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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 119 KB, 800x533, resize_800_600_Curry Drawing on location.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1721063 No.1721063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask your art related questions.

>> No.1721074

I was wondering if anyone had any tips for buying stuff from blick using that 45% off coupon that they send out.

I want to get a set of copics since they are fairly expensive. What do you guys think? Is there something else I should be getting for 45% off? or 40% off.. I forget how much the coupon is for.

>> No.1721106

How do I into photoshop? I've been using SAI ever since I got my tablet but it's just not doing it for me anymore, I feel like I can be making much better pieces if I had a more competent program, problem is I have a really shitty, outdated version of photoshop which I have no interest in learning on my own and any tutorials I've seen are hours long and just cover some basic stuff.

Is photoshop the best out there or is there another program I should try?

>> No.1721118

How do you set up your table for drawing in perspective? Because the vanishing points often must be off the page. I'm wondering what the best approach would be

>> No.1721132

If you're able to use SAI, then photoshop shouldn't be that hard for you.
Photoshop is the industry standard. I use it more than any other art software.

Also, the software won't make you better.

Q : Any anti-procrastination tips to share?

>> No.1721152


quit 4chan you faggot

>> No.1721162

>Also, the software won't make you better.
Well obviously I know that, what I meant was more about the tools and brushes. Having more options and stuff to work with might make my works better.

>Any anti-procrastination tips to share?
What usually helps me is listening to instrumental/electronic music that has NO or very minimal lyrics. Also, if I'm working digitally I usually like to work in a room with very low lighting, It allows me to focus on my screen better since I wont be as distracted by other things in the room. Other than that, just get in a comfortable position and start working.

It might also be worth it to check out this thread >>1721031

>> No.1721183

anti-procrastination tips?

say no to friends

quit mmos

say no to family

get off 4ch and reddit

and bonus: do 30 second gestures, or spend an hour on any drawing exercise to loosen up. You'll have lots of built up energy from drawing. You may actually put it to use.

Hell I actually want to follow my own advice and try other exercises. Nothing gets me drawing like doing 1-2 hours of gestures.

>> No.1721226

I often see people coloring their digital art in grey tones. Is this done because you can then later recolor it into any color you want with photoshop somehow? Can anyone tell me more?

>> No.1721228

What is the right studying method for someone who's learning to draw?
Say I've watched Villpu's head anatomy lessons, would it be the right way doing studies by copying faces, like 60 in an hour - kinda like gestures?
My main issue is that I can't find an appropriate studying path, there are so many things to learn.
May I ask you guys how did you start, what did you study and how?

>> No.1721251

Very interesting thread, thanks. I think electronic music could help me get pumped for longer sessions.
you know tbh i only lurk in 4ch for refs. and ic actually motivates me to work harder.
yesssss gestures
It is so you can control the values. Also the added bonus of recoloring. Google 'coloring in greyscale' or 'overlay painting'.
Gesture is a good way to start. Don't worry about taking too long, just focus on capturing the motion for now.
I started out by drawing lots of figures from references and doing quick gestures as well as some still life.

>> No.1721256


>> No.1721266

>Feeling down.
>Take a walk.
>Get home.
>Be tired.
>I'll draw later.
>Don't draw.
>Life of regret.
>FML what if I drew for 2 hours everyday for the last 3 months instead of being a whiny bitch.
>Tell yourself you'll draw tomorrow.

>> No.1721270
File: 90 KB, 640x876, 1383135453-68051d085e5de68bbd4f05e2d77afb29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just getting into drawing shit with tablet, any free software I should/could be using or trying out?

>> No.1721273

I really hate myself for this. I mean how difficult can it be? Just picking up a book, reading a bit, and then draw something. Yet I for 6 years already I only managed to read like 50 pages of drawing on the right side of the brain until I stopped. I don't understand what in me is preventing me from doing it. Browsing imageboards is mostly useless and the ones I frequent are pretty slow anyways so I could just check them once in several hours.

>> No.1721274

>Q : Any anti-procrastination tips to share?
Yeah; Don't do it later, do it NOW.

Also, get rid of you internet connection/TV. Less distractions foster greater productivity.

>> No.1721276

It's going to be hard to stop procrastinate directly, so I'd suggest you do what >>1721183 said.

Reward yourself with 15-30m of resting by doing whatever you wanted to do (e.g. browsing 4chan, watch youtube etc) after you did 2 hour or more study/practice.

After you got the habit down, you'd rarely procrastinate.

>> No.1721283

This will be a two man job. First buy a taser and then get someone to taser you every time you procrastinate.

>> No.1721292

Total newbie to art here. I did Nicolaides til Schedule 6 but stopped halfway 3 months ago as shit happens. Now I'm steeling myself back in by starting over, but I remember I got quite frustrated/confused during some exercise on weight and volume, specifically because I was using 2d poses I find online rather than live models. Do you guys think I will develop bad habits if I don't start practicing on live models? I hope I can get access to them in the near future but for now I'm stuck.

I'll be restarting the program tomorrow so wish me luck!

>> No.1721295

The only thing that works for me when it comes to procrastinating is actually getting an office where I don't allow myself to do any other activities than work.
Of course, this isn't ideal, as renting an office is expensive, and it needs to be away from your home in order to prevent you from doing other activities.

In other words, isolation from any and all forms of distractions or entertainment is the only thing that works.

>> No.1721299

>Draw for at least 1-2 hours everyday for the last couple of months
>Don't get better because no idea how to do things right
>Get frustrated
>All the time on the brink of falling into this cylce
I sorta can understand understand you.
But if it was something easy it would be boring and not worth my time.

>> No.1721318
File: 590 KB, 479x599, Tw07GEm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good brush for mimicking pencil?

>> No.1721545



its only 4. you have to mess with the flow, and keep opacity at 100%

>> No.1721670

Since mixing paints is preferable to just using paint out of the tubes, what colors of paint are worth bothering getting? In each medium? (oils, acrylic, watercolor, etc)

>> No.1721675

black, white, cadmium red, yellow ochre, ptahlo blue

>> No.1721677

cadmium red and pthalo blue..what's wrong with you, you idiot.

>> No.1721678

ultramarine or cereluen then, or just use zorn palette, the point is be limited

>> No.1721679

pthalo blue + black makes prussian blue or a good chromatic black btw

>> No.1721704

So I've been drawing for a while, kind of on my own. I really should be better than I am at this point. I wanted to ask /ic/ about bad habits. I'm sure I have a handful. I feel like I rush through my work and never finish anything. I believe it's part inexcusable laziness but also partly because of how I developed as an artist.

So I ask, what are some bad habits to avoid in drawing and painting?

>> No.1721707


most broad unspecific question ever. i'll give you my 2 cents regardless... drawing from photos instead of life.

>> No.1721714

In my experience, drawing from photos is soooooOOoooOOOooooo muuuucchhhhh easier than from life. The values are already done for you, you just copy, you're not learning how to see.

>> No.1721716
File: 234 KB, 1920x1080, 10343874_1492379474310957_196831052_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started this the other day.

What do I need to fix/add to make it better? I know more detail obviously but it feels kinda empty to me.

>> No.1721720


issues right now are poor use of lenz flur and broken perspective. compositon needs work as well.

this is just from looking at the thumb.

>> No.1721728

yeah it's meant to be broad, and you're answering the question how I would like you to. So thank you.

sure, if you're color dropping.

>> No.1721732

>sure, if you're color dropping.

Nah, it's just 1000 times easier to see the values and compare distance relationships with a photo.

>> No.1721747


Was just visiting this board to ask a question, regarding copying from photos. It's not really a legit way to git gud, is it? Or is it helpful in any way?

>> No.1721762

also, your lighting!
it looks dark and lifeless.

Add some brighter colors.
and put something in the foreground

>> No.1721769


ofcourse its helpful. its still a perfectly valid method of studying, but studying from life is superior. especially when it comes to colors and anatomy/figures imo.

>> No.1721772

alright let me specify my question

tips for accuracy, go.

>> No.1721791

Hmm, but if photo is the main tool I have for now, are there any tips to minimize potential pitfalls?

>> No.1721834

Why all the hate for shadman i see nothing wrong with his anatomy and shading. He always has quality work.

