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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 151 KB, 1353x688, lazyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1771118 No.1771118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

get back to work

>> No.1771119

I'm taking a shit.

>> No.1771124


I'm posting in this stupid fucking thread.

>> No.1771125


you can draw while taking a shit

>> No.1771130

Do you draw while shitting, fucker?

>> No.1771138


Yeah? It's like a girl showering while on her cellphone. You must not be too hardcore, huh?

>> No.1771142

Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll draw while shitting from now on.

>> No.1771147

because i am explaining why i am not drawing right now

>> No.1771156
File: 21 KB, 250x167, 250px-Anne_pontegnie_02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could easily put an easel in there.

>On this wall you can see some pieces from the artist's "brown phase"

>> No.1771158

I'm sick, I got lost yesterday while it was pouring it down. It took my 5 hours for a 1 hour walk home.

I can't think straight and I feel clammy, I'm only coming here because looking at artwork makes me feel better.

>> No.1771168

feel better!

>> No.1771172

because I'm going to go and brush my teeth now, have a wank and then go to sleep

>> No.1771173
File: 318 KB, 1525x1600, Zdzisław Feelsiński.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y..you too

>> No.1771176

w-when world cup is over i will go back grinding

>> No.1771180
File: 52 KB, 600x401, 1362297333020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm trying to find a reliable way to approach drawing and coming up with ideas whenever I might need them. I just never know what to draw. Sure, I could just doodle or study something, and I do it sometimes, but so far it didn't bring me much closer to being able to come up with the cool stuff. I mean even when I have a loose idea I don't know what to add to it to make it more defined. So instead of drawing I'm sitting here skipping through books, videos, ic and tumblr trying to figure things out but it doesn't really work either. Anyone here is or have been in a similar situation?

>> No.1771182

Oh but I am, I need not explain a thing. Why are you not drawing something OP?

>> No.1771183

i don't know what to draw, i'm just uninspired.

>> No.1771184

because i'm eating

>> No.1771187

I need to walk the dog.

>> No.1771189

It's 3am and I need to go to sleep

>> No.1771196


>take an image that inspires you(either art or an IRL thing like a photo of an ocelot or something)
>paste it in your sketchbook
>draw it, or something based on it

You can't leave it on the computer or you'll just end up wandering off looking for more pictures or going to browse 4chan or something, you have to commit to it by physically putting it in your sketchbook.

>> No.1771199

study bitch
make money bitch

>> No.1771211

But I only wander off when I have nothing more to add. Or do you mean that I should lock myself up in a room with nothing but a piece of paper and a few references and just push through until something comes out of it? I might try that, but usually when I force myself to draw I end up just doodling mindlessly.

>> No.1771212

>now get to work bitch

>> No.1771216
File: 29 KB, 450x337, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm at work at my shitty minim wage job.

How the fuck do you guys find time to draw 8 hours a day? I'm a student and work part time. I can maybe squeeze in 20 hours a week of drawing.

Are most of you NEETS? If so that's pretty neat.

>> No.1771217

>Going to school
>Working part time

>> No.1771218

Being a NEET is neat indeed.
I can't speak for others, but I just graduated from my school and can only start going to university next year, so yeah. Lots of free time until I find a job.

>> No.1771219

league of legends isn't going to play itself

>> No.1771222


Thank god I'm not working full time. Honestly all I want is to just find some boring job that pays enough for me o support myself cuz I just want to develope mad tech ability as the years go by and one day be that cool uncle who can draw awesome shit. But it seems I this shit economy asking for over 30k year is impossible to come by

>> No.1771225
File: 34 KB, 623x507, movienightyay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was marathoning Keion for uh
stylization research?

>> No.1771226

Working full time here, seven days a week most of the times what I do is I use every bit of my leisure time to draw. If it's a slow work day I draw, if the earth and the moon and the sun and the stars line up and by some freak incident I so happen to get a day off guess what I use it to draw.

If you are like me you will sacrifice whatever social life you have right now which means no friends and no going out and no vidya it's just you and the canvas. I love it.

