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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 161 KB, 707x1000, 34066095_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1765686 No.1765686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Because I don't want my friends and family to know what I'm creating.

I already have quite an online presence (which is tied to my real name), so that makes things even harder.

Any tips?

>> No.1765691

Make an alias. Deny any relation with your other work, and be a complete dick to everyone to help deter fan base.

>> No.1765694

Can't be that hard with a generic style and an alias, nebezial did it for years and he's got a really distinctive style

>> No.1765702

So I shouldn't really try to alter my style or purposefully downgrade my skill level while drawing nudes?

Being a dick sounds like fun, I'll do that. And I'm looking into this "nebezial" guy now.

>> No.1765714

Well you could do many things, like altering your style and so on but where's the fun in that? The reality is that if you don't
want absolutely anyone to ever known is to not share it ever anywhere, cause if you do have a presence as you said, people
will find out eventually, your friends and family are probably safe, but if you want to maintain a pure online persona without fail
the only real way is this. I wouldn't really care though, it's like kidding yourself and other people as if you are someone without a
sexuality, unless your audience is mainly middle school girls, i don't think that anyone would be shocked.

>> No.1765716

Nobody irl knows my nickname on the internet. Nobody on the internet knows who I am.

>> No.1765722

its all fun and games until they commission you stuff and you cant get paid without them seeing your real name and stuff

>> No.1765723

I don't care what anyone online thinks, but there's no way I can let anyone in my family find out, or my friends (I'm in college; as you can imagine, that would be disastrous).

Having a roommate means I can't keep my art private. If he wants to find out where I am online, he easily could.

>> No.1765724
File: 65 KB, 497x666, 1389374450709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a duck either.

>> No.1765744

>nebezial did it for years and he's got a really distinctive style

Haha, I knew shiniez was nebezial the second I saw his work. I can't imagine I'm the only one.

>> No.1765747

So I should definitely try to hide my style/skill.

Only other option is to keep it all private, but that's no fun.

>> No.1765748

Thats why i told you that by family you are probably fine, only some obsessed guy would start comparing artist to you
if you change your style, it's not like your mom would be browsing loli hentai tags. And how the hell would your roommate
find out? encrypt your machine.

>> No.1765798


I'm really curious to know who this is.

>> No.1765801

don't be a dick, nobody will buy your shit if you be a dick

>> No.1765805

>Having a roommate means I can't keep my art private.
How tech savvy is your roommate? How obsessed is he with finding out whether you draw smut? If he's the kind of guy who'd install a hardware keylogger inside your keyboard and hide a camera in the room so that it's constantly looking at your computer screen, he ALREADY KNOWS that you're on 4chan asking about drawing dirty things anonymously. If he just occasionally snoops at your browsing history, you could keep him out by thinking up a better password. If you're feeling exposed, encrypt your entire hard drive and start using Tor. You can tell him it's because you're afraid of the NSA.

I think you worry too much, though. Most people aren't even going to care. Just pick a fake name and try to get some plausible deniability going. As long as you never outright admit to drawing the smut, it COULD have been done by someone else.

>> No.1765806

Nah dude, fuck that. Just tie the dirty things to the real you, they are an expression and extension of yourself. If your family and friends cannot understand that, fuck em.

>> No.1765885

Learn from tom preston and dont be a douche. People give him shit and went e-detective on him for being a jerk.

I seriously envy some artists who dont give a fuck.

>> No.1765897



90% of what I draw is porn and I have a somewhat established alias I work under, but if my non-porn stuff gets attention and someone connects the dots? Oh well.


If someone decides to play e-sleuth, just own up to it. Take away their thunder.

>> No.1765905
File: 303 KB, 1694x1433, csCYRYw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the same forum that was ostracizing the teal a few months ago?

>> No.1766161
File: 26 KB, 500x373, 1403787511274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teal you son of a gun. Someday I am going to get to where you are right now. I want your likeness and when I want something I don't stop until I get. Thanks for posting this I needed that.

And to answer your question, yes this is the board that made a big deal over an Artist who out of his own kindness helped others here by providing hand written pieces of knowledge. He is one of the few that has had a positive impact but unfortunately the bitter old fags threw bitch fits over him and his advice because I guess some people feel like they have some sort of seniority here.

>> No.1766177

This is actually infuriating.

