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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 442 KB, 550x1119, DOBSON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1665006 No.1665006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1665010
File: 206 KB, 744x1073, 1387034760359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1665014

Did he just blame college for him being lazy? My god.

>> No.1665015

I love this man, he never seizes to amuse me :3

>> No.1665018
File: 456 KB, 600x942, DOBSON2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1665019



>> No.1665025

i can relate to >>1665006, though in a way. i wasn't so concerned with perfection, but motivation was definitely there and skills weren't holding me back too much. i wonder if i'd be better off without /ic/ exaggerating small mistakes making me feel like shit.

>> No.1665089


its ceases not siezes

the more you know

>> No.1665114

It's "it's", not "its".
The more you know.

sage because thread is cancer.

>> No.1665117

is that why he's bald?

>> No.1665167

don't be fooled by his 13yo level drawings, he's bald because he's in his 30's

>> No.1665197
File: 17 KB, 180x292, 1393118885506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is so sad actually because it makes me feel that pane when (IF) i see older drawing looking better than new. i become depressed and can't think of anything other than gitting gut
thanks god those people exist... at least they make me feel like i need to work harder if i don't want to be sad person who...
i forgot that he is super popular and has the amount of comments watches and favs (not to mention of gigantic fanbase) that i will never reach no mater how GUT i will become.


>> No.1665211
File: 39 KB, 500x600, andrew dobson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i forgot that he is super popular and has the amount of comments watches and favs (not to mention of gigantic fanbase) that i will never reach
That doesn't mean he's good. Dobson is a hack who refuses to become better and views any sort fo critique to be negative.

>> No.1665214

>Dobson is a hack

Well one thing's for sure he's better than the lot of you and that's the fact - you know it I know it everybody knows it and I admit it he is better than I.

>> No.1665213

so if your message ain't shit, fuck the records you sold
cuz if you go platinum, it's got nothing to do with luck
it just means that a million people are stupid as fuck

>> No.1665222

Shitposter plz

>> No.1665221

Dobbie pls go

>> No.1665224

>actually defending dobson

Who gives a shit if he's better at drawing than you are? He's a rude, slimy, petulant little manchild who draws terrible comics largely about how angry he is.

>> No.1665227

It's funny because he's wrong. His college work started to show some promise because they forced him out of his comfort zone, soon after he feel back on his "style" and has bearly improved(heh).

But nah, people are only as good as they strive to be. If you fail to move out of your comfort zone from time to time you will end up like dobbie... which I suppose isn't awful seeing as how he says he doesn't want to improve. Really he gets the hate because he strawmans like crazy and lashes out at people through his comics or in the comments on DA.

>> No.1665230
File: 92 KB, 951x382, funnyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call this face "tasteless humor".

>> No.1665246

>bearly improved


>> No.1665253

so ture.
hate when this face appears

>> No.1665261


>i wish everyone was as boring and depressed as me

>> No.1665263

I don't think you understand. This is 4CHAN. A place full of mature adults who are above silly concepts like "humor".

>> No.1665269

Is there more of this kind of thing?

>> No.1665283

it's evil tom preston on dA

>> No.1665303

is hilarious

i particularly like how in the original ones the characters challenging that blue bear thing are always super enraged but the evil tom ones look more rational so it changes the tone of the whole comic.

>> No.1665304 [DELETED] 

So, /co/'s hate boner for Dobson has cum to /ic/. I never understood the reason why some would literally go out of their way to hate on a stranger. Why, cause he acted like little bitch to some random loser on the web? I thought that was the norm?

It can't be for his art, right? Sure it's bland looking but compared to the other web comics that anons like it doesn't stray too far from the mediocre. His work has clarity and consistency, something a lot of budding young d/ic/ks are still trying to figure out.

>> No.1665313

>evil tom preston on dA
Holy fuck! So THAT'S what nick has been up to lately. I could recognize that style from a mile away. I was wondering where he'd gone all these years, didn't think he still drew comics.

Also, I had absolutely no idea he browsed /ic/.