>> No.1721836

This book worth picking up for an absolute Photoshop beginner?

>> No.1721837
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whoops no image

>> No.1721842
File: 19 KB, 355x752, 2nrohg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no. stop worrying so much. you are like the skinny as fuck nerd that is about to embark on a journey to become pic related. and wants to do everything 100% right from the very first day.

consistancy, effort and time put in (simple mileage) is what matters at your level. wether you use charcoal or 2b or 4b or any other of the millions of variables will only account for 1% of your progress in a given timeframe.

when you start lifting it doesnt matter if you eat 150 calories more or less. if your sodium levels are optimal, if your benchpress form is tip top perfect. you will make tremendous noob gains regardless if you just put in the work. so get going. i got decent by almost exclusively copying pictures.

>> No.1721973

Thanks. That's a better advice.

>> No.1722036

just look for the watts demo video from last friday. He says pictures are fine to work from.

>> No.1722059

>1. How do I shade or add sahdows with colored pencil?

>2. How do I color lightly with Prismacolor markers? I have the 48 Marker set with the 9 Cool Grey markers.

>3. I have found a mediafire download for Painter SAI. Could I get into legal trouble for this? I've downloaded comics before, but this is pricy, and thus riskier I feel.

>> No.1722148
File: 995 KB, 2000x1294, coloring how to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can any of you bros recomend some videos or books on color theory? i feel my sense of selecting color naturally is quite horrid. my values need work as well but that is straight forward enough.

Currently i have "color and light" but i like to learn from multiple sources at once as i feel that i pick up more that way. "different empasises on particular subjects etc.."

>pick some what realted trying to experiment.

>> No.1722245

I've been grinding fundamentals for months

when do I get to draw my animu

>> No.1722251

No one is holding you back from drawing what you want to draw

Define the fundamentals

>> No.1722255

linear perspective, figure drawing, line economy, form, composition, rendering and more things I don't know the name of

>> No.1722264

If you think you have a solid grasp on form and perspective and you're up to snuff on your anatomy then start looking at how manga and anime artists draw figures. Study the proportions and exactly how they simplify and exaggerate facial features.

>> No.1722389

Been going through an old syllabus from my rendering class years ago and I saw in the recommended materials "talcum powder". Anybody know a particular use for that in projects involving marker/goache?

>> No.1722433
File: 1.69 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i give up? gonna post what i was studying next

>> No.1722444
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>> No.1722452

Don't study from shitty drawings

>> No.1722460
File: 1.57 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol okay thanks

hows this one?

>> No.1722474

Stop chickenscratching, start with nudes, but first - learn anatomy and don't just copy outlines.


>> No.1722491

woah cool channel. ill definatley use that. thanks

>> No.1722862

for portfolio site would you use

a) the baby picture
b) the overly retouched, serious looking, ultrahandsome picture
c) the casual a-buddy-shot-this smiling picture
d) full body shot of lat spread from the front wearing pink speedos

i've seen some dudes do the "im handsome as fuck" picture, but tbh it comes across as cocky and unprofessional (hire me cos im goodlooking!)

>> No.1722892


you forgot e) no picture

which is honestly your best move. why allow your physical appearance (and how you present yourself) potentially influence how someone views your art.

>> No.1722904


isnt that terribly cold and distant though? i don't know i would imagine if i were to hire someone to do visdev for my product/project, having an idea of what they look like creates a certain "trust". doesn't it?

i know however that in the us it's frowned upon to include pictures in resumes when applying for jobs. which is great, why favour the goodlooking folks. they have it easy enouh in life already. so maybe it rly is the best way. many of the established pros don't bother either, but then again, they are established.

also fuck... im a decent looking dude, maybe i can get art groupies.

>> No.1722925


>many of the established pros don't bother either

Adds to the mystique. Craig Mullins isn't a good looking guy by any means, but if you don't know that you'd probably think he's a stud based on how prolific he is.

If you know you look good it probably won't hurt. A simple portrait on the about/contact page is enough.

>> No.1722927


What about using a self-portrait?

>> No.1722930

>Craig Mullins isn't a good looking guy by any means
your standards are pretty ridiculous then
he has good skin and looks like a standard well put together white dude

anyways I've seen the ultra handsome bw serious look in portfolios and it just looks so silly
I probably would instantly disqualify someone like that if I was in that position just out of jelly

>> No.1722939

>anyways I've seen the ultra handsome bw serious look in portfolios and it just looks so silly
>I probably would instantly disqualify someone like that if I was in that position just out of jelly

yeeeah exactly this. i felt the exact same way whenever i saw dudes with this kind of pic. it just pushes all of the wrong buttons.

well im glad we can all agree to disqualify option b) then.

>> No.1722990

SHoah bragley?

>> No.1722994

I will taser for food.

>> No.1722998

do you think a more layed back approach? ie link to facebook? or g+

or perhaps a pick of them on there new cintiq 29 inch hard at working

>> No.1723000

>get reference/use own hand
>start with a simplified form (shapes, prisms)
>add form
>continue doing so
Is this how you even study hands?

I know how to study everything else, but drawing hands just feels like I'm just copying or whatever.

>> No.1723009

What is the technique to creating mountain, water, and mossy/ forest floor textures with oil paint, and pencil?

>> No.1723018

i cant into light physics 101

if an object is getting hit by an even diffuse white light does its hue not shift from its local color? if it does in what direction?

if stars and the moon also reflect/emit white light why are most night scenes that lack artificial lights in films and illustrations depicted like they produce blue light or blue tinted light?

>> No.1723028

smooshing the tip of a bristle brush into the canvas. aka. 'bob rossing,'

you can also do similar things with a palette knife or a sponge or a scrunched up piece of paper, or another painted surface. anything with a rough texture or a sharp edge really.

>> No.1723031

1. the hue doesn't shift. but you can always go outside on an overcast day and have a look.

2. the sky makes the blue light.

>> No.1723033

sorry i mean the hue DOES shift. do'h!

if shifts towards neutral, if it's red it gets less red, if it's blue it gets less blue. in this case it happens to be that it works out the same for shadows, that's why it flattens the image a bunch, and over-cast days look so bleak, everything is greyer.

>> No.1723039


nonono, that's not a hue shift, it's a saturation shift. but yes, other than that, I will second this answer.

>> No.1723046

How can I avoid getting all the values dull in photoshop?

>> No.1723047

true. perhaps that's why i wrote doesn't at first. :p

>> No.1723052

don't mix on the painting, have a separate palette. that's the ideal solution.

but for a stop-gap you can just avoid picking constantly when you're blending and only pick from tones you didn't create while blending.

or even stoppier-gapping you can just fix it in post with levels or curves or whatever your favorite is.


if it's something else technical and not 'photoshop muddiness' as i have described you'll need to post an example and say what you're using for input and stuff.

>> No.1723064


That may be a problem associated with painting in RGB mode in photoshop. RGB has no "value" component, so blending tends to muddy colors and values unless you are careful not to sample too often from your painting. LAB mode treats value separately from color, and eliminates that problem.

If it's not that then maybe you're using airbrush techniques too often and unknowingly shifting values.

>> No.1723071
File: 230 KB, 605x815, dull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a shitty example.


And yeah, I do a lot of mixing when painting and constantly pick the tones that I made and I'm using RGB mode, do you suggest using HSB?

>> No.1723072

well damn, i didn't think of that, thanks
what is the reason why it desaturates? (like in an overcast vs. a sunny mostly clear day.. clouds absorbing sun light first = weaker light = less saturation?)

>> No.1723079

After 6 years of use, my wacom tablet finally broke.
Assuming I'm going to a county college this autum and going to learn a lot of art there, what would be the best tablet to go to?

Should I go to another tablet like one of these Monoprice?

Or should I just stick with another Wacom Intous Pro?

>> No.1723080

mainly, but any neutral light desaturates everything equally, overcast days happen to have neutral lighting because there's no yellow sun and no blue sky and the clouds make it pretty ambient.

it's always light colour + local colour = colour

to illustrate:

red light + red ball = very red ball (reflects 100% of the light)
red light + green ball = black ball

green light + red ball = black ball (red has 0 green in it, it get's completely desaturated because it reflects no light)
green light + green ball = very green ball

neutral light + red ball = neutral-red ball (reflects only the red part of the light, so it's less light overall)
neutral light + green ball = neutral-green ball

hope that makes sense.

how about a test, you have a purple ball and a yellow ball in orange light.. which ball is more saturated and what colour would the purple ball appear to be?