His redlines, and the anon who archived them are right up there with loomis for me.

>> No.1766179
File: 23 KB, 500x442, 412412e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those lines just below her belly look like pubic hair
>cannot unsee

>> No.1766186

Speaking of this, do you guys know any sort of anonymous version of Paypal? Or perhaps is it possible within Paypal to hide your name from the people sending money?

>> No.1766193


That's not even him and that's an old as fuck picture

>> No.1766195
File: 85 KB, 246x246, 1400476909599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could be lurking here, you know. Don't take that belief away from me. Please.

>> No.1766199
File: 286 KB, 732x674, Android_16__s_Head_by_dbzataricommunity[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let it go

>> No.1766203


Make an alias. Fucking simple.

However, if you don't have enough pride to put your name on what you're drawing, your work ethic will suffer. Take it from a guy who's been there. You can make porn classy, anon.

>> No.1766204
File: 92 KB, 245x275, 1400476909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using Android 16 as an analogy for Teal

I never asked for that feel.

>> No.1766209

I head you can be anonymous by just making a business account.

>> No.1766217
File: 376 KB, 1000x905, entitiy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make this shit under and alias. I work at very late hours. Its harder to find time for it.

>> No.1766218

I'm going to have fucking nightmares now.

>> No.1766219
File: 138 KB, 350x350, carlos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking nightmares

>> No.1766222
File: 755 KB, 750x645, HyyGlwU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats fucked up man. reminds me of the demon of song from Dark souls 2

>> No.1766252

so where I can follow this Teal guy?

>> No.1766282
File: 74 KB, 494x450, Motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1766400

hahah thought it was a spider girl from the thumb

; )

>> No.1766707

Anyone successfully done fur shit for money? I've done some Pokémon porn and gotten a few followers, but I'm not sure I want to go full furry.

>> No.1766787

I've done some anthro stuff but I'm still trying to get a name out for myself. Furry is a little saturated.

>> No.1766806
File: 499 KB, 723x697, darkmorcommissiontb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 3700ish watchers on friendaffinity and I'm trash
90 base +40 per character plus some other nickle/dimey stuff. Can get a pic done in like 1-2 days so its enough to comfortably live off of.

>> No.1766881

That's sick dude
may I ask how long you've been doing this?

>> No.1766903

But most of it fucking sucks. Fucking. Sucks.

If you don't fucking suck, you are desired.

>> No.1767096
File: 568 KB, 637x843, d6ead6b633ad8396371f69881d58d2c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that long. I got a LOT better within a year so I jumped up from 'chump change' to 'living wage' very recently. The nice thing about commissions is that it may be more work for less pay, but you are getting better when you draw 8+ hours a day and the more you improve the more you can charge.
And also the more you improve the better you feel about yourself ofc.
Also I get ~30 dollar tips like, over half of the time. I'm no yippy yappy furry faggot, but I treat my customers professionally and accept all the little changes they want made. I think a lot of people in the trenches of the furry commissioning world are crazy assholes, so I think people really appreciate a level headed provider.

>> No.1767100

Wow it's so strange how drawing fetish art on the low is necessary for artists to make a living. What a world we live in...

>> No.1767115

do you have any links 2 said archive?

>> No.1767116

nvm i used sick internet skills to find what i assume it is

>> No.1767122



This one has 90 images.

>> No.1767123

Too bad he likes to fuck children

>> No.1767127

>that projection

>> No.1767129

When I read that piece of advice he gave me I understand now, I didn't before but now after seeing it for myself it's clear and it almost brought a tear.

>> No.1767141

man i wish i could have a friend like this guy to ask things and know im getting good responses

>> No.1767146

Guy always makes the legs way too short

>> No.1767156
File: 19 KB, 304x304, gaben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you use paypal business for commissions? Also how do you avoid the drama, Ive read boatloads of horrid stories including crazy fucks who will do chargebacks and doxxing if they are mad with you for some petty ass reason.

>> No.1767161

That wasn't a joke. The guy's a sexually repressed wannabe kiddy diddler, talented though he may be.

>> No.1767162

Have you ever thrown up while working on one of your commissions? I'm gagging just looking at this shit.

