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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 776 KB, 981x885, 401636bd1f0d595d9c92035a3950963e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1749580 No.1749580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are any of these up anywhere?

>> No.1749600

They're less than a cup of coffe at Starbucks, so fuck off.

>> No.1749633

Wow, these are nice. I might actually buy one of them. Which one out of these would you guys want the most?

>Advanced Photoshop 1
>Designing with Confidence
>Painting with Confidence
>Character - Jubal
>Character - Yarusia
>Process: Kitbash your own Painting
>Process: Greyscale to Color - Portrait Arogoth

(I'm not interested in other ones)

>> No.1749634

designing with confidence

>> No.1749637


>> No.1749667

ok, got it, and the greyscale to color one. I'll upload it somewhere and share the links.

would be cool if someone else bought another vid and shared it too.

>> No.1749669

Holy shit, fuck off with your viral marketing. These are awful.

>> No.1749672

have you watched any of them?

>> No.1749673

Go back to /v/ you fucking retard.

>> No.1749674

Hell no. Are you blind? Have you not seen the preview images? Not one of them should be teaching

>> No.1749675

>anthony jones
>clients include: Blizzard, Sony, Paramount, Fox, Disney, Marvel,Hasbro, Cryptozoic, Wizards of the Coast, Applibot, Digital Domain

whatever you say, dude

>> No.1749676

Typical Anthony Jones asskisser. It's so obvious that he hides his weaknesses (faces, hands, lower body, anything that isn't characters) with try-hard artsy costumes and other tricks. I can't respect a guy that stays in his comfort zone all the time

>> No.1749681

I respect your opinion, but the fact that he's got some weaknesses doesn't really imply that he can't teach you anything.

>> No.1749684


>Anthony Jones: Succesful artist. Good looking, professional and charismatic.

>You: Stressed mediocre chronic masturbator.

>> No.1749686


yes please

>> No.1749706

lol at pirating a 3 dollars video, wtf.

>> No.1749713
File: 487 KB, 500x656, Laughing_Dragons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pirating everything that you can

I'd pirate ur mum if I could.

>> No.1749726
File: 450 KB, 250x375, 1396626793118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody grab that painting with confidence shit I'd do it myself but that shit doesn't accept paypal from the looks of it or I'm just being retarded

>> No.1749728

3 dollars is fucking 5 months worth of food here faggot.

>inb4 how can you afford internet
I'm just stealing signal from dumb fucks who doesn't know how to put password on their wifi with some phone I bought cheap from robbers.

>> No.1749733
File: 169 KB, 568x768, paypal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

click this
don't forget to share

>> No.1749735


are you in the poorest shithole of India or are you just a cheap rat?

>> No.1749776

>3 dollars for 5 months of food
literally impossible

>worries about 3 dollars
>meanwhile owns one of the most expensive type of electronic device
>and uses his extremely valuable time to shitpost on 4chan with it
I don't think so.

>> No.1749778

man you can't even feed a starving African child for that little.

>> No.1749786

Are they any good? Do they teach something that is not obvious? I'm thinking of buying a couple.

>> No.1749925

>ok, got it, and the greyscale to color one. I'll upload it somewhere and share the links.

So, were they any good?

>> No.1749956

I'll delete the files in about an hour, so get it now

>> No.1749960



>> No.1749963


>> No.1749991

Thank you anon, downloading

>> No.1750033

If anyone is buying any more, I'm putting my vote in for Character- Jubal. looks really cool

>> No.1750047

kinda disappointing to be honest
they're okay, but you'd expect the information would be more in depth than his free videos (even though they are really cheap)
seems okay for someone new to art though I suppose (the tips might create bad habits though honestly for newbies)
my time is valueless so it was an overall okay watch

>> No.1750048

What bad habits do you have in mind?

>> No.1750062

Aww I was late to the party

>> No.1750074

Seriously man, what bad habits, I must know.

