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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 102 KB, 430x700, dead horse guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1687961 No.1687961 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning Thread

"There must be a genuine basic motive behind any genuine effort. ...search quietly and thoroughly for this basic motive, because if it is powerful enough, it will give you the strength to withstand discouragement, disappointment, disillusionment, or even seeming failure." - Andrew Loomis

Previous Thread: >>1684781

A general message to aspiring artists: Fear is the mind killer. Do not be afraid to make mistakes as no one is perfect, you will make mistakes. Learn from those mistakes, break from your comfort zones and explore new horizons.

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!
>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Animu Tutorials

Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

/ic/: "Stop liking what I don't like!"

>> No.1687970

I'm gay

>> No.1687983
File: 106 KB, 504x360, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for you.

>> No.1687986

much improve. i am very impress. Please say you didn't just trace over that one dude's red line though or I might actually start to get sad.

>> No.1687987
File: 658 KB, 2100x1500, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad resolution...here's a better one

>> No.1687994

I compared his current image to the redline and it doesn't look traced. It looks like he saw what he needed to fix and used the redline as a reference to apply the fixes to it.

>> No.1687996
File: 2.27 MB, 4200x3000, notraceiswear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, this is pretty much what I did.
I wanted to make her hands more feminine.

>> No.1688001


Looks good, hand is a bit small though.

>> No.1688013

It's nice to see that you've taken all the concrit you've gotten and done things to make the work better.

>> No.1688056
File: 858 KB, 1500x1359, thickmerida2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

progress, how are my values?

>> No.1688057

Due to a sad congenital defect, Merida's left arm was tragically WAY FUCKING SHORT.

I suggest worrying about your proportions first and your values later.

>> No.1688061

Got a Tumblr? Blog?

>> No.1688065

my left or her left?

ye, sundryaddams.tumblr.com

>> No.1688068

Her left. Fingertips should be able to touch mid-thigh on figures, and this stubby thing could barely reach her waist. That's the most obvious error.

>> No.1688073

her upper left arm is short

>> No.1688079
File: 855 KB, 1500x1359, thickmerida2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pulled it out a bit, hope fully it looks alright, I've been staring at it for too long. I'll check it in the A.M.

>> No.1688110

The legs kind of look off to me

If her pelvis is turned to the right, shouldn't her legs be at turned to the right?

>> No.1688112

Can i get advice on what/where would be the best place to start moving forward with my drawings?

I'm taking a life drawing class right now and the newsprint dump is from last month's class. I've seen Some of Proko's gesture videos but that's about it.

Also I was much worse than I am now but I didn't do anything to improve... Just waited and I got a bit better. But I don't think that's a viable strategy and I actually want to improve not rely on some weird phenomenon.

Also any advice on getting a more steady hand? I don't know if that's how I should phrase it but like exercises to get smooth lines and such.

>> No.1688129
File: 708 KB, 1468x992, braid pulings3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything look really off?

>> No.1688139
File: 320 KB, 2048x1536, P25-03-14_01.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redline my chinese cartoon

>> No.1688144

Is the guy supposed to be a giant?

>> No.1688146

you're probably not going to get any replies for one very important reason

this is an image board. attach an image to your post instead of linking from another site.

>> No.1688147

what the fuck is that mouth

>> No.1688154

do something with the mouth. she's either biting her tongue or has clown make-up around her lips. Hands are the only thing I commend you on, but left is a bit big.

Also, the whole style of the hair sucks.

>> No.1688159

Stop posting
Youre not good

>> No.1688161

>we did it, 4chan!!

>> No.1688165

>style of the hair sucks.
not sure if troll or newfag

>> No.1688166

>only good drawings can be posted in /ic/

Stop posting
You're retarded

>> No.1688167

I'm not trying to be a dick but you don't ever listen to anybody's advice on /ic/? You post all the time but, you never improve. The girl is waaaay too tiny to compared to the guys. Unless that guy is like a fucking giant or something.

>> No.1688169

I added upper lip to make it more realistic but I knew it looked weird, with a single line as mouth looks better but more cartoonish
and the hands, yeah I think they need size adjustment and the shoulders
the hair, perhaps you don't who she is or is it poorly drawn?

any other critique is welcome

>> No.1688173

utilize line weight and omitting of parts.

>> No.1688239

I try to listen. I've been doing a LOT of blind contoured and gestural studies trying to make things not look so 'stiff;'
I've done two or three painting studies but I can seem to get the idea of how toe replicate realistic 'shading' when working from imagination. I can replicate images with out a problem. I've done a Color theory study as well. I can do everything well in practice I cant seem to make the 'gap' between replicating an image and making a new image from scratch / without references. I plan on doing more painted studies.

The tiny one is supposed to have a proportionate body- He's like 4'7'' and be petite. The larger one is like 6'0'' and built. Some times I have trouble making them look the right scale even when referring to the height chart I made. I think I may exaggerate the size difference a little too much.

>> No.1688251
File: 319 KB, 650x870, Miqote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my latest draw
it was suppose to be "cell shaded" but I hate the way it looks when I do it. I just have to much fun coloring the skin this way. so what should be short job turns into something that takes hours instead. I could easily spend several more hours tweaking this one but i'm forcing my self not too.

also I use a bit a ref for the tum tum

>> No.1688254

what was your tumblr/blog again?
man i wanna paint like you
my shitty attempt >>1686375

>> No.1688259

Very very nice. The left arm looks a bit short though.

>> No.1688273

Fucker isnt even improving. He doesnt take crits seriously

>> No.1688274


nobody does in these threads what makes him any different

>> No.1688316
File: 302 KB, 1100x1400, cream_wip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is there anything glaringly wrong with her anatomy or lighting? I don't want to finish it and then find something wrong wit it later.

>> No.1688326

for the kind of foreshortening youre doing her torso looks way too long. same thing with her neck. also: balloon boobs
nice work on the feet and legs though!

>> No.1688333

it's not that I hate you, or that I hate pron drawing.

I just get aggravated seeing people making this shit. Are you trying to be edgy? Are you making money off it? Trying to be an attention whore? You like 2d girls? Do you get off to this? What do you want anon? What are your goals in making smut?

>> No.1688334

You like 2d girls?

you mean you dont?

>> No.1688336

Her boobs are too shiny compared with the rest of her body.
The shading is not consistent. The boobs say the light is coming from above, the torso says from her right.
Her labia are sideways, the way the torso is turned, they should be pointed toward the viewer; tilt them 45 degrees.
Right forearm and upper arm are about 1/6th shorter than the left.

Would penetrate though.

It's obvious you used a ref for her stomach, since it's the part that looks the best.

>> No.1688384
File: 231 KB, 841x737, mud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1688386

It might be a big surprise for you but yes, some people like 2d girls and fap to them.
There are also people who like 2d guys.

>> No.1688391
File: 38 KB, 400x300, supes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mixing with black

come on mikufug

>> No.1688399

bro your post is the most edgyest in this thread, not to mention /k/ level of autism. Plus this is a good way for me to get more familiarized with 2.5D anatomy before I move on to fashion/casual wear. Also its for fun.
thanks, how should her tits look? I've re-shaped them three times and I just cant get them right

>> No.1688400 [DELETED] 
File: 521 KB, 1280x1024, asda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, what do I need to fix?

