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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 75 KB, 635x293, 2143324121243143124213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1732978 No.1732978 [Reply] [Original]


Want to ask something? Don't make a new thread. Post it here!

Also: If you ask a question, look through the thread and see if you can answer other people's questions

>> No.1732998

As I try to get comfortable with my body positioning while drawing, I constantly run into the issue of straining my elbow or locking my wrist.
I try to hold my notebook in my left arm, with the entire lower appendage supporting the paper, but that doesn't work very well.
I do this because I've been told having a paper downright flat on a surface messes up perspective.
Since I don't have a stand for my tablet or paper, things get weird and uncomfortable.
How do you position your body and paper accordingly, so that you would not restrict the arm nor negatively influence your drawing?

>> No.1733000

i'm nearly through "keys to drawing". just a self-taught amateur so i've learned a ton of concrete techniques to get better. now; should i move on to burne hogarth's "dynamic anatomy" or some other fundamental tutorial before that? michael hampton's book is also on the way from amazon.

>> No.1733002

just get anything you fancy, learning art isn't a linear path as much as it is cumulative knowledge.

>> No.1733004

What's a good book that teaches you how to draw comics?
I am not interested in how to draw stylized. The main focus should be things like narrative, composition, etc. or in other words: what makes a comic a comic.

>> No.1733006

it's called "L'Art Sequential: How to draw superheroes for a living and pretend you have integrity."

>> No.1733008

scott mccloud

>> No.1733042

You could try making a little stand. That's what I'll be doing, since I'm currently working flat.

>> No.1733045

So, when doing a color study, what I've been doing is I look at a certain part of the picture, then pick a color which is as close as possible to the one on the picture and then I paint a little with the color I picked next to the place on the image to see how closely they match and then repeat untill I have a color that's as close as possible to the one on the picture.

Is this wrong? Should I just choose a color as best as I can and then use it?

>> No.1733047

Bringing the question from the old thread:
Do you think that with a hour of practice a day I could get better at a satisfing pace?
What would a good practice routine be? I've watched most Vilppu's videos, but I've been drawing people only from imagination, not meeting nice results.
Any suggestions?

>> No.1733059

Only if you're easily satisfied or very patient

>> No.1733060

Looking for tips when drawing rg stuff. Specially armor and weapons.

>> No.1733070

What would be an accelerated sort of learning process, cramming as much theory and practice in as little time as possible? I may not have much time from day to day but I really want to draw well enough to proud of it.

>> No.1733077

There is no such thing as an accelerated sort of learning process. What does help is less searching and more drawing.

Unless you can hire masters to look over your shoulder and help while doing a lot of art. That might help.

>> No.1733091

Does Kim Jung Gi pencil in his drawings at all? From his videos it looks like he just get an inking pen and starts drawing which would be ridiculously insane.

>> No.1733096
File: 367 KB, 1404x1000, 281030_227414130721582_1682808581_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't use any underline, but he draws in pencil sometimes too like pic related.

>> No.1733101

Recommendations for good books that teach watercolor painting?

I already check both wiki's and have come up dry.

>> No.1733123

What about the practice routine? What's an efficient and practical routine to do to improve? Until June I can probably manage to squeeze more time, and I was wondering what to do to complement the gestures I've been doing.

>> No.1733124 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 700x967, anubis1982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If in a sketchbook, I tend to prop it at an angle on the edge of a table. It's not flat, and I don't have to hold it myself. Anything bigger, get an easel or use something as a stand.

This is a useful practice for training your eye to be more accurate with colours. Maybe do one like this for every 5 looser studies though. Bear in mind that colours are relative; a lot of the temperature of a colour is derived from what's around it, and so doing a study of a whole piece, and how the colours compliment or contrast with each other, is a good thing to do. Temperature is often more important than the colour itself too. And if you haven't read Color and Light then you should consider it, that book goes into great detail on these things.

It'll take a long time, you'd need to be very patient and only really focus on one thing.

You can grind through certain aspects of art, this year I did two weeks of obsessively drawing and studying hands, got to the stage where I would look at people's hands whenever I was waiting in a queue or anything, and I started drawing them in my dreams, and I got much better at them and quickly too. Thing is while you focus just on that, your other skills will be slowly deteriorating. Make sure to do some regular life drawing/life study/imagination painting each day as well to keep your skills sharp.

>> No.1733128
File: 106 KB, 700x967, anubis1982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If in a sketchbook, I tend to prop it at an angle on the edge of a table. It's not flat, and I don't have to hold it myself. Anything bigger, get an easel or use something as a stand.

This is a useful practice for training your eye to be more accurate with colours. Maybe do one of those for every 5 looser full studies though. Bear in mind that colours are relative; a lot of the temperature of a colour is derived from what's around it, and so doing a study of a whole piece, and how the colours compliment or contrast with each other, is a good thing to do. Temperature is often more important than the colour itself too. And if you haven't read Color and Light then you should consider it, that book goes into great detail on these things.

It'll take a long time, you'd need to be very patient and only really focus on one thing.

You can grind through certain aspects of art, this year I did two weeks of obsessively drawing and studying hands, got to the stage where I would look at people's hands whenever I was waiting in a queue or anything, and I started drawing them in my dreams, and I got much better at them and quickly too. Thing is while you focus just on that, your other skills will be slowly deteriorating. Make sure to do some regular life drawing/life study/imagination painting each day as well to keep your skills sharp.

>> No.1733220

it's not all that surprising that he doesnt do under drawings. i imagine him to be a stereotypical asian that spend a shitton of time grinding the fundamentals

>> No.1733227

Can anyone give some advice on how to draw beards? Some references or tutorials or anything really would be appreciated.

>> No.1733240

What kind of chair do you guys have at your drawing table/desk?

It's more like a guidebook but Urban Watercolor Sketching is nice.

>> No.1733241

just a shitty office chair, it's atleast better than my old office chair which made my ass numb.

>> No.1733244

A lot of good artists are able to freehand yolo everything in without guidelines, it's just that Kim has made it his thing with those live drawing demo's.

I was looking at some Frazetta sketches the other day, and he doesn't use construction lines either.
You can also see this in sketches by masters sometimes.

>> No.1733246

Where do you guys find references? Sometimes I'm not inspired at all and I just wish I could be given some random references to study from. Not only anatomy references.

>> No.1733254

Finally out of exams and college, got all the time in the world from today till half way into August, what tablet do you guys suggest to start off with?

I've been doing pencil drawings whenever I had an hour to do it, and I bought an app on the 3DS that lets you draw stuff in it which I've done occasionally, now I'm looking to move to my computer.

>> No.1733258

I hear that doing still lifes is one of the best ways to improve, yet I see so many people that can do amazing still lifes but can't draw for shit without a reference, what's up with that?

>> No.1733262
File: 868 KB, 3277x2522, eRyrKvI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sticky, google, reddit(/r/pics has a lot of shit but sometimes there are really beautiful pictures)

I will post 3 pics that i got just by being subscribed to that subreddit

>> No.1733263

Because they do not practice drawing from imagination.

They tie into eachother, but you gotta practice both if you want to git gud (Reference drawing and imagination drawing).

>> No.1733267

What sort of planes are those?

