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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 187 KB, 1000x842, thread-start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1747239 No.1747239 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning Thread

"Perspective may not teach you how to draw the figure but you may never draw the figure without perspective."

Previous Thread: >>1740857

A general message to aspiring artists: Fear is the mind killer. Do not be afraid to make mistakes as no one is perfect, you will make mistakes. Learn from those mistakes, break from your comfort zones and explore new horizons.

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!

>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Animu Tutorials

Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

/ic/: >tfw no art dominus.

>> No.1747246
File: 346 KB, 618x862, tumblr_n6km0lJmuj1rso2eyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys thing of Endling? Crushing pretty hard on how they draw faces and expressions right now

>> No.1747267
File: 448 KB, 2893x4092, catat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continuation from last thread

>> No.1747276 [DELETED] 

some heads

>> No.1747277
File: 301 KB, 461x1000, loomisheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some heas

>> No.1747281

Sloppy, but simple and nicely done with the subtle lighting/color focus.

>> No.1747285

Something about her face bothers me. I think it's the eyes.

>> No.1747293

I like the lips.

>> No.1747306

Opposite eyes

>> No.1747312

I want to draw animu first and foremost.

But I am a beginner. I don't care about environments yet and will be happy to draw animu girls without color with a white background.

What books should I read and in what order?

>> No.1747315

How do I draw masterpieces like Kyle?

>> No.1747323


you don't study a damn piece of life or loomis and draw whatever you want by just adding your fetishes and being a pedophile.

refusing to improve even in the face of legit critique helps too

>> No.1747331
File: 153 KB, 972x1000, practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it be saved?

>> No.1747336
File: 406 KB, 960x720, bangbangbangbang_by_leftrightside-d7lavrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from today

>> No.1747340

I would love to know if you took the pose before drawing that pink haired lady.

>> No.1747343

no that was done without a reference

>> No.1747344
File: 9 KB, 208x247, 1361012571946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga are those horse legs?
Are those mothafuckin horse fuckin' legs?

Work on ur form with perspective pls.

>> No.1747345


Thats the back of her legs, maybe if you added some shadow down there it'll help make it look like shes turning.

>> No.1747352

Is there any good beginner books other than Loomis, feels really dated + drawing old men all day isn't any fun

>> No.1747353

You've either added an extra joint, or you've broken her shins. Draw the unclothed leg before slapping on clothing folds, heels, boots, etc.

>> No.1747363
File: 251 KB, 960x720, IMG_4328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care dude

>> No.1747366

Jealousy written all over this.

>> No.1747378
File: 182 KB, 483x817, twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes you think I don't want to improve?

>> No.1747381

Nothing, you have improved a lot, you just keep doing what you do.

>> No.1747385

Her body really evokes a horse, this must be one of the finest gijinkas i've ever seen.

>> No.1747389

People fail to grasp the fact that improvement is gradual, you wont't see the same skill difference when comparing two pictures made one day appart from eachother than two or three years.

>> No.1747394


>> No.1747395

Improvement is gradual, but insight is immediate. The mechanical aspects of the art come with time, like anything else. Insight comes from clear observation and holistic understanding.

>> No.1747414

It doesn't matter what you start to learn first, the order doesn't matter either, just learn and keep learning.
Now, with that in mind, if you are a complete begginer read the sticky and study under the listed books, once you get rid of symbol drawing, just avoid fun with a pencil and jump directly to the serious stuff, get familiar with gesture and form.
Then, when you feel you're good at it, start with perspective and anatomy (and proportions).
Also, check loomis's "figure drawing for all it's worth" and "succesful drawing", do life drawing and also copy some drawings from your favorite artists, but do this ONLY AND JUST ONLY when you understand the whole oforementioned topics

>> No.1747416

>Kyle is improving at art but he doesn't undertand art so he's not improving
Eat shit.

>> No.1747437
File: 54 KB, 1024x768, krillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I did DBZ fanart. FUCK YOU /IC. :)

>> No.1747444

Do it again

>> No.1747446

did my picture just get deleted? what the fuck.

>> No.1747447
File: 193 KB, 528x754, powergirlbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli maybe?

>> No.1747450

Haha man, I can't believe it, how fucking prudish.

>> No.1747453

not even, don't know why he would have it removed. pretty sure he's not braking any rules

>> No.1747454

Could be argued as furry.

>> No.1747455

not even, other cat girl drawings have been put up before and have not been taken
probably an grumpy mod

>> No.1747456

Repost it, i'unno. Might have been an accident.

>> No.1747460
File: 452 KB, 2893x4092, catat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1747463

Souldnt even matter though, the anti loli an furry rules are mostly their to avoid people making hentai dumping
threads, how can one person posting his drawing once a week or even less sometimes for critique hurt anyone except
making some people feel icky? Not even tumblr is does this shit.

>> No.1747465
File: 503 KB, 964x1600, 28c099e30e709347083564484e57467b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i color in SAI, Photoshop etc? Blending is pissed off me already.

>> No.1747466
File: 185 KB, 545x728, lolibsmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see if this gets deleted

>> No.1747467

You learn about light,color and edges, then you experiment with brushes and you're done.

>> No.1747468
File: 413 KB, 1216x1280, Fun with cartoons and shading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can be varied if I try.

>> No.1747469

Well before the mod that can't understand why freedom of expression is important in a board
like this comes, let me tell you that the left lolis arm is bent in a way that the hand is going
almost beyond the shoulder, i get that you tried to show that it's being pushed by the rope but
you should make it either foreshortened or towards the other loli, right now it's broken.

>> No.1747470

get good at fundamentals before stylizing.

>> No.1747471

Yes seriously this, i regret even trying to understand color and light by observing and copying other animu.
Read Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter, and do color studies starting from simple objects,
download this >>1746086 and do some exercises. Of Course there is style going on after that, but you
wouldn't be able to style correctly without basic theory, every kind of stylisation needs true fundations.

>> No.1747472

I like the really subtle way you rendered the lolis.
I'm not really feeling the rope being tied tightly around them. I think its the lack of a clear cast shadow that makes it look off.

>> No.1747477

stop muh styling pls.
You have potential, you really do, but if you don't start to study seriously you won't achieve dick.

>> No.1747481
File: 1.98 MB, 1392x1200, bathroomwip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do paintings and studies regularly actually get off my ass and stop acting like a superior

>> No.1747483
File: 367 KB, 600x1200, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more recent of that one still a wip

>> No.1747484

were you squinting? Or is this just a work in progress?
Because you missed that tissue box you sick fuck.

