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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 748 KB, 1417x886, 1376494240071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1657856 No.1657856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stylization Thread

"Each step being broken down into even smaller steps, the impossible becomes possible." - Glenn Vilppu

Previous Thread: >>1656269

Try to keep calm, have a positive attitude and avoid making Kind Janitor-Ssi angry!

A general message to aspiring artists: Don't ever think that you should stop attempting to learn how to draw because "it takes too long" or "drawing is just a hobby." Being shitty at your hobby is definitely not better than doing your hobby well, no matter what your laziness tells you. Have some dedication in what you love to do, damn it!

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the sticky!
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection

Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

/ic/: "Professionals use references."

>> No.1657860

>Artist: dredant. From Shanghai.

>> No.1657865 [DELETED] 
File: 262 B, 29x33, 1392092878019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1657912

food for thought: can we make a porn thread that's seperate from this one so that people can post real art here?

>> No.1657914

>animu thread
>real art

>> No.1657918
File: 254 KB, 916x1306, nagisa5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thanks. Also posting progress.


>> No.1657920
File: 103 KB, 672x534, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1657922

animu is animu mang, nude/lewd or not

>M-muh purity

>> No.1657923
File: 529 KB, 850x574, tmp_1390602340767-190372767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Porn is art you prude.

>> No.1657928

does her eye need to be all wibbly like that?

>> No.1657927

that looks like Azusa.

>> No.1657933

this is "Stylization General" so whatever style it is it goes. It doesn't have to be mango but mango is very popular so you are likely to see a lot of it here... Porn is also very popular so, you are likely to see a lot of mango porn (hentai) here anon, is just the way it is.

>> No.1657934
File: 28 KB, 216x265, animu girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1657935
File: 78 KB, 680x960, 1392428681300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weaboos and shota
thread is already ruined. Its almost like posting a photo of a turd
Bye everyone
During previous thread i told you to create a separated 2d-stylization thread with different name for art so weaboo faggots will keep out

>> No.1657936

>Hating on shota

You are a massive faggot and I dislike you.

>> No.1657939
File: 2 KB, 109x125, 1383899084758s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dreaming of having sex with a child
Keep dreaming faggot. the bright future is waiting for you

>> No.1657941

>dreaming of having sex with a child

Absolutely disgusting, I don't think you know what shota means.

>> No.1657943

>be caught
>quickly play with terms trying to tell that you are not a pedofile
yeah try harder

>> No.1657944

I thought renaming to alternative art/sylisation would have saved these threads but it's still just talentless porn and bad animes. I don't even mind the bad animes that much but now everyone is trying super hard to be edgey and fit in by being as pornographic as possible + literally everyone is copying kyles rendering even when it barely applies to their workflow

>> No.1657946

I only like 2D kids, mate. They're cute. When I read/watch shota, I empathize with the one receiving aka the shota, maybe because I'm young and small myself. Now fuck off.

>> No.1657947

>I thought renaming to alternative art/sylisation would have saved these threads but it's still just talentless porn and bad animes
Why you can't just choose a name more wisely then? Something that is out of asian culture?
This 2D stylization simply means that ANYONE with cartoon style can join and post crappy doodles.
While we need a thread of a talk about art and some famous drawings/artists.

>> No.1657950
File: 2 KB, 92x125, 1383898958540s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only like 2D kids, mate. They're cute
Yeah sure keep telling that yourself.
The only reason of shota is a real thing is because in japan 13 years old kid is not as illegal as in USA. And because they have their own laws about 2D drawings.
But that doesn't change the fact that Shota is about boys around 13 years and...
Fuck why im even explaining that.
You are a pedofile, and you know that, lol

>> No.1657951

>ANYONE with cartoon style can join

that's exactly what I want but it's a;ways monopolised by edgy pornfags

>> No.1657955

>i only like 2D kids

>Commonly used as a warning in fanfiction, refers to porn involving an underaged boy (usually 9-12). The other partner can be either another underaged boy or an adult, though adults are more common.

yeah fuck off

>> No.1657956

Yeah, and the age of consent is 14 in my country. I don't even understand what your point is. Besides, silly anon, little girls can't be pedophiles.

>> No.1657960

The left eye is towards us and the right eye is moving away as the head is turning, affected by perspective.

>> No.1657961

>little girls can't be pedophiles.
you have two options
1) being banned because you are retarded loli and that's too underaged
2) you are fucking liar and will be caught as a pedofile in late 20

>> No.1657964

it's also wibbly. circles don't turn into beans the further away from you they are.

>> No.1657966

It's a technique used to give the impression of perspective, the eye is smaller and there was a discussion not long ago talking about the "Squishing" effect.

>> No.1657968

That would be neither, because I didn't imply my age. Happy drawing, you casual and/or b8-kun, I'm going to sleep.

>> No.1657970

Not a pornfag, but if you want more non-ero content posted, why not just post some yourself? Others are probably intimidated to post their non-ero content since they only see porn stuff in here all the time.

>> No.1657972

well it looks dumb, it gives the impression of her having a side-ways goats eye

>> No.1657974

Hmm...okay, holding onto perspective do you have any input to shed some light onto this problem?

>> No.1657976
File: 168 KB, 918x778, squish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better mugshot for you, any input?

>> No.1657979
File: 932 KB, 300x500, 1382089587330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little scary.

>> No.1657981
File: 68 KB, 640x750, ss (2014-02-15 at 01.01.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what you think the 'squishing' effect is but it is certianyl not "eye literally becomes a bean". Eyeballs are spheres. anime faces are stupidly flat because they're mostly cheaty symbol-placement faces so you maintain the illusion of a three dimensional face by pinching the far eye, this simulates several things including the effect of the (non existent in anime) bridge of the nose clipping intot he view of the far eye

>> No.1657983

just curious.
what make it scary?
it looks fine to me.

>> No.1657991 [DELETED] 

>pinching the far eye

That's what I meant, thanks for clearing that up Anon.

>> No.1657994

dude it's fucked the eyes are way too high.

did you flip it? it always amazes me how blind people can be to their own errors.

>> No.1657993

>pinching the far eye

That's what I meant, thanks for clearing that up Anon you're right I'll see what I can do.

>> No.1657996

mother of god.

>> No.1657997

Now that you mentioned it...oh crap, well time to move on live and learn.

>> No.1657999

no please, I'm the one that made that model.
what make it look scary?

>> No.1658001

personally I think the skin is too grey, and the 3 colored stripes seem to clash

>> No.1658003
File: 167 KB, 1024x679, 1253109397679103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dress is made after my own country traditional peasants dress.

>> No.1658005
File: 1.40 MB, 985x1254, tentagoddess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done. I never want to look at another pearl in my life, and they wound up making it a lot busier than I intended anyways. Welp, you can't win them all.

>> No.1658006

BTW those 3 stripes are our national flag.

>> No.1658007

Arms are too long.

>> No.1658009


>> No.1658012
File: 135 KB, 1000x1000, DeliciousBBGum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting. Does this count?

>> No.1658019

good attitude. You just earned a lot of respect anon

>> No.1658021
File: 1.19 MB, 2468x2904, medusacolours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1658022

Hahah thanks, this is why I come here I learn a lot from you guys.

>> No.1658023
File: 125 KB, 306x226, 1389573184936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls draw me some pron of that nigra

>> No.1658025

pls resize before posting

>> No.1658026
File: 636 KB, 700x1160, finshed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished now

does it still look uncanny? I kind of want to make my characters look more like cute anime/bjd dolls then real humans.

>> No.1658033

It's better atleast.

>> No.1658034
File: 1.07 MB, 250x173, tumblr_mks4dlFQ2l1qzex9io1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be able to draw from imagination, do I have to draw A LOT from life first? Or just studying a lot of construction will help me more?