>> No.1733270
File: 550 KB, 2575x1717, l5bgqZR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn how to be good with traditional first. tablets take some time getting used to.

other than that i suggest a wacom. best option would probably be the old wacom intuos 5 m(the new intuous 5 are called intuos pro now for some reason). the size is good. you probably wont need a large one. and they arent as expensive as their cintiq variant.

reverse google search took me 3 seconds


2/3 pics

>> No.1733271
File: 106 KB, 1000x675, 1oDlAkO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1733275

Artwork is kind of like two sections, the idea and the execution of that idea. Some people can't come up with ideas, some people can't execute them skillfully, some can do both, some can't do either.

If you ever want to do both, you have to draw from references extensively. Effectively you'll be memorizing "proven" techniques by drawing from something real; if you base your shading from a real photograph, you don't need to worry about whether or not it's fucked on a conceptual basis; just worry about the execution. Through this you'll learn and learn until you feel as though you can draw without references, and then you'll probably still fuck it up because you're human.

>> No.1733340


Do you know where to find Color and Light online? I've looked and found nothing and I already looked for it in stores and found nothing either. If it isn't online I guess I'll order it

>> No.1733348

Order it, it's only $14, and fucking worth it

>> No.1733352


Shit, really? That's great. I thought it'd be a lot more expensive

>> No.1733378

Continued from last thread: Are you supposed to load dip pens up to the hole, or right before it? Google gives a few instances of both answers.
Also, brush loading/cleaning. So from what I understand, you're supposed to never let any part of the ferrule touch water, correct? A lot of the youtube watercolor demos have the ferrule half-submerged in water. Should I assume this is negligence, or have I misinterpreted something?

>> No.1733391

Is drawing in an anime "style" necessarily a bad thing in the real world even if you do know your fundamentals n shit?

>> No.1733456
File: 157 KB, 1400x1400, 3052094-9639906776-12686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make this clothing effect? I mean this fantasy, it "defines" spiderman's body. Blending a lot?

>> No.1733466

What's the difference between form and contour?

>> No.1733485
File: 315 KB, 1191x842, two_prostitutes_by_cellar_fcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brush he used in this piece?

>> No.1733490


you guys are not even thinking. you are not even trying to think.

fucking hiding even the QA thread. that's how far we've come.

>> No.1733491

For a portfolio piece to get a job, yes! For a quick buck in commissions, no.

>> No.1733496

Is there a place on the internet i can find someone to learn and improve with? as in partner up with a beginner and we both share our work and help motivate each other kinda deal.

>> No.1733507

it's extremely obvious that he used the plain old hard/round brush.

>> No.1733522

Sounds like a cool idea.

>> No.1733530
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, pe-chris-bischoff-twin-elms-fan-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best approach for a total beginner who wants to learn to draw this sort of isometric background art? I'm reading Loomis' Fun with a Pencil and Norling's Perspective made easy.

>> No.1733536
File: 234 KB, 2048x1536, 12412512125125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a youtube channel oil painting equivalent to Proko?

>> No.1733628
File: 824 KB, 1478x1589, ciao markers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna try getting into markers.
What is the cheapest brand you can buy of decent quality?
I've heard copic is supposedly the best, but they're expensive and I'm a total noob on this medium.

>> No.1733630

Are there any tips or tutorials for drawing hair? It's one of those things where no matter how much I study it, I just can't do it without reference.

>> No.1733636
File: 1.81 MB, 2012x1380, 1334248186113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ has been doing that a few times. they have a DA page but i forgot what they called themselves.

this looks like it was made with a 3D program

copic also require a special kind of paper ideally

sticky has some

>> No.1733643

>they have a DA page but i forgot what they called themselves.

there's unmotivated losers and anondraws on DA. maybe some other newer groups.

>> No.1733645

Well shit. I'd been digging through the sticky for the past couple hours. I'm probably just retarded. Thank you for the lead.

>> No.1733657
File: 26 KB, 600x371, 234685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a way to sort of fix a broken tablet pen
it doesn't register the pressure properly anymore, i'm setting it as sensitive as i can, but the lines are still sort of faint even if you press really hard (and i don't normally press it as hard as i can cause why the fuck would i do this, i don't want to break it any more than it already is, besides it's hard to draw that way)
the eraser barely works too, but i never used it much so it's not that important

could i maybe replace it with a cheaper pen? i have intuos 4, i know it's incompatible with bamboo, but...
at this point it works so bad i'm considering borrowing a bamboo so it doesn't matter much if it's lower tier... i'm pretty short on money atm and it isn't changing soon

>> No.1733658
File: 346 KB, 1920x1080, proxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this looks like it was made with a 3D program
So I should drop pencil and paper and look for a 3D program instead?

Also, I was pretty sure it was hand-drawn like the isometric rpgs of old.

>> No.1733661
File: 15 KB, 384x384, Apontador_com_deposito_faber_castell__93238_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sharpen my pencils with one of those
Is it a sin or is it norms?

>> No.1733662

If it's not it alteast heavily relies on phototexture. Definetely looks like it, you can see how every element is kinda blurry where it joins the next

>> No.1733683

You sharpen you pencil with a pencil sharpener?! What the hell is wrong with you you monster!

(Yes of course it's fine)

>> No.1733686
File: 614 KB, 300x164, Touchdown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using a knife

>> No.1733697


>not using a scalpel

Top pleb

>> No.1733700

I use it and draw 95% better than most /ic/

>> No.1733703


you fucking liar. the elite of /ic/ uses blunt knifes their grandfathers had during ww2.

>> No.1733705

>Not using a strip of sandpaper to hone your pencil to the finest edge

Wow, sure is pleb up in here.

>> No.1733706

respond please

>> No.1733708

oh fuck i forgot spoilers don't work here

>> No.1733719

how can I get better at seeing angles? i always manage to fuck up the degrees

>> No.1733727

Bumping >>1732744

>> No.1733735
File: 295 KB, 1222x987, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a normal brush with those settings and it came sort of close?

>> No.1733740

It's the fuzzy edges I'm wondering about. I want them to be crisp like in the second pic

>> No.1733744

Buy some Prismacolor markers to start with. They're cheaper, but still high quality and you can combine them with Copics if you decide to keep using markers.

As for paper, I use Strathmoore smooth bristol. Canson makes marker paper but the colors come out shitty on that. I only use that paper for quick sketches. Never finished work.

>> No.1733745

Thank you!

>> No.1733747

I've been dicking around in sai for the past 5mins and can't really find a solution sorry.

>> No.1733764
File: 52 KB, 331x331, PLEASE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i take it as a no?

>> No.1733765

Have you tried looking into a way to replace the pen?

>> No.1733766

+ is it possible that the tablet itself got screwed? or am i right that it's the pen?

pretty sure the warranty expired already, i lost it when moving anyway

>> No.1733785

>learn how to draw hair
>study real life references of beards, perhaps in similar lengths and lighting to your desired result
>apply aforementioned knowledge to your drawing

>> No.1733789

How do you vary poses? I feel I draw the same ones time and time again even while trying to draw something else. Just keep grinding gesture?

>> No.1733828

I'm looking for something that teaches a simplified but realistic and detailed approach to constructing anatomy, in video form. Not just basic proportions, but how joints/muscles/bones/tendons actually work.