>> No.1747486

i don't mean to be incendiary but it really aggrevates me when people say "muh styling" it makes you sound autistic

>> No.1747487


Yeah as you can see I have zero clue how to render anything. I just thought I'd get out of my sketching and do some backgrounds and totally fucked it up because I have no idea how to render foliage at all

>> No.1747496

I've seen you drawings, you don't study as much or as good as you think you do, that painting with all the values/colors off and skewed perspective just proves it.
There are a shit ton of things you lack and should study more but you just don't seem to get it, now, seeing how faggy and retarded you act when given the advice it just makes it clear you're not worth the time.
stay pleb.

>> No.1747502

>not worth your time
i'm sorry i don't like to gather around momma pig loomis's teets and have myself a good old feeding frenzy like all of the other piglets! i don't have the time to worry about living up to /ic/'s standards, i love my art and have a certain ideology i want to preserve throughout my career, which at my young age has yet to even begin! i have nothing but optimism so keep on suckling that pulsating limited vocabulary everyone here loves to throw around.

>> No.1747504

yeah cool bro, you will get really far.

>> No.1747508


Kyle, as a guy who draws porn for money who used to get shit on a lot (and still does), you're p legit. Keep doing what you're doing.

>> No.1747570


>> No.1747584
File: 98 KB, 597x606, fa08630458fe09568810a75deb03d515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was drawing some Transistor pinups and I noticed that her leg began to feel very "no". Can Someone assist? A redline perhaps? Perspective legs are the bane of my existence. Any other things you want to point out are a-ok.

>> No.1747596


realizing there is a problem is the 1st step to fixing it, I think you might be able to handle it on your own

but the bottom knee is too long it should of course line up with the top one so shorten her left leg and you'll be back on course

>> No.1747602

they would only line up if the hips are vertical. Which they aren't, but still you can fix that

i assume she's shitting on the ground so her butt will touch the ground and deform. Her legs would follow that plane. From the side, the action line would be like a straw leaning on a wall. So the position of the feet has to come up. I also think you can put some more definition to the seperation of thigh and glutes, indication of the ribcage, the tendons behind the knee, and maybe move that arm from penetrating the head.

>> No.1747603
File: 107 KB, 597x606, i tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably still wrong but here you go

>> No.1747606

Because of the angle, show her pussy, make the legs thinner, show ass-leg curve and there you go.

>> No.1747657
File: 346 KB, 923x784, illcutyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not looking good for these two

>> No.1747691

very wrong because you are ignoring the fucking placement of the pelvis ITS NON EXISTENT

>> No.1747712

man those lolis are definetly the best on the internet, better then rustle.

>> No.1747734
File: 69 KB, 597x606, 1402136364660A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My attempt. I made her legs overlap. Hope it helped.

Your lines are pleasing to look at, got a blog/website?

>> No.1747748
File: 23 KB, 300x400, penn_jillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



To think I was almost warming up to you Kyle

>> No.1747749


>> No.1747750


You mirrored them you bitch nigga

>> No.1747758

>nobody should try to help each other on this board
>nobody can have fun on this board

Get outta here.

>> No.1747760


explain yourself

>> No.1747772

I'm >>1747718 wondering what you meant by stop posting hahaha

I'm not that person. I guess I'm not the only one uses red to redline! How cool is that!!

>> No.1747859

>Read Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter
blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah: the book.

>> No.1747864

Other than the basic theory of rendering and color that is half way in the book it gives you some very
good knowledge about color that you otherwise would have to get through years of life observation.

>> No.1747872

Everything is blah blah blah the book or video course, if you are so judgemental and ignorant as to demean new knowledge that's as far as you're going to get.

>> No.1747886
File: 109 KB, 1723x910, stop pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, i just wanted to know how to stop this fucking shit and make a good brush for color.

>> No.1747889

umm you dont want transfer and opacity ? cause thats what brush should do.

>> No.1747898

You sound like an annoying little shit

>> No.1747902

Set the dilution to zero you stupid cunt.

>> No.1748032
File: 290 KB, 1000x1297, m01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw good layout in comic, some advice?

>> No.1748042

use a ruler.

>> No.1748055
File: 388 KB, 1210x716, dpo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hand is better or what

>> No.1748057

Left but both of them are stiff and boring.

>> No.1748058

Slightly, it's still wrong. The entire figure seems off.

>> No.1748062

Her forearm is too long given the perspective you're trying to pull off here. Her palm is also too small in relation to her long huge fingers.The index and middle fingers are too large and long compared to her pinky/ring fingers. I might try redline for you soon.

>> No.1748064

Also her head is too small and flat in relation to her body.

>> No.1748127

Everything is wrong here:
>line weight
Sticky should get you started with those

>> No.1748139

he has been drawing pony gijinka here for months now what are you talking about

>> No.1748159
File: 74 KB, 1024x768, krillinupdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update... adding chiaotzu next.

>> No.1748166

Is that hand supposed to be gigantic or close to the viewer? Either way it's wrong.

>> No.1748167

Cool. last thread I got no replies

I'm already in the sticky, gotta keep working on that

Big hands but ok.

>> No.1748309
File: 156 KB, 810x485, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

experimenting with the fringe effect in sai

trying to emulate a water color look

>> No.1748325 [DELETED] 
File: 611 KB, 900x738, paintoever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think right now your focusing to much on detail and texture. I suggest looking at some oga kazuo or other anime background art with simple bush work

>> No.1748327
File: 611 KB, 900x738, paintoever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think right now youre focusing to much on detail and texture. I suggest looking at some oga kazuo or other anime background art with simple bush work

>> No.1748333

Gokus neck is too thin dude.
Something about his eyes too, not sure what.

>> No.1748339

Hot damn, what brushes are those? That looks really nice.

>> No.1748417
File: 339 KB, 839x1000, fridalac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick /d/ request

>> No.1748418
File: 392 KB, 1788x2512, ? ?? 7_1(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this is shit. but critique please?

>> No.1748420

If you already know, then keep drawing.

>> No.1748423

As that other anon said, if you already know it's shit, start over and fix the things that are wrong

>> No.1748432


Self deprecation isn't endearing or necessary, detach your ego from your work and maybe you'd make some progress.

The pose and gesture is stiff and the figure is symbolized as hell. Matessi, Vilppu, Hampton, Hogarth, Life Drawing, pick one and get at it.

If you're going to draw bones and decayed flesh go find some proper references and study them.

You could stand to learn some drapery and robe designs beyond a "Jesus" too.

>> No.1748446


It's not "that" bad actually, body and the skull's shape could need some work, staff's too short, too. Some Loomis exercise will help a lot

>> No.1748458





thanks for the warm and specific critique. have a nice day mates.