>> No.1750084

the color video was heavy on using photoshop tools
I'm just saying it's common for noobs to overuse that stuff without any real knowledge of what's going on
that isn't to fault Jones though I probably just went into it with expectations that were too high since it's a paid video

>> No.1750097

I didnt see any overusing. Like overusing what? What he does is super basic painting in PS.

>> No.1750116
File: 68 KB, 450x750, tumblr_mykm18FiX51rv0zuco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I probably just went into it with expectations that were too high since it's a paid video
>high expectations for pirated video that someone else paid $3 for

>> No.1750166

did you end up buying it? or someone else did maybe?

>> No.1750199

never mind then dude, just do whatever the fuck you want and stop bitching
why does it matter whether or not you pay for it? paid and free content are usually worlds apart

>> No.1750235

To be fair, only two of clients I hold any respect for.

I agree he's not actually that great. He'd probably make more money from this by monetising his videos on youtube.

>> No.1750243

guys reup plz ;_;

>> No.1750287

>I agree he's not actually that great. He'd probably make more money from this by monetising his videos on youtube.
I think it's like 2k usd for 1 million views
he isn't anywhere near making that worthwhile and assuming he isn't bullshitting about his money talks 2k is nothing to him

>> No.1750289


well he is currently working at blizzard, if that's anything

>> No.1750293

His videos are so fucking cheap why even pirate them, all the neets on this board sheesh.

>> No.1750295


The numbers add up eventually

>> No.1750372

Wut they are all invalid.

>> No.1750487
File: 463 KB, 597x454, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut fuckin read what he said, he deleted them after an hour of them being up.

>> No.1750644

I bought em. I usually share a lot of stuff but not this time. Its fucking 5 bucks faggots. Buy it

>> No.1750645


Which ones did you get?

>> No.1750647

Grayscale to color
Yarusia and Jubai

>> No.1750649


Want any others and we could do a trade for yarusia and jubai?

>> No.1750650

what do you have?

>> No.1750651


Haven't bought anything yet. You pick.

>> No.1750653

How to Approach Color Comps 1
Painting with Confidence
Skype: Nomusss

>> No.1750669

Uploading yarusia jubai color comps and confidence.

check back in a little

>> No.1750673

Shieet, just missed it

>> No.1750700

Someone should make a torrent on CGPeers.

>> No.1750708

thanks anon

>> No.1750717


>> No.1750730


1hr go

>> No.1750733

Thank you anon

>> No.1750737

thanks dude, you're the best

>> No.1750742


sharing is caring

>> No.1750742,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.1750759

I knew there's a reason why I'm still here

>> No.1750763

just came back and my download is slow as fuck. hope i'll catch it.

>> No.1750764


Besides the ongoing cringe fest of shitty critiques and super edgy arteests.

>> No.1750777

Thanks anon, but why do you delete files after an hour?

>> No.1750787 [DELETED] 

wtf!!!!!! again mediafire took it down

second time

>> No.1750796

I missed it again.

woooow. whats the reasoning behind of it being up for only 1 hour?

>> No.1750798

it's a scheme to make you browse /ic/ 24/7

>> No.1750861

anon. anon pls.

post again pls.

>> No.1750866

I might buy designing with confidence and adv photoshoop

>> No.1750868

ive got an idea. upload and delete two hours at a time. more people get it a at a time and less badgering.

>> No.1750872

I can upload designing with confidence. get adv photoshop and either kitbash/zbrush/ or the basics series at the very bottom

>> No.1750878


the hero /ic/ needs, but doesnt deserve

>> No.1750882


If you can upload those with the rest and leave it up for a little longer than an hour, I will get a sex change and have your babies.

>> No.1750886

Please, and don't be like that other guy who only puts it up for an hour.

(assuming you are a diff anon)

>> No.1750887

I really wanna see his 2 cents on design

>> No.1750900 [DELETED] 


5 mins go

>> No.1750902



>> No.1750904

eeehhh...anymore pastebin links. I'm not going to bother anymore.