>> No.1665314

Your right, let's get a pun thread going. We can turn this place into a total ZOO. hahahaha XD XD XD XD Because bears=zoo. I'm just a lurker but I just wanted to say I hate you. At least I have a great sense of humour.

>> No.1665321

LOL my sides in orbit.

>> No.1665331

You're getting pretty angry over a little pun.

>> No.1665341

No, I don't care about that, it's the sarcastic guy that really pisses me off. The rest of the internet steals most of it's memes from 4chan, and this guys acting elitist because someone doesn't want to hear dumb puns that actually somehow pass for humour nowadays? Reddit loves that lowbrow trash, and I wish it wouldn't come here.

>> No.1665352

Why is he a bear now?

>> No.1665369

Not surprising, really. /co/ and /ic/ overlap in a few areas and both have quite a few artists.

>> No.1665375

>So, /co/'s hate boner for Dobson has cum to /ic/
Well actually, Dobson did visit /ic/ once.

>> No.1665385

Seriously, you are getting angry at nothing, chill.

>> No.1665389

Good times.
>get critique
>get angry
>actually improve on the next few pictures
>decide it's to hard
>then come back as a blue bear and make comics about "trolls" trying to help you

Dobson is a special kind of person.

>> No.1665590

Fat Dobson edits.

>> No.1665616

You absolutely have to either know nothing about his "art" or be complitely braindead to not understand why people hate Dobson. So go read his DA if you are that curious or gtfo.

>> No.1665620

Dobson isn't funny anymore.
Hating on Dobson is now a new trend.

>> No.1665621

honestly, hating on Dobson isn't funny anymore...

>> No.1665624

>not watching what he does wrong to make sure you don't fall into the same mistakes

I hate, and I mean HATE feminists and the newage liberals. They are trying to ruin art, vidya, and pretty much everything else I love... and yet I know that besides maybe poking a light joke at them(as I did in a senran pic) I refuse to use them to prove a point in a comic. I refuse to try to make any arguments in my comics really. I also don't self insert unless I'm making a joke about myself and I actively look for critism. If I don't think it's helpful I thank the person anyways. All of this can be learned by watching Dobsons mistakes. He does a lot wrong with his "popularity", if you watch you can learn not to make the same mistakes.

And for the love of christ, never have your self insert beat up a "jerk" for some womans honor. He is the definition of a fedora wearing white knight.

>> No.1665627

>I admit it he is better than I.

damn, I feel sorry for you. Not even random drawfags in /co/ or /a/ drawthreads are actually as bad as Dobson. You must literally be one of the worst artists in the world.

>> No.1665635

How about spending the time you try to "learn" from Dobsons mistakes into something useful, like doing art or reading something which is actually informative and will let you grow as a human being? No?
And I will now take my own advice and go out of this thread.

>> No.1665639

Taking a couple of seconds to look, and maybe chuckle at a picture somebody posts of Dobsons on 4chan doesn't exactly take away to much time from my studies. He is a good example what not to do and I think new artists benefit from seeing that. When did we get a Dobson defense squad anyways?

>> No.1665642

These faggots can blame tumblr nose hatred on 4chan's "irrational" hate to other sites. They can deffend Dobson.

>> No.1665699

I think the internet broke him.

>> No.1665700

i refuse to let you believe that. post your work. now.

>> No.1665719

Dobson might suck but at least he's producing work while the rest of you faggots are jerking off over loomis.

Most of you will not even achieve Dobson status because you're on ic 24/7 crying like a bunch of little bitches.

>> No.1665750

Seeing as he talks about the "internet trolls" almost as much as Chris chan I'd have to agree.

>> No.1665798

No, I will be crucified if I do I am holding onto this piece and actually finish something instead of posting here and have Anons tell me to stop turd polishing I'll lose momentum and the interest to finish if I do.

But yes Dobson is better than I in many different ways and the same goes for the greater majority here.

