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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 318 KB, 980x794, eryter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1719129 No.1719129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Loomis. What the fuck, man.
I couldn't copy these diagrams to save my life. Anybody have tips for going through his "Drawing the Figure for all its Worth" book, because there are a LOT of these little "alright, just copy this skewed two-dimensional chart line for line, detail for detail and you'll be good" exercises that I am simply unable to do.
I don't feel like it's helping me, either. I end up just getting frustrated because I can't even adequately reproduce these sketches.

>> No.1719132

It's a pretty simple principle.

The figure is drawn eight heads tall. You draw this figure in a box that is subdivided into eight rows. It is easy to do this because you just divide the box in half, than divide each half in half, then divide each quarter in half.

The exercise just does this in perspective. Draw the box in perspective, divide it the exact same way and draw the proportions of the figure in the exact same way. Now you have the figure in perspective with accurate proportions, making it each to foreshorten.

>> No.1719138

I understand the general concept of what's going on here, it's the execution that has me all bent out of shape. Drawing something that is extremely skewed like this is really difficult for me, especially when it's flipped around on its side so that it's upside-down or laying horizontally. I don't have the eye or the ability to foreshorten a flat, 2D object that is normally 3D, or at least has some sense of form. It's like he's asking me to act as a resizing/skewing computer program.

>> No.1719140


This is a pretty basic skill. The box is basically an 8x2 grid. If you can't adapt a simple outline to a grid then I don't know what to tell you. Either practice more or find a new hobby.

>> No.1719153

Hey man, thanks for the advice.

>> No.1719156

Some blogs actually break it down but I would argue you should have a better understanding of linear perspective before going into Loomis.




>> No.1719158

>I would argue you should have a better understanding of linear perspective before going into Loomis.

Exactly right.

Figure Drawing for All It's Worth assumes you're going into it with a knowledge of the fundamentals, which are covered in Fun With A Pencil and Successful Drawing.

>> No.1719171

there could be a lot of reasons
maybe you just don't feel OK with going out of your comfort zone (wich is a skill by itself you need to aquire sooner or later)
or you just can't grasp it because It's still an advanced thing for you
tackle some 3d form excercises first
I'd recommend vilppu's course on figure drawing and to study basic perspective
practice form before getting to symbol like drawing as bodies or faces

but his is all my opinion, It totally depends on you

>> No.1719173

how does one go about making a diagram with more than one plane?

>> No.1719176

Perspective and planes are really easy for me. I can construct figure-like box shapes for the figure from any perspective. My issue is that i can't turn it into a solid form without feeling like I've lost a lot of that depth. I'm getting better, but it's still really difficult. Is the only thing you can really to do just study figures in every single perspective until you get a solid frame of reference?

>> No.1719823

Loomis turns you into a mediocre artist.

>> No.1719828

Is it okay to do with a ruler or meant to be free hand?

>> No.1719913
File: 106 KB, 1024x683, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepalm_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the motherfucking fuck is going on with these artists today ? so let me get this straight:
>you're too lazy/incompetent to learn anatomy by yourself, so you search for an alternative
>you find another artist's work, that he dedicated a lot of time to help people like you, to make it waaaay easier than what it is if you learn by yourself.
>you still find a way to complain and say it is not easy enough for you.

people try to suck vilppu's/loomis cock and then say they are artists, just because they copied what someone did without doing anything themself, and that is about 90% of the pseudo artists today, 99% of /ic/

>mfw everybody forgot what being an artist was
>mfw peolpe can't open the anatomy book because there is one or two complex words.
>mfw people are trying to "feel" what overrated vilppu can "feel" because he build muscle memory after years and years of work, literally over 60 years.

open a god damn anatomy book and start from here.

>> No.1719947
File: 192 KB, 726x1024, vilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Vilppu, Hampton, Bridgeman, all fucking plebs.

They don't know shit. Those plebs. Who do they thin they are, condensing their knowledge about art and making it accessible for every one.
Just start mindlessly copying anatomy because that's all there is to figure drawing.
Forget all about basic forms, and gesture. Linear perspective? Fuck that shit, right?

>> No.1719958
File: 13 KB, 300x199, errr...fail_-e13131219542901-300x199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pathetic and simplistic answer, completely missing the fucking point with the force of a thousand suns.

>Hampton, Bridgeman
where did I mention them ?
>They don't know shit
where did I even deny their knowledge ?
>Who do they thinK they are, condensing their knowledge about art and making it accessible for every one.
where did I actually criticize anatomy vulgarisation ? I actually say that loomis and others worked hard for it, and that you can't complain.
>Just start mindlessly copying anatomy because that's all there is to figure drawing.
Forget all about basic forms, and gesture. Linear perspective? Fuck that shit, right?
where in my post did I even bring that to the table.
>where is your anwser?
where is it, i don't see any substance in your answer, I just can't see it, show it to me pls.

you're trying to hide your ignorance by throwing 2 or 3 names, hurry back to howtodrawfurry.com pls, hurry.

>> No.1719967
File: 63 KB, 329x365, 1365345320718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no john, u are the retard.

You're telling complete beginners they should just throw a big fuck you at great artists that have dedicated their lives to teaching others, and you just tell them to study anatomy, as if it were the complete apex of artistic ability.

Opening an anatomy book 'and just starting from there', is probably the stupidest thing anybody that wants to learn to draw could do.

And why should one do this?
Because 'hurr durr that's what being a real artist is a bout'.

>> No.1719969

yeah yeah, copy copy copy blabla
what you are forgetting is that all of these are beginner books. for people who can't draw.
stop being such a moron. you have this iinvisible enemy that is doing everything wrong. but the truth is, nobody will ever get their entire anatomical knowledge or art knowledge in general from loomis or vilppu. those are just to get you started.

>and that is about 90% of the pseudo artists today, 99% of /ic/
but YOU are the one special snowflake that is original, and a "true artist" huh.
please, stop being so fucking deluded. you head must be bigger than your entire body.

i agree with the first paragraph you wrote, the rest is utter shit. stop reading too much into it, beginners are gonna be beginners.

>> No.1719971

I stopped studying Loomis once I got to that part because it was too difficult to understand.
Inb4 I kill myself.

>> No.1719989 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 624x416, D422794C55B6B15AAFE0186F9E54D_h416_w442_m2_q80_chZPGDUsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opening an anatomy book to learn and draw anatomy, yeah really now, that's is some stupid ass shit to do. when you do a math problem, better open the the english book to read the problem.

that snowflake expression, you already responded to me once, another stuborn guy who just can't handle the facts. finen, prove me wrong, show it to me, you have the entire catalog, one day from now, one month from now. show me all those people who can do different things, not even good things, just different.

maybe it's because i'll reach their "level" without sucking their dicks and you won't because you just think "it's the same thing even if I don't do it by myself" ? yeah that's one good thing to say.

begginer books ? vlppu ? and even if, what's the difference? yes, i'm saying it is just copying, prove me wrong again. you can bla bla as much as you want, but you just can't deny it.an I don't think copying is the best form of art. I will always aknowledge a self-taught more than a copy cat. end.

the first book you should read is an anatomy book, you know what you might gain from it ? fucking knowledge, it might be useful to understand that part (and your life judging from youfr post)

>> No.1720020

>you know what you might gain from it ? fucking knowledge,
he will gain absolutely fuck all from it if he can't draw.
and you do know that even your "anatomy books" are also just models or illustrated graphs, made by artists?

again, you have an invisible enemy.
"sucking loomis cock", only copying things, who in the fuck actually does that? how about you show me what the fuck you're talking about? you also have the entire catalog for that.

>special snowflake
it's obvious.
-you think everyone on /ic/ is a robot who think about loomis and vilppu all day , except you.
-you think everyone on /ic/ do nothing but copy other people drawings all day, except you.
-you think nobody is a real artist because they "copy" too much, except for you, you are a "real artist".
and you know that all of these are true (but also totally wrong). there is no denying that you think of yourself as a special snowflake.

and can i ask you something? can you even draw?
because to me it looks like you just enjoy making up theories about what makes one get good.
i also ask this because you don't seem to understand how this entire thing works at all.
loomis and vilppu are not going to guide anyone for the entirety of their development. they are just THE FIRST among a ton of books that you may or may not want to read. they are the same as a bunch of lectures by different experienced artists.

it's not like loomis or vilppu are a fucking guide for life. like i said, nobody ACTUALLY worships it like that. you're just making up an invisible enemy to make yourself feel more special.
but i doubt your art is that special. (well, in fact i doubt you can draw at all) but feel free to prove me wrong.

