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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 300x300, howtodrawmanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1638768 No.1638768[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone remember this shit?

>tfw over 10 years ago my friend had bought this and showed it to me
Even as a 4th grader I could clearly see the shit stain.

But, the author is probably living it up right now with all the money he/she made. Ever think of that?

>> No.1638770

business plan:
>people like shit simple
>write shitty books with names "How to paint", "How to draw", keep everything super simple inside
>some blackhat marketing
>collect the $ from all the DA folk

>> No.1638774

>blackhat marketing
So assuming my drawing skills are alright, I should be able to spew shit like that and make a decent living?

>> No.1638776

I work in an art studio for a woman thats been paining for quite a long time. Although her art skills are shit. But because she has been doing it so long she is able to make classes and teach weekend warriors. And she makes quite a bit off it.

>> No.1638777
File: 411 KB, 451x517, tumblr_mxxm9gX7Xk1r3ez80o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in-case youre doubting that tumblr's art community is anything but misguided and shit

>> No.1638778

i...just can't put it into words what i am feeling right now

>> No.1638782
File: 884 KB, 1920x1937, 1376385184238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither can I, but I think this image covers it.

>> No.1638784

I'll buy that book, just saying.

>> No.1638786

oh wow. the author is the same of the one in the OP.

here is a link to one of her books where you can take a look inside lol.


>> No.1638787

OP here.

You know, even though we shouldn't reach for mediocrity, it's pretty uplifting that such garbage can make some a decent living you know?

Like the "i will draw a cat for you" guy who went on shark tank and now sells crappy 5 second sketches for 9.95

>> No.1638788
File: 61 KB, 879x803, 2314423141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out the reviews for it on amazon.
some of the people are tearing it appart.

>> No.1638790


>I have drawn 15,434 cats for people all over the world. I want to draw a cat for you.

he made 150,000 dollars with that shit.
this guy is a fucking genius.

>> No.1638801

I used to have the step-by-step manga thing.. with the giant cat and black guy. They sold it at the school's book fair, I think in elementary school or something.

>> No.1638803

This is that same guy's DA btw,


>> No.1638823


good lord

>> No.1638826

and he gets to work for Wacom and Hitachi...

Why? There are so many people out there who are better than that guy

>> No.1638831

because world is shit, people are shit.

>> No.1638849


Well he improved at least.

>> No.1638862

jfc those colors

>> No.1638864
File: 207 KB, 433x604, 1379824313671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it will never be 2004-2009 again
>you will never have the chance to make money off of weeaboos because standards are so high now

>> No.1638869

My sides.

>> No.1638879
File: 79 KB, 680x510, 1390352311688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>remember that time when some pencil originals from Megatokyo were up for auction back in 07 and people paid over 10K for each of them.

>> No.1638880

Because he had exposure.
Because he actually knew people.
Because his name was recognizable.

Having a public profile on something like DA can be useful in itself. Your portfolio doesn't have to hidden away on some poorly designed personal site.

>> No.1638883
File: 284 KB, 784x744, 1390600013067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about this scoob

>> No.1638888

original pic looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better
fun and stylised opposed to the new boring anime guy in a Crysis suit

>> No.1638892

I was thinking the same thing when I looked through his gallery and saw that. The 2002 one, while still flawed is better. the right one looks soulless and cheap.

>> No.1638893

I agree, the original design looks more interesting. I'm not quite sure what exactly is right with it, but it feels whole.

The updated version just looks like crap. It looks like he couldn't decide whether he wanted realistic or simple lighting so it just ends up looking like a very amateurish attempt at realism

>> No.1638936
File: 802 KB, 1377x614, master.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna know how this faggots from dA can call it a "tutorial", just look at this fucking shit, does it looks like a rock from you?
Tutorial, seriously?

>Favourites 2,425

>> No.1638947

>February 6, 2013

>November 19, 2013

Oh, god that consistency, he probably uses heavy reference for everything he does.

>> No.1638965
File: 578 KB, 719x683, 1374543282974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe these are from the artist and one of th ebooks

>> No.1638966
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>> No.1638969
File: 692 KB, 793x887, 1374543676727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1638970
File: 93 KB, 709x553, 1374543793799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1638971

Oh my God..

>> No.1638975

Anime alcohol fetal syndrome? Da faq?

>> No.1638979
File: 932 KB, 1536x2304, 1370118906815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is from the same artist, i got it back in a similar thread but it's my favourite.

>> No.1638989


>> No.1639001
File: 657 KB, 720x540, Boneitis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Oh, god that consistency, he probably uses heavy reference for everything he does.

Yeah, holy hell that stuff stands out about as bad as that DC wonderwoman porn comic that guy posted here a while back. /co/ actually found several of the panels he copied pose-for pose.

Also that perspective on the building in the "school time pic".

>> No.1639009

Looks like pile of frozen sardine.

>> No.1639033

This place is the warmest happiest most comfortable place on earth. I love running to /ic/ away from all the incredible retardation of most art communities.

Thank you for existing. Thank you so much.

>> No.1639039
File: 13 KB, 191x264, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone remember this shit?
I do and i have it with all those others HOW TO DRAW MANGA/COMICS HEY KIDS
but belive me...back in that time before 2007 every piece of book or tutorial was useful. I had this and i knew this is crap but i loved to read it and be inspired and motivated.
Nowadays we have everything but being a teenager/student back in early 00 was rough for artist. Time was crazy and everybody was valuable no matter what level he/she had.

>not having almost all Christopher Hart's shitty books
they will be rare soon

>> No.1639053
File: 216 KB, 573x739, advanedfacaiexpression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using filthy gajin how to draw books

>> No.1639067

i think those are the ones we had when i was a kid, only in english obviously.

or you could just try to copy out of an actual manga

>> No.1639075

I always like to imagine these were done by a jobbing illustrator, possibly in their 50's.

>Publisher's office
>"Hey we got a job for you, good pay! We want you to do one of those 'how to draw animu' books all the kids are buying!"
>"But I don't know anything about that, I do advertising storyboards..."
>"How hard can it be, if a goddamn chink can do it, so can you! Do you want the money or not?"
>"Well, I guess... I'll just make it up as I go, they'll never notice..."

>> No.1639083

they do rather look like a parody of actual manga

>> No.1639094
File: 76 KB, 548x600, drawing-manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least he got better at drawing manga

>> No.1639104

bit disney princess that one

>> No.1639114

i wonder if someone published a book on how to draw disney princesses but all the examples were closer to manga

>> No.1639127


Oh god this monster would have to be from my country, wouldn't he?

>> No.1639131
File: 116 KB, 733x600, perspective-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, looks like I hit the nail on the head when I said he was a jobbing illustrator who got sucked into the manga fad.

Guy's not too bad when he's drawing things that don't look like they're reflected in a spoon.

>> No.1639145
File: 15 KB, 345x365, 1361835094358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no matter how shitty they are, they've got more money than you ever will

>> No.1639151

Lmao, I actually STILL have that book. I bought it at barnes and noble (lmao) when I was about 6 or so. I still remember copying this guy with purple hair inside the book and never being able to get it quite right. Fuck this book.

>> No.1639270

oh god! i cannot stop laughing

>> No.1639295

holy shit i owned this book

>> No.1639300

hey guys think the market is still good for how to draw books?

>> No.1639450

what the hell are those?

>> No.1639480
File: 446 KB, 2477x3500, pointhairedguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one has posted pointy haired guy yet

>> No.1639488

>mfw he made money with this

>> No.1639564

oh... god...

>> No.1639592
File: 91 KB, 500x564, the fuck dud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with my shit skills at art I can tell you that it's shit.

>> No.1639605

God, pls kill me.

>> No.1639615
File: 737 KB, 2560x2048, metal gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret saving these.

>> No.1639616
File: 144 KB, 311x285, hot dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1639621
File: 968 KB, 2477x3500, 1353475346377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one posted full versions

Time to momentarily stop lurking.

>> No.1639622
File: 585 KB, 2477x3500, 1363023985344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1639623

Are you sure this isn't just some elaborate hoax? I have a difficult time believing this could exist.
No one this bad would make a book like this, no one would buy it and no one would publish it.

>> No.1639640

It is nearly 12 years old and published by Scholastic, so aimed at kids and parents who don't know better

>> No.1639644

Without the the hair, he kinda looks like Brock

>> No.1639671

Requesting the gif where some Animu girl spooks another one behind her and the face changes to one of these while she is running away from the girl who spooked. I think they're from K on

>> No.1639674
File: 477 KB, 500x281, Welcometotheatomichellscape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then there should be Loomis(or resources from the sticky) for kids(like a school textbook given to them) if they ever want to draw professionally like hand churching madmen when they get older. Think about it a new generation of draftsmen instead of over-fascinated weaboos, More people working in the arts radder than pillow humping all day.

>MFW if it happens

>> No.1639693

idk man, it's a bit like dA, you can finds all levels of skill there.
I think skill wise dA has the most noobs/weeaboos, tumblr has the most intermediates (not inept but no real direction in how to study)

>> No.1639704

and all of the Processionals(including workers) and most intermediates are hiding under a rock on DA.

>> No.1639719

>Think about it a new generation of draftsmen instead of over-fascinated weaboos
Good luck actually selling something meaningful. Good luck making them read through it if by some luck it ends up in their hands.

Weeaboo children turn their head immediately when you try to actually teach them something other than "now put lines here to make anime!!"

>> No.1639741


This. Little do they know, all of the best manga artists with even a small amount of technical skill show knowledge of forms, proportions, perspective and stylizing.

It's a shame.

>> No.1639742

>More people working in the arts

Not going to happen. Finding any kind of work as an artists is hard as is.

They would make more money drawing Kingdom Hearts OC's and furry sex.

>> No.1639747

I think it wold be better if it was an industrial school textbook (like mathbooks) can be given to art blocks(or classes) but that means the information must be crafted well for them to understand including teachers, Once the students have known their rules and lessons it would be an easer time for them to make any type of drawing they desire.

>"Weeaboo children turn their head immediately when you try to actually teach them"

That actually happened to me when i thought them things like construction, proportions, forms, basic perspective. They are eager to listen when i say something while they learn.

I wold be happy if that happens when they are making quality work regardless what it is.

>> No.1639822
File: 711 KB, 456x610, fur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>furry sex

This guy knows what's up

>> No.1639874

Better than Vilpu.

>> No.1640073

>Finding any kind of work as an artists is hard as is

Amen to that bro. its very difficult to find such a job for artist today, its very low in demand career and not all studios are open for artist

commisioning is by far that best they can do to earn some money

>> No.1640091

keep telling yourself that chumps

>> No.1640106

Do people not record themselves drawing, speed up the video, then post on YouTube?

I guess you would need to know how to animate, but seems like you could get noticed uploading you videos, if you're good

>> No.1640203

That feel when a friend hired me to do layout for a god awful "hey kids learn how to draw" book.
He provided a bunch of super shitty drawings, some vague ideas for titles and zero text, told me to 'work it out'.

After trying to contact him for more to no success I quit the job. Thankfully he had already paid me some money.

As shitty as these books are they still have pictures, text, page layout, page numbers, table of contents, covers and are something that could be digested by a small kid. There are people out there who can't get their shit together enough to do that.

>> No.1640260
File: 920 KB, 500x281, ic what have you done.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We meet again.

>> No.1641661

oh my

I remember when drawing manga was the shit
no one ever read manga or watched anime back then but we all tried to draw it.

>> No.1642084
File: 327 KB, 1000x665, 1390909565429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on what bits of tumblr you go to


>> No.1642100
File: 60 KB, 500x667, chris hart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


making lil weeaboos learn their anatomy is substantially less difficult than making them accept that manga style needs anatomy to function well
maybe add a handout of the worst of ca conceptart.org thread or something to scare em' straight

>> No.1642107

Why does her breast have muscles covering it?

>> No.1642146

>15k cats
Jesus christ he must be able to draw them blind at this point

>> No.1642211

Because niggas don't know that breasts are full of sand

>> No.1642230

girls can do push ups with there boobs

>> No.1642905


Holy shit I had this book when I was a kid, I'm gonna go look for it now. I remember jerkin' it to that huge titted secret agent santa girl. Will post for lulz if found.

>> No.1642909
File: 730 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140128_231113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit guys I found it buried under a pile of old magazines in my basement. The memories.

>> No.1644289

>Bobby Hill embraces his inner magical girl.jpg

>> No.1644300
File: 36 KB, 300x450, q (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Loomis for kids" that has "practicepracticepracticepractice" somewhere on it's pages


>"HEY KIDS! YOU LIKE CHINK TOONS?! WITH THIS SHIT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DRAW THEM IN LESS THAN 2 HOURS! Do it slightly better than your retarded friends who don't even like to draw and get all the likes on facebook!"

Yeah, I wonder which one will be picked by ADHD ridden iPad generation.

>> No.1644306

To be fair, that's pretty erection inducing.

In a strange sort of way.

>> No.1644309
File: 2.57 MB, 480x272, 1389473544916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But think about all these kids that would want MORE.

>> No.1644333

please scan, I like to horde how to draw manga books.

>> No.1644339
File: 30 KB, 662x519, 1391119519124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More "how to draw anime" tutorials is what they want.

>> No.1644345
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, 133356346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1644406

She's on deviant art, got better naturally.
Her parents were probably connected to the publisher somehow.

>> No.1644411

You are a product. You are also the salesman to your misfortune.
Gotta sell yourself.
These people discussed in this thread knew how.

>> No.1644424

My mom bought me that book a few years ago, along with Caricatures, Figures, and Portraits.

>> No.1644492
File: 31 KB, 621x431, ITS SOO HARRRRD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy hell, I want to smack this idiot. How in the hell does he expect entire lessons to be summed up in under 5 minutes? Is this how bad attention spans are these days?

>Bwaaah! 40+ minute videos are sooooo demotivating! I want my results NOW NOW NOW! Oh, excuse me while I play angry birds in the middle of conversations on my phone. WHAT? YOU WANT ME TO PUT IT AWAY? OMG FUCKING FASCIST!! IM GONNA COMPLAIN ON MY DEVIANTART ABOUT HOW DEMOTIVATING LEARNING IS, AND ITS NOT MY FAULT IM AN IMPATIENT FUCKHEAD

>> No.1644494

>detailed explanation
>half of it is Sycra snickering and making unnecessary adjustment

>> No.1644501

Shit, was it the one with the big cat that transformed and showed you how to "draw it in profile"? Because I have that fucking book somewhere from when I was a kid.

>> No.1644509
File: 214 KB, 768x1024, SexyAnumeGrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now i can fap.

>> No.1644515

why wouldn't you upload this masterpiece in png?

>> No.1644520

11 Years and he learned how to add photoshop filters, blend colors better, and how to be generic.

>> No.1644567
File: 57 KB, 394x437, 1389726657163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have it somewhere lying around.

Suddenly I see where everything started to go wrong.

>> No.1644596

Shit! Holy fuck! I had this book. It was legitimately the ugliest thing I have ever owned.

>> No.1644603
File: 282 KB, 650x940, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1644627

Yeah, I bought that through the school book order thing when I was 11 years old.

I guess if that book had never caught my eye, I never would have gotten seriously into drawing, so there's that. Kind of did waste 3 years of practice on crappy instructional books targeting kids though.

God, I just remembered I used to bring those books to class and practice drawing that shit. I must have looked like such a fucking dork. Thank fuck I didn't do that in high school.

>> No.1645029
File: 174 KB, 496x646, 1391182277596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the "How to Draw" books I ever got this was the only one worthwhile. It gives rudimentary lessons in form, perspective, proportion, gesture. mannequinization, foreshortening, composition, storytelling and inking. And while none of the lessons are comprehensive and they teach a style rather than realism, there is a bibliography in the back suggesting books on anatomy, composition and perspective.

It's a great book for a child, but unfortunately what ends up happening is the kids skip the boring stuff and go straight to the fun stuff.

>> No.1645107
File: 149 KB, 596x625, manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stan Lee and John Buscema
No wonder it's a nice book.

There's also this one: "Even a monkey can draw manga".

>> No.1645113

Still got that one.
What a piece of shit.

>> No.1645128

top kek

>> No.1645180


THIS. The stuff in there is gold.

>> No.1645271
File: 11 KB, 400x400, 1350317224073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i found a drawing in that book that had both big toes on the wrong side of each foot

>> No.1645919

I have one of these in French

>> No.1646260
File: 70 KB, 410x523, 1389452836404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>1639674 here
That book from >>1645029 is a excellent resource to schools as an alternate(those with ADD or uninterested) because it still explains the very basic lessons to draw on their own. For the problem with skipping somehow i feel like most art teachers on high school for example they lack knowledge about drawing and illustration rules to draw first also the issue with some students that are interested(or called talented i hate that word) end up starting to draw without rules at all.(proportion, gesture, composition, eta) Thats where i gave up on the school system and started self-teaching on my grad year.(18yearoldhere) Holy hell I had never realized how much i knew from that sticky really helped me to advance on my future. Also I'm that same guy who wanted to be like the next Walt Disney.

Thank goodness i know a other teacher who knows about Loomis

>high school arts
>not teaching Loomis
>at freshmen year

>> No.1646462


High school art teachers can eat my fucking dick.

I had three of them. The first one was famous in the school for being an easy teacher so 90% of the class couldn't give a fuck about art and the teacher taught absolutely nothing. The second one was a prick who at least had us do basic exercises but they were extremely rudimentary and in the end nothing was taught. The third teacher was much smarter but by this point everyone in the class was a dedicated artist and understood the foundations (except for me) so the class had zero structure apart from "Work on your stuff." Great environment but I learned nothing.

It wasn't until I was 18 that I had the bright idea to look up basic anatomy on the internet. It wasn't until I was 21 that I actually started reading Loomis but I had no structur so progress was slow. I'm 23 now and I'm going right to the basics and learning gesture in a focused attempt to learn and improve.

>> No.1646492

you sound like one slow ass motherfucker

'to dwaw body me look at body!'
-3 years of thinking

>> No.1646561
File: 76 KB, 1177x575, bnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said customers at Barnes and Nobles stupidly thinks this is good

>> No.1646564
File: 46 KB, 949x312, bnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 year-old artist
It all makes sense

>> No.1646572

>Amazon reviews

Yeah, from the same site that has reviews saying a wolf shirt cured their AIDS

>> No.1646578

kinda sounds like they were all written by the same person. no sane person can truly believe that this book is so much better than anything else

>> No.1646580
File: 10 KB, 278x296, 1386487152793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn I know it was back in the day but I'm baffled that anyone would let her embarrass herself in front of the art community

>> No.1646585

>members of the art community
>any dignity

>> No.1646586
File: 394 KB, 215x160, 1384943828013.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 stars
>positive reviews
>A LOT of people had it. and they actually wanted it because 2000 dude...Anime is HYPE
holy fuck...talk about being in correct time and in right place.
Im 29 now and i remember how rare good anime artists were back in 2002. Only few of them (shitty ones) and they were treated like gods no matter how their level was because there wasn't an actual fandom like today.

She's so lucky
>you will never make money out of idiots because you in a right time and place

>> No.1646605

yeah some people's lives are literally just drawing furry commissions

>> No.1646712


I didn't know learning was actually part of the drawing process, I thought it was just practice, talent and style.

>> No.1647004

That your drawing?
noice, how long did it take to learn to sketch q.t girls, I need to know so I can substitute a girlfriend

>> No.1647028

Me too anon
Fond memories of me sipping wine while drawing that blond haired warrior with a baguette when i was 10

>> No.1648974

According to Wikipedia, Hart graduated from CalArts. What's the general opinion of CalArts here again?

>> No.1648995

jelly rage

>> No.1649131

Honestly, this book helped me out a hell of a lot when I got it at the age of 10. Before that, I didn't know shit about anatomy, posing, guidelines, etc. While this book isn't the best for that, it's still a pretty okay starting point for young kids (although I'm sure there are many better books out there). At least it actually teaches how to make your own poses and characters and stuff like that, unlike the old Christopher Hart books that just get you to copy the exact image in the book.

Of course, the anatomy in Katy Coope's book is pretty bad and it teaches you some stupid shit like those obnoxious blush lines. Still, I'm glad I had it. My skills vastly improved in the years after getting it.

>> No.1649202

I remember book stores used to have a series of books that were made by the same guy. I remember "How to Draw Monsters, How to Draw Cars, How to Draw People, and How to Draw Animals". Google isn't helping me though, unless the guy changed the cover art...

>> No.1649219
File: 155 KB, 246x347, draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1649317

I'm just going to leave this here.


$300 a class.

>> No.1649355

Do you have Down's Syndrome?

>> No.1649369

does anyone actually pay for this?

>> No.1649373

Apparently. I found him when I received a notification on LinkedIn that he'd viewed my profile. Followed it back to his website.

>> No.1650085

>my sister had this book

>> No.1650117

i feel you mang

it probably didnt teach me anything but it DID get me interested in art so you know what cheers

>> No.1650146


Yeah, that Frankenstein looks familiar.