>> No.1665811

Funny because you seem to be the only one crying here. "mimimimimi you all suck and you will never achieve Dobson status and you are all meanies because you told me to study more Loomis"

>> No.1665867

There are a lot of butthurt people here lately. It's like people don't realize that Vilppu and Loomis are just there to provide really helpful tools. Eventually I think everyone develops their own method of drawing. I personally don't use much gesture as shown by Vilppu or quite a few animation books, but rather solid shapes and loops, though sometimes when I'm drawing from life in public I will use the gesture techniques to get people down quick. They all provide tools and are very good. Fun with a pencil is a great place to start for most, I really don't understand all the Loomis hate that has been going on.

>> No.1665875

>ppl spewing loomis like its some ic meme
>wonders why hate

loomis didnt thought me anything. Vilppu and hampton all the way.

>fun with penic

get a load of him. Its a joke book.Even loomis said its shit.

>> No.1666608

But if it weren't for fun with a pencil I wouldn't have learned about building forms on top of other forms but what really helped me out was a combo of Vilppu and Loomis.

>> No.1666612

I get the impression that it's not a singular dumb pun that's really the problem, here.

>> No.1666618
File: 375 KB, 400x300, laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are trying to ruin art, vidya, and pretty much everything else I love

>> No.1666620

So... who the fuck is Dobson guys?

>> No.1666623
File: 120 KB, 306x271, 1391376949487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1666627

someone post the dobson comic edits where he's a fat sweating freak in every frame.

>> No.1666631


>> No.1666636

Thirding this.

>> No.1666644
File: 155 KB, 800x618, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1666646

Okay, this shit made me laugh. I don't give a fuck what you guys say about Dobson I think he's alright.

>> No.1666658
File: 167 KB, 700x546, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Dobson always make fun of people at conventions? You see numerous comics of him poking fun at stupid remarks and questions con-goers usually ask, but why is he so judgemental of people who don't understand art or an artist's work?

Also when he makes jokes about how his booth at cons are always so empty?

He just makes him seem very unapproachable at a con, and just worthless of an artist. He must have no self confidence or something with selling art.

>> No.1666661
File: 216 KB, 800x624, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example.

>> No.1666667

Daily reminder that Dobson is better than most of /ic/ despite /ic/ sitting on a high horse.

>> No.1666691

to his credit, the subhumans that go to cons are generally retarded

>> No.1666771

everyone goes on about dobson's art college work, but i cant find it anywhere. can anyone post some?

>> No.1666786

Would it have been that difficult to answer the guy's question by saying, "I did the lineart on paper with pen, then scanned and colored it in photoshop"?

He's just asking for it here.

>> No.1666789

yes, that would make it absolutely sidesplittingly hilarious

>> No.1666794

did you find the both thing funny? fo real you must have a hair-trigger on your funny bone. were you tickled a lot as a child?

>> No.1666811

I see no mention of the comedic value of the initial strip.

>> No.1668732

>I hate, and I mean HATE feminists and the newage liberals. They are trying to ruin art, vidya, and pretty much everything else I love...

hahahah wow dude

>> No.1669540
File: 386 KB, 550x1136, 1393563200221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1669545


>> No.1669796
File: 729 KB, 550x1516, 1393611530436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, this eviltomp webcomic is actually really good. artist seems pretty willing to take crit as well

>> No.1669803

I think the reason I keep visiting these threads about him is that he's the epitome of what I don't want to be, but it's how I would end up if I stop trying.

>> No.1669830

It's kind of ironic and sad that the artist who does the Tom Preston parody webcomic is actually even worse than the reaon Tom Preston, despite his clear willingness to take criticism.

>> No.1669832

> not a good artist


> worse than Dobson

That's where you're wrong

>> No.1669834

why does the artist draws andrew so skinny ? He's a fatass

>> No.1669835
File: 459 KB, 700x1131, 1393616594900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's Evil Tom, not Dobson.

>> No.1669839

/co/ ruined /ic/

prove me wrong.

>> No.1669844


you're right

>> No.1669978

its an edit you moron.

>> No.1669981

Yeah he's not as good, so what?
He criticizes his attitude, not his art.

>> No.1671982

That fucking bear is making me sick

>> No.1672006

I never thought that shit at all. My shit today looks way better than what I did before and in college.