>> No.1723085

One of the best tips I've heard is that:

There are A activities- productive constructive and/or instructive activities

And B activities- anything else

The ONLY difference between successful people and non successful people is that, one group focuses on A one group on B.

This concept has changed my life for the better. The only gripe I have is that I'm sort of a workaholic now because everytime I'm on 4chan, watching tv, or playing a video game I have a little voice telling me I'm wasting my time!

I'm honestly only on this website ATM because I am in the bathroom. After that...creation time!

Oh! Also realize that your A activities should be something you HONESTLY enjoy doing.

>> No.1723099
File: 1.25 MB, 1600x1233, lab vs rgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>do you suggest using HSB

I just suggested to you LAB. And I'm not referring to your color picker or color sliders. Literally change the document mode from RGB to LAB. HSB/HSV/HSL are essentially RGB just rearranged to be more intuitive (if you're not used to mixing paint). Photoshop doesn't even have a separate color space for HSB. LAB is based on how humans see color and as such, if you remove the color data from a LAB image, the greyscale version will more accurately represent how you perceive values. This change is most notable in the green area of the color spectrum. (Pic Related)

Anyways, I work in the LAB color space and use the RGB/HSB color sliders. It's about the color space you're in, not the sliders. When you add black/white to colors in LAB mode, saturation is not lost. When you mix two colors of equal L value in LAB mode, value does not change. That can't be said of RGB though.

As for your image, you're just staying in a very limited value range, not picking outside the midtone range. Chances are it's your fault, but it could partly be due to a poorly calibrated monitor. If that was the case though, you wouldn't be aware of the problem unless you view it on a different screen.

tl;dr - it's you dummy, not the tools.

>> No.1723107

>how about a test, you have a purple ball and a yellow ball in orange light.. which ball is more saturated and what colour would the purple ball appear to be?
the purple would turn into a desaturated magenta-ish ball (least saturated part would be where the light hits) and the yellow would just get slightly more orange where the light hits but retains most of its saturation (though maybe slightly lessened) right?

>> No.1723135

the purple bit was a trick question. it still looks purple. the mind takes the whole into account.

so 50% :p

but good job.

to put it in the formula i established before for clarity,

purple is red + blue
orange is red + yellow
yellow is yellow

(red + yellow light) +( red + blue ball) = red ball (because purple has no yellow in it, only the red is reflected, and there's no blue in orange so no light there)

so it loses the blue and the yellow, so 50% saturation.


(red + yellow light) + (yellow ball) = warmer yellow ball (not all the red light is reflected, but a bit is because they're analogous)

just loses some red, so like 80% saturation.

>> No.1723143

How do you just get back into it I mean I been in a slump lately and I just need to get back into drawing what do you do /ic/?

>> No.1723156

thanks, never actually thought of it that way, i'll keep that in mind next time. I always just guesstimated it depending on how far away a hue is on the wheel
what about the value? the increase in value is dependent on how much an object reflects light vs absorbed right? so if it's a pair of pure complementary colors (for the light and the object) there should be no increase in value right? (resulting in a black object)

>> No.1723162

How do I study? Looks dumb, but it's an really complex question.

>> No.1723203

That all depends, what would you like to get better at as far as drawing goes?

>> No.1723204
File: 112 KB, 1260x945, really+big+paper3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I keep in proportions when drawing on big paper without the use of scanning and using a computer to upsize and redraw over it.

Like I'm trying to draw a standing person to fit in a 11x14inch paper and I usually run into the problem of head too big/too small or legs too long.

>> No.1723228


>> No.1723231


Roughly envelope the figure first before starting on the gesture. Give it a definite space to occupy on the page. Or you just assume the 8-heads rule and keep the head roughly under 1.5 inches tall.

>> No.1723240

Study anatomy then!

Srs though, you could look up anatomy online or buy a medical anatomy reference book and just grind the shit out of it and wind up with stiff as fuck poses or you can take the time to learn gesture and the major landmarks of the human body first. Get a feel for movement and proportion before you get granular, my personal favorite book on this subject is from Michael Hampton.

>> No.1723242

How do i stop falling in love with every girl i draw?

>> No.1723256

Draw bara dudes

>> No.1723267
File: 198 KB, 671x1190, looking_over_her_shoulder_by_thedrugbox-d3gpwgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the last thing I drew from reference three years ago. I'm gonna be turning 24 this year. If I wanted to learn traditional and then go digital with "muh style" or whatever and sell a few prints or web comic, am I just living some hipster pipe dream at this point?

>> No.1723308

>managed to read like 50 pages of drawing on the right side of the brain
It's shit anyway.

>> No.1723371

by actually falling in love an achieving a deeper understanding of the emotion.

>> No.1723375
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>> No.1723424

What do you draw from life?

before you say anything, can I have some examples?

>> No.1723438

Am I the only one being bothered by artists not having a Devart or Tumblr?
I mean, yeah, personal site is more "pro" (why, by the way? Just sounds like an outdated convention), but how are you supposed to keep track of the hundred artists you follow, put them all in a different bookmark and check them one buy one? Tumblrs and stuff are way easier for this. I know about DA and Tumlr reputation here, but let's face it, it's more convenient.

>> No.1723450

Pets, a roll of ductape, stacks of books and papers, your bed, vidya controllers, messy shelves x clothes hampers, the bathroom, cars in a parking lot, people sitting around in a park, shoes, action figures, your nephew's collection of marbles, trees, bottles of shampoo, your keyboard, the washing machine, the view from your window, telephone poles, door knobs, a pair of pants strewn on the ground, the contents of your refrigerator, a dump right after you take it, curtains, the neighbor's weird looking chair on their porch.

Draw fucking anything, jesus fuck, why in the fucking fuck would you need an example? Fuck. Remember to keep your eye on your subject(s) more than your paper and don't be afraid to draw anything and everything around it AND DON'T FUCKING ERASE.

>> No.1723454


>> No.1723456

I hear Krita is a good program.

>> No.1723460

I'm noob but I love it.

>> No.1723462

Welp, both of those are too small

is this good or should I just stick with Intous Pro M or L?

>> No.1723497


this guy here. im attempting the human form. am i doing okay? i realized im not going to be able to not chickenscratch for a long ass time. i dont actually have a desk to work at so im using a binder and comp paper in my lap and its hard to draw a continuous line when my surface is unstable.

>> No.1723500
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and yes i realize the arms look like shit

>> No.1723518
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more anatomy

>> No.1723520

The light we deal with is particles. White light is all the colors in our visible spectrum. When white light hits something - say a green leaf, almost everything but green is reflected back.

Still, it is important to note that not ALL of the energy is absorbed. If more white light hits a surface than the surface can readily absorb (exchange of energy to and from electrons), white light will be reflected.

Where and how the light reflects depends on the angle the light is hitting as well. Think of bullets ricocheting.

Light is a tricky, tricky little thing. As an astrophysicist about light... They get erections about it and can detail it out a hell of a lot better.

>> No.1723523

Traditional is dying. We have cameras now. Stylization or concepting will get you a better career.

>> No.1723524

Gestures brah, rite now

>> No.1723528

Your anatomical knowledge is shit.

Deltoids are on the SIDE of the arm and the pectorals connect underneath them (the traps and lats create the arm pit). Same with the lats. The traps attach at the collar bone, go back to the back of the neck and down the back. The abdomen is a shallow V. The pelvis is a boxy bowl.

Get yourself a book on structural kinesiology and/or The Atlas of the Human Anatomy. This will help you exponentially.

You also need to learn to work in 3 dimensions. Draw and combine lots and lots of circles and boxes at different angles. Make them bend and twist.

>> No.1723529

(The pectorals and lats create the arm pit)***

>> No.1723562

composition. where am i meant to be looking - the waterfall, or the big blur at the top of the picture? red should be used sparingly, anon

>> No.1723563

but i cant even get non gestures right

im noticing the mistakes now that you mention it.

general question, an anon earlier told me not to copy outlines. what does that mean exactly? i was looking at a picture on an ipad.

