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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 765 KB, 2006x784, Logo2_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1674712 No.1674712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/, /v/ here. We're making a beat-em up game with the board tans as playable characters. Every character will have "Enter" phrases, taunts, "Lose" phrases, victory themes and movements that are reminiscent to the board, so we would like to know more about this board

Please check the info in the doc and hit us with suggestions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I4rRCwuolxegQRNYqtw8koYV7aczBfYXqaag9nxO514/

If you're an artist and wish to contribute, please let me know.

PHM Thread

>> No.1674746

All the phrases are alright, just add:
Needs more Loomis!!

The inactive animation should be D/ic/k taking out a notebook and drawing from nature.
The victory animation should be D/ic/k seating in front of a computer and drawing with a tablet.

>> No.1674802

instead of good tools don't make a good artist, use "no rules, just tools"

>> No.1674810

how many artists do you have on the team at the moment?

>> No.1674812

This sounds way better
About 6

>> No.1674817
File: 33 KB, 477x752, p2hiwIp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping assets

>> No.1674820
File: 2.39 MB, 523x233, ow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1674822
File: 2.89 MB, 517x352, 1392339292817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1674843

looking good op, bump for you

hoping to see this game on Origin for 30 dollars at least

>> No.1674861
File: 165 KB, 1159x652, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1674903

Hey /ic/, voice director here, do you happen to have any more quotes we could use for /i/? /ic/ has plenty, but we could use one for regular ol' /i/.

>> No.1674917
File: 2.28 MB, 300x201, tackling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sif, you really need to acknowledge how we aren't selling the game.

>> No.1674920

I thought that was a given, who would seriously buy this stuff?

>> No.1674925
File: 358 KB, 1600x1300, vstylesheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not underestimate people.

Also post more assets.

>> No.1674927
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 00r0e66.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting enemy mobs

>> No.1674935

"Feel the gesture"

>> No.1674946
File: 266 KB, 500x500, Reddit_bot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1674948
File: 23 KB, 960x406, 1394153063107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1674957
File: 33 KB, 442x644, ss (2014-02-25 at 12.29.27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some stages (WIP)

>> No.1674980

>not posting what you have made so far for /v/

at least let us critique that shit.

>> No.1674989
File: 79 KB, 500x500, idle3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you insist.

>> No.1674992

"Animu bullshit"
"Anime bullshit"

>> No.1674993
File: 67 KB, 490x600, dicktan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/'s board-tan is d/ic/k. He's a chap with an angry disposition and a penchant for making snide remarks and harassing /i/-tan for her shitty scribbles. Slobbish and drunken at all times.

As the embodiment of /ic/ he'll be screaming about Loomis, Villpu, and the fundamentals a lot.

>> No.1674996

/i/ isn't really a board that says a lot. They're a small community filling requests and participating in drawing adventures. I'd vote for /i/-tan being mostly silent.

>> No.1675004

not helping the thread but i see a lack of guile theme in /v/'s victory themes section.

>> No.1675006
File: 43 KB, 500x500, PLORNOw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste, I'll see what I can do
Yeah, it seems like /i/ is hard to define.

>> No.1675009

and he's hot as fuck

>> No.1675015

he could have been hot, he became morbidly obese in his dark quest to become the god of art.

>> No.1675023
File: 307 KB, 667x572, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1675024

if this post was a boxing glove of laughter. You just KOd me.

>> No.1675054

gay sex

>> No.1675073
File: 971 KB, 979x942, 1000fists_autismfury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, D/ic/k is swollen.

>> No.1675085

what is d/ic/ks special attack?

>> No.1675094
File: 54 KB, 500x570, 354687845165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this + cyclops eye laser

>> No.1675107
File: 97 KB, 700x513, 1382586688363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only special attack planed so far is a "Redline" attack. In fact, we've been thinking on basing the concept around that; D/ic/k correcting the enemy's sprites, damaging them

Pic related.

>> No.1675451

you got it wrong. you wrote no tools just rules, which is backwards.

so is this a fighting game? Or do you just crawl through levels beating up these npc robots?