/ic users think this is /b

>> No.1750907



>> No.1750910


10/10 would paint portrait of you

if only /ic/ didnt say I suck :(

>> No.1750945

where are you tutorial-kun?

>> No.1750955

just get it over with and upload! I cant handle the suspence any more!

>> No.1750973

can someone re up ghetto to white and design pls?

>> No.1750986

I eont think those were uploaded before. Whoever does the uploads only leaves them up one hour at a time and makes it a major pain in the ass. He hasnt uploaded in a few hours, with my luck hell leave it up for 5 minutes and ill miss it.

>> No.1750998

sorry, maybe I'm a little paranoid. I don't want to host these, I'd be glad if someone reuploads them somewhere.

>> No.1751009

Thanks anon.

>> No.1751028


God bless you anon.

Any idea when the adv photoshop will be available?

>> No.1751038

when someone buys it and uploads it. maybe one of the two other buying guys or some other anon. it won't be me, I'm not really interested in it.

>> No.1751046

woooooooow after all these attempts

it actually works -.- better be worth it. playing all these hide n seek url link games

>> No.1751048

>bitching about free stuff
Thanks OP!

>> No.1751054

God amongst d/ic/ks
thank you sire

>> No.1751060

naa I take it back. after skimming his videos he seems to be interesting

>> No.1751062

Is there ic6-11 or are those just what you got?
Anyway thank you for these, you are awesome.

>> No.1751076

no, it just turned out like this. I split my first tut into two archives because I forgot what's the file size limit on mediafire. I named them ic11 and ic12, and then named the second tut ic2. then the other dude named his archives ic1, ic3, ic4 and ic5.

>> No.1751081


There could be a 6-11

if you buy it

>> No.1751086

Gotcha, thanks.

>> No.1751095
File: 3 KB, 127x96, 1332236335686s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>kill yourself

>> No.1751097

The captchas arent loading on my end

>> No.1751101

try to turn off your adblock, my captchas were tiny commercials

>> No.1751104

I keep forgetting I have adblock. Thanks!

>> No.1751375

did anyone pick up advanced photoshop yet?

>> No.1751384

>tfw 1mb download speed
kill me ;_;

>> No.1751420

thank you

>> No.1751438

This isn't /b

>rubs coco butter on /b/ros chest, it might help him to relax his overly tighten anus

At first I thought it wasn't going to be great (I was judging way to quick) DL, open, nope actually I liked what he had to say.

he doesn't have anything mind blowing new info, but I enjoyed hearing his thoughts as he drew his pictures

>> No.1751532

Can someome upload designing with confidence?

>> No.1751542


He has a free video in his youtube channel about color that is also very "educational".

>> No.1751791


This. really curious what's on it.

>> No.1751818

Link? prease? prease

>> No.1751840


>> No.1751848

ty for googling it for me ^_^

too lazy firstworldproblems

>> No.1752788

He just uploaded another one about character design.

>> No.1752804

oh, ehhh...pass

>> No.1753294

Anyone got pastebin links?

>> No.1753306


>> No.1753317
File: 92 KB, 853x480, Marina Abramović vs Nina Simone-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anthony started this thread to rack up sales and it worked.

>> No.1753377

How many are floating around?

>> No.1753434


>> No.1753440


>> No.1753445


>> No.1753481
File: 904 KB, 500x242, ziDTLxD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1753504

>he started this thread to make sure his shit is not available for free anywhere
>now it is
>thanks anthony

>> No.1753514

bump for pastebin links

>> No.1753806


>> No.1753861
File: 29 KB, 725x576, 1798312_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ow yeah wheres the links batman?!?!

>> No.1754115

Bumping for the links.

>> No.1755400

there's more

>> No.1755414

all that and the man still can't make a good thumbnail

>> No.1755421

>this video sucks!
>how does it suck anon?
>fuck you! quit bitching!!

>> No.1755454


>> No.1755694
File: 10 KB, 255x259, 6891e4e673c7c7d4fcee80a17602cdb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me im spinning out

>> No.1755718

Fuck. Are the links going to be posted at all again?