>> No.1658039

To draw well from imagination you have to draw from your imagination a lot.
You don't just draw a lot of reference and suddenly you're amazing at drawing from imagination.

You do however need to draw from reference to build your visual library, you can't draw the body without knowing how it looks.

>> No.1658043
File: 1.55 MB, 320x240, 1365386135139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The legs look freakishly long to me. I think part of that is because of the cropping.

>> No.1658044
File: 260 KB, 1700x1100, 1392437514178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a break from this >>1657213 drawing right now...

Gonna draw dinner with Waifu. Suggestions guys on perspective proportions framing etc much appreciated!

>> No.1658045
File: 14 KB, 175x290, rline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for my taste she's a bit shiny. but that's just me.

tbh, the legs look a bit funny. i think if the whole knee area were in frame it might not be as weird.

there's also a few edges here and there which aren't great.

and lots of aliasing

and with the shadows on the bg it looks like one of those cardboard cut-outs put on a bed, can see best in thumb i think.

here i just pointed out a few edges that i don't like, so you can see what i mean. mainly they're too hard, especially with how soft other areas are.

all in all really great though.

>> No.1658055
File: 245 KB, 1700x1100, 1392438681943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I need some halp with putting stuff in the mouth.

>> No.1658058

Yeah, looks like she was applying lipstick in the thumbnail.

>> No.1658059

I really wish I could render like this...

>> No.1658071
File: 220 KB, 608x1080, IMG_20140214_233353880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more attempts at head construction... critique please?

I realize that the eyes are a little too close together

>> No.1658073

Belly button looks too high up and/or a short torso, I can't really tell since this just looks kind of 'off' in general.

>> No.1658074

then do it faget

>> No.1658075
File: 273 KB, 1700x1100, 1392439417495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I'm still not sure how to go with this thing. I also want it to look like she is in my room... behind the monitor, or having the monitor work as a "window"... feels.

>> No.1658077
File: 221 KB, 918x778, ilikeyoumikufag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

firstly, I'm really sorry I'm using a terrible brush.

About the eye, some anon already pointed it out.
Now, see that I've aligned the mouth and the nose a bit more. It feels more natural to me this way.
It's kind of though to represent the entire nose with a little almost-dot. you gotta think about what part of the nose that represents.
I myself am not really that sure. I don't usually draw my noses like this.
And the mouth just seemed a little off to me? But then again, I could just be interpreting the stylization wrong.

>> No.1658079

Nice! Really glad to see this finished.

>> No.1658080

give up anon thats fucking terrifying

>> No.1658084

Very nice. You have any tips on where you learnt to render like that? I render skin more painterly and messy, I'd like to try out that cleaner looking technique you have.

For crits, first thing was that the edges in the eyes could be harder, especially the lashes. Edges are hard as hell to get right and you've done well on the body and in general but the eyes are usually portrayed as harder edged, since they are always the key focus for the viewer. Yours look a bit too soft in places. And secondly I'd say go over your occlusion shadows; those folds of skin where the fingers meet the palm or where the thigh is squished over the calves would have much darker shadows and some well placed occlusions can really make things pop.

Keep it up, and lemme know if you have a blog or something I can follow.

>> No.1658095

Awh, thanks I appreciate you trying to show me what to fix but I am moving on anything we do to it would just be turd polishing.

>> No.1658098

with those red eyes reminds me of black-rock shooter a bit

>> No.1658107
File: 395 KB, 605x703, banksy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I wont give advice again until I become good enough ;-;

>> No.1658108

No, they're not referring to your advice or redline they meant my drawing it's okay.

>> No.1658120
File: 306 KB, 1700x1100, 1392441836620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started over... still not quite there.

>> No.1658149





>> No.1658150


drown them out with your own piss

don't you know how anonymous image boards work?

>> No.1658153
File: 167 KB, 857x689, sketch_10_inks_rezise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here is the inks.

>> No.1658154

I think I should get rid of the background.

>> No.1658157
File: 1.07 MB, 1955x1858, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1658160

The front girl's head seems kind of skewed.
Or is it just me?

>> No.1658161

I think that in the front girl the eye and the ear are too close, normally it's about one finger distance.

>> No.1658164
File: 844 KB, 850x1417, 1392448033567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this shitty fanart giving me a boner?

>> No.1658165

not your blog, go away.

>> No.1658167

because you have shit standards.
And this is the critique thread, make a new one if you really want to discuss why bad art gives you boners.

>> No.1658168
File: 162 KB, 857x689, sketch_10_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fuck you, now I have to start over!

>> No.1658169

It's decent though.

>> No.1658176

You have created love anon, good job.

>> No.1658192

Oh man, anon, I have no words to express my love for this!

>> No.1658215
File: 210 KB, 378x364, srsly guise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you faggots stop whining about what's posted here? It's not a tumblr tag you've subscribed to, this thread is to help people draw better their stylized drawings, be it animu, mangoo, shota, loli, porn, tentacles or what the fuck ever. This thread is not "appreciation of great art" thread, and nobody cares if you want or don't want to see something here. If you want to see something suited for your tastes, go google them, for fucks sake.

>> No.1658218

I agree with you, this should have been common sense from the start, i don't even know how some people think
that it affects them. Do they feel left out because people draw different things from them? i don't even know.
There are serious people that given the chance will refuse people of their chance to get a critique because
of the context of the drawing, example >>1657939 i understand if the drawing is very poorly done without any
effort, but this is just silly.

>> No.1658246
File: 34 KB, 1920x1080, take1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my very first attempt at a line-art thingy (or anything for that matter). Been doing Loomis along with other things, but would really appreciate advice/redline on this.

>> No.1658301

What do you use to draw, Miku?

>> No.1658304

How is it acceptable to post fanart not created by you, I meant, how it that going to help someone draw better? I'm talking about this guy >>1658164

>> No.1658305

This is obviously not acceptable, unless you are trying to prove a point and you are posting it as an example,
no one was talking about him.

>> No.1658310

Photoshop cs6

>> No.1658352 [DELETED] 
File: 734 KB, 1004x1045, nagisa8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I think this is pretty much ready now. Fucked up the legs a lot, too lazy to fix.

>> No.1658366
File: 914 KB, 1004x1045, nagisa9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I think this is pretty much ready now. Fucked up the legs a lot, too lazy to fix.

>> No.1658370

Iit's pretty nice expect for the fingers that seem kind of paper thin.
Now those lazy blurry backgrounds without any kind of lighting, in my opinion they are
worse than nothing, it gives the feeling of a cheap photoshop that someone did with your
drawing, so either try to work on a background or leave it blank, that's just my opinion.

>> No.1658374

Thanks, I'll try to fix the fingers and background some time in the future. Ironically I think this is the first time I've made a background as detailed as this.

>> No.1658387
File: 371 KB, 699x802, ccccccWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the body feels a bit "wobbly" if you know what i mean. i'll fix it, but right now, i can't help but feel like something feels off about the lighting around her face? it looks rather muddy, especially around her eyes.

>> No.1658391

Nah, trying to fix something that's already finished its counterproductive, do it like this, draw 5 hands from pictures and then recreate them from memory, and after a while try doing some from fantasy. As for the background i think that it's just too empty and unrealistic counter to your figure. Plan the background first if you want a background,
and treat it with the same love as your figure, plan the perspective, the composition etc.If you just throw something like that it creates a quality contrast and it seems out
of place, it's very easy to spot a drawing with a background that's meant to be there, and one that was just thrown in the end.

>> No.1658397

Stop being lazy you fucking faggot!

>> No.1658412

horizon line, ever heared of that word?

>> No.1658437

you might have heard of it, but you know fuck all about it. pls, refrain from critique before you educate yourself.
looking up or down, hides the horizon line out of view. also, eye-level and horizon line aren't the same thing.

