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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 18 KB, 200x198, 200px-Faris_odeh03a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1741199 No.1741199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck me CA.org writes some bullshit u can all be concept artists if u work ur butt off

yeah right! Fucking bullshit to sell their DVDs/downloadable tutes

Bullshit career unless u r a freak like Marko. Am I right?

>> No.1741206
File: 26 KB, 273x273, charlie_sheen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Marko Djurdjevic is mainly a Cover artist illustrator and not a concept artist
also have you seen Actual concept art...and not that shit that niggas call concept art but is actually purpousely leaked illustrations to hype people up...

>> No.1741208

It's failures like you that give the others a chance to succeed. Imagine, if only you'd worked harder and endure, you might have made it. But since you're quitting, there's more space for those who are more deserving. Thank god for that.

Good luck with your new 9-5 cubicle job.

>> No.1741219


And have u made it yet bro?

Let me know when u burn out and realise u wasted years of ur life and cubicle career potential.

>> No.1741222


yeah bro Marko did concept art for the hulk, also his concept are studio 6 more vodka

but seriously u raise a good point like most are illustrators like TAD is just some shitty illustrators fuck some of them suck more than me.

>> No.1741225

Not everyone can make it as an artist/illustrator/concept designer. There's a reason most people in the industry are introverts and come from a middle class background. The type of work favors people with a certain background.

>> No.1741229
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Im doing just fine

>> No.1741240

Uhh it really is a genuinely good idea to attend a 4 year university. No one is telling you to feed into 'get talent quick' schemes. I'm sure some of those dvds/downloads are beneficial but imo the best thing is having an in-depth lesson + paintover from a professional/instructor over your own example of what the lesson tries to teach.

It's not a bullshit career at all. I used to think it was a pipe dream but the thing is, everyone has to pay their dues. You're not just going to magic your way into a position starting from nothing.

I know you're just being angry OP, and I'm going to assume you're 18 or younger but

I've worked some pretty lame jobs, but I always sucked it up and did it to sustain myself/be able to pay rent/eat etc and save a nice nest egg for my post-grad move + lol gonna have to pay off loans soon. I never thought I'd make it. I shit myself over my future constantly. I remember being 19 and lurking/posting here occasionally before I finally enrolled in art school and obviously had less time for internet fuckery and started learning to art as more than just a fun hobby.

In any case, I'm done with school and got a job as a concept artist on the west coast. Shockingly enough, sometimes it isn't 100% about talent- it's how well you match their style/aesthetic. I heard nothing back from the 8 other studios I applied for, but then I got a callback from the one that was the biggest longshot of all. They gave me an art test, I was interviewed and then I got the job - also, not being socially withdrawn and awkward really helps during lengthy/live interviews. An interview isn't about your art, they know you're good enough by that point- it's about you as a person and will their team want to sit 2 feet from your ass 5 days a week.

So, in any case.. It's not just about hard work, there are other factors too but working in entertainment doing art isn't a BS career at all.

>> No.1741241


So you earn enough to live off from drawing?

>> No.1741246


I only know him as a comic book artist.

>> No.1741262
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>not being socially withdrawn and awkward really helps
im not gonna make it guys

>> No.1741263

This type of thread always plays out the same way. The losers who gave up try to convince everyone that there is absolutely no way anyone can ever make money with art unless they are some super gifted special kind of person. The people who are still working on their art with enthusiasm get mad at this and try to counter argue by saying anyone can make it if they just work hard.

The truth is both are wrong. Someone like OP would never make it, no matter how hard he tried, he lacks the intelligence to improve at a decent rate that would keep him motivated. Yet there is still a MUCH bigger number of average and mediocre professionals who can make a very comfortable living than OP wants to admit.

>> No.1741268


Pretty much cult belief system you guys have here.

Because I questioned your religious belief that "anyone can be a pro if they just work hard enough"

u guys accuse me of being immature, a loser , dumb.

Well, if you guys are so smart. why doesn't PACT post some statistics on

how many people are learning to be concept artists

how much this pool shrinks due to people giving up every year

how much it shrinks due to people making the grade

how much it grows due to naive people wanting to "pursue their dream"

Where are these stats?