>> No.1723566

gesture drawing. stop drawing the outline of what you see.

>> No.1723588

I don't know how to improve my line work. It comes from the subconscious and years and years since being a kid of doing bad excessive lines and chickenscratches or however the fuck you call it. How do you unnaturally fix it?

>> No.1723593








First link might help, rest are in case you want more.

>> No.1723920

The problem with copying outlines is that you're not measuring, resulting in awkward and often skewed images.

People recommend gesture (often incorrectly) because it lays down the basics of anatomy. The human body has many reference points and measuring points. For instance, when studying an image, notice the tilt of the shoulders. Also, the nipples are a great measuring point (since they rarely move).

Basically when building the gesture/skeleton of an image you want to get the tilt of the head, neck, shoulders and pelvis first. Keep in mind that shoulders are ball joints that can move forward and backward, up and down. The clavicle moves with the shoulder as well. At first it may be easier for you to dictate the movement of the shoulder by twisting a box or triangle with the movement of the shoulders; however, eventually you'll want to demonstrate it with curved lines (S, C, or r curves).

The pelvis tilt can be demonstrated with a line as well, but the cast of it (forward or back) should be demonstrated with a box/bowl/boxy bowl. Do a quick image search or robo beans to get a basic idea.

Either way, you'll still have to know where the "sexy" muscles are. On females, these are generally the deltoids and the entire leg (as well as the hips to accommodate a child). Take particular interest in the sternomastoid as well. For males, it's pretty much the entire upper body. It's incredibly easier to remember muscle placement if you know what each muscle does and how it operates the bones underneath it.

You'll need to learn all of this all while drawing boxes and spheres and distorting them. Cylinders are easy once you can draw boxes, so don't worry too much about that... Well, every form is significantly easier after you learn boxes.

On the plus-side, spheres are never foreshortened which is why the cranium (practically perfect sphere) is the optimal means of proportion measurement. If you're drawing a perfectly proportional human (most aren't)

>> No.1723925

The only real concern with copying from photos instead of real life is that a camera doesn't have two eyes like a human does. We use two eyes for depth perception, lighting perception, as wall as comparison.

You can get a much better idea of where something is with two bases of information rather than one - which is why drawing from life is recommended.

However, you'll still learn anatomy, proportions, etc. from photos and become a decent artist - it just might take you slightly longer to figure out what you're doing with coloring and lighting.

>> No.1724128

I'm trying solidify my professional aspiration, but the closest I can get at is "Professional Artist".

I have so many things I want to do that it's hard to pin down what would be most fulfilling. I'm wondering if anon had the same experiences and how they found their calling, for lack of better words.

>> No.1724160

If you don't have one thing, you have many. Why not do it all?
I'm on a similar path, anon. I have several "things" I aim to be or do. For the most part, the specifics depend on what you want, but in general you can look at the situation in 2 ways: 1.Focus fully on one thing at a time and accomplish things step by step or 2. Focus on everything a bit and get to you goals slower. Both require you to plan out your time to invest in all or several aspirations, tho.

For example, I want to git gud as an artist, make video game (to make mad dosh, of course), get my master's degree and reach godhood. I need to spend a certain amount on every single one according to how fast I want to achieve these goals. It would end up game dev and studies both 4 hours a day, drawing/painting 2 hours, meditations and shit 2 hours. Ending up with 12 hours total + sleep.
>implying having friends and romantic relationships is necessary for successful people

>> No.1724178

When is it acceptable to use the colour picker, and when is it being used as a crutch/detrimental to my development?
Say I'm doing a value study, is it ever acceptable to just steal tones from my ref image?

>> No.1724189

Where's a good place to learn marker rendering?

>> No.1724202


use it to check when you struggle. but try to never copy. i mean why would you? you aren't doing this to impress /ic/, you are studying to get good. to learn.

just like the teachers who said "you are only cheating yourself!" when you cheated on a math test. same applies. every time you use it, make sure you have that "aah! that's the value/hue i was looking for!" effect.

>> No.1724218

Still wanting an answer to this ;_;
The last thing you'd want to do in a value study is use the colour picker; likewise for colour studies. What's the point of doing such a study when you're not learning what the study was for?

Use the colour picker if you aren't studying colour/values (rendering practice for example), or just double checking ie. using the colour picker to confirm that the colour you've selected (based on observation) is correct/see what your issue was.

>> No.1724256

>meditations and shit 2 hours
Why would I meditate and why would I meditate 2 hours a day?

>> No.1724265

What is photobashing?

>> No.1724310

its stuff that pros use who can't really paint.

>> No.1724312

Alright, thanks, but why no erasing?

>> No.1724317

I've gotten that through the general gist of it, but I've still never exactly understood it. Is it tracing? Just putting several images together? Just heavily referencing?

>> No.1724318

because its more important to draw a lot than to draw good drawings. if you erase then you try to make it perfect, which isn't the point.

>> No.1724329

>Just putting several images together?

they just throw a combo of paint & photos together

most people that use this technique rely on it too much Brad Rigney & Maciej Kuciara are examples of people who do it right

>> No.1724334

How do I make money?

>> No.1724337


Don't start with simplified form, start with the skeleton. Plan out the X,Y,Z axis (draw it if you have to). Get the gesture/lines of the digits down. Figure out the best way to simplify the hand. The most common is a thin box for the palm, and balls and cylinders for the digits.

When constructing, keep in mind that the first knuckles appear to be part of the box for the palm, but they're not. They should be separate.

Also, thumb is not on the side of the palm but lower down.

But keep in mind, just because this method works for me, doesn't mean it will for you. Find a way to simplify it that works for you -- fuck how anyone else tells you to do it.

>> No.1724338


a) reach marketable skill level
b) crank out a diverse and strong portfolio (10-20 pieces)
c) purchase yourname.com
d) buy 1 year package at squarespace
e) set up smooth simple website
f) spend time gathering and researching potential clients (within your skill level and nieche) and their contact email
g) drop them a friendly mail with a link to your folio
h) initialize daily marketing and self promotion schemes (facebook groups seems to be a nice way atm)

>> No.1724379


its not a secret that the US is incredibly stuck up when it comes to tits.

so will art directors be like "oh god no forgive me oh lord herpaderpa christianity herpaderpa jesus our lord savior forgive me for seeing these sinful TITS lord" and close my folio, upon seeing studies of naked chicks?

>> No.1724383

maybe but I think it depends on who is reviewing your portafolio, most just care about your skill level and how well do you fit in their needs.
>studies on a portafolio

>> No.1724387

Putting in studies reeks of amateurism/student. If you want work you need to present yourself as a professional.

Leave out nudity and sexual images unless you are specifically applying to a company that pumps out that type of work.

>> No.1724401

What am I supposed to get out of pencil drawing or shading things with my pencil?

If I just draw the things I see, I don't feel like I've learned anything.

>> No.1724403

I'm sorry I meant figure drawing, not pencil drawing.

>> No.1724415


thanks. nono ofcourse they won't be in the portfolio, but i have a "studies" section on my website and was wondering wether i should censor the overwhelming amount of tits that might pop up in some religious-feminist art directors monitor one day.

>> No.1724418

Depends, what kind of job are you aiming for. If you're okay with working with creating adult art for a living, leave it there. If you want it as a primary focus, put that shit everywhere.

If you aren't interested in it, get rid of it.

>> No.1724423

I don't think a studies section is even necessary on a site. The goal of your site should be to showcase your portfolio, not show that you copy stuff well. Art directors want to see your finished original work.

I would remove your studies section. If you want to show more than just your finished portfolio, you can add in a sketches section since it can show some of your process and also more ideas/versatility without making your actual portfolio too bulky.

>> No.1724435


this is all so tricky. i have no goals tbh, i'll take any job i can manage to get paid farily for. stylistically and thematically my work is all over the place. which sux because i don't have a large enough body of decent work to split it into a stylized-folio and a nonstylized-folio.

but yeah i probably remove the entire "studies" section, it kinda communicates "i'm still a student yo".

what about making a "gallery" section, and throwing everything (including presentable studies) in there, and making a "portfolio" section with hand picked "best of's" ? that's probably a sensitive solution right?

>> No.1724934

Newbie here, trying to get used to Paint Tool Sai. Is there a way to change the size of the canvas by simply dragging a corner like in MSPaint or the crop tool in Photoshop? Because I do it quite often, and going to the size menu every once in a while is a little annoying.

>> No.1724974

I started digital art recently and well, I hate using sai painter and PhotoShop for anything but photo manipulation. Any other infinite canvas sort of deals like Mischief that I can use and then transfer to finish drawings?

>> No.1725128

How far apart should vanishing points be in perspective?

>> No.1725132


decently far. if you are working with 2 point perspective and you have 1 vanishing point on your canvas, make sure the other one is fairly far off the canvas, else shit gets distorted as fuck.

third vanishing point (top or bottom) should be even more generously spaced.

>> No.1725134
File: 242 KB, 950x947, 20120421-studio-after-5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking wondering, what is the proper name for that cart in pic?
I've been meaning to get one, but I've only found very expensive metal ones.

>> No.1725136
File: 16 KB, 563x477, distorted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not so much how far apart they are, it's that there is a circle which things need to fit into for them to not be distorted. so generally if you want to fill the whole page the points will be off it.

here is a possibly confusing diagram i whipped up in paint

>> No.1725179

When they say window lights are cool is this a relative thing (against warm artificial lights) or does the glass actually affect light temperature?

What is the reason large bodies of water shift towards green from blue as they get less dense?

>> No.1725182

>What is the reason large bodies of water shift towards green from blue as they get less dense

algae or plankton most of the time.

>> No.1725187

window light comes from the blue sky [if the sun isn't there]. so it's cool.

that's not really true per say, about the water. but if you're referring to the circumstance i think you are it's because you can see the bottom.

>> No.1725367

What exactly is the concept behind "tracing" from life as in measuring distances and negative space in 2d? Like, if you look outside your window and you draw the negative space between a building and the sky instead of "feeling it out"and constructing it and everything . Does this help you when drawing with construction and gesture and everything? Do you just "absorb"the 3d or something?

>> No.1725372

Does this mean all I have to do is keep the picture plane within the circle?

>> No.1725374

It helps you with proportions and builds visual acuity. It's not to help you build form but rather to help you draw more accurately as it was explained to me.

>> No.1725380
File: 50 KB, 392x475, image:5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got some beginners questions, and I figure it'd be better to ask in here opposed to making my own thread. I've been working through Fun with Pencil, and right after working through the "blooks" but once I get towards applying it towards more realistic faces I just deteriorate.

I was thinking of trying Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain, in hopes it'd be a little easier then I could move back into Loomis. However, the edition I keep finding (simply added "New" to the title) so far has been pages of psycho babble with no activities. Is the older edition the same? Or does it have actual activities? Or should I continue to struggle through Loomis?

Pic related, the edition I can't seem to find.

>> No.1725383

Go for the actual workbook instead.

>> No.1725395

>psyco babel

personally i went through the book and there was only a little bit of things that could even be considered that.

I had gone through other instruction books that would give you decent guides on how to and what to draw. However this book taught me how to think and see.

a lot of people complain that loomis is too wordy but i like to read through the artist process and way of think to learn from their mistakes and way of thinking.

The excercises will help for sure but sometimes if you don't undertand the purpose and thought behind the excersize you might not get the point of it or understand how to approach it and what makes that imparticular one important.

I had the same issue with math when starting algerbra it was way to abstract and didn't get it. When moving into worded questions and trig and gemotery it just all clicked as the math actually had a purpose vs some abstract do it like this or else it's wrong.

>> No.1725397

Is that dynamic sketching course worth a download for a beginner ?

>> No.1725423

I guess I'll have to look into it, I wasn't aware there was a seperate workbook.
Don't misunderstand, it's not that I don't find it interesting - I read Loomis's text, I don't simply skim to activities. However, with the edition I downloaded there are literally 0 activities. You can't just read about a topic to improve, and while some of what she says is interesting if this edition had anything to do in between as application.

>> No.1725437

oh thats weird mine was not like that .

>> No.1725533
File: 436 KB, 1600x2525, face_off_by_saturnoarg-d6kqybt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as a beginner I'm working my way through the stuff in the sticky. But already I've read quite a few comments on "fuck loomis" around the board.

There's always going to be shit-flinging about what method is best, fastest, ect. But if I just keep practicing I can't really be wasting my time right?

Also, at what point can I ask a semi-professional artist friend for books and resources that helped them find their style. I don't want to ask my "peers" right now when shit will just go over my head, but I also don't want to draw increasingly fucking realistic black & white life sketches for years.

At what point do I say "Hey, pic related artist? What did you use to go from "generally drawing shit well" to "holy fuck that's good" art?"

>> No.1725534

well he's terrible so he's probably pretty humble, just send him an email or contact him on shitart.org or wherever he comes from.

>> No.1725539
File: 217 KB, 900x2164, rogue_class___overdrive_gear_by_bflynn22-d68tjjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know there's an unlimited amount of elitism on every board here but, to me, this stuff looks awesome. I'd be more than satisfied to be at this "level" of art creation.

>> No.1725544

They are going to tell you the same thing regardless of the artist, practice + time + consciously tackling your problems

That's it.

Asking someone how they got good is just going to be a variation on that theme or some psuedo-science bullshit if they happen to be trying to sell you their how-to book

>> No.1725547

the better you are the worse everyone else seems. even if they're much better than you. i remember i saw some anime girl on /b/ which at the time i thought was very beautifully done. then someone posts it here a month or so ago and i'm aghast, it's sloppy, the drawing is bad and asymmetrical, it uses cheap illustrative tricks. ick.

i suppose the counter point is really great art gets better.

>> No.1725576

I hate that, but am glad when I can see the difference. Let's me know my "eye is improving". For that reason I only collect images done my pros even though there are amateurs like me who's work I don't think is that bad.

>> No.1725584

Is there any trick to locating eyes aside from finding the eye line? I always keep messing that up. Is it more likely to be a general proportion issue?

>> No.1725589

I want to do gesture drawings, but I don't have much to study from. When I'm at school, I try drawing people I see around me.
But when I'm home, I want to do big studies on my easel with charcoal. Except I don't have really anybody to study.
So I try doing just reference pictures from the internet, like nude models.
My question is, is this not ideal? Or better yet, is it 'bad'? If it's not, could someone point me in the direction of good REAL LIFE references of the human anatomy?
And I don't mean drawings of it, like actual photos. I've been trying on Google, but there's not a ton of good quality ones.
And the thumbnail seems to just be a lot of drawings.

>> No.1725601
File: 45 KB, 433x600, headabstraction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can generally draw a line that runs parallel to the nose from the outside edge of the nostril to find the the corner of the eye, also the center of the pupil is roughly in line with the corner of the mouth, obviously these are not set in stone, just rough guides

learning the rhtymical abstractions of the face (pic related) is a good idea

>> No.1725650

I've seen some good artists that use wooden pencils/HB Lead/B lead 2mm lead for pencil lineart.

Usually this results in thick chalky lines, but I've seen some really clean ones from them as if they've used 0.5mm lead or something.

Is there a technique to having sharp, thin lines with HB 2mm lead? Or are they just sharpening each minute/cleanly lightboxing their drawing? Or maybe a special paper?

>> No.1725680

The finished pencils are typically lightboxed, yeah.

As for your question; smooth paper such as smooth bristol helps as it removes the texture. Try to use as few strokes as you can, and use a lead pencil if you want to have your lines consistent in thickness as opposed to a wooden pencil.

You can actually purchase leads that are 2B and such; the Japan-based company Pentel for example makes them (they also sell red/blue lead which I particularly like.)

>> No.1725718

Hi /ic/. I'm a 18 years old who lives in a third world country and sucks at drawing. Different most of you, there's no one here looking for concept artists, or any kind of artist at all and art isn't really appreciated here. And I need to make a decision in my life. I know I'm young, but I don't want to become a NEET or a parasite who sucks my parents money. I love drawing, I love art, I love doing it, even if I suck, I keep going and I know I'm improving, but living of art isn't possible here. I want to move, I want to have my own things, I want to be independent. Since I still young, I can go back to studies and enter in a "normal" job, that paids fairly well, and I can, in few years have everything I ever wanted (by saving money). And yes, I'm a poorfag kid. Drawing is passion, but the fact that I will hardly find job, and have money for well, everything (everything is expensive in my contry) scares me more than anything. I'm asking here because I believe most of you are older than me and can give me some advice. What would you do in my place? I'm a little desespare and scared. Thanks in advance.

>inb4 go cry in /int/
>inb4 kill yourself
>inb4 tl,tr

>> No.1725725

There are several ways to do it but here's my take on it.
Go NEET and work hard to get good at drawing all day everyday, when you hit a decent level start doing comissions and save all the money, move out when you have a decent amount and a fanbase constantly buying your art.
Get a midtime job alongside your art job to pay the bills,no one will hire you as an artist in your country so when you hit pro level make a portafolio and apply to places that allow you to work online, also diversify your art, anime and comics hit harder in popularity than concept art, go to local conventions and get a boot, sell your drawings, if you're any good your shit will sell well and your fanbase will increase, save up and when you have enough to start over move to another country where you can actually attend to a physical art job in a studio or whatever.

It's all about how hard you work for it, you have every resource to get good here, it's better than art school, believe me, I'm from a third world country too and the art education sucks massive cock, self teaching is hard cause the drive to work must come from you, you need to draw and study and draw again untill you only think about drawing, and you need to do it for years and years, it's a huge comitment but you can do it if you really want to.
Good luck and work on your english, you're going to need it.

>> No.1725754


everything expensive in a third world country?

w-what??? what country are we talking about?

>> No.1725917

Does not having a drawing table and having to draw on flat surfaces or on a clipboard over my legs affect my drawing?

>> No.1725927
File: 39 KB, 250x334, chairboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the back of another chair to lean your clip board against

>> No.1725982

damn his core was godly.

>> No.1725987
File: 31 KB, 314x713, 284448_10150269619092226_351749002225_7408908_8268477_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


his everything was. it's not a coincidence that this guy became a fucking phenomenon.

but well, he paid a high price.

>> No.1725994

yes because on a flat surface you will be seeing the paper itself in an unusual perspective.

>> No.1726018

pls respond

>> No.1726022

>dynamic sketching course
If you mean buy it from them, maybe it you're rich. For illegal downloading, I don't get why you wouldn't just go ahead.

>> No.1726026

You forget that third world countries operate in third world wages, not prices.

>> No.1726081

I have workshops.
If you don't know ANYTHING about perspective (drawing cubes) I would recommend you to read some books from sticky before watching this.

>> No.1726094

After 8 years of use my old wacom tablet broke. I started looking up tablets in general because: Drawing.

Should I just go for wacom intuos pro L or do you guys know any brand I don't know of? I was tempted for a Cintiq but it's out of my budget.

>> No.1726108

Go for the Intuos.

You can't go wrong with Wacom. They're not cheap, but there's a reason no one talks about any other brand. They can last for decades.

>> No.1726110

>Also, at what point can I ask a semi-professional artist friend for books and resources that helped them find their style. I don't want to ask my "peers" right now when shit will just go over my head, but I also don't want to draw increasingly fucking realistic black & white life sketches for years.
A certain amount if wasted effort is inevitable because what works for someone else might not work for you. I didn't get much out of loomis until I studied hamptons book. I was then able to get more out of loomis since I had something to compare it too.

>> No.1726115

Yeah gotta give it to them. I first got my intuos 3 when I was something like 15-16 years old. I wasn't taking care much of my stuffs and the reason why I need to change is that (well I got some money too) the usb cord is nearly cut, the pen is dying (3rd pen change) and the overall surface is so scratched sometimes my it has an influence on my line work. Might just give this old one for free to a beginner friend if he can last it at least one more year.

>> No.1726117

>my it has an influence on my line work
Sorry for the shitty writting, I'm so sick right now I can't focus for 5 seconds.

>> No.1726210

Why are single-lined drawings so fun to do and so cool-looking? Is it any good as a training for beginner and why? Is there some masters/pro who use that technique as a finality?

>> No.1726518

How to get into painting with value masses? Some anon suggested that I copy works that I like with a brush that's uncomfortably big but I can't keep all the things in check without some sort of sketching and construction which leads to me relying on contour sketching. Looking for alternative ways to get into painting with value masses than the aforementioned exercise

>> No.1726538

The opposite advice can be good too. Sometimes I find a short walk helps me get motivated. It's the internet who is my cruel temptress

>> No.1726542

Photographs are a bit like tracing. Great for quick results but they don't teach too much in the long run. Also both formers take thw life out of something. It's a subtle difference that most of your friends and family won't notice but artists do.

>> No.1726964

I'm starting to feel a bit more confortable with gesture, they're fun to do now, but I'm scared to move on and discover that I suck at anything else. What should be the next step?

>> No.1727039

What's a good book to learn facial expressions?

>> No.1727062
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>> No.1727084

If people tell me to practice freehand perspective, what do they means and how do I practice it?

>> No.1727090

you can use linear perspective with the vanishing points and all that or you can just measure the angles and shapes accurately. if you do that you get the correct perspective automatically. that is from life.

from imagination it's the same thing, you just guess based on your experience, it probably won't be as accurate but it lends a piece a bit of life.

>> No.1727134

how do i get more comfy with a drawing tablet
does a larger active area help

>> No.1727141

So draw blocky things like interiors or boxes from life and/or imagination?

>> No.1727258

Is it a good idea to learn anatomy starting with the skull? I see how useful that could be to see what happens underneath and of course I'll have to do it one day, I'm not reluctant, it's fun to discover how it works, but it's...confusing. I'm a beginner and learning so many details and complicated forms...

>> No.1727269

just experience and make sure the sensitivity is light so you can just glide across

I'm sure using a large tablet is good though

>> No.1727295

how long after drawing people's faces can you make up a random face regardless of the quality?

>> No.1727299


>> No.1727301

There is no objective answer to this question. It's going to be dependent on how quickly you learn from your mistakes and apply what you have learned to future drawings.

There's a kid in my figure drawing class who in one semester went from drawing like a 5th grader to being able to invent faces and figures, simply because she spent a massive amount of her time studying and learning from her mistakes and trying to invent stuff while still studying anatomy and the figure. Meanwhile I'm still having serious issues inventing anything beyond a gesture or a skeleton, once I start hanging features on everything it starts to have issues. My speed in class is much better and I can churn out mediocre/decent work much faster than she can.

>> No.1727302
File: 8 KB, 176x187, 1360717846032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consistancy effort and mileage
>doesn't matter if x is perfect

I don't about that, dude. Don't you think people can totally be wasting their time doing stupid shit that doesn't help them at all? For example some guy moving his waist up and down while doing minimal arm movement and calling them pushups, or some guy jumping up the bar and calling them pull ups.

People generally need to be set on the right path. I agree that if you're a completely shitty person who wants to draw they could just flat out get used to the feeling of a pencil in their hands but what about afterwards? You stop doing the good stuff and you'll develop bad habits, like relying on excessive lazy stylization or practicing poor form with your squats and end up fucking up your back.

>> No.1727308
File: 1.75 MB, 2480x3508, Kick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, right now Im rather slow when it comes to digital painting, especially if I have a blank canvas, so Im trying to improve my speed. Today I tried doing poses this way from imagination, and it felt kinda natural. I was able to do this in around 15 mins.

Would it be good for me to just spam poses done like this? Or am I doing something wrong when I do stuff this way?

>> No.1727321

You shouldn't worry about speed so much when you are still in the early stages of development.

Also realize that you need a mixture of painting from imagination and doing studies for the best results.

>> No.1727326


Yeah, but as my speed goes up, the faster I can do stuff, which speeds up the learning process. Also, I would feel more motivated if I can finish something faster, since I would have some sort of results without spending too much time on one piece. More or less the reasons Im trying to speed things up.

>> No.1727469

Is there something like a comprehensive guide on color profiles? Which one to use when, how to calibrate your screen to show correct colors etc. I'm tired of having my pictures looking differently not only on different screens but even in different software viewers on the same screen. It is especially evident within yellow-red color range and it drives me crazy sometimes.