>> No.1767167

how based can one man be

>> No.1767168

the real question is, are you into the "dirty" things you draw?

if not...then its just for cash right?

i can bet you a bricklayer is not into what he does....he just completes task for the money.

your friends and family will understand...
sometimes art is art and work is work.

if i told my parents that i draw fucked up shit the first question they would ask is "does it pay well"

do what ya gotta do.

and if by chance you like drawing dirty...then why are you lieing to family and friends , would you not be happier talking and hanging out with like minded people.

>> No.1767169

Does that affect his drawing abilities?

>> No.1767171

nonono, it's her tummy being embarrased. Otherwise pubes on her cheeks

>> No.1767210

any advice to someone who might wanna get in on this?

>> No.1767237

Sure friend. All you have to do is sign right here.

>> No.1767413

Honestly, who gives a fuck? I want his knowledge, not his babysitting services.

>> No.1767435

The guy asks for practical advice, not spiritual guidance from a painfully obvious underage b&.

>> No.1767445

u mad bro?

>> No.1767498

Also, this. You'd have to really stand out to still get business with a bad attitude. If you're mediocre, then why should they put up with you when they can easily find someone else?

At least as far as I'm concerned. I know some people like the whole "tough guy" persona but I just avoid them.
I think I just don't draw enough porn and fan art, so word of mouth is limited. Or I just suck at advertising myself. (Actually doing a pokemon porn commission myself right now, so hopefully that'll be fixed)

I'm not as good as this guy >>1766806 but I wouldn't say I suck. Plus when you haven't done many commissions yet, you seem more risky in comparison to people who've done more business.

>> No.1768272

yeah I paypal it up. I'm sure you can get fucked over by a customer easily but I've never had any problems. The thing I'm most worried about is a pissed off customer just sending me five bucks with the description 'hey this is for the pornography of those animals!! :))' but I feel like that method of fucking me over is way too clever for most furfriends.
nah I'm a gayboy, my sexual depravity knows no limit. I'm usually bonered up when I'm drawing this shit.
so fucking easy you don't need advice just draw shit but here are the things I've picked up. Don't make a 15 person list like I did and have it fill up in like a fucking day and lock you in to shitty chump change prices for a year. Be strict with people who ask for reserve slots or other such bullfaggotry. Ignore people who send you dumb notes. Don't start drama unless its funny. Respect your customers. Don't type like a retard so you don't seem like a retard. Don't fuck with no furry bullshit in general - draw the porn, jack off to the porn if you're into it, exit the fucking browser.

>> No.1768409


is it possible to have a paypal using fake information, from which you send money over to your 'real' paypal?

>> No.1768423

Not really. Just instead of having your clients send you the money, get their paypal and send them a request first with an innocuous description.

>> No.1768424

This. I made a business account. Just took clicking a button.
Not that anon but I seriously doubt it. If they can't verify your data they ask for documents. I mean you could get a fake drivers licence if you wanna go that far?

>> No.1768455

wait what?? theres this business thing that makes your name and personal info not show up for the buyer?
can you explain it babbymode?what is that you do? they dont get to see your name?

>> No.1768526
File: 16 KB, 512x384, Artist drawing commissions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do.

I have a ~6k following on FA and I literally don't do anything but dump completed content occasionally. I never self advertise and none of my art accounts are linked to each other. My subjects are mainly humanoids, I don't go furry except for a few specific commissioners I enjoy working for. My standard for a full painting is $150+.

There are two ways to get noticed - either be above average, or be a whore. Regular people don't care about practices or standards, only a product that looks good. If you can draw an ass and cover it in nonsensical coloring you'll be noticed fairly quickly, especially on sites like Tumblr.

If you REALLY want to force a following, draw ponies and sexualize the shit out of everything you create. I'm not kidding. One of my friends made a joke pony image which got reblogged by some brony artist on tumblr and they received 500-ish followers over the course of the next 24 hours. Make everything a cartoon. This is literally the lowest hanging fruit. Just don't let the ass patting go to your head.

The question you really need to ask yourself is are you drawing to improve, or are you drawing to have an audience.

>> No.1768579


>> No.1768612
File: 12 KB, 162x195, 1368920686150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I genuinely enjoy drawing popular things, sex, and in cartoony styles just for personal enjoyment
>tfw i would probably get shit on for only doing things like that instead of beautiful renaissance murials so I just practice constantly

I just want to draw what I like and how I like.