>> No.1771227
File: 27 KB, 550x281, 1402861872355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no drawing materials
And i really want to draw a xenomorph for some reason ;_;

>> No.1771228

I'm waiting for my paint to dry.

>> No.1771231
File: 7 KB, 300x200, 77-year-old-pose-nude-for-magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not drawing into the night
Only time I can draw in fucking piece long enough to do more than quick sketches. I tried fitting drawing into my work, but you know what gets in the way?

inb4 work during break; already replaced with working out at the workplace weightroom.

>> No.1771241


I don't know exactly what your stumbling block is, only what works for me at this moment. When I couldn't figure out what to draw I took what I wanted to draw and I put it in my sketchbook so that it occupied the same space I used to draw. Now I don't have to wonder about what I want to draw because it's already right there in my sketchbook. I find this far more effective when they exist in their own separate space. What I'm talking about is not forcing oneself to hammer out an idea but instead fusing your random doodles and the artist you want to become by making them occupy the same physical space.

>> No.1771251

because i dont know if what im drawing is really going to help me and if the past 5 hours i spent drawing it was worth the time

>> No.1771253

Anatomy studies and viritual plein air's all day while recovering from the flu.
Went to bed to watch some Lcs on my ipad while surfing on my other Ipad. Portable two monitor setup ftw.

Good night!

>> No.1771256

Sleep well bby! <3

I'll be burning the midnight oil gittin gud.

>> No.1771258

>While you sleep, the other guy is awake getting better than you

>> No.1771261
File: 1.01 MB, 3173x4427, 8f20c33d4867eeefcd84a96030f00d1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you just reminded me that it's been awhile since I got muh Mugi on.

>> No.1771268

And when he goes to bed im up again working on a portfolio to send to companies to start working freelance.

Not worried about competition from /ic/ good luck to all of you, hope we can meet at workshops and conventions in the future.

>> No.1771274

Jokes on you guys. I don't sleep. Enjoy being constantly left behind!

>> No.1771280

it's my break day, faggot

>> No.1771292
File: 1.69 MB, 1350x2250, yeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm modelling. ;_;

>> No.1771310

This is what I said, and then they forced me into a management position with more hours and responsibility, then poor fortune takes over my days off. I consider this my profession but still I can only draw one or two hours per day.

>> No.1771330

i'm shitting in my diaper.

>> No.1771461

Because I can't think of anything to draw.
Damn it.

>> No.1771465

I just took a poop and weight 145lbs before, measure it again after pooping and I weight 140lbs afterwards.

are poops really that heavy?

>> No.1771468

Are you making fat stacks of cash as a manager?

>> No.1771471

did you pee too?

>> No.1771479

>but so far it didn't bring me much closer to being able to come up with the cool stuff.

Stop trying to draw cool stuff. Stop over thinking it and just draw stuff.

>> No.1771511


>> No.1771512
File: 593 KB, 370x335, 1403230597306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jacking off to kemohomo.

>> No.1772884
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, 101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1772890


>> No.1772908

I'm at my day job.

>> No.1772927

it takes me 5 seconds to shit.

>> No.1772935

This is not an argument that is ever relevant. Please stop this.

>> No.1772936

depressd and ronery

>> No.1772938

Because my body is not ready

Go outside actually

>> No.1772942

I just closed Photoshop, I'm taking a break

>> No.1772947

Oh lord I just realized how long It's been since I've been to /a/

>> No.1772952

I can't draw, PSYCHE

>> No.1772963

me too, me too. i actually checked it out today and it's still full of haters.

>> No.1772977


>> No.1772986


>> No.1772991

Not the original anon, but thank you sir. This is a great idea that I just tried, and this is probably the best way to treat a block.

>> No.1773001

I just drew that picture you posted upside down. Just draw bro.
Or draw a bro.

>> No.1773008
File: 55 KB, 300x223, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'cause I'm painting.

>> No.1773020

Because I'm severely depressed and have no motivation

>> No.1773054

Eating,and on /lgbt/.

>> No.1773056

All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

>> No.1773060
File: 36 KB, 625x626, d5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1773067

i always think of enders game when he says buggers

>> No.1773068

Because I'm eating food.