>> No.1741272


I always felt the consensus on this board was anyone can get to a pro LEVEL if they work hard enough.

Actually getting a job is a result of a whole bunch of other factors, see >1741262

>> No.1741273

Oops, post/everything.

>> No.1741632


Are there any stats to back up your feelings?

Christians have been feeling we're in end times for the last 50 or so years. Still hasn't happened yet.

>> No.1741646

yeah like the supported by mommy and daddy kids.

who either mom dad paid for school and gave them one of the extra houses or they still live with mom and dad.

Again not a real career. just people do it for the fame or prestige or whatever.

were not all going to make it bros.

but me and you are.

>> No.1741647

>anyone can be a pro if they just work hard enough

Did you really buy into this at one point? no one believes this. If you want to succeed, there are multiple factors;

Favorable conditions that allow you to build your skills and pursue this career. A childhood spent drawing and painting helps immensely. Free housing, equipment required, free time, ability to go to school.

Technical skill, achievable through discipline and and hard work.

Good taste, this cannot be taught, if you are a pleb you are helpless, you cannot un-pleb yourself. You can have technical mastery, but if you have poor taste your work will be worthless.

Ability to make opportunities for yourself, meaning not being socially retarded, or putting up artificial barriers around yourself. In-house jobs require you to interact with actual humans.

>> No.1741656

>Did you really buy into this at one point?

Uh huh

Like wish 3 yrs ago people had said

"this job will take you at least 4 years of non stop practice to get anywhere, like Brad Rigney it took him 9 years"

instead its all "live ur dreams bro" "anyone can make it" shit. Anyone who questions that belief is "dumb" "lazy" "lacks willpower" etc.

Fucking cult.

>> No.1741659

>Again not a real career. just people do it for the fame or prestige or whatever.

Elaborate. Because I'm wondering how freelancers can make a living if they are competing with indonesians etc.

>> No.1741663

What the fuck where you expecting?
A walk in the park?

Getting good at anything takes hours of practice on a daily basis.
Whether it be playing the violin, or sculpting.

Everybody with a sound mind can, from your posts so far, withdraw that you're very young and/or clinically retarded.

Maybe a job at Walmart will suit you better.
Now stop shitposting.

>> No.1741666

you know the "we're all going to make it" thing is satire right?

>> No.1741674
File: 26 KB, 680x681, 64e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dumb fucks,

it's just a question of viewpoints. if you want that kind of job, then the only question is wether you should keep pursuing it or give up.
you have to question all the circumstances but it's not like it's impossible to do. IT'S JUST ANOTHER JOB WITH HIGH REQUIREMENTS.

it's like saying "i should never start art because the large majority of artists are deviantart tier".
yeah, great thinking there, shit for brains.
the posts itt sound much more like a cult than their opposites.
>you are average
>you will make average art at best
the bottom line is, you can't stop people from trying. that is something every individual has to decide for themselves.
so maybe for you this looks like a completely unreachable goal. but you aren't everyone else and you shouldn't project your own situation on other people.

you are like the fat fuck saying you'll never get thin.
well, that may even be true, but does your situation reflect everyone elses? no it doesn't

>> No.1741675

well most the pros i know either A come from a well off background where there parents could afford to pay for art school and are mostly upper middle class.

thats not to say all of them are but the other ones made it long before the industry became saturated.

>> No.1741676


I really don't see how people could afford to pay for school + apartment or house unless they come from a well off background.

A lot of guys do to.

>> No.1741677

>Because I'm wondering how freelancers can make a living if they are competing with indonesians etc.

Since when indonesians charging 10 usd/hour get hired by companies like Blizzard, the fuck are you talking about.

Low level freelance market is a fucking jungle and noone sane is claiming that you will make a living if you stay at that level and try to compete with indian beggars working for scrub clients.

>> No.1741693


Tell Jason Manley.