>> No.1768614


>> No.1768623

thanks, so if i made this business account, buyers would only see that business name? not my real one?

>> No.1768666
File: 57 KB, 500x650, geeeger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who's stopping you?

>> No.1768674
File: 61 KB, 635x475, He needs two more dicks pls edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Continued; sorry, I was called to a meeting.

Regardless of how you acquire it, eventually you will gain a following. This is where the importance of your mentality comes into play, and if you want to keep improving once you're being paid for your work then it's important that you not falter after receiving a spotlight. If someone follows you, it most likely means they enjoy your product. Chances are if they ever comment on you it's going to be praise.

Never let praise eclipse your goals. Don't be a dick in the face of positivity, but take compliments with a grain of salt. The only feedback you should really concentrate on are critique and insults, which are diamonds in the rough as far as Tumblr/etc go.

I say "critique and insults" because unless you specifically seek it, true objective critique will be a rarity among the online casual communities. You're much more likely to be met with "your X is shit" rather than "your X seems off to me, try Y". The latter is a critique, the former is someone trying to put you down. If someone tells you your X is shit, examine X until you understand on what grounds they said that. Embrace it. Learn from it and make note of it for the future.

You will learn much more from someone bringing a flaw to your attention than you will from a pat on the back, regardless of how they do so. However, don't throw yourself at their feet. Your opinion is just as valuable as theirs, and if you have reasons to disagree, then disagree.

By avoiding derailing, you'll continue to improve. As you do you will raise your prices, more people will seek your skill, and you will flourish. Now go make some bank you sick fuck.


Allow me to clarify, there's nothing wrong with following your hand. No path is inherently bad when your intentions are respectable. The issue that arises is people become tempted to take an easier path just because of the allure of popularity or cash, instead of what's best for their growth.

>> No.1768732

tell us how to keep the anonymity pls

>> No.1768736

I want to do it but I'm really afraid some idiot will put in something like "make the vagina really big!" in the descrition and fuck up my paypal account
people have asked me for commisions but I'm really afraid as I mentioned

when a client pays you, what do you tell them to put in the product description? do you ask for something specifically or do you ask them not to put anything sex related so payal doesn't find out

>> No.1768740
File: 923 KB, 694x3618, paypal-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but you can just initiate the payment via invoice and avoid that whole fiasco.

>> No.1768741
File: 449 KB, 912x587, Suddenly refusing to do porn work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're really paranoid, just have them pay to a dummy Paypal account which you then pay to your real one. I don't see why you'd want to bother unless you're for some reason making your Paypal public though, I only give mine to my commissioners.


People don't put the commission description in the Paypal order, they do it via message/email. Most people are aware of Paypal's policies, the most my clients have every put are just various thank you's.

That or just specifically say "leave the Paypal comments blank please". They'll oblige.

>> No.1768748

hey anon, I really thank you for sharing

>> No.1768779

maybe ive confused you with someone else but i thought i read you have different aliases, so i figured you also do different art. Thats my main issue. Say Im a commercial illustrator, I wanna do some porn commission on the side. I dont want them (porn commissioners) to know my real name that will lead to my commercial art identity. Hopefully the business account setting helps with this ; if i got it right through this option the buyer will only see my business name (which i can change?) and maybe the mail connected to the account (which i can change ) but not my real name

>> No.1768846

I don't think 'style' is something that is easily changed. I've seen a couple of artists who use alternate styles sometimes, but I think you'd need to be a fairly accomplished artist to maintain more than one style.

>> No.1768858

Please excuse a stupid question from someone who never uses social media, but what is friendaffinity?
Google doesn't bring up anything that looks right. I was expecting some sort of deviantart community...

>> No.1768859


FURaffinity mate.

he was just using a pun, it's a furry based deviantart thing, I would stay away if I were you though, unless your going for that.

>> No.1768862

Ah, gotcha, thanks much anon!

>> No.1769216

Holy shit. I never knew making furry porn was such a struggle.

>> No.1769296
File: 318 KB, 763x805, 1306348876618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone on Tumblr connected my nsfw shit to my normal stuff

Oh god, if he recognized by style alone I'm fucked

>> No.1769298
File: 42 KB, 400x388, 1404253854051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you are not noticed by anyone and nobody knows your name or style of drawing and don't have to worry about people recognizing me for any of my personal drawings and no stress about it.

