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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 84 KB, 1024x512, 1386771483423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1702709 No.1702709[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does anyone have any in-depth crits(redlines, whatever) or dissections of art pieces saved? those really interest me.

>> No.1702710


>> No.1702737

Gtfo teal u pedo

>> No.1702740

Not OP, but where can I find this "teal" guy's stuff?

>> No.1702744 [DELETED] 

Right there.
If you mean Teal's real work - Teal never wanted to be associated with 4chan and seems to be quite depressed lately.

>> No.1702745

Will you fucking stop gossiping about him we don't know the facts, fuck off.

>> No.1702747 [DELETED] 

Your making assumptions about me here.
Teal wiped her DA and posted a few handwritten posts about feeling bad, so there you go why I said that.

>> No.1702749

I read those hand written notes but don't bring that shit here goddammit.

>> No.1702750

goddamn it.

>> No.1702751

Okay, deleted my comments.
Don't really see what I did wrong though.

>> No.1702757

What happened?

>> No.1702759

Mind your own business.

>> No.1702763


>> No.1702768

It will never be reposted

>> No.1702769
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>> No.1702771

What a faggot.
I mean, he's fucking awesome at drawing, but seriously, what a fag. I don't know if he's here, but what a fag.

>> No.1702791

I bet Teal is secretly fueling thread about himself again. Moot, implement samefag check on this board already

>> No.1702793

You're a delusional schizophrenic.

>> No.1702816

Why the chuff does that anon assume Teal is a girl? Is it a ebellion thing? Being the only one who thinks that?

>> No.1702944

if they had the DA of this person, the gender is usually listed on the profile

>> No.1702952

"Teal" is Simon. All of his stuff is on sadpanda.

>> No.1702994

Teal wanted to play senpai really bad, which is not a problem at all. But he doesn't seem to realize that he himself is far from perfect.

Now watch the TDF scrubs come at me in full force.

>> No.1703036

He's one of the 2 guys posting here.

>> No.1703041

You will be forgotten soon pedo, no matter how hard you try.

>> No.1703051
File: 1.07 MB, 255x192, screamsinternally.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely full of lolis, cartoon r34, ponies, and child porn in general
>mfw people waste their skills in this

>> No.1703052

people like different things, to me many great painters were wasted painting portraits of rich people.

>> No.1703081

Sexual autism intensifies.

>> No.1703262

Why is it a waste? Just think about it for a second, and no "because it is" isn't a good reason.

>> No.1703292

Pedo leave

>> No.1703313

Art value. As much as I like to watch nsfw stuff, I think a graphic novel or a comic or just your regular cool-looking animu pic has a higher value than a bunch of cartoon lolis fucking each other. Then again, tastes and opinions.

>> No.1703321

I literally loathe people like you

>Hurr durr why aren't they drawing shit that I like

>> No.1703326

Arguing "Art Value'' is a fallacy. The fact is, almost nobody will give a shit about what your tastes are like. Different people find value in different things; you can argue that you don't find it appealing, but that won't make it a "waste".

>> No.1703333

Hey, I'm not trying to force my opinion on you, that's why it's a personal opinon. I said "mfw", not "yfw", there's no need to argue over such a subjective thing as "art". For you it might be fap material, or a beautiful sample of anatomy, or an excellent line control, or whatever, but for me that same thing is still a waste of skill and potential. And again: my opinion is not a fact and the beautiful thing about internet is that I can express my opinion without you having to agree with it, regardless of how right or wrong my tastes or opinions are from your point of view.

>> No.1703337

>the beautiful thing about internet is that I can express my opinion without you having to agree with it, regardless of how right or wrong my tastes or opinions are from your point of view.
The flip side of this is that by expressing it, you invite criticism and opinions on your opinions.

The lesson here being to shut up if you don't want people to talk about your opinions.

>> No.1703346

Hehe, you are awesome.

>> No.1703348

Anyway, thread derailed. Seems to happen quite a lot recently?

>> No.1703355


Some of those are beyond creepy.

>> No.1703361

when did this place turn into somethingawful

>> No.1703363


No I like my loli just as the next guy, it's just creepy, okay? Maybe because it's all girl on girl sex or what I don't know. It's not cute though, it's creepy. If he is going to draw little girls at least make it less weird.

>> No.1703370

>it's creepy because (maybe) girl on girl
>not because they're fucking drawn images of underaged, pre-puberty cartoon girls

>> No.1703375
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>if you don't want people to talk about your opinions
I never said that

>> No.1703386

Not everybody is a pedo. But even pedos have a line that should not be crossed. Shes a great artist though, It's just wasted potential.

>> No.1703410
File: 713 KB, 1236x986, 35114946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh, it's the same guy who would draw all day in one of skycow rooms like a year or two ago. I didn't know he was so popular.

Damn, he REALLY likes that brownish colour. I just noticed it's everywhere in OP's tutorials, his tumblr, and he would always draw in this colour on online drawing boards. Ironic his nick is TEAL.

I agree that there is something slightly creepy about his lolis. Seems heavily influenced by american cartoonists. These skinny bodies and accentuated noses are exact opposite of the usual japanese style.

>> No.1703611

Teal's problem is that ego. He samefags as a retaliation fleet if anyone criticizes his work. And he refuses to compromise his vision when redlining. They become a set of instructions instead of a critique. He drastically changes the composition, interprets the content differently and talks down to you. He is never a part of the conversation, and has no quarrels telling others what to do.

He has this piece-a-meal understanding with drawing. There are lots of gaps and oversights in his reasoning, which lead most of his "critiques" to be slick promissory notes. They look good, but the background info is just garbled. I don't know if its English being a second language, or not knowing as much about theory as he does about procedure. I know his oblivious to how an infatuation to linear perspective can restrict the dymanism in a picture. I also know he as a problem with positive and negative space which leads to his characters being oddly lanky or excessively wiggly looking.

Now before some of you start bitching -- I will not post any of my stuff. I not saying I'm a master, but I do know a con when I see one. I think we've all, at least once, found a drawing book with great pictures, but on a closer read found the info to be lacking, making the books more into porfolios than a valuable source. Teal is the /ic/ experience of that.

>> No.1703615

Sorry, but I strongly disagree with everything you just said. His critiques are not a set of instructions, he doesn't change composition, and definitely does not talk you down.

I don't understand where you got a hate boner from but it seems to me you do not like it when someone receives praise, attention, and recognition. Get over it.

>> No.1703616

Who gives a fuck, the kid fucker will eventually be incarcerated and consequently brutally murdered in prison

>> No.1703619

Why all these assumptions? Why all the made up crap about him? Who the fuck are you to judge? Kindly go fuck yourself.

