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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 181 KB, 891x646, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1650140 No.1650140 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning Thread

"Each step being broken down into even smaller steps, the impossible becomes possible." - Glenn Vilppu

Previous Thread: >>1647710

Try to keep calm, have a positive attitude and avoid making Kind Janitor-Ssi angry!

A general message to aspiring artists: Don't ever think that you should stop attempting to learn how to draw because "it takes too long" or "drawing is just a hobby." Being shitty at your hobby is definitely not better than doing your hobby well, no matter what your laziness tells you. Have some dedication in what you love to do, damn it!

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!
>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Animu Tutorials

Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

/ic/: "Professionals use references."

>> No.1650145

>cartooning thread
>mostly mango/animu
There you go guys, a cartoon wolf!

>> No.1650164

These threads were better when they were true animu threads. Now we really are cancer.

>> No.1650167
File: 120 KB, 688x544, dobson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stylization general, Anon.

Hahah I love these time to draw them.

>> No.1650183
File: 291 KB, 1251x729, BCCR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to sit down with this rather than work on it every few hours or so

>> No.1650192

Fix the guy in the far back, he looks fucking hunched and broken It's like you didn't even care about him, he just sticks out like a sore thumb

Neat perspective though.

>> No.1650195

Oh, yeah. He was the one that annoyed me the most as I was making it. Will fix, maybe give him a neck, and fix the shape of his body.

>> No.1650197

really when it first started it was to stop people bitching about anime all over the draw thread..but i think rather than containing the cancer the whole board has gotten more cancerous. i prefer how it now to the all tablet thread all day phrase but it's not great. people will even shitpost in the sketchbook thread nowadays, whereas a few months ago prior to the anime threads existence people left at least that one alone.

plus where the fuck in chumbum, place is so lame without him.

>> No.1650201

>no sense of anatomy or perspective

Just read the sticky. I bet you have no idea what values are or are even going to shade this.

>> No.1650202
File: 97 KB, 264x264, 1381115530541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my experience /ic/ has always been that way regardless of what type of drawthreads it's just the way it is either love it or hate it (though most people despise each other here it seems)

On a side note I miss Chunbum. Didn't he say he was going to write a book about us?

>> No.1650203

Well I am exaggerating a lot, and I plan on doing shading, just with mostly flat colors, I feel it'd compliment the sharp lines and angles more than, ya know, making it feel 3D.

>> No.1650206

Also to add, the people with most of the perspective getting warped are the 3 in the very front, cause I wanna portray some dynamism and importance to them, as opposed to the other characters.

>> No.1650207


The sharpness and edgyness don't appeal to me, try making things more realistic and come back

>> No.1650209
File: 278 KB, 1000x1000, coracters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any and all input is greatly appreciated.

>> No.1650214

>stylize thread
>tells people to be "more realistic" then come back

I don't think this thread is for you so kindly fuck off and don't come back, go shitpost in the threads dedicated to realism faggot

>> No.1650215

>it doesn't appeal to me
>therefore you should leave until you draw what i like

>> No.1650217


Dude, I'm just trying to work on a piece calm down, sorry if the way how I draw things doesn't appeal to you, I'm just trying to make stuff.

>> No.1650229

I think the foreground with the guys in front is interesting but the man and buildings in the back is causing more harm then good perspective wise

>> No.1650232

Right zombies lack of neck support is bugging me.
Maybe you can make his head slump a bit or make the spine visible?
Also how the fuck do you get those perfect fucking lines?

>> No.1650231
File: 47 KB, 600x488, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get such clean lines?
No matter what I do, my stuff still has wobble and it's giving me a mad case of air rage.

Liking what you got, wish I could produce some line work like yours.

>> No.1650240



Also that looks like the watercolor brush in Paintool Sai

Even Teal will tell you to work in passes from general to specific

>> No.1650247

That looks more like the marker.

>> No.1650250

Hey, thanks. SAI's water brush is a personal favorite of mine, and it's what I use for linework. What I find helpful in reducing wobble is drawing more from the arm and shoulder than from the wrist, though I don't trust myself to offer any more advice than that. Sorry I can't be of more help.
That sounds like a good idea, thanks. As for the linework, I tend to use my arm to make big, sweeping strokes and my wrist for smaller ones. I can't contend to how healthy it is to draw with the wrist, though.

>> No.1650251

Yeah, I'll see what I can do to fix those issues thanks.

>> No.1650252

Thanks for the vid and tips. I keep forgetting to take it slow, I just want to make everything happen sanic fast.

I'm using photoshop, not SAI, any other tips?
Also, I'm using the hard round, soft round and the third from ctrlpaint, but I can't help but feel like everything looks blurry instead of clear and crisp.


>> No.1650259

Also, where can I see more of Teal's work or things similar to the sticky?

>> No.1650263
File: 2.19 MB, 1000x1000, FACEBOOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A character of mine
fire all you've got

>> No.1650267

Here is a collection of teals critiques. http://imgur.com/a/WJSIp
I am not sure how up to date it is, its what some kind anon gave me some time ago when i requested a collection
because i had been missing lots of threads because of work. You can also find him on pixivchat, drawing his cute lolis along with
his perverted friends, witch is great for observing his real workflow. http://chat.pixiv.net/roomtop.php?id=498375 http://chat.pixiv.net/roomtop.php?id=491913

>> No.1650269
File: 38 KB, 447x447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His rotator cuff must be screaming.

>> No.1650273


>> No.1650290
File: 26 KB, 218x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the pixiv, Teal speaks Japanese too?!?

>> No.1650292

Shitstorm coming. The little dick that likes to toot his own horn is upon us

>> No.1650295

>watching those pixivchat videos

I hope those don't mystically disappear like his stuff tends to do, Its mesmerizing me.

>> No.1650358

no, it's definitely getting worse.
it feels like the average age is declining. and /a/ and /jp/ influences are getting stronger.
with it, the aspect about ic being honest is also getting worse.
weaboo noobs will post some weak stuff and other weaboos will say
>"yes, just change the ear and it's fine!"

these threads are slowly turning us into deviantart.

>> No.1650364
File: 1.56 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this? Suggestions welcome

>> No.1650365

that's kawaei!! ^w^ u did good i think the eneds moar color tho lolz ;P nya xx

>> No.1650369

>keep forgetting how to do gesture


>> No.1650374

You are not very subtle.

>> No.1650375
File: 748 KB, 950x1400, 1391688087020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix her please

>> No.1650378

Give her an undershirt and a bra. God, what is wrong with you? Akane is pure.

>> No.1650383

Is that you, Nanoha?

Is the hand on her hip made of jello?

>> No.1650389

One thing I noticed with my own stuff that erasing the collarbone lines and defining them with shadow and light gives better looking results.

>> No.1650391

That's rarely a good idea. You just don't know how to draw or color collarbones. Solid lines are rarely a good idea, as they end up looking flat. It's better to use a combination of lines and hatching.

>> No.1650396

regular show doujin im working on

critique appreciated

>that aint mordecai

>> No.1650397

I'm having a hard time understanding whether you agree with me or not. First you say that erasing the lines is rarely a good idea and then you say that solid lines are rarely a good idea. What exactly is wrong with defining the collarbones with shading and light?

>> No.1650399
File: 134 KB, 870x850, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whoops, forgot pic :(

>> No.1650412

Are you stealing my muscly birdmen?

>> No.1650413

If the rest of your work is based on lines, then suddenly changing styles in parts of the image just flat out doesn't work.
Basically, it depends on your style.

Also, do you really not understand the difference of drawing solid lines, and lines that are broken up and have varying lineweight?

>> No.1650416

I'm falling asleep on my chair and English is not my native language, so apologies for not getting you the first time.

The style I usually go for when I color is pretty much doing the outlines and then defining as much as I can with shading inside them (when it comes to skin).

>> No.1650436
File: 71 KB, 1024x818, Sophie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do u guys think about her?

>> No.1650467

i think she's not too bad. now clean her up.

>> No.1650476

Droopy eyes.

>> No.1650480

Your lines are all wibblywobbly bullshit - learn to draw straight strong lines properly. The eyes look terrible you cunt, adding colors won't help.

Final verdict: You're a talentless weeaboo faggot, anon-kun. Learn Loomis and respect your hobby.

>> No.1650486

The eyes are touching the ends of the face as if its a flat surface. The face is almost a spherical like object,
well more like an egg but you get the idea. I suspect that you haven't even opened your loomis yet. Her right
eye is higher than her left and also bigger, the center of the nose, lips and chin don't line up.

>> No.1650855

Can someone give a guide for hair? I know i can look at real hair but i want to at least make it animuish and simple without it looking like a block of clay.

>> No.1650865




Take your pick.

>> No.1650927

That's not how shoulders work faggot

>> No.1651009
File: 5 KB, 385x299, 1380739784410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Regular Show doujin
Dude... please tell me that isn't going to be yaoi

>> No.1651012

Learn how light and color works, seriously. I was always looking at great artists and wondered how do they
know where to put all those abstract lines and bangs on the hair, they are not abstract at all, just learn
color and light.

>> No.1651059
File: 432 KB, 1241x701, Box Car City Rush Ch 1 cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished it, colors and shading is my kryptonite

>> No.1651077
File: 239 KB, 676x900, yoshimi-battling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any changes I should be making? Stuff I should add?

>> No.1651092
File: 248 KB, 904x540, 24c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked a bit on this today, added some details too. Liking this a lot more than my first go around.

>> No.1651098


you bet it is!

i could also throw some yuri into the mix, however, drawing characters like margaret to be "hot" is almost impossible

>> No.1651103
File: 145 KB, 630x760, stop_stealing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



word of advice:

>> No.1651115

Well, fuck. Believe it or not, I didn't even have SnK in mind.

>> No.1651121

Not that anon but...

>This exact compositional choice has never been used before

No. Also, that anime is dog shit.
Cherry-pick more please.

>> No.1651133
File: 350 KB, 1424x1162, sketch_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you guys think?

>> No.1651138

Get a load of this guy

>> No.1651140

>that bulge
Um... "puffy vulva?"

>> No.1651142

nope :3

>> No.1651141

Protruding vagina bone

>> No.1651143

This is why I don't trust anime stuff.
It's uh... cute, though.

>> No.1651149

>I could also throw some yuri into the mix.
Y'know, I kind of never assumed people (at least when it came to mango/animu stuff) was straight, I mean like "heteronormativity" or whatever that bullshit is supposed to be but now more than ever I realize that when it comes to otaku people YOU FUCKING EXPECT EVERYTHING OTHER THAN STRAIGHT.

I'll love to see your doujins though.

>> No.1651156
File: 1.66 MB, 1595x3045, birthdaysmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this one.


>> No.1651157
File: 2.70 MB, 2000x3818, birthdaysmall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1651158
File: 2.43 MB, 2000x3818, birthdaysmall3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1651159

well, at least it's...fnished?

>> No.1651161

I caught glimpse of the first one for a split second and now I am afraid to look at the second one.

>> No.1651162

In animu what usually matters more is whether it's cute or not.

>> No.1651163


Yeah, I accidentally posted it as an unworthy thread. Well, that is good to hear. I was originally going to make the mannequin his "daughter" but I thought that was too over-the-top.

>> No.1651165


man I dig your shit

>> No.1651169


Thanks! I need to get off my ass and make more of those animations...I am using my need of a better audio program as an excuse not to get started - I recorded "Cowboys" on my webcam

>> No.1651171

Wait, so it's not some old dude involving sex?

>> No.1651173

Goddammit I saw it again and saw his penis I knew I should of kept out fuck me.

>> No.1651174


Not really. The beginning sexualizes their relationship, but that's the only thing sexual in it.

>> No.1651175


Besides more appearances by his penis.

>> No.1651177

I think it falls apart at the shading and splotches in coloring, but other than that it looks neat, also I know it's stylized, but work on hands.

>> No.1651179

Can you post it without the background, I think it's doing more harm than good

>> No.1651181
File: 443 KB, 1360x770, No BG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, what do you think?

>> No.1651182

Wow original artist here, I just noticed that yeah, my BG took a lot away holy shit.

>> No.1651184


>I'll love to see your doujins though.

that meant the world to me.

i might not post it in this thread, but you'll probably see it in the near future on some random website after a google search or two

>> No.1651187

I want to be able to get off to several pages of your smut, anon. Get to it.

>> No.1651189
File: 451 KB, 707x1000, razordraws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember robopon?

>> No.1651191

You know, if you paid them some money...

>> No.1651204

who dat

>> No.1651211

Marshall, chick from obscure game (in the west).

>> No.1651213

nigger i need the name o da game

>> No.1651214

>remember robopon

>> No.1651215

As soon as I get a link to direct it toward.

>> No.1651220
File: 328 KB, 1366x696, wipwip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is as far as I'm getting tonight.

>> No.1651221
File: 679 KB, 753x912, 1391752249137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hypothetically speaking, how much would you pay for something like that?

btw, not the artist that posted this >>1650399, just curious. :l

>> No.1651227

Really dig how the figure came out, man.

>> No.1651240
File: 45 KB, 640x857, robot man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know its a potato picture, but that aside, how am i doing? should i post more?

>> No.1651241


I only played the rom briefly, I never caught anything other than the beginner robopon, I think the rom had an antipiracy thing that blocked random encounters

>> No.1651250

I'm not so much better myself, but here's what I think. Facial features look too big. Legs look nice. Hard to tell what's going on with the arms. I don't understand what's going on with the chest either. It looks like a wool shirt and a robot belly of sorts?

>> No.1651259

Not sure. If I'm after a series of pages, then I'd prepared to be going well into the hundreds of dollars.

>> No.1651262

i feel like i can't do this anymore.
ive made no real progress in 3 years, i barely practice and im disgusted with the work i make and the time spent. sometimes i just give up midway and try to start again.

yet, i still try and seeing others art makes me jealous as fuck, but i want to be better than them. i think the biggest thing though is that i can't practice, i can't force myself to do it. i find it boring as fuck and i just want to read something or watch a video and apply what i just learned. i understand this shit would become easier if i do practice, but so far my practice is just me spending hours drawing what i want, while trying to apply what i see from loomis.

im a fucking wreck and im glad i didn't try to take art for collage. i don't want to be some fucking art master, nor do commissions for people, i just want to draw my own shit. and that is probably never going to fucking happen with the way i do shit.

i'd post something of mine, but whats the point when the only help is READ THE STICKY FAGGOT, LOOMIS, FUNDAMENTALS!
i'll see you guys in another decade or some shit, maybe ill have it sorted out by then.

>> No.1651264

The failure thread is right here anon. >>1650582

>> No.1651266

Art creation is a mental exercise, some aren't cut out for it.

> some people have to take care of the garbage and dig the ditches

>> No.1651268
File: 94 KB, 1360x770, Patty wagon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ suffers from the anonymous problem, where people can be total assholes. I think if people were forced to post their own art along with critique it wouldn't be as bad as it is, but people hide behind anonymous.

Two things, hobby art, and study art. If you want to improve and not be miserable, do both. Don't worry guy, you'll be fine.

pic related, stuff I do for fun

>> No.1651275

People have more fun with their hobbies when they develop and grow and actually get GOOD at it

>> No.1651276

>forced to post their own art along with critique
And let their potentially very valuable critique fall to deaf ears because they don't happen to be tehmeh.

You don't need to be an amazing artist to give helpful critique. Most of the time it just takes a second pair of eyes, because you tend to be blind to problems when you've stared at it for hours.

When it comes to "more loomis" fags, you're stupid if you take it to heart. Although most of the time it's just a lazy way to say that you need to learn the fundememtals.

>> No.1651279

>i find it boring as fuck and i just want to read something or watch a video and apply what i just learned.
Are you bizarro me
I literally came to read up on resources to take my mind off programming. I just need some sort of feedback and drawing is instant. You probably need a break and just browse Tumblr or other pretty pictures.
>i can't force myself to do it.
I think the difference between us is Im now taking the time to do something significantly funner. Practice is essential but of course grinding it is gonna drag you down.

>> No.1651293

Is there anything you'd guys recommend on character design?

Particularly creatures.

>> No.1651296
File: 50 KB, 1000x753, New canvas4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for you, /ic/ :3

>> No.1651315
File: 37 KB, 575x750, Hunk 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still roughin' it.

>> No.1651316

you did good anon

>> No.1651319

How did you knew that i love dicks anon?

>> No.1651344
File: 64 KB, 542x960, 1391767595200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page of a comic I'm working on. Haven't started shading or inking in fine detail just yet.

>> No.1651356

Even if there are a lot of errors in the "muh realism", it looks like you're having fun with it. Keep going.

>> No.1651359

Yeah, I know I don't quite yet have a total grasp on anatomy or fabric or anything like that. Hopefully as I draw more, the better I'll get. What are you seeing that's kind of fucked up, if you don't mind me asking? I'd like to improve.

>> No.1651363

The size of the victim's head in relation to his shoulders. Flat symbolic drawing; as in, no apparent figure/model construction.

Don't get me wrong though; there's something about this that I really like.

>> No.1651368

Ahh. Yeah, his head was a bit big and I didn't really notice until I inked it. And yes, I am trying my hardest to stay away from symbolism but years of bad habits seem hard to break, it would seem. Thanks for the crit! I appreciate it.

>> No.1651372

No problem.

Keep at it and you will progress, no doubt.

>> No.1651451
File: 45 KB, 844x844, 6N6pn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider starting out with tracing a god confidence builder? Fuck you anyway because i do, going to fill up this canvas, then start with the basics of anatomy and light ect.

>> No.1651454

>these traces are good fuck you if you disagree I'll practice later
Why the fuck are you posting?

>> No.1651468

No, if you trace instead of eyeballing for practice you will never create problems with your drawings, if you have no problems to
solve, you will never learn, what you are doing now is pure artistic masturbation.

>> No.1651472
File: 220 KB, 400x666, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying and trying to draw gauntlets for her that don't look horrible with the tiny bit of perspective but I've failed, so I've come here to ask for help.
That, and I can't draw a flowing cape either. I'm hopeless.

Oh man, that looks really cool!

>> No.1651477


Maybe i should have been clearer, i meant building confidence in the actual ability to even move a pen. The concept of drawing itself.

>> No.1651485

The concept of drawing is thinking and seeing.

>> No.1651487

Confidence comes from knowledge and experience, knowing that you can get something right, or what you are doing.
Not from moving your pen over some lines that you don't even understand why they are there, it's just a waste of time and procrastination
and if line control is your problem then there are a lot more useful exercises. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgDNDOKnArk
Open your loomis and Hampton books, get some model photos and get going.

>> No.1651492
File: 217 KB, 400x666, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with the elbow part. I curved the hem of the gauntlet so it actually looked like it was wrapping around the arm. You looked like you were still trying to draw that bit like you wre looking at it side on, hnce why it didnt look like you perspective was working.
Then I changed the hand position. It looked liked she was sloppily putting the sword in the hilt, not pulling it out (Unless you wanted that)
hope this helps for the future.

>> No.1651494

SORRY its nto a hilt, I dont fantasy/medieval I'll be honest just that thingy that you put a sword in. Holster sounds wrong because thats for guns i dunno w/e you got my point

>> No.1651498


>> No.1651500


Make some friends and do trades or open up some requests.

If you're that much of a loathsome shitbaby that you can't do that I don't know what to tell you

>> No.1651501

You actually managed to make it worse, how grabs a sword hilt like it's a teacup?

>> No.1651504
File: 1.19 MB, 230x173, sandlotkiss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.1651507

This seems really intense, if you want it to be.
Which i do
I'll definitely be trying this out. Thanks.

>> No.1651511

Now that's an exaggeration
And shes a lady after all.

>> No.1651512

KK if its such a problem then tuck the finger in. Now is it still "made worse"?

>> No.1651513

Tracing is the backbone of anime and manga. It is quintessential tool of the eastern minded artist. There are 3 levels to the art of tracing.

Lvl 1 Direct Tracing. This is tracing directly over something following lines and contours precisley
Lvl 2 Construction Tracing. This is constructing directly over something following the forms and shapes.
Lvl 3 Indirect Tracing or Copying. This freehand copying something following the details precisely. This takes the most practice, and is considered a "master" skill.

>> No.1651514

>Tracing is the backbone of anime and manga
Anime and manga is a simplified stylization of the human proportions to be able to freely draw and animate
from fantasy without the use of reference, what are you even talking about?

>> No.1651517
File: 547 KB, 300x400, Believe_in_Magic_Wand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that and eventually it will come true.

>> No.1651521

Keep tracing and i am sure that you will reach the master level of using indirect reference one day.

>> No.1651523
File: 12 KB, 154x161, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really helpful, thank you very much for taking the time to give me advice!

Although, with the gauntlet I still have trouble because it flares out towards the elbow so I have so much trouble trying to draw it. Pic related

>> No.1651527

Yes, she is using her thumb and one other finger to grab the sword, her pinky and index and middle finger are on
air for no apparent reason, your hand gesture is not even working and your hand anatomy is messed up.

>> No.1651532

Never heard of a master copy? Mangakas do it all the time. They literally lift stuff from magazines, books, the web, photos, etc. They call it using reference. But we all know siting in a room meticulously copying a picture over and over and over and over until it looks like the original is pretty much, in essence, tracing.

>> No.1651544

It depends, if you use reference to learn about anything, being anatomy or color or style it's totally ok.
If you are using it to check some proportions after you sketched something because it feels that something
might be wrong, its ok. If you are using it like a slave, unable to produce anything without reference, you are
kidding yourself of your true ability.

>> No.1651556

That's a whole lot of 'if's and 'depends'. Copying masters is an ancient tradition. The quality was graded on how exact it looked from the original. Weebs do it every day. How do think the style spread and perpetuated?

If you are copying like a weeb, unable to produce anything without creativity, you are kidding yourself of any true ability. Yes. Sitting around copying futa all day cause you like some particular style, or begging for redlines on /ic/ so you can trace over them is a fundamental way of development for weebs. But there is should be no shame in all this since every weeb does it.

>> No.1651569

You act as if these "weebs" are the only people who do that.

>> No.1651574

My belief is basically, if you are copying to learn its ok, why wouldn't it be? you Must copy to learn, form life from photos from masters, it doesn't matter.
If you are using reference after you attempted something to check your mistakes, it's also ok. If you are dependant on reference to create, then you are
kidding yourself. And i don't know what you are referring toas weeb, if you are referring to amateur anime artists i don't even know why you take example of them.
People use unrealistic drawing styles, cartoon anime or semi realism, to be able to create things from mind easily, to get rid of the model. If you are getting into
a non realistic style to be a model slave, then you are doing something wrong. And if you still wonder why i don't like it if it brings satisfying results, look at it this way,
you draw from reference and you become a somewhat famous indian artist, one day a fan meets you at the street and asks for a chance to witness your fine
line control, gesture and anatomy, but in reality you can't do shit without a reference, and you can call yourself an artist? i can't.

And no,most self respecting artist don't do that, take a visit on pixiv chat.

>> No.1651576

>indian artist
Oh god, i meant internet artist.

>> No.1651606
File: 52 KB, 688x782, Walt Disney Quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Don't know who I am
But I know all about you
I've come to talk to you tonight
About the things I've seen you do

I've come to set the record straight
I've come to shine the light on you
Let me introduce myself
I'm the cold hard truth

>> No.1651628


>> No.1651632

It's surprising how much effort people put on things like that, your life must be
full of thrills and excitement.

>> No.1651636

someones ego just shattered?

>> No.1651639

>Put text on an image
>This is somehow an unimaginable effort
Your life must be full of hardships and trials.

>> No.1651643
File: 46 KB, 400x400, kanye b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says that a person who sits on computer all day and masturbates to anime.

>> No.1651646
File: 97 KB, 649x215, 1388078817232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1651689
File: 225 KB, 1440x638, dohooho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1651696

Go back to /co/
Im sure its thrilling to poke fun at anime fans but you gotta grow up

>> No.1651700

Where can a fellow weeb find a bunch of gravure references? Google image seems lackluster.

>> No.1651702


>> No.1651814

pro tip for all you folks
don't learn to draw anime first. learn to draw.
no matter how well you can render you will never make a good piece if the viewer can't relate to it and feel connected.
I would recommend most of you (especially younger) people should live out your lives instead of sitting inside all day at a tablet drawing hentai or playing video games.

>> No.1651816
File: 770 KB, 1125x1600, Joshi_no_Kokoroe_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon >>1651133 here...

I wanna draw porn, where should I start. So far I like Turtle.Fish.Paint and JUDER and want to see other artists stuff, preferably western only to see more variation and see what I can take from them.
pic related to traps.

>> No.1651818

inb4 those boobs are fake, I read the rest of the doujin.

>> No.1651822

I dunno of many Western porn artists, but I love everything this chick does http://rachelelm.tumblr.com/tagged/nsfw

>> No.1651830

can't see anything, takes too long.
I was talking about stuff like 'poni parade' when I said western stuff, I wouldn't post since is pony related... you know.

>> No.1651833

If you are into drawing, wouldn't you already have a bunch of favorite artists? also don't forcefully try to
take one styles that you will regret later, people that want to commision hentai art are usually looking for
more authentic anime styles, as a big part of western hentai artists always adds a western touch to their work.
And most important of all, never try to satisfy everyone, it doesn't work like that in hentai. My favorite artist for
example is nezumi (nezunezu), but i know for a fact that a lot of people will find nezumi's beautiful drawn prolapsed genitals unattractive. So dont hesitate, if you want to draw lolis draw lolis if you want to draw todlercon draw todlercon, and be proud of your art, not like a certain someone who literally run away the moment some people pointed some hate at him. Good luck anon

>> No.1651840

>someone who literally run away
who are you talking about?
I don't wanna draw that, I like 13 year olds (girls and sometimes girly boys) I just want to have good references for making h-stuff.

>> No.1651851

You do sound like a 13 year old. Before you wanted to know how to appeal to the crowd and get famous and sell your artwork, now you're asking for references. Can't you think for yourself or do you want everything handed to you on a silver platter?

>> No.1651854 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 2165x2777, 20140207_164511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel, A-tan warned you about trying to fight Jayce...

>> No.1651857
File: 824 KB, 1213x1556, 20140207_164511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel, A-tan warned you about trying to fight Jayce...

>> No.1651861
File: 22 KB, 595x362, sketch-58891939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has a sharktooth smile-mask been done before?
Shitty pic for reference

>> No.1651898
File: 1.08 MB, 400x378, 1386704491995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1651911

aren't you that nerd who draws the weird mech designs with pen?

>> No.1651922

She's awesome. Pretty much my current goal.

>> No.1651945
File: 456 KB, 1500x1500, укеуке.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1651955
File: 440 KB, 599x525, feedme-featured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close enough?

>> No.1651990
File: 91 KB, 361x344, 1390000399080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what does it mean when you post something here and you're not given feedback?

>> No.1651999

Either you've been told the same thing over and over again or maybe you are doing something right.

>> No.1652002
File: 289 KB, 707x1000, spidergirlhairjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's my animu?

>> No.1652008

still look western, if you want true animu then smaller nose, don't close the line for the eye and reduce the amount of detail on the lips

>> No.1652021

Dave we miss you at NF come back

>> No.1652027

Complete pokemon clone with better gimmicks, a better story and more interesting mechanics. Didn't catch on in the west (or anywhere else) because... well... pokemon.

>> No.1652033

what are average commission prices for non porn work?

>> No.1652040

>or maybe you are doing something right.
I've never even considered that. Usually just go with "too bland/mediocre."

>> No.1652044

I think it's more bland and mediocre too. My stuff get ignored a bit too. Even if it might not be, the fact still remains nobody responded to it in any way. I also rather believe it's that instead of "doing something right", because it leaves little incentive to try harder

>> No.1652086
File: 685 KB, 751x1000, yoshimi-battling8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It feels incomplete. Tips for colors and stuff?

>> No.1652089

is actually pretty fun to look at, however I feel like the perspective on the feet is a bit odd. That might only be me though. Nice colour scheme by the way!!

>> No.1652092

Thanks! I've been having so much trouble with colour.

Yeah, I hadn't been practicing feet so it looks bad.

>> No.1652094

*maybe* it's the brown lines on the ground that make the feet look like they're out of place? you should try tilting the lines more, to compliment the feet's perspective

>> No.1652096

Row row fight the angels?

>> No.1652098

It's more that on the feet and ground plane you have 2 different perspectives going on. The feet are pointed forward as if the horizon line is at the top of the toe of the shoes (where it probably should be). The lines on the ground and the void of smoke however makes it look like the horizon is somewhere beyond the top of the page.

>> No.1652106
File: 495 KB, 601x800, yoshimi-battling10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Originally was a wrench and hammer (for disassembling the giant robots) and decided to cop out and throw in drill and lance of longitude.

Missed the lines. I don't want any lines going upward though... damn.

>> No.1652110

I drew this today.
>bunch of favorite artists.
>don't forcefully try to take one styles
Yeah I kind of simply forgot to draw 'towards a style' and simply did what 'felt natural' if that makes sense. I think the neck is wrong but overall I'm pleased with the result.
>You do sound like a 13 year old.
aww thank you ;3

>> No.1652113
File: 772 KB, 1700x2198, sketch_7_gray_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't upload the image
I'm pretty sure I choose the file... whatever.

>> No.1652116


Who's dave, I go by Gambler

>> No.1652124
File: 906 KB, 2400x3000, Flame Princess 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeb style flame princess.

>> No.1652137


the angle of the feet arent alligned with the ground. change the feet or lower the upper arc of the smoke circle to solve this.

put down a cast shadow for the foreground character, that way, it'll be anchored to the ground, rather than floating in the ground. Same for the orbiting debris.

get rid of that random debris rock on the far left, it somewhat distracts from the focal points of the image. buildings look too uniform. try adding a few irregularities here and there, itll make it look more believable (if thats what you're aiming for). For example, add a clothes rail with clothes being blown away).

add a gradient for the sky (light on the horizon, gradually getting darker blue upwards). add some texture to the buildings and ground, if your feeling adventurous.

blur the more distant objects (slighlty) in the background to add more depth.

to really add spice to the overall layout, try changing the pose into a more "ready to attack"
stance (only if you can though). the current stance is okay, but its less suited to the mood (i.e. standing in disbelief and shock of the robot, in a brightly colored scene), which can always be changed through progressing with the pic.

other than that, you're doing well, kiddo:)

>> No.1652147


Wouldn't it make more sense to blur the closer objects?
>uniform buildings
I had more irregularities in the sketch, but removed them just cause I wanted that blocky look. Looks kind of unfinished, you're right.

I actually wanted her in kind of shock. I like the pose, it's suited to what I wanted.

I will try out the textures.

>> No.1652153

Buildings farther in the background should be a bit lighter than the ones in the foreground; this is due to the same reason the sky is darker above you compared to the horizon.

Shit about air particles inbetween the veiwer and the objects.
Id also redraw her ponytail to be flowing with the air; her bangs go left, her jacket is going right but her pony tail is... sitting fluffy

>> No.1652161

I'm kind of dumb and set up the layers in a way where it's kinda hard to blur the buildings.

Any suggestions for textures? All I could think of are paper textures.

>> No.1652166
File: 662 KB, 751x1000, yoshimi-battling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added some paper texture. Also, looks kinda cool without the lineart.

>> No.1652182


im the guy that posted this >>1652137

that sh17 is mad tight, very very very well done.

>> No.1652185


>> No.1652204


>> No.1652223
File: 431 KB, 1000x1000, Chinesecartoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been studying muh loomis for a while now (though I am by no means an expert) and I would like to apply my knowledge to drawing Animu

Though I am having a hard time figuring out exactly what's going on when it comes to the "eyesquashing" All of the faces in pic related are roughly in the same perspective but the animus eyes clearly operates at a different level since they for some reason are half the wight on the far side of their face.

I get that it looks better, but how exactly does it fucking work? Am I just too autistic about this whole thing and should just go with "What looks nice"? or is there's actually something behind all of it that makes sense?

Also while I am at it is there any good way to learn how to draw proper anime faces other then loomis? The only thing I find when searching for it is the "Draw a sphere then some lines and get animu face XDDD" and that's sadly not very helpful at all.


>> No.1652224
File: 141 KB, 691x797, 1378562227587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice drawing animu 'til it looks like animu

>> No.1652228

top lel
>should I just go with 'What looks nice'?
I think I heard that somewhere, that in mango/animu they simply go with what looks fine rather than what looks accurate.
As for >looks better
I think I've seen mango drawings where they try to place the eyes correctly wrapping around but they end up looking pretty weird...
Remember that Chinese cartoons tend to use symbols rather than actual features, I find that true at least when it comes to the face.

>> No.1652231

>since they for some reason are half the wight on the far side of their face.
not sure what you are saying.
what exactly is hard to understand?

>> No.1652236

He means that the animu eyes are closer to the ears than in the real life pictures.

>> No.1652237

technically some people have a space of half an eye from an eye to the ear next it it

>> No.1652245
File: 2.79 MB, 350x263, 1384508356843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why someone in a common sense would create a thread for both sides - western/european cartoons and anime. Its obviously an Anime Girls Drawing Thread again.
I need to create Western/European animation thread later.

>> No.1652252
File: 834 KB, 1000x1349, Preston Blair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is a must for anyone who wants to learn *actual* cartooning and none of this animu faggotry.

>> No.1652259

Are you the guy who keeps arguing against japanese animation at every chance you get?

>> No.1652260

American and European animation is way different though, you better split it up into 3 threads, one for animu, one for American and one for French. You know what, let's just make 10 generals, all for each own style u know, that sounds like an awesome idea.

>> No.1652262
File: 99 KB, 617x460, Lens_comparison-1_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but that's somewhat of a neccessity since the eyes are that much larger, at least in that type of style.
i imagine it would look really ugly if you additionally added too much space to the side of the face.

also you have to think about fov.
(that's also the reason why people advise not to learn from photos)

that being said, it's not always 100% logical.
in >>1652223, the first drawing is completely wrong anyway. the eyebrows make no sense. the other two have more structure to them, but also break apart upon closer inspection.

>> No.1652263

>*actual* cartooning
real cartooning comes from an understanding of real life and is more than just disney.
what you call "real cartooning" is basically just "how to disney"

disneyfags are insufferable

>> No.1652270
File: 185 KB, 739x492, ss (2014-02-08 at 08.05.19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just my opinion but leg to body proportion feels wonky.
pic related (either way)

>> No.1652271

Thanks guys

Oh pardon, I meant Width, English is not my first language.

Basically the eyes are the same size on the real faces, while on animus the eye further away from you are much narrower. And I have trouble understanding exactly how to break down the face in 3d because of that.

But yes indeed Animu does make use of plain symbols more, but because of that I have trouble placing the eyes.

>> No.1652290 [DELETED] 

>in >>1652223#, the first drawing is completely wrong anyway.
And yet, it's the best one of the three (if you meamt the leftmost). All gthe loomis studying is blinding you to the aesthetics that are far more important.

>> No.1652293

>in>>1652223, the first drawing is completely wrong anyway.
And yet, it's the best one of the three (if you meant the leftmost). All the loomis studying is blinding you to the aesthetics that are far more important.

>> No.1652306


>best one

You are fucking insane if you honestly think that face is the best of the 3. The best face is the one to the far right.

>> No.1652308

faggots detected, middle one best you blind fags.

>> No.1652312
File: 229 KB, 1400x974, 1391866342541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the loomis studying is blinding you.
Not him. I understand where you're coming from, and i know that dogmatically applying anatomy to certain aspects of anime
can give you some pretty ugly results, yet that drawings eye placement IS wrong, and it could have been a lot better.
Her left eye is getting cut off, supposedly being a tiny bit hidden by the nose, yes her right eye is miles away from the
nose, a more correct versions is the middle one, were the eye is squashed a bit to show that it's getting further away in
perspective with the head, but it's not hidden by the nose, the way the first guy uses the effect, is mindlessly copying
from other drawings without knowing why, he just show someone do it so he did it himself. Because you can't see the
mistakes of your drawings or someone else's drawing it doesn't mean that it's not there, always keep in the back of your head
that some people regard Marc Crawley as the pinnacle of anime art.

On another note, my image is resized as the original is over the size limit, there is a bigger version.

>> No.1652313


actually, you're all faggots because all 3 of those are absolutely hideous

leave your parents basement just once and you will see that real people and real life does not look like or resemble anime in any way shape or form

>> No.1652317

>real people and real life does not look like or resemble anime in any way shape or form

that's why it's called stylizing, duuuuuuh you retarded faggot.

>> No.1652318

>in any way shape or form
I don't think you know what that means.

>> No.1652320
File: 2.76 MB, 1920x2701, 1391867347582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime anatomy can actually be pretty accurate, with a bit of mindful exaggerations and simpler rendering
and texture. Now the face is the most stylized point but even there you can stylize all you want like the
eyelash, the eye, the lips and the noise, but you cant place them all over the place, some proportions
must stay true to some degree.

>> No.1652321

It maybe hard for you to believe, but not all anime faces are the same. I am aware that the eye placement is a little off, but it doesn't bother me, because i'm not autistic like you. If anything, the eyes wrapping around show the roundness of the face. Furthermore, you need to be more careful with what you call a "mistake", as you are in stylization thread.
Now, realize that left one is my personal preference, but i'm bashing others like you do just because it doesn't conform to my ideals.

>> No.1652323

eat shit and die.

>> No.1652324

There are also styles that are more or less realistic. It depends on the demographic.
Usually, the closer you get to material primarily made for adults, the more likely you are to find realistic styles.
Berserk, Vagabond and Blade of the Immortal come to mind.

>> No.1652330

>more careful with what you call a "mistake"
I believe that i clearly explained why i think that it's a mistake. And i can very easily believe that you can find it to be fine.
But the drawing that is stylized in a clever and meaningful way and the drawing that is stylized because the artists saw
something on another drawing and applied it without any thought is the fine line between some ok drawing and a good drawing.

>but it doesn't bother me, because i'm not autistic like you
It doesn't bother you because you are apathetic about it.

>> No.1652335
File: 376 KB, 829x865, bigbooblady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people really like futa

>> No.1652337

Judging by the cast shadows, your light source is from the far right, so shouldn't here right boobs highlight be a bit more to
the right as we see it? right now it's almost at the beginning of the core shadow.

>> No.1652338

I am not apathetic, I said I like how it shows roundness of the face, but what really fascinates me is that despite being anatomically wrong, it looks fucking good. That is the magic of stylization. I suppose only wizards like me can appreciate it. Plebeian swine are slaves to realism, because of how shortsighted they are.

>> No.1652340
File: 1.22 MB, 2000x2000, alt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ic/, I've been drawing for a while mostly doing realism and I thought I'd create my own style now. I just spent some time trying to come up with something fun. How is this?

>> No.1652342

All your faces are way too huge and take up too much space on the skull.

>> No.1652343

kinda derpy, but that can be worked out.
but the heads are way too large

>> No.1652345

The face is not round, it makes a corner about where the chicbone is and then it goes back. The end of the eye sits on that corner, thats why it looks worng, It dosent look good to me, but it doesent look awfull, as the mistake is a small one and the rest of the image
can cover for that, but it could have been a lot better.

>Plebeian swine are slaves to realism
You're assuming that only people that hold anime on a bad regard care about mistakes?
I love the style, and that's why i care so much about it.

>> No.1652346
File: 100 KB, 700x800, cinderella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made them bigger than normal human size intentionally. I feel that if I made them smaller, they'd look too realistic.
How about this? I just did this. It's Cinderella.

>> No.1652348

The way you draw the features falls a bit to the more realistic side thought, so when you exaggerate the proportions so much
it looks uncanny as hell.

>How about this?
Thats a lot better

>> No.1652350
File: 69 KB, 300x700, LittleRedRidingHood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right on that.

Anyway, I'm thinking I like this this style better which sort of came out by accident. I think this one is pretty likeable.

>> No.1652352

The problem with the first picture is the fact that they all end up looking like midgets.

It's not that the heads are necessarily too large, but that the faces takes up too much space on the skull.

The last picture you posted is better, simply because it's consistent and not out of proportion.

>> No.1652353
File: 56 KB, 400x759, SANIK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew a redesigned sanik in Flash with the mouse

i'm especially shit at shading, and have overall very little experience with drawing, so don't be mean

>> No.1652354
File: 97 KB, 700x900, SnowWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedbacks. I think I've finally decided now.

>> No.1652357

Not the guy you're dicussing with, but you're factually wrong and come off as a rabid, underage fanboy.
I've drawn animu stuff since the 90s, and what you claim is stylization are clearly mistakes. Yes, some adopt mistakes into their style, but that doesn't change the fact that they're mistakes.
One of the most common problems with anime styles, particularly female faces, is that the artist doesn't understand depth or draws faces that can't physically exist in three dimensions. This is something that usually separates good artists from bad artists, as good artists manage to adapt their exaggeration without sacrificing form.

The left picture that you claim to prefer actually looks really bad. The eyes are sunk into the head, the nose and mouth are misplaced, and the head misshapen. The neck comes out of the wrong place as well.

You also seem to not understand what different people see. Unexperienced people, young people or people with no sense of aesthetics will often ignore mistakes, because their brain automatically corrects them. Older people or experienced artists will notice the mistakes more readily simply by having a better eye for art.

>> No.1652358
File: 1.40 MB, 1325x1382, JamSitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest finished work. Not really looking to going back and fixing it, but curious on what to look out for/focus on for my next work. This was probably my first or second time really trying to make a background or setting and I'm afraid it shows.

>> No.1652360

The figure is fine except that I think there's a bit too much space between her eyes. For the background, try to make it look a little more busy. Put some shapes on the buildings and maybe put a bit of cityscape to suggest a big space and the ground.

>> No.1652370

Your hair feels very stiff and plastic. One thing that i find to help me a lot with this is to make the brush very small, so i am
not worrying about line weight at all at this point, and i just go at it, don't try to make nice looking corners and things like that at
this point just be as free as you can and "feel the flow" like a gesture for hair.

>> No.1652383

Head is too small.

>> No.1652392

you're the type of retard who can't differentiate between style and skill.
when there are artists who can rock that style properly. but that guy in our example is not one of them.

you would proabably only realize this if you saw several angles of this face or attempted to animate it.
and mind you, nobody said it's shit, it's just not quite correct.

>> No.1652440


This is the result of trying to solve a problem common to all cartooning: How to make the eyes larger to make them cuter and more expressive.

Classic Western animators (Disney and Warner Bros.) achieve this by elongating the hole of the eye. However, this increases the white of the eye, giving the character a constant look of shock/fear. So the eye hole is shifted up and out, such that the pupil is placed closer or touching the lower corner of the eyelids. Look at any front view drawing of Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse. The pupils are resting at the bottom, and they look nearly cross-eyed.

Your examples of anime is the other approach, which is to make the entire eyeball and pupil larger, such that the pupils touch the eyelids on top and bottom. The eyeballs are so large, that if they were modeled, they would have trouble fitting inside the head. By making the eyeball bigger, less of the sphere is exposed by the eyelids, which makes the eye seem flatter. The wrapping of the eyelids is also reduced. The hole of the eye is also shifted slightly outward, just like real eyes are.

So consider these things. The eye is larger, so it seems flatter. The eye holes are shifted slightly to the outside. This means that the eyes are more like two flat windows, angled slightly rather than being parallel. So when you look at them from a 3/4 view, you'll see the complete width of the near eye, while the far eye is angled away from you, so the effect of perspective is stronger on it.

Some artists do push this really far, but this is not just style, but consideration for actual form.

>> No.1652455

Thanks. I think I got lazy/rushed with the background as well, plus I was intimidated to try to put too much detail in. I'll grab some landscape references and work with those.

Hair is honestly my demon when it comes to shading/coloring. To give you an idea, this is probably my best job at coloring it. I'll try to be more loose and freeform from now on though.

This is one of those things that I thought might be true but when I got review from everyone else no one mentioned it so I never worried about it too much. Fuck.

Thanks for the feedback. I think I might go back and edit some things/add touchups based on what you guys noted.

>> No.1652462

Thanks a lot of taking your time to write that, it's very much appreciated, it cleared a lot of things up!

>> No.1652468
File: 283 KB, 200x200, 1391883302875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume they are the same. Depends how much you charge I guess.

>> No.1652474

>You know what, let's just make 10 generals, all for each own style u know, that sounds like an awesome idea.
Well it's better than trying to discuss 2D animation and character design in a thread filled with shitty pedofilia pictures of animugrills.
Fucking shit. are you retarded. there is no way to do that.
I wonder if animu was popular like it now if it wasn't made of pantzu shots

>> No.1652483

OP here
let's keep it as it is... One thread to rule them all!

I'll find artists from America, Europe and Asia (Korean and Chinese preferably) and post some of their art just to diversify a bit. Maybe that will encourage anons to try to vary style a bit.

>> No.1652490
File: 573 KB, 1000x1000, pricing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and how much is that.
or let me rephrase. what is t lowest acceptable price fr the various types of artwork?

i remember pic related

>> No.1652489
File: 100 KB, 500x615, 56j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's keep it as it is... One thread to rule them all!

>something completely different
>YAY let's mix 2d animation with thread about gilrs pants and boobs!
d/ic/s at their best

>> No.1652491

H-fags ruin absolutely everything

>> No.1652494

>Well it's better than trying to discuss 2D animation and character design in a thread filled with shitty pedofilia pictures of animugrills.
>It's your fault my preferred art style is not popular.

There is already a animation thread up >>1647050

>> No.1652492

nigga if you want an animation thread that's a whole different thing because animation threads usually actually animate. cartooning and animu means you draw but not animate (though there is no prohibition of posting animation here)

animation isn't animation if it cant fucking move.

>> No.1652495


>> No.1652497

In what way exactly?

>> No.1652498
File: 12 KB, 191x203, 1386597972707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animation thread
>OP picture with a furfag ass showing
... oh well it's not like i was going to find serious threads on /ic/ anyways.

>> No.1652506

is there a somewhat steady steam of people willing to pay that industry standard for fan works?

>> No.1652513
File: 94 KB, 200x113, 1745107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about grills and boobs
dude, I ain't gonna dignify that comment with a response.

>cartoon wolf from an oldschool cartoon >character sheet
>calls it furfag
Non sequitur

>> No.1652584

Is this bait? It's clearly talking about the link to another thread in the very post you linked yourself.

>> No.1652590

My bad... yeah that animation thread looks pretty furfaggy. Replied too fast.

>> No.1652597
File: 418 KB, 1000x885, raisen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1652613

hahaha brb getting artbook and cartoon done by malaysians for 2 bucks

>> No.1652621


I always laugh at "artist" that think selling 20min to 30min max commission with one character sloppy line work and shit quality over $5 is acceptable when I can go Japan during comiket and buy a whole 25 page + doujin for a little less than $15

granted yeah it's mass produced after the artist makes the final draft but still I bet a FA or Weasyl "artist" would try to charge like $5000 for the same thing

>> No.1652627

>angry weebs
Thats funny, because thats basically what Miazaki said in an interview,
Anon just put Stan Lee/walt disney for luls

>> No.1652629


I don't I think it's disgusting and over stagnated as fuck now not just /d/ or FA or DA or whatever but even in the east where the shit pretty much originated to begin with

I think I would've at least try to understand and emphasis with people who liked it or artist that drew it if it wasn't shoved down your throat 24/7 365. It feels like you can't go anywhere and look at porn,ecchi, whatever without some asshole being "wow that's hot! know would make that a lot hotter pair of balls and a HORSE SIZED DICK!"

fucking annoying

I mean you don't very often see people go into futa/shemale threads doing the inverse

You yourself seem to try to a least balance futa with nonfuta pieces you haven't sold out and gone full Dmitry yet

>> No.1652640


It mean just that you figured it out on your own as somebody who "critiques" if it's an artist I like who is par for the course i'll usually comment

"hey you did x with this one" or "why didn't you do x with this like you normally do" or "good work as usual" etc.

someone who is horrible like Miku fag will obviously get

"why aren't you listening to x" "what are you doing I/we've told you a million times to do x" "you suck just stop drawing" etc.

If you think about it then it makes sense naturally that people ignore something that either a. isn't good enough to merit praise or b. isn't shitty enough to merit disgust or help that means your guys art probably falls into a new catagory c. not bad enough to disgust but not good enough or interesting enough to get praised

try to be more outgoing in your pieces do something new and really out of the box for yourselves next time and you'll be able to tell rather you're an a. or b. next time you post in these threads.

>> No.1652642


Some people are quite happy to pirate doujinshi en mass, even when legitimate and easy buying options that support the artist exist. But those same people pay good commissions to middling artists for CGs that will end up online anyway.

Commissions are not entirely about quality, or even logical. Artists who are successful doing fan art commissions understand that the price premium is for the social experience. People pay artists to feel power, to get something very specific done, and to feel like they are friends and not just another anonymous person on the internet.

Commissions, donations, Kickstarters, these all stroke the ego in some way, make the participants feel like they're doing something special. It's a virtual hand job.

>> No.1652644


Miyazaki is like godtier in Japan I fucking fear what going to happen to the east animation industry after he leaves us ;_;

I guess anno and that one director that shits on moe are all we'll have left, I mean japan still has a few heroes over there just too bad that they're fighting a fight I don't think they'll ever win

>> No.1652648

When that happens... China will take over, and South Korea will be annexed to USA

>> No.1652652

Actually, there was a big futa hype a few years back, and it's now nowhere near as popular.

>I mean you don't very often see people go into futa/shemale threads doing the inverse
That's because they are futa threads, not general art threads for anyone to post his art, we are here to
discuss style and technique, not to ostracize people for their fetishes, if he legitimately seeks critique he
may post todlercons with prolapsed anuses for all i care.
You are actually angry because a fetish you don't like is popular.

>> No.1652655


>todlercons with prolapsed anuses

I wouldn't put it past him

>> No.1652662

>when I can go Japan during comiket and buy a whole 25 page + doujin for a little less than $15
thats... a completely different thing.
don't you know what a commission is

>> No.1652666
File: 16 KB, 500x500, dfgdfhsfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could someone help me with the feet? I have come to the conclusion that I can't draw toes to save my life. Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.1652669

Actually, commissions in japan is a very alien concept. Most part time artist actually do things like manga or cg sets and
sell them on DLsite ore melonbooks etc, or gather up and make vns.

>> No.1652672

Same answer as any to learn how to draw things, ...Studies!, find pictures and draw lots of toes, keep drawing them until you dream about toes, keep drawing them until you see them in your peripherals all the time.
sounds shit, but its much better to learn things from life and figure them out your self rather than looking for shortcuts.

>> No.1652674

jesus fucking christ you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

this is just about the difference between premade products and custom made products. the custom made stuff is not made for anyones ego or power or some bullshit like that.

>> No.1652678

Um, there's a significant difference between the two things you're talking about...

>> No.1652679

mangaka tend to make small sketch comissions on site when visiting western cons.

and what is your point anyway. it's still a completely different thing between buying doujinshi and ordering commissions.

>> No.1652682
File: 611 KB, 1200x749, tradesmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my end of my first art trade. for fun mostly.

>> No.1652690

I dont have a point, i just wonder what's better for the community, if commissions were not so popular and making content
was more popular, would things be better in the west? i mean we could have had a lot more interesting things than
single drawings all the time.

>> No.1652693
File: 96 KB, 400x835, 1387605465265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like you're trying way too hard to be cool/ edgy and fit in with fags like zaush and wolfy-nail with that husky fursona of yours

Anyone who's followed your work for a while is likely to agree

That's just my opinion though.

>> No.1652700
File: 76 KB, 1000x666, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to into lineart

>> No.1652704

i am not familiar with furry porn because i find it disgusting, so would you mind explaining why does the wolf have 2 sets of balls?

>> No.1652707
File: 993 KB, 250x250, 1371357060297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee thanks

>> No.1652708

dogs have a thing called a knot, that's what it is. It's part of the dick

>> No.1652715

why is wolf wearing a condom?

>> No.1652724


>get a load of this faggot

No shit real life resembles real life. Anime is a stylization of reality. No one even said anime looks real. Are you autistic or some shit? Get out of this thread if you can't comprehend that.

>> No.1652734

>everything has a thick black outline
>except the wine glasses
my autism is going crazy here
stop it

>> No.1652748

yiff in hell

>> No.1652758

>$2,000 for something that technically doesn't exist.

Artists are full of themselves.

>> No.1652764
File: 184 KB, 1240x1228, ryuuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some feedback on this before I move on with it?

>> No.1652772

Complete the linework first please.

>> No.1652776


Those are industry rates, meaning that whoever commissioned the artist will be using it in a commercial capacity, and probably wants complete copyright over it as a work-for-hire.

Of course, that means the whole chart is making an apples to oranges comparison.

>> No.1652777

10/10 mako

>> No.1652820

>Hit 300 already
Mind if I use your drawing for next Alternative Art/Stylization Thread?

>> No.1652844


I don't know i'd have to see more of the chick solo to really see what your worth is

>> No.1652884
File: 185 KB, 992x1167, ryuuko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1652916
File: 104 KB, 717x927, imaginationoldguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some old imagination d00d i came up with... looks japanese to me.

>> No.1652950

New thread chicos!

>> No.1653101


What in the world is going on in that thumbna- ohhhh

>> No.1653294

are you for real?

>> No.1653364

Now listen here you little shit. Don't you fucking dare represent us with that thrice-damned blue bear. And don't fucking act like you don't know why.

>> No.1654634

Stop giving me ideas

>> No.1654697


>> No.1654715
File: 924 KB, 1535x2056, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so from a design standpoint, how can I improve?

>> No.1655263