>> No.1658438

Not that Anon, but based on the horizontal lines you got going with the pool it suggests that the vanishing point is much higher than what the figure is suggesting, in other words the figure is defying perspective as it suggests we are looking at it from a lower vantage point but if we put it in relation to the pool, well that is probably why the other Anon asked you that question.

>> No.1658440

I'm going to ink it again and correct the position of the ear and but and hand, if anything I'm being less lazy.

>> No.1658453

>you might have heard of it, but you know fuck all about it
this is why these threads are cancer.
you don't know shit.
if you look at how the shoulders align, the HL should still be in the picture.

>> No.1658459

we need to contain these people.

>> No.1658464

Bump. Would really appreciate a redline/advice on this before I start trying to color/shade.

>> No.1658491
File: 75 KB, 800x1000, qws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to foreshorten the hands, but i am not that good with perspective so i am
not sure how correct this is.

>> No.1658502

loli with grown black woman hips.

>> No.1658531

>what is petite

>> No.1658534

petite doesn't have nigress hips

>> No.1658535
File: 55 KB, 426x519, uglyvampbitch2bluehair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1658540

you should go out more.



>> No.1658542

ur mom is a vixen.

>> No.1658573


>> No.1658574
File: 76 KB, 1142x1272, finite turb bogglestein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figuring out edge variation with colors
so far blue works really well

We have the exact opposite problem, funny really. I spend too much time rendering and end up in uncanny valley.

Also it mostly has to do with how you define forms through values. At least that's what I have found.

>> No.1658588
File: 144 KB, 972x1314, 1391804162435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hue, look what i found in my porn folder

>> No.1658589
File: 442 KB, 700x794, ccccccWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update. Been working on it on and off again (ignore the untouched vomit and right ear). I'm still not exactly sure if the lighting is accurate or not, but I think some areas have been fixed. Any tips are greatly appreciated!

>> No.1658595

I like it but the eye is weird

>> No.1658601


>> No.1658604

congrats, you found his reference picture. do you want a fucking medal?

>> No.1658606

take it down about 5 notches, champ.

>> No.1658609
File: 52 KB, 337x367, 1380378130267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's upset.

>> No.1658612

you mean his copy material.

>> No.1658620

it's reference material faggot... he took it and made an anime character out of it.

>> No.1658623

no he slaped animu face on it and called it a day.

It should be called study not a performance work.

>> No.1658625

So because he used the image as a reference it shouldn't look so much like it? I don't get it.

Either way, we'll never really know whether he traced or not, so there's no point to complain and argue.

>> No.1658627

You're an idiot. Most artists use direct references 50% of the time. Theres a difference between closely referencing and tracing something too.

>> No.1658628

I never mentioned if he traced. I just have no respect for artist who copy every line and shade. Its ok IF its a study. Copying shades and lines liek that only makes you a reference attached copymachine.

>> No.1658631

>artist who copy every line and shade
>every line
So... tracing?

>> No.1658632

no...you can do this by measuring. You can also make a gird.

>> No.1658636

OK, I can see how that's possible.

But this isn't really something to get bent out of shape over when we don't know what his process was.

>> No.1658639

your in the wrong thread buddy

>> No.1658643


>> No.1658647


I agree with the anons saying it should have been called a study rather than 'using a reference'. Using a reference would have been using the shading on her feet and look at the way the arm bends or something. Copying the pose, shadows, and even the hair as closely as he did would just be doing a study.

>> No.1658650


>> No.1658658
File: 2.02 MB, 450x273, 2cute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay, someone agrees.

>> No.1658667
File: 185 KB, 958x651, nuke05-1342190935913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1658669

A study implies actually imitating the important parts of the image. Broken legs kind of nullify the point.

>> No.1658673

Gah, thank you!
here: tarusu.tumblr.com

>> No.1658675
File: 459 KB, 1152x651, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1658676

I was going for an elin kind of thing, anyway are the hands ok? should i go with them?

>> No.1658681

you need to practice the loomis chapters about perspective anon.

>> No.1658689

It's not about tracing, even if he eyeball it it's the same thing. He didn't even change the hair, what is left for the artist to do exactly?
The idea/gesture? there, the anatomy is all there in the reference, the proportions? all there, the lighting and shading, there. The only thing that he did was
paste some animu eyes on a direct copy of a photo, which i find hard to believe that he didn't copy from some other anime drawing.
He's comments on his progress was written as if he was doing it without a reference, and he never mentioned that he is doing a study.
when someone asked >do you use reference on those feet ?
He never answered, if this is not trying to impress then what is?

>> No.1658694

I didn't that, that's why i am asking, i am not sure.

>> No.1658695


>> No.1658696
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 1392511423368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1658703

I understand where you're coming from. I didn't mean to step on any toes. I was only pointing out that whether the drawing was traced or not, we'll never know because we don't what his process was or the what the piece was intended for.

I was defending him, exactly. Just pointing out another possibility, I guess.

>> No.1658706

well, try to read the loomis book where he explains perspective.
or just google Ctrl and Paint perspective tutorial.

>> No.1658709

I know, i am trying to say that it doesn't matter, if you are trying to pass something as your art when you are copying it one this level from a photo it just doesn't.

>or the what the piece was intended for
Well as i said, he never answered any questions about use of reference and i don't really expect him to as he happily
posted it on his blog under the tagg myart.

>> No.1658714

I am starting to feel bad filling the thread with this conversation. I did study perspective, from different sources. Marshall Vandruff perspective series, Norling perspective made easy, loomis and ctrl paint. I am trying to apply it on my drawing now, but of course just reading and practising for a few months won't make you an expert, so that's why i am asking for a second opinion on those foreshortened hands.

>> No.1658715


No, anon. Made better, now git your uneducated, busted anus outta me fucking thread.

>> No.1658718

>edgy porn fags

I lol'd but then I cried.

I wept for you, anon.

>> No.1658719

OK, I see your point. I don't see him say anything about anymore, so it doesn't look good for him.

>> No.1658723

well, you need to follow their tutorials like a baby, doing the exact steps they do.
Try to make the figures of boxes and then try to sculpt those boxes like if you were a 3D sculptor doing a human from stone.
If you think that way, it may be easy to imagine the planes of the figure.

>> No.1658727
File: 669 KB, 1071x1380, img057(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First comic/manga style drawing I've done in a few years.

>> No.1658729
File: 155 KB, 2000x2000, take3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update. I have no idea if my line-art was even passable, but I know my shading is not. Any advice would be helpful.

>> No.1658730

are you pinoy or mexican? just wondering and guessing.

>> No.1658734

Nope, I'm Thai.

>> No.1658877
File: 173 KB, 1100x850, sketch_10_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... Yeah work in progress. Today I learned that Miriam's mom is dead... Now I feel bad for drawing her licking my neighbor's feet.

>> No.1658879

>Today I learned that Miriam's mom is dead... Now I feel bad for drawing her licking my neighbor's feet.

Wait, what you mean you based these characters off a real person you know? Geez, Anon...well I'm sorry for your friend's loss.

Um, it would be best if you did not mention anyone's name here.

>> No.1658882

more reason to change it to "Mirisun" or "Miri-chan" or whatever... is easy to assume you can draw whosoever you want but then stuff like this happen, for now on I'll draw only fictional characters.

>> No.1658883

That's pretty creepy anon.

>> No.1658884

Actually, that's pretty sexy.

>> No.1658892

Thanks anon, you're sexy too.

>> No.1658895

underage b&.

>> No.1658937
File: 282 KB, 701x649, fgdfgsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I should have said I was using a reference photo
I really like that photo though and wanted to practice my rendering by doing a semi copy of it. I've done things like this before . like the one with the girl in the orange dress.
I didn't trace it though. just drew/painting next to it.

>> No.1658957

Small tits are not supposed to sag. Especially in this pose.