>> No.1674697

>Why does Dobson always make fun of people at conventions?
It's not just people at conventions, it's everyone.

>> No.1674807


>> No.1674894

I think I found some of it. Honestly, it's fucking terribad, I don't know why everyone thinks he had decent college artwork. Coming from Art Center, I see way better shit in portfolios of 1st termers. This looks like the type of crap you see at fake, commercial art colleges, like Art Institute or Full Sail.


>> No.1674898

Except he went to a real art school, and someone who entered as he was leaving now works at Disney.

>> No.1674900

that's the school's claim to fame? One guy got hired from Disney? Exceptions are everywhere. The guy was probably good despite his shitty education and Dobson is likely one of the guys that would reject critique and stay shitty even if he had gone to a really good school like Art Center, Ringling, or RISD.

>> No.1674919

hahaha well that was disappointing

>> No.1674930

Art school's really a place where you get what you put into it.

Considering Dobson's activity and behavior on the internet, is it really surprising that he didn't get much out of art school, as he claims?

Despite what everybody says I think he's actually pretty good when he actually tries and is not lazy.

>> No.1674937

Yeah, exactly. I see plenty of people at art center that make me question how they got in, but I know that they probably spent a fuck ton of time putting together an entrance portfolio that was decent, and when it came to finessing things, they could pull it off over long period's of time. They knew how to polish their turds... but one they get in and are faced with 15 hours of drawing a day, it becomes clear that they're not really cut out for it, yet they squeak on by and eventually graduate. That can happen anywhere. I assume dobson was one of the squeak-by students. Got his C's and B's, perhaps even A's by fulfilling the assignments, but didn't really absorb the information, or accept critiques. He was probably one of those dickholes that argued everything the professor ever said. "But muh intention was..." Just shut up, listen, and incorporate what you're there to learn, shit.

>> No.1675008

>when he actually tries
Well that's the problem. He doesn't try. If he tried, people would have much fewer problems with him. Instead of half-asses it and whines.

>> No.1675020


I don't think he's really even good when he tries. He lacks basic design principles. Color, comp, anatomy...

Even in a situation where I'm lazy or need to get something done quickly due to a time constraint or whatever, I still execute something with these design principles in mind, even if it's a simple pen and ink drawing that takes ten minutes. Pay attention to where it is framed on the page, how it is framed, where emphasis goes and how to create emphasis.

Sure, he's just drawing silly comics, but the most detracting element is his use of color. It's as though he doesn't consider the color wheel or color harmonies while using a paintbucket tool. Rather, he goes, "this shirt will be yellow, this will be blue...dirt is brown and grass is green." The resulting mess is vomit. It's how uneducated children think of color with coloring books. He doesn't ever think about playing warms vs. cools, or dark values vs. light values, saturated vs. desaturated, complementaries against each other, tertiary relationships, split complementaries, etc. He knows none of this, and if he does know it, he really ignores it or doesn't spend the extra half hour picking a color palette.

>> No.1675048

Now you're just picking minor shit out to hate on the guy.
None of that shit really matters for the kind fo stuff he makes.

>> No.1675055

color theory matters to everything that contains color. please be trolling.

>> No.1675057

If he was writing novels, color theory wouldn't matter, but the guy makes visual art that is in color, of course color theory matters.

>> No.1675061

>picking minor shit out to hate on
That's all they know how to do, it's the modus operandi that makes them who they are; lazy jelly losers who waste time bitching.

>> No.1675060

for lame comics like his?
adventure time has no color theory whatsoever
SMBC, cyanide & happiness is limited in color, anatomy, whatever

>> No.1675078
File: 558 KB, 700x1018, selfies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways, I'm looking at his stuff trying to form an opinion of my own. Pretty good gestures, nice lines, and the colors are ok, if not perfect.
It's up to standard for webcomics by all means. Even if I dislike his attitude, and agree with evil preston for the most part.

>> No.1675082
File: 443 KB, 550x740, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I can honestly judge is, well, he's a whiny bitch and comes off as very unlikeable.