>> No.1748474
File: 50 KB, 563x511, flksajlkdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions on this pose so far?

>> No.1748476

stop chickenscratching

>> No.1748482
File: 180 KB, 1574x1592, fin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowest form of art passing through.

Somebody told me there is something completely off with the eyes but he failed to make me see it, Can anyone help me see what's wrong?

Anything else I should drasticly change?

>> No.1748483
File: 19 KB, 367x332, 1399727796756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>navy on black

>> No.1748484

its perfect, your the best, tumblr/da/website?

>> No.1748509

Do you have any more made up rules you'd like to share with us?

>> No.1748529

I don't see anything wrong with the eyes. I like this kind of simplistic style.

The left hand looks a little fucked though.

>> No.1748532

Chicken scratch looks bad.

>> No.1748546

>color theory
>'made up rules'

Read the sticky and git gud, bro.

>> No.1748554
File: 192 KB, 750x971, Remener4chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this, please?

>> No.1748559
File: 327 KB, 700x809, c_prc_ia_2q3irjesklfjla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got distracted.

>> No.1748564

Nothing made up about readability, brah

>> No.1748565

She looks...like a gorilla. Please take the advice of the others and stop copying redjuice, and learn some fundamentals instead.

>> No.1748566

It's nonsensical. Where is he/she? What is he doing? Why? What world does this take place in? What's the character's personality like? What happened moments before this and what will happen moments after? Etc.

Your current pose lacks direction and intent. Poses don't exist in a vacuum, unless you want your character to look fake and 'posed'.

>> No.1748568
File: 67 KB, 1120x977, 430953464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She looks...like a gorilla.

>> No.1748581
File: 216 KB, 664x582, fdalfkda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't really thinking about the sense of the pose I just wanted something "flowy" without looking ridiculous
should I change the pose or am I just polishing a turd at this point?

>> No.1748586

Try out various poses yourself in front of a large mirror. Bring a camera and take pictures of poses that capture the feeling you want. Use that as a reference.

>> No.1748587
File: 66 KB, 1022x400, fsdfsdfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> stop copying
> tfw I'm not even doing it intentionally

>> No.1748589

polishing a turd. Not because the pose as a concept is bad, it's just you can't capture the pose. You have never done anatomy to get the proportions, the shape and the deformation of the human body. You have never done gesture to get the flow. That does not mean you won't learn anything by finishing what you've started.

>> No.1748592

Stop that, I actually like IA. Don't do this. Stop. Do a different drawing.

>> No.1748594

Her boobs are coming out of her neck

>> No.1748597

Mhh I didn't know about this "rule" but you did make me search for some examples, I can see the uglyness in some cases, but I don't believe it's all bad, at least not in blacklight art.

Thanks, I know the hands aren't very good, I'll get the hang of them some day.

>> No.1748598

experiment a bit with the proportions, maybe then you'll realize that there is a better way to proportion things

>> No.1748605

Thank you, I just realized that her collarbone is too high, giving the impression that her boobs are coming out of her neck. Again, thank you.

>> No.1748611 [DELETED] 

I think that that's something that everyone does at one point of another. Yw.

>> No.1748616

not the collarbones. The boobs are too high.

>> No.1748628
File: 195 KB, 750x971, Remener4chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see that now... Thank you very much.

>> No.1748633

The boobs are supported from below the connection of the arm to the torso.

>> No.1748638
File: 162 KB, 695x900, Remener4chin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like so?

>> No.1748639

If I actually wanted to learn how to draw animu how far away should I stay from this thread?

>> No.1748640

You don't learn to draw animu. You learn to draw. Then I guess you could draw animus if you wanted to...

>> No.1748648
File: 451 KB, 1309x1016, 522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Facial features are all wrong, eyes are too high, forehead is horribly defined, ear is almost connected to the eye. Try to see her without hair. Also her head is kind of big compared to the rest.

I took the liberty to try and draw what you're drawing in my own way, I'm not that great but I know I can at least show you a few obvious mistakes. Also asking for critics on my redline, I know it's far from perfect, how do I improve myself?

By the way, why is it cut off, are you skipping the rest? Kinda looks weird to cut it off there.

>> No.1748649


this is some of the most unhelpful shit i've ever seen.

Not only because it's in another language that i cant read but none of the information that the simplistic curves convey are teaching any sort of technique

>> No.1748653
File: 488 KB, 1000x2000, Torsos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two problems.

First, i'd like an advice on how i draw torsos in the pic.

Second is, i always try to mimic others artist features or styles, everyday.

For example, today i got excited at seeing some artist art and i'm like "damn, i'll try to draw like him/her" Sometimes, when i get it right, i feel like i found the light, but that's just a silly illusion.

because after sometime, i get tired of it or frustrated and i'm not doing it right anymore. Then i try to mimic other artist, and so on.

I feel like i'm not going to find my way or style to draw things if it keeps like this. I know it's weird but what do you think?

>> No.1748656

its been said thousands of times. First mimic reality then mimic styles.

>> No.1748660


Do studies/copies of many different artists, really analyze why each one is that way it is, they'll all homogenize together into your own style as you work on your own stuff alongside

Steal from the many, not the few.

>> No.1748662
File: 125 KB, 329x600, disney attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went for a sort of Disney style, but with big tits and real curves. Not a furry fetishist, but tips on improving both shading and rendering?

>> No.1748665

As for your question in the pic about adding legs, what worked for me was the Robo Bean and imagining the legs as cylinders orbiting around the pelvis - the bend forward being limited to three fingers' width from illiac crest as explained by Vilppu.

Also, get a few pictures of people sitting or having one leg bent upward and practicing it.

>> No.1748666


dead colors
bad line weights
you clearly don't know how to drape a figure
leave the hearts in the eyes white if must have them at all, red is retarded and distracting

>> No.1748668

Along with what everyone said, you need to study real proportions, THEN study anime proportions to understand their simplification. These kind of problems are from only knowing anime proportions, but not understanding them.

>> No.1748669

That's not chicken scratch... That's "new to gesture" lines.

>> No.1748683

>Facial features are all wrong, eyes are too high, forehead is horribly defined, ear is almost connected to the eye. Try to see her without hair. Also her head is kind of big compared to the rest.

Thank you for that.

Also, I wasn't planning on having a full body picture, so I did not draw for it.

>> No.1748698
File: 32 KB, 276x183, 1402249142895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the advice.

>> No.1748716

I have small visual library.

I thought that maybe if I study some random item for a day, its form, design, and value properties I will expand it. Am I right or its just a waste of time ?

