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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1644405 No.1644405 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so I recently started drawing and when I look at my art it makes me want to puke, but that's to be expected.

However, I also have type 2 bipolar disorder and I very easily get extremely jealous. My friends draw, and I used to always go to them whenever I wanted something drawn because they were pretty nice about it, but now that I've started drawing myself, whenever I look at my art which makes me disgusted and their art which is great, it makes me want to kill myself even on a good day. Also, I tend to cry a lot when I see a picture or something that I like now because somewhere in my mind something's telling me that I'll never be that good.

I'm wondering, should I just quit drawing completely? I have fun when I'm doing it but when I've finished drawing I get really depressed or angry, and I'm usually too depressed to start drawing again. On the other hand, if I keep drawing, I'm pretty sure something'll break my threshold and I'll kill myself, which to me isn't really an awful scenario on a good day and is something I have to force myself into not doing on a bad day. Having said that, the reason I picked up drawing in the first place was because I have nothing else to do with my time and when I get bored I tend to consider committing suicide a lot more.

I'd post some of my art but I don't want to hear "It doesn't look half as bad as you make it out to be" because that just pisses me off, and if it really is as bad as I think it then that just means I have to climb even higher to get to a point I can consider decent.

tl;dr If drawing makes me want to kill myself, should I stop?

>> No.1644413

kill youreself


>> No.1644469

Try seeing a doctor holy fuck dude. This isn't /adv/.

Its just a piece of paper. Its really not a big deal. Look at artists sketchbooks, they full of fuckups. Good looking pictures are just happened to be better than the rest of the shit they drew

>> No.1644508

Just kill yourself already.

>> No.1644525
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please dont kill yourself. if drawing makes you unhappy then stop, but see a doctor soon and tell them about this.

>> No.1644527

seriously OP i don't think this has anything to do with your level of skill

>> No.1644535

I felt the same way about you but I read something from Stan Prokopenko that really resonated with me:

>Many people begin attending art school with unrealistic expectations. The common misunderstanding is that after a couple of classes you will become a good artist. The reality is that it takes much longer than that. Commonly between 5 to 10 years of proper training to reach a level of proficiency.
>If the length intimidates you, realize that the 10 years will pass whether you are studying or not. Everybody always wishes they had started earlier. The question is, when the 10 years do pass, where do you want to be? Do you still want to be wishing you knew how to draw? If you get discouraged and quit, odds are 10 years from now you will think “If I had stuck with it, I would have been really good by now.”

Just draw. Your stuff is shit but it will get better if you practice. It's important to keep things in perspective.

At least you aren't like me (I'm assume) and have squandered the first twenty years of your life by recieving minimal instruction and lacking the initiative to better myself. People who say "You're so good!" should have their heads smashed on concrete. When I look at the teenaged work of my idols and see that they exceeded the level I'm at now I get incredibly angry, but the only thing I can do is about is draw. I'll get there eventually.

>> No.1644800

"...but when I've finished drawing I get really depressed or angry, and I'm usually too depressed to start drawing again."

Surprised no one's suggested this already, but here goes: STOP GETTING MARRIED TO YOUR DRAWINGS! It's been mentioned a million times over here in /ic/, but if you get married to a sketch/drawing you're inevitably going to be polishing a turd. Imagine all the time you've squandered on that one particular drawing, and then imagine all that time spent on doing MULTIPLE drawings; may they be gestural drawings, simple sketches, anatomical studies, whatever...don't get too married to your shit and just keep drawing.

I know exactly what you're going through, really, I do. Drawing can be one of the most miserable experiences ever, but having drawn something that is "satisfactory" to you can mean the entire world. Draw for your own sake and for your own entertainment. Stop comparing yourself, and strive to be better.

Ultimately, have good taste and just fucking draw more.

>> No.1644812

You don't have to get married on your stupid 15 minute sketches to get mad at the fact that you didn't improve in 4 months you've been drawing.

>> No.1644813

post your work

>> No.1644816

Okay, but what are we to believe OP is drawing within that 4 month span? Within a 4 month span, the prospective artist should be practicing GESTURE, FORM, and various other fundamentals. If the twat still sucks at it, then keep practicing.