See this shit.
>Bwaw, I can't wear this hat because I'm peer pressured not to. EVEN THOUGH IM NOT A LOSER LIKE THE REST OF THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR FEDORAS. I'm so above them and I have all rights to wear it but they ruined it for me for being such terrible people.


>> No.1675093

I don't know what's more cringing, his jokes or you people's ability to read too much into them. You all are starting to come off like sjw's

>> No.1675096
File: 353 KB, 800x746, fandom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, I think is funny. Especially after browsing /co/.

>> No.1675105
File: 183 KB, 600x409, cards-on-the-table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one is an important thing, to not let yourself be taken advantage of.

Anyways, is /ic/'s obsession with him is some kind of a parotting - i am one of you giuise - bullshit like "LOOMIS"?

>> No.1675106

What's to read into? His "jokes" aren't funny.

>> No.1675113
File: 369 KB, 550x752, terrified-of-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's kinda funny

>> No.1675119

No it's not.

>> No.1675122


>> No.1675124

You're entitled to your opinion, but mine is the right one.

>> No.1675127

Its not about the comics being funny, its about people overreacting to commentary that's made up mostly by themselves.

>> No.1675131

TP posts large chunk of commentary with every comic of his you know.

No, my opinion is the right one, obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't feel it right.

>> No.1675287
File: 49 KB, 512x288, marcelinetime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're absolutely wrong about adventuretime. Sure, there are scenes where a bunch of saturated characters of different colors are in a room with each other, but color theory is still there.

>pic related, everything is in the cool, blue colorscheme. Value and hue are used to emphasize her face.

>> No.1675292
File: 45 KB, 570x670, 33-100_worst_yearbook_photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he kidding me with this shit

>> No.1675294
File: 43 KB, 600x368, screenshot_2_10888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this beautiful tertiary split with chiaroscuro lighting.

As for the fully saturated scenes, it was a stylistic choice based off the fact of it being a brightly colored, magical sort of world. There's a reason you often see rainbows in the show and a variety of colors at full saturation. That is all still color theory, it creates a mood. The artists on the show know what they're doing. They don't simply make trees green because trees are green. They will make them blue or red when it reflects the proper mood trying to be conveyed.

>> No.1675298

>of his
True, but most of the ranting from you fans are hyperbolic and imaginary. Its like that meme on /pol/ where somebody walks past a Jew, a black person or whatever minority and then next there on 4chan spewing vitrol about they were nearly attacked.

>> No.1675322

Whoa whoa whoa what?
Since when is he a furry and gay/whatever? I opened his DA for the first time in a while and it looks like it has been overrun by reddit feminists subhumans.
I knew he was into inflation and something else before but what the fuck happened now?

>> No.1675344
File: 127 KB, 600x825, talus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's anti dobson so he's skinny.

>> No.1675348

it's a proxy for the internet

>> No.1675364

i was wrong i see, sry

>> No.1675379

Lel, it's so obvious when Dobson posts.
Hey there fat man.

>> No.1675427

honestly for a webcomic its ok. What matters is his retarded opinions on everything.

>> No.1675432

Yeah. And therefore, he pretty much failed.

>message/humor >>>>>>>> art
when it comes to wc

>> No.1675433


>> No.1675441

>why is he a bear
Fat Dobson edits as well as his love for mlp.
He does gay skits to appear more progressive.
>overrun by reddit feminist subhumans
They are the only people useless enough to enjoy Dobsons shit. They also are quick to turn on him as seen in his human fluttershy picture. This is not the audience you want.

>> No.1675455

No. Stop using terms you're vaguely aware of.

>> No.1675467

I actually regret going to art school

>> No.1675477

i went to a fucking management college. wasted 3 years of my life. I could just draw for those 3 years. I didnt know what i want to do in life back then tho. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

>> No.1675482

I feel it better prepared me to become a working artist. But I went to an in-state liberal arts college on a scholarship, so I have no loans to cause regret. It expanded my network of artists, taught me a hell of a lot about art history, I learned lots of techniques and media I couldn't learn from home (lithography, stone sculpture, etc), I got to focus on nothing but art for several years (minus basics), and I was taught how to exhibit my work (how to hang work, promote a show, etc.)