>> No.1703622

Nice try teal. You can keep fantasizing about my erection all you want, but that's not going to change anything.

>> No.1703627

lol bet its teal.
kidfuckers can rot in jail

>> No.1703628

You made a wall of text to bash someone because they draw better than you.

Think about that.

>> No.1703630

? that wasn't the reason he bashed him fucktard

>> No.1703632

I'm pretty sure it was, Anon. It's so blatantly clear that everyone who has their ego up the ass will not admit that there is someone out there with a more in depth understanding of fundamentals and can manifest their imagination onto canvas in a heart beat.

>> No.1703635

stfu loser, you wouldn't know fundamentals if was in a shotacon doujinshi.

>> No.1703640
File: 78 KB, 316x452, Butt hurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep rubbing on that asspain, love. But Teal isn't here to fancy in your delectable tears so fuck off and get back to your shit drawing.

>> No.1703642


>I can criticize him all I want, and make accusations but you can't criticize me and I refuse to post my own work
>If you say anything against me or say anything positive about him, then that means that's teal talking/samefagging, because there is no way I can be wrong or anyone who exists who liked his image critiques

At least he actually posted image responses to criticism like that head/clipping debate (complete with diagrams & explanations), while people like you just continued to spout shit about ego and "baww im being talked down" and constant shitposting. Its like i'm really on tumblr or somethingawful.

>> No.1703643

And nobody here cares enough to kiss your ass, Teal. Go back to shlicking over your CP and kindly stfu

>> No.1703645


>> No.1703650

This reads like the paranoid delusions of a madman.

P.S. I've replied at length in the past to your posts, so to reiterate; Your claims of "ego" are completely unsubstantiated and you've never explained in any sort of way why his redlines are bad, just that they are. And then when you did that one redline, you completely embarassed yourself, so it's no wonder you won't post your work.

Get a life, man.

>> No.1703653

I've said it before and I said it again, that Anon is a fucking delusional schizophrenic. It's sad really to think Teal is everywhere and is plotting to attack him in some way shape or form in a Teal lined critique.

>> No.1703654

Are you a schizoid? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1703655

We're talking about YOU, you fucking paranoid schizo.

>> No.1703656

What's really sad is how he seems to just lurk around looking for threads that so much as mention Teal, just so he can go into his schpeal about how awful Teal is.

>> No.1703657

About me what?

>> No.1703660
File: 34 KB, 250x250, 1314364915147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only loser here happens to be you, Teal does more good than wrong, of course he's not a perfect teacher (as if there is anything like that) but he doesn't deserve the kind of shit that drove him away.
>B-But he goes apeshit at critiscism
As if you wouldn't bitch, I bet that If any of us could draw like him or better, we wouldn't be so glad to take the shit of lesser faggots talking out of their ass.
>B-But he draws cartoon kids having sex!
And I bet you have your own "frowned upon" kinky shit fagtron, are you seriously Implying that drawing taboo smut is the same as kidnaping children, raping them, murdering them, record the whole thing and make profit out of it? Where do you have your fucking brains? far up your prudish rectum I bet.
Subject matter is and should be irrelevant, he could be drawing grinch porn and he would get the same amount of shit for the same reason:"WHY CAN'T I BE HIM?, I WOULD DO A BETTER JOB AT IT :^("

>> No.1703661

I think what's sadder is thinking it's one person. Plenty of anons here, have expressed disagreement, so I don't really understand where you're coming from.

>> No.1703662

>>B-But he goes apeshit at critiscism
But that never even happened. His responses were calm and well explained.

Unless that's counted as "going apeshit," in which case this post qualifies for going apeshit.

>> No.1703663

Gaaaawd-damn TDF is full force today!

>> No.1703665

>But that never even happened. His responses were calm and well explained.

That's the whole point but we have fucktards such as >>1703663

>> No.1703666

>But that never even happened
I think you're wrong there little buddy. Teal=TDF (or at least she is the bulk)

>> No.1703668
File: 44 KB, 529x502, 1390451947231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so far up your ass you even got Satan up in there with them trips.

>> No.1703670

There's one specific anon I'm referring to, however. He always goes to the "ego" thing, as if anyone cares, or as if it has any relevance to the quality of the material. I know a number of other anons don't like Teal's figures(too skinny, looks old, ect.) and others don't like him because of the loli crap he does - even I don't care for that stuff. But those anons don't lurk threads to bring up this dumb shit at every mention of Teal, it's always the same tired old horse, "Teal has an ego, Teal isn't good, bluh."

>> No.1703673

Bored tfag? No kids to diddle?

>> No.1703674

Alright then, do show me. I'm open to this, show me Teal going apeshit.

>> No.1703675

I never paid too much attention to the teal flame threads, anyway, I wasn't saying he goes apeshit, green text serves as inb4ring his responses.

>> No.1703677

That's like saying Moot is the majority of 4chan posters, it's a ridiculous and unprovable assertion.

>> No.1703678

If I recall, the ONLY time Teal was being defensive was when he was having a heated discussion between another Anon about the theoretical nose bridge that is not found on stylized genres.

As a matter of fact the Janitor deleted his image and post on the grounds of "having a dick waving contest" but I managed to save the image I'll look for it now.

>> No.1703679

Not that Anon who you just replied to, by the way I'll look for that image.

>> No.1703682

You anons must be really really bad at drawing if all you can do is get buttfrustrated over others criticizing your head Pedo. What are you people, a gang? Gotta protect your turf? Can't let no mofos disrespecting the teal?

Why don't you all just make a private tumblr and converse there instead of shitting up every thread? We all know you chesters are going to start posting kiddy pictures or gora to get this thread deleted. Why not make a tumblr so it won't always come to that every time somebody starts dissin the teal-er?

>> No.1703683

>Teal going apeshit

>> No.1703684

Requesting a mod to clean up this thread.
I'm sorry for participating...

>> No.1703685
File: 315 KB, 900x900, 1384182531498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found it. If I remember correctly an Anon was criticizing Teal for using this type of nose.

>> No.1703686

>kiddy pictures
You seriously think 4chan is some sort of hive of 2000 era deep web villainy? Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and fucking grow up.

>> No.1703689
File: 179 KB, 700x622, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Teal, I don't draw that well, and won't touch digital. Not that that post would count as "going apeshit."

Pic related, my shit-tier "art."
I remember that thread, and Teal said himself it was a good exercise and that he didn't mind the discussion.

>> No.1703687

What happened to Teal anyway? I haven't been on /ic/ recently. He didn't kill himself did he? His redlines and the sticky were the only things I liked about this place.

>> No.1703691

Just look at this fucking thread. Would you like it if you had assholes talking shit behind your back trying to find your personal information and spread shit that isn't true?