"observation number one. your attitude is good.

rule number two. never listen to any idiots who tell you that your dreams are not worth following.

you know that band Jimmy Eat World? I went to high school with those guys. The guitarist..tom something or other..he sat next to me in a couple of my classes and I told him that I was going to someday have an animation studio and work on cool stuff...maybe even work for Disney. Wanna know what his response was? "Man you are never gonna do that...everyone says shit like that...you arent gonna do any of that".

So much for his wisdom coming out of his suburban white boy dreadlocks.

Your art teacher is where he is because he either lacked the talent to make it as a professional or lacked the information and work ethic to make it happen. Always consider the source. In my case...the foolish person telling me such garbage had no clue what he was talking about. Same goes for your teacher."

Read more: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php/168597-concept-artist-bad-career-choice#ixzz33PBptjFH

>> No.1741713

Wait, I think I'm missing something. Please explain.

It sounds like some dude named Jason Manley is saying how he went to school with someone that went on to be rich and famous and successful, and back in highschool that same person told him just thinking your dreams will true if you want it enough is bullshit.

And this Jason Manley guy uses this anecdote to prove..... what that someone that became successful was wrong about him being successful?

>> No.1741741


Okay so the band guy had dream fuel but tried taking Jaon's dream fuel but Jason had dream fuel in spades and made his dream come true unlike the teacher who doesn't have dream fuel and is just running on dream fumes.

>> No.1741749

lol i work at walmart. i try to draw on my free time but i agree unless you have all the freetime in the world and dont have to worry about finances you are going to have a way harder time and its going to take you a lot longer than someone who has those luxuries.

>> No.1741751

i think some of you become obsessed with this whole become pro thing and forget to live life. dont let this shit ruin your life. spend time with your family, make some money, do what you need to do. take care of your health. draw whenever you have a chance, if you are miserable and stressed out its only going to make it that much harder to practice and improve

>> No.1741752
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>> No.1741770

>i think some of you become obsessed with this whole become pro thing and forget to live life

But thats what the pros did

Brad Rgney, locked himself in an apartment for 2 years and just drew

Crimson daggers dude, spent 4 years in a log cabin doing nothing but drawing. I'm surprised he didn't become the unabomber.

Goes back to cult like nature. Sacrifice is demanded.

>> No.1741772

yeah youre right i need to get back into that obsessive mindset. its been hard working a dayjob though. i consider myself lucky that i got a chance to mooch off my parents for a year and do nothing but draw. SO IF YOU GUYS HAVE THAT OPPURTUNITY FUCKING MILK IT DUDE CAUSE IT WONT COME LATER

>> No.1741788

2 years lol, he spent more like 8

>> No.1741795

Is there an art forum for bitter and jaded people?

>> No.1741796

You're already here.

>> No.1741847

You know what's interesting about this is that both of these guys, if you're referring the the Crimson Daggers guy as Rapoza, is that they both lived life so hard before all this that they almost got into some serious shit. I think Dave almost went to jail, same with Brad, who was just dicking off and drinking. They were both living life too hard and had to come to a complete stop and change entirely.

Maybe knowing what they could be missing out on isn't that great, as they had experienced it themselves, gave them the ability to stay focused and git good.

Dunno, just some assumptions.

>> No.1741849

Also, it is very important to live your life to a degree. It's unhealthy for your soul innards and mental well being to subject yourself to utter seclusion.

Also all this only applies to those two guys. I dunno what the long term effects would be on guys like Jamie Jones or whoever

>> No.1741857
File: 27 KB, 796x807, 10154008_276674085832280_2147442552_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread.

>> No.1741860
File: 113 KB, 241x255, 1401420555777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic

>> No.1741864

>I dunno what the long term effects would be

It gets worse ... the Government can start experimenting on you

Do u hear ringing in your ears? It could already be too late ...

>> No.1741871


it's jaime you fucking casual hobbyist subhuman scum. back in your cage!