>> No.1675496
File: 315 KB, 500x1129, asp-chan_signed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, here's a board tan commission I did recently for /asp/ since they were complaining about not having a board tan. Most of them liked it, so I'll let you be the judge on whether or not it's befitting of your project.

Keep up the good work though.

>> No.1675498

would be cooler if he'd redline some muscles on himself.

>> No.1675542
File: 118 KB, 1380x813, mm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a beat em up game so I guess the second sounds more like it.
that looks pretty cool. I was thinking on adding a hockey mask, but I guess that's /sp/ territory
Maybe as a buff? Also this >>1675094 sounds kinda fun.

>> No.1675543

Thanks man, I'd assume he'd fight like Frank West with all of those objects. Swinging varying lengths of weapons depending on how hard the attack is. Shooting a paintball gun for a ranged move. Using a bmx bike, skateboard, or rollerblades as a dash. Probably some judo tosses in there too, maybe as a counter instead of a block. Also some sort of final special attack that combines all of his equipment with wrestling/mma moves as one big super combo.

That'd be rad to see.

>> No.1675546


Oh wow, actual gameplay. Didn't think it'd get this far, cool.

>> No.1675589

>Also some sort of final special attack that combines all of his equipment with wrestling/mma moves as one big super combo.

My nigga
there's more stuff, but some of the gifs are too large for 4chan.

>> No.1675788

/i/ would be more careless compared to /ic/ sort of opisite to /ic/'s "professionalism"

>> No.1675810

"Looks traced"

>> No.1675811

w-who's that qt demon girl
I need a full image

>> No.1675812
File: 13 KB, 461x614, profiled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be /d/ tan

>> No.1675813

Oh god
I need that artist's blog or something

I thought this project died, good to see it's still going (surprisingly)

>> No.1675815


People think that all the time. We try to not make too many threads because we don't want to clog any board with our stuff all day.

Also, the artist's tumblr:

>> No.1675828

>Not showing a sexy little dickgirl bulge

But come on

>> No.1675839

Needs a bigger crotch

>> No.1675843

wait, something's missing here

like a dick

>> No.1675846

Well maybe we should do something about it.

>> No.1675859
File: 105 KB, 1200x800, 1373491585717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of like /pol/s original board tan better than the one in googledocs, the sandwhich board sign makes it a far funnier character.

>> No.1675873
File: 7 KB, 272x185, pls go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, ill keep this short and sweet.
/ic/ is an ART board. We post ARTWORK and CRITIQUE each other.
This thread is a violation of the rules. This isnt art, its some dumb flash game with a bunch of samefags bumping the thread about it.
Please go back to your board. Thank you.
>inb4 people from the project argue with me

>> No.1675881

>No fun allowed!
>Muh secret clubhouse!
>Everyone likes what I don't like s-so it must be samefag!
>Stop liking what I don't like!
>Whaaaaa he's violating the rules boohoo a bloo bloo bloo bloo

>> No.1675885

Stay upset about your shit dead game, faggot.
GTFO our board.

>> No.1675886

This is why we can't have good things here.

>> No.1675887

Because shit boards like /b/ and /v/ come in and shit it up.
you think youre doing something good?
the games dead on arrival, iirc was concieved in august or september of last year?
Broquest 2.0

>> No.1675889

Anon, I am not even one of the game developers I am merely interested in its development and in a way this is a form of art that involves creativity and just look at the character designs why not critique them while they're here?

>> No.1675893

Youre even worse than the developers of this shit game.
/b/ truly has ruined 4chan

>> No.1675895

Anon, I don't even fucking go to /b/ goddammit why can't you just fucking enjoy the company from other boards why do you have to fucking be a shut in and push everyone else out why can't you fucking open up why won't you let others in why?

>> No.1676188

>the process of making Video games is not artistic
>we are not critiquing his animation
>we are not making suggestions to better his art and project

This is what you sound like

>> No.1676208
File: 57 KB, 512x512, WIP-Hammerblow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I'm one of the animators for this project that's currently on vacation.

I don't think anyone's samefagging, please critique /v/'s moveset more and help us make him more intense and "rush-down". We really don't want to fuck this up.