>> No.1720031

>opening an anatomy book to learn [to] draw [...], yeah really now, [...]. when you do a math problem, better open the the english book to read the problem.
do you even read the stuff you type? opening an anatomy book to learn to draw is akin to opening a philosophy book to learn calculus.

>> No.1720032
File: 236 KB, 1075x587, begin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you don't need to copy this. You only start drawing at page 30 or so. Up to that point it's just an introduction

>> No.1720034

I've seen tons of people get confused by this. Someone should edit the sticky so it's clear that you only start drawing when it says "start drawing"

>> No.1720040

I'm drunk as fuck, and you still annoy me for fucks sake.
>he will gain absolutely fuck all from it if he can't draw.
dumbest shit I read on this board in a long time. think before writing pls.
>copying things, who in the fuck actually does that?
you are merely avoiding the question, using his book, his method, his lines and his knowledge, is called copying for me. if you have another definition of what copying is then tell me pls.

>special snowflake
did I deny it ? yes I think i'm part of a very little minority. what of it ? is it wrong ?

>can you even draw?
yes I can. and i'm pretty confident about being better than you on many many levels.

>loomis and vilppu are not going to guide anyone for the entirety of their development. they are just THE FIRST
your point ? cause that's not the problem here.

>nobody ACTUALLY worships it like that.
are we on the same board ? are you a newfag ? I even remember all those vilppu/proko video threads, the shit hit the fan so hard. but it seems you weren't there yet.

i'll ask this back to you then, can you draw ? cause it seems you like making theories on how useful all those books are.

>> No.1720044

Or people could actually read the fucking book.

Also, there's no harm done if someone decided to draw early.

>> No.1720045

useless post, trying to be relevant by changing the sense of the phrase. start digging.

>> No.1720048

says the "let's discover the wheel" dude. how does it feel to be a retrograde who is literally wasting his time every single day instead of appreciating the commodity of pedagogy like every other human being with common sense?
Oh wait, you don't actually do the shit you do, because if you did, you'd realize the stupidity of your own words. Who are you trying to fool? Not us, because you failed at that.

>> No.1720051


>> No.1720054
File: 23 KB, 478x358, 91142d1158082190-yellow-diablo-goes-up-in-smoke-hulk-hogans-ride-nelson_ha_ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am using what another guy worked for and developed on his own, what he has analized through countless hours, months, years, decades of drawing. the "feelings", the bond between him and his drawings, the little defaults, caracteristics of his work showing on his finished pieces wich makes his signature. I am using all of it because...I'm a lazy fuck who doesn't want to lose time on making something of my own, and have the satisfaction, the pride to say "I did it alone", how dare you refusing such shortcuts given by masters. And you are trying to fool me ? ME ? how dare you. do you not know how much work it took me to do a circle ? now please go back to your own little corner, trying to do work by yourself and shit, ugh, disgusting, original work.

>> No.1720062
File: 91 KB, 420x349, STFU_amp_Get-Out-Obama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humiliated. literally eliminated.

>> No.1720064

>I even remember all those vilppu/proko video threads,
yes, and apparently you don't have the mental capacity to distinguish between worshipping something and appreaciating it's value.
and it's not even the general value, it is about its value to beginners. if you don't know what gestures are about or how to approach it, you can use those videos to get an better understanding.

mental capacity, that really seems to be all this is boiling down to. how can one not see the value in books and lectures? if nothing else, you get to peek into an experienced artists mind and get an idea about what these people are thinking about when working.
there is absolutely no reason to be this much of a purist. i highly doubt you learned everything by yourself. you most likely had books, teachers or artists you used as guides and inspiration along the way.
that is, if you can draw at all.

>yes I can. and i'm pretty confident about being better than you on many many levels.
oh, really. let's see what you got.
i can already make a prediction that nobody here will deem you as special after seeing your art. feel free to prove me wrong.

>> No.1720066
File: 99 KB, 1121x864, doit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's do it together then, here's a pic related, I even did you the skeleton, now go ahead, show me what you can do. then i'll post mine, before or after doesn't matter.

>> No.1720068

or would you rather choose the figure ? I don't care at all.

>> No.1720072

fuck, this guy is just another pussy, i'll go sleep now.

>> No.1720073

but if we're gonna do it like that, wait a few hours unti my work is over.

i can't say i like that figure, but let's just do it.

>> No.1720183
File: 31 KB, 621x431, ITS SOO HARRRRD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what in the motherfucking fuck is going on with these artists today ? so let me get this straight:
>you're too lazy/incompetent to learn anatomy by yourself, so you search for an alternative
>you find another artist's work, that he dedicated a lot of time to help people like you, to make it waaaay easier than what it is if you learn by yourself.
>you still find a way to complain and say it is not easy enough for you.

Pic related,

>> No.1720238

Just the average Youtube/Tumblr/DA artist commenter doing their handy work.

>> No.1720321
File: 153 KB, 1056x947, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the wait, here you go.

took about an hour, i assume we use no references.
i know, there are a lot of issues. anyway, your turn.

>> No.1720339
File: 89 KB, 649x500, ic figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, this seemed fun so I tried too :3

I think in that pose, the chest would push forward and the shoulders back because the weight rests largely on the arms...
Don't think mine is correct either though.

>> No.1720341

I like the face btw

>> No.1720421
File: 69 KB, 855x721, build.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is mediocre. let alone the fact hat you answer after a long ass time. and those chicken scratches...

>> No.1720425

Yours is even worse.

>> No.1720432
File: 47 KB, 451x450, just-gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1720433

He's right though, I really wouldn't consider yourself to be any better.

>> No.1720434

I agree with >>1720425 though. The other guy got way better gesture and you have areas of chicken scratch yourself. He even fixed the arm position somewhat.
Meh, you guys are close in skill level, but have just different areas to work on. I suggest both to work on perspective.
I'd also say that an hour is a long time for one figure, but speed is not important when learning.

>> No.1720437
File: 24 KB, 400x302, Paris+face+palm+statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being this blind.

show me where the better gesture is. holy shit, i didn't even read the part where he said it took an hour.....HOLY SHIT, i literally did mine in 5 mins. one hour for something so shitty, I changed my mind, it's not mediocre anymore, it's shit.

>> No.1720438

one hour for something that looks like a doodle ? really ?

>> No.1720490

your analysis is pretty much wrong on every level, and i'm not even that guy, but:
> got way better gesture
that is absolutely not true, sure the guy overdetailed things, but to me, you sound like another guy saying "the less details the better is the gesture". pls.
>and you have areas of chicken scratch yourself
are you seriously comparing the chicken scratches, one has his full figure made of them and one has like a line or two overextended, and you call that chicken scratches ? better learn what chicken scratches mean.
>He even fixed the arm position somewhat
laughed, look at his right arm, now look at his left arm, they are both fucked up on so many levels.
> close in skill level
laughed again.
>I suggest both to work on perspective.
dumbest thing said so far, perspective has nothing to do in here, the difference between both is the anatomical knowledge, and the fact that one can't do a line or curve without scratching.

>speed is not important when learning.
it took him an hour, a full hour, to do a very passable pose, and claims he knows what art and anatomy is about. again, he claims he knows what he's doing. while the other guys did a better and more detailed job in 5mins.
speed is important, wether you like it or not, that's what mastering anatomy and your pencil means.

>you guys are close in skill level
just for fun, laughed again.

>> No.1720532

Guys, guys, you're both good at drawing but shit at critique.

>> No.1720585
File: 396 KB, 758x950, LoomisBallAndPlane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but I have a question regarding loomis as well.

I'm reading "fun with a pencil" but pic related page makes no sense to me. So the browline should be the middle of the ball, the second half of the ball is the next section, then the next two parts go off the ball, and the very bottom of that is the chin?