For the artist at the beginner level, they shouldn't be spending hours on a single drawing. It literally is as simple as that. I'm guessing the OP has no guidance, and that sucks; maybe s/he should look at the /ic/ sticky.

Also if you're a truly unskilled artist and are devoting all your time to a drawing, you've done goofed up, son. Draw more. :)

>> No.1644817

OP ain't posting shit and thus we can't help him/her whatsoever. I guess OP is just looking for motivational speeches.

Seriously, OP, post something of yours. If you want to get better, you're going to have to get used to showing your stuff to other people for critique.

>> No.1645304


>> No.1645381

This. When you see an artist who's at a level you think you could never reach, see them standing on top of a huge mountain, holding aloft their masterpieces, don't be disheartened. That mountain they're standing on, take a closer look at it. It's piles of shit art. That's the only way to make it to the top. Fill sketchbooks, fill hard drives, and most important of all, fill your mind. The more you draw, the better you get. Don't just mindlessly doodle the whole time though, half from life, half from mind, you know the drill.

And from a guy who was close to suicide only a week or so ago, don't do it. If you work your ass off and take the hits and run straight at the obstacles in your life then one day you'll be where you want to be, and be able to do what you want to do. Where you are now doesn't matter in the slightest, just keep grinding away at it. When you're going through hell, keep going.

>> No.1645391

Those people whose art you admire and adore, just remember, their as much human as yourself. There is absolutely nothing inherent about them that makes them any more special than yourself. And like the last poster said, they only seem like their skills are so high up because they're literally standing on all the art that took them to reach that point.

>> No.1645497
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> I have fun when I'm doing it but when I've finished drawing I get really depressed or angry, and I'm usually too depressed to start drawing again.
I have exactly the same problem but with popularity issues. I like what im doing but that's untill i will upload it anywhere...then i see those girls from tumblr who draw kawaii fanart and get 60000likes or popular deviantartists with 525252354favs and 14124141 comments and look at my gallery. I start getting jealous. Then sad. Then depressive. Then i get afraid of start drawing again.
And it goes on like that because im smart enough to understand that my vision of this world and interest are not in "popular" are and will never be no matter how good or polished i become in future.

>> No.1645500

>in "popular" are
in popular Area i meant to say. text fucked up because i was drawing all night and sleepy and i actually don't want to upload my piece to DA and it only makes me angrier

>> No.1645508

i understand your feelings. but it comes down to what you want, do you want to be popular, draw moe, do you want to do your own art? prepare to take the hard road.

i have similar anxieties but to do with fine art, i know what kind of images and themes i want to explore but i also know that people don't buy dark paintings, and something i really like is how colours work in low-light conditions. do i go in a direction i don't care much for 'friendly paintings about art and ego' which will sell or ''dark paintings about quality and atmosphere?'

well, what i decided was to do commercial paintings for selling and own paintings for myself. maybe you can take a similar middle-path, if you can handle extra work. you could even have two DAs, and your 'for you' work being unpopular will just reinforce how dumb the sheeple are and how your vision is too great for there feeble minds!

>> No.1645510

I know that feel. It sucks the life right out of you. I haven't drawn anything in the past week because of it. I watch art tutorials or play games that have art that I really like and it gets me fucking pumped but then I start drawing and I lose hope. I can easily get motivated but I can't stay motivated

>> No.1645533
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>''dark paintings about quality and atmosphere?'
that's exactly me. and the reason of why i fail. i worked so hard but i become less productive because of starting to get ZERO motivation. Because the rest of the world turning back on me.
Every time i see another "tutorial" from tumblr when anothet girl using that "doodly-style" saying "there are no limits" or "you can draw whatever your heart desires!"
And everyone go "Aaaaawww~~ she's so smart ang cute. and her drawings are lovely ^__^"

Well fuck...of course you can draw whatever you want when your imagination allows you to draw 2 cupids kissing or you draw Frozen fanart with characters making out or may be you even draw WHITE WOLVES with WINGS.
of course you can... wow im finally talking myself out!