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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 28 KB, 600x359, 10329073_870211979660905_36215248061895064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1745387 No.1745387 [Reply] [Original]

Gossip thread.

Why Algenpfleger still do the same studies he did before becoming a pro? I know that every artist should keep studying, but that's basically all he does.
He just keep making studies after studies and don't do any personal work.
Holy shit if I had his abilities I would be drawing worlds. -___-

Also, did you guys saw the rant of Dave Rapoza about the new TMNT movie ripping off his Splinter design? Lol... The guy get famous and lots of clients by selling and doin fanart, with no copyright infringements and gets upset because they used a character he doesn't own... By the way, there aren't many ways to draw a creep old anthropomorphic rat realistically.

>> No.1745398

> rant of Dave Rapoza


>> No.1745400


>rant of Dave Rapoza about the new TMNT movie ripping off his Splinter design?

What design, the design of the same generic shit that was done a thousand times before?

>> No.1745422

quit worrying about other people and focus on learning how to write English properly.

>> No.1745424
File: 608 KB, 1000x730, tumblr_n6m6k4iZR21qk84mgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gossip thread, really?

I'm glad that this image exists more at 11

>> No.1745434

How old are you OP

Also, quit gossiping and work on your art.

>> No.1745448
File: 1.03 MB, 699x699, 1385261842434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gossip thread

Stop. This place has gotten bad enough with miserable cunts who focus too much on others than their own stuff. You want to act like a teenage girl, get back to tumblr.

>Holy shit if I had his abilities I would be drawing worlds. -___-

"Waaah waaaah, why do others not draw what I want? I'm more deserving of skill because id totally use it better! abloo bloo! its not faaair!"

How about YOU invest the time to become skilled so you can draw what you want? Did that thought ever cross your mind? Oh wait, you are just another whiny undisciplined little shit who would rather cry about other skilled artists. Git gud or get out.

>> No.1745546


Hes FB.


Well... I'm just curious as to why he just do studies and don't use what he learned to develop something of his own.



>> No.1745550


Well.. Quit posting and focus on your art.

>> No.1745558

The reason he is good and you are not is because he doesn't spend time asking stupid questions like >why does he just do studies

>> No.1745574


That was not the question. Also, he is clearly at a lvl where he should be spending more time doin work and not studying.

>> No.1745591


please try reddit instead

>> No.1745605

>Holy shit if I had his abilities I would be drawing worlds. -___-
And instead of that you whinning about it on 4chan
>drawing worlds
You mean generic weaboo stuff?

>> No.1745640

Most of his works, like every other professionals, are still under NDA, if you still have not figured it out. He even has stated it before in his tumblr and dA.

Anyway, this thread is cancer.

>> No.1745657

Dave is a good artist, This outburst was a bit unprofessional maybe?

I understand that a lot of people on this board are really all about getting their fundamentals down but I'm happy to see a discussion about this.

Just hide the thread like I do with all the Tumblr and anime threads.

>> No.1745667

Hannes is free to do whatever he wants with his skills. If he enjoys doing studies then why thell shouldn't he do studies?
Get on his level and then you can do whatever the hell you want as hell. Don't be jelly and mad tho

>> No.1745692

>He just keep making studies after studies and don't do any personal work.
Maybe he does client work that's under NDA, and can only upload his studies.

>> No.1745694
File: 211 KB, 418x426, durr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this seriously what you call ranting?

Shit thread, OP is a fag.

>> No.1745711
File: 89 KB, 553x798, When+god+created+OP_320d9d_3409809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today OP was a massive faggot again.

>> No.1745715


thanks for wasting your time, so others don't have to. shit thread indeed. op is a cumguzzlig fag and dave is a tard because his "design" is the most obvious, straight-forward translation of the cartoon rat into realist-rat imaginable.

his work is 99% rendering and quality, 1% design. wtf is he complaining about.

>> No.1745718

>draw generic humanoid rat
>some other concept artist does the same
>omg they totally stole my art!11!!1!!111

>> No.1745730


It's funny how he wants money for 3 different IP's, but almost don't post much about them.