Feels good. Feels real good.

>> No.1769299

Delete accounts ASAP

>You can always make new ones. Clear these ones.

>> No.1769356


>> No.1769364

see >>1768859

>> No.1769377

i think he was asking for his actual account

>> No.1769443

explaining >>1768779 hopefully better ,
say i make this Paypal business account named X for porn commissions. this account is X and its email is X@mail.com.
Buyers only see the X name plus the X mail right?
Then say im cutting it off and want to only do commercial art(card illustrations etc.) Can i change Xname to Y? I know i can change paypal mail so i could change the X mail to Y mail.
Porn Buyer will not find my account anymore right?

>> No.1769611

sorry to cut down the conversation

but i was looking for a pic who was post in the shadman thread it was nice drawn futa pic with a blind girl and huge man

i post here since it somehow related to the thread thanks

>> No.1769617

Lacks variety, like he's stuck on doing the steps and not on the designing at a subversive level

>> No.1769683

You can easily find his account if you search e621 with the tags bull and male.

>> No.1769738

Ayyy I know you

>> No.1769942

source of that image please

>> No.1769951

it's private dawg

>> No.1770071

Looks like an alternate version of a recent pic in his FA.

>> No.1770102

Charge more, dipshit.

>> No.1770130

Nowhere, Teal is ded.


>> No.1770133

I refuse to believe that. He's just taking a breather right guys?

>> No.1770172

If by breather you mean jail time for molestation, then yes, he's taking a breather.

>> No.1770188

Who cares what he's sexually attracted to? He's a good artist. It's people like you that made him leave in the first place.

>> No.1770192

I honestly see no point in figuring out what he is into it seems the likes of you are more concerned about his lifestyle than his work that has had a positive impact on /ic/. This type of mentality where one crucifies someone based on allegations without evidence to support is concerning.

Such is the case with the recent incident where an Artist from Cartoon Network was accused of rubbing his arm up against someone else and that person cried sexual assault and the man was fired.

You, my dear are the type of cancer that is ravaging the world today with excessive political correctness.

>> No.1770206

you serious? I feel like that's already pushing it. The only people who charge more than that are much more popular and better than me.

>> No.1770233

mate can i get in contact with you to clear out some perplexities i have on the matter?
like a mail or something

>> No.1770252


>I honestly see no point in figuring out what he is into it seems the likes of you are more concerned about his lifestyle than his work that has had a positive impact on /ic/.

Because it's how these people make their egos feel better over the fact that someone on the Internet is better than them.


You'd be surprised what people will pay.

I've seen people pay $200 for DA-tier filter ridden garbage.

>> No.1770258

You may be able to creep it up a bit more, but I'd wait a bit before bumping the prices again, since you mentioned you just recently did. Your watchers might get the "wrong idea" or something.

>> No.1770266



If you're popular, you can charge a lot more

>> No.1770276
File: 484 KB, 792x968, polnareff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure. steam account is blamus. skype account is blammykins. or you can just find me on tumblr or fa and message me there.
auctions and YCHs and other miscellaneous faggotry like that always gets exorbitantly high. I'll bump up my prices with time, depending on personal judgement of skill level and amount of watchers I have. My figure construction and general anatomy are still trashy shit vomited down a gutter.

>> No.1770290

Could anyone post the Araki progress chart?

I've seen it posted here a bunch of times but never saved it

>> No.1770335

http://simontblr.tumblr.com/ i think this is it.
is posting this shit banworthy?

>> No.1770342


NSA is coming to beat your door down right now

>> No.1770355
File: 197 KB, 1164x423, brainquit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder if she does her taxes

>> No.1770394

Funny thing is the highest bidder for the highest selling piece was failed to pay, and the second highest got it.

Considering then the price was unfairly inflated by someone who had no intention of paying, to me it'd be unfair to accept that much money. Not just from 'it's the right thing', but also because it opens yourself up to accusations of shill bidders.

>> No.1770397

Im pretty scared of the possibility of paypal blocking my account, is it possibile to make commissions using other services? or clients only use paypal?
ok thanks!

>> No.1770435

There's Dwolla, Amazon Payments, Google Wallet, and some new fangled thing called squarecash.