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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1762223 No.1762223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are males superior in art and why females are inferior.

>> No.1762226
File: 505 KB, 224x268, girl-fails-track-running.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1762228

Why is Moot so fucking charismatic?

>That iconic hair cut
>That smile
>Good looks all the way around

>> No.1762233

Because females never develop arm and upper body strength

>> No.1762236

because women are irrational and men are rational. it is common knowledge.

>> No.1762237

Should have a Moot study thread in his honor.

>> No.1762241

Moot you sexy son of a bitch why haven't you replied to my emails yet.

>> No.1762242
File: 161 KB, 1087x1137, 1361461007167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman will never be the best, they can lie to themselves about how successful woman exist, but every time you think
of success in art you think of a male.

>> No.1762243

I don't know if it's due to societal conditioning or what, but I think that women are more likely to live a 'safe' life, whereas men are a bit more likely to become NEET while studying, or take a band on tour in a car with no money, or build their own house.
I don't think that there are many women out there who would voluntarily accept loserdom to focus on gaining a specific set of skills that only MIGHT pay off

>> No.1762245

yea, women suck etc, but dont try to justify your lazy sponging assed existence.

>> No.1762249
File: 57 KB, 400x300, 3_judithpark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually there are plenty of asian females who are as good as the asian males. We just can't differentiate them from the males.

>> No.1762259

Women only aim to preserve and reproduce. Women are vital to the population of mankind, they don't need to prove anything in order to be valuable. Opposite to women, men can't grow babies, women are left to pick whoever she thinks is worthy for coupling; men start to compete against each other. From this grows the plethora of famous men in history, whilst women, thought allowed to be merchants and philosophers, didn't consider it important to their survival and didn't achieve nearly as much as men.

>> No.1762261

because asians never volunteer any goddamn information about themselves even in their own language and their work just materialises

>> No.1762264

>Why are males so insecure.


>> No.1762269

most men don't really feel like they have much to prove to a woman unless they have mummy issues or something

>> No.1762270

>itt /r9k/
It still pisses me off that I didn't save any of this Chinese female painter's art on CGHub.

It was just generic Wizards of the Coast/Blizzard shit in subject but her sense in colours were so damn pretty.

>> No.1762274



>> No.1762278

Nah, not her. The artist I'm talking about used pretty saturated colours overall.

I know she had some Orc warrior thing (for WotC?) and a Hydralisk for Blizzard painted. Minimal/no background.

>> No.1762280

I'm not the other guy, but thanks for posting, I've been looking for this person since cghub went down.

>> No.1762281

LD Austin? She works for Blizzard.

>> No.1762282

Yes, thank you!

I wasn't familiar with her roman name since it was all in Chinese.

>> No.1762284
File: 372 KB, 600x829, laurelatcomicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol she's a cutie redhead, not asian at all. But glad I could help.

>> No.1762286

I wish I was as cute and skilled of an artist as her.
>tfw not LD Austin ;_;

>> No.1762287


Salvador D'Alí used to say that the source of genius resides in the testicles

>> No.1762291

He also had a mental illness.

>> No.1762293

Exercise, eat healthy, get enough sleep, and practice art daily.

Even if you look like shit and paint like shit now, then within 5 years you can get to a pro level in art and get your goal body.

>> No.1762302

Completely untrue to asians.

>> No.1762310

Man, it feels rather odd and unnatural to be getting positive responses on 4chan.

I hope you make it too, Anon.

>> No.1762311

Because men have far superior spatial skills. Spatial skills are very important in most complex art.

>> No.1762312

>far superior
>implying you can't improve your spatial skills (which is in fact one of the basic fundamentals of drawing)
It's just that males got the handicap.

Women are also significantly better at viewing colours and discriminating the difference in hues. Guess men are inferior at colours, by your logic then.

>> No.1762313

i can confirm, i have really high IQ scores in spacial/3d logic and order logic, though i suck at math

>> No.1762317

Asians don't count.

>> No.1762319

are they bad at math too?

>> No.1762321

Why are males who post on /ic/ inferior in art than so many women?

>> No.1762323

/ic/ is inferior to pretty much everyone...the number of pros who post here is laughable

>> No.1762345
File: 99 KB, 800x568, YOU GOT BEAT BY A GIRL NIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waiting for an occasion to post this pic but I'm too impatient.