>> No.1748730

You should draw for it anyway, even if it won't be shown in the final image, to make sure proportions are om

>> No.1748737

I'll do that from now on, thank you for the advice

>> No.1748752

Visual library doesn't come from studying, it comes from seeing things. Travelling, experiencing different things will widen your visual library. Only watching american TV and games etc will not give you a great visual library. Experiencing different cultures, different fashions, different worlds is what will help.

Studying different things is not to improve your visual library, but your range of experience. If you do someday decide to travel, buy a camera. Build a real reference folder where you own the copyright.

>> No.1748765

watch this video please.
Both attemps look off because that arm is not foreshortened correctly as to make the hand look like it's close to the viewer, unless she's just a girl with monster arms.

>> No.1748887
File: 180 KB, 441x600, Death_Prophet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big monster hands, But yeah, I'm still working to fix the foreshortening in general. Will submit a new version when i think it's relatively better

>> No.1749011
File: 52 KB, 504x465, pennthebrony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some bad news for you son

>> No.1749012

Into the fucking trash with him

>> No.1749022

well those different cultures and fashions are on the internet also.

>> No.1749081

Neat video, I have trouble with foreshortening so this will help quiet a bit.

>> No.1749122
File: 150 KB, 569x525, spanky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1749132

good kyle you look kinda cool

>> No.1749141


Kyle's lineart is usually cleaner, that ain't him

>> No.1749142 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 2000x3000, pony sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, that's not pony shit, this is.

>> No.1749144

>grey background
>strange workflow
>dat ass

its him.

>> No.1749165
File: 130 KB, 746x1000, urabe_swimsuit_by_timmi_o_tool-d7lfcno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn man, your assed and legs are a miracle of the universe...

Made some an Animu fanart 2 days ago for the waifu drawthread on /a/.

>> No.1749170

Diffidently him, he's the only person around that actually completely renders a single body part
before moving to the other, pretty weird workflow indeed.

>> No.1749177 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 419x362, muh dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cry about it faggot

>> No.1749190

Daring perspective, I don't know if you used a reference but it feels like her head is too big compared to the body.

Actually scrap that, if I imagine myself standing there, then it might be the body that's too small, the size of the ducky, lifesaver, plant and cup indicate that the viewer is pretty close. Yet the body makes it look like the viewer is much further away.

It's a pretty picture though, I like it.

>> No.1749203

Isn't there literally rules that mlp content goes to /mlp/

>> No.1749209
File: 381 KB, 854x724, 1373942007824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you're mistaken. 98% sure of that. Don't bother looking it up either I've pretty much read the rules cover to cover every day for the past 8 years.

>> No.1749223
File: 171 KB, 720x1280, Nazo-no-Kanojo-X-Mysterious-Girlfriend-X.Mikoto-Urabe-HTC-One-X-wallpaper.720x1280-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you mean...She might look a bit small. Regarding the head, I tried to give her the head-body relation like in the Anime. But looking at a reference now makes me think I should've made the legs a bit longer.

>> No.1749235
File: 347 KB, 760x900, agnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bravely default

>> No.1749273
File: 153 KB, 1000x966, wvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1749281

Dem calves

>> No.1749295

bravely dafuq

jk it's good

>> No.1749304
File: 87 KB, 852x912, wip d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, people thinjk she looks like a gorilla because of her fully shaded philtrum, low mouth and dark eyes. fix those, and make the white of her eyes actually white.

>pic is Wip

>> No.1749306


Did she suffer a stroke?

>> No.1749319


>> No.1749324
File: 429 KB, 1000x900, musashiWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP of fanart for an old square game that never got enough love

i want to make this picture really vibrant and colorful, so i'm wondering is it better to do lineart in different colors and shades than it is to make it black? i'm also trying to achieve that really smooth CG look, so advice would be appreciated.

>> No.1749328

Unless you somehow lose the lines, the lineart can just be coloured after the fact. That way it'll actually look good too.

>> No.1749339

>Brave Fencer Musashi

My nigga; one of my favorite PS1 games.

>> No.1749342

holy smokes man it's my favorite squaresoft title

i want a 3DS port

>> No.1749344
File: 108 KB, 501x558, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im bad at rendering and everything. Droped it to this point.

>> No.1749361
File: 438 KB, 500x300, hades.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you learn anything though?

>> No.1749364

I dont know. maybe.

>> No.1749366
File: 97 KB, 1000x1000, Fiona Mayfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1749375


You're one shitty drawing closer to being better, don't fester over it.

>> No.1749381


A bit short with her right arm there m80

>> No.1749391
File: 68 KB, 824x820, 5746876865163566848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thanks, that helped.

I'll get there eventually.

>> No.1749440

The dude's left (our right) arm reaching around the girl is shaped really odd. I don't think arms should bend that way.

>> No.1749443

Not him but I dont see what you mean anon, also judging by that big ass lipstick and eyelashes I think they're both futas.

>> No.1749465


>> No.1749469

I can assure you they do, the shoulder definition is just too heavy.

>> No.1749474

It shouldn't matter actually since this is an artboard, the reason why ponyshit is a bannable offense outside /mlp/ is due the thread flooding and shitposting that made it famous, and there's a difference with one drawing made by someone submitted for critique, and shitposting thousands of images.
Anyway, furry shit get's the same treatment and MLP is furry 2.0 so yeah, no real harm done.
Still, it seems ridiculous and hypocritical to exclude specifically that, but allow shit like lolis and women with huge dicks.

>> No.1749486
File: 110 KB, 852x912, 1402347807223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm talking about. Looks really off.

>> No.1749493


Take it up with moot then champ

>> No.1749495

thats not the arm you fucking dense motherfucker

>> No.1749497
File: 436 KB, 1000x900, musashiWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's like there's some kind of quality barrier i just can't quite break through. i'm going to put more effort into this picture than i have before in anything else. it'll start to come together once i start blending colors and adding depth i think.

i had to stop working for like two hours and i think this is all i can do tonight. more tomorrow.

>> No.1749498

Uh dude what? Look at the knees and the shapes below them, I thought those were hands. Now that you bring this up I really cant tell if thats a hand fisting a pussy like you suggest or if its a shemale with big curved dong.

>> No.1749500

big curved dong
dont be this dense, shit.

>> No.1749501

That's a dick, dude.

>> No.1749504


Dont speak to me this way Ill fuck you up cunt you hear me

>> No.1749506

There's not a single rule that forbids posting drawings with certain subject matter, and actually, drawings like
Don't go into /mlp/ by rule.
there's just a prudish mod that deletes the shit he finds obnoxious.