>> No.1658959
File: 867 KB, 2700x3246, classified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this coming along? I have only drawn animu literally once in my entire life and have spent all night teaching myself just to get the face to be plausible.

>> No.1658962

The vagina can't overlap a leg that's already coming forward towards the viewer. Find a ref if you have any doubts.

>> No.1658963

Fix that brok ass pussy. You wouldn't even see it from that angle. The location if the nipples is also off a bit. Nipples point outward at roughly a 45 degree angle from each other. Most everything else seems believable enough.

>> No.1658973
File: 360 KB, 1500x2100, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with my shit?

>> No.1658974


>> No.1658975

no fundamentals.

>> No.1658983

Lowly self-bump. Would really like to hear any advice.

>> No.1658987

There's not much to critique since your fundamentals aren't very good.
I suggest you check out the sticky too.

>> No.1658992
File: 121 KB, 466x1400, Spike nips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit me with some critique /ic/


>> No.1658995
File: 118 KB, 793x720, uLUPh7N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that it should have been called a study, I also can see why all the butthurt. While you never mentioned you were using such direct references in your paintings, we all assumed you were just that good, and now we see that that's not the case. It's disappointing. I personally could never do such a direct copy from a photo and call it my own, just because I'm stubborn like that, but I've gotta admit, it really makes learning slow. As for you, I know you're better than this, because you've obviously rendered things from scratch, like the two drawings you lewdly violated in the last thread. I just think that you shouldn't fish for compliments on your drawings like that. Don't become pic related.

>> No.1658999

Yes I have been through the sticky. And I know my fundamentals aren't very good, but I don't think they are horrid to the point where I can't be given any specific advice/critics?

>> No.1659001

start with loomis' fun with a pencil. he starts with drawing the head/building the head from a ball. i think this will really help you drawing the head from different angles.

other than that there is so much more wrong with your drawing. it just loosk weird. FWAP should help you with that too. actually i am not that far into it but i know that at least one other of his books goes into how to do draw the human body

>> No.1659004

>but I don't think they are horrid

>> No.1659005

They are, nothing you can fix will make the drawing even remotely good,
the drawing is wrong from its roots. The gesture is stiff, the proportions are alienating,
the face shows that you have no understanding of perspective and the skull, the hair
looks like a plastic toy. Your understanding of light and shadows is basically, i put a
brush stroke next to every line. We have the sticky so we don't have to say those things
all the time, there is a reason you were ignored and other people did not in this thread,
it's not a bad thing, just go practise your fundamentals.

>> No.1659008
File: 58 KB, 576x678, memeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1659009

honey who shrunk your face

>> No.1659013

reminds me of those weird deviantart people, i imagine they'd imagine their bodies as weird androgynous things like this.

well done on the feet.

>> No.1659015
File: 1.52 MB, 3500x2900, pinprick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is the perspective alright in this?

>> No.1659016 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 1600x1409, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1659017
File: 107 KB, 600x497, pinprick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I resized it, sorry!

>> No.1659019

lol. I wanted to draw only one eye, another one meant to be under hair.

>> No.1659027
File: 57 KB, 576x678, memeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1659028

Where's the back of her jacket behind her legs? It's not there.

>> No.1659035
File: 390 KB, 1311x1493, rgd kopiera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1659041
File: 80 KB, 900x600, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1659060
File: 122 KB, 972x596, philrobertsonfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1659074

I don't understand. From everything I've read, it's best to try creating your own drawings as well as working on your fundamentals. I know my fundamentals still need a lot of work, and I am spending plenty of time working on them. I'm not sure what is so wrong with giving some advice to someone who is new at drawing?
>proportions are alienating
>no understanding of perspective/skull
These are vague and nearly meaningless to me, but
>The gesture is stiff
>hair looks like a plastic toy (funny that you should say that. The hair was the only thing I used a reference for. I was looking at the figure on my desk)
saying things like this is helpful. I wasn't saying /ic/ turn my first drawing into a masterpiece. I was simply asking for any advice/comments at all.

>androgynous things like this
Haha, well it was meant to be a very skinny female.
And thanks.

>> No.1659077

>I was simply asking for any advice/comments at all.

the same way every other noob is simply just asking for any advice/comments at all. you are not different than anyone else. it's pointless asking for specific critique because there is just so much wrong with your work and the work of people like you. there is no good reason to keep telling every fucking newfag the same things all over again because you are making all the same fucking mistakes. that's why we have a sticky. stop wasting your and everyone else's time. you are not special and you wont get any special treatment from /ic/. if you can't see the mistakes you are making then you better give up drawing because your mistakes are obvious as fuck and it's a waste of everyone's time telling you what's wrong with your shitty drawing.

why the fuck do we have to tell you faggots this every time? don't you just fucking get it? you are at a skill level where it makes no fucking difference with which fundamentals you continue working, as long as you just shut the fuck up and do something.

>> No.1659078

I like it, though the head is 2small4me, also I can't quite make out what you wanted to do with the leg that's in front - if she's stepping forward, then the foreshortening is off, if it's some camera trick, then we should see the upper body from another angle.

>> No.1659213
File: 96 KB, 600x364, threesisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here feelin these character designs?
I've been trying to learn more about color theory recently.

>> No.1659216

>the tumblr sisters
the feminist, the artsy, the slasher

>> No.1659220

go back to tumblr

>> No.1659224

i like it alot

>> No.1659231

holy shit.

It saddens me how many pro artist get away with that and get $ for that. You wont even belive how many copy pasted things I saw on pro artists pictures. Its just sad that it becomes a standard to copy like this.

>> No.1659229

I don't like this style at all, the nose is the focal point of the face, which normally if you want to make attractive characters
the eyes of the lips should be where the viewer's eyes go first. Are you trying to make your characters look ugly?

>> No.1659230

not perfect but i like it.

>> No.1659234

I'm not trying to make them look conventionally attractive, if that's what you mean!

>> No.1659239

It's not the standard, it's just that when people realise how easy it is to get a picture, and copy it exactly as it is without thinking, it's just easy money and promotion.
You don't have to even think of an idea, let alone anything technical, then you post it on your blog as your art, example http://kairunoburogu.tumblr.com/
>Tagged: myart.
And you watch the commissions coming, and if you get discovered you can just say that it didn't cross your mind to say that you used a reference >>1658937
You will find all kinds of people on every profession.

>> No.1659241

I mean that they look ugly.

>> No.1659244

yeah artists should be honest with their audience. especially when you are completely basing your drawing off a reference.

>> No.1659246

Then that's cool. There are plenty of ugly people in the world.

>> No.1659247

>the commission coming

but they would think all thier ideas will be done as good as the promoted picture but when they see their ordered picture done way worse then the promoted one i think you wont be seeing any more commision coming.

>> No.1659250

It's not hard to find and copy pictures over the internet, the drawings in this image are professional
commissions >>1658995

>> No.1659251

>I'm not trying to make them look conventionally attractive

Based on the image and this response, I assume you're female?

>> No.1659252
File: 497 KB, 1250x1250, ddar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1659253

Yes, and?

>> No.1659256

I just want to make commision from imagination or with light reference use

how can i compete ;_;

>> No.1659258

I know that there are plenty of ugly people in the world, and plenty of beautiful people too, what does this have to do with
anything. i was pointing out that if you give bigger attention to the nose than the rest of the let's say beautiful points of the face, the characters look ugly, less attractive.If you were going with the mindset of, let's make some ugly characters then that's good. If otherwise, it's a bad stylistic choise.

>> No.1659259

Well, I hope you have thick skin.

>> No.1659260

What does that have to do with gender homie

>> No.1659261

i don't think that anon wanted to go anywhere with this.

sometimes it's just some kind of fun guessing if another person is female based on their comments. especially if you post something like a drawing.
i personally think that the themes and drawing styles of female artists often show a noticable difference to male artists.

i like the way chicks draw, though i dont wanna generalise too much here.