>> No.1675499

Same, only difference: 3.5 years. And no degree, drop out, fuck.

>> No.1675502

Im having a finall exam on sunday man. I dont realy care if I fail anyway. I wont get any job for this degree and im not interested in anything like this.

>> No.1675540
File: 37 KB, 842x211, 1394214578878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>True, but most of the ranting from you fans are hyperbolic and imaginary.
Not really.

>> No.1675541

>months away from a degree
>drop out
You're a fucking idiot, bro

>> No.1675545

No, I had to do at least 2 more years because failed certain classes that had more and more classes built on them.

>> No.1675552

Something about his style is so aggravating yet I can't put my finger on it.

Is it because it's a mish-mash of only the worst newspaper comic strips?

>> No.1675561
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, 1332080162350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you think you'd be more convincing if you posted a drawing?

>> No.1675587

Saying that you'd have to be the worst artist ever is to be worse than Dobson is certainly hyperbole. There's plenty of people out there whose work is legitimately painful to look at, Dobson is mostly just mediocre, with boring colors and varying degrees of iffy stylization.


It does look like a bog standard newspaper strip, yes. I can't place what part of it it is but it looks like Garfield without the weird balloon eyes to me.

>> No.1675621 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 774x600, 1394224975163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, no, I know what the hell chiaroscuro is, though the entire image isn't a wash of dark values with one bit of highlight, I do know what chiaroscuro is. The adventuretime image I posted isn't a true tertiary split either, but it leans towards being one on the color wheel.

>pic related, one of my favorite artists, Goya, using Chairoscuro

>> No.1675624
File: 201 KB, 1280x989, 1394225365466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, no, I know what the hell chiaroscuro is, though the entire image isn't a wash of dark values with one bit of highlight, I do know what chiaroscuro is. The adventuretime image I posted isn't a true tertiary split either, but it leans towards being one on the color wheel.

>pic related, one of my favorite artists, Goya, using Chairoscuro

>> No.1675627

>not dropping out of art school after 1 semester
Enjoy your debt

>> No.1675645

>paying for classes
>failing them
Wow, you really are a fucking idiot

You're right to drop out, education is wasted on you

>> No.1675650

I'm not American so my education system is different. It's also free.
I kept failing because severe depression.

>> No.1675884

stop being depressed, problem solved

>> No.1676169

Why are you guys obsessed with this dude? Aren't you supposed to be drawing so you can not end up like him?

>> No.1676180
File: 6 KB, 446x361, choking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should stop being such a huge cockgobbler

>> No.1676186

wow you fixed them :-D good job anon friend you have cured depression with your words of wisdom! i nominate you for a nobel peace prize

>> No.1676235

It got better over the years of struggle, and now I stand with a tolerable mental state and a fucked up life path, don't be me people.

>> No.1678313


He basically does what a 13 year old does, only draws what's on the surface. No depth at all in his works, no sense of proportion, shit anatomy, shit coloring, shit everything. He honestly thinks slapping a texture over everything makes his picture look more "three-dimensional," and he chicken-scratches his sketches and adds random construction lines to make it look "professional."

Also people who think Dobson draws better than /ic/ plz leave and get an art education. You can do the same shit he does in ten minutes with Illustrator's blob brush, low opacity blues slapped everywhere (this is seriously how he "shades" making everything look like a turd) and Photoshop. You don't even have to work on line variation, the way he just sloshes the Illustrator brush around for lineart. His comics are entry-level digital art, don't get why everyone thinks he's a decent artist. Raise your standards.

>> No.1678333

A sign of antisocial personality disorder is the inability to recognize sarcasm or teasing

>> No.1678339


>I draw them on paper, but I color them in Photoshop

That's the proper way to handle that question that doesn't make you come off as a giant douche.

>> No.1678341


The faces all seem like manufactured copies of other comic artists and not at all original or natural.

>> No.1678363
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>> No.1678364
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>> No.1678365
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>> No.1678368
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>> No.1678370
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>> No.1678372

weird how he didn't do 'about 7 heads' but 5 instead. seems an odd choice.