>> No.1749517

Global Rule 15
Pff hehehe

>> No.1749522

Wow is my face red.

>> No.1749524

>This is a work safe board. No pornographic images or other not safe for work content is allowed
>Ponies only—no anthro.
those two drawings don't belong to /mlp/ and if gr15 is being followed, how is that >>1747378 wasn't deleted?
Do you really fail to see that the mod or whomever reported it is regulating the subject matter with his own personal tastes? It happened with the other loli drawing, and it has been happening with a lot of shit too.

>> No.1749525
File: 1.99 MB, 250x190, sting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then bitch about it in IRC or emails to moot and stop meta-whining

Keep pony shit in /mlp/
Keep loli shit and furry shit in /b/

What's so hard about this?

>> No.1749526


Eleborate on this please, also where the fuck ya'll getting these new SAI versions, I'm still on 1.1.0

>> No.1749527

Nah faggot, the rules are clear even if you fail to understand it or accept it, if you don't like the subject matter of the drawings posted in these threads, such as loli and mlp and furry and animus, then hide the thread.

>> No.1749531


That mlp gijinka pic Kyle posted still being up is obviously a failing of the janitor to enforce the website's own rules.

That's not my fault. If one can't post NSFW shit in /mlp/ it doesn't go anywhere else so obviously one be better off posting it where it's welcome.

Global rule 3 and 15 are clear enough for me, how about you?

Just because the people are posting rule breaking shit here have gotten away with it for so long doesn't mean they're not breaking the rules.

>> No.1749534


But who am I kidding, if people actually followed the rules this board wouldn't be as shitty.

Sorry for the grammatical errors in all that shit, it's late.

>> No.1749537

>muh censorship and broken global rules
>In an art board
The thing is that this is an artwork/critique, board, and unlique the rest of boards that serve as image dumps, the artists post their works to get useful feedback. people are not posting just because "muh ponis, muh lolis, lolololol i trol u becuz u don like it", people here are artists improving their craft, and regardless of what subject matter they offer, they are under the parameters offered by the rules themselves.
No one gives a shit here about artists posting their loli et al, as long as they are capable artists offering advice/ willing to improve at art.
There's a fucking obvious hole and it needs to be fixed, to prevent faggots like you from reporting images they don't like, but no one gives a shit about /ic/ but /ic/ dwellers, so deal with it, cause all that shit you don't like will be posted.

>> No.1749539


>row row fight the powah fgt :^)

>> No.1749543

Do you really seek to ridicule the fact that stupid censorship kills art? this is not le ebin picdump of lowbrow fetishes you don't like, people here are making art, and everyone agrees that as long as you're a good improving artist subject matter doesn't matter.
>if it's on teh rulz is oky to be le asshol
I think it's pretty clear that rules have several logic flaws, don't base your criteria in something broken.

>> No.1749545
File: 1.28 MB, 400x582, jjaja.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirm improvment? any advice?

>> No.1749551

You're not studying/drawing enough, and even if you draw a lot, you're not studying, it really shows.

Start for real, get serious, draw everyday, study fundamentals and do life drawing, go to the sticky, even if you already did, you haven't checked everything it has to offer (check sycra and proko).
Learn these topics until it comes naturally.
You obviously like anime so don't forget to apply what you learn to your animus, it's not about being super serious and doing "boring stuff" until you're allowed to do what you want, it's about doing what you want while learning.

tl;dr: go to the sticky.

>> No.1749554
File: 724 KB, 1400x864, jessitrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been told there are anatomy errors with this, I cannot see them, been looking at this too long. can I get a little help from someone with fresh eyes.

>> No.1749560

You're all idiots.

>> No.1749561

That is some gold standard Non-Advice™, anon.

>> No.1749564

I agree, we all want to improve and some of us might have interests not so publicly accepted as lolicon, shotacon or furry.
Personally, i don't like furry but i have seen artists around the web that draw furry and have are on a way better level than
me, so it's obvious that they exist and they want to improve. This place is the only place that you can actually get critique while
being anonymous, so hopefully you wouldn't have to be afraid of posting what you really want to draw because of the chance that
it will ruin your public image. The rules are there, but they are there mostly because susch content is usually unpopular and they
don't have to deal with people making threads full of it, but refusing someone critique and forcing them to draw what they don't
really want to draw to get critiqued is very unfair in my mind, and it also provokes people to shitpost with such content like this guy
>>1749142 He is like, yeah i am posting forbidden content, take that shit. But we do have and did have many people who like to draw
lolis that were very serious about their art and improvement, and i am sure many furrys too, but they post praying that the mods will look
the other way. I see people getting upset by certain content around and i wanted to speak my mind too, hopefully this thread will not become
a wall of text again.

>> No.1749571

Muahahahahha bakaland :^)

>> No.1749586

What do yo mean "non advice", there's plenty of advice in there.

>> No.1749593

go to the sticky.

>> No.1749595


dude that's just lazy

>> No.1749596

As long as the posting artists show real improvement and/or serve a noble purpose to this place, it doesn't matter what they draw, but god damn, al those niches are full of retards, it makes me feel so bad for arguing to their favor.

>> No.1749599
File: 10 KB, 250x400, draft_lens20270062module164479096photo_1357207909__000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The drawings look exactly like pic related, his place is in the sticky, if he want's to get good that is.
I don't get why n00bs get upset when they're told to go to the sticky, their work is lacking in all fundamentals, for them there's no better advice than "go and learn the fundamentals".

>> No.1749605
File: 305 KB, 583x737, test1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still don't know how to digital coloring. brush? airbrush? markers? watercolour? pen? goddammit

>> No.1749608


Son, if I had to say something, you got worse from 2013 - 2014. You gotta revise your anatomy; you're making basic mistakes like a dislocated shoulder.

>> No.1749615
File: 207 KB, 559x865, Thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I fuck up? and how would I do the breasts?

>> No.1749617


How is she going to balance with both legs tilted so far to the same side?

For breasts, start from the armpits then draw out a tear drop shape. Consult tutorials if you have to; those are plenty.

>> No.1749619

use oil brush for block and watercolor for blend

>> No.1749620

well I have no idea, I being drawing poses without ref so that might be problem

>> No.1749621


Balance isn't hard. You just need to sketch out the entire pose before chopping it somewhere. It will stop you form making obvious mistakes like you did.

>> No.1749623

Thanks for help man

>> No.1749639

I had a good laugh, thanks anon

>> No.1749643
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x1146, averagedeviantartuser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to say, but you pretty much wasted 2 years of potential art development.