For example: This hammer blow.

We have three different interpretations for it. What do you think would be the best way to go about making this intense and "rush-down"?

>> No.1676209
File: 62 KB, 512x512, Hammer_BlowV1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally think the hands should be holding eachother when they're above /v/'s head.

>> No.1676210
File: 60 KB, 512x512, Hammer_BlowV2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best combination?

>> No.1676226

>complains about /b/
>"GTFO our board"

>> No.1676581

Personally, I think it looks like it could use more frames to give it a more fluid sense of movement. Show the growth of the arms more, having them expand rapidly and slightly contract from its maximum scale to give it that rubbery-cartoonish kind of look. Then show the stretching of the arms when he swings, almost like a whiplash sort of movement. Also a bit of recoil after smacking the ground to give it a feeling of weight, or make it shake a little, y'know?
That'd probably give it a better flow. Look at some of Luffy's attacks from One Piece for more reference.

>> No.1676585

How long until /v/ loses interest like they always do when embarking on childish adventures like this? Double kek

>> No.1676586

And why the fuck is /v/ a generic angry dude? If anything, you should let someone from outside your hugbox design him so he's just as much a parody as the other tans

>> No.1676588

Because /v/ is bad company and you know perfectly well why

>> No.1676602
File: 125 KB, 706x1323, v VS b 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you have to keep in mind that this is for a video game too. can't have too much of a delay for when a player presses a button.
He's from an old comic, and he's /v/'s favorite mascot.

>> No.1676604
File: 254 KB, 500x500, Rough_punch_combo_wBlur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the meatgrinder rough animation. This is what happens when you press x multiple times.

Please give us your thoughts on it. How can we improve this?

>> No.1676609

The motion blur is a nice touch, but the jabs should be more of a snapping motion. You never want to over-extend your reach. He should look more like he's using his hips/body in the swing while also following through. The punch shouldn't end at the target. In order to make a serious impact, it needs to keep the motion going beyond the hitting point.
Also never punch with your thumbs inside of the fist, that's how you break your thumbs.

Other than that, it looks pretty nifty.

>> No.1676611

>le ebin Rage faec

top 9gag :^)

>> No.1676617
File: 55 KB, 500x500, v-tackle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably gonna remove the motion blur and go with smears instead. Thank you.

Here's something I still need to finalize. The tackle. What needs work on? I can see that he needs to be more in 3ab's style and his legs need to be making more of an arc but what else needs work?

More of /v/'s moves can be found on the doc by clicking on their name to look at the concept art/placeholder. More input please.

>> No.1676621

>Ripping off 3 Angled Blue this hard

I'm glad to see you're giving him credit, but did you get any permission? Guy had it rough as it is, with millions of people using his art for their "epic memes"

>> No.1676623

So, is this your first day here?

>> No.1677238

Could we have more critique, please?

>> No.1677271

Would if could.

>> No.1677301

3AB is fucking dead yo, either literally or he's just never coming back, there's not much that can be done.

>> No.1677353

Actually, the official tan site says he never really appears drunk but is always drinking. Maybe he could have a drunken master style of fighting.

>> No.1677356

I feel you, but so much of that dude's art has been used all over the fucking internet without most people knowing who he is. It'd be cool if you guys could actually do something new and not use his stuff for zillionth time.

>> No.1677410

His art has been used just as emoticons/rage comics in the past, what we're doing is completely different. In a way, this would feel more like a tribute than anything else.

>> No.1677442

yes, it's shit and you should come up with basic movesets and animation for the other tans before you run yourself into the ground trying to perfect /v/

>> No.1677469

in violation of nearly all of the rules


and stay there, faggot.

>> No.1677478

Can I ask you a question?

>> No.1677516

go on

>> No.1677520


why did you decide to be "that guy"?

I'm curious.

>> No.1677558

But we're trying to complete /v/ first?

>> No.1677719

They're talking about art and a caricature of this board, no rule has been broken. Now stop being a whiney little faggot and piss off

>> No.1677787

/v/ being my other native board, I've seen your threads many times, but never chose to answer, because it is such a fast board. I've watched this project grow larger and larger. But, alas, the other anon who said, that you should work on the other tans is very right. Taking on a project of this size is daring. You have almost everything ready, except some coding or minor tan details. Here's the cold, hard truth.