>> No.1678377


Because he couldn't prove the guy wrong.

So he tried to BS a drawing to show that he was "right" instead of addressing the point.

>> No.1678381
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>> No.1678383
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>> No.1678389

Shit man, I remember studying this as part of my highschool art exam.

Back on topic:
Dobson's an asshole. I feel like his stuff hits a certain age group that are in the same kinda spot he is (Not great at art, unable to take critique), and the people just keep rotating in. Fans grow old, young fans discover him, love his shit, grow old, ad infinitum.

>> No.1678393

how much money does he get from apple?

>> No.1678398

>Ken Ashcorp

That cynical douche isn't that much better.

>> No.1678407

You should post the one where somebody shows him his height difference is fucked up and he goes out of his way to draw shit off panel to "prove" the person wrong.

>> No.1678409

this dobson/preston character is really depressing. what if i spend years and years learning how to draw and end up with a comic style like that? don't know what it is exactly but it's all so fucking bland-looking and predictable.

>> No.1678411

if you start making money a specific way, then you're going to have to keep doing that thing.

think of poor old jackson pollock, racked with guilt over having to do drip painting after drip painting.

>> No.1678422

He got back into more figurative work late in his career, though it wasn't as well-received iirc. And before the drip painting he was reasonably successful with other abstract works.

>> No.1678442

please post this

>> No.1678448

You can always look at the art of people you like and learn from them instead.

>> No.1678461
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>> No.1678482

That's quite funny actually and surprisingly shows some decent drawing skills. At least far superior to those of the guy who was correcting him, which is fitting.

>> No.1678485

>That's quite funny actually
It really isn't.
>decent drawing skills
It's not that Dobson can't draw. It's never been that. It's that he's a lazy fuck who takes shortcuts at every opportunity and responds to criticism with dumb shit like this.

>> No.1678486

>It's that he's a lazy fuck who takes shortcuts at every opportunity and responds to criticism with dumb shit like this.

Dobson is the personification of /ic/. It all makes sense now, the reason why you all detest him so much!

>> No.1678488

of all the things to criticize him for, this is the least worthy.

>> No.1678497

people just begin grasping at straws trying to find something to ridicule.
You don't have to try that hard, its ok to just go for the low hanging fruit, its just as sweet.

>> No.1678563


Ironically or not, this is one of his better works.

>> No.1678567 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 500x337, 1377662319953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not that bad of a guy like everyone makes him out to be, is he? Come on guys...

>> No.1678568
File: 19 KB, 500x337, 1377662319953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not that bad of a guy like everyone makes him out to be, is he? Come on guys...

>> No.1678569

the irony

>> No.1678584

--is wasted on you

>> No.1678594

I feel terrible when I see threads about him on /v/ and /co/ and /ic/

How much abuse can a guy take? It seems so wrong. I mean the guy IS strange, but the anons are so viscous.

You guys are all artists. Why do you refuse to have compassion for this dude? I'm asking out of curiosity.

Because of Dobson I fear what people will say about me. I'm not going to lie.

>> No.1678628

Come on... He may be whiny, but he does not deserve to be mocked to that degree. He isn't the best artist but he does not have to be either.... and he has his audience. What he does isn't THAT bad. It's weird, but really not that bad.

Just get over it /ic/, my god.

>> No.1678630

because they envy him and think their art is more deserving of a spotlight.

it's their way of delivering justice.

>> No.1678631
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No, he isn't.

He's made some mistakes and probably isn't the most likeable person around, but he's definitely not as bad as the internet makes him out to be.

It's just cool to join the hate train.

>> No.1678632
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>> No.1678636

how does this thread have 185 replies.

there are threads from people with good questions who need advise,

but i guess artwork/critique stands for "look at bad artwork"/slander.

>> No.1678639

Because /ic/ loves to gossip. You should know this, newfag.

>> No.1678869


Why do people draw tongues this way? your tong doesn't ever bend like that.

>> No.1678873

ask Walt Disney, he'll tell you (with his riches)

>> No.1678896



>> No.1678899

How should the tongue bend?