>> No.1659262

Thanks for the advice. I really do like making my noses bigger but I'm working on creating variety in my faces. I'll keep it in mind!

>> No.1659264

I get that! I'm just used to people discounting the art girls make because of their gender.
I'm curious, what themes do you notice in female art vs male art? That's super interesting

>> No.1659265

They're pretty nice overall, but the nose is sort of overdone now, try figuring out a different approach maybe?
The middle one is my favourite, the colour choices just feel more considered on that one. I do like the green makeup on the left one though.
The one on the far right does nothing for me, consider revising it.

I rate it corgi / 10.

>> No.1659266

I find that it has to do with the personality of the person, there are female artist that you will never notice a difference the look like how
do i put it, like every other art if that makes sense. And then there are female artist that have i am female written all over their drawings.

>> No.1659267

Don't worry anon, people understand that this, that's why they rush to drama when things like that happens.

>> No.1659269
File: 567 KB, 600x1240, menah_by_loish-d6ts8ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the impression i get is that often times female art seems to be "softer"(shape-wise) and more playful.
i am thinking of loish van baarle and jen zee here. however, that would be generalising it a bit much and i can't name a lot of modern female artists.

makes a good point. either way, this kind of "female art" is quite appealing to me because it's fun to look at.

>> No.1659272

>drinking tea
>cloud of boiled water coming from the tea
>mostly portraits with birds, trees, nature
>some girl sitting drinking tea
>warm colours

thats mostly the themes from me female friend

>> No.1659273
File: 765 KB, 1600x687, WwLWpkm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gonna find a great reaction pic to your comment, found this. Really?

>> No.1659276

yeah, mostly those kind of pictures.

>> No.1659277

Also, red nose.

>> No.1659278

> le tumblr nose

>> No.1659279

its justiciable on this one since shes out in cold weather.

>> No.1659287

any feedback? please

>> No.1659289

isn't that guy just photoshopping/paintover though?

honesty, I though it was obvious from the beginning that I was using reference for that one but I'd say most of the stuff I post on here is from my imagination.

>> No.1659290

You really can't compare these two cases! Johnson COPY-PASTED OTHER ARTIST'S WORKS, Tumblr-dude referenced a photo. Yes, he did what we can call "heavy referencing" (painting the photo pretty much as it is by eye-balling it), but it's still miles away from being comparable to the other sod's "art"!

>> No.1659291

Those are not referenced, but copy-pasted from other peoples paintings.

>> No.1659295

Ignore the drama-llama's! You can without any fear make paintings/drawings for your self where you copy references pretty heavy. With commissions, the referencing needs to be a bit lighter, just enough so that it isn't a direct copy (I think it can look 75% like the ref or something, some copyright stuff I can't quite remember right now...)

>> No.1659296

No, I was complaining about the opposite. I dont want to use heavy reference, just light and imagination. But its hard to compete against people who use it heavly.

>> No.1659297

They're overreacting a lot. It's commonplace for artists to heavily reference stuff. You cannot copyright a pose anyways. It's obvious you don't copy photos all the time seeing all your stuff. Not like you see giant boobie chubby futa lolis in real life.

For them to compare you to some hack who actually traces/paints over works is fucking retarded. And the "my art" tag is just a popular tumblr tag to get exposure. He still did paint the damn thing.

>> No.1659298

Ummm, nope! Just keep practicing, build up your visual library and... get good! There's plenty of other skillful people out there that uses a minimum amount of refs, but still achieve great results and attracts lots of interested commissionaires!

>> No.1659301

Yup, he's a copy-paster and it is in no way comparable to using refs. I have no idea why he was dragged in to the discussion at all, probably to stir drama...

>> No.1659303

Women are extremely sensitive to criticism. Especially the feminists who claim they aren't.

>> No.1659302

>It's obvious you don't copy photos all the time seeing all your stuff
That's why i think that he should have said that he was doing a study or that he was using heavy reference from the start and when he posted it on his blog, i don't have
anything against people that want to make this kind of art, but if you try to pretende that you did it from imagination thats another story,
he actually avoid all the questions about reference use until someone posted the reference.

>> No.1659305
File: 195 KB, 882x848, sketch_10_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is comming out nicely. I'm not sure about the colors though (mostly that yellow) ... Also, should I blend the colors Kyle style or should I go for cel-shade? I like thick lineart and think that cel-shade looks good with thick lines, but I also feel like I need to practice my painting skills and lose that fear to paint over the lineart.

>> No.1659308
File: 139 KB, 1000x747, 4x06_WarningTempest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1659310

whats your problem guy ?

>> No.1659313

All he posted is "happy v day". You don't need to write down every brush, ref, etc you used when posting something.
It's one image of his which he did and he used a common technique all artists do (and should do roughly 30-50% of the time).
He never said it was from imagination, he just ignored posts about refs (which was only one from what I see, about the foot), but he got a lot of posts on the WIP process.
Then, I'm not sure if it was you or another poster >>1658995 berates him, comparing him to an actual tracer/paint over hack. Completely disregarding all his other art which isn't heavily referenced at all. Why is that guy even relevant?

We shouldn't shit up the thread anymore and just post more annie-may porn.

>> No.1659315

I've found women mostly draw in three styles.

The first is very childish looking, with highly stylized cartoons with red noses.

The second is a style where all the characters are very lanky. Both the men and women tend to be very androgynous, as a result of wanting the female characters to reflect "normal" women, while ironically making the men look like genderless pussies with no personality.

Lastly, there's the feminist artist who just draw ugly, angry women and have extreme anti-male shit in everything they produce, where the only "good" males are basically left-wing hipster and homosexuals.

tl:dr: The majority of female art either focuses on carefree whimsy, homosexuality or feminism.

>> No.1659318
File: 131 KB, 800x425, 1392579191249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the sudden butthurt (samefag)? If you don't know anything about the matter, don't talk. Howard David Johnson is an artist of different mediums. Quoting wikipedia: "A critic familiar with his development was quoted as saying: "That he is able to work in both digital and traditional formats and produce such similar results is a truly remarkable commentary on what a great command he has over his tools."" and this obviously means he is a fantastic eyeballer. Pic related, it's the same drawing, drawn by him in three different mediums, whether he uses Photoshop and steals art directly in digital medium does not matter at all, since he very well could have eyeballed it. Of course, this faggot is much worse than Kyle, but the point was that you DO have to answer to questions about reference, just because if you don't, you're basically saying that you drew this from imagination.

>> No.1659319


It's digital so you could try both.

>> No.1659320

That face is fucking horrifying. The combination of the jew nose, the huge manly eyebrows and the warped mouth is not what I would consider attractive.

>> No.1659324


It's obvious Howard David Johnson's wikipedia article is written by Howard David Johnson and is probably the only original work of fantasy he has ever created.

>> No.1659325

That's another guy, but when yous a reference so close, that you copy someone elses composition, lighting and idia,
i think that it's only natural to say that you used reference, 90% of his drawing is the reference recreated with animu
eyes, when you leave it on the air, people will think, as we did at first, that he did it from imagination, or at least
with minimum reference. He copies everything, the idea the pose the lighting everything, and you say that it's not
necessary to credit the original?

>> No.1659328

h-how did u get so gud

>> No.1659335

I'm going for the painting thing, it's looking cool so far.

I like big eyebrows... and Miriam was part Jewish (at least she told me so)

Figure drawing, I've been 3 years practicing it.

>> No.1659337

That's just comes down to preference at this point, i find it to be very cute.

>> No.1659338

The poses look a lot better now but something about the linework is seriously ugly and stiff. Front girl's hair could use some work, just looks like a stiff blob. That front girl's mouth I thinks she has a cleft lip with an earthworm coming out of her mouth which is dissolving.