>> No.1688405
File: 348 KB, 1024x1280, shite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I go from this?
I can't into hair.

>> No.1688410
File: 128 KB, 1024x1024, taki - rooftops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this. What could I have done better?

>> No.1688413


Work on your fundamentals friend

>> No.1688426

>I can't into hair.

use references

>> No.1688432

how long are you drawing this already, one week?

>> No.1688435

Hmm different hues, right? I need to do some homework thanks for the heads up.

>> No.1688438

colors are kinda oversaturated, aren't they?

I tried with the perspective, really. Especially that stupid brazier. No matter how I turned the ellipse it wouldn't look right.

I admit I know nothing of composition, except I tried to put the focal point at the upper left third and the lines of the roof all kinda point to her. Any suggestions on how to make it better?

I'm not sure what you mean by execution? Technical skill? I'm working on it. This drawing is one step on the way towards mastering it.

>> No.1688449

To name one thing of many. The lightsource. What is it?

From the highlights around the edges on the roof the moon seems to give some decent light but what's with the fire? On the roof supports the light seems to be only coming from above the viewer somewhere? and due to way the shadows on the girl are done and the lack of perspective it's hard to see how big that fire basket actually is and where it stands. Nearly below the girl or more in between the viewer and the girls position?

Oh and the face. Most important part of most characters. let's just say I don't like the neck(though I suppose she can be particularly muscular there), nose(looks like a piece of the bottom was cut of and eyes. (too much like an ill defined inbetweener of the huge and classic anime eyes.) Oh and place those boobs a lil bit lower....and the muscles on her left upper arm are too defined compared to her other one.

There's some other stuff but meh that's just what I think of it.

>> No.1688451


Figure is "ok" but your lack of chops really shows up in the torch and the building

Suggest you take some time to raise your perspective drafting power level and:

1. Try to invent backgrounds from imagination using perspective construction methods

2. Still lifes using construction methods, buildings and objects drawn from life

3. Photo studies of buildings and environments if you can't feasibly do #2

Make an even balance between creation from imagination and studying, one facilitates the other.

Your art will come out that much better.

>> No.1688495
File: 295 KB, 1200x1600, Jojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were right. My bad usually I just link out if it's a ton of pictures.
Well this is one I sorta finished recently.
adding to this >>1688112

>> No.1688507

Not him but please before you try to criticize others, learn more about lighting if you can't even understand such a simple lighting setup without confusing it as a mistake.

>> No.1688512

yeah, lets gang up on someone who's patient and tries to get good. While at the same time praise all kinds of shit posted on /ic/ and this thread

keep going, it looks like you're trying really hard to get good. You take your time.
Nothing wrong with a small girl if that is what you're intending to draw.
If it isn't though, practice some perspective.

>> No.1688517

Just fucking use references, damn. You don't need the reference to line up exactly, copy it down to the last detail because that's not how referencing works. You're not really impressing anybody by 'lol no ref guys' because the only thing they want to see is original and well done work. You just need to put together a collage of references and loosely work from that, draw from references, don't copy exactly.

And who the fuck cares about exact proportions? Just guesstimate and make sure it looks about right. You're thinking way too much into measurements.

>> No.1688519

Colors as in color theory. Your palette is all over the place and everything is oversaturated

Do environmental drawings of buildings from life (or if that isn't possible then from photos) to get a grasp of perspective and some inspiration for compositions maybe as well

Muddycolors has a neat composition/thumbnail introduction, you should look that up from google

And by fundamentals I mean that the drawing itself isn't very good. The fire looks awful, not has any texture to it, the sky is extremely flat, lighting doesn't look convincing at all and the character is a bit uncanny and stiff looking

>> No.1688521

I wasn't ganging up on him? Stop being a overly sensitive faggot. I wouldn't be sitting here trying to help him if I were CYBAR BULLYINGGGGG him.

>> No.1688522

>And who the fuck cares about exact proportions? Just guesstimate and make sure it looks about right.

I agreed with everything you said but that one part I quoted. But thanks for making me feel better about using references, not that Anon by the way.

>> No.1688527

By exact, I meant perfect.

>> No.1688529

have you seen the state draw threads are in this current time? I've seen anatomy studies that looked like contemporary art getting nothing but praise there.
Someone even though they could sell their shit and others supported it
So I'll value patience and mastery over cheap praise. Good to see this thread has a critical view though. Just like the /ic/ I remember from before

>> No.1688531

mikufag never learns. just give up on him

>> No.1688533
File: 228 KB, 685x740, oranger-sherbert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm I like how it's starting to look like Orange Sherbert icecream!

>> No.1688536

The modeling is in discord. The rendering of shadows and highlights are contradictory to each other making the illusion of volume superficial. It ruins the foreshortening on her right arm and draws too much attention to her left thigh at the bottom away from the whole figure. The stomach looks as if it has internal damage and is too long, even for the style. And the breast appear wet, while the rest of her appears dry.

So you have a rendering trick. Fine. And you probably copy a lot of photos of statues and nudes for practice, right? And I'm also sensing you got a ton of anatomy books too? But none of that matters if you don't understand the form FOR YOURSELF. You're not thinking through the piece, you'r just going through the process.

I bet most of your girls have there head positioned in a short variety across all your work. I bet they have same-face too. I bet they have unbalanced hips. And I bet you have a hard time maintaining harmony with your proportions when the pose requires depth.

You're nothing but a drama queen with superficial skills like that. Get bent, loser.

>> No.1688540

There's more to color than just value, you stupid fucking bitch.

>> No.1688548

someone sounds mad

>> No.1688547

just watch The Gnomon Workshop - Color Theory: The Mechanics of Color

>> No.1688551


>> No.1688554
File: 236 KB, 959x1013, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus that was a bad one

>> No.1688558

It's no coincidence that artist's posts never fail to get the most violent drawn-out critiques from buttfrustrated no-talents.

>> No.1688560

>implying you can comprehend and apply ANY teachings.
Shame you feel the need to drag others down with these cancerous boils you call 'anime threads'

>> No.1688563


>> No.1688564

Alright, glad to see you're still around.
Care to join me?


>> No.1688569

ltdseagull, doesn't post much.

>> No.1688573

is that kyle?
funny, it actually doesn't look that retarded as long as you don't draw those legs of yours.

>> No.1688576

It's no coincidence that both noobs and genuinely skilled persons can recognize when some displays no authority in their work.

>> No.1688586

Yeah, everytime someone posts who can actually draw/draws better than the usual /ic/ poster that person gets the most shit and nitpicking.

>> No.1688588

not the other guy, but yes, because if you want a hugbox, go to tumblr or da. If a person is this good, it means he's worth a critique and if he improves he can be REALLY good. The shitty ones don't deserve any critique. Most people who are the best of a group start to think that they are the best ever, and they stop improving. Get over yourself, kyle can get enough praise from tumblrfags.

>> No.1688589
File: 619 KB, 2466x1738, 1395785077444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you sound mad.

do color studies. i don't remember seeing you do them.
then learn about color theory and experiment a bunch.
try to feel the difference between warm and cool colors, that may help.

mikufag is actually one of the few positives of these threads. she is progressing very slowly.
total noobs, and i mean true beginners won't improve that fast. most of the time they don't even understand what the fuck you're saying when you give advice. it takes time to grasp all this stuff.