>> No.1755729

This. I've missed them twice, now

>> No.1755736

I'll trade you, post the color package and I'll post everything else.

>> No.1755746

advanced photoshep pls
not relevant to thread, but i could upload Draw

>> No.1755746,1 [INTERNAL] 

Did anyone purchase Advanced Photoshop 1 and Character Design? I would be grateful for it. :]

>> No.1755759


Do you have character design, kitbashing, and zbrush?

>> No.1755764

also requesting dis shit

>> No.1755766

i'll trade you. i have color package. where should i upload

>> No.1755801
File: 4 KB, 126x126, trollinee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not worth it

>> No.1755824

I have most of them, upload on the same site that was posted before.

>> No.1755843

Thanks OP, these look interesting so I might buy them.

>> No.1755979

>hands feet faces

>> No.1755984

Dear god, he never paints feet, ever. Rarely hands.

>> No.1755996

bump for links :c

>> No.1756013
File: 89 KB, 691x321, 5428241545f3d65b412ab091c0c78fd0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If someone uploads and posts these I'll post up the color package

>> No.1756027
File: 9 KB, 305x196, RobotPencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i basically bought those too.
but i didn't buy the pdf because he said it was included in color package. apparently, it's not.
He's a cool guy. The painting with confidence video is probably one of the most eye opening ones I've seen from him.

>> No.1756035

>everyone started to buy his stuff
>he raised prices

oh well it was nice for a while

>> No.1756037

wanna trade?

>> No.1756038


sure. I've got advanced photoshop as well.

>> No.1756040
File: 9 KB, 255x300, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see anything that might be interesting for you then my skype is Nomusss

>> No.1756048


Don't be an ass. They cost like a can of coke.

>> No.1756055

well pay after done eating. got the ones from op. some else upload the rest. 30~ min

>> No.1756057

meant well upload
fucking auto correct

>> No.1756059
File: 903 KB, 2048x1152, eb659bc1-08fe-49e9-ac33-a24d71b35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you post both? shop adv n colors
ima upload everything including one called work files

>> No.1756074

mega upload rate is shit tier

>> No.1756084

40 min ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙
cell phone no reaction pics
gonna exercise back in around hour from now
couldn't get link to folder unless member
need to wait for full upload

>> No.1756089


The effort is appreciated. Although if I may, Dropbox would probably be more kind to you than Mega the next time you want to share large files.

>> No.1756102

jeez, all the links are down?

I'll wait for glorious anons to re-up.

>> No.1756102,1 [INTERNAL] 

Appreciate the effort as well.Thanks for sharing.

>> No.1756103

Or just pay a few bucks for the videos, you plebian?

>> No.1756104

They're not worth it anyway

>> No.1756110

Which ones are actually good? I don't have time to sit on 4ch all day waiting for links. I will buy but only ones that are worth it.
Don't recommend noob crap though, i'm fairly advanced.

>> No.1756112

I'd rather see if they're worth it before buying. Call me a pleb if you want.

>> No.1756123

Merry christmas /ic/

buy some of the new ones so i don't have to anymore


>> No.1756123,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thx anon

>> No.1756128


Thank you.

How long will these be up? I don't get off work for a few hours.

>> No.1756129

1 day

stuff missing from the link

Basic PS I - III
Character Design 1
Lines to Painting

>> No.1756131


Nifty, thanks again.

>> No.1756152

i skimmed color 1, 2 and confidence. this is absolute beginner material.

>> No.1756159

thanks anon it was gonna take all day long to upload everything to mega

>> No.1756164


Well I think it's safe to say that there are plenty of beginners who'll get something out of it.

>> No.1756192

based anon do you have basic rendering

>> No.1756461


>> No.1756473


based anon

>> No.1756476


>> No.1756484

is basic rendering in there anon?. thanks again

>> No.1756489

says folders are missing?

>> No.1756493

Failed to get any of the links from the last line to work. They down or did I somehow fail to put a url together?