But kudos to attempt a more complex scene, it's what makes people get better.

>> No.1659339
File: 402 KB, 745x841, edgypornfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1659341

hahahaha oh god.

>> No.1659344

>Women are extremely sensitive to criticism.

[citation needed]

>> No.1659346

Would you mind if you could tell me your ways of practicing? I'm about 3/4 months new. Thanks.

>> No.1659348

Please change the mouth, it looks like a rabbit/guinea pig's mouth about to eat carrots. Doc.

>> No.1659353

the mouth looks ok. Its a typical ahegao type of face in animu. The brows on the other hand are too manly.

>> No.1659355

There are women that compare themselves to video game characters and get upset when they look better than them, they have a natural
fear of criticism.

>> No.1659358

Not that anon, but I used that website for figure drawing. I used it regularly for about 3 weeks, drew 30 minutes every few days while also reading Vilppu drawing manual and I got a lot better and started to understand the human anatomy a lot more.

>> No.1659362

I find it a little too long, but the eyebrows are... out of control yes.

>> No.1659360

At this point it's just preference, you can't satisfy everyone with stylisticchoices, i find the whole face pretty cute.

>> No.1659366

i can't be the only one who is bothered by the way you draw noses

>> No.1659370

Jew-nose-chipmunk-mouth-licking-nylon anon here...
Pretty much what >>1659358 anon said. I also practiced pixelovely daily, actually I think I improved a lot more from Pixelovely alone than from school, as for colors and stuff I'm not sure I'm at the point of talking about it, but it is value and changes of plane that matter the most, just a little something to keep in mind.

>> No.1659371

A loud small minority of women =/= women.

>> No.1659372

Mugi eyebrows man.

>> No.1659377

Are you actually implying that because a loud vocal minority of bitches with self-esteem issues that can't separate fantasy from reality that all or most of them are like that?

Fuck I'm probably the most insecure person in the world but anyone that is capable of critical thinking will know that fantasy is just that; a fantasy.

>> No.1659380
File: 201 KB, 882x848, sketch_10_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to feel the whole thing looking stiff, not just the linework. But yeah, this is practice really and a nice one at that.

>> No.1659381

I was mostly joking but i have yet to hear a guy complains that kratos was too manly and makes him look bad, while i heard woman
complaining about things like that all the time. Also, >>1659246
>Then that's cool. There are plenty of ugly people in the world.
That's what i am talking about.

>> No.1659385

The colors are coming off too pale and muddy, she suddenly gives me the mood
of a yandere that is trying to kill me.

>> No.1659384


Fuck this shit, I miss Miriam already.

>> No.1659386

>miss Miriam already
pardon me?

>> No.1659387

Ah. Didn't catch that. Was pretty much just followng backlinked posts. Still, vocal miniorites (about anything) really are awful. But enough of this shitty topic. But yeah garbage line of discussion ends here

I'm liking the shading, but jesus she looks dead. Her skin is really pale. I dunno if its on purpose, but it seems odd. And yeah the whole thing does feel a bit stiff, but hey; its practice

>> No.1659389

Miriam was very pale so that's what I was going for, yeah I will adjust color and contrast once I'm done.

>> No.1659395

Before, the colors were giving a warm and happy mood, now it's like a horror game cover.
Sorry i can't explain it better.

>> No.1659399

not that anon, but would you shut the fuck up about miriam already.

>> No.1659413
File: 210 KB, 882x848, sketch_10_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is warmer now.

>> No.1659414

never work on white background anon.

>> No.1659422

I followed your progress and chick in the front still looks kinda retarded, has something like a dog face. But I guess that's what you like about her.

>> No.1659423

the hard cell shading looks better then the soft shading, it matches the style more.

>> No.1659424
File: 207 KB, 813x1125, Sketch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what to draw..

>> No.1659425

I have no time to draw what i want.
only study

lucky you.

>> No.1659429

You can draw, even if it's only 5 minutes a day.

Don't be a faggot.

>> No.1659433

I'll go back to it then

>> No.1659437

I mean i draw constantly but only fundamentals.

>> No.1659452
File: 52 KB, 300x250, 1392285282601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha holy shit, best thing to come out of these thread in ages. You should do a series of tumblr super powers.. next one should have the power of animated rain .gif

>> No.1659456

For some people 5 minutes of drawing are not enough, I prefer not to draw in stead of doodling something that I'll never get to finish. Only thing I have time for are quick sketches.
Sometimes when you have a lot of time, you get an artistic block, it sucks. I lack time as well, it's really a problem.

>> No.1659460

Is the anime standard really 8-8 1/2 heads tall? That seems absurdly tall. Kyoani's people seem to be only 5- 5 1/2 heads sometimes. Which is also the same head ratio of Tyrion Lannister. When I draw a person is 6.5-7.5 heads ok for an adult? Or is that just too short?

>> No.1659463

>the same way every other noob is simply just asking for any advice/comments at all
Well, that's not true.
>it's pointless asking for specific critique because there is just so much wrong with your work
That's not true at all. I'm not new to art, just drawing. I had a job teaching drums, and I can tell you that every new person came in doing different things right and wrong, and although they each had plenty of things to be working on, I was able to give them specific critics and tell each of them what they need the most practice on, and comment on something they have improved on/are doing well on. Also, I see the same type of people on /3/. Someone new posts and they just yell "read the sticky" and start mocking the person. I mean, there are people who just blatantly ignored the sticky and then it's understandable, but a lot of the people that post are genuinely trying to learn, and I've been able to give them specific advice with no issue at all.I know every art is different, but your response isn't based on logic, it's elitism. Yes, you are likely leagues above me in drawing ability, but that should be all the more reason you can give me advice, not reason to say "until you are at ___ skill level, nothing can possibly help you". Beginners need the most help, and granted, that's what the books/tutorials are for, but there is no reason to not be able to give specific advice.

As to the rest of your post, you have some issues man. Calm down. I never claimed to be special in some way, and I never begged for special treatment. Even if I did (which again, I in no way did), that wouldn't be a reason to get so upset.

>> No.1659464

No, where did you get that? Most anime characters have larger heads than real people, so natually they're fewer heads tall compared to real people.

>> No.1659468
File: 183 KB, 640x911, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our heroine has learned the hard way not to cry over spilled milk.
Her past has hardened her, now she gazes upon her deed with apathy in her eyes.
No remorse. No regret.

>> No.1659470

I guess some how to draw manga book. Some guy dumped a few weeks ago (where the 8 heads examples looked too long). Also in Loomis with the idealistic and fashion chart. But I guess if their heads are a bit larger it's ok.

>> No.1659471

i saaaaaaaaid im draaaaaawing aallll thheee tiiiiime

>> No.1659475

I chuckled
and cried

>> No.1659476
File: 162 KB, 500x378, xxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clamp standards, yes.

>> No.1659473

what? not very coherent are you?

>> No.1659482
File: 306 KB, 868x1165, Sketch3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes when you have a lot of time, you get an artistic block, it sucks

>> No.1659498

I never understood if that show was QUALITY, or some weird intended change in stylization. I mean, they look lanky at all points, but the degree of it seems to change every single scene.

>> No.1659501

>not liking Mugi

>> No.1659512
File: 190 KB, 882x848, sketch_10_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost there.

>> No.1659516

There's saliva but her socks don't look wet at all? Where is she looking? Why is the girl in the back's hair like that when there's obviously no wind?

>> No.1659518

the critique train never stops

>> No.1659522
File: 189 KB, 500x436, 1392349711140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never stops

>> No.1659523

>almost there
I need to revisit some saliva tutorials.

>> No.1659526
File: 365 KB, 500x699, hentai9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because animu logic

>> No.1659532

Time for a new thread.