I can think of some books I could look into, but I'd really prefer a video with step-by-step process and ideally multiple examples, and I never researched video tutorials much before.

I can draw from life/reference fine, and some areas I feel confident with, but some, particularly things that aren't often considered "problem areas" give a lot of trouble.

>> No.1733830

I've run in this problem before. I sometimes like to build obstacle courses and let the figures play with the environment. Sometimes I just scribble a few random lines of page and make it into a figure. Sketching people from life, just outside, also gives a nice variety of people and poses.

>> No.1733860

"The Human Machine" by George Brigdman
"Die Gestalt Des Menschen" by Gottfried Bammes
"Figure Drawing" by Michael Hampton

Gnomon - "Anatomy Workshop" by Charles Hu
Everything on New Master's Academy

>> No.1733866

Speaking about Die Gestalt Des Menschen, does anyone have a pdf or some sort of digital form of it?

>> No.1733868

Cheers, I'll try the Gnomon videos for now.

Is the New Masters Academy site fully ripped? My go-to source has some of their videos but I don't think all of it.

>> No.1733870
File: 50 KB, 955x1173, face practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me some tips for learning facial structure? Every time I try to draw a realistic face it comes out very strange. I've tried flipping the canvas to find basic mistakes but I can't shake the feeling that there is something wrong fundamentally.Also I'm a poorfag so I can't afford books to help me learn.

>> No.1733872

>Also I'm a poorfag so I can't afford books to help me learn.
Pirate them.

>> No.1733873

Oh, and, is Vilppu's Drawing Anatomy
Lecture Series any good?

>> No.1733874

I'm retarded at pirating and I'm tired of getting viruses. I would really just appreciate some teaching on a more personal level.

>> No.1733879

Where the fuck is that guy that learned how to draw by doing 3000 quick landscape drawings and posting them on a forum?

>> No.1733880

>I'm retarded at pirating and I'm tired of getting viruses. I would really just appreciate some teaching on a more personal level.
You're asking about a fish, not about a fishing rod.
Here's fishing rod for you:
1. download some antivirus (I'm using Avast!, it's free)
2. download uTorrent from their site (do not install any toolbars with it)
3. go to pirate bay / cgpeers and get what you need. Download those materials that already have many "seeds" - it means that you'll download it fast, and it's safe.

>> No.1733885

well then at this point I suppose my only question remaining would be "what books should I pirate exactly?"

>> No.1733886
File: 38 KB, 405x498, 8186ab2f0d06f53634188deb0043e34a3366a2e8c5d61b0e67008ada246c602e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why drawing in Photoshop feels so easy and "real"? I spent a year trying to draw in SAI, playing with stabilizer etc and still my drawings, lines, circles be a shit compared to my paper drawings. Today i try to draw in photoshop and WOW! It's like i draw on real paper. I feel fucking pen. I feel fucking pressure. It's fucking magic! Someone explain pls.

>> No.1733889

you are the chosen one to become the photoshop god.

>> No.1733891


They're good but incredibly boring, and the sound quality is terrible. His lessons on NMA are much better because he has a time limit, plus it's an actual video lesson. Not a taped lecture.

The NMA lessons aren't completely ripped but there are some good lessons on anatomy and light by Steve Huston and Danny Galiote that are available.

Check Scribd.

>> No.1733892


Import Copics from Japan. On Rakuten you can get Sketches for $4 shipped. Don't waste your time on cheaper markers, they can't be refilled and cost more in the long run.

>> No.1733899

That's funny because I thought SAI was much more intuitive and easy to get the pen response I wanted than PS. But that was 2 or 3 Photoshop versions ago, so maybe it improved.

>> No.1733900

to anyone who uses a Cintiq

has it made you "faster"?

>> No.1733902

The grass is greener, new things are exciting placebo etc. Wait a few days about it.

>> No.1733940


>> No.1733941

Anyone? It was a really old archived forum, a long time ago. I can't remember exactly, but yeah. He also had some files to play in an art proggy to see his process.

>> No.1733944
File: 2.04 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140521_001110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /ic/, how do you achieve these 2 goals and where? Well, not the thinking part, that's up to the individual.

I've been a part of chub and conceptart , but nobody there engaged with you.

Art&Fear BTW, recommend.

>> No.1733959


>> No.1733970

Ehh, /ic/ is especially bad. In the draw/critique threads if you're mediocre you'll be lucky to get any critique at all. And there's nobody to consistently compare yourself with, everyone's anonymous. You could strike up a conversation with someone else on concept art and try to make a relationship, but that forum feels so isolated. dA is a nice place for friendships, but it's horrible in terms of everything else. Cghub, only the complete pros get attention.

I'm just wondering if there's a forum specifically dedicated to promoting a healthy community in regards to improving together.

>> No.1733981

uhh permanoobs?

>> No.1733984

permanoobs is doing that quite well for the moment, and lesser-known (respectable) artists on tumblr are usually quite friendly and social with anyone that strikes up a conversation.

>> No.1733988

Ah, thanks. Never seen it before, looks very focused on the cause. I'll start posting there as well.
Also, forgot in my last post that chub is ded now ):

>> No.1733991

I am a very, very slow drawer. I started doing 5 minute quickies of various subjects (portraits, landscapes, etc) to force myself to "meet the deadline", so to speak. However, I am beginning feel like this is just training me to shorten my sketch phase so I can spend more time in the "add details" phase, which usually means the overall form is less accurate.

Is this 5-min drawing thing a good idea, or will it be detrimental and make me form bad habits? Incidentally, I cannot tell if the form in my sketch is off until I actually start doing the lineart.

>> No.1733998

my samefagometer just melted

>> No.1733999

Drawers usually dont move at all

>> No.1734001

Ikr, permanoobs stakeholders advertising their shitty forum in such an unprofessional way. My conspiritard meter just melted.

>> No.1734002

stay mad shill

>> No.1734004

Holy shit my sarcasmometer is going through the roof I fucking love you guys I wish you the very best and my best wishes goes to each and every one of you, you're all very special and dear to me god I fucking love you guys you guys are the best.

>> No.1734007

Turn it around. Spend more time sketching and less time detailing.

>> No.1734008

all three of mccloud's books would be helpful, but the most recent (making comics) goes into very specific detail about comics as a narrative and how to structure panels and the like without spending excess time on drawing in general

>> No.1734120

>Not using your own teeth

You'll never be a real artist

>> No.1734195

Bump 2. I'm sure at least someone on /ic/ has used a dip pen before.

>> No.1734198

What kind of brushes does Jen Zee use?

>> No.1734207

The kind that won't make you as good as him if you use them.

>> No.1734211



Nobody said the brushes are magic. Do you have anything useful to add?

>> No.1734212

Regarding the brushes some artist uses? Sadly no. I try to find my own way instead of copying my heroes every technique down to the very tools they use. Good luck you anon. Apologies for having never heard of her.

>> No.1734220


Any suggestions for a book on color theory? Specifically just that if possible.

>> No.1734224
File: 136 KB, 750x1000, C&L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory (pic related), there are obviously other options but this one is easy to find and relatively useful. His blog has some good stuff. There is another blog that's got some good color theory posts as well, I'll see if I can go dig it up in my files. Hopefully some other anons can recommend something different/more indepth helpful.