>> No.1741872

I almost went to jail couple of years back, was in a rut, drugs, alcohol, whores. Then I saw some guys streaming painting and I kinda got into it, that was about...4 years ago. Since then I kicked all my habits and started to learn and practice all the time, I found it to be such a productive and positive feedback loop that I don't even think about my vices anymore. Right now I work on two jobs that don't require much effort and I use that time to practice. Being on ca.org, crimson and permanoobs for a year now has helped a lot too, but lately I've been getting more dissillusioned with the industry, mostly because there are only a select few that manage to create truly exciting and well-done work, where all the fundamentals work together finely and it overall creates a wonderful harmony that is beyond pleasing to look at. Most of the guys in this occupation are faking it, including myself, and I don't want to be in this position anymore. It's really disheartening to know that this self-delusion is very apparent with prominent names that have hundreds of thousands of followers that eat up all of their shit. I remember talking with hannes about why he quit music a year ago and the real ironic thing was that he said the exact same thing I've said right now about music. I know I need to stop thinking about this and to just keep pushing it but sometimes the need to go out there and 'network' is like a constant reminder of the shitpile you are part of.

>> No.1741874

I'd read your memoirs, anon.

>> No.1741876


depressing as fuck to read, but yeah i can relate alot

>> No.1741879

>there are only a select few that manage to create truly exciting and well-done work, where all the fundamentals work together finely and it overall creates a wonderful harmony that is beyond pleasing to look at

This man

Like I'm not pro but when I look at imagine fx art, so much of it is like barf. And yet like 2 years ago I was amazed at the stuff there.

The better u get the better ur taste and the more everything looks like shit.

Fuck spent whole day not drawing.

>> No.1741895

we're all gonna make it
remember why you started

>> No.1741896
File: 607 KB, 974x1237, img730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like most people are more enamoured with the prospect of fame and fortune rather than the act of pursuing art. A career is not the end goal of all your labor. Drawing in itself is its own reward. A job in art is nice but not what you should be working towards.

(Most professional concept artist are kinda boring imo)

>> No.1741899

>I feel like most people are more enamoured with the prospect of fame and fortune rather than the act of pursuing art.
Said by the guy with picture of himself in his avatar, a drawing of himself on the main page of tumblr, makes posts about how much followers he has and posts subtle sjw and other meaningless ego tripping bullshit. I won't mention the lack of any progress in art because clearly you've got a different agenda anyway.

>> No.1741905
File: 501 KB, 825x1419, img732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aside from that sweet character assassination, do you not agree that pursuing a career in art is a form of self masturbatory validation for doing art? Is your work meaningless if you can not profit from it?

>> No.1741908


fuck off bro this thread is for CA and CA wannabees. What r u like indie?

>> No.1741916

>your blog is full of personal stuff, you fucking attention whore

>> No.1741917

It has meaning, but being debt-stricken, poor, hungry, or stuck in a dead-end job won't make it more meaningful, wont it?

>> No.1741919

>do you not agree that pursuing a career in art is a form of self masturbatory validation for doing art
I can play the jewgame too, why are you doing self-inserts then bro, huh? You lovin some of that self-validation haha? I simply love people like you that think about this shit, that everything is a projection and nothing is without reason, that drinking is a form of projection, or eating or playing vidya, or watching a movie. God forbid anyone do any of that shit for enjoyment or pleasure, nah, evidently all of it escapism, insecurity! Maybe, just maybe, people around the world love to spend time doing just the things they enjoy AND get paid for it??? I know it might sound kinda crazy for you but just let that sink it for a bit.

As for your second question, if you cannot profit from your work then that just means you're definitely doing something wrong. Because you do not have to be a professional to get paid for your work, and money, fame or power is never in direct proportion to skill. Let's take your art for example, you've got bits and pieces that are appealing but the whole thing is never good, if you were to actually learn about line quality, variation and weight then MAYBE you'd get noticed around to actually get paid. Also, it's really cute how you talk about self-masturbation whereas all you post is exactly that.

>> No.1741922

excuse me, I meant to say you do not have to be a master to get paid for your work.

>> No.1741926

Just a reminder than Rob Liefeld, a man who couldn't draw a decent figure to save his life, makes a good enough living to support himself, his wife, and their kids.