>> No.1688590

Its not about praise but the way people critique with so much spite and anger.
Not being an asshole doesn't mean you have to create a hugbox.

>> No.1688593

go fuck yourself cantdrawforshitfaggot

>> No.1688596

take your own advice

>> No.1688598

we're all anonymous here, even if you say this, the angry butthurt faggots won't stop. You just have to learn to get over it or ignore it completely.

>> No.1688599

Thats true, well enough blabla don't want this thread to end up with 80% textposts.

>> No.1688608
File: 263 KB, 900x675, silverknigh_lieartt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make up for it I'll post something I've been working on for... 3 days now? And I want to ask you guys a question: how do you get past the infamous artist block? Usually I draw with passion but now I can't get myself to draw for 2 weeks, and when I do it's going painfully slow.

>> No.1688616

care to post "kyle"s tumblr anyone? i must see more drawn vaginas now.

>> No.1688617

Either study on stuff you want to improve or find new inspiration/influences. Sometimes you just have to push past it.
The longer you wait to draw the harder it gets to start again.

>> No.1688619

Discover artists and inspiration, listen to music, look at things to stimulate yourself visually, build a visual library, do studies.

Although sometimes these things just come and go as they will. Maybe consider taking it easy for a while and don't think about it too much, it'll eventually come back to you.

>> No.1688623
File: 1.18 MB, 1500x1359, thickmerida3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1688624

here you go


>> No.1688626 [DELETED] 

thanks man

>> No.1688628


thank you. btw, i find his edge work incredible. since it looks like hes not itt anymore, has he ever commented on how he goes about them? (or posted a tutorial on it?)

>> No.1688630

I'm not sure, I think not. I think he mostly paints over a clean sketch and then goes over them with an eraser on the pieces where he's not using linework.

>> No.1688629

Holy shit do you even know how to do color studies?

Hint: it's more than diagramming color wheels.

>> No.1688631

Keep posting your shititer shit so we can eventually dox you

>> No.1688633 [DELETED] 

I mean mostly inside the figure. (such as the "line" on her left elbow) I'm assuming its hard edged brush bleding into soft transition on one side, but since Im a noob I just thought Id ask anyway.

>> No.1688636

He uses a stabilizer for line work. The rendering is basically an monochromatic value scale, where the light side uses a lightening layer filter like screen. The shadows use a darkening filter like multiply. It's very simply dodge and screening. Highlights are then added arbitrarily.

>> No.1688637

You make it sound like a piece of cake but when you actually put your theory into practice.

>> No.1688646

wow, you must be a genius.
thanks for the hint man.
but do you know what color theory is? you now, i mentioned it in my post.

>> No.1688647

That's because it is. It's just a value drawing tinted

>> No.1688652

Wow you must be a complete idiot. There's more to color application than theory shown on a wheel.

>> No.1688679
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


then be more helpful rather than just call people names

>> No.1688682

You can help by stfu. And beisde what makes a piece shit bitches like you worth anyone's time?

>> No.1688685

again, thanks for the tip captain obvious.

try to read more carefully. i said she should do studies in color, and additionally learn color theory, which is what that image leads into.
is that maybe too hard to understand? or do you not understand the difference?
so you are saying that color understanding is more than that? did you figure that out by yourself? very impressive, anon.

if you want to complete your animu thread though guy act, i recommend that you post your art to finish it off. then at least i'llbe able to openly tell you what a fucking scrub you are.

>> No.1688699

You're fucking idiot. Posting a color wheel with relationships ticked off is stating the obvious. I guarantee a dumb fuck like you doesn't know shit about applying color to painting, let alone what a study is. Spew generic and obvious advice is something dumb people do. Keep posting you fucking idiot.

>> No.1688703

Post your own shit if you're such badass

>> No.1688707

I've only been following and occasionally posting on these threads for a few months but he's definitely improved, he just takes a while.

Sorbet is better than sherbet

>> No.1688711
File: 328 KB, 2268x2331, line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate your help everyone, now instead of bickering who is hot and show your stuff why not put your theories into practice? I'm not calling anyone out, it's just that pictures speak louder than words if you know what I mean.

I'll post the lineart and you guys can do whatever you want hopefully the argument ends here. In the mean time I'm going to give myself some homework on what color theory is all about.

>> No.1688719

>..stating the obvious
so you really don't understand the difference between theory and practice?
what the fuck do you think color theory is?
are you really gonna insist that color wheels are useless because >muh color application?
why do they exist in the first place?

it seems to me that you are flipping the fuck out because you think i'm saying that color studies have to do with color wheels.
again, learn to READ you stupid son of a bitch.

i posted that image because it was descriptive and a nice lead-in into the subject. it shows their basic relations as primaries, secondaries etc and some combinations. it's enough to get people into thinking about color theory.
the practical side is not nearly as simple to explain. but hey, again, show me more of your genius and tell me what i should have posted.

>> No.1688720 [DELETED] 

Stfu. You're not helping. The wheel is clichéd coming from you. Stfu.

>> No.1688722 [DELETED] 

What are you, 12?

>> No.1688725 [DELETED] 

I don't think so, nope.
But are you 12, really?

>> No.1688723 [DELETED] 

What are you cancer?

>> No.1688728 [DELETED] 

Would the both of you please stfu and stop this bickering? You've ceased to add anything to the discussion long ago, and it's clear neither of you is going to convince the other that he is right.

>> No.1688730 [DELETED] 

>The wheel is clichéd coming from you
fuck yourself.
just fuck yourself
why the fuck am i even bothering.

well, keep giving each other special snowflake advice. because apparently you people are too good for basic color theory.
let that fucking sink in for a second.
lemme guess, fundamentals is bad advice, the sticky is bad advice.

just keep flipping out every single time someone gives "cliched" advice.

>> No.1688732 [DELETED] 

Holy shit.

>> No.1688736 [DELETED] 

Stfu you stupid cunt. I don't know anything cause all you do is read shit off the internet.

>> No.1688738 [DELETED] 

oh animu thread, how many ways can you get derailed, it seems like it's a new way every time.

'the wheel it spins, it turns around, and makes an ancient rumbling sound.'

>> No.1688740 [DELETED] 

>boo hoo everyone is out to bullshit me!

>> No.1688741 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry but it's just in the nature of this board to keep arguing over the most insignificant of things. It can't be helped, just ignore those two they're in la-la land right now.

>> No.1688745
File: 120 KB, 700x1000, mar25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1688783 [DELETED] 



>> No.1688848
File: 513 KB, 1286x1782, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh how I used to spend weeks trying to figure out how to draw her from imagination, now it was effortlessly. I am so happy, finally a drawing I can call my own.

>> No.1688858
File: 63 KB, 507x371, keep-on-truckin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1688875

Remember my id.

>> No.1688885
File: 769 KB, 1520x2688, rsec7PY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if I should start in the basic basic or start somewhere else? I know I did some of that Right side of the brain exercise in highschool but they never helped me. They just didn't click with me at all.
I can post more recent stuff too but it's mostly just gestures and then some watercolor things I am trying since I never worked with wet mediums but I thought I might as well try it since it can't hurt right?

>> No.1688902

Oh how relieving it is to see you drawing her smiling with her eyes as well as her mouth.