>> No.1678906

>implying you don't have a tongue and a mirror

>> No.1678922

it's an action pose, shows that they're yelling. without the exaggerated tongue action it can become less understandable. and although it's exaggerated your tongue does bend like that during approximates like L or Y.

>> No.1678923

approximants* --

>> No.1678926


With L you put your tong to the roof of your mouth, not bend it into a weird n-shape.

>> No.1678927

there are lead-ins and lead-outs for actions, your tongue just doesn't teleport up there. when you're trying to convey action you don't draw the part where the object is resting, you draw it when it's moving.

>> No.1678939

>implying cartoons should look realisitc

>> No.1678941

at what point ever does the middle of the tongue move up as the tip moves down? making an L sound is the exact opposite.

>> No.1678942

Ugh, see that's just uncalled for. Dude who sprayed him is at least as cringe-worthy.

Not abiding by the safari rule ruins all drama.

>> No.1679004
File: 14 KB, 236x350, cute-polar-bear_4160[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread makes me remember when I first tried drawing/painting a bear.

Isn't it weird how bears actually have long necks? It's just one of those things I had never really noticed, and then it really threw me off when I finally did.

>> No.1679007

i found them to have a pretty similar body (- legs, tail) to big male rats

>> No.1679130


According to Preston they supposedly look like dogs.


You are the cancer that is killing /ic/. Leave or go back to the stylization thread where you belong.

>> No.1679134


Have you ever been to his dA page? He acts like an asshole to everybody who does not sycophantically think his comics are the best thing since sliced bread, he openly lies, and he goes out of his way to feed his fans the wrong information about art education so that they will never surpass him in artistic ability. He thinks he's justified in doing all of this.

The dude's an asshole, he tries to hide it, he deserves to be used as a negative role model because he is one. The fact that he thinks this stuff hurts him is hilarious.

>> No.1679135

When people start to attack him on retarded shit like the proportion of the art teacher, that is unfair.

Or calling him the worst artist ever which he clearly isn't.

>> No.1679144


>"worst artist" when nobody has called him that

lel. The person originally posted it as a friendly critique and Dobson overreacted.

>> No.1679151



plz leave

>> No.1679167

shit stirring faggot

plz leave

>> No.1679177

bearfaces do look similar to a dogs
but its the body what makes them different

>> No.1679408

as unfunny as that comic was
at least admit that was freakishly clever

>> No.1679606


actually i wholeheartedly agree with you

things aren't the same anymore

>> No.1680100
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>> No.1680122

I don't even like the guy or his works but I can't stand faggots who jump on a hate vagon when there's something "hip-to-hate".

>> No.1680357

I have to agree with this and also his opinion on Liefeld. And I draw smurf porn and post it here.

>> No.1680359

That's pretty fucked up. A reasonable person couldn't know what they were being sprayed with and I would likely shoot the person that did this to me if I didn't know them and they purposely masked themselves.

>> No.1680360


>> No.1680365

Why is Liefeld's hate misdirected?

>> No.1680368

why do gay penises always have that drip of cum, seems so weird.

>> No.1680369

Becuse they are meant to be filthy.

>> No.1680373

>Why is Liefeld's hate misdirected?
It would be like hating any successful artist that did things similarly to his contemporaries.

If you really want to hate that Liefeld was ridiculously successful, hate on Marvel and DC as they hired him.

>> No.1680377

Makes sense.
Although I dislike him much more because he's a douche, than because of his drawings

>> No.1680381

>Although I dislike him much more because he's a douche, than because of his drawings
What has he done that was douchy?

Being late on dead lines for a creator owned book is shitty but I wouldn't count it as douchy.

>> No.1680383

because people are smug assholes these days for some reason (internet) and they can't just enjoy things for being cool any more, they have to analyze things and ruin them for themselves.

>> No.1680383,1 [INTERNAL] 

>watching what he does wrong to make sure you don't fall into the same mistakes
>obsessing over a failure and giving him more attention
>not learning from a genuine professional

Unless you mean how Dobson's basically opened up his personal life on the internet, but I though that was common sense.