>> No.1741937

>pursuing a career in art is a form of self masturbatory validation for doing art
Haha, are you really starting a discussion about this in a place full of people who started drawing just because they heard you can make profit from it? People who are willing to spend their time drawing fetishes they hate just to get that $100?

Yes, because when you enjoy making art, you can either be a commercial artist or a starving poorfag. What?

Not sure if there's any point in replying, it seems you're here just to shit on the bagboss dude.
An artist can decide not to use his work to gain profit. His art may be worth selling or not, it doesn't matter. The question is, would your work become meaningless if it suddenly couldn't be used commercially? Would you continue to paint sexy sf babes and stick salesmen looking at epic fantasy landscapes if you didn't mean to put it in your portfolio anymore? Would you paint the same things you paint now, would you still care about this shit at all? Or would you just completely stop making art and play more vidya instead?
What does your art mean to you when you can't profit from it? That's what he meant.

>> No.1741941


ok can we have a new thread for people who want to discuss meaning and masturbation this thread is for CA and CA wannabees.

>> No.1741944

There's no way a guy who has no passion for art will make it as a full time working artist.

>> No.1741950

This is a valid point. Never would have expected Liefeld to be a good example of something, though.

>> No.1742126

>do you not agree that pursuing a career in art is >a form of self masturbatory validation for doing >art? Is your work meaningless if you can not >profit from it?

Are you some sort of living-under-the-bridge "real artist"?

Most of us are learning the skills to perform a job, a cool one but its still first and foremost a job, the way to make a decent living by being a trained specialist.

>> No.1742155
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>> No.1742161
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I think Feng started out with a passion for art, but found out later in life that he enjoyed the business aspect more.

>> No.1742163

fuck i hate these threads, my mind is so weak like i see these things and start thinking " what if i wont find work .." etc
or "yeah that guys got a point,most artists i know are privileged kids who attended 10k€/year ateliers and travel the world with daddy money "

but gotta at least try making it, imagine the regret in the future for not having tried

>> No.1742166

you also have to be realistic. and for god sakes keep your goals to yourself. its so fucking annoying when people constantly have to announce on facebook what their aspirations are, those people never achieve dick. well, maybe a dick in their ass from daddy but thats it.

anywho, yeah be realistic. i hate those fucks who have never drawn in their life and are like IMA BE A PRO IN 1 YEAR LOL

nah dude. this is why i said earlier to live life, because i know a lot of us, if we even make it, it can take many years. so get laid get a job and draw as much as you can. or you can sit in a chair for 10 years with no friends or family and end up killing yourself

>> No.1742426
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>There's no way a guy who has no passion for art will make it as a full time working artist.
Wake up from dreams. When your hobby turns into a job - you lost it.

>> No.1742432
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Just do what you enjoy and then listen to freddie

>> No.1742672

Rob L had talent and passion he just didn't give a shit about anatomy and comics are for kids and they don't either. They don't even fucking know what anatomy is, because their brains and bodies aren't developed.

Rob only had haters when those kids grew up and expected comics to grow up with them. But comics were only ever for kids. Any adult who is into comics is a fucking retarded spastic who needs to grow up mentally.

>> No.1742685

Too much of teen's maximalism in post. Grow up pls, kiddo.

>> No.1742808


True fact: back in like the 30s and 40s, comics used to be considered a serious storytelling medium and were mostly aimed at adults. But then a bunch of religious conservative types started an uproar about how comics were corrupting America's youth, and created the Comics Code Authority to censor serious adult topics out of comics. Ever since then, American comics have been reduced to nothing but cape superhero kiddie stuff (though that's finally started to change in the last decade or so).


>> No.1742811

Can you recommend something from 30-40s?

>> No.1742818


Tin-Tin motherfucker

>> No.1742819

It's Tintin, not Tin-Tin.
Source : I'm french.

>> No.1742860

it's actually tin-tin source i speak American and it's the only language that counts.

>> No.1742865

" comics used to be considered a serious storytelling medium"


Whatever makes u happy aspie. Keep telling yourself you know "how comics were considered" back then.

>> No.1742894

This, yes.
If you actually like art, you're going to do it regardless of where it gets you.