>> No.1688911

These are some exercises to help with your lines:

In general, you need to start at the very beginning. You need to work on doing at least one life drawing a day. Begin with objects that are box-shaped, cylindrical, or spherical. Once you've gotten good with these, move on to more complex objects and learn how to the break them down into boxes, cylinders, etc.

You should also be studying perspective. Look into "Perspective Made Easy" and learn to recognize how perspective works with simple objects. That way, when you work with complex forms like the human body, you know to correctly deal with foreshortening and perspective in regards to different body parts.

As far as your gestures go, make sure you do at least twenty-five or so 60 seconds to 2 minute gestures a day. Be sure that you analyze what the purpose of your drawing is and what you want to get out of it.

Keep in mind these are just some suggestions. It's up to you what you want to study and how you want to study. Ask yourself why you are drawing and what it is you want to draw. Get your priorities straight and then go from there.

>> No.1688928 [DELETED] 

Lol how does this even happen? How do people just think this shit up?

>> No.1688936 [DELETED] 

I have a strong feeling that that guy is the autistic mongo that thinks the sticky and all /ic/ is EEEEVILLL DIIISIIINFO. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened to be the samefag troll that used to shit on the first threads.

>> No.1688999
File: 34 KB, 299x419, poppin buttons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any gender transformation fans here?

I drew this. I know she looks really hairy.

>> No.1689000
File: 163 KB, 1000x500, 3424234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this french maid getting screwed.

>> No.1689005

although he is seething with jealousy his actual analysis of the image is more or less right, the high-lights are weird and the anatomy of the stomach is weird too.

it's the conclusions he draws from that which are a startling insight into the mind of an emotional cripple.

>> No.1689018

pls stop

>> No.1689042

Don't be mean

>> No.1689058
File: 1.30 MB, 2268x2331, 1395796187967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt read all the comments leading up this post but im going to assume you got yelled at the most for shading with black, right? anyway, yeah, not a good idea.
also, not a good idea to blend at this point. or even color tbh.
you gotta work on your drawing and linearting skills, right now your lineart is not that great but at least it doesnt look like you're using stabilizers, stay away from those!
also, if you want to color, start by cell shading. most people will tell you that its lazy or a copout but cell shading will give you a better understanding on how to give the illusion of volume through the use of colors.
or you can just make it shiny like i did and call it a day.
your choice.

>> No.1689061
File: 1.68 MB, 1391x2404, steele43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready to get torn apart

>> No.1689063

i luv you seagullbro. i thought you fell off the face of the earth.

>> No.1689065
File: 1.03 MB, 2550x3300, mikufagness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, here's one of my old linearts in case you want to practice coloring.
its a miku because youre mikufag

>> No.1689069

So i should do something like create a palette like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EL-ySlQIZY

you nailed it that I don't know how to draw buildings or environments. I've spent my whole first year pretty much just drilling figures: anatomy, gesture, proportions, faces, etc. I'm still not there, but I think I did better on the girl than the building or the brazier, which are god-awful.

Thanks, I'll get right to work on buildings and perspective and environments. maybe I'll start with a rock landscape, someone here once said that's easymode.

>> No.1689190
File: 509 KB, 641x661, merida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell by the title that this was not your intention.
But here's my two cents

>> No.1689210 [DELETED] 

Bitch you wish that was me. You think I'd give two shits to some MUH STICKY wimp like you?

>> No.1689219 [DELETED] 

You wish it was only one anon who knows and rages against the cancer that is bred here

>> No.1689233

Seems more like preference, but alright.

>> No.1689236 [DELETED] 

I smell teal shit. Still riding that Norling cock, I see. Still missing the point, I see.

>> No.1689299 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 522x680, 1346638106751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Guy posts some advice and suggestions

>reply with assfurious insults & namedropping that has nothing to do with said post

So how is highschool treating you?

>> No.1689315 [DELETED] 

I bet even the whore you call mommy has a bigger dick than you. She probably draws better than you as well.

>> No.1689325

I can see that you painted the head to boobs part by yourself and then you completly copied the tummy from some reference. Now it looks like stylized drawing would mutate into realism. You need to start to use reference as a guide that works with a whole picture.

>> No.1689340
File: 32 KB, 216x239, rude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats that guy problem ?

>> No.1689355
File: 93 KB, 834x787, cheer up you schmucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less pretentious talk and more art.
Remember, the key to being git gud is to draw elves.

Wish I could render like Kyle tho, maybe then I could make some dosh out of this hobby.

>> No.1689410
File: 338 KB, 886x1521, The Maiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1689442
File: 615 KB, 2688x1520, wSjUOhf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to thank you for taking the time to give me suggestions. I know there was an anon here who was just hating to start shit but thank you again for the suggestions. I've actually seen the line video before but not the circle one so I'm planning to go over both of them.

And by life drawing do you just mean for example things like this? But god is my bottle crooked as fuck. But I think the archs atleast kinda make sense? except I messed up on the depth I thought further in was darker and closer was lighter...

>> No.1689447

Anyone here use Manga Studio? Been watching slugbox's stream lately and I'm not sure if I want it or not.

>> No.1689453
File: 183 KB, 834x787, 13958798608651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know it's just a sketch so I'm not gonna nitpick too hard.
First, is this a boy or a girl? The waist and abs look too wide to be a girl, yet the hips have shape and the direction the nipples are facing suggest it is a girl. The way you drew it doesn't look to me like a stylistic choice either.

Another glaring issue is the length of the arms, if she/he were making that pose the hands would be a tad lower than the bellybutton. You also drew the far arm bent even though it's supposed to be in the same position as the near one.

In short, anatomy needs werk.

>> No.1689460

You won't know till you try, just give the demo a go or something. There is nothing better than trying it yourself.

>> No.1689462

I do. Shit's wicked.

>> No.1689463
File: 207 KB, 1127x935, Beksinski-x108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the idea but you suffer from "hairy" lines, Work on your linework, learn about line weight and where to apply definite, solid lines and where to apply fast, sketchy lines. Also, remember that the direction and curve of lines can communicate the form of the object.

I don't know what else to say, I can tell you're a beginner you just need to practice and become more comfortable with lines

>> No.1689464
File: 676 KB, 1152x2048, 20140326_232110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you guys recommend I do to improve?
I've read Loomis' figure drawing for all it's worth and it just didn't click with me that well.
Should I try and move on to Vilpuu?
One thing I have a problem with is maintaining straight lines and doing curved lines, what kind of exercises should I do to get better at this?
How would I go about drawing with my elbow and shoulder as well?

Also, anyone know what those white gloves are called that prevent smudging? I tried looking up smudgeguard or smudge less gloves and all I get is stuff for tablets.

>> No.1689469

So cute! Thanks a million Lefty I'll slow down on the coloring and focus more on my drawing skills.

>> No.1689470
File: 343 KB, 1095x1195, 1395354284184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going for the androgynous look :)
I based the arms off the fact that the elbows are in line with the belly button when the shoulders are relaxed.
But shes in a pose where shes shrugging so the elbows are instead in line with the bottom of the rib cage.
The forearm (excluding the hand) is shorter than the humerus - only extending to the armpit when they are compared.
The left arm is pressed against the torso so fat bulges but maybe its too prominent making it look bent. I can see where that comes from.

I think what youre doing is trying to scale everything down to make up for the wide waist/abs. Ill fix that then.

thenk for redline :^)

>> No.1689478

A life drawing constitutes anything around you, so yes. Personally, I'd suggest using your pencil to measure angles that look confusing.