>> No.1773069
File: 32 KB, 302x302, sendhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was marathoning Haruhi
for uh
more stylization research?

>> No.1773073

Perpetual artblock.

>> No.1773075


>just now watching haruhi

I'd probably cringe from the blast of the past.

>> No.1773078
File: 5 KB, 199x253, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Toilet studies will flush you.

>> No.1773079

What a shitty joke.

>> No.1773083

Srsly guys how can I get over this?

>> No.1773084

drink a bunch of coffee

>> No.1773088

this is different for everyone, but a few things have helped me:
generate ideas in a physical sketchbook, rather than your computer. personally, my mind is so used on using my pc for games, internet, videos, etc. that it's just not feasible to come up with something of my own.
also, drawing panties. cause that's what i love.

>> No.1773090

look at things that inspire you, keep an art inspiration folder

>> No.1773091

I love panties too.

>> No.1773114

Because I don't want to right now.

I do more learning about different things and watching films/anime than I do drawing. My hope is that all of these experiences will come together and I'll be able to develop my graphic novel's story with more confidence.

>> No.1773126

Because it's too hot to comfortably move.
Summer is so fucking gay, it shouldn't even exist.

>> No.1773128

Thank you all for those suggestions, I'll have to use them.

>> No.1773135

>tfw working
>move to get up
>shirt almost melded with your back via sweat
no ac is suffering

>> No.1773139

>tfw working
>have to get up
>don't want to because seat will have a very obvious sweat stain because of your hot damp ass

>> No.1773143

>Having to sit back down on the damp sweat spot
the worst

>> No.1773147

>have to sit down on another person's damp sweat spot

>> No.1773151
File: 216 KB, 900x675, 1404243417751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1773197

foolish mortal, you know not the cold of the winter we have. enjoy summer whilst you still can!

>> No.1773317

Because I've lost all motivation for everything I do
The person in me that wanted to become a successful artist died and now all I do is browse the internet and regret my own inability to improve as an artist and a person

>> No.1773374

I wish I didn't know that feel.

>> No.1773515

i don't know what to draw

>> No.1773539

I have tendinitis on my right arm OP.

Shit, it feels like i'm done.

>> No.1773618

Because I feel tired for the second day in a row. All I've been doing is studies and rough drawings in sketchbooks. Have a painting I want to do, but I lack the energy and motivation right now.

>> No.1773640

I work full time, 7 days a week too, I only get like 3 or 4 hours to draw and paint before bed.

Because I'm terrified of the blank page, and avoid it as much as I can. Looking through the study thread for a decent pic though and then going to paint a study.

>> No.1773659

Because I have to unfuck my tablet nearly every time I plug it in and right now is no exception.

>> No.1773735

I'm tired AND bored

>> No.1773753

fuck you I don't need to explain shit

>> No.1773767

you probably aren't getting much from your studies or doodles anyway just keep your sketchbook on your lap or right in front of you and draw whatever you want whenever you want. when you study gestures try to learn the gesture so you can apply it to any character you wish don't worry about making pretty pictures.

>> No.1773774

this thread again.


>> No.1773812

Me too :(

>> No.1773821


Don't you guys just have it plugged in when you start up? That means I don't have any problems. Plugging in while the pc/laptop is on can be a hassle.

>> No.1773847

No motivation. How do I get motivation to draw again? I need a goal, and not just to get gud.

>> No.1773851

I'm not drawing right now because I lack motivation
also how do I decide what 2 draw?

>> No.1773870
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1462, influence_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Different for everybody. Whenever you forget why you want to get good at art you look at your influence map. Make sure to put everything that inspires you in it. Other than that I or nobody can give you motivation. Motivation is a temporary high.

>> No.1773876
File: 47 KB, 1000x1462, Influence_Map_Meme_by_fox_orian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no that isn't mine just pulled that off google

>> No.1773879

I think I'm going to try that, thanks.

>> No.1773882


Because I'm struggling drawing a skeletal foot and whenever I struggle I avoid the problem instead of tackling it head-on. :(

>> No.1773884

Why don't you try tackling the problem head on?