It's like... "well.. I have lots of ideas and want to draw them, but they don't really have a history behind, plz pay me so I can show to you guyz".

>> No.1745735


could you elaborate? not up to date with dave rapozas shenanigans

>> No.1745739

You realize that Dave Rapoza was approached by the art director for the Michael Bay turtles reboot quite some time ago and Dave declined working on that project. To say they weren't influenced at all by his redesign and it was just some freak coincidence is flat out retarded because THEY were the ones who came to Dave, asking him to work for them. That's how much they liked his generic fanart redesigns.

>> No.1745768

He spends the vast majority of his drawing time on freelance work under NDA and does some studies after work; I don't see your problem. Plenty of artists want to focus on something else after working time and Algenpfleger himself said that he spends a lot of time outdoors to make up for the hermit life he had in the last five years. Let the guy do what he wants and take your smileys back to MSN.

>> No.1745770

You're shit, suck it up and stop judging people way over your skill level. It only makes you sound like a bitter jealous fag.

>> No.1745778

Dave's a shit, I stopped giving a shit about anything he does all the way back in 2011. His last known good work was the harrowing, after that he shilled out and turned into a shitter.

>> No.1745801
File: 64 KB, 500x313, tumblr_mxqid6zVxf1qk84mgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wat? He's doing some real crap right now, but that Black Witch concepts are certainly best of his works.

>> No.1745809

does anyone know if skull and shark is still happening or is it just a joke and a really good soundtrack now?
algen is too busy getting swole and writing his weird oc

>> No.1745810
File: 71 KB, 360x403, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Another "I don't like this artist because he paints better than me" thread

Jesus Christ guys shut the fuck up.

>> No.1745816

What are you talking about, he's doing the exact same shit he's been doing for the past 3 years. Just because he started using better focus with his lighting doesn't change the fact that he hasn't done a single proper composition with actual figures instead of the same old shitty 3/4 bullshit since that last update in november 2011.

This is called shilling, anon. Once you taste that sugar money you stop giving a shit.

>> No.1745817

Idol worship gone awry ITT.

>> No.1745851

>This is called shilling, anon

Are you stupid? Dave has been a portrait and single-character guy since forever. It's what he likes to do, it's what he has done since his conceptart.org sketchbook days many years ago. Hence he started taking jobs that let him do just that. It's actually the exact opposite of shilling, you dumb fuck.

>> No.1745854
File: 3.47 MB, 1100x3255, starveil___nebula__4_by_davidrapozaart-d7accu6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he hasn't done a single proper composition with actual figures instead of the same old shitty 3/4 bullshit since that last update in november 2011.

Uh, isn't that all he's been doing lately? Working on his unpaid comic passion project doing just that, compositions with actual figures instead of his usual stuff?

>> No.1745863
File: 1 KB, 142x98, 1389606030740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next you're going to say that wes and jia are overrated

>> No.1745956

it started as a thread based on:
Why does Algenphelger not post personal work?
Dave Rapoza is upset about a movie using his character fan art

Dave paintings are very nice and I like him a lot. I only want to know what other people think about the whole: They hold the copyright to Splinter but they used his version of Splinter without paying him. That is a interesting conflict of interest.

To everyone telling people to quit this thread and focus on their art, I don't know about you guys but I have the capacity to check the thread every 2-3 hours while working on my art. You guys might have issues but I would like to discuss the events of the industry I am working hard to become a part off.

This is a thread about artwork, this is a board about artwork. You are the cancer.

>> No.1745959

If Dave really took the splinter design thing seriously, I doubt he would've casually blogged about it on his facebook.

Hannes doesn't post personal work cause he doesn't make any.


>> No.1745967

Hes mkaing some comic with a style thats really painful to look at.

>> No.1745970
File: 56 KB, 282x151, 1354348869117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1745973

It seems to me that your thread has been derailed because a majority of the posts on it are discussing how much of a pain it is to look at this man's art, despite his talent.

