400, normal_ian-symbol-apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing an apple like this

>> No.1775402

Because it isn't realistic enough
Okay thanks

>> No.1775406

It means you're drawing what you think the object looks like rather than studying the object and drawing the true forms. Example: using a football shape for eyes instead of orbs partially covered by flaps of skin.

>> No.1775446

Ah thanks, i will Jeep it in mind
You just made the world a better place

>> No.1775525

Your drawing looks horrible and you should feel bad about uploading it.

1/10 would not fap to even in desperate situation.

>> No.1775571
File: 12 KB, 224x225, what part of rough sketch do you not understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hidoi yo ;___;

>> No.1775574
File: 121 KB, 1200x554, DucTruongHuyen-FIG201-Head1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned this method (which I would be grateful if someone can name it because I forgot how it's called) of face construction. I love it but I'm having trouble molding it for different kind of faces. For example, my pic related. This guy know how shape different kind of faces using the method. How I do it?

>> No.1775575

GO-MEN-NA-SAI anon-KUN. WA-TAH-SHEE just need to be honest with OH-MAE.

>> No.1775597

It's the Reilly Head Abstractions. If you actually know what the lines represent and how to use it, then you shouldn't have any issue using it with different head types.

It's a great method of approaching hte head, but there are few good explanations online for it, and it also is more of an advanced approach than some other methods, so if you are a beginner maybe don't use it for now.

>> No.1775608

Would you recommend
>"Drawing on the right side of the brain"
>"Keys to drawing"

>> No.1775618

How can I learn to draw shapes/forms from every angle? Most tutorials only show the forms from one angle.

>> No.1775624

Perspective, dude. Say it's a pyramid, rotate the base sligltly each time you draw it. Make it like it's spinning or something. Then spin it in another direction (on x axis instead of y or z for example).

You're making it more complicated than it needs to be, it's just perspective. Go learn how to use it.

>> No.1775629

Alright, what method you recommend to me?

>> No.1775643


I still don't understand how to represent say... a cube, tilting downward and facing me or something.

>> No.1775653

>get cubes, or
>get blender (or whatever)
>stare at it

>> No.1775655

thats right, just stare at a blender for the rest of your drawing career and see what happens

>> No.1775658


>> No.1775673
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 82409849284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't have opened that link
btw, I can tell you're new

>> No.1775676
File: 1.00 MB, 3072x2304, 100_3685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried covering part of the reference and drawing a piece at a time. This was the horrible, horrible result. Didn't find the "R mode" state of mind apparently.

>> No.1775702

What is with all these niggers in the beginner threads posting their shit upside down. Fuck, even if the only art program you have is ms paint, you should still be able to flip it. And dont say that its because you're posting from a phone, im sure theres some shitty drawing app that will allow you to flip photos.

Or fuck, just rotate your camera right before posting.

>> No.1775719

Keys to Drawing, no contest. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain relies on tools too much and most tasks in it are quite useless.

>> No.1775721
File: 96 KB, 678x656, Bez-nazwy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips about rendering?

It's taking me a lot of time - before I managed to cover big part of face light have changed (I'm drawing from life).
Should I just practice more or is there any tutorial that will show me how to do it quickly?

>> No.1775728

apologies, i noticed that as soon as i posted. any comment on the attempt itself?

>> No.1775743

one thing i notice about my art is that when ever im drawing something with two sides (faces, buildings, etc) is that when i get to the right it starts stretching down, like its getting lopsided, its usually barely noticeable but it feels like a terrible habit. anyway to get rid of this?

>> No.1775789
File: 2.73 MB, 2000x3552, WP_20140710_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think? been drawing for a couple weeks

>> No.1775794

what are you drawing from? imagination or a reference?

>> No.1775800

reference. but i try to change the faces a little

>> No.1775824

Bump limit

New: >>1775823

>> No.1777190

Work more like you did on the hair in top right, that's the way to go. Finding parallel planes and treating them the same way. There are also planes in the face and the rest of the skull that are parallel.

Google "planes of the head". Most of them are idealized heroic stuff but you get the idea.

>> No.1777855
File: 1015 KB, 5000x5000, 7-11-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some gestures I did yesterday. They're terrible. I need some help desperately.

>> No.1778366
File: 788 KB, 1500x786, Thomas_Moran_-_Mist_in_Kanab_Canyon,_Utah_-_Google_Art_Project2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First try at scenery/digital painting, this took 45min and looks horrible.