>> No.1703692
File: 37 KB, 375x321, 1397446427769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's suffering from heavy depression right now because he's taking transgender drugs and his family got to know about what he draws. Many anons like this one >>1703611 took the chance already and are trying to make him hurt himself. I'd hate to see Teal go, but it would loose the commission market a little bit because he's a huge competitor to everyone + it would possibly free few children from suffering.

Teal is another human being though and I wish him good luck even though after all he's gay, jerks off to cartoon network, he's an autist and a pedo.

(His skill has sources in his actual diagnosed autism and not many people know about it)

>> No.1703693

Yes because the people talking shit behind my back is marketing myself for me. Not teal btw.

>> No.1703694

You can find a thread with his newer work on /pco/. His previous tumblr seems to have been wiped due to some sort of breakdown.

Dude can draw, but it sounds like he's got problems.
Can you source those statements, anon? I mean, the depression is obvious from the way he left his tumblr, but where are you getting this other shit?

>> No.1703695

He is making it up. I don't want to get into details because it is very personal and just remembering what he wrote really makes me feel for the guy.

You all should just fuck off and leave the guy alone. Goddammit /ic/.

>> No.1703696


>> No.1703697
File: 171 KB, 1300x1340, 1397446672583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong I'm having so much fun reading this thread? I haven't laughed in weeks or months

>> No.1703698

Nope, glad you got a laugh out of it.

>> No.1703702

>tfw i feel like i'm the only one who doesn't gossip and talk shit about other artists behind their back.

I just can't imagine a skilled artist doing that at all.

>> No.1703704
File: 51 KB, 448x332, 1385660440973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, it's that thread I dropped references in because someone was all "real girls aren't that skinny." And then kept going because it was better than the shitstorm. I'd do it again but I've gotta wake up in the morning.

>> No.1703710

so you're the /v/ bitch that's always avataring in those cancer threads?

>> No.1703717
File: 371 KB, 700x875, letsgetthisshitstarted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm the guy who dumped refs in that one thread. Like I said in that thread, I'm from /co/. That said, I don't use an avatar and I don't visit /v/.

I just picked that picture of Lurch there because it was in my reference folder and I liked his expression.

>> No.1703718

are the questionable pics of prepubescent little girls your's as well?

>> No.1703725

Thats why I was wondering. I just checked though and found recent posts from him elsewhere, so at least he's not dead.

>> No.1703727

>Many anons like this one >>1703611 took the chance already and are trying to make him hurt himself.

Oh wow, shut the fuck up. It was legit criticism. If you can't handle that I don't know what else to say. I don't know shit about teal, and don't care about the person. I spoke against his actions and the substance in his redlines, nothing more. I can't help it if a bunch emotionally unstable fanatics want to turn this into some cyberbullying fiasco. If you can't emotionally divorce yourself from the work you put into public, then perhaps for the sake of your own welfare, stop.

Not everybody likes what you like. And some hate it and want to say that, just like those who like it and say that as well. If you can't accept that, then there's nothing more to say.

>> No.1703736


Sexual attraction to cartoons/loli does not directly, in most cases, correlate to sexual attraction to real children. It is, in fact, a sexual attraction to the cartoons themselves.

In other words, there is likely no reason to hide you child from TLG; in fact he/she probably wouldn't want your child around, anyway.

>> No.1703749

>Sexual attraction to cartoons/loli does not directly, in most cases, correlate to sexual attraction to real children

So what's the intended reaction to a picture of a little girl getting rape? What am I suppose to feel about it? The content of perversion is always there, the correlation revolves simply around the beliefs that are inherent in the action. And a liking to that kind of a thing is an action. Especially so when you announce it to others. The problem, I see, is that most people that actually like pictures of that nature, refuse to admit the beliefs they practice in that act of liking it. They deny up in down that they have no influence in advocating depictions like that and swear there is no perversion latent in the images. It's crazy to see in real life, people like that. They'll tell you the sky is purple if they knew it would help their case.

>> No.1703785

skilled artist don't do this shit.

>> No.1703926

same shit every time.
>anon: teal sucks
>you: but don't you know that teal is SUPER GREAT?
TDF in a nutshell.

personally, one thing i can say is i don't like how he draws the limbs. he is ususally using very thin and long, almost cartoony proportions, and yet he draws muscle on them, which make them look like limbs of starving african children.

also he likes to pretend his understanding and use of perspective is perfect when it isn't.

>> No.1703928

halo effect. just because people are smart about or good at one thing doesn't mean they're morally good or good at everything. but we tend to think so. there's plenty of great artists who are assholes and plenty who are super nice, the one thing isn't related to the other at all.

>> No.1703940

completely honest question here: what do people actually see in teals art?

i always found his stuff to be weird looking. it wasn't fun to look at, and it wasn't that technically great either.
and this opinion hasn't changed from the very first time i saw his stuff. but what boggles my mind though was that more and more people started to treat him like he was much better than he actually was. it's really fucking weird, considering his art looks like that.
so really, what do you guys see in him? is it just because he redlines/writes a lot? i really don't get it.

and don't get me wrong, i understand the appeal of alternative styles. the H artist raita for example also goes for that skinny look. but i just don't think teal pulls it off that well.

they are just stating their opinions (albeit some do it in a more shitpost-y way) while the TDF is flipping out because their opinion differs.
like i said, i really don't understand simons appeal, AT ALL.
in fact i would find it weird if any capable artist looked at his work and said "this is great"

>> No.1703946

really nice lines mainly. which makes sense for a red-liner.

>> No.1703967

I think it's because Teal helps people mainly. Of course, different strokes when it comes to art appeal.

Me, I can't really get into the style he draws in, but I really do respect that he redlines and tries to help some artists. His advice is usually sound. Novice to some, sure, but this isn't a board for advanced artists.

Thank fucking god for that.

The problem is, because he helps a lot of people, he attracts people who think they need to defend his honor or some shit whenever someone dares question his art, while also attracting a lot of people who want to do nothing but shake the bee's nest by just mentioning the guy in a negative light. Thus the TDF and...I guess TAF in a nutshell.

So yeah, it's probably just the fact that he helps people with very clear redlines, and that helpfulness has created a sort of following of both supporters and decriers of all spectrums, mostly the autistic spectrum.

>> No.1704003

>I spoke against his actions
>helping people is not a condemnable action
Nah you're a cunt.

>> No.1704073


Because they grew up watching cartoons and developed and emotional/sentimental attachment to them - positive or negative. In terms of loli rape, it's possible that they developed an emotional attachment to, say, Card Captor Sakura when they were younger as well as Rini from Sailor Moon. They carried with them this sort of attraction to them and placed them on all loli girls and meanwhile held a bitter animosity towards them for not being THEIRS, and thus they like to see lolis being raped.