>> No.1727472
File: 86 KB, 700x547, Reassurance_by_jdillon82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho I give this "harm and safe" atmosphere for my drawings?

>> No.1727482


awrm hues, heavy diagonals or "penetrating" contrast, static composition, monster hugging cute gril

= voila

>> No.1727493

Thanks anon. Have a good day!

>> No.1727499


lol np. but i meant "NO penetrating contrast". as in, there is no harsh breakup of form through a shape piercing through it. that shit makes everything look evil and "action-ish".

>> No.1727512

Guys, I have a problem. I'm addicted to one game. Skyrim. That's all I play. Last month, I uninstalled all my games but I felt uninspired as fuck. I tried everything, mangas, comics, anime, books, cartoons, tv series, all kind of things to inspire me like video game always did. When I'm playing, I imagine tons of pictures with my OCdonutSteal. I want to draw pictures of his/her adventures, of his/her happy and sad moments. But now I'm addicted to skyrim. If I don't play, I feel bad and unmotivated. If I do, I don't have enough time to draw. Help.

>> No.1727513


you are not going to make it.

that being said i played/excessive amounts of dota throughout my neeting career and i'm still doing great. so i guess where there's a will there's a way.

>> No.1727514

stop being a pussy, most people will never get anywhere without working hard for what they want

>> No.1727521

Someone have Ron Lemen tutorials for conceptart.com? I managed to find "Anatomy Process: "Drawing the Head with Ron Lemen" covers light and head anatomy" page but I can't find the rest.

>> No.1727549

Omg please help.
I was thinking of getting a table at a convention but have never made prints before.
Two important questions:
Where do I make prints?
What size should they be?


How do you scan in something that is large thatyou inked? b/c I wnated to ink with actual inks and then computer color
Should I just computer ink? I only have 265 levels on my tablet but here's an example of something I 'inked" >>1706431 (although its clearly not done)

>> No.1727555

get some zoloft. it does wonders

>> No.1727595
File: 544 KB, 600x800, WonderWoman3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How paint digitally like this?

>> No.1727635


>> No.1728148

What's the difference between PS CS2 and CC?

>> No.1728193
File: 308 KB, 640x786, XXMVZpl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I tell if my art is weeb animu shit and/or deviantart tier shit?

>> No.1728195

If you have to ask then it is weeb/da tier.

>> No.1728250

Well post your art

>> No.1728331

I forget it exactly but there is something called web colours, or somethin like that, which all computers have. Web designers know this and since I've only dabbled I'm not 100% sure. All computers have this basic set of colours and its when you go beyond them thats when it gets more confused.

>> No.1728350

What's this "photobashing" you people speak of and why is it something to avoid?

>> No.1728352

Photocollage with a bit of painting on top to make things look more like they are all meant to be in one scene. It's just a trendy new term for using photos, except it's typically more crude and quicker than matte painting.

It's not necessarily something to avoid. Depends on your personal views on art, the intention/use of the piece you are making, your current art skills etc. It has its place, but in my opinion most people on this board should steer clear of it since it will hinder your growth as an artist when you are a beginner.

>> No.1728359
File: 589 KB, 877x550, env001s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've heard about that, but I don't do anything special. For example yesterday I just created a new file in sRGB space and did this study. Now in Firefox it looks the same as in Photoshop, but in Fast Stone which I use as default picture viewer it looks disgustingly greenish (with color management enabled, and if I disable CMS it looks right but then most of the other pictures start to look wrong). Then IrfanView and WLPG show correct colors but make it too dark in shadows (I forgot to save the original file though, sorry, attached one at least has this problem fixed somehow).

There are multiple ways you can edit the color profile in Photoshop - 'assign profile' and 'convert to profile', but I've spend half a day experimenting and still couldn't come to a solution that would produce correct results everywhere. I can assign sRGB profile to it (again?) to make it look correct in Fast Stone, but then it starts to look too red everywhere else.

So I'm pretty overwhelmed with this bullshit but I'm sure professionals must have some kind of solution to this (other than using macs).

>> No.1728457

Starting to get into Photoshop, how realistic can you make one of those photorealism images? I figured if you use some blurs or some shit it could look like someone took a picture.

>> No.1728479

How the hell draw? Like, are some people just always destined to suck at it, or what?

>> No.1728480

>Like, are some people just always destined to suck at it, or what?

>> No.1728547
File: 1.00 MB, 878x551, XnView - 1399979220352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try using xnview
pic related the left half, right is firefox

>> No.1728548

if you scroll down a bit, there are some people talking about problems with the cms in faststone
it seems like it might be specific to those files you're getting directly from photoshop
from the thread, try tweaking the image a tiny bit in a different program and resaving it and see if faststone accepts the new one

>> No.1728551

But now the right is the correct one. It's just another part of the same problem.
Again, Fast Stone color management is clearly broken, but it's only part of the problem.

My question is what should I do in general to minimize the chance of getting these distortions for the potential viewer. Should I embed the profile (and which one) in new pictures, or leave them unmanaged?

>> No.1728552

you could make something photorealistic with berry juice if you tried hard enough.

don't over rely on the blur tool. just like any tool the people who are familiar with it they'll recognise it qnd your drawing will look like shit. nothing can replace drawing ability

>> No.1728606
File: 440 KB, 1280x850, Voiliers - Alexandre-Rene Veron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing, if I take the screen shot from Photoshop it then looks correct in Fast Stone and Firefox, but if I open it in Photoshop it looks too red. So it's always like pick two out of three. And it's not only with my images too, I mean look at this amazing painting and how bleak it looks in FS or IrV compared to PS and FF.
I'd expect this to be a common problem, if not with a complete solution then at least with some recommendations, but I've never heard anyone even talking about it.

>> No.1728609

See, even the thumbnail here is fucking gray.

>> No.1728681

Hey, I hope this is related enough...
So I'm doing an illustration course, and I have found a couple of times that my friend in the course has directly copied a few designs for her work. Two of them were for a live brief, one she even submitted to them.
I don't know what to do though? She's kinda of sensitive and it really sucks because she has a really high skill level so I have no idea why she would resort to copying.
Any advice on how to approach this?

>> No.1728683


ignore it. not your job to dispense judgement.

>> No.1728699

Is it better to be great at just landscapes, or mediocre at portraits and landscapes

>> No.1728714

is it better to be great at portaits and characters and mediocre at landscapes?

These are questions that only the gods can answer.

>> No.1728723


landscapes. they teach you more.

>> No.1728755
File: 497 KB, 250x141, 1333754881732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I lock photoshop to only draw in space that hasn't already been drawn in (ie empty space)? I knew how before but I can't remember and no matter how I word it on google I get completely unrelated results.

>> No.1728994

When's a good time to replace X-Acto blades?

>> No.1729000


>> No.1729026

ive always wanted to make a large outdoor sculpture, like say of a dinosaur that is durable and can withstand abuse. i was considering like a paper mache' that is then covered in a resin?? im not sure how to go about it do you know of a tutorial or instructions on a method?

>> No.1729081

What are your thoughts on Yiynova's tablet monitors as a Cintiq alternative? Are there better options with this drawing on screen stuff?

>> No.1729084
File: 78 KB, 800x450, driftwood t rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


coincidentally, someone on a local auction site is selling a really nice outdoor t rex sculpture made out of driftwood bolted together, you might get some inspiration from this.

>> No.1729085
File: 74 KB, 800x450, driftwood t rex 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1729095

I would love to have something like this but I have absolutely no clue where I'd put it.

>> No.1729163

Is there any alternative for Loomis's Fun with Pencil book?

>> No.1729169

peter han's vid

>> No.1729178

Thanks but I prefer books. Anything else that quite like it?

>> No.1729220
File: 495 KB, 666x852, v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vilppu's drawing manual has some similar exercises (pic related)

>> No.1729226

How can I make the Right Click (and other mouse buttons) in Photoshop to a different tool, like color picker for example?

>> No.1729436

What's your study/work schedule like?

Drawing for even a couple hours is apparently exhausting for me, even though I genuinely want to be better at it. I just feel like I'm always falling behind all of my peers, and I'm obviously doing something wrong if other people can work on art for 8 hours a day and improve in leaps and bounds over the course of months, while I'll barely finish some sketches in a couple hours and it's still all painfully generic.