As of right now you have made 32 board-tan concepts. Let's say you won't be adding any more. Every character will be needing an idle, walking, running(?), jumping, entering, losing, taunting, victory animations + at least 4 basic attack animations (have you thought of animations when the user is pressing crouch, charging in, mid-air?) and 3 special attack animations. That by itself is 32x15 = 480 animations! (and I'm not even counting the crouch, charge and mid air animations) That is a lot of work, even if you do have a handful of animators. And let's be honest here, /v/-tans animation isn't that good in terms of consistency - the animations look like they belong to different characters and they tend to change their anatomy between frames (I'm not talking about obvious exaggerations like the hammer blow. I'm talking about for example /v/-tans right hand lengthening for no reason at all, because his shoulders are barely moving on his idle animation.)

(cont. in next post)

>> No.1677790

And now we have come to the REAL issue. The only reason your game would be different and better than other shitty beat-em-ups (because it looks stiff as hell for now), is the large playable character choice and interactions between the characters (and you have to get them right, because it is a large inside joke and a circlejerk and you know it). The animations for each individual counteraction, considering there would only be one counteraction per one pair of board-tans is... 496. (I didn't pull this out of my ass, it's 32*31/2 or google handshake problem). Now that's a lot of animation (480+496=976 not even counting the enemies) for a couple of animators to do. And yet you are stuck on the same 5-6 animations for how many weeks now?

Not meaning to discourage you, but let this be an eye opener for you. I'd advise you get on to the concepts of other board-tan animations, before you get too bored and discouraged because nothing's really happening and going forwards.

>> No.1677856
File: 130 KB, 860x904, 1394451662588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using this goy here as /tg/ tan

You already fucked up /v/, why not go full retard and use good designs?

>> No.1677872

>Here's the cold, hard truth.

Heads up; we have been through many "eye openers" "truth revealing" "I-think-I'm-the-first-guy-to-see-the-truth" guys before that only point out things that we've already talked about. You probably thought this was the first time we've ever considered how many animations will be needed, which is laughable, (no offense) since it was the very fist thing to EVER to be discussed. So in that regard I'm afraid you just wasted 2 posts just for that. (again, no offense, you're not the first one to think he's the first one)

Your point in how /v/'s animation "doesn't quite fit" it's valid though. I would have liked you started and continued there instead of rambling on the already obvious information. After all that's why we're here, that's what this board is famous for; artistic critique.

>> No.1677879

>backpedaling like hell

Sif pls

>> No.1677882

How the hell is that "backpedaling"?

You could have said I was passive agressive (which I was) but backpedaling? Do you know what that means?

>> No.1677883

Calm your collective breasts.

>> No.1677884

You're right, that was uncalled for. I'm sorry

>> No.1677932

So not only can't you plan a video game for shit, you also won't listen to any criticism and/or suggestions about your planning being shit even if pointed out by many people.

I only assumed I was the first person pointing this out because surely, I thought, that you would have taken this into notice and re-thought all of this. If you know what you are doing but fail to notice that it's completely stupid, that I have nothing to say. I estimate you'll keep at it for 1, maybe 2 months before giving up.

>> No.1677936

>that you would have taken this into notice and re-thought all of this

As in, not doing it at all?

>I estimate you'll keep at it for 1, maybe 2 months before giving up.

I keep forgetting the internet is filled with time travelers.

No, but seriously. Your initial rant was that we're taking too much on finishing a few models and that there will be plenty, to which I said "I know, but what about the animations?"

No need to get super salty or anything, we can all co-exist in harmony in this thread, can't we?

>> No.1677951

Geez dude you need to chill out. The team has most likely thought about all the repercussions and thought long and hard about it. They most likely hear the same shtick about how this game is going to fail, and they heard and responded to your complaint so there's nothing else for you to say.

If you don't like that this game is being developed then I honestly don't know what to say, because that's like your opinion. But please refrain from starting an argument because you don't like something. Other people here are interested and are contributing, there is need for you to get mad and squash their fun.