>> No.1756495

ya im getting the same thing....can a kind anon reupload all vids

>> No.1756564

Thanks anon. They all worked. Love you. <3

>> No.1756965


please please please. I tried to download them from my phone but it failed.

>> No.1757293

awwww it's been removed :((

>> No.1757337

Yeah, can anyone up it? And leave it up??

>> No.1757360

Look at all these parasites

>> No.1757401

Artists, when aspiring and jobless, mostly are in a role of a parasite. To benefit the public with your art, you first need to be able to do art; so, knowing they are poor, some good men become patrons and help them.

>> No.1757430
File: 29 KB, 653x152, Captura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone re-upload the color package one.

I have many of the others so I will upload them if I someone who has the color package posts it.

>> No.1757481
File: 89 KB, 500x281, 1401015710152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is like noah bradley

>> No.1757564

good? bad? in what way

>> No.1757583


they can't appreciate that any advice coming from a pro that is succesful in his craft is tremendously valuable. While this guy is working for the big companies as a concept artist, they are just bitching online.

>> No.1757589


Jealousy and contempt for one's peers (and superiors) because of it may arguably the biggest and most common detriment to aspiring people within the online art community.

>> No.1757601

>pls respond

>> No.1757604

Seconding this. Missed out on downloading, would love that painting with confidence.

>> No.1757617
File: 137 KB, 1600x800, 10333416_139736002863592_3281526832429924647_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you guys keep deleting the links ? can someone reup please ?

>> No.1757655

I'm in the camp of why even bother downloading.

Nothing they way is gonna be something you didn't already know. Unless you're a real beginner. There isn't much to it. You just gotta do it.

>> No.1757879

bump for also interest

>> No.1757903

lots of real beginners here on /ic/

>> No.1757911

did you do this?

>> No.1757932

>facebook file name

Gee, I don't know.

>> No.1757941

you do know what facebook is, right?

>> No.1757958

Balls. :^(

>> No.1757959

Coffee at Starbucks are fucking overpriced, I don't buy coffee anyway

>> No.1757960

What are you, some sort of fegit?

>> No.1757962

Do yourself a favor and look up Guild Wars 2 art

>> No.1757980

im no beginner and the ones i watched were kinda useful to me

you also get prettygood tool presets

>> No.1758213

I am uploading the painting and designing ones. Please, if you happen to have the color pack, do everyone a favor and post it.

>> No.1758214
File: 29 KB, 776x456, remaining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please wait.

>> No.1758215

oh hey I have color package 1. mega?

>> No.1758217


yes please

>> No.1758218
File: 542 KB, 2550x3300, Dude 1&amp;2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is color package 1 the same as color comps?

>> No.1758219

No. I'll upload both, though.

>> No.1758223

this upload's gonna take a while.
>captcha: hedbatio cry

>> No.1758246



There you have.

Painting with confidence and Design with confindence.

The web is ipaste.eu so the snippet won't disappear after one hour as in pastebin.

>> No.1758281


bump for this

>> No.1758291
File: 60 KB, 392x500, PSTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end of video
>'thanks for anyone supporting me by buying this'

great now i am feeling like an asshole

>> No.1758293


then go buy it if you liked it. The remorse of paying for something that ends up being shit is way worse.

>> No.1758298

considering that AJ apparently made a thread on here a coupe of days ago, then deleted it shortly after...

i very much believe that he started the thread himself. nerds are gonna torrent and share anyway, but this way atleast he creates a whole lot of attention for himself and his videos.

>> No.1758301

we have no proof it was actually him lol

>> No.1758306


ofcourse not. but i'm pretty sure.

just like that mathias zamecki photobashing faggot
the other day

>> No.1758316

I'm actually convinced it was him as well.
I saw 1-2 artworks at the draw thread that were just on another level. It definitely looked like AJ's stuff.

>> No.1758320

link to said artworks ? i have a hard time believing that

>> No.1758323

That idiot is talking about the pablum excreted by anons after watching said videos

>> No.1758336


I better start watching said videos then

>> No.1758358

look up the word.