>> No.1729461

I'll drop drawing for a while because of studies. I'll spent like, at least 4 years in college. I'm going to lose my current abilities?

>> No.1729467

No, but you're not going to get better.

>> No.1729476

Sorry if this has already been asked but what is a good place to go for a tutorial on how do draw clothes? I keep trying from reference and it just looks like shit.

>> No.1729480
File: 1.49 MB, 3200x2000, Forest Respite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty shitty with color.
>pic related
I was wondering if anyone had any tips for color in general.

>> No.1729481

>im pretty shitty with color.

no anon im shitty with color you are just plain old shitty.

learn the fundementals.

>> No.1729485


Also sense i don't want to shit post and be a dick here is a video that i thought was great and maybe the best i have seen on the subject yet.


Still having good colors and great comp isn't going to help if you can't draw well.

>> No.1729493

Much appreciated.
I could have done without the destructive criticism but still, thanks.

>> No.1729502

Before understanding colour, you need to understand value relationships, which you don't, yet. You need to be able to consider why something should be lighter or darker than something else, by how much, and then consider that in relation to the entire composition.

Look into atmospheric perspective and be wary of using the same level of contrast (that is, the same range of values) in the focal points as well as outside of them.

Here, I'm referring specifically to some of the places the roots break through the wall, compared to the characters, compared to the exit/entrance in the background. But you do need to understand this broadly.

In addition, be very wary of using a neutral grey in a colour image. It meshes well here, I'm not even sure it's neutral, but it's a common beginner mistake. Grey is relational. My favourite article on the topic: http://chiseledrocks.com/main/musings/topics/thecolorgray

>> No.1729508

i just got an intuos 5 medium. its pretty much the same as an intuos pro but much cheaper

>> No.1729509

Thanks, this is very interesting!

>> No.1729513

see >>1729508

>> No.1729520

I'm doing something similar for the first time right now. If you want it to withstand abuse you'll need an inner skeleton; an armature; probably rebar if it's gonna be as big as a dinosaur. If it's rebar, you'll need to bend and weld. Welding isn't hard; you can learn the very basics in a day (plus the time it takes to tune your common sense), but you need access to equipment.

Western big cities often have DIY headquarters run by dreaming idealists (not knocking 'em) with the resources for people to do projects like this as long as they clean up their messes. This type of place has a name, there's like international networks of them, but what it's called is escaping me something fierce.

I can't imagine papier mache as durable. But I don't know a lot about materials. I'm a beginner and my sculpture will be metal and driftwood.

>> No.1729538

>Krita desktop version is running smooth with opengl enabled, texture buffering
turned on and filtering set to high quality. There is no brush lag, and zoom
rotate and pan all work smoothly.

Anyone can try that to see if it really gets read of the brush lag please? I'm at work, no tablet to try.

>> No.1729567

So, uh, nobody knows? Or am I just crazy?

>> No.1729831
File: 239 KB, 720x720, 1362655840254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1729833

Still waiting. But the true answer, I guess, is that you don't have to cvare about that if you're having fun and people appreciate your work. All depends on your goal.

>> No.1729851

I can't seem to focus on reading books about drawing. I got through fun with a pencil, and Drawing on the right side of the brain, but I can't get through any figure drawing thing. I've been doing a lot of gesture drawing. Is this enough to improve?

>> No.1729853

It will hopefully make you better at gesture but it's not going to help you with much else. You are going to have to learn some anatomy at some point anon. So start learning constructs or anatomy so you can build your gestures into actual figures. There are videos as well, if you can't handle reading.

>> No.1729856

I haven't found any good figure drawing videos, myself.

>> No.1729869

Vilppu's class vids.
Vandruff for perspective.
Watch those two. I don't know how olw you are but don't wait 10 years like me to understand those are essentials. Watch them and exercise. At first it'll look boring, but the more you'll get into it the more you'll start to understand and have fun.

And if you really have an attention problem, you can watch Sycra and Proko vids on Youtube, they sum up some of their methods real good.

>> No.1729872

Not that anon, but don't you have to pay for vlippu's figure drawing stuff?

>> No.1729903

Please anons. Does anyone have a good book or online guide to point me to? I've tried doing more of the aforementioned studies of other peoples with too large brush but it's just not working out for me - the studies turn out just blobby without reading even from thumbnails and I still can't do jack shit when it comes to personal works

>> No.1730431

Yes. Unless...you know.
But you can also watch Proko's vids on YT, he uses Vilppu methods and explains them too, in a shorter, simpler way, so it works.

>> No.1730434

How do I solve the "camera placement" (and lens) step? Should you thumbnail before without thikning about it? Should you start with a ruler and numbers? Anything about the "camera", I'll take, tuts, vids, etc...

>> No.1731133

Dip pens: Are you supposed to fill the hole with ink or not? Internet seems to be pretty split on this. Those who say don't fill the hole claim that it doesn't work when you do, which in my experience is far from true.

>> No.1731139

Is it possible to git gud using Ms paint?

>> No.1731147

Yes, it very well is. MS Paint is very nice for it's simplicity. Used by Oekaki artists, pixel artists, probably more.

>> No.1731150

Well how do I do layers in ms paint? Everything is just on top all the time.

>> No.1731163

CC is the most update version how fucking dumb can you be you could've just googled that shit.
Use cs6 fuck CC

>> No.1731180

You don't need fancy layers. Just a binary brush and a canvas.

>> No.1731374

Is GraphicsGale a good pixel art software or should I stick to mspaint

>> No.1731375

It's pretty nifty.

The trial version's good too, the only real restrictions I can think of is save output. Can't save direct to animated *.gif from trial GraphicsGale, but you can save the frames as *.png and compile them as a *.gif with another program.

>> No.1731401

My bad, was asking the differenceS
What do you lose if you use CS2 nstead of CC?

>> No.1731477
File: 2.43 MB, 229x206, 1381774093223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the new photoshop CS6 worth it?
All I have is photoshop elements 5

>> No.1731479

Download the trial and find out.

>> No.1731517

How does the cone of vision work?

>> No.1731552
File: 80 KB, 751x1063, ps11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It was a hard one but I learned alot from it"
I feel like alot of people are just saying that to make it sound like they got something more than a well crafted image.I for once have a very very difficult time ,thinking actively about what Im doing in a painting.or when doing a study, before I go into full copy/paste mode.
Question is how do I do that.How do I take notes on things when I don't even know what I'm supposed to take notes on.After a study I do feel good because it looks nice,but honestly I don't feel like "I learned alot" from it.I sorta finally understand what is the point of studying under a teacher,since in those cases they would be the person to point you towards things that are beyond your grasp at the given time.

>> No.1731684

How do I plot objects into perspective without turning the whole picture into a mess of lines?

>> No.1731702

You do it over and over until you no longer need to draw the lines.

>> No.1731799

I know this isn't exactly something that's easy to answer because it's a specific question about a broad topic, but about how long on average do you all spend on a good pencil drawing?

No coloring or anything, but when you're really trying to test your limits, how much time do you spend? Is it more than 10-15 minutes? I'm just starting to really learn how to draw and I'm beginning to wonder if my impatience is a lot of what might be holding me back

>> No.1731826


>> No.1732497

Do you think that with a hour of practice a day I could get better at a satysfing pace?
What would a good practice routine be? I've watched most Vilppu's videos, but I've been drawing people only from imagination, not meeting nice results...
Any suggestions?

>> No.1732704

An hour is not enough to git gud fast I think. I remember people saying you can have pro level if you draw everyday for 6-8 hours for one or two years? Not sure, if anyone can back up

>> No.1732714

That's virtually impossible in my opinion. On my first year I could only draw for 2-3 hours a day even though I was a NEET, now on the second year I do can do 5-6 on a good day. 6+ on a regular basis is only possible if you are already semi-pro and don't get that much frustration from your work as a beginner would. So in general I'd say it's about 5 years to get good. One hour every day is actually not bad unless you're really serious.

>> No.1732744
File: 41 KB, 502x504, help please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this possible with Paint Tool SAI?

>> No.1734014

What was the name of that website that gives you a random picture to study for a given amount of time?

>> No.1734140