But I shouldn't be telling you this should I? Aren't projects and concepts part of the everyday art world?

>> No.1677952

*no need

>> No.1678007
File: 330 KB, 320x230, uptilt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, one of the animators on vacation here (I get to go back to work tomorrow, I can't wait), you sound like one of our newcomer sound guys but I digress.
I'm not sure why planning the rest of the boards' movesets first would be a good idea at this point. Wouldn't it make sense to focus on one character at a time? It does. Having actual finished content in our hands would also have other boards more willing to cooperate when it comes to planning a board-tan's moveset seeing how we have proof that we're capable of making it happen.
We currently have five animators on the team, not two. (I think we might have a few more by now) And the team keeps growing over time (no idea guys)
We've discussed the number of animations per board with the boss, hell, everyone in the group multiple times, we've even cut a few combo concepts to cut down on the workload. You can check /v/'s movelist on the doc. Maybe we could repurpose the run+jump+attack concept to be an aerial attack instead and just have the player select which aerial they'd like to do instead of having a completely unique attack happen too. What do you think, boss?
Anyway games take effort to do, we're putting in that effort to make it. We're asking for critique on /v/'s moveset because we want to be sure it's good enough to get finalized. You can help us by writing up an essay on what's wrong with /v/ so far rather than one about why this project is hard to make.
Like having this happen for the axe kick.

>> No.1678026
File: 55 KB, 2547x695, axe_kick_concept_finished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of a boring transition like this.
And if someone can come up with a better way of him moving forward that would be great too. Maybe having him jump somewhere between raising his leg and swinging it down?

Basically /v/'s a template for the rest of the boards. Once we're done with him we can go on to working on the other boards with a better idea of how things should work out.

>> No.1678928


/v/ is often depicted as angry. I think he loses a lot with the motion blur. Jagged swings are more befitting of his character.

>> No.1679081

holy shit, this thread is still alive!?

in any case, I know since this thread is pretty much dead, i was wondering, when you guys don't have a thread, where should we post some fanart, or art relating to suggestions such as board tans and such ?

>> No.1679115

We'll have our tumblr's submission box open soon once and if Sif gets around to it.

Good point..! No motion blur then.

>> No.1679814

/r/'ing the "White Knight" artwork

>> No.1680143
File: 324 KB, 802x916, 1394256381238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1680144
File: 19 KB, 491x583, 1394740008743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean these?

>> No.1680148 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 503x570, 1394737274504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much samefag

>> No.1680747 [DELETED] 

How many people are interested for trying out for the voice for /fit/?

Count me.

>> No.1680795

what does any of this mean?

>> No.1681369
File: 72 KB, 500x300, ic pls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked the idea of this attack. Is this what you are going for? Well in a sort of general way because I didn't fit much.

>> No.1682109

Is that an x-acto blade.

Is d/ic/k an architect.

>> No.1682188

Would you guys ever resort to Kickstarting it?

>> No.1682197

Maybe a fake kick starter asking for 2 million, the rewards will be like for 2$ moot will fly to your house and blow you. for 50$ we'll cure your aids. For 100$ your dick and/or tits will be animated in the game and be in the credits.

>> No.1682308

/ic/ looks like a stranded whale, 2/10 would not fuck

>> No.1682404

Make the legs go loopy liek sanic

>> No.1682600

Wow, I love the animation

Yeah, the idea is that D/ic/k attacks the enemy with the red line marker in joints and places that he feels look odd, filling the enemy with red circles and crosses that damage him/her
2fast, would nerf

>> No.1683587

Is there an IRC for discussion of this game or something?

/a/ here, honestly the thread was a bit off-topic, but not terrible. /a/ just has a paranoid fear of /v/. Still, I like the idea, and the animations look spectacular, so I'd like to offer some ideas, being a long-time /a/ user, even if the board itself is reluctant.

>> No.1683590

Well, you can add me and fill me in:

skype: oveygoyim.shekkelnstein

>> No.1684292

I love how the outline magically comes into existence when he redlines it, that's pretty cool.