Try not to let bad drawings get you down. Chances are it's going to take awhile before you can get to level where you have a reliable grasp on the fundamentals. As long as you keep practicing and pushing yourself to improve, you will get better.

>> No.1689482

>mfw they want my address and name to download the demo
Yo ho ho!

Should I just look at their documentation to figure everything out or are there better resources?

>> No.1689483

figure drawing for all it's worth is way too much to take in for a beginner, really only 'fun with a pencil' is a good loomis book for starting out. the rest are great references when you get a bit better.

Michael hamptons 'figure drawing design and invention' is the best for starting out in my opinion.

Anyway, the gist of a lot of it can be summed up as getting your brain to draw in 3d. Judging by your drawing you're drawing flat. try and imagine the actual 3d form of something when you draw it. draw lines wrapping around it, draw everything in generalized 3d shapes that are easy to imagine in a 3d space. Anything, as long as you can see and draw it as an actual object instead of some lines that form a body. practice construction under your figures. It's ugly and it'll often turn into smudged crap but it'll help tremendously.

>> No.1689485

Get a sketchbook and start drawing from life and just that fill that shit with what you see every day. Make thousands of shitty studies and gestures and over months they'll slowly start to be less shitty. It doesn't matter what you're drawing as long as you're observing and doing it as much as you can for as long as you can. Once you build a better skillset this way and can better render shapes in your head go back to those books and you'll better understand and appreciate them.

As far as your line work goes it comes from literally years of actively trying to use as few lines as possible and erasing as little as possible. One exercise that will help is to get a piece of scratch paper and fill it with straight lines and curves till it's almost black every day.

>> No.1689504
File: 202 KB, 1020x1125, 1381101981163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Androgynous can describe both men and women? I still don't know the gender.

Also what models have you been studying? The elbow thing is hardly a fact... Also, do you even know where the rib cage ends?

>> No.1689514

andro = man
gyn = woman

anyone who looks half way between a man and a woman is androgynous, regardless of whether they are the socket or the plug, or something else entirely.

>> No.1689515
File: 56 KB, 363x767, FEMALE elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, no, no and no. Answer is no
Heres it fixed, hope it suits your heterosexual lust. Next challenger please.

I really hope youre not mistaking me for some other anon that has a similar style for the face. :^)

>> No.1689758
File: 309 KB, 1285x1500, Wonder Woman & bondage sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there.

Another of my sketches. Wanted to have fun with a stolen idea. This comes with a short dialogue between inversion and new wonderwoman.

Please, i would really appreciate ant thoughts on this one.

>> No.1689766

What's the point of using shadow shapes if you're inconsistent with the lighting? And on the topic inconsistency, why make a rhythmic gesture structure if you're not going to follow through on the form? The right leg is atrocious. Do your stubby little thumbs get tired and you give up half way through, is that the problem here?

>> No.1689771

Rough love is rough.

Try to make clean lines over it. Will be better to make corrections and to see what's going on, because for me, for a sketch, it's fine but you know, work more to get it.

>> No.1689778
File: 150 KB, 363x767, 543534535252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you consideration.

>> No.1689780
File: 298 KB, 750x1000, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to apply my studies in my sketches more, so any feedback would be great. Sorry in advance for the shit quality.

>> No.1689781


>> No.1689782

Sorry, I wanted to draw lewd girls doing lewd things

>> No.1689787 [DELETED] 

More contour, less outline

>> No.1689792 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 200x219, 1344424420318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1689801 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 480x270, 1394044105093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what dose it even mean

>> No.1689804 [DELETED] 

What, you think they're the same thing?

>> No.1689805 [DELETED] 

Thank you so much.

>> No.1689809 [DELETED] 

Yes, they are essentially the same thing. Contour means "outline" in French. What, you didn't know that?

>> No.1689811
File: 372 KB, 658x767, stopbullyingme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1689812 [DELETED] 

A contour is when the line turns with the form, its energy and motion can show depth and volume by going into the form and around it. Matisse's drawings are good examples. The outline just shows the shape, it doesn't tell much about volume. A silhouette is a good example.


Because you didn't know that, is the reason why you people are cancer. Get a life losers.

>> No.1689813

Where's the bulge?

>> No.1689815

I don't want to make an erection on the guy. Too lewd to me.

>> No.1689816 [DELETED] 

No you retarded autistic monkey, Contour means "to turn with the form" It's from the latin roots con (with) and tornare (turn). Stop reading devianart tutorials and stupid pixiv shit.

>> No.1689817

I'm usually not one of the mad kind, but holy shit, will you stop that one white highlight on every boob you draw? I know you like it but please. It doesn't even look like the boobs are wet anymore they just look squeeky to the touch, not soft like a woman's skin should be.

>> No.1689821 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 574x654, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed for stupid

pretty sure the term you're trying to say is "cross-contour".

>> No.1689822

this one is better. It fits as a whole.

>> No.1689823 [DELETED] 

>you should draw what I like!

top kek

>> No.1689824 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 500x400, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not the other anon, but pretty sure the point he's trying to make is pic related. I don't know if you're stupid or just too into chinese cartoons to notice that real life in fact does not have any outlines, however it has contours.

>> No.1689826 [DELETED] 

>somebody stated something wrong with my drawing but that's like... his opinion, man.

>> No.1689828 [DELETED] 

>nitpicking stupid shit that nonone cares about

>> No.1689829 [DELETED] 

that's tonal drawing and rendering you stupid fuck and it's obvious you're that guy.

>> No.1689830 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 800x800, CONTOURNOTSILHOUETTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit my contour please.

>> No.1689831 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ, relax. What i understood was the outline, the shape of the two characters outside the iner lines to be thinner and the inside lines to be thicker.

That's what i thought.

>> No.1689832 [DELETED] 

>I'm pretty sure he didn't put that highlight on purpose! it's a mistake a mistake I tell ya! real life doesn't work like that!

>> No.1689834 [DELETED] 

are you literally retarded? contour: the outline of a figure or body; the edge or line that defines or bounds a shape or object.

your contour is shit. Now if you had actually drawn something inside that contour it wouldn't be a silhouette, and you wouldn't be a nitpicking faggot.

This is unproductive and since I still have my artist's block, I will stop posting now. I hate these fucking fights we have over dumb things.

>> No.1689835 [DELETED] 

>putting something there on purpose
>always good

come on..

>> No.1689836 [DELETED] 

Show me the term in an art dictionary, weeb. The guy even explains the difference in the video. Confirmed for having no idea what you're talking about. And saying I meant cross contour just shows that even more. What, you think that means to outline texture? Stay cancer.

>> No.1689838 [DELETED] 

> contour: the outline of a figure or body; the edge or line that defines or bounds a shape or object.

yes, as stated in my post here >>1689821 that you are trying to debunk, thanks for contradicting yourself.

>> No.1689841 [DELETED] 

>Show me the term in an art dictionary
how about you show me?

>The guy even explains the difference in the video
>no video link

stay mad and retarded as always noob.

>> No.1689843 [DELETED] 

Thick or thin is your prerogative, the post meant your linear work didn't show enough modeling. The line work doesn't lead the eye around the volume. The piece doesn't give a good showing of how the anatomy is turning. More contour, less outline

>> No.1689845 [DELETED] 

You fgts all need to feel it with some vilppu, he explains contours instead of unconvincing outlines pretty well.