Or the browline is the middle of the ball, halfway between the browline and the top of the ball is the hair line, halfway between the brownline and the bottom of the ball is the nose line, and an extra section going down is the chin? If so, why in pic related does the noseline look like the bottom of the ball? Perspective?

>> No.1720587


In your example the tip of the nose looks lower because the head is tilted down, so

>> No.1720589

This gives a good explanation too

>> No.1720590
File: 992 KB, 500x300, tumblr_inline_mqsnjoDp8a1rn7onh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one is good, the other is clearly a chicken judging by those scratches

>> No.1720597

Maybe this is a bit beyond my beginner grasp, but how do I use foreshortening to determine how big each "third" should be?

>> No.1720604

You guess. To do it accurately you have to do all kinds of math so either guess or use a reference. For the meantime you can ignore it and get a sort of isometric look.

>> No.1720606
File: 74 KB, 800x533, Staircase_perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this, but don't bother just yet.

>> No.1720607

Nigga da look like I dropped my phone on the ground

>> No.1720608
File: 108 KB, 835x586, refrefref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These balls are very oversimplified, there are a ton more shapes which aren't there, so don't worry too much with making anything out of them until you get to those parts.

>> No.1720611

i'll definitely say that some of my areas are pretty bad, i'll admit that. i tend to neglect certain parts, how much attention i give them is directly related to how much i chicken scratch.

well yeah, i sure took my sweet time with it. but that doesn't mean it took me an hour for this one drawing. it was just an hour from when i decided to start until i posted.

how about we just do a round 2. you can choose the pose again.

>> No.1720638
File: 33 KB, 669x768, figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, do you have Tumblr or sketchbook or something? I get the impression you got a strong spirit for this, so I wanna see where you end up :3
I added my mail in case you fear the other anon might go stalk you there or something.

Also made a skeleton for fun. Are there any other anons who think this is a good idea for a new practice thread? Where people post skeletons (human&animal, maybe??) and practice figure drawing with other people's skeletons?

>> No.1720644

I think it seems like a great idea!

>> No.1720652

Sounds like fun.

>> No.1720669
File: 126 KB, 553x809, ic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds fun, but dunno if people would participate

>> No.1720674

Wow, I'm impressed. Thread's here btw >>1720670
If little participation, it will just die quietly ^^

>> No.1720682

yeah sure why not, go ahead this time, you chose the pose

>> No.1720687
File: 18 KB, 241x568, ic3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to go by my scribble (i didn't either), just remember these:
female, standing, looking up at her hands.

>> No.1720688

I'm doing >>1720670 first, i'll do yours afterwards

>> No.1720704

done, what kind of body type do you want ? fit, fat, normal ?

detailed not detailed ?

>> No.1720707

doesn't matter. i'm doing normal/fit

>> No.1720714

don't you have a resolution that isn't for ants ?

>> No.1720719

i told you, you don't have to go with my scribble. i didn't use it either. just do the same pose.

>> No.1720725
File: 28 KB, 241x568, 1399201469861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever, here it is, same resolution

>> No.1720732

are you done yet ?

>> No.1720742
File: 58 KB, 326x708, ic4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was trying to get the head right

>> No.1720743

all that time, and you basically did a man with breasts, chicken scratches again. you gotta fix that.

>> No.1720751

i can tell you're young because you think that face looks like a man. it actually looks like a boy, which is actually fine for a woman.

>> No.1720754

Too masculine

>> No.1720757

well...i'm 20, but that's not really the face i'm talking about, it's the body structure, of course women like that exists, but that's not really what we"re doing here. a woman have larger illiac bones, smaller rib cage, very thin trapezius, but we can't see that on yours.

>> No.1720758
File: 58 KB, 332x706, ic5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, i've been overcompensating.

but you're the one to talk. you didn't even draw a head.

>> No.1720761
File: 33 KB, 241x568, 1399201469861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again the head is not important, and it's the easiest thing to do on it.

>> No.1720763

So, in the end, while you did this >>1720742

I did this >>1720761 in under 5 mins, and all those >>1720703 without doing any life drawing session or referencial drawing. only anatomical knowledge and memory. Do I have the right to talk now ?