Read the sticky.

>> No.1749648

damn it, I'm that guy, I'm laughing so hard righ now, 10/10, that's top quality

>> No.1749655
File: 2.26 MB, 1532x2348, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I dunno.

I just recently picked up using gesture as a base and I guess I'm not really good at it yet. I mostly draw as a hobby, but I'm kinda annoyed none of the art classes I ever took went over it. The torso looks way elongated, she's bent backwards, and the head is... off. My gestures seem fine when I have a reference, I should've noticed something was off with it before building on it.

It really doesn't help I'm also trying to get to be more consistent at the same time. Sometimes my proportions just end up slightly wrong, and I'm trying to correct that, and adding a new technique certainly isn't helping.

I probably shouldn't try drawing at 4 AM either though.

>> No.1749661
File: 1.22 MB, 1532x2348, mspaintandmouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was more worried about this. mspaint and mouse redline coming thru. You flattened her after her ribcage.

>> No.1749688
File: 347 KB, 516x800, bluelinesareeasierformetolookat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably not all that qualified to corrected someone's work

Watch your forms though, you see to be able to make the head turn in space slightly, but the rest of the body is flattened out as >>1749661

Draw through, think of the torso/hips/arms/legs as shapes with volume. They are faceted and change depending on the angle you view them.

>> No.1749690

>deviant art lighting skillz

>> No.1749691

this is wrong too

>> No.1749692

How so?

>> No.1749695
File: 294 KB, 641x1000, trad2014005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figured this belonged here more than the sketchbook thread.

>> No.1749719
File: 63 KB, 604x931, Captura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon guys

>> No.1749722

This one's cute, but your coloring technique doesn't do her any favors.

>> No.1749745

Sure, it's "advice", but it doesn't help the artist in any way. You throw a bunch of information to a neophyte and expect them to know what the fuck they're supposed to do with it? You could have just said "go read loomis fgt" and been just as descriptive and useful to the amateur.

If you want to provide feedback try actually talking about the work itself instead of making blanket suggestions to "go do stuff until your good". If everyone attempted to do that in these threads, the posting rate would decrease, and quality would likely increase.

>> No.1749749

I don't see the difference between >>1749688

Seriously, I am confused.

>> No.1749751

posting would decrease because fuck that frankly. Noobs don't have particular issues you can point out, they have issues with EVERYTHING. Because they don't have the fundamentals even in a basic way, you can't give more meaningful critique than read the fucking sticky.

Though it's also strange because people who know some fundies get ahead of themselves and think they're above crits when you can actually point out mistakes and not just gesture with your whole hand saying this is wrong.

>> No.1749774
File: 127 KB, 773x1369, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis, Hampton, Villpu, help me, because I'm sick of being able to draw only this shit and also not beng able to paint ;_;

>> No.1749791
File: 352 KB, 1681x785, 433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I see. In my opinion they are both still far from perfect. The biggest thing they fixed compared to yours is the head and the length of the torso (abdomen). There are a lot of differences but I think the one on the right is slightly more correct. I'm pretty sure you wanted it look like she is pushing herself forward though.

>> No.1749843

>Noobs don't have particular issues you can point out, they have issues with EVERYTHING
This is an excuse used by someone who doesn't have the knowledge or background in art to provide beneficial critique. It's an excuse that works in passing the blame back at the artist for the worthless advice they're given under the pretense that shit work begets shit advice. Since having started browsing /ic/ in '09, I've seen this excuse grow from ironic shitposting to commonly posted feedback in threads where amateur artists flock.

>Because they don't have the fundamentals even in a basic way
Which fundamentals are you talking about? What bits of fundamental art knowledge does their individual piece lack? What can the artist do to push their work further? "Go read the sticky" doesn't address the artist personally, and it does not offer them anything useful as to how, as an individual, they can remedy their work and progress as an artist.

>you can't give more meaningful critique than read the fucking sticky
I don't wish to believe someone could have been so delusional as to have actually convinced themselves of this. Your mentality is poison to these already struggling threads anon. Be aware I'm not trying to insult you saying so, but rather explain to you of where you're going wrong in providing feedback to your peers.

>> No.1749845

He made her proportions realistic, the other just made it properly 3d.

>> No.1749852

fuck you retard

>> No.1749922
File: 43 KB, 363x750, forms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's normal to make mistakes, sometimes we just don't have enough visual library to back up our stuff from imagination. There's really no way around it except to continuously study and analyze the human figure. Once you know how the forms work, it'll be easier to pull them from imagination.

>> No.1749923
File: 167 KB, 1000x800, strongirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three years and still no ribcage.

I think I fucked up top left pose a bit. Also, how do I feet and hands?

>> No.1749952
File: 1.34 MB, 3000x2700, 4111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my redline

>> No.1749955

not ready to do redlines/10

>> No.1749971
File: 259 KB, 1000x800, 35522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would seriously worry about your head construction first, sometimes your entire ear is below the eyeline, the eyes are not placed symmetrically on the head, overall it just looks completely off.

I have the feeling you used a refence for the body since the head is on a different tier of bad, and it doesn't fit the body in any way.

>> No.1749979

>I have the feeling you used a refence for the body since the head is on a different tier of bad, and it doesn't fit the body in any way.
Nay, I just have a notorious habit of not using enough construction lines for head/face (well, you just made me realize it). Thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.1749988

Ic: critiquing advice instead of artwork.

>> No.1749997
File: 158 KB, 289x307, 1395950536368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice is a form of art in itself, Anon.

>> No.1750028

Nope, it's the other way arround, noobs are more likely to understand and follow a set of simple instructions rather than a convoluted clusterfuck of specific advice.
Detailed advice only works when adressing a particular problem or set of, that is, when the critiqued artist has enough dexterity as to properly undestand what he's being told and work on it.
Telling a beginner something like >>1749551 is more than enough; because they're begginers, you can write a fucking essay based on the flaws of their work and they simply won't get it.
If they are really into learning, they can ask, and engage in dialogue, or come back when they hit a more complex wall on their own, but no.
>Do this and that.
>Ok, from what sources can I learn?
>Check out this and this other thing
>Oh cool, thanks.
>Do this and that.
>Omg ur lazy and don know shit fuck u.

>> No.1750032

Is that an 11 year old tomboy?

>> No.1750035

Your torso and legs are disconnected.

>> No.1750036

And boobs that big fold where they meet the torso from that angle.

>> No.1750051

nothing you say makes any sense since he DID give feedback.
you even asked:
>Which fundamentals are you talking about? What bits of fundamental art knowledge does their individual piece lack?

well, he already said it in the very start here >>1749551
but apparently that wasn't enough for your kind, again.
the fact that he pretty much told him "everything is still wrong" is already something to think about for a while.
he gave him topics and sources, ...but here you are, asking for more.