>> No.1734230

Looks good! If anything is more digital painterly oriented that would be a giant +++

>> No.1734238

I have the same problem with my pen, I just blow in the socket of the pen a couple of times and it works fine for a while.

>> No.1734239
File: 261 KB, 1000x893, transistor____hasshin__by_jenzee-d7j2pa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like hard round to me.

Atleast something really basic similar to it.

>> No.1734270

How do you draw real people stylized or cartoony while still keeping them recognizable?

>> No.1734284

Anybody have some watercolor tricks or tips? I'm taking an entrance exam soon and just found out that watercolor is one the subjects tested and I've never tried it.

>> No.1734297

i love jen zee.

>> No.1734301


>> No.1734310
File: 411 KB, 601x460, 1241241241241241241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing since I was young however I've never had any formal training. I can't stand digital, probably because I've never had the patience or want to practice with a tablet, so I have no examples to show you. I've never had any formal training other than high school level classes, so basically I either start drawing from my head and wing it or I act like a photo copier and copy what I see. This leads to bad proportions and even worse angles/shading. All of my drawings end up looking flat.

Would you suggest "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" or "Drawing Lessons from the Great Masters" ?

I know about technique as far as getting things on paper (such as I CAN shade and I CAN blend, etc. just the end total picture is always flat), it's the composition and setting things up that I need help with.

>> No.1734328

Flat drawings and proportion issues are signs that you need to work more on drawing what you SEE. Like just focus on the subject and concentrate on putting the correct landmarks on paper first.
Anyhow you're gonna have to show your work if you want people to give you an appropriate critique.

Q : Which one would ic recommend?

>> No.1734342
File: 67 KB, 236x300, structure of man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Riven Phoenix's 'The Structure of Man' a good place to start for learning figure drawing? I've watched and practiced through the first 13 core lessons.

>> No.1734343

I'd say the first one, but that's only because I like having the bit my fingers grip being a little fatter than the rest of the body. I don't especially care for the lead rotation idea(even with a .5mm lead, having a flat surface can be handy), or the small erasers.

Ultimately it's one of those things that comes down to personal preference, and just trying things and figuring out what you like.

>> No.1734347
File: 808 KB, 2272x1704, IMG_3896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, its very likely that this is the wrong forum to ask this, but any ideas on how I could find out who made this piece?

The only identifying mark is "carter" in the bottom left, and I've typed in every combination of "oil painter carter waves" into google that I can think of.

Been planning on modifying the piece, but don't want to fuck up an original print if its worth more than the 3$ I spent on it.

>> No.1734348
File: 1.07 MB, 2272x1704, IMG_3898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the signature if it helps.

>> No.1734351

I think it is a mistake to try to go through his lessons. I tried to go through the videos when I walk first learning figure drawing as well and I consider it time wasted. His system is waaay to complex to be practical. If you are first getting started with figure drawing, I recommend proko's youtube videos, vilppu, hampton or loomis - any one of those guys will be 100 times better than the structure of man. Also, when you are trying to learn the head I recommend hogarth.

>> No.1734354
File: 1.39 MB, 2008x1114, Screen Shot 2014-05-21 at 8.20.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am starting to go through ctrlpaint's digital painting 101 series and am on the video 'Mixing Paint'. How do you create the mini-palette so that you are able to move it around?

I know it has to go on it's own layer, but I can't figure out how to make that layer into a tiny box that is movable when you are on other layers.

>> No.1734368
File: 495 KB, 1134x1174, vpCxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this..

>> No.1734377

Is the site down?

>> No.1734389

Oh my fucking god I remember that, awful. Do you have the one with a table?

>> No.1734398

naw. guy just said he was gonna modify it, pic was similar, wonder if he was gonna do something like that to it.

I don't have any complaints as such, in theory its a good idea.

>> No.1734403
File: 6 KB, 240x240, Higgins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will black waterproof india ink phase out on canvas or will it stay true?

>> No.1734492

No, the site is up. What I meant was that he never explained how he made the mini-palette, he only explained the advantages of using one.

>> No.1734496

What exercises you guys do in order to practice perspective or animation effectively?

I've been doing the block exercises and the "51 animation exercises to master", but I'd love to know some alternatives.

>> No.1734549

i always dip my pens and brushes pretty much to my fingers. works fine, but i get ink and shit all over my fingers. sometimes i leave my brush in an ink or water jar for days. again, works fine barring a black ferrule. your definately overthinking things

>> No.1734571

What book/vid explains the cone of vision well?
I can't wrap my head around this shit.

>> No.1734574

I recently stumbled on the sketching manga style series. They are surprisingly good and I d'like to know if there is more book like that ?

>> No.1734587

I was windering if anyone had any problems with trying to better at drawing? For me, after trying to improve for about a year now, drawing is starting to feel like a chore, I barely have fun now. should i just take a break for a bit and focus on other things?

>> No.1734593
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 20140207045038822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't understand it for shit as we'll for a while, took me like 3 days of Googling. I even drew a picture for myself(pic related) But, cone of vision is mainly used to prevent distortion when working with perspective. It's basically how wide and tell you can see. Here's a bit more to help
http://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/perspect1.html#how1 . Click on cone of vision there for more diagrams.
I'm still a bit confused on how to manipulate it in different ways to get different effects, nobody provides examples.

P.S. if someone can provide examples on the different usage, that'd be awesome.

>> No.1734611
File: 336 KB, 1920x1080, Figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought a Intuos 4 medium, I have been struggling to use this damn thing since I bought it. There is nothing physically wrong with it but I feel like none of my traditional art skill transferred over when drawing digitally. My lines are not as confident, circles are wobbly, just nothing is going right. Am I to young of an artist to be drawing on a digital medium? Should I be working with traditional art more before I try this medium? Thanks in advanced!

>> No.1734625

anyone? >>1733900

is it a worthwhile investment that will boost my productivity?

>> No.1734631

I prefered mine far more than the intuos since you actually see directly where the hell you draw and your hand goes. On my intuos I am to dumb for even the simplest of tasks. Though I somehow destroyed two Cintiqs in less than three months although I cared for them as if they were my child or something like that.(They literally stopped working both times whilst I was AFK for a few minutes)

>> No.1734632

I know that feel. It takes a while to get used to the hand-eye coordination change.

>> No.1734652
File: 934 KB, 2010x1722, Z-plus-a1-head (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I get some info on illustrating mecha?

>> No.1734655

Scott Robertson

>> No.1734789

Didn't want to make a thread about this so I'm asking here. Anyone have a torrent/download link to all George Bridgman books? I only got two with google. "Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing From Life" and "Constructive Anatomy". Thanks in advance.

>> No.1734848

when someone says something has muddy colors do they mean it has incorrect temperature, values, colors look too earthy or something else?

>> No.1734854

where do you drawl the line between what is art and what is fan art? also do you think its a negative thing to be a "fan artist"?

>> No.1734856

it looks exactly like a Bob Ross piece. but that's not his signature. so someone just watched the joy of oil painting is my guess

>> No.1734860

Being a fan artist is aight if you're okay with it, but it seems pretty dead end. It might be a good stepping stone if you learn from the experience, but it's not something I'd be happy with.

>> No.1734866

/ic/, I'm scared. I'm going to frequent an "concept art/video game develop" school because a rich friend of my family decided that my "talent" deserve investment. It's a school which only rich kids go. I'm not scared about what I'm going to learn, but about the people. I was suffered bullying in school and I'm afraid that repeats, or get worse because I'm poorfag. Today is my first day. Any advices?

>> No.1734868

Shit, I'm so nervous I can't even write properly. Hope you guys understand what I'm saying. Please forgive my typing, it's the nerves.

>> No.1734871

There is no need to worry about the future. You are only making it worse by worrying. Just go there and try to make friends.

>> No.1734873

I never underestud that, stop caring abou what people that you will probably never see again after that period think of you, and don't interact with them. What can they really do to you?

>> No.1734877

It usually means incorrect saturation and the colors not being blended properly. For example, let's say you're painting skin. You have the midtone of the skin, but then for the shadows you just add black. It's not a darker, more saturated version of the midtone, which it probably should be.

Also, if you haphazardly blend a bunch colors on a palette it looks like mud.

>> No.1734882

if someone give you shit say you'll knife him. rich white boys are generally afraid of everything. alternatively, mingle with the potheads (there always potheads), they are pretty tolerant as long as you support theyre smoking.

Or just grow a dcik and a heart, I don't know.

>> No.1734886

I have always been great at drawing portraits with charcoal and graphite.
Yet my attempts at digital painting have been embarrasing, despite my attempts to follow tutorials.
Can anyone who has overcome a similar struggle provide some wisdom for me? Id love to be able to paint like TsaoShin.

>> No.1734887

I'm at a crossroads with my art. My current style is too generic to stand out. I'm pretty versatile and have many different influences, but I don't know what direction to go in. If I go in one direction (say cartoony) I would be less likely to do something that's the opposite (realistic and serious). I don't want to be a jack of all trades but a master of none. Wat do.

>> No.1734973

>Are you supposed to load dip pens up to the hole, or right before it? Google gives a few instances of both answers.
Generally speaking I don't. You can't easily clean inside the holder, so I try to avoid getting ink in there.
>Also, brush loading/cleaning. So from what I understand, you're supposed to never let any part of the ferrule touch water, correct? A lot of the youtube watercolor demos have the ferrule half-submerged in water. Should I assume this is negligence, or have I misinterpreted something?
for brushes, water up to the ferrule is fine - it's water. It's ink and paint you don't want getting up there, because it near impoosible to clean it out when it's up so high in the brush.

>> No.1734975
File: 93 KB, 668x500, 1377553999865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blunt knifes their grandfathers
>letting your grandfather's knife become blunt

>> No.1734978

In Scott's how to draw, he suggests using a 60° COV, but I'm wondering where you reference it from?

>> No.1734979

Books on environment drawing. Any recommendation?

>> No.1734983
File: 646 KB, 2400x3000, Nazi dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive started to trace my notepad drawings digitally in photoshop, (pic related)
are there any brush packs that anyone would recommend for this?
(also critique welcome)

>> No.1734989


>> No.1735001

and probably have more split pencils and broken leads then 95% of us.

>> No.1735082

the horizon line,maybe?

>> No.1735084

Anybody know where I can find a pencil case of at least 60 slots? Need something to easily carry my colored pecils set of 60.

>> No.1735087

back to permanoobs, mace

>> No.1735090


>> No.1735109

Where is the horizon line in space?
And how do the satellite images work then?
How do we know we're not looking at a rendered image?
What is life, even?

>> No.1735116

stop talking out of your ass, it's from the station point

>> No.1735119

>SLI GTX770 2gb
Yes or no? I have an i5 3570k

>> No.1735124

Wait fuck this isn't /g/'s question thread

>> No.1735138
File: 430 KB, 540x1216, 2014-05-21 23.12.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandfather gave me this and said he either got it in Germany or Austria and that it is a famous painter, probably from that region. He also said it wasn't Van Gogh. Do you know who this is?

>> No.1735219

this is /ic/ not /b/

>> No.1735225
File: 24 KB, 450x400, 1349763258437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have trouble grounding my figures.

I tend to draw the legs out and ground the feet as an after throught and i think it tends to show as floaty or the legs just dont seem to be solid in the ground enough. Any advice or resources i could use to help?

>> No.1735241


>> No.1735269

perspective dude,

im going to assume since this is /ic/ you're doing character designs or something.

take your cellphone and pose your friend in typical poses 3/4, and snap pictures outside framing their entire body. now pay attention to the angle of the ground, the orientation of their feet and importantly, the horizonline behind them and the angle of the floor. I think you'll be surprised at how much perspective is happening even at a seemingly dead on angle.

>> No.1735272

Make sure that your figures are within the cone of vision.

>> No.1735351

I'm 22 years old now and I suck at drawing. If I spend all my free time(which is more than 8 hours) drawing, will I ever get good? I just can't deal with spending my time to face another failure, guys. Art is something I always loved, but never try to drawing something besides some doodles.

>> No.1735362

yes you will, but it's hard as fuck to do.

I'm in the same situation, but I find myself dicking around on the internet 50% of the time anyways and I end up only getting 2 - 5 drawing hours in, some days much less.

Also buy some of those stressballs, your hand is gonna get fucked if you don't take care of it properly.

>> No.1735447

Since /rs/ died and I can't acess it anyome, I need to ask here: Anyone have Bridgman's Life Drawing and The Book of a Hundred Hands for download? I would be grateful.

>> No.1735449

Yes you will. If you like art then you probably are visually minded and over time you'll learn how to see things in the way needed to at least be able to reproduce an image in drawing.

>> No.1735461

Update, I just need Bridgman's Life Drawing now. Anyone?

>> No.1735467

I have bridgemans complete guide to drawing from life, but not sure if it's that you're after

>> No.1735468


you can get a studio job by the time you are 25 easily. stay safe

>> No.1735472
File: 17 KB, 279x400, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a common mistake. He wrote two books with similar names. I already have "Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing From Life", and I'm looking for "Bridgman's Life Drawing", it's a different book. Pic related. Thanks anyway.

>> No.1735485


"easily" may be overstating it. If you suck now, and you want to get a professional level within 3 years, you're going to need to work at least 8 hours a day, every day, in the intervening time. At *least* 8. 10-12 is more like it.

/ic/ seems to consistently underestimate how much work it actually takes to get good at art. Which shows through in the quality of the work posted here. You can get good, but, if you want to do it in just a few years, you're going to have to work your ass off.

>> No.1735492

Thanks anon. Though by hole, I meant the hole that's in the nib itself. The brush thing makes sense, but I think I heard that even water can mess with the glue.

>> No.1735544
File: 269 KB, 561x794, the_last_engineer_by_jumei-d558fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I can paint a soft skin like that? Is there any tutorial that can teach me this? How this "soft" paint style is done?

>> No.1735553

you just use a soft brush and less contrast

>> No.1735555


use a soft brush lol

>> No.1735566

Do any of you ever feel like it's difficult to move around the whole canvas when drawing on a tablet? I find myself dragging and zooming all over the place because I needed to adjust the screen area that the tablet can control, because if I have it mapped to the whole screen a flick of the wrist will send the cursor like 10 feet across the screen and my accuracy suffers horribly.

>> No.1735594

Buy a larger tablet

>> No.1735596


yeah this is why i discourage anyone from buying any other size than 9x12 inches. bigger is too big, smaller is too small.

>> No.1735650

My parents bought me an intuos 5 extra large years ago when they heard me mention in passing that i wanted to get one. They just assumed the bigger the better, and its a pain in the ass to work with. Do you think I could manage to trade it somehow somewhere?

>> No.1735652

intuos5 came out in 2012 so it can't have been years

>> No.1735661

In paint tool sai, I mean...

>> No.1735683

Totally new to Photoshop. Are there any really useful plugins I should know of?

>> No.1735717

After studying Loomis for a couple hours, I'll try his techniques with my own reference and notice a substantial improvement on that first attempt. Repeating the same drawing later in the day, however, results in me regressing to shitty symbol drawing.

Is this just a matter of not having enough practice? If so, what should I be focusing on?

>> No.1735745

I have this inherent shame when it comes to drawing. I really, really want to be able to create things that I can be proud of, but I can't find any enjoyment out of the learning process. I'm starting close to rock bottom, and I don't know how to consistently practice without feeling either bored or terrible.

>> No.1735746

Totally normal. Even when you understand something, you're happy that you can apply it but you have not integrated or perfected the technique yet. It takes lots of regular work.

>> No.1735750

How do I use that circular color picking thingie in PS CS6, and that triangular HVS color swap?

>> No.1735752

I've been spoiled by the stabilizer in SAI, now my lines are shit in PS. Should I just git gud or should I use LazyNezumi?

>> No.1735753

Discard the shame. You don't have to show what you're doing to anyone unless you decide. Try things. Mess up. Have fun.

>> No.1735762

Your lines where shit before too if you abused stabilizer, if you use stabilizer you are not creating your lines, you are telling the program where you want them and they do them for you, and you end up with stff lifeless lines.

>> No.1735767
File: 1.76 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys told me to study for real life so heres my beyerdynamic dt770s

>> No.1735769
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>> No.1735798

need a softer pencil

>> No.1735811
File: 159 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 12-24-13 at 6.04 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry m8 typo, I had meant the 4.
Anyway, any ideas? Should i just attempt to sell it and then with the money buy a smaller one?

>> No.1735823

yep, too bad i can't trade you i have a 4 medium and a 4 small.

the good thing is that the tablet doesn't cost much without the pen. so if you keep your pen you can get a second hand medium for pretty cheap.

>> No.1735872

How can I get into the drawing mentality? I often find myself just drawing or copying mindlessly.

>> No.1735876

Have someone or something infront of you and try to draw it. You'll have to use your eyes to 'copy' it onto the paper and in order to do it properly, you'll be forcing yourself to learn form (depth) and composition, as well as how to eyeball ratios and etc.

That gives you an objective. You can do it with a cup. You can do it with a lot of cups. You can do it with a person, you can do it with the landscape of your back yard.

>> No.1735901


I'm going to buy my first tablet in the next few weeks, an Intuos 5. The only thing I'm not sure about yet is the size.

So far i was leaning towards M, but then i found out that the actual drawing space on the new Intuos series is much smaller than the size of the whole tablet. Now I'm not sure whether to take M or L. A lot of reviews say M is still perfectly fine, but the people who wrote them did not necessarily use their tablet for drawing and illustration.

Screen resolution is 1920px.

>> No.1735905

I have an intuos3 and the drawing space is just slightly larger than a piece of 8.5 x 11

I recommend anything near that.

Also, I still recommend intuos3. shits beautiful, can probably still get it cheaper. and this shit has been operating properly for 7 years.

>> No.1735906

I have an intuos 4 medium and i can freely use my shoulder to draw. Now of course if you have the money and the table space
bigger is better as you can always map the tablet to only use a certain space. So you can make a large tablet medium size if you want.

>> No.1735946 [DELETED] 

Perhaps a stupid question but:

When drawing from life and I realize that I fucked up the proportions. For example I made the head too narrow. Do I finish the drawing anyways and try to squeeze the rest in or do I start from scratch?

>> No.1735948
File: 1.53 MB, 4200x3600, Smartphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My phone doesn't work anymore and I'm considering getting my first smartphone. I know there are tons of apps there, are there any art and reference apps you'd recommend? I remember that a while ago someone on some site said there's a great 3D hand ref app that lets you view and rotate lots hand poses, sounded like something useful.

>> No.1735949

Perhaps a stupid question but:

When drawing from life and I realize that I fucked up the proportions. For example I made the head too narrow. Do I finish the drawing anyways and try to squeeze the rest in or do I start from scratch?

Also, especially as a beginner, should I try to actually measure the proportions with my fingers or pencil instead of trying to go by eye and feel?

And how much can I trust the whole right side, and left side of the brain story from Betty Edwards? Has it been proven or is it pseudoscience?

>> No.1735957

Is the Intuos 2 too old to be useful? I have a Bamboo and I'm thinking of upgrading, but haven't got too much money to spend.

>> No.1735963

nigga, I'm pretty sure you can change the drawing area on the tablet itself, the large intuos is basically the small and medium in one.

>> No.1736039

I don't know about one specific for hands, but android has pose tool 3d, which has a figure model whose hands you can pose as well.

TBH i haven't used it as much as I thought I would.

>> No.1736046

No, it may be old but it is a top of the line product intended for professional use. I would get it over a bamboo any day. Also, look into a cintiq 15x / 18sx which you can get for 300 to 400 dollars on ebay.

>> No.1736047

Aren't older versions of cintiq pretty bad because of their shitty colors?
I think it was something that was only fixed when the HD models came out

>> No.1736048

Not only that but i heard that they had pretty bad delay, definitely do your research first.

>> No.1736157
File: 1.76 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys told to study stuff from real life so here's me beyerdynamic dt770s. any tips? using a mech pencil btw.

>> No.1736159
File: 926 KB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the study piece

>> No.1736207

I told them to study form, but they wouldn't listen.

>> No.1736210

i dont really lurk here a lot so i havent seen anything about form. whats wrong with mine?

>> No.1736215

you've drawn what you see, but you haven't understood the shape of the object you've drawn.

if you did, your lines would be confident.

your drawing does not accurately represent the shape of the object you were drawing.

>> No.1736216

I quit commissions, finished ongoing projects but now everything is done with.

Client to whom I have already explained kindly - twice - that I do not take new commissions contacted me again.

Advice? He just asks again when what he wants is slightly different than what he asked before, even though I said I would not do anything.
Should I ignore him? Or phrase my refusal differently?

>> No.1736217

How come I understand fundamentals but am unable to apply them effectively?

>> No.1736218

If you told him twice and he's not getting it, then just ignore him.

>> No.1736225

oh i see what you mean. like the cups?

>> No.1736259
File: 1000 KB, 1200x1600, shape form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean being able to see the shape of something even if you cant see it.

where you've drawn squiggly lines to represent the creases, theyre not just squiggles irl, theyre contours that wrap around the shape of the object.

no you don't see form discussion round here. that was my gripe.

>> No.1736319

Why measuring is so hard? Why bridgman is so hard? I'm struggling. Hope it's because it's my first day.