>> No.1758375

im the guy who did that and it started as a try after watching the painting w/ confidence one

As I said in that post , i was trying for the first time rendering with the smudge tool and thats a derivative of aj videos and some other stuff ive seen these days.

so basically this >>1758323

im finding the smudge an interesting asset to my toolset, hope my next stuff wont look like a shit copy tho

>> No.1758406


You're stupid. I'm the guy who created the thread about best art and posted the Mathias artwork. And I feel bad for what the thread went to be... But I really like the feel said piece transmit anyway, so fuck the haters.

>> No.1758409

Also, Stjepan uses the same smudge technique and his rendering is really good and fast with it. I think this is a legit technique for the beginner and pro artist.

>> No.1758411


sure thing mathias
nah just kidding. well if you are telling the truth one has to feel bad for that mathias guy because of the accusations lol.

>> No.1758416


Yeah... I feel sorry for just admiring his work and turning all the shit up against him. :(

>> No.1758420

Will anyone be reuploading more of the videos? I just keep missing when they get posted.

>> No.1758421

Can someone upload the color pack?

>> No.1758431
File: 1.34 MB, 1250x875, digital_painting_techniques.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related to the thread somehow, anyone knows where I can find the .pdfs for free download? The books are here

>> No.1758447


vol 1 is in cgpeers.

If you have vol 2, do you mind sharing it?

>> No.1758449

Thanks, sadly I don't have it.

>> No.1758975



>> No.1758983

Thank you very much.

>> No.1758987

Anyone have the greyscale to color download link?

>> No.1759715

If one person were to buy every single one of these every time one came out, he'd be broke holy shit

>> No.1759718


Well, zamecki was spamming that painting qll around reddit several days ago. Seems very fishy.

>> No.1759765

thank you wonderful anon

>> No.1759767

Anyone buying anything?

>> No.1759780

no Anthony your videos are over priced

>> No.1759802


Some people here have all of them already but won't share.

>> No.1759820


I bought some of then and I won't share just because they're so cheap.

>> No.1759972

Sorry, no one cares if you're not going to share.

>> No.1760342
File: 21 KB, 381x454, Untitlewrewerd-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought everything aswell. 10 gbs of tutorials

>> No.1760362


are the film design ones worth it? Those and the color package are the ones tempting me the most.

>> No.1760392
File: 32 KB, 260x190, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


upload some please. Share the wealth.

>> No.1760395

That 'Advanced Photoshop 1', what is it/who is it from?

>> No.1760399

Not really hes photobashing girl and a guy and Zbrushing+overpainting the creature.
ITs 5 bucks. Buy it.
He makes some brushes, gradients and teaches how to do actions+ some other stuff

>> No.1760475

>ITs 5 bucks. Buy it.
I wonder how mad it would make you if I posted a torrent for it right now.

>> No.1760479

I dont care really but i wont help you.

>> No.1760481

You dont have a torrent for it, stop lying

>> No.1760496


I'd rather not spend 5 dollars before knowing if the content is good.

>> No.1760509

it's not.

>> No.1762301

Any links for the newer ones?

>> No.1762356


plz color pack and character design.

>> No.1762489

dudes, can you please post something, i am a poorfag from bulgaria, i need thees

>> No.1762869

the new drawing on the right side of the brain

>> No.1763692

He keeps uploading new tuts and nobody but >>1758246 has posted anything.

Sharing is caring.

>> No.1763779



Here are most of the vids up to design with confidence. Pleasesomeone upload the color pack and the newer ones

>> No.1764418
File: 105 KB, 400x400, I hate it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now Ben Mauro, Dominic Qwek, and Dan Luvisi are jumping on this

>> No.1764457

>Now Ben Mauro, Dominic Qwek, and Dan Luvisi are jumping on this

What do you mean anon?

>> No.1764467


"affordable" paid tuts.

AJ is planning a paid mentorship plan which will also be "affordable", and the moment he said it on his facebook page at least ten of his cocksucking troupe were already licking his black phallus to earn a place with sensei Jones.

>> No.1764476

I cant find anything by Dan Luvisi.

>> No.1764481

You're saying that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.1764484

Just curious.

>> No.1765613

little bump

>> No.1765617


Oh boy, I'm guessing we hate Dan Luvisi too? What about Reid Southen?

>> No.1765623

> I'm guessing we hate Dan Luvisi too? What about Reid Southen?

You need to be a successful and known artist first to deserve a hivemind verdict, uploading a couple of videos on youtube doesnt cut it.

>> No.1765647

Why you hate professionals doin videos for a cheap cost? You don't have to buy and they're definitely better than some that you would pay 40 dollars.

>> No.1765649

Because they are making money why he is posting on /ic/, thats why.

>> No.1765652

Yeah, I thought it would be because of that. lol

>> No.1765792


>not knowing Dan Luvisi and Reid Southen are best friends
>not knowing Reid Southen is well known too, despite his brief youtube stint

>> No.1765967

Hi Reid

>> No.1766134


TBH /ic/ is probably the last place Reid would go.

>> No.1766135


>hating on my inspirations to become a digital artist

oh ged wai

>> No.1766137
File: 375 KB, 400x300, 139llllo8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reid married an indian?

>> No.1766140


Reid is married? Looks like I've been out of the loop.

>> No.1766232
File: 18 KB, 501x206, Dom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1766259


I am a firm believer of pirate then pay. I owe Anthony Jones like $30 by now and a Lannister always pays his debts.

>> No.1766270
File: 289 KB, 403x400, 1922396_704l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tooooooo true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1766271
File: 76 KB, 513x551, 1358252843677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aint no lannister fool your a theif

>> No.1766312

says the person making the money

>> No.1766318


until they release like 20 and that 5 dollars turns into 100 dollars i aint got that much

>> No.1766388

I'll probably won't need all those videos either.

>> No.1766642

lmao wtf is this electo-mineralist stuff


>> No.1766819

awww no im too late :(

>> No.1766828

This is another guy, not Robotpencil.

>> No.1766829

>It's 5 bucks
>implying neets have even $5
Goes to show how skewed his value of money is. It's easy to look at $5 as pennies when you've got money.

>> No.1766843

m8 it isn't even the fucking shekels
i live in iraq, there is no other way for me to get this

so does anyone have any dl links or are you all going to host for under an hour on a board that gets less traffic than zombo.org?

>> No.1766846

start bombing america for DL links

>> No.1766851

melt you

>> No.1766856

I have design and painting with confidence. Where should I upload?

>> No.1766857

there's filedropper com that should last for a while until a torrent goes up or something

good luck

>> No.1766876


anyone else have the others?

>> No.1766885

Didn't want to make an account so I had to search around.
anonfiles com/file/6a846b69228995db36352601ca180bfc

>> No.1766886

didn't think you needed an account for filedropper

thanks for sharing :)

>> No.1766899

That's awful generous of you, thanks.

>> No.1766912

No problem. It was a pain with everyone constantly deleting their files.

>> No.1766913

they also had pastebin links that led to mediafire that led to rapidshare links which just makes you wonder

>> No.1766918

What does this contain? Everything.

>> No.1766930


>> No.1766933

HAHAH I love you!

why didn't I see that. :( Don't hurt me.

>> No.1767028

is anyone gonna buy and share one of the many new ones?

>> No.1767512
File: 706 KB, 303x270, slap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skewed? one would have to be rich enough to possess a computer, drawing tablet, copy of photoshop and an internet connection to both acquire and make the slightest use of the tutorials. he's being completely logical assuming most people begging for free download are stingy well-off cunts

>> No.1769445


oh baby

>> No.1769445,1 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone have Anthony jones Approachable anatomy is it any good

>> No.1769445,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Thinks anything product being talked about is 10/10 marketing.