Kind of like how the people who like to see monsters fucking girls don't want to be monsters, nor do they want to rape women - it's a sexual fantasy and it will always remain a fantasy. Kind of like how women want to play "rape" in bed but don't actually want to be raped.

Human sexuality and psychology is a fuck-ton more complex than you've simplified it to.

>> No.1704076

I like the work he does in his critiques. He has demonstrated that he can draw realism - he just prefers not to. It's apparent that he can offer more help than most of the people here whose only help really consists of "needs more Loomis."

>> No.1704094

cry harder

>> No.1704100

Nice dodge. While sex is complex thing, I don't thing your laymen theory has much validity. None of that acknowledges the intended reaction to the fanatasized violence. All you're saying is that people who promote the violence arent contributing to the violence.

>> No.1704103

That Anon did have a point though, as a kid I remember escaping into cartoons as a form of comfort and an alternative reality of some sort where I would find my "happy place" and get distracted from all the troubles in the world; I grew up sort of depressed so I can understand how somebody can become attached to a cartoon character because again it was an escape and it was a form of comfort.

>> No.1704110

None of that says anything about the intended reaction to the content, which the character heightens. This is denial, up and down, just like I predicted.

>> No.1704112

It was my personal view in the matter, as I have said before I can understand how somebody may become attached to a character even in the realms of sexual fantasies.

With that being said, whatever fetish or sexual appetite one has is beyond me and if they want to emulate that on cartoon characters well more power to them maybe they're trying to compensate or find some kind of satisfaction to their fantasies; but one thing is for sure people do get attached to fictional characters and it does become an influence in their lives.

Anime is a pretty good example of this form of attachement but I won't get into that realm as we already have an entire fucking board dedicated for that discussion unless it merits the draftsmanship behind that then we have the Stylization general for that.

>> No.1704116

I don't think understand the question put forward, you're just sweeping the whole thing under the rug, and using celebrity attachment as a distraction

>> No.1704118

Hmm, well I guess I just don't understand but whatever I already voiced my thoughts onto the matter carry on with your speculations and gossip about a person you've never met before.

>> No.1704119
File: 490 KB, 500x303, 1397489965748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe the reason for pedophiles and for people who want to have sex with cartoons is that there is a weird sort of sexual imprinting that happens at a young age. and if it's monumental or traumatic it doesn't change the way it does for a normal person.

so like a normal guy and a pedophile both get their first sexual experience when they're 12 say, with a 10 year old girl. the normal guy's preferences change over time as he has more experiences. the pedo is discovered during the act and the girls father beats him up, and because this was traumatic experience it stands out in his mind, now whenever he experiences sexual feelings he is also reminded vividly of a 10 year old girl and being beaten up. the being beaten up makes him sexually repressive and he more heavily relies on his fantasy, which are natural attacked to the 10 year old girl, and as he ages and reflects on it he comes to like all 10 year old girls.

i imagine the cartoon fuckers were watching tv when they had that sexual awakening.

me as an example. /~this is gross and personal. don't read if you don't like that sort of thing ~/ i first jacked off to ariel from the little mermaid. now i'm not a weirdo so i like girls now. but i still feel a strong lust for ariel in a way and i can't help but think my preference for red-heads and sea-shell bras is somewhat related.

>> No.1704124

>so i like girls now

So, are you saying you went full lesbian for Ariel and redheads? Okay I shouldn't laugh I am also guilty. Come out of the closet you faggots I know you've done this before and you can deny it up and down all you like we know you've experienced this appetite before once in your life.

>> No.1704128

This is shit thinking, get your brain checked son

>> No.1704138

This thread is why /ic/ is absolute dogshit

>> No.1704147

what? the pedos or the relentless attention whoring samefaggotry

>> No.1704152
File: 67 KB, 500x563, tumblr_m8xu87ZuQO1qcdd7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck happened to my thread

>> No.1704160

/ic/ happened newfaggot.

>> No.1704305

kill yourself

>> No.1704306 [DELETED] 

quit bumping this shitty thread

>> No.1704308

after seeing his blog im scarred for life, this guys has serious mental troubles

>> No.1704326

>Oh no! I saw a drawing of fictional characters that don't exist I'm so traumatized for life abloo bloo bloo I lost my innocence won't somebody PLEASE think of the chillin'!

>> No.1704332

That is one of the most recent, I am afraid.

>> No.1704331
File: 338 KB, 900x900, 1383112802482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its outdated. where is the new stuff?

>> No.1704334
File: 268 KB, 714x1929, Female_anatomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scarred for life
see real pussy, cherryboy

>> No.1704338


>> No.1704341
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>> No.1704345

now that teal-senpai got booted because of trollfest, who will redline my anime draws now.

>> No.1704343
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>> No.1704347
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>> No.1704348
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>> No.1704349

/b secret hackers club amirite? xdxdxdxd so edgy

>> No.1704350

> got exposed as a kid fucker who

>> No.1704351
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>> No.1704354
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>> No.1704358
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>> No.1704360

>implying there's something wrong being a kid fucker

I fucked tons of kids IRL

>> No.1704362
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>> No.1704365
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>> No.1704369
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>> No.1704371
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>> No.1704372

Goddamn I miss him. Fuck you /ic/ fuck you we can never have anything nice fuck the lot of you.

>> No.1704373
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>> No.1704381
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>> No.1704383
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>> No.1704387
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>> No.1704388

this guy could make a shit ton of money making "how to draw manga" books, is he really autist?

>> No.1704389

he must of been doing this stuff for years and years, he must have an actual job in the industry surely, at least as a teacher.

>> No.1704391
File: 578 KB, 1280x800, 1365714620651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1704395

No, think about it for a second would a millennial who barely has the attention span to read a bold Impact Font meme actually buy this stuff? No, what millennials look for are:

1. Draw a bean shaped head
2. Draw two more bean shaped circles for the eyes, make them big and pretty with lots of glitter.
3. Draw lots of line for hair, add a dot for the nose, now for the mouth draw a :D
4. Call it MUH STYLE.

>> No.1704393

my guess is, it's exactly your kind that made the backlash happen in the first place.

i mean have any of you actually learned something from his texts? because somehow i really fucking doubt it.
and yet here you are, clinging to him like a he's a deity. and i bet you STILL aren't able to draw anything proper on your own.

i bet you care more about the fact that he gave you a redline than the stuff in the redline itself. it's such a pointless display, all of this.

i've always had this feeling that he is an animation student, i don't know why.

>> No.1704402
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>> No.1704408
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>> No.1704409

fuck off, the kids aren't retarded. they read just as well as the previous batch.

>> No.1704415
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>> No.1704418
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>> No.1704417
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Is this good???

>> No.1704424
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>> No.1704422
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>> No.1704427
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from ref

>> No.1704428
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>> No.1704431
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not end

>> No.1704435
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>> No.1704439
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>> No.1704440
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from autism thread

>> No.1704437

top lel

>> No.1704442
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>> No.1704441
File: 40 KB, 305x315, reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I remember this :3

>> No.1704444
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>> No.1704446
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>> No.1704447
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>> No.1704452
File: 858 KB, 762x1351, 5409867456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tired. that's all.

>> No.1704458

Iiniku, is that you?

>> No.1704475
File: 71 KB, 320x270, 6334513633_8b4407c2c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taiwan 'FRIENDS ONLY" anonymous girl

>> No.1704483

Wow! These are hilarious. He really must have some mental handicap.

>> No.1704508
File: 28 KB, 818x788, 1391323567491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he still couldn't wrap his head around that he was seeing it in the wrong orientation. His mind set is stuck with seeing in a particular fashion. It impossible for him to assess, to "see" alternatives. Why do think the was originally drawn with such ambiguity?

>> No.1704514

no don't post that one

i couldn't comprehend elipses in that moment, so i drew that in confusion, that is not the original picture. find the original one.

>> No.1704519

That image implies perfect isometric view
You don't see in isometric in real life
Dont get me started m6

>> No.1704523

>You don't see in isometric in real life
So what? What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.1704525

>why am I retarded
Nafin' fam. leave it ye
keep it in ya blud.

>> No.1704528

Is that all you can muster, m8?

>> No.1704624

Teal is not the best ,but at least he actually help with constructive critique.

Most of you faggots helps by shouting "it's shit, git good,more Loomis" bullshit.

>> No.1704648

>but at least he actually help with constructive critique.

If only that were true. His "critiques" were pretentious. He repeated clichéd principles, and didn't contribute anything novel. He contrived other's work to fit his narrow tastes. He disregarded alternatives and refused to look at the artisrty from a different point of view. He was pompous and condescending.

In short the emperor has no clothes.

>> No.1704653

It's okay Anon you'll get your Teal line someday, I got mine and I found it as an indispensable source of information, he took the time to explain what I was missing and provided me with an example followed by resources in order to provide me with the knowledge that was required to draw well.

>> No.1704655

lemme guess: you haven'T improved a bit since then

>> No.1704657

I don't know why you fetishize hating the guy. He gives redlines to noobs mostly concerning construction and perspective, something that most people on this board suck at. Let go and move on with your life.

>> No.1704660

And yet you still draw like cancer, I reckon. Your delusions don't spark the slightest bit of jealously in me. But, don't let that stop you...

>> No.1704663

My "improvement" is subjective here. Me, personally no I haven't improved because I still can not draw from imagination well enough since I need a reference in front of me for anatomical purposes or stylization from another Artist who understands how.

But enough about me, how about you Anon do you feel you've improved since coming here on /ic/?

>> No.1704665

AD Hominem.
Nothing advanced.

>> No.1704666

>I don't know why you fetishize hating the guy
I don't know why you fetishize me doing that. TDF *teal* the bitter end, I supposse.

>> No.1704668

So what? What you are going to do about? I can call you other things, if you like. It's not going to change anything.

>> No.1704671

That's the problem. Teal is actually helping and hopefully at least a chance of other improving. While you are just shitposting.

The question is what have you done to help other, other than making anons salty?

>> No.1704672

While some of your points are probably true, you are clearly oversensitive about the language he uses. His notes are short and confident. He himself in discussion is probably confident too. You instantly notice he's not humble and you hate loli/cartoon artists who are not humble. This applies to most of the people who criticize him.

I've read all his redlines in the thread and they are fine in all their clicheness and narrowness because the artists he redlined are complete beginners.

Now, I have yet to see some screenshots or links to the threads where he's pompous or condescending about anything worthwhile... not some Miku with broken mutilated paper hand on her right hip.

After reading this thread it feels like he's criticizing absolute authorities in art from the past or something - not lazy deviantart artists who think in 2D.

That being said, I hate his facial expressions, they just don't suit cartoon drawings. I think it's the way he draws nose

>> No.1704673

If you're gullable enough to think style is exaggeration, then you deserve the hack.

>> No.1704674

>what have you done to help others

I think this is something we should all ask ourselves, Teal has made a fine example of himself and we should follow his lead.

>> No.1704675

actually, yes. slightly. but it's not really related to /ic/.
sometimes i find inspiration or resources around here, but most of the time i just hang around here to lurk while drawing. (and i do give redlines and advice too.)

you shouldn't rely on other people for improvement.
the entire notion is silly as fuck. so he "helped" you, but in the end not a single thing changed.
and still, you consider him your god simply because he spent time to throw a textwall at you.
it's exactly what i said in >>1704393
>i bet you care more about the fact that he gave you a redline than the stuff in the redline itself.

it's just so fucking retarded, and a bit sad too. why don't you be a fanboy somewhere else?

>> No.1704678

But Teal in itself is a source of inspiration. It's not just a wall of text, it's exactly was I was missing and he addressed my weaknesses. It was at a level where I thought he was some sort of an Instructor and to undervalue his knowledge is a true shame.

People pay money to receive knowledge and the knowledge Teal was giving away for free mind you is pretty powerful, if you listen.

>> No.1704679


You sound like a broken record. So what? There is nothing your nearsightedness can do to persuade me differently. I know hustler win I see one. And I also know a stooly when she's talking.

>> No.1704680

You can start by kissing my ass over every little post I ever made or will make.

>> No.1704685

Are you Tom Preston? You got more ego than Teal and Preston combined.

>> No.1704684

i draw better than all of you. prove me wrong

>> No.1704686

So is that it, the reason why you have that grudge is because while Teal was getting recognition for his actions your where out in the cold with your dick shriveling up with no one to pay attention to you?

You can start by following Teal's lead and actually fucking help someone with the same patience that's how you get respect.

>> No.1704687

Linear perspective isn't behind a paywall, nor is figure drawing.

He made you feel like you were getting attention from a celebrity, that's it. That's the real total of what he contributed. He fulfilled some fanboy fantasy for a brief moment.

>> No.1704688

I'm Teal Preston Liefeld III, bitch. What are you going to do about?

>> No.1704690

That not proper brown-nosing, start again. And this time puts some cancer in it.

>> No.1704691

Why do you people respect kiddy raping artists so much?

>> No.1704695

Why do you people respect raping artists so much?

>> No.1704696

so others can't criticise teal because he was so "helpful" to you?
but you yourself admitted that in the end it didn't really help that much.
so what is left? the fact that he writes a lot more than others?

others ITT also admitted that it's not his art, but his helpfulness that makes him special in their eyes.
i really think that this whole thing has more to do with gratitude than anything else.

but that's the thing: that is pointless as fuck. becasue you didn't even learn ZILCH from his textwalls.
you are wasting teals and everyones time.
if i understood this correctly, most of you don't even like teals stuff that much (?)
you seem to respect him for the surface contributions he makes.
>he writes so much for us!
>he explains so much for us!
>that must've taken a lot of time!

now that's fine and dandy and all, but his helpfulness doesn't mean his art is better than it is. stop defending him for retarded reasons like gratitude.

>> No.1704700

blsh blah blah )))))
show me ur drawings)))

>> No.1704704

you're retarded.
you can't even draw shit from imagination, but you want others to show their art to validate their posts?
i bet you feel real special when artists use their time to adress your sorry issues huh.

people like you should just fucking get out.
playing fanboy, playing teacher/student, do that somewhere else.

>> No.1704706

blsh blah blah )) show me ur drawings))

>> No.1704708
File: 401 KB, 1300x1530, muh drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1704709

If you think that Anon was I, you are mistaken. His critiques where helpful, yes however in order to fulfill his advice it all depends on me and how much effort I put into following his resources.

Teal is not going to hold my hand he may pave the way or show me which direction to take but I have to crawl on my own to get there.

>> No.1704710

>human centipede

>> No.1704712

paul cadmus
you're retarded.
you can't even draw.
people like you should just fucking get out.

>> No.1704715

ok :^)

>> No.1704717
File: 132 KB, 393x384, ddddddddddddddd342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devote your life to drawing
>take the hard path, be strict about foundations, study anatomy and draw realism for many years just like /ic/ said
>so that you can create something cool and you're not an useless person
>try to genuinely help people about fundamentals so that you're liked
>you are hated because people take it as cocky
>the DA environment made them not used to the actual criticism
>somewhere along the way you become frustrated because of it
>you isolate yourself
>alienation and anger leads to pedo
>you're working even harder on your foundations in realism because you believe it's the right thing and that all these beginners hating on you are ignorant about fundamental rules of 3d space, aesthetics and composition
>you become increasingly frustrated because people don't understand you and hate you
>you keep practicing 16 hours a day with breaks for rage-masturbation to kids
>you're slowly losing it
>you become better and bitter, but you art starts to reflect your despair and your life
>"cartoon head of a child on a dying body of a sick, skinny, old, mutilated woman"
>behind every drawing of happy sexualized loli, there are your tears, behind every study there are anxiety attacks and pain in the chest
>one day you wipe your DA account clean and leave few hand-written notes
>you kill yourself

>> No.1704730
File: 7 KB, 377x326, 1383863168650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now there was a fine story of an Artist readily willing to help others learn out of his own kindness, I ask when will there be another?

When will there be another story told of a good Samaritan found on a desolate and barren place such as /ic/

>> No.1704750

Are you fucking retarded. Fantasizing about the violence is promoting the violence?

We should probably arrest everyone who has ever role played in the bedroom.

>> No.1704755

>alienation and anger leads to pedo
u wot m8?

>> No.1704756

Pedophilia published promotes poisonous ponderments, pleb

>> No.1704860

lol no u

>> No.1704964

>Comes to /ic/ to attention whore
>Find out that Teal gets more attention because he actually draw better and help other anons
>Get jealous and raged
>Blindly attack Teals and other drawfags
>3 years of trolling and attacking, I haven't improved any bit at drawing

>> No.1704973

>"oh god teal senpai paid attention to me!"
>still doesn't do jack shit to improve.
>somebody criticises your senpai
>"ur just jealous! TLG is teh best thing that ever happened to /ic/"
>best thing that ever happened to /ic/
>best thing

does nobody see the irony in this?
you faggots might as well just be bystanders. you don't draw, you can't draw, but you idolize the fags who "help" you.
there's a reason why people call you fanboys.

rather than treating people like equal learning artists, you treat him like something that's above you, that's unreachable and idolize him. it's pathetic to look at.

>> No.1704980

u jelly cuz u didn't get critique from teal-kun

>> No.1704986

>you shouldn't rely on other people for improvement.

Why even go to school then? People aren't birthed knowing the history of universe. Knowledge is passed down from one person to another. One person may be more knowledgeable than the other and that's where learning is done. It's up to the student whether or not they can take that knowledge and apply it for themselves.

As for Teal, the person's got to be in the industry somewhere, damn nice handwriting, and is able to clearly state the fundamentals and make them understandable to the beginner. The advice Teal or anyone puts out is from a point of view that makes them able to understand the structure of things and to draw them from memory. So one may not like Teal's instruction, it doesn't mean that it's wrong if the final result works. Scribbler or Shape-Construction, who cares as long as there's a pretty picture in the end.

>> No.1704995

pedophiles defending a pedophile because he is a pedophile

and then you wonder why dont you have a girlfriend

>> No.1704996

>Why even go to school then?
you're misunderstanding, that's not the way i meant it.
i'm saying that you shouldn't put the responsibility of your own improvement on other peoples backs. in the end it's your own responsibility.
otherwise you're just going to be the brat that says
>i didn't improve bcuz muh teachers sucked ass
>if muh teachers(muh redliners) were better i would be great by now

for example the TDF fags rate the fact that teal helps them so damn highly, but in the end they didn't improve anyway. why do you think that is?
i think these people have their priorities all jumbled up. redlines and advice arent THAT important at all.

>> No.1704998

History is made by all sorts of people with hangups (perceived, libeled or true) that others might not agree with. We wouldn't be where we are today technologically or culturally without them. Deal with it.


>> No.1705012
File: 59 KB, 600x619, 1384820144936redline_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> in the end it's your own responsibility.
Agreed there.

>i didn't improve bcuz muh teachers sucked ass
This can also be true. Sometimes perceived, sometimes real, the teacher or material being taught and the way its taught just sucks.

Hopefully, you will admit that Teal does have his/her crap together, and is/was one of the better artists contributing to the board, right?

>redlines and advice arent THAT important at all.
I disagree. They can be very important to the person who complains and has run into a wall saying, "I can't get this perspective, or this foreshortening to look right." In that respect, a redline can be very important in helping that person break through and understand what they were doing wrong and to see things differently to make a better drawing.

Now if you're self taught and uber-talented, or been around long enough that you don't care what people think of your drawings, then redlines and advice don't matter that much.

>> No.1705014 [DELETED] 

Isn't it like that? The more you isolate yourself and the less relationship-deprived you are, as you grow old, the more you start looking at young girls. Every single priest who lives in celibacy, every single basement dweller and every single member of artistocracy/bourgeois in the past with too much money and time, had these thoughts at one point.

