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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 167 KB, 1000x676, schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1626564 No.1626564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your schedule, /ic/?

>> No.1626567

I have university to go to

>> No.1626569
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Mon: Attempt to encourage self, draw maybe two faces from fun with a pencil and then fuck around all day
Rest of Week: See above

>> No.1626570

I have a full time job to go to.

>> No.1626574

How do you even keep a schedule like this? I have to work 40 hours a week at a shit job. Will I ever be as good as you guys? :(

>> No.1626586


Living with your parents.

>> No.1626609
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>> No.1626637

Writing up ridiculous schedules you'll never keep to is so much easier than actually getting of your ass and drawing isn't it OP.

>> No.1626642
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>> No.1626649

The fact it says "work cram" and then later "personal work" suggest it's the schedule of a professional, or at the very least a semi-professional who makes a bit of money on the side with client work.

>> No.1626658

This is Dave Rapoza's early schedule from when he was studying.

>> No.1626661

if you are a schedule guy, then fallow one, I know i'm not

Although I'm not sure, maybe i'd progress much much faster with a schedule, should try and do this for one week some time

>> No.1626785

i enthusiastically wrote up a huge complex schedule, some years ago.
got started on the first activity with wonderfully fierce intentions; never finished, never checked it again.

>> No.1626914

My schedule is usually:
6-7am: Digital painting
9am-5pm: Work
6-7/8pm: Side project/life drawing class
8-9/10pm: some kind of related reading, just finished reading a book on sales, got a creative thing and an adobe illustrator book on the cue.

And every Saturday for the past 4 months I've put some time into the Kubert School correspondence coarse for inking. Recently finished an assignment and while I'm waiting for feedback/deciding whether or not to keep doing it I think I'll work through the illustrator book.

However this week I've barely gotten anything done. It seems every 6 weeks I have a week where I'm burnt out and have to recover. Oh well :/

>> No.1626935

Your imagination is going to die if you don't go outside and feed it.

>> No.1626956

I dont have a schedule, I just write each day down what I will do and then do it. Schedules kill me inside and remind me of school, too many things get in the way of one in my life.

>> No