>> No.1689846 [DELETED] 
File: 343 KB, 320x234, Eddy murphy eating chips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1689848 [DELETED] 

You didn't prove shit, unless you think googling is an accomplishment. Generic dictionaries don't deal with context in specific fields. Show me the word in an educated art environment, if you're such a smart cunt. I already showed my example using the video of a fucking studio artist. Keep crying like a bitch, you accomplish that well too.

>> No.1689852 [DELETED] 

Would you like a picture of my junk with that?

>> No.1689854 [DELETED] 

Oh, i see now, thanks.

Will not ask about it thought, for some reason /ic/ feels "touched" when somebady asks about the basics or Vilppu stuff.

>> No.1689857 [DELETED] 

> showing google isn't an accomplishment!
> showing youtube links is!

top kek, the irony.

>> No.1689867 [DELETED] 

An artist in the video, an educated professional, practically holds your hand in explaining the difference, is a quality example. The only thing a stupid cunt like you has done was screenshot the first thing that popped up. Wow, such research. Do you study drawing which such throughness as well? Are you like other gullible idiots and read Wikipedia articles like they were the gosbel? Go back to your fantasy world where you're always right, you failed test tube baby.

>> No.1689869 [DELETED] 

>being this mad to greentext instead of quote
>an educated professional with shit draws

if you look up to that as your lord and savior, no wonder you totally suck at drawing.

>> No.1689870 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 462x435, 1394657729534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this argueing


>> No.1689876 [DELETED] 
File: 683 KB, 2430x1549, contour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said I sucked the guys dick, just said he has a qualified background in what he's talking about. You don't. You have a proficiency to brown nosing anyone that renders "kewl" pedo shit.

Pic is from Drawing the Human Form: Methods, Sources, Concepts by William A. Berry.

Now shut the fuck up bitch

>> No.1689883
File: 205 KB, 1000x1500, Testing_sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there, me again, with an anime style drawing. Here i go, with another sketch. I know i have to work more on the contour but i think more for a linework rather than a finished sketch, but anyway, just want to mprove my drawings. Pleasy, any help will be appreciated.

She is dancing... i hope.

>> No.1689886

I got manga studio when I was looking for a SAI replacement when I got my mac. It's the best drawing program I ever used. The only thing I wish it had were smart objects like photoshop and a "color" layer blending mode. Otherwise it's perfect. Also, not many people have made brush packs to download, but the brushes that come with it are fine for most applications.

>> No.1689888

I got it too, but i only use it to making the panels and word ballons for my comics, which is the best part of the software in my opinion. For the rest, SAI, Photoshop and Corel.

That or i just can't do it withut those tools, used them since always.

>> No.1689889

you can port PS brush to manga studio. sadly manually though.

manga studio is godtier

>> No.1689892
File: 446 KB, 1285x1500, 1395930812393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's something i didn't knew. Thanks, but i prefer to keep working this way. For panels and dialogues, Manga studio is the best. For "filling" the panels, the rest.

Pic pretty much related. Made the sketch on Sai and then imported on Manga Studio for the dialogues.

>> No.1689915

That's true, and I have imported the PS chalk brush, which is my favorite. It really slows down my machine though when I use it at larger sizes. But the same is true for even MS brushes that aren't hard round.

I still love the MS interface though, and you can customize it exactly how you want. You're not limited by PS's arbitrary rules, like that all keyboard shortcuts have to have an alt or ctrl or shift with them.

>> No.1689922

hey guys what do you think about picartotv to stream?

>> No.1689925
File: 724 KB, 1500x1323, 63565664654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.1689928

1 or 5, though 5 looks like your usual costume design.

>> No.1689931

shes one of those x-mans right ? So i think 5 since she has thier logo on her suit. I would do 1 with a logo tho.

>> No.1689932

they're all kind of underwhelming but 5 is probably your strongest

>> No.1689933

is it supposed to be painted on her skin?

>> No.1689939
File: 457 KB, 700x933, 1387676927977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>post art
>other people give critique
>challenge at every point

Your drawing is bad, lrn2 anatomy. Gender is an issue even when it's 'muh style' anatomy. Look at actual androgynous men/women/trans pls.
Don't use 'rules' that aren't even rules, try to look at naked people in different poses before drawing shitty fetish art.

>> No.1689940

She is Rogue by the way, with a new tight suit design. Will paint the 1 design with the elements from 5 (belt and "X").

Thank you so much.

>> No.1689969
File: 266 KB, 2151x1633, girl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong? Except that her neck is way too long.

>> No.1689977

why didn't you trace the head and face like you did the rest of the figure

>> No.1689979
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 1394317787682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1689980

is she trying to become a banana?

>> No.1689981

I didn't trace it

>> No.1689983

if you are >>1689453 you should stop right now.
you just made her hands too short.

of course, the anatomy in the arm is too vague, but the real problem are the body proportions.

the biggest "mistake" is probably the size of the ribcage. i can see that you have problems fitting the ribcage, pelvis and her belly together, and it's because the ribcage is too big.
experiment with the sizes, you may have an easier time stylizing if you made it smaller.
smaller ribcages tend to look more feminine, and it's much easier to go for a slender build with that.
if it goes well, you'll have an easier time with the belly and pelvis after that

also, stop learning how to draw bellybuttons from kyle. unless you are another chubby chaser.

>> No.1689984
File: 80 KB, 600x600, 1395938157172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except that her neck is way too long.

>> No.1689986
File: 351 KB, 590x900, 1395938314242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is she posing like that? Is she stretching or something? It looks way forced and doesn't convey any meaningful information. Her torso is way too long and snake-like, and her head is way too small. There's not really one thing you could fix about this to make it all better-all of it is bad. Scrap it and restart.

>> No.1689989
File: 197 KB, 500x351, 1377462973507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bobby stop

>> No.1689991

not sure if i can ask but..

What is cell shading ? how dose it looks ( a good one) dose it need a lineart ?

>> No.1689992

>thinking he traced that god-awful abomination from an actual photo of a real person.

maybe there are snake woman photos going around.

>inb4 someone posts a snake woman photo.

>> No.1689993

Ever seen the art of Windwaker? Like that.
Lineart isn't necessary, but it can help.

>> No.1689995
File: 252 KB, 2151x1633, нян.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I planned it like a morning after-sleep stretching, that's what she's doing. Is it really that bad? I wanted to try lineart, but now I understand I really need to work more on my drawings

>> No.1689997

so put the base color and then shade with other solid color ?

can you show an example of cell shading with no lineart ?

>> No.1690000
File: 144 KB, 494x800, Killer-Is-Dead_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. You can do it cartoonishly like WW, or adapt it like KiD, which is also the first thing to pop into my head for lineless cels

>> No.1690002

thanks. nice quads.

>> No.1690007

Perspective of the hands are here >>1689355
I intentionally included the upscaled hands because I figured this would happen - I just couldnt be fucked drawing the hands correctly on a small scale. Itll be fixed whenever I come to render and Ill try to work on the legs now
>guaranteed hate/crit
easiest way to get replies when youre not good is just to bash shit. atleast then you get recognised.
The >androgynous was a jeoke because the redline was so shit I thought it was a trolle :^)
right I see m8. Ill 'ave another go at fixing it. I

>> No.1690009
File: 254 KB, 861x1500, RIKKU_Diving Suit_LINES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing it.