And I have no problems risking the statement that liking lolis is perfectly normal. It lies in our nature and it's been with us for centuries. We naturally prefer even older women with facial features that imply innocence and young age. Because females with these features were naive and faithful, we were conditioned to consider them the canon of beauty by evolutionary mechanisms.

Now, that doesn't make girls below age of conscent in our actual times okay of course.. if someone thinks otherwise he's been isolating himself too much.

Portraying beauty of young girls in art is what should be done without restraints, but I don't like this extreme sexualizing. Teal stips his girls off all this beauty and innocence. They become things. And then there are his noses...

>> No.1705016

Isn't it like that? The more you isolate yourself and the more relationship-deprived you are, as you grow old, the more you start looking at young girls. Every single priest who lives in celibacy, every single basement dweller and every single member of artistocracy/bourgeois in the past with too much money and time, had these thoughts at one point.

And I have no problems risking the statement that liking lolis is perfectly normal. It lies in our nature and it's been with us for centuries. We naturally prefer even older women with facial features that imply innocence and young age. Because females with these features were naive and faithful, we were conditioned to consider them the canon of beauty by evolutionary mechanisms.

Now, that doesn't make fucking girls below age of conscent in our actual times okay of course.. if someone thinks otherwise he's been isolating himself too much, as I said before (maybe a priest?)

Portraying beauty of young girls in art is what should be done without restraints, but I don't like this extreme sexualizing. Teal stips his girls off all this beauty and innocence. They become things. And then there are his noses...

>> No.1705046

raping children is not a hangup, you subhuman scumbag

>> No.1705057

> pay attention to me tpedo puhleeeeeeease

>> No.1705080

How can anyone be so GOOD yet so CREEPY at the same time?.

>> No.1705081

non-creepy people never gits gud. think about it.

loomis' a racist
vilppu's a smoker 420feel
mullins a necrophilia
ruan jia's a pedo

>> No.1705087

I just don't get it. Why all important people in the history of world are autists, gay, pedo or other kinds of sick

>> No.1705095

Because they become obsessed by it and that same obsession drives them to continue perfecting their craft.

I can relate to that obsession myself before it was a pastime, but now drawing has become almost like a necessity for me it's my escape its how I get away from stress it's my enjoyment and it has impacted me positively since I don't stress out so much like before.

>> No.1705101

'Zactly. Psychologically normal people don't have the obsession/delusion/narcissism/various other mental problems to be anything but normal. So you've got guys like Tesla, who are great scientists because their weird OCD habits meant they spent most of their time thinking about science instead of normal life things.

One of the theories behind why most of the great inventors and innovators were men - beside the fact that women were actively forbidden from participating in art and science - is that it's simply because men are more likely to have mental problems.

>> No.1705104

>tfw sexism meant Liz Borden was an axe murder instead of inventor of a new meat processor

>> No.1705111
File: 12 KB, 210x230, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people attacking a helpful artist because they find the content offensive

Incredible. I never thought /ic/ would be so shit. I mean, /x/ became nothing but a forum, /co/ became tumblr 2.0, but people on /ic/ attacking another artist because they personally find their content offensive? This is fucking ridiculous. I'm guessing you faggots support censorship of creative works as well? Man, fuck you guys, this shit is just depressing.

>> No.1705115

Blame the SJW and the Feminazis who diluted /ic/ I bet they're the ones who are bitching and moaning muh feels muh chillin' m-muh rape if you don't agree with me you must be a pedo!

>> No.1705118

I am blaming them, also the newer generation who associate the content of art as being a supporter of the actual crime. So I'm guessing all those hipsters faggots who enjoy comics support violence, murder, and war for entertainment? I swear, we are getting so close to thought crime it hurts. This whole thread shows just how low /ic/ has sank... and the worst part, this was the last place you could freely post your shit anonymously and get it judged without having a bunch of liberal faggots telling you to fuck off. This is beyond disappointing.

>> No.1705120

So much pedosamefag

>> No.1705121

I couldn't of said it better myself. We are at a day in age where a Womyn can cry rape and run a poor fella's name on the mud, get him fired, put in jail, and get crucified by the Liberal media even if he is found not guilty.

Why just recently we had a Taxi driver get accused by rape because a Womyn was seducing him and he rejected so she cries rape and he records the incident but still gets put in jail and now the man's name is ruined because of the event and false accusation.

Point in case it is no different now with the contents you draw and if somebody finds your contents offensive you will be crucified such the case is with Teal and you will have hipster SJW faggots driving your name under the mud simply because they don't like your contents of work or they found it offensive and such the case with Teal accuse you of rape etc.

>> No.1705122

you just dont look a gifted horse in the mouth. I dont care what the guys drawing he was full of help .

cancer please kill yourself.

>> No.1705126

yeah im sure teal doesnt dream about having sex with childs every night, he draws it because muh arts

give him 10 years of loneliness and he will be raping real childs until they get him in prision

>> No.1705128

we are in an originally anime imageboard, are you surprised there's a high demographic of lonely guys who adore lolis?

>> No.1705129

So do you guys know any better places to post art without all the bitching and drama? I was thinking 7chan, but that place is pretty slow.

>> No.1705130

thats not any of your buisness retard.

>> No.1705132

/ic/ IRC.

>> No.1705131
File: 1010 KB, 500x280, 1380248396051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visit this board every now and again and i'd just like to say: What the hell?
This is freaking 4chan, who the fuck cares about the content of anyone's character?
Go back to Tumblr and stink up some other hole, but don't chastise someone simply because you don't like the content of their work.
And thank you to whoever posted all these redlines, lots of good shit here.

>> No.1705133

>muh thought crimes

>> No.1705136

You're always going to have shit like this follow you anywhere you go, it is inevitable.

>> No.1705140

all this pedo samefag, holy shit

>> No.1705141

Go back to your Tumblr and freebleed your PMS there, SJW cunt.

>> No.1705143

>why even go to school then?
You stupid piece of shit, if you went to a quality school the first thing a professor will tell you is that his concern is primarily the subject, and that the learning is up to you.

>> No.1705147


>> No.1705146

All this Social Worrior samefag, holy shit

>> No.1705148

The only way a teacher can suck is if you're too niave and gullible to be critical and allow the con to teach you.

>> No.1705149

Oh wait, you must be going to a public high school. No wonder...

>> No.1705152

whatever helps you sleep better

>> No.1705162

kidfucker detected

>> No.1705165

You should realize that it's one person that is shitposting half of the thread.
Or it's teal himself.

>> No.1705171

Maybe we should be using Tripcodes if that's the case. I am for it, if it stops all of this nonesense.