>> No.1720776
File: 195 KB, 441x688, special.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're still feeling special?

also that woman didn't take me the entire duration of your little run.
i was done and went to do some chores because you said >>1720688.

also you're getting something mixed up here. this was never about ref and life drawing, this was about books and lectures.
ref/life drawing only consists of maybe 10% of my time. but that's only because i'm lazy. but even with that it i can see the benefits.
but back to the point: i did use some vilppu and hampton along the way, and there is no reason why i shouldn't have.
what you don't understand is that is that this doesn't mean my entire anatomical knowledge comes from, or is dependant on vilppu.

and no, you still don't have the right to talk. your worldview is simply too black and white.
you need to get that superiority complex out of the way. your drawings need to be much better for that.

>> No.1720788

mou yamete prodigy-kun ヘ(;´Д`ヘ)

>> No.1720792

yes, doing better than all of you people lurking books to learn and in the end can't do shit, while I learn by myself and still can do better stuf then all of you in 5 mins, sorry but yes, I feel very special compared to little incompetent guys like you.

and remember please, that those are very quick stuff, I i decided to take time, shade/add details to it you would really see a much MUCH better piece.

>> No.1720794
File: 94 KB, 192x187, 1398112163449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy, here we go

>> No.1720796

Are you both retarded? This is childrens argument "I draw better than you! NO I do!!!". What the fuck.

>> No.1720797

>my finished stuff looks a lot better!
hah, that's what i told myself too when i was 16
you are way overestimating yourself.

there is a lot more to art than the things you can learn from a plain old anatomy book.

>> No.1720801

you should've seen it last time. he literally called himself a genius.

>> No.1720802

not really, it just started from here with me saying >>1719913
then this guy asked if I had the art to back what I'm saying up, and I do. end.

>> No.1720803

yours looks worse, has no life in it.

>> No.1720804

/ic/ in a nutshell

>> No.1720805

I absolutely did not, I actually said the absolute contrary, I said you consider me saying I'm a genius when I actually think I am not because I have another definition of genius. you take being a genius too lightly. All I did until now is the result of real work. nt reading a how to draw book.

>> No.1720806

I think I remember you from a thread a couple of months ago. If it was you, you acted the exact same way. As if you were better than everyone else when you were mediocre at best.
Your artwork hasn't improved from the looks of it either. And that was back in February/March.

Keep this attitude and you'll continue to go nowhere in art. Nobody likes interacting, let alone working with people like you.

>> No.1720808

then let me ask you this, you think i learned everything from a drawing book? or was it from actually drawing, just like you?

that's why i say you're viewing everything in black and white, you make up a invisible enemy to feel superior towards.
bottom line is, you have are terribly deluded about where you are standing right now skill wise.

>> No.1720809
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, Light-Yagami-light-yagami-18148378-1280-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in this thread, nobody post their works to prove me wrong.

>> No.1720813

learn from drawing ? heh, I barely even draw, around 1/2h a week, and the last time I drew a woman is a long long time ago, I almost never draw women cause they're just not fun to draw, sure they are easy, but not fun. no, it all comes dawn to knowledge about things.

enemy ? you are not my enemy, step up your game and join me, my hand is ready to reach for you.
here http://www.zygotebody.com/ learn from this, analyze bodies on your own and drop your puny book.

>> No.1720816

art isnt only about anatomy knowledge...

>> No.1720821

time to start reading the thread

>> No.1720824

>prove me wrong.
Prove what?

>> No.1720827

well, i look forward to your future works :^)

>> No.1720837

> ever paying attention to the autist crying 'show your work'


>> No.1720860
File: 371 KB, 480x480, 1391695440973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the thread
ty, I'm just starting, I also look forwarrd to what I can achieve, I would like to be as complete as possible, drapery, environement, anatomy. and all that only from imagination and without reference.
read the thread. >>1719913

>> No.1720875

that supposed to be a gif of you rolling down the stairs?

>> No.1720886
File: 21 KB, 169x258, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another average thread on /ic/

>> No.1720893
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>> No.1720922
File: 47 KB, 394x763, monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I broke it

>> No.1720924
File: 33 KB, 624x416, D422794C55B6B15AAFE0186F9E54D_h416_w442_m2_q80_chZPGDUsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, all those facepalms requires a lot effort, was a fun thread, teaching some kids their art lesson. I will now go take a deserved rest, while you still try to "feel" vilppu's cock penetrating you.

Moral of the story, /ic/ is just a shitty board, where 99% of it's people are pseudo artists too lazy to do work by themselves. can't whipe their own asses. "Learn anatomy to be able to draw anatomy ? nah fuck dat". >muh life-drawing and muh vilppu r gon' mak me gud.

>> No.1720925

> read the thread
I don't want to get cancer

>> No.1720930
File: 277 KB, 956x550, zygotz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, laughed hard, ty for showing that to me before I go.
>that penis hanging off the shorts.

also, pic related for those who don't know how to better use it

>> No.1720934

it's strangely interesting to read.

>> No.1720940

The Hampton figure drawing videos do a pretty good job of combining gesture with an anatomical perspective.

>> No.1720943

>Learn anatomy to be able to draw anatomy
nobody disagrees with that. you just keep on talking to yourself and your invisible friends then.

it's hilarious how delusional you are. apparently you also have your own idea of what went down in this thread.
several people already told you that your work's mediocre at best, but you just throw a fit, say it's not true, post reaction images and samefag until you forget the pain.
must feel nice to be you :^)

>> No.1720952

oh yeah I feel good about myself, thank you, I feel very very good, even more after this thread. how about you ? how is it to not being able to draw more than miku-chans ?

what legitimacy do you have to judge another one's work at your level anyway ?

>> No.1720955

>what legitimacy do you have to judge another one's work at your level anyway ?
wow, you have no sense of self image whatsoever, do you?
and what, you think i'm mikufag?

>> No.1720956

yeah, anyway, either post your work or gtfo, i'm tired.

>> No.1720976

yeah, thought so, you did the good choice by gtfo.

>> No.1720989

how about you? mind showing us that finished work?
what? you don't have any? you don't even know how it would look like?
i guessed so.

>> No.1720992

the thread is full of my work, even though it's not finished, it is way more than enough since you can't even do better than those sketches.

>> No.1721000

dude you can't even put a proper face on that shit.
and the rest isn't that good either.
and you know you couldn't do any better than that even if you tried.
last time we already say what you were capable off, and that's flat stylized faces.

i find it unbelievable how you can talk so much shit with work like what you posted.
that's it, i'm out. you're a troll, end of story.

>> No.1721012

hi the guy who posted a shitty version of yourself called shitty. glad to see you here again. having fun ?

>> No.1721058

>deflecting again
absolutely pathetic.

>> No.1721082
File: 160 KB, 1174x928, hiiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on this board, just for you <3

>> No.1721095

draw a qt girl that I could GF and then we're talking

>> No.1721102

sure, already did up there but how do you want her ? what pose and body type ?

>> No.1721108

I dunno, just make it as qt as possible

>> No.1721111

I'm an open guy, but I don't want to cross the maximum leve lskill line and fall in the weeboo category. unless you want her like that.

>> No.1721112

Weeaboo is cool I guess.

>> No.1721129
File: 124 KB, 707x864, weeboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw weebo girls are harder to do than real girls.
>fuck nipples

>> No.1721133

Needs more Moe. Not enough Uguu. Do you even Kawaii? Desu.

>> No.1721136


>> No.1721138
File: 121 KB, 666x838, weeboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually the mouth is maybe a big too big.

>> No.1721142

well I don't even know what moe means
yeah sorry I don't draw that type of things.

>> No.1721146

That's pretty cool anon, thanks.

>> No.1721149
File: 1.00 MB, 270x270, 1398294095688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't know what Moe is.

>> No.1721166
File: 166 KB, 1004x882, weeboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I don't know, is this moe enough ?
>re-did the juices cause didn't look JUICY enough.

>> No.1721216
File: 335 KB, 974x851, weeboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as far as I'm willing to go with this shit, had enough.

>> No.1721235

can you stop this looks fucking horrible
the only thing you can draw are stiff male "loomis" bodies

>> No.1721239

too retarded to read the thread