>> No.1690012

It might be good for you to try simple poses with reference to understand how the body works before tackling harder poses, you could also try and do the pose yourself in the mirror to see what it really looks like or have a friend make that pose and take a picture

>> No.1690130
File: 73 KB, 531x713, alright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like whatevs yo. I can't render so ill just leave it like this

>> No.1690135

man, you need to learn how to draw a waist and hips

>> No.1690137


um what it's not that bad

>> No.1690141

Not him, but I think the hips look kinda masculine. Not so much because of the proportions, but because of the musles.

>> No.1690142

muscles* sorry

>> No.1690153

Can you post the reference if you used one?

>> No.1690156

the waist is pretty damn bad. what the fuck is that cross on her stomach supposed to be?
also he made the ribcage smaller but didn't adjust the rest to fit

>> No.1690204

Not him, but that is the Linea alba and the bottom of one of the sets of abdominal muscles. Maybe you should learn a thing or two before sticking your foot in your mouth.

>> No.1690227
File: 296 KB, 821x731, 1392023686557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did she just get out of a shower?

also where is your gallery? you don't even have a handle how is anon supposed to monitor your progress?

>> No.1690229

He is a professional, if you want him to deliver the goods pay the man.

>> No.1690237


also i'm not trying to commission him, although even if I did want to I wouldn't be able to thus asking the questions I did moron

>> No.1690248



define professional, laprasking on da is getting paid too, is he a professional?

>> No.1690252
File: 705 KB, 1167x1000, dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got over my artist block and finished this one, although I got bored and half-assed it towards the end.

>> No.1690256

By definition - if you get paid consistently for what you do then you are a professional.

>> No.1690265

give me your brush settings guys

>> No.1690279

It's a shitty line, maybe if it was drawn convincingly people wouldn't mistake it for shit. Stop same fagging

>> No.1690282

maybe you should kill yourself.

he couldn't even make it clear wether she is chubby or not. and those lines don't exist in that way, especially not the vertical one, it doesn't exist on a stomach like that and it especially doesn't go as far down as the crotch.
that stomach looks horrendeous. it bulges in such a weird way.

>> No.1690288

>those abs
>that arm muscle
>you can't tell if she's chubby or not


>> No.1690292

we're talking about the stomach here.

>those lines were supposed to indicate abs

>> No.1690308

wonder woman looks fantastic, she has a lot of body language and emotion. Where Inversion...is straight as a stick. He doesn't even look like he's using his body to restrain her. His head proportions are off and look flat, and his face is still sketchy and doesn't look complete. It's pretty obvious you spend a lot more time drawing women than you do drawing men.
As far as >>1689883 goes, if you hadn't said she was dancing, I would have assumed she was laying down. It partially has to do with the angle; partially at the lack of hair movement and facial expression. If she's dancing, this looks like one single pose that she's moved into for a split second, and then moving right back out. her body would look much looser, hair messier, facial expression less shy looking and more comfortable. And last but not least, tone down that ridiculously huge thigh gap mound, it looks like she's packing. loosen up her jeans, give them more wrinkles, deemphasize the outlines of the breasts. clothes are there to frame the body, not cling to it like seran wrap.

>> No.1690345


Jesus, the arm and torso aren't rendered as well as the rest, yeah. Calm down. It's not like this guy is stealing your not-art job.

>> No.1690351

Wrong foot on wrong leg... oh wait; anime thread. Its fine.

>> No.1690352

Oh shit, I can't believe I didn't notice that. Thanks, I'm just going to redraw the legs, it looks kinda awkward

>> No.1690373

Tblr/DA pls

>> No.1690385

I don't use either or, so I'm not sure if you'll really be interested

>> No.1690388

How does one into lineart?
Im more comfortable with how my sketches look than the clean solid lines.

>> No.1690389

With a steady hand.

>> No.1690391
File: 1.41 MB, 3000x2000, noll and tempo sleeping cats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1690393
File: 1.92 MB, 2448x3264, 20140328_005353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm pretty new at this drawing thing. I haven't seriously tried to draw since freshman year of highschool (over 8 years ago). I'm following along with http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn to get back in the groove.

How is my upside down Igor Stravinsky? I thought it came out OK, way better than expected...

>> No.1690405
File: 519 KB, 600x851, 1380491644610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, I think the big guy looks really good, values, anatomy, etc. Keep working at him. The problem I'm having with Tempo is that he looks way too animu comparatively. Also, I know he's tiny but I think you made him (especially his head) unintentionally too small. His head is also squashed in and looks too flat in relation to big guy's.

>> No.1690419

thx! I'll try working on that before I continue with his lines. I've been trying to figure out values and actually took a ken doll out side to stare at in the sun light and such and have been trying to figure out how values and such work.

BTW for you image you line works looks amazing. The proportions and such look really nice. I think there's only one things that to me looks a teensy bit off. The smaller character's right arm where the sleeve is looks a bit weird.

>> No.1690420


lol not my drawing, just wanted to post something with a similar size difference that pulls it off pretty well

>> No.1690421
File: 325 KB, 786x834, imagination-work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1690437

Now I gotta fap

>> No.1690439

Get out

>> No.1690442
File: 2.47 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1690471

Pretty good so far, but you should try using even darker values for shading the skin and hair.

by the way, what program do you use?

>> No.1690472


>> No.1690505
File: 978 KB, 1484x1500, whoknowsthatshalfthefun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1690516

too much chickenscratch

work on your line confidence

>> No.1690520
File: 1.57 MB, 2476x2000, sketch 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, is this where the cool kids post their porno drawings?

>> No.1690525

try to see the form of the nose. it's too flat. same with the way you placed the mouth.

also i'd say you should study real female and childrens faces, to get a better feel for the features.

>> No.1690526

looks like a blow up doll bro

>> No.1690527
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1396000162404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mai waifu

>> No.1690536
File: 212 KB, 1000x1500, TESTING_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thak you s much for this, i really appreciate it.
I made the changes on the dancing girl, i hope to have covered the important parts of my errors, though it was ahrd to understand as english isn't my native language, but here i go. About the wonderwoman drawing, didnt make any changes actually, as the guy is just there, behind her, tying her up, and my idea was to keep the body as it were on the old comics, head seems good to me for proportion with the rest of the body, so as i said, nothing really big to change on it, but again, thank you for this.

>> No.1690546
File: 106 KB, 454x647, notice the eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can draw a character with those eyes and not make her look like a blow up doll.
Get a bit more creative.

>> No.1690549

values, push them.

>> No.1690550
File: 558 KB, 1500x1363, ROGUE_DESIGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which one again? This time it's reduced for two slightly different desing but different colors.

Please let me know what you think.

>> No.1690555
File: 9 KB, 300x300, mr-banana[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1690562

the look was intentional but i recon it's not very successful, still being kinda shit at this, so, I'm guessing you talk about pushing the anatomy and proportions and avoiding that glossy look? Well, i'll figure it out, wait for the next one bby.

>> No.1690567


wow this troll was unsuccessful as fuck, don't worry tho, I thought it was funny. keep it up.

>> No.1690582

Five is my overall favorite.

Can't help rolling my eyes at the vacuum-packed boobs, though.