>> No.1762350
File: 152 KB, 636x900, saskiagutekunst_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ic/ think about Saskia Gutekunst?

>> No.1762353

weeaboo shit

>> No.1762354

better than 100% of /ic/

>> No.1762355

you'll be superior too if you weed out the competition in any trade.

>> No.1762361


>> No.1762363
File: 409 KB, 900x658, karlaortiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is karla ortiz, shes pretty good

lol some of my favourite blizzard art is by her, thought it was a man

>tfw you will never have an art qt to fuck in exchange for lessons

>> No.1762364

I'm not pro at all and I'm not sure why I stick around. Sometimes an anon posts something interesting that I wouldn't have known about otherwise, though.

>> No.1762365
File: 52 KB, 598x452, wdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she's not white

That aside, I do like this picture for the most part. The stunned look on the doomed grill's face and the pitying, motherly one on the mousefu attending to her give me feels. The rest of the image doesn't do much for me though, particularly the giraffe looks out of place with his " 'Ey, you got a square, nigga?" expression and something irks me about the background in general. Also the rightmost spear looks like it's closer to the viewer than the one on the left despite the respective position of the figures holding them.

>> No.1762367
File: 194 KB, 1500x1097, famine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my favorites by her

>> No.1762369

lol at females in this thread trying to show that there are good female artists.

thread isnt about how good female artists are nonexistant though, its about why they are inferior.

you want me to start posting god tier male art? you fucking choke

>> No.1762373

to continue, what is the ratio between good male and female artists? its about 1female:365males

>> No.1762375

No one genuinely cares about the OP by now, it's an excuse to post art and artists

>> No.1762379

>one of the best anons here is gurl
superior gentlemen pls. go

>> No.1762382

Yeah there are plenty of good female artists, but the number of good male artists really outnumbers them. I wonder why. If you go back like a hundred years it makes sense since art schools and society didn't really allow most females to become artists, but nowadays art and drawing is seen as more of a female activity and females outnumber males in art schools. But even among contemporary artists there are way more males that are good.

>> No.1762384


>> No.1762386

>I wonder why
Isn't this how most professions are? Cooking is seen as feminine in the household but there are more male chefs with stars. Art oriented professions are just another set of jobs.

>> No.1762387

>its about why they are inferior.
So a female artist on par with a male artist is inferior because she's female? Okay buddy m8.

Making up statistics isn't going to make yourself look smart, either. Go do some studies.

>> No.1762388
File: 433 KB, 1332x1722, bio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1762389

So you're saying every profession is dominated by males?

>> No.1762390

>most is all

>> No.1762392

What the fuck /ic/ oh why am I even posting the lot of you take the bait as if they where hot cakes. Every. Fucking. Time.

I wouldn't be surprised if Anons from other boards randomly come here to fuck with you all.

>> No.1762394

Okay even if it is most professions, why is that? Seems odd there is such a gender imbalance.

>> No.1762396

Not really. If you paid attention in high school history class.

>> No.1762399

but anon im a man
thread said female artists are inferior and sounded like female artists are crap so i posted karla ortiz.
i dont really care though this is an useless topic to talk about so im gonna back drawing
i dont even like feminism

>> No.1762400

because women were killed in ancient times if they tried to grab a pencil or learned math or tried to read
also.. women can vote since when? last year?
plz guys don't try to transform ic into r9k
you know what? I'm outta here
this thread is pure vomit

>> No.1762402

Like anyone outside of /ic/ would care about shitting up this place. There are more populated boards that are just as easy to b8.

>> No.1762403

Nah I didn't pay attention. Even if women were treated worse or not given rights before though, how is there still a split between genders? Things seem pretty equal nowadays.

>> No.1762407

>Things seem pretty equal nowadays

please go out of your room once in a while.

>> No.1762411

You could say they're catching up, but 'nowadays' is a pretty short time relative to the span between now and the start of civilization.

>> No.1762414

you are comparing rights given to women not even a century ago against mileniniums

>> No.1762418

>Things seem pretty equal nowadays.

at least I have the right to choose who to fuck now right anon?

>> No.1762419

How can female artists be inferior when every single male on /ic/ is even worse?

>> No.1762420

>Things seem pretty equal nowadays.

It's not gonna change in only two or three generations. When I think about it, my grand-mother couldn't vote.
Right now, there are 10 times more females engineers in my country than when I was born. They are still vastly outnumbered by males, but the gap is closing a little more every year.

>> No.1762422


But we don't know how many female post on /ic/, do we?

>> No.1762425
File: 579 KB, 1600x1096, anubis1982_nightstreet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if people like you actually realize that you are basically insulting yourself here. You admit that there are many "exceptions" of good female artists. Yet you insist that all females are inherently inferior at art. So what does that say about you? By your own logic, as a man, you should have a much easier time getting good at art, yet you are completely outclassed by many female artists. How do you explain that?

You are either exceptionally stupid and unskilled for a man, or this gender-specific superiority isn't all that big of a deal after all and it simply depends on the individual. Which one is it?

>> No.1762436

Men are superior in everything. They are even sexier than girls. Just look how delicious a dick looks and how ugly vaginas, I really want to sucks some one day and I'm not even gay.

>> No.1762437

What about Transsexual artists?

>> No.1762439

Standard female not getting the point

>> No.1762442

excluded like the asians of course

>> No.1762445

artistic talent and skill has very little to do with what's between your legs. ;-)

>> No.1762457

Your point is that females are inferior artists. Not very hard to get.

I'm not female either, you fucking retard. I'm just respecting myself as an artist too much to call every female inferior, because that would inevitably devalue my own art, unless not a single female artist on this whole planet was better than me, which there obviously are plenty.

You really seem to be too fucking dumb to understand this. If you aren't better than every single female artist in the world, yet you claim all female artists are inferior to males, then you are insulting yourself and your own art. How can you be too stupid to see this?

>> No.1762460

Last time we had this thread great female artists from across art history were posted, and any argument about one gender being superior was pretty much destroyed. The lack of female artists in art history is due to social biases, and in the present day there are a ton of great female artists, perhaps even more than males (unless you're an aspie who only knows Jones/Mullins/concept art).

>> No.1762464

Women are unable to be passionate about anything. They exist purely to be creatures of vanity, emotion, and misery.

>> No.1762467
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 1397325371074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1762469


>> No.1762471

it does with everything
>being this dense

>> No.1762472

Care to expand upon your meaningless sentence fragment, maybe back up an argument for how gender affects artistic ability. Be sure to post studies supporting your wild theory.

>> No.1762473
File: 92 KB, 955x957, 1396917127365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1762481

lets start slow

>> No.1762484

Females dominate in the children's book section and are well represented in editorial, but let's face it--there is a distinct lack of females in the concept art and fantasy/sci fi illustration sector. You can probably only pick out a dozen or two who are well respected in the field as opposed to literally hundreds of males.

>> No.1762488

>there is a distinct lack of females in the concept art and fantasy/sci fi illustration sector.

But why is that?

>> No.1762491

You're not proving anything here, just pointing out the obvious that males and females have some differences in psychology.

Quit pretending that you know about psychology.
Illustration is pretty equal with exception of video game and movie industries.

Not a surprise given that the video game and movie industry is more targeted towards males.

There are a good amount of female fantasy illustrators however, sci-fi definitely not.

>> No.1762492
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>> No.1762493
File: 212 KB, 510x255, soulage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Women showed stronger Artistic, Social, and Conventional interests
> Artistic

>> No.1762494

A large contributor to less homeless women is that most charity's for homeless people are orientated at getting women off the streets, and not men.

>> No.1762495

That guide should have mentioned the fact that the well majority of killers, robbers, convicted pedophiles, and such were male.

>> No.1762496

wiki was to show that male and female are different.

real world evidence shows the amount of male and female artists at the top, which shows overwhelming male superiority

>> No.1762497

>real world evidence shows the amount of male and female artists at the top, which shows overwhelming male superiority
You know the art industry isn't just concept art, right?

>> No.1762498

Lrn2read THEN rage.

>> No.1762499

I don't think there are as many female fantasy artists. Take a look at an issue of Spectrum or the art for MtG, it's mostly males.

>> No.1762500

bad doesnt negate the good, id rather have very bad people with very "good"(as in genius), rather than bland average mass