I know this sounds super sappy but for real. Let making awesome stuff and sharing your imagination with as many people as you can be your goal, instead of being successful.

>> No.1742902
File: 112 KB, 940x577, 1466361-orcchamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the worst I can still paint well for the rest of my life or I could become a High School art teacher...

Pic is something I found on google but its a nice concept for a Orc champion.

>> No.1742934
File: 211 KB, 1000x939, tdrtd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you were to actually learn about line quality, variation and weight
Dude, the fuck you talking about? this motherfucker here is a stylefag, he just happens to have a different "muh style" than anime kids, and let me tell you, his line quality is not the (only) problem.
He needs to learn about form, perspective, anatomy, proportions, light, and whatever the fuck is out there called "fundamental".
I gotta hand it to him though, the gestures on his works sometimes are fluid and powerful, and some of his concepts are interesting too, but that's about it, everything else in his pictures is shit, and as you said, there is no progress with this nigger.
Hey bagboose, do you draw like that by choice or is it s the only way you know how? if your answer is "choice", then prove it, do something that's not in "your style", it can be the same subject matter really, just hand proof that you are proficient with the craft and not just a moebius-schiele wannabe.

>> No.1742957


you are the chickenknight guy! loved your chicken knight mate!


more of that!

>> No.1742968
File: 862 KB, 1128x1347, img734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A knight who yielded a lance yet rode no horse. A strange fellow but no one dared to point it out.

>> No.1742973


>> No.1742974

It's kinda cool that Michael J. Fox frequents /ic/.

>> No.1743154

Was this supposed to be witty ? You posted the same shit you replied about in your image. I'm genuinely curious how does your mind function, if it does at all?

>> No.1743158


He got a rise out of you

He's laughing at you as he's drunk off his shit scribbling his next picture about knights or aliens or legionnaires

That's bagboss.

>> No.1743161
File: 166 KB, 1024x782, World-War-Robots-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you'll ever get into painting someday?

>> No.1743164

I just don't understand why do you have to be such a conceited and toxic waste of space? Why not spend the same effort on doing something productive...

>> No.1743165


How was any of that conceited?

And how do you have my entire body of work and posts I've made on this board to back up your indictments?

>> No.1743221

I wasn't refering to you.

>> No.1743231


Oh, more like a rhetorical thing?

My bad m80

>> No.1743342

Story of van Gogh anyone ?
He only sold one painting in his life time and now he surprise buttsexed us all.

>> No.1743349

Please elaborate on the moebius-schiele part.

>> No.1743447

he is a stylefag. he's imitating Schiele and moebious without generating any real artistic growth. It's the same thing weebs do when they imitatate anime styles without studying fundamentals and practicing real draftsmanship.
Sorry dude, that's still "your style", go and study fundamentals, or fail, I really don't care anymore.

>> No.1743471

fundamentals are boring.

>> No.1743475
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>> No.1743478
File: 304 KB, 766x686, adamowiczbrahmin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the guy that i look up to when it come to concept art. Great imagination, great atmosphere and his style kicked ass. I might be biased because of fallout 3 probably being my favorite game

>> No.1743504

gotta be on cocaine to wanna be a concept artist

>> No.1743508

and without them you're shit.

>> No.1743537
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he past away

>> No.1743551

i guarantee you most pros didnt obsess over fundamentals like you turds do. its why they are creative and have a style that appeals to so many people and you have zero creativity and lack any knowledge on how to make something look good. they honed their technical skills over the years as they spent the majority creating, i highly doubt they would do nothing but copy shit for years straight lol, so fucking stupid

>> No.1743553

Being strong fundamentally gives you more tools to create. I don't see why you should keep yourself dumb to be creative.

>> No.1743561

im not saying to neglect fundamentals you should always be thinking about them whether youre studying a book or not but dont overdo it cause theres always artists who do nothing but study and then they wonder why they have really good constructions but cant go past that point.

>> No.1743726

Are you a pro? How do you guarantee?

>> No.1743743

I second this, although they do not "create" something out of their asses, they base on fundamentals but do not respect them "perfectly".