>> No.1773888

> Dan Kim

No wonder you suffer from procrastination, learning it from a pro.

>> No.1773896

It is very hot and I am sweaty right now. I can't draw because my arm keeps sticking to the paper so I'm waiting for it to cool down later tonight.

>> No.1773898

wash the sweat and semen off your arm dry it with a towel and draw now?

>> No.1773902


And then do it all over again every two minutes? That sounds horrible.

>> No.1773903

you could just stop fapping so much

>> No.1773912

Because I was studying Japanese and I was about to start coding a video game.

Too fuckin' hot to art right now, and I don't want to wrestle wacom drivers again today. I'd rather do mindless programming.

>> No.1773914


>> No.1773918

No, you're posting on an japanese cartoons website

>> No.1773919

i have no discipline

>> No.1773992
File: 2.00 MB, 400x332, 9c923239-c752-46f4-aabb-338a0704a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those days when ADHD forces you to draw instead of doing job, working out or getting trough backlog

Best kinds of days.

>> No.1774004
File: 12 KB, 240x300, icekingwhoa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm living outta boxes man.

>> No.1774027
File: 578 KB, 480x270, 7-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1774038

Arthritis hurts.

>> No.1774046


>> No.1774060
File: 847 KB, 600x5297, jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I don't know how to continue the story and make it feel real. I think dialogue wise, it took a dip in quality for laziness sake and I wanna get it back on track without redoing anything.

>> No.1774080

Boner achieved.

>> No.1774091

because i had to shitpost on /sp/ after the great brazilian buttblust

>> No.1774383

Too busy incoherently raging over a parking ticket.

>> No.1774389


That's awful. Also youre obviously avirgin that hasnever seen a vagina up close.

>> No.1774481

Doesn't really feel real at all.
15 year old girl and her friends hanging out with college guys? You should probably close the gap a bit. Maybe throw some alcohol or drugs in there too, they were having a party right?

>> No.1774506


I think this has gone wayyy beyond the realms of reality and already tucked comfortably into porno-logic.

Forget about making it believable and just go full on crazy with it. The dialogue is B-movie quality already; you'll get a better mileage if you ham it up even more. Insane close-ups of O faces, cheesy lines that haven't been heard since the 80's, that guy at the first panel joining in with a huge dick, space aliens out of fucking nowhere, etc. Just have fun.

This shit could be more than just an awkward fantasy. Turn it into something enjoyable and fun to read; not just to look at.

>> No.1774517

Ran out of space in the notepad and can't find a clean one.

>> No.1774561

hand hurts.

>> No.1774589

I'm too busy loudly yelling "FUCK" at my tablet.

>> No.1774593

>tfw didnt draw again today
This thread is haunting me

>> No.1774594

I'm lazy.

>> No.1774619

I'm stuck at a mall waiting for a ride ... If I was at home I'd probably still be dicking around not drawing. I have no motivation and it's bumming me out. Such a loser sometimes.

>> No.1774633

That's how it goes.

>> No.1774637

On a 5 min pomodoro break :)

>> No.1774638

I'm feeling way better today, lets get to /tg/ and do some requests.

>> No.1774644

I have no excuse, already 1 day of not drawing.

>> No.1774645

I draw 9-5.

>> No.1774678

i feel like my art is bad, i don't see any improvements and i lack all inspiration. And even if i draw it's either landscapes,, stupud human characters in generic poses or birds

>> No.1774688
File: 6 KB, 300x198, 1397281985406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i lack all inspiration

>> No.1774718

>i lost the game

>> No.1774800

Try to make the man more attractive, his penis is kind of nasty and that pubic hair HAS GOT TO GO. I find that shit nasty, personally, if you don't, that's okay. Maybe make him more tan, as well, his pale complexion is off-putting. I'm assuming he's an alpha jock type? If so, I urge the last bit moreso.

I also agree with >>1774481
15 year old girls do hang with college guys sometimes, but where is the crazy teen fun, like booze and drugs? Maybe people aren't showing because of the LACK of them.