>> No.1750076

>noobs are more likely to understand and follow a set of simple instructions rather than a convoluted clusterfuck of specific advice.
Your simple set of instructions is pointing them at a wall of a resource guide that has a convoluted clusterfuck of non-specific advice.

>Detailed advice only works when adressing a particular problem or set of, that is, when the critiqued artist has enough dexterity as to properly undestand what he's being told and work on it.
Bullshit. You're copping out for the fact you're not competent enough to provide personal critique by using the pretense that shit art begets shit advice. Linking someone to a wall of resources isn't beneficial to any artist, especially beginners who do not know where the starting line even is.This has always been the case and always will be.

If I copied and pasted your post and resubmitted it in the next thread to another amateur artist who posts here, they wouldn't be able to tell it wasn't addressed to them originally. This is because your post says NOTHING about the individual artwork you're trying to give feedback to. You're posting all-encompassing suggestions that do not contribute anything and do not give artists useful direction. It is a worthless post that is misleading and should not be taken seriously under any circumstance.

If you cannot provide individualized critique that is fine. However, you only contribute to the detriment of these threads, and the board as a whole, when you make these generalized posts. If I can say "lrn2 loomis fgt" and still be just as descriptive and useful to the artist as your post, you're doing something wrong.

These are vague suggestions that do not help the novice artist in the long run. Let me break it down nice and simple for you.

>"Go work on XYZ" isn't useful feedback
>"XYZ could use some work and here's why" is useful feedback

One is a blanket suggestion, the other is critique. Got it?

>> No.1750082

He is a beginner, he needs to learn everything, you can make it a copy pasta if it pleases you, maybe that way begginers will get a standard layout for learning.
Also, If you're so capable, go on, you give the advice faggot, you're adressing your walls of text to the wrong people, go on, be a champ and help the guy.
you are not arguing just for the sake of it right?Don't be a piece of shit and preach with the example, give better advice.

>> No.1750091

>a wall of a resource guide that has a convoluted clusterfuck of non-specific advice.
stickyfag pls go

>> No.1750096

>He is a beginner, he needs to learn everything
And your post tells him nothing, which is the point I'm trying to get into your head.

>you can make it a copy pasta if it pleases you, maybe that way begginers will get a standard layout for learning.
You're dense son. I'm trying to tell you that the opposite should happen. When you feel like providing feedback you should put an effort into actually addressing the artwork you're posting a response to.

>Also, If you're so capable, go on, you give the advice faggot, you're adressing your walls of text to the wrong people, go on, be a champ and help the guy.
I never said I wanted to give that particular artist feedback, though I usually do try and direct artists from time to time outside of this thread.

>you are not arguing just for the sake of it right?
Of course not. I have a point and I'm right in conveying it towards you and any other anon who thinks that telling someone to go read the sticky, and not be trying to shitpost in the process, is directly aiding in the death of actual critique on /ic/. This is a problem I have observed from the sidelines for years now, and it has grown in prominence with the influx of novice artists who talk, but don't really say anything.

If anything I'd paint myself as an anti-stickyfag.

>> No.1750115

>If anything I'd paint myself as an anti-stickyfag.
You're stickyfag: the same autist that complains that the sticky is shit, without wanting to make a better sticky.

The same autist that complains about the quality of valid critique to newbies, without offering better critique himself.

The same autist that thinks every newbie is a special snowflake that needs uniquely tailored critique even though:
a) The fundamentals don't change from person to person
b) The newbie in question hasn't shown any sign of commitment to learning

You're the autist that wastes his time complaining about people who help, instead of leading by example. You're the autist who shits up every thread he visits, and derails things pointlessly. I'm still surprised that people waste their time trying to have a discussion with you. You're either literally retarded or a god-tier troll.

Don't take this post as an invitation for a discussion, but a warning for lurkers.

>> No.1750127

>And your post tells him nothing, which is the point I'm trying to get into your head.
No, his post tells him to go and learn basics.
I can put it even simplier: go get Loomis'/Hampton's/Vilppu's figure drawing book, read it and exercise with it. You can't give detailed advice to someone who doesn't know basics because they'll try to improve their drawing with their own self-taught techniques that made the drawing bad in the first place.

>> No.1750130

>try actually talking about the work itself
What anon is saying isn't completely wrong. Critique the image itself and how to improve it specifically and it doesn't fix the artists drawing habits. Give them an overview of things to improve on and it helps them realize they need to learn more general things than how they drew a specific hand on a specific picture.

Getting lost in details of one or two images isn't going to help someone improve very well. You could say "her shoulders are too wide" or you could direct them to learn about proportions so they'll memorize a system that will benefit all future drawings so they won't need someone else to tell them where to place the shoulders in the future.

The real dilemma comes from anons advice requiring you to do your own research, which many people either don't know how to do or aren't willing to do. It also requires you to be able to see your own mistakes, which many people aren't able to. That's where anon makes a mistake.

So it's not the advice that's bad, it's how it's being given that's bad. Because it's being given under the assumption that anon, and the one he's critiquing are on the same level in terms of their perception. Art is half a mental process and learning perception is one of bumps on the road, but no one ever seems to discuss it, instead those with developed perception treat newbies like they're mind readers.

But, you know, getting advice like "that arm is really long" isn't good advice either, it doesn't teach the artist anything in the long run, they'll just lasso the arm upwards and call it day. If they draw an image from a different angle and action, they'll probably fuck up that arm again. Yet you aren't chewing out any people who give that kind of advice. You're being nitpicky when bad advice is everywhere and being directed to the fundamentals has nothing to do with it.

>> No.1750131
File: 190 KB, 1000x800, heads up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to be a very muscular 10 year old girl...
Anyway, time for heads time.

>> No.1750132

Fuck I'm really smart.

>> No.1750136
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, 1398187824802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"learn the fundamentals and check these sources"
>Ur not teling nuthin, pepl wont lern wit this
>Nah I don't want to help, I just want you to understand how stupid you are
>You're not helping anyone with your shit critique, let me tell you how shit your advice is instead of posting good critique.

>> No.1750140

Guys, keep it simple. If you see a novice Artist such as myself just direct them to the Sticky that provides invaluable resources and/or maybe some personal feedback or a bit of advice or tips. It's that simple. You can not hold someone's hand and spoon feed them they have to do their own homework and their own research on how to approach a problem and solving it by either hands on repetition, listening or watching videos, and finally reading related material from other Artists who have knowledge on said problem preferably master draftsman.

I can not understand why somebody gets worked up because they've been directed to the Sticky it's the Sticky and it was /ic/ "parrots" that introduced me to master draftsmen such as Loomis and Vilpuu. In reality you just have to repeat the same thing over and over and over again until that one day of enlightenment comes around and the other person gets it after time and most importantly effort is put into this field.

It's really that simple.

>> No.1750142
File: 1.43 MB, 275x208, g29.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your lines are ugly, why? Because you're either uncertain about every line you draw, or you lack the ability to make a line go where you want it. Either way you're going over your own lines way too much. Practice drawing smooth lines, try to make simple shapes using clear lines. Yes it's true some gesture drawers like to scribble their way into seeing the gesture, but what you're doing is different and not helping. It's been said so many times, and it's right there in the sticky too, if you've really spend 2 years on /ic/ how can you've possibly missed this?

Your hands look like nothing, you can't draw hands, practice drawing your own hand, practice from real life (photo's are good). Want to draw hands from imagination? Help see the basics by using guides, Draw a hand by starting with only basic shapes, you know which basic shapes to use because you should have seen them in the guide. Apply what you have learned. Do the hands still look like shit? Maybe you lack the ability to draw shapes in perspective, better work on your perspective then. How you ask? well by using blablabla blabla

Your proportions are off, maybe you need help learning the basic proportions of a human body, here's one of the million guides you can use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyWHmxFGVK4.. Some are more straightforward and easier to start with than others, but its better to blablabla

Your basic shapes are off, there is no third dimension in your drawing. It's all flat because almost none of the lines give the viewer the idea of what is infront of something else, or what is coming towards the viewer and what is not. The lack of color, light and values doesn't help here. Try to see the arm as a cilinder at first if it helps, some artists blablablabla

Conclusion: there is barely any progress noticable, really pathetic for a 2 year time period. If you take drawing seriously and you want to see more progress I strongly suggest starting to use your brain.

>mfw writing all this

>> No.1750148
File: 810 KB, 225x183, g287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same guy,

He couldve learned all of this on his own by reading and comprehending the stuff posted in the sticky. I have to agree with the people just directing him to the sticky. People providing critics have to draw the line somewhere, this is not worth spending any time on.

It doesn't matter if what I said was right or wrong, I was just illustrating how much time and effort it would take.

>> No.1750163

I actually just fight him because I don't want lurkers and newbie peers getting misslead.

>> No.1750167

>You can not hold someone's hand and spoon feed them they have to do their own homework and their own research on how to approach a problem and solving it by either hands on repetition, listening or watching videos, and finally reading related material from other Artists who have knowledge on said problem preferably master draftsman.

I agree with you 100% here and not trying to side with the sticky autist guy but nobody ever does that, or at least there's no way to hold new people accountable for not doing their homework. That's why there's so much wheel spinning and general badness going on.

>> No.1750234

thanks for the replies. this is actually the first time I've come to /ic/ and posted something. I'll take a look at what is in sticky. cheers.

>> No.1750263

Epictroll pls go

>> No.1750299
File: 892 KB, 1000x900, musashiWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update. i didn't have as much time to work on this today as i would have liked to.

i'm planning on redoing the tree because it looks pretty wonky and i'd like to have it cast some shadows on musashi and the cliff. other than that, i'm not very confident about what i'm doing with color so sincerely is there anything anyone thinks i can change to make the color look more appealing?

>> No.1750317
File: 210 KB, 1000x800, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1750359
File: 112 KB, 528x485, 1394346335783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The colors are very wishy washy and your palette itself isn't very good. None of the colors pop.

>> No.1750361
File: 2.41 MB, 2448x3264, Photo Jun 10, 12 18 15 AM (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge me.

>> No.1750365
File: 379 KB, 1500x2318, Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1750373


sharpen your damn pencil for starters

>> No.1750394


Here check this out


>> No.1750409

Really work on your anatomy and draw from life more, but also don't stop what you're doing because you have potential.

>> No.1750557

How do you know it's Link?

>> No.1750574
File: 252 KB, 946x690, 75324687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will appreciate any criticism, /ic/. I'd like to know which aspects I need to improve.

>> No.1750587

It looks really stiff, the body is straight and undynamic. The ear positioning is off, and probably too small. It's also hard to say if it's a boy or a girl.

>> No.1750593

Thanks man. Nice, I didn't notice the ear until you mentioned. Any tips how I could make it more dynamic?

>hard to say if it's a boy or a girl
is it the face?

>> No.1750596
File: 2 KB, 31x36, clickBOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the adams apple.


>> No.1750598

Check out the 2nd part of this pic. It helps making character more dynamic.


>> No.1750602

Thank you so much for this. It seems that the common problem is that my works are mostly stiff as you mentioned. Thanks for all the help.

>> No.1750637
File: 587 KB, 618x939, M_kl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used an old piece for inking and screentone practice.

>> No.1750664

I drew him yesterday too. Neat, nigga

>> No.1750672


heeeeeey you're that guy with the hot fairies and the hot dragon

Did you ever complete that piece?

>> No.1750677

>Did you ever complete that piece?
nope :_;

>> No.1750687
File: 1.00 MB, 1000x900, mountainsidemusashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1750693
File: 99 KB, 202x269, 1371347305390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is up with her legs?

Why is her hair made of blades?

Why doesn't she have a nose?

>> No.1750694


Why. It looked so promising.

>> No.1750699

I don't know what else I can do with it and I want to move on to other projects.

I guess I could put more into the background but all of my free time for the past two days has just been this.

>> No.1750704

fix your composition man

>> No.1750706

didn't have any good ideas about how to do it.
actually, i still think about it every now and then.
you said it looked promising, and i kind of realize that too, maybe that's why i can't finish it unless it lives up to the potential. so it's just been sitting there.
but for now i'm completely focusing on B&W art, since that is more relevant to my interests.

who are you? are you me?

>> No.1750714

Thanks for all the advice and redlines. I'll practice drawing from life more to try and get more of a feel for proportions and form.

>> No.1750721
File: 167 KB, 596x844, IMG_4297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no mom says i can be musashi now (here's a light sketch of something else i did from a couple weeks back for proof)

>> No.1750723

no new thread ?

>> No.1750938
File: 41 KB, 900x675, SketchWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I've been working on, but idk if I want to put the line work in, especially that face.
Any critique would be appreciated.
>inb4 chicken-scratch

>> No.1750966
File: 34 KB, 405x306, ewwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that face

>> No.1750978

New Thread:


>> No.1751938