>> No.1690590

i prefer 3

>> No.1690610

wtf is up with her legs?

>> No.1690614

i like 6

>> No.1690615
File: 160 KB, 680x962, wqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to color it

>> No.1690625


Improve your lines first.

>> No.1690628

what are you smoking

they look pretty good

>> No.1690627

why is her belly button on her ribcage and have you ever seen a skateboard?

>> No.1690630
File: 188 KB, 680x962, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, actually they don't. You can see where the lines break up.

>> No.1690634

lel autism.

>> No.1690635


buzzwords won't save your tender virgin anus this time

bad lineart is bad lineart
your anatomy sucks too

tldr: git gud and quit being a jokester or get the fuck out

>> No.1690640

The board seems broken, or disconnected because you probably didn't draw the whole
thing. Even if things are hidden, they are still there, draw them all. The hairline is also too high
up, its seems as if she has an alien head. I like the face though.

>> No.1690643

kek Im messing with you bro I didnt even draw this.

>> No.1690670

She's an amputated person.

>> No.1690737

1 is by far the best

>> No.1690739

get one of those pose-able wooden dolls and practice drawing that in various poses. it'll help you get used to proportions

>> No.1690757


>removes more wrinkles from clothes making them appear even tighter
>fixed it

>> No.1690760

i like number 1
I think the green fits Rouge the best

>> No.1690795

Is there a good way to work on line confidence? That's something I've never been good at unless I go back and redraw everything with a pen or a bolder pencil.

>> No.1690809
File: 65 KB, 474x728, dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts on making it more dynamic and "dancing"

>> No.1690820


looks like everyone else's upside down drawing of Igor Stravinsky

>> No.1690825

Draw using your shoulder rather than your wrist, plan your lines out before you draw them, actively try to use as few lines as possible and take 5-10 minutes a day to fill out a piece of scratch paper with lines. Fill that bitch with S curves, C curves, straight lines and rectangles until it's almost completely black.

To build up sexy line work takes a lot of time and a lot of effort but it makes your work much better. No more erasing. No more regrets.

>> No.1690826

Vagina is wrongly placed and so is her butthole. Was that intentional or have you never seen a woman before?

>> No.1690866

Man, doing an anime scene redraw makes me realize how lacking in style I am.

>> No.1690869

Also try plotting points on your paper and attempt to draw C and S curves that accurately hit the points your drew. Make sure to draw from your elbow rather than your wrist. Save your wrist for really fine small details.

>> No.1690872

I've not drawn in months, but everything about that anatomy is fucking with me. Not to be mean, but it looks like a trap.

>> No.1690880


traps don't have tits bro

>> No.1690887


Fuck, I really like that comic book style. I should study more on it instead of only doing animu shit.

>> No.1690896


>> No.1690899


Thanks for the advice guys, I'll start working on that. When you say no erasing, should I try to copy drawings without erasing anything? Do you think that would help too?

Also, I really suck at drawing straight lines (or curved for that matter) from point to point lol.

>> No.1690972
File: 1.47 MB, 1419x2000, 548674521285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate working with traditional media, but I suppose the skills are transferable.

>> No.1690994

Adam Hughes nigga

At least I like his comic book style

>> No.1691039
File: 131 KB, 1239x500, klk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me tips on colours?

Also I fucked up on perspectives on their bodies so they just look deformed.

>> No.1691042

Tips on colours? Are you kidding me? For a nearly identical tumblerized copy?

Just go look at the original dude.

>> No.1691045

It's a scene redraw for fun, but I may as well learn something about values and colour choice.

>> No.1691053

>>1690536 awesome improvements, I like it much, much more.

>> No.1691059

Can't give you any tips on colours, but Nonon's head is waaay too big.

>> No.1691069

Thank you.

>> No.1691093

ye dey do

>> No.1691098
File: 239 KB, 1000x1500, dancing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much anon. I also made other chages, i pushed her right arm a little further to make her look more loose with her body. Now it looks far better.

Again, thank you all.

>> No.1691161
File: 694 KB, 800x1000, arona5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shamefur display
i'm sorry
shouldnt really have worked on it like an hour a day during freetime

>> No.1691164

I know what you mean, taking brakes to look at different things is good but if you always take brakes every
half an hour or so you get disconnected with what you wanted to do. I like it though, the only thing that puts me
off is that her eye is either too big or too wide, it gets just too close to the nose, just because you don't indicate
a nose bridge it doesn't mean that it's non existent, all though it might be bad composition that gives this feeling to
me, with that hair hiding the end of the eye making it seem like it stops further away.

>> No.1691167

i told you last time, arm muscles man.
i mean biceps/triceps should be the most basic things

>> No.1691168
File: 67 KB, 532x858, ss (2014-03-29 at 10.58.25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the basic construction was wrong in the pic to begin with; I didn't really want to redraw, so I kind of tried? to "save" it, but it ended up like this.

vilppuing hard instead

>> No.1691173

Ugh, that's the sort of thing I need to be doing soon instead of bullshitting around trying to draw cute little Animu faces.

>> No.1691174

hey stop fucking browsing 4chan
and get working

>> No.1691190

As someone who damn near exclusively works traditionally, I find your post to be both amusing and polarizing. I thought that the skills from traditional would be transferable to tablet. If they are, there's a waiting period for them to catch up.

Godspeed, anon of the south pole. Godspeed.

>> No.1691196
File: 821 KB, 249x188, 1390675445815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, her left arm has two elbows.

>> No.1691200

Try not to copy drawings. Study from life. Good lineart happens because you've sketched your subject and than gone over your sketch with lines that confidently and cleanly embody the contour of sketch. This only happens if you truly understand the form and the motion of your subject. Practice this by doing gestures.

>> No.1691259
File: 258 KB, 1332x464, faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make faces lok more 'realistic' /3d with out making them look terrifying?

>> No.1691266

Experiment, there is a fine line between uncanny valley and flat/cute. The flat/cute Animu is dumb looking because, well there are not as much planes and forms involved but when you start to add forms and planes things start to look unpleasant. Keep it simple, there is a time and a place for more planes/forms and this is neither the time or place to be doing that unless you want unpleasant results.

But that's just me.

>> No.1691275

Do what Disney do
and get people to stick their dick between icecubes without even trying

>> No.1691276

Or comic book style

>> No.1691294

try to use the least amount of lines as possible.

>> No.1691353
File: 321 KB, 1125x1500, ROGUE_ATTACK_LINES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing it.

>> No.1691367
File: 19 KB, 304x282, clavicle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so the clavicle is not right and you need to consult pic related pls

>> No.1691370

Fix the hair first it's so annoying

Why is her suit vacuum-packed around her breasts? Even if she is wearing a latex suit that's not how it fits in the breast area and it looks really strange.

>> No.1691382

But the hair is my signature

>> No.1691488
File: 142 KB, 463x883, 1396142826262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't touched this in a week but redoing the lineart because the last time it was absolutely horrid.

Fixed her head so it's more proportionate. Still don't know how to do shoes or hands so ugh.

>> No.1691492

Jesus now that I've been away from it for a few minutes, I need to enlargen her head and make the lids less droopy.

>> No.1691493

Move on, the figure is off balance and stiff. Work on gesture and next time keep proportions in check.

>> No.1691505

New thread:
