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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1720008 No.1720008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>using a western sounding name
>adopt a Japanese sounding pen-name, but continue drawing in the same style
>suddenly lots of attention

>> No.1720010

For real?

>> No.1720011

This weeaboo shit has to end.

I have seen a lot of legit Japanese artists who work in a traditionally 'western style', not at all in the stereotypically 'anime style', and yet they also get loads of attention, just for being Japanese.

note: I have nothing against Japanese artists or 'anime style'. Just narrow mindedness.

>> No.1720016


dat nigga ugly as fug. i bet he is a racist too.

>> No.1720019

He is a man who lives his people and values his heritage.

>> No.1720022


Meanwhile a guy who goes under the german name for "algea nurse" also gets more attention than you will ever get. Maybe you are just imagining things here.

>> No.1720023

i've never thought about this, but maybe i really should use a less english sounding alias.
it would probably fit better.
not that it's actually that important, but can you tell us who you're talking about?

>> No.1720024

I hardly even know any japanese artists to be honest, other than mangaka and some of the old generation of game concept art guys that is. Most well known asian artists in this industry are chinese, not japanese.

>> No.1720029

Another day at deviantart?

>> No.1720077

how much mileage is that japanese name going to get when the mileage in his work tires out

>> No.1720105
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>searching attention
>from casuals
>from weebos

>> No.1720115

Just posting your art isn't enough. Alot of great artists aren't popular because all they do is post their stuff and nothing else, they don't even respond to comments or maintain a facebook page etc. They want to know who you are not only what you do.

Algenpfleger is pretending to be a seal which is dumb but memorable.
Some artists are having a really dumb tagline or phrase they keep adding to everything.
A logo helps too or a picture of yourself sleeping on your tablet.
There are millions of artists who draw exactly like Zedig but aren't as active as him on facebook.
Guess why Neo Brudley just earned another 200k with his school?

If you don't value that one guy who is following you, why would you deserve more attention?

>> No.1720116

Lel, i've noticed that especially if you use meaningless Japanese symbols that you yourself either made up or don't know what it means people swarm in because I guess "Oooh how authentic" I guess its also because of a stereotype that Asians are in a way artistic savants that are very good at drawing or vidya.

>> No.1720119

>They want to know who you are not only what you do.
That's retarded.

>> No.1720120

Alot of great artists aren't popular because they don't want to be popular. They have their established client base if they are freelancers or their in-house position and that's enough for them.

>> No.1720122

but its the truth

>> No.1720126

that's how pretty much everything is with the social media age we live in

it's hard for people that aren't social to make it out here today

cghub was great because it was all entertainment art professionals or people trying to become professionals so all of the great artists were the most followed and well known. I've seen so much stuff on deviantart that was so incredibly well done, but they have next to no followers because they don't appeal to the general audience or have a brand

>> No.1720161

It tends to matter much more what you're drawing. If you want weeaboos to like you draw sexy anime babes in generic poses.

>> No.1720187


This is something often overlooked. Popularity isnt everything, and can sometimes be more of a burden, especially if your fanbase is retarded. For example, id never want to be Deviantart popular ever, who would want a bunch of immature highschoolers begging you to notice them or do art for them for free and get all buttblasted if you dont have time to answer their PMs and then they start an autistic crusade against you and spread rumors about how you are a huge dickbag.

>> No.1720214

>Algenpfleger is pretending to be a seal which is dumb but memorable.

Good post. I'd just add that Algen isn't famous for pretending to be a seal. He's famous for being a crap noobie who got good fast and documented his progression in his CA.org sketchbook. His fans are probably 5% MTG players and 95% aspiring noob artists who want to emulate him.

Algen really isn't leveraging his fanbase very well, imo. Noobie artists won't buy prints of your art, because they have no money, and they figure they'll be able to make good art themselves someday. If Algen wants to make a ton of money, he should go the Noah Bradley route and offer an online art course. Unlike NB, he actually has some knowledge to impart, too.

Just as important as networking and building a fanbase is knowing who your fans are and what they want.

>> No.1720225

his people don't seem to appreciate it tho

>> No.1720226

Fans are irrelevant for Algenpfleger because unlike Noah, he makes a comfortable living with client work. Your fanbase is only important when you make the biggest chunk of your money from private commissions and prints, not when you are a successful illustrator or concept artist who already has multiple real clients to work for.

>> No.1720237
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And this happen in DA, right?

How do I make my handle sound more japanese?

>> No.1720244

I remember wanting to test this out a long time ago. Adopting a Japanese pen name, and always posting very short replies, but without directly stating that I was Japanese. Never bothered, though.

>> No.1720251


>Fans are irrelevant for Algenpfleger because unlike Noah, he makes a comfortable living with client work. Your fanbase is only important when you make the biggest chunk of your money from private commissions and prints, not when you are a successful illustrator or concept artist who already has multiple real clients to work for.

See, you're not a good business thinker. Most artists aren't; that's our biggest weakness, and the reason so many of us work shit hours, develop RSI, get pushed around by clients, laid off from studios when a project is finished, et cetera. We don't want to network, or learn to promote ourselves, or learn to leverage our skills to take full advantage of them, and we suffer for it.

Look what Noah Bradley has managed to do. He's not a great painter by any means, but he knows how to network and promote himself, and how to capitalize on the name-recognition he created for himself. He's making more money than a TON of artists with much higher level skills, just because he has some basic business acumen.

Sure, Algen can just get by on client work. Most artists do. But he's in a unique position of having a LOT of noobie artists who worship him; I'm just saying he could very likely leverage that to dramatically increase his income, probably while also drastically reducing the amount of client work he does, allowing him to focus on painting for fun or taking time off to pretend he's a seal or whatever.

>> No.1720253

Just add -chan to the end of your name
Hell, pretty much anyone can go to (their name)chan.deviantart.com and find some weeaboo's profile

>> No.1720307


Sounds nice in my opinion!

>> No.1720308

I think you might be a bit overestimating just how much Noah makes with his lessons. Noah didn't go down that path because it was the most profitable, but because it was literally the only way he could make a living with art. He's in the same boat as Matt Kohr or that Idrawgirls dude. They are mediocre artists, getting by with selling lessons and video tutorials.

There's a reason why so few great artists teach and if they do, it's very sporadically at universities, at workshops, or through CGMA / Schoolism classes. There is just not as much money to be made as by doing regular work, provided you have the skill level to work for well paying clients.

>> No.1720316

Bukakke-chan? Bukakke-san?

>> No.1720318

Bukakke-sama would be a nice name if you draw stuff like hentai and such!

>> No.1720340
File: 153 KB, 1022x575, matt_kohr_smite_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matt Kohr is pretty good though.

You guys have some weird idea that you need to be Jamie Jones-tier good to make a living off concept art and illustration, but you really don't.

>> No.1720343


>I think you might be a bit overestimating just how much Noah makes with his lessons.

Possibly. I'm basing the assumption that's he's making good money on him saying that he payed off all his student loans in a year and then took a vacation to travel around Europe. There are quite a few much better artists who aren't making that kind of money working 12 hours a day at game studios or hustling for freelance gigs.

>> No.1720395
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>wanting attention from nobodies

enjoy your =^w^= faces and autism notes on dA while actual potential employers will pass you up thinking your from a different country. that is if your even good enough in the first place.

>> No.1720463
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To be honest if there's one artist whose lessons I would buy, it would be appleflinger.

>> No.1720466

Who are you to call anyone mediocre? Bitch nigga abstractfag.

>> No.1720548

Do you have the link for this video?

>> No.1720713

>begging you to notice them or do art for them for free and get all buttblasted if you dont have time to answer their PMs and then they start an autistic crusade against you and spread rumors about how you are a huge dickbag.

happened to me already. and i'm not even remotely famous lmao.

>> No.1720718


not jaime jones tier yet?

>enjoy your nosexlife
>enjoy your zero facebook likes
>enjoy your parents not talking to you
>enjoy bums looking down and you "hahaha what a failure you are anon!"
>enjoy your shitty weakass poverty 60kg squat
>enjoy zero female attention "hahaha he can't draw like jaime jones"
>enjoy zero gay attention cos too pathetic to even be a twink
>enjoy your gun malfunctioning when try to an hero

truly all that remains is shitposting on /ic/ and vidya

>> No.1720810
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>and get all buttblasted if you dont have time to answer their PMs
Happened to me few times. My god this sucks. First he started spamming me of HOW AWESOME i am and call me master or SENCEI (not in fanboy ironic way but in some creepy furfag-creeper way)
I was dumb enough to answer him because i have a no friends-issue. This made him obsessed with talk and spam my front page with Why You Dindt Answered? ^*^ questions.
The last one was when he PMd me asking why im not answering. I was simply busy doing my job and was wasted and tired. Needless to say he never talked to me after that and hates me now. What a creepy morons.
After this happened to me three times (the other guy even banned me) i never talk with regular people. Only with good artists i know or want to know.

>> No.1720832

>Bitch nigga abstractfag.

uhhh.. what? Are you mentally handicapped in some way? Why the fuck would you conclude that I am into abstract art because I called Noah Bradley, the Idrawgirls dude and Matt Kohr mediocre?

>> No.1720845

Strangely, the exact opposite effect happens with Pixiv.
Using a western-sounding name (that could be even written in moonrunes) is a nice technique to get noticed by japs. Dandoo or Jin (who goes by "Pendulum") are nice examples of how this works out, even through both of them are japs.

>> No.1720852
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why is it so true