Writing question, anon.

How does one make good dialogue? From what I read, there were a few things that bugged me, like the little sister immediately knowing his brother wanted to bone from the"only weirdo in 100 miles" line, along with other things. Besides that, it seems okay. I definitely see the corny parts, though.

Not crapping on your critique, but I'm genuinely interested to know what decent dialogue is.

>> No.1774812


>Drawing while shitting.

For what? The minute and a half I am on the toilet? Bro, I need that time for concentration.

>> No.1774816


If you sketch on the potty... what paper will you use if there is no TP?

>> No.1774817

In this time you could make 3 gestures.

>> No.1774824


Hope for a splashback.

>> No.1774836

I am.

Trying to figure out how to draw a sprinter in dead-on front view.

Today I learned that sprinters don't lean forward as much as I thought, that my legs were unnecessarily far back (and painful if actually attempted) and that subtlety is sometimes your best friend.

Also, every fucking sprinter has a "I need to shit so badly" face, that I can't stop remembering the Monty Python skit about the Incontinent Runners.

>> No.1774846

>Also, every fucking sprinter has a "I need to shit so badly" face
because any exercise is suffering, duh.

>> No.1774853

programming and 4channing

>> No.1774896

I don't feel like being frustrated by inability rightnow

>> No.1774907

Because I am having an existential crisis on how to take my comic/art and I am really cfreaking ouit SOMEONE HELP ME

>> No.1774912

It could also be because running shakes the shit out of you
So yes they might actually need to shit too

>> No.1774940

I just spent over an hour drawing and it's 1:42 am...

>> No.1774943

i just masturbated and my hands are tired.

>> No.1774950

>Using your drawing hand as your fapping hand
>Any year

>> No.1774952

Right now I'm on summer break but during the school year I have a long train commute. I bring a sketchbook, watercolor pans and a water brush and doodle to kill time.

>> No.1774983

I realized that my ability to draw ellipses and keep the scratching to a minimum, and that I've jumped the gun something fierce.

So, I'm alternating between drawing ellipses in various exercises and drawing things on my desk to improve.

I don't really count it as drawing, like someone doing breath control exercises isn't singing.

>> No.1774987


>using only 1 hand to masturbate


>> No.1774989

I yield to your superior self gratification.

>> No.1774990

The little face where it says "So brave"

Fucking lost it right there.

>> No.1774994

I was drawing a few minutes ago, stopped because I'm angry at myself for not being able to draw a stupid torso. Everything looks flat and disproportionate. I hate my life

>> No.1775000

You ever think maybe the reason you can't draw a stupid torso is because you pussy out and throw fits? Quitter.

>flat and disproportionate
Sounds like you need to go back to the basics and brush up on form/value/proportion and do a lot of gesture drawing as practice before you can do this.

Maybe even look at anatomy charts. Ribs, hips and spine are the first things to focus on.

>> No.1775012

I've been drawing for five hours today, so it's not that I just up and quit after the first one. Had my references open as I drew, nothing is working.

>> No.1775020

As was said:
>you need to go back to the basics and brush up on form/value/proportion and do a lot of gesture drawing as practice before you can do this.

>> No.1776021

B-because I have to browse all my pinned /ic/ thread, looked at my new tumblrs of favorite artists..

>> No.1776024

Thanks for being bumped umm. Well you see what happened was I was F5ing IC too much and giving advice. Thank god this is a slow board.

>> No.1776348

2013+1 seriously get 4chanx or something

>> No.1778136
File: 10 KB, 173x205, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dan Kim
Holee phucking shitt

>> No.1778171

Because my wacom tablet cord is at a friends house.

>> No.1778182

You're so fucking right OP
I'm off

>> No.1778183


Liking Dan Kim is a good indicator that you don't have Alzheimer. In fact it even shows an excellent memory, considering how that bastard update once every millenia.

>> No.1778235

Stop posting this fucking image wtf
Its rustling the jimmies, so uncomfortable

>> No.1778246
File: 22 KB, 251x331, Capture (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1778429

Just mowed lawn, hands still numb.