>> No.1736364

i have two photoshop documents open. one with what i draw seccond with references, how do i make it both NOT move when im useing hand tool.

>> No.1736371

uncheck 'scroll all windows'

>> No.1736375

oh god yes yes yes.
thank you so much.

>> No.1736417
File: 1.06 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still chicken scratching
>chosing to draw something all black in a poorlly lot room

why do i even try

>> No.1736418


aint nothing better than charles bargue when it comes to learning visual measuring and proportions. give it a try.

>> No.1736419

If you are in a poorly lit room with an AK, drawing shouldn't be very hight on your list of priorities.
Jokes aside, judging from that pic your biggest problem is the lack of perspective knowledge. Go read some Norling.

>> No.1736420

i lold. is any there anything specific about my drawing that shows my perspective sucks?

>> No.1736422

Are there any statistics or estimates on the number of foreign students and their nationalites @ FZD and Gnomon?

>> No.1736423

Because that's what practice is for.

>> No.1736426

Short lines perpendicular to the length of the gun should converge instead of breaking up. Also the shoulder stock looks like a tube of toothpaste.

>> No.1736427

If it's drawing from life, I usually move my head to the left or right, or raise my head up or down. This lets me compare the angle that I'm focusing on to see how acute/obtuse/straight it is.

In 2D/3D, I also use my pencil or a fairly straight object and try to match it with the two "lines" that make the angle.

>> No.1736429

How do i pick the right colour to start with when studying from life?

>> No.1736431

All I've got on me are some graphite pencils. What other physical drawing tools should I get?

>> No.1736433

>Also the shoulder stock looks like a tube of toothpaste.

got me twice.

>> No.1736444

Is it unprofessional to link your deviantart page on linkedin?
I'm thinking of linking both my "professional" portfolio on behance and my deviantart account for more "personal and varied" work. Is that stupid?

Thing is, my behanced account has only a small selection of my work while my deviantart account has fukkin errything. Sketches, fanart, dumbness, but also cool but sloppy shit. Maybe its good for clients to see the whole picture? Or is it too childish? I dunno.


>> No.1736447

I would just do the professional portfolio. There they can see the shit they want to hire you for and you can show that you're fucking awesome and only make good art.

>> No.1736448

ok, will do.
Is it just me or does Linkedin choose pretty shitty thumbnails? It's not even changeable. man.

>> No.1736487

How big is the difference between Photoshop CS3 and CS6? Will an amateur notice any difference at all?

>> No.1736507

why? just torrent latest CC version.
if legal reasons you can download cs2 for free now.

>> No.1736511

not much in terms of painting needs, the only worthwhile is probably the mixer brush, black background if that's your preference, and that crappy pixelated zoom every 25% that cs3 has is fixed (cs4,cs5 has this fixed also). cs6 tends to be resource intensive compare to cs3.

>> No.1736538

How long should I keep with fun with a pencil? I mean, should I draw hundreds of each thing Loomis teach in the book? Or should I just draw some, jump to the next step, draw some until the end and that's it?

>> No.1736594

m8 use common sense

move on to other loomis' books when they don't feel daunting

>> No.1736622

Has anybody here upgraded from an Intuos4 small to an Intuos Pro medium? Would it really help with the shoulder thing?
My Intuos4 is still in a pretty good condition although I use it daily for almost 3 years, so I'm not entirely sure whether I should upgrade or not.

>> No.1736654

how would one do studies of live animals? i hear some stuff about professionals studying live animals at zoos for references. do you just make very quick sketches of the animal as it moves?

>> No.1736681

My drawings looks nothing like Loomis in Fun with a pencil. He's full of details and the likes on a fucking head. Is it okay for mine be as simple as possible, or should I focus more in details?

>> No.1736736

Dudes, I've been drawing naked bald men for a year now, and although my technical skill improved greatly, my creativity just drowned itself or something.

I can't think up anything solid, that I would be able to put into execution.
I have no art direction. There's nothing I really want to draw, or express.
As a kid I was always into drawing shitty comics and drawing stickmen fighting, so I knew I have it in me. Or had it in me.

TL;DR: How do I fix my creative ineptitude.

>> No.1736780

I think to each their own. But, for me personally, to get creative to the point where images pop into my head when I blink randomly.

I either read a book with lots of imagery, or a long poem, those really help. Also happens when I look at an absurd amount of art that I like, as in like 20 minutes of starring at shit.

Also happens when I can't fall asleep and start using my imagination to create various stories to keep me entertained.

Going alone for a walk also sparks my imagination.

But, usually I can just come up with anything I'd like by going slow and adding parts of the picture in my mind, whatever it might be. Yeah, the key for me is just adding little parts, when images don't pop-up.

Also, I was watching a YouTube video of a concept artist a while ago, I don't remembered who. But, he said that when he doesn't feel creative he'd just draw random shapes and forms onto the paper and they'll less him somewhere.

>> No.1736806

Even though I just started drawing, I am beginning to feel more confident on the tablet then just traditional pen and paper.

Is this normal? I would say I have given both the sme amount of usage.

>> No.1736835

ctrl-z is addictive, it's normal.

>> No.1736842

go for a walk, bring a voice recorder or a notebook. when your mind is unoccupied that's when it seek ways to amuse itself, and you'll think of ideas.

>> No.1736843

its not normal but it happens, eventually it starts to not matter so much and anything you can lay an even tone with is good enough.

>> No.1736852
File: 89 KB, 1143x800, sniper elite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...How much time took you to learn Loomis?

>> No.1736865

i bought three drawing books. they are

>norling: perspective made easy
>drawing lessons from the great masters
>the complete book of drawing techniques (peter stanyer)

which should i start with?

>> No.1736890

So tracing is bad. I am aware of this. However as I get more into building a simplified series of forms to describe a figure (shape for the chest, shape for the hips etc) I am finding that I want to take photos where I don't completely understand what is going on and try to draw these forms over the photo. Is this still considered bullshit useless tracing? I'm not doing it to pass off the work as my own, I'm doing it try and understand the pose and where in space the ribcage and hips are in relation to one another. Do you anons think this can be useful? Or should I just be freehanding it?

>> No.1736891

A reference is always kinda nice.
When i first copied a cartoon character i was watching the show

>> No.1736893

It doesn't matter, ideally you will be using them more than once.

>> No.1736898

if you learn something from it then why not?

>> No.1736905

That's what I do. If it moves too fast - continue gestures from imagination. I personally love using a brush pen. If you find a calm animal, you can do a 15 minute pencil study.
It's fun ^^

>> No.1736969

1. I'm currently stuck at Figure drawing for all it's worth for some reason. Do anyone have any tips to get 'unstuck'?

2. Wiki tells me to study all 3 books (loomis, vilppu, hampton), should I study one by one (finish all chapter of Loomis, then Vilppu, finally Hampton) or should I study all at once? (finish chapter one of all 3 books, then chapter 2)

>> No.1736973

draw hair upside down, just pretend the chin is the forehead

>> No.1737002

as a beginner just draw over it, lay out the form before adding details

>> No.1737022

Hey guys, in Fun with a Pencil, Loomis doesn't goes into much detail on a person's face. Should I ignore it in focus only in construction? Being able to draw a head in whatever position first, then care about detail on his others books(mostly Drawing the head and hands)?