This board is about art sure, but a big part of art involves constructive criticism.

Saying that someone's art is painful to look at and calling the artist a shill because he made a professional choice you personally don't agree with is not constructive criticism, it is hate bred out of jealousy.

So I will stick to my original comment that you started a thinly veiled " I don't like this artist because he paints better than me/ is more successful than me" thread because that's all I'm seeing.

>> No.1745985

>daves fucking comic thing

WHY in gods name would you make it so fucking grainy. I seriously cannot even look at it. I hope to god he gets out of this shit phase.

>> No.1745986


>> No.1745993

not my thread, I like this thread, I like Dave's work. I'm not jealous at Dave he has worked hard to get to the level he has.
If I put in enough hard work I can paint as well as him, I never got the concept of jealousy in art. They have put in their hours, I have to put in mine.

I'm only in this thread to see a intellectual discussion about the content of the splinter picture and how the content of it got used with or without permission from the artist and or without or without permission from the company that holds the copyright to the intellectual property of "Splinter" the TMNT character.

Hope this helps with your seeing.

>> No.1745994

with or without, sorry.

>> No.1746006

Well then you're the only one in this thread because most of the idiots here are insulting this man's work and professional decisions like a bunch of jealous children.

If you want to talk about the potential legal troubles he's facing then start your own thread.

>> No.1746013
File: 2.13 MB, 4086x3010, img_3191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could do that but you are right:
Time for me to quit this thread.

He isn't in legal trouble tho, his fan art got him a job offer on the movie.
He declined because he was engaged in a different project but because the company that was producing the movie holds the IP to the character they held the right to his portrayal of the character or something along those lines.

Would have been a fun discussion.
Have fun hating on poor Dave guys

>> No.1746033

>company held the right to his portrayal
Interesting. Thanks for the info.

And your attached image dear god anon why. I'm not over it yet.

>> No.1746056
File: 152 KB, 1200x799, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>company held the right to his portrayal
that's the topic I wanted to explore really.
I'm assuming that's the way it has to be but I might be wrong and then there is a blind spot in copyright law...

Goodnight sweet prince

>> No.1746507

The problem I see is that even the anatomy is the same...

>> No.1747286

Phantom Limb!

>> No.1747660

Hating on Dave Rapoza is so stupid lol him and Dan Warren are some of the coolest guys in the online art community right now for starting the daggers and doing interviews with pros and giving us lots of valuable information for free. Fuck you guys

>> No.1747663

It's like 2 guys who talked shit about him, chill nigga.

Both Dan and Dave has been super dead in terms of streaming and shit though.

>> No.1747667


>> No.1747668

You should develop some taste. His new style is a million times better from an artistic standpoint than his overrendered grimdark bullshit. Also his drawings have improved tremendously. Noobs like you always fail to see just how much more difficult it is to rely purely on your drawing and flat shading.

>> No.1747699


Thats true. Dave just abandoned his online presence, all he said about giving back and blablabla was just pure bullshit.
Dan got overwhelmed by freelance work, he says... I don't know, think both of them just got saturated doin it.

This. Who hates on hes new style really don't know shit about what is talking. You can don't like it for several reasons, but saying its bad...

>> No.1747703

*starts getting scared and takes a bite out of a Hersheys Cookies n Cream Bar*

>> No.1747704

Dans been trying to pick it back up since noah let him on to do some critique for Art Camp, but live streams been a buggy shit program apparently

>> No.1747708

Its bad because its painful to look at. I'm literally unable to assess other qualities because its such annoying "style". Its like trying to be different for the sake of being different without realizing why people dont draw like this.

And Dave is a cool guy and I like a lot of his works, just with this one he is trying too hard to be hipster and shit.

>> No.1747738

Most artists are cool guys on the internet and irl. Which don't mean they can keep up to with promises and all the bullshit talk about giving back and thankfulness... Most the time when someone get gud they just vanish in pro work scene and leave the pleb behind, showing now and then with some personal or fanart stuff to don't let people completely forgot about them.