I propose a referendum, an ultimatum to end this charade. Who is in favor of using Tripcodes?

>> No.1705173

I'd say confine it to "teal" related threads, or wen somebody goes nuts calling everyone a "pedo/kidfucker" if the mods aren't going to do shit I guess we'll have to.

>> No.1705179

I sleep with another consenting adult

>> No.1705180

It's not your fault your uncle assfuck to mouthed you; no need to continue the cycle.

>> No.1705182

implying u cant change your tripcode to make it look like a lot of different eople thinks like you

go away pedofags, this is an art board not a loli rape community

>> No.1705188


>> No.1705195

Mods, please do something about this. It's a fucking art board. We shouldn't have to deal with these faggots hurling around insults and destroying threads because they find the art "offensive"... especially on fucking 4chan.

>> No.1705199

What's wrong pedo, not man enough to reply directly?

>> No.1705203


Truth anon speaks.

If you spend your time drawing ponies and fanart and pornography and manga YOU ARE AUTISTIC. No trolling here, you are mentally ill.

>> No.1705202

Shame you felt so strongly addressed you didn't comprehend the meaning of said post.

>> No.1705205

stop replying to that obvious troll bait.

>> No.1705204

This. Just take a look at the Cancer Threads.

>> No.1705209

Mods, please help stop the distribution of child pornography on /ic/. This is a fucking art board. We shouldn't have to deal with theses pedos hurling around CP and destroying threads...especially on fucking 4chan.

>> No.1705211

Oh, now you have a pair?

You forgot your bait meme, bitch

>> No.1705213

of course a SJW wouldn't know what classifies as CP. Why don't you read up on some American and European laws on pedophilia and child porn.

>> No.1705215

I have no idea what's going on in this thread. I don't want to interrupt what certainly looks like some very motivated name calling, but if someone's not too busy, could they maybe help a newbie out and explain to me what it's about?

>> No.1705216

>The only way a teacher can suck is if you're too niave and gullible to be critical and allow the con to teach you.

Not true. A teacher can suck in at least two ways:

1. The instruction being given doesn't make a lick of sense. In one of the life drawing classes I took the teacher didn't think much of illustrators, thought we depended too much on line, and had some weird idea about how we went about drawing anatomy. So in his class he attempted to teach us to use colors when rendering forms, none of which he explained how to use, or which colors to use where.

2. The teacher lets you go too freeform. I've had teachers who let us do whatever we wanted, paint whatever we wanted, but actually gave no instruction or tips in how to mix paints, what themes would be good to go with for final review. They had little input in my progress so I didn't know if I was succeeding in the course or not.

That being said, even a good teacher can't make a student into the next DaVinci, etc.

>> No.1705217

/cp/ loli & kiddy rape
"This board is for discussing and sharing pedo shit"

I'm almost positive somewhere in darkest parts of the web there is chan with board like that. So why not go there? I bet if you go now Teal will welcome you with a redline. Hurry, before it's too late.

>> No.1705218

>decent artist provides redlines and tons of notes
>does it all for free
>autists find out he draws loli and that deeply offends them
>instantly attack him any time he posts or somebody posts his stuff

>> No.1705219

>That being said, even a good teacher can't make a student into the next DaVinci, etc.

Sorry, that should read "make every student..."

>> No.1705220

a helpful redliner went away from ic because they found out what he likes to draw. now some kid is samfagging with bait that could feed some small african country.

>> No.1705221

You went to a shitty school, no reason to post textwalls to prove that.

>> No.1705222

Anybody save some of the redlines by le-mec?

>> No.1705224

If it's on YOUR hardrive in a "secret" folder 99% chance it's CP. Its only a matter of time before you go to prison. Better purge now, to dampen the effect.

>> No.1705227

Thanks. :)

>> No.1705229

Actually no, I don't haven any. Partially because I know what qualifies as real CP, and partially because I don't like real CP. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.1705231


...ADD much? Reading a news article must be a real chore then. 0_o

School was okay, relatively local and had a program and teacher I wanted to learn from. But I did have my share of bad instructors as probably any school does.

>> No.1705234

Hit a nerve eh?
Enjoy being beaten to death on a cold prison floor.

>> No.1705235

It only redline cancer shit, and it puked back what everybody else already knew. That thing was only helping itself.

>> No.1705236
File: 60 KB, 1000x1000, 1358007809976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think this is the guy you're talking about, he was cool

>> No.1705237
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>> No.1705238

That's right, the feds could be watching right now, wink wink

>> No.1705240

Why don't you add some more sandals up your ass, and maybe doll up your posts with some emoticons you learned at school

>> No.1705242

Let this be a testament to those who seek exposure, especially on /ic/. If a couple of autistic SJW find something they don't like or are offended by something you drew expect the same shit to happen to your place of interaction with other people.

>> No.1705245
File: 2.79 MB, 2000x1134, 1391530783861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u all suck. except me, grey and teal

>> No.1705246

You seem stressed, Anon. Perhaps a nice nap will relieve the pressure you're under. :)

>> No.1705248
File: 22 KB, 204x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SJW here have truly inspired me. I think I'm going to start drawing toddlercon to get their panties in a bunch.

>> No.1705249

requesting that with scat please.

>> No.1705250

What? No "you mad?" or :3 shit like that? You losing your edge?

>> No.1705255

i'm pretty sure most of the people calling him "pedo" and "kidfucker" are doing it to deliberately ruse the tdf.
because let's be honest here,nobody really gives a flying fuck about teal.
andi don't think anyone was surprised that he draws weird shit. i mean you could already see it in his redlines, from the way he drew bodies.

i'm the guy you responded to.
my point is, i feel like some people are too dependant on critiques, redlines and advice.
for example in /ic/: instead of carefully trying to observe and solve your own problems and THEN posting your art, most people would just slap some shit together and demand that the thread looks for mistakes and corrects it for them.
it's also these kind of people that complain about not getting enough critique and the sticky "not being adequate".
it's always about critique, critique critique, advice, advice, help, help. as if it was the most important thing in the world.

and i bet it's the same exact noobs that rever teal for basically... well, ..NOTHING.
like i said, they seem to have their priorities mixed up.
they seem to care much more about this enviroment were people critique each other rather than the subject of drawing and improvement itself.

>> No.1705262
File: 263 KB, 1280x958, 1220483044230redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, I try to be a nice guy overall. I did give a smiley face though.

As for the dispute over giving advice and who should give it, why not take it all in, decide what works for you, and chuck the rest. It's the Beauty of the Internet: opinions and assholes, everyone's got one.

Have another old redline as a contribution.

>> No.1705265

Being dumb isn't the same as nice. Go back to the cancer thread already.

>> No.1705268

U dumb hehehe)) prove me wrong))