>> No.1737033

I saw an Anon talking about Society6, not sure which thread it was, but anyway. How does it work exactly, and is it worth it? Are there any risks of having my artwork used without my permission, and what kind of public buys stuff there?

>> No.1737085

Why do people even think digital drawing is a good idea?

>> No.1737097

Ctrl+z is the answer.

>> No.1737106

Although it's useful, it's not so much ctrl+z as it is with being able to layer it or resize/move/etc.

>> No.1737192

Is there any good kind of exercise/treatment for tired/frail eyes?

>> No.1737197
File: 186 KB, 535x535, wha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having quite a bit of issues with getting my values to look good (often has too much black, or not being pushed enough in some areas, etc).

I can nail grayscale studies, but when it comes to imaginary shit I find that it looks like dicks. Is it due to no reference, or something outside of values such as lighting, etc?

Quick shitty example

>> No.1737202

I'd be grateful if anyone could show me the way to good, preferably simplified tutorials (video or picture) for hair. And also the way legs attach to the pelvis.

>> No.1737204



>> No.1737206

This looks really cool, I'll try, thanks.

>> No.1737211

Please don't laugh : is the MS Surface good for drawing? I mean, compared to a Cintiq. If not, what's the difference? Because judging from some YT vids, it looks pretty ok.

>> No.1737231

Also versus Yiynova tablets?

>> No.1737236

Nothing can compare to Wacom quaility. really, nothing.

>> No.1737243

But is it to the point the alternatives are unusable? Looks like the Yiynova tablets have 2048 pen pressure level as well, and the same responsiveness.
How does this difference translates? I own a Bamboo and I don't see no major "flaws", so to say...but maybe because I didn't try something better and I'm still a beginner.

>> No.1737284

If you're still a beginner there is on need to spend that much money on a cintiq. Use your bamboo, enjoy it, get used to it and wait till it dies out to upgrade. At least, that's my opinion. Hone your skills, not your tools. You'll be good as long as you have something decent in your hands, and seeing as you already own a good product, I think you're good to go.

The alternatives are useable, obviously, but wacom products last for a long while, they're quality products. When I was starting out I bought myself a cheap knock off to see what using a tablet is like, it started having issues after about a year, died shotly after. Basically, you get what you pay for.

>> No.1737297

Yeah, I see what you mean, but even if i don't have that much problems drawing on a non-monitor tablet, it's still not the same as drawing on paper. Obviously a Cintiq-like isn't paper either, but it's closer. And if the money isn't killing my bank account, why not, right? I'm really wanting to put my all in drawing so I may as well have something better if I'm going to draw 5+ hours a day.

So back to the comparisons...apparently the only Yiynova with 2048 pp level are around the same price as the Cintiqs.
Googled more, found the Monoprice 19" which is 400 $ (!) and is apparently 2048pp and pretty good judging vid and written reviews.

>> No.1737315
File: 135 KB, 750x629, david-steinberg-HIrschfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figure out their most distinctive facial features/attitudes, then work from that

>> No.1737416
File: 97 KB, 1556x394, i dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea or no? What am I missing?

>> No.1737419


Oh yeah a clipboard...but what else?

>> No.1737429

what tablet would you suggest me to buy?

>> No.1737446


>> No.1737479

Doing Fun with a pencil. While doing the "meat ball" part and after that I end up doing rolls instead of a normal arm or leg. It's either a roll connecting to a roll connecting to a hand or a long line connecting to elbow and then another long line connecting to a hand. Should I keep going with it as long as I learn construction well and focus on arm and leg when doing anotomy?

>> No.1737493

i don't know. i guess i wanna see all kinds of options?
~$170-200 would be too much i think.

>> No.1737496
File: 157 KB, 948x824, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any history books for references of Dragoon Uniforms?

>> No.1737545
File: 151 KB, 1261x770, grand-canal-looking-south-west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, stay with me here

Lets say I have a photograph of a landscape, or anything really, and I want to do a reasonably accurate drawing of it

How do I translate the measurements, the format of the subject lets say, from the image to my page?
Do I just say to myself something like "well it's a rectangle that's almost twice as long as it is wide" and then just freehand a box near that size on my page and try to fit the drawing into that surely inaccurate space?
Or is there a more rigorous way to do it that doesn't go as far actually physically measuring the photo and working out a precise ratio.

>> No.1737611

Just go with a Bamboo then, if you're not afraid of the small size.

>> No.1737619

Could someone measure the diameter of a Hunt #102 (i.e. crow quill) for me? Just found out I can use my 5.6mm lead holder as a nib holder for my #101 without crushing it. Also, how does the line weight range compare between the two?

>> No.1737623

I received a copy of The Natural Way to Draw by Kimon Nicolaides. I bought it for 2 dollars at a used book store on impulse. I've seen good reviews for it on Amazon, but I'm wondering if any of you have experience with this book. Did you find it useful, and is it appropriate for a beginner?

>> No.1737707

Two things.

Am I approaching anatomy correctly? When I try to draw a person, I do two horizontal (or angled) lines to represent how wide their shoulders and hips are. Then I make small circles for where their joints are. Then I try to make gestures along it, and maybe build from the gestures. This is all an exercise to try to understand anatomy. Am I coming at it correctly?

Also, I have 'Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist' by Stephen Rogers Peck.
Can anyone confirm that this is worth the study? Of course I've already read into it, and I assume it's pretty informative, but any confirmation or praise would be helpful.

>> No.1737887
File: 50 KB, 400x497, kimon-nicolaides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a very good book imo. Nicolaides was a Modernist and if you want to learn any sort of representational drawing Nicolaides is not the best place.

>> No.1737898

Is it a good idea for a beginner to try and draw with ink? From what I've seen, It helps me think more before I put a line but I feel so fucking weak compared to pencil. Maybe beginners should still use pencil construction before inking? (my goal is comics)

>> No.1738095

Is taking other works or pictures and going over them to grasp the mechanics of figure drawing a bad way to practice?

>> No.1738265

I understand how loomis face construction works. Thanks to Loomis, my proportions are less fucked. I know if I kee drawing I'll get proportions right. Can I move on and study each element of the face alone now (eyes, ear, etc)?

>> No.1738404

How do I draw text in perspective? I've tried looking it up, but just get bombarded by photoshopping tutorials.

>> No.1738646

re: the book- it's worth the study, nice pick

>> No.1738765

Would appreciate if someone could at least attempt to understand and answer my question >>1737545
I'd imagine it would come under the remit of composition, but the solution is so simple and evident that no-one considers the problem worth even mentioning and that's why I can't find any info on it.

>> No.1738889
File: 129 KB, 720x833, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you draw self-portraits without closing one eye and not screwing up the perspective?

>> No.1739065

For quite a while, I use default 5pt Hard Brush at 100% Opacity and Flow in Photoshop.

I assume you guys consider that pleb tier lining so I'm wondering what can I do to make my lines more versatile?

>> No.1740125

I've noticed I need to draw people more. I hate drawing from pictures and videos though (I feel like its due to not being able to see depth I dont fucking know), while I can draw people relatively well in real life.

Other than cafes, libraries and art galleries, what's a place I can sit and draw at without facing the usual questions? (I mention those three because I really don't want to look like some kinda hipster or some pompous douche)