>> No.1659538

The difference between you and us is that you had a job to teach, we don't. If we see that there's nothing to critique then we won't. Start by making your drawings look like something, something at all, and we'll give you advice on how to improve them. Think of it like this - if you were in an sculpting class and brought in a piece of clay that distantly resembled a human figure, and asked for critique or specifics, what the hell could anyone say? We all have different styles here, we could all redline your drawing, but that won't help you at all, that would just be us drawing something completely from scratch. Go study, and bring us something that isn't completely wrong in from it's roots, and we'll help you.

>> No.1659540


Before you continue this any further...

Look at the girl lying on top of the other girl's legs. If her neck is on top of the other girl's ankles, where is her crotch? Is it right above the other girl's knees? Is her upper body only as long as the other girl's shins?

When you foreshorten something, they need to become shorter.

>> No.1659544
File: 491 KB, 779x854, oracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1659551
File: 123 KB, 769x1041, homu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time drawing a full body picture here, want to know how hard I've fucked up.

I'm kind of happy with the overall pose, but I'm completely stuck on her hair. No matter what I do it just looks flat and uneven. I'm feeling like I've hit a wall and maybe I should call it night and return to it tomorrow.

(And no, those are not tits, that's supposed to be a heart-shaped pillow.)

>> No.1659552
File: 205 KB, 882x848, sketch_10_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her crotch is more or less above her tights.

>> No.1659555

wait a second... it does look pretty short now that I see it... oh fuck

>> No.1659557

its very nice for a first time pose

but here are things i spoted
>the asscheeks are a bit longer from the croach when you sit, so extend it a bit so she wont looklike shes sitting on her pussy
>you should see the hand from that position
>the feet are longer then head but i dont know how it works with anime style, but generaly feets are longer

>> No.1659562
File: 376 KB, 720x791, fsadfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1659563


I've looked at your construction sketches. No one took the time to actually draw the entire upper torso. Start with that first.

From this vantage point, you should be able to see her shoulder blades at least. As it is, there seems to be a chasm between her shoulders and her butt, as if nothing exists in between.

Fix that, and you should be able to see how the legs for the other girl is too long.

>> No.1659565

Muddy. But good.

>> No.1659567

>The difference between you and us is that you had a job to teach, we don't.
No, the difference is I wanted to help other people learn when they were clearly trying to. I could have just gave them all the same generic advice and told them all to practice the same exact things, but that's an extremely inefficient way for people to learn something. People do best with specific feedback on what they did (relative to their skill level) good and what they did bad.
>Start by making your drawings look like something
Yes, my drawing did look like something. Unless it's an abstract drawing (and even sometimes then), all drawings will resemble something.
>sculpting class...
That really depends on what it look liked. There are many ways you can 'distantly resemble' a human figure. Maybe he is clueless on how to use the tools, or maybe he has precision, but doesn't have any proportions correct. Maybe the shape of it is fine, but the details are terrible. There are countless different things he could be doing (relatively) right or wrong I would presume. I don't know anything about actual sculpting, but as I've said before I'm from /3/ and I have given countless advice to people on sculpting programs (mudbox/zbrush) there when they had no idea what they were doing. I've never looked at something someone made (while actually trying) and said/thought "I have no advice for you".
>We all have different styles...
That's not really relevant. If someone can say "the proportions are alienating" I don't see why someone can't say what's wrong with the proportions.
>bring us something that isn't completely wrong in from it's roots
Unless there is an individual body part that is twisted/entirely out of place, I really don't have much of a way of knowing if something is wrong from it's roots. I knew the jaw was terrible, and that that the nose placement was off, that's about all that I knew was wrong from the start. I know the shading is entirely fucked though.

>> No.1659568

Thank you very much for the help!

I see now what you mean about the crotch, I hadn't noticed that before!

And I kinda tried to keep the feet small and cute, but I guess I overdid it!

I have no excuse for the hand, though, that's just a huge oversight on my part!

I think I'll have a good night's rest and come back to the face and hair tomorrow with fresh eyes.

Thank you again for the critique!

>> No.1659569

You should really stop posting in this thread. This is clearly a place for people who still need help/critique. All your posts do is further derail the thread.

>> No.1659570

aye, no problem.

>> No.1659571

He is not beyond a point of critique. No artist is.

>> No.1659573

>This is clearly a place for people who still need help
Says who?

>> No.1659580

Compared to the level of most people here he is.
the people still sucking Kyle's dick

>> No.1659582

>the more decent artists should stop posting
>so that more noobs can infest /ic/
you really want this thread and /ic/ to go under don't you?
seriously, just fuck off to deviantart.

>the decent ones should lurk while the beginners should post
it's supposed to be the opposite. if you are a noob you shouldn't bother posting in the first place.

>> No.1659584

Confirmed for just jealous of his work. Get the fuck off /ic/ and read more Loomis.

>> No.1659585

Not the other guy, but you need to understand that a critique/redline would literally not help you at all. It's not a lack of wanting to help people.
You're clearly very new to drawing and the kind of things you need to learn can't just be taught to you.
Telling everyone to practice the same things is because to be able to draw you need to know those things, that's why they're called fundamentals.

>> No.1659586

And here comes the Kyle defense force.
Go climb a wall of dicks faggot.

>> No.1659591

>>1659582 here
speaking for myself, i don't even like chickenoppailoli.
your opinion was just retarded.

>> No.1659592

and from my point of view your opinion is retarded.

>> No.1659598
File: 382 KB, 1000x1509, imagirlbtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1659605

that face...

>> No.1659607

here's how i read your post:
>i'm so shit, i feel threatened by chickenoppailolifag posting
>he should stop posting, and only other noobs like me should post..
>...so we can "help and critique" each other

you literally want this to be deviantart 2.0
get lost, please. we don't need any more of your kind.

>> No.1659610

Is your only goal to come here and shitpost? Yes? Then you're shitting up the thread too. Maybe you should just stop.

>> No.1659614

Why does it matter we hit bump limit.

>> No.1659620

I'm not sure why you guys don't have a grasp on this. Have any of you learned/taught any other art forms/sports/etc? Every one of them has their own fundamentals. Fundamentals covers a large ground in most of these (especially in drawing), and has specific parts. I never even considered telling any of my students (for playing drums) come back to me when you know your fundamentals. That's ludicrous. I'd point out the specific things that needed the most work. I only taught piano to younger children, but the same for that as well. And same for every sport I've done, same for 3d modeling/animation/sculpting, same for Go/Chess, same for literally everything I can think of. Am I meant to believe drawing is the one exception in this world to this? Drawing is the one thing were instead of working on specific things that you are doing wrong, you should sit there repeatedly on the same broad spectrum until someone arbitrary decides that they are wiling to give you any specific advice?
Honestly, I've seen so many posts on here where most of the replies consist of saying "chicken stratching" or "fundamentals' and then there being 1 person who genuinely helps the person. Same goes for /3/. Can't tell you how many times I've seen someone new looking for advice only to get told "stop using blender", "learn topology", "high-poly shit, make low poly", "no reason to make low-poly, computers can handle high-poly", or some other vague entirely meaningless statement. I'm being to think that for every 1 reply from someone who knows what their talking about, there is 100 from people mindlessly repeated what they heard someone else on the board say before them.

>> No.1659621


Uncanny valley.

>> No.1659627

Imagine a totally clueless idiot walking into your drum class in the middle of a lesson. All of a sudden he gets behind a set and just starts hammering wildly. You try to tell him to stop his shitty drumming but he won't, he just hammers it even louder and more obnoxiously. That's you right now.

>> No.1659629

Rendering's pretty nice, but the arms look a little on the long side she looks like she's about to tip over.

>> No.1659639

>~1 month ago, start with the sticky.
>~2 weeks ago, finish Fun with a Pencil, Start lurking.
>shortlyafter going through Fun with a Pencil again at parts I found confusing, started Loomis Figure Drawing.
>All while going through other tutorials and reading through things online.
>About 1/2 way through Figure Drawing, decide to try my hand at drawing a line-art without a reference.
>Spend multiple hours working on it, and get a 'finished' product.
>Post it on /ic/ in an appropriate thread, and ask politely if anyone has any advice/comments.

>Being in a drum class, interrupt the instructor, and start bashing away at his equipment.

How can you possibly even consider to compare these two things?

Also, it was almost always 1 on 1. And if someone did that during the lesson, I would tell him he has to leave. If he did not, I would call the cops.

>> No.1659640

Since you seem so keen on your drum comparisons, I'll try to tell you in a way you can maybe understand.
Your drumming student comes in, plays a piece way above his ability and cocks it up so badly you're not entirely sure what it was mean to be. When he asks "any advice on that piece " the answer is going to be "everything". Because they don't know the fundamentals they need to execute it somewhat well.
You don't know drawing fundamentals, so you can't draw a finished piece somewhat decently.
If you're asking for advice it's "learn fundamentals " = "read the sticky"
If you're asking for specific advice, you literally need to practice them all, and telling you to practice one specific thing would be pointless.
You came here asking for advice but when people try and educate you, all you talk about is how you know better which will not help you improve at all. You assume people don't know what they're talking about, when they're probably better artists you and know how to improve from where you are right now.

Try to fix your attitude or you'll never improve.

>> No.1659652
File: 1.26 MB, 4272x2848, St.-Patty-Day-food-2010-69r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damage control

>> No.1659663

Oi mate.
I played sports too. The differnce with it is you have to seek help. Drawing isnt handed on a silver platter, you gotta look for it.
Luckliy there's the sticky. I know its probably annoying as fuck right now, but I read it and its working for me.

As for shitposting...
Welcome to 4chan

>> No.1659674

>the answer is going to be everything
No, it certainly wouldn't. You don't see that much with drums, but piano it happens all the time (not at the level I taught though), so I think that will be a better example.
So, maybe the piece of music is too fast for their abilities, maybe they need to grasp a specific technique first, maybe the chord changes are too complicated, etc, etc. There could be plenty of reasons that they weren't able to play it. But, let's say for the sake of keeping in line with what you said, there were in fact countless things that made it too difficult. I would first take note of any specific things that went wrong (let's say, one part should have the notes played softly and long, but instead was loud and abrupt, or any number of things like that). I would comment the one's that are more important to the piece and/or the level of skill of the player. The next thing I would do, is if they played any part right, comment on that (not only to keep them motivated, but it's also important for them to know what they did okay with and don't need as much practice on). After that, I would find a part of the piece that would be helpful for them to work on, (or another piece that uses the similar skill if I had to) and help them with that.

Now, let's say magically a student was attempting to play something insanely above his level (Let's say he should be working on twinkle twinkle little star but instead is trying some Rachmaninoff) sure, I'd get him back to a piece his level.
But I find such an extreme very unlikely to be the case here. I wasn't attempting to draw a masterpiece here, and my drawing skill level is above what is comparable to twinkle twinkle little star on piano. I am fully aware my fundamentals need a lot of work before I'll be able to create something pleasant to look at, but I really don't think it would be that difficult for someone to detail some specifics.

>> No.1659710

Why would you want to push away one of the better artists in these threads? His art doesn't derail threads, they are an inspiration to shoot higher than him. He's even been kind enough to help out. I'm sure he's only posting so much now because of the sudden "reference picture" scandal earlier in the thread. To prove that he doesn't need reference. And so what if his art derails threads. Make something better and get it back on track faggot.

>> No.1659807

Wait, that's interesting. I think. I like. I guess. TUmblr/DA ?

>> No.1659808

That's fucking cute and I want your page.

>> No.1659861

S-s-self bumping

>> No.1659885
File: 184 KB, 704x648, c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The background is still messy and gross right now, but are there any glaring errors with the little one in the center?

>> No.1659887

the only complaint I have is that the pose seems a bit boring

>> No.1659922

the anatomy is bad,the hair is bad, the face is deformed, the legs and arms are too thin.

What more do you want someone to say? You need to loomis, you need to look at bodies and draw from life because doing it from imagination isnt working. This looks nothing like a human, it's filled with symbol drawing. It also looks like you didnt use construction drawing for the hands, the coloring is dead.

In short, read the fucking sticky.

>> No.1659936

>the face is deformed
>legs and arms are too thin
>coloring is dead
That's the kind of response I was hoping for. Specific things that are wrong. I know there's a lot more wrong than that, but all I wanted to know is the most jutting errors so to speak.

And to repeat what I have said countless times, I know my fundamentals are bad, and I'm definitely still working on the Loomis, along with other things.

>It also looks like you didn't use construction drawing for the hands
Damn. Well I did, but I'll have to go back to that again. I put a lot of practice in on learning hands and feet too haha.

>> No.1659945

Does saying "it's deformed" really help you? Are all your faces gonna be not deformed from now on?

>> No.1659992

Stop being so fucking autistic, nobody cares if it was 1 on 1 or 2 on 45, it was a comparison and an example.

No, the answer WOULD be everything. Welcome to 4chan, nobody will praise your shitty drawings, instead we will actually say something that will help you improve. Source: myself and others who have listened to people on /ic/. If you want praise and soft talking go to tumblr or DA.

About you being extremely low level - it doesn't matter if you have drawn for 5 years or 2 months, you can be the lowest level anyway. This >>1652628 pic related. And you are "twinkle star" level trying to attempt "rachmaninoff". A whole human figure can be extremely high level. It can also be a stick figure. If you were attempting to draw a horrifyingly deformed humanoid, you have achieved what you wanted. Just fuck off from /ic/, we don't fucking need you here.

>> No.1660112

Hm, I see how that can be an issue. I'm still trying to get the hang of painting without lines though, so sorry if that sounds like an excuse but I'd like something more simple for now.

Disregard that she'd have to have quads of steel to keep that pose up, I'll draw in another branch under their knees when I go in again. Any other crit?

>> No.1660125
File: 706 KB, 1200x1800, 333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some red-lines?

>> No.1660128

Looks perfect.

>> No.1660189

This has gotten way out of hand and I think I've already made every point I wanted to. I wasn't looking for praise. It's my first attempt at a line-art. I know it is shit. I was just stating what I would do in the position of being a piano tutor. As I stated 80 times over, I was looking for specific advice/comments, which I have gotten now.

>> No.1660192

This is pretty. Nice colors, for as strange of a subject its pretty calming to look at.

>> No.1660254
File: 232 KB, 480x480, 1356309093678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1660327

He's like Firez. Has one neat trick, the rendering. He relies too much on reference, literally lifting right off right. Forgets tell anyone if its a study or a project. Gets bitchy when anyone critics his anatomy. Doesn't help others and comes off as a closet pedo. Yeah he fits right in

>> No.1660343 [DELETED] 
File: 459 KB, 706x646, c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blocked some colors in to figure out the lighting.

>> No.1660540

You leave Firez alone.

>> No.1660772


It's not going to help you if you don't construct your work from the ground up. You're starting on stylization; that won't help you in the long term.

Begin everything from life drawing. Start with gestures, work your way up with understanding anatomy, perspective, values, basic forms.

Ditch your initial drawing and start from scratch. As with piano, don't try playing Rachmaninoff if you don't even know how to create staccato, legato, dynamic control.

>> No.1660777


She looks stiff in general. Stop the anime style, start with life drawing, learn gesture, learn anatomy.

To answer your question, the perspective of the drawing doesn't match her form, legs and lower body don't show any sense of depth, shoulders look flat.

>> No.1662055

If you wanted a style with longer necks, perfect.

If not, then look at the neck again.

>> No.1663330

Guys pls
Give ur websights