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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 6 KB, 1000x300, Sprites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1755303 No.1755303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/
These are the sprites I'm working on for my new game, how do they look? I'm going for a 16-bit GBA style, everything being on a 32*32 grid.

Normally they aren't this blown up, instead they're scaled to 96*96 (6*12 blocks, this is in widescreen which is a pain in the ass for non-vector based games.) The second one from the right (the princess) is the protagonist.

So, how are they?

>> No.1755330

I like them. You can try adding a bit of darker shading to add some volume to them.

Have you done any backgrounds for this project yet?

>> No.1755339

Everything seems to be quite pillow shaded, reconsider where your light is coming from. It feels like the monster's sword, spike on head of monster and the hat of one of characters have shading for the sake of having shading, instead of showing volume.

Did you use the GBA palette making this?

>> No.1755346
File: 59 KB, 961x510, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a friend doing the tileset, as I really, really, am terrible with tilesets.

It might come to that I hire an artist who re-does the character sprites too, so take this as my own sprite critique.

Here's an image of the current game.


Strange, I didn't mean for there to be shading at all except for under the visor and the Princess' hair being in the BG. I'll try some shading in a bit. And no, I did not use GBA colors, I find it limiting to work in 'true retro style.' Can you at least see the GBA-inspiration without the pallete?

>> No.1755405

>GBA palette
nigga do you know how massive that palette even is?

>> No.1755419

It's simple, it works if the art isn't the main focus. Good luck with the game

>> No.1755428


Well, colors available and colors that were used are two different things.

>> No.1755430
File: 62 KB, 551x401, 8bitSimple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So it's not passable?

I mean, do you consider this 16-bit art, or 8 bit?

>> No.1755441
File: 31 KB, 320x200, 20120601workstage12final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8bit and 16bit can refer to a lot of different art styles. it really depends on the system, and your art is neither 8bit nor 16bit, because that shit just refers to hardware specs. But no, your art is not what a pleb would call "8bit" (i.e. early NES stuff), too many colors with low contrast between them. that being said, either ditch the black outlines or use them to describe important contours within the figure, and in general push your contrast to make the sprites pop

>> No.1755455


Well, I consider 8 bit vs 16 bit to be "Looks like it was done in the NES era" and "Looks like it was done in the SNES era" which is different from "Looks like it was done in the GBA era"

The outline effect is for contrast with the environment, which can overlap colors. It also adds an (I think) paper cut-out effect which I'm liking, but if it looks stupid then I'll remove it.

>> No.1755495

Not him, but the outlines aren't the problem, it's the combination of the outlines with what's inside that doesn't work. The inside colors are too bright, which clashes too much with the outlines. Increasing the contrast of the colors decreases their contrast to the outline, or you can make the outline a lighter color instead.

>> No.1755549

Ah, I get it. So here's the thing: Should I have characters who have different colored outlines? Not all characters are the same color, the little monsters (Darkly's) have darker colors, so the conflict isn't as harsh, right?

>> No.1755564

The conflict in the monsters is not as harsh as the blonde woman's hair, but it's still there. The main issue is contrast, not just bright colors. You need a balance of contrast so that it doesn't clash with the outline, but also doesn't look to extreme in general.
In terms of the other option, making the outlines lighter, giving the characters their own colors is an ok choice. On the other hand, if you don't like how that works out, you could also make all the outlines in the game a single color, which can help give a game an identity. Or you could give a different color to every object outlined, like making the blonde woman's hair's outline dark yellow, and her dress darker purple to match the inside color.
There are probably more things you could do with the outline too, my choice is usually to have it be as invisible as possible, but I think that works better on bigger sprites.

>> No.1755582

Well the thing is there are gonna be several different colored environments, and the dress can change color eventually, so I'd have to recolor for every zone/character combination...

>> No.1755586

In that case I would probably go with what you said before, and give all the characters a different colored outline. Maybe have all the enemy types share one color. But you have options, just go with whatever you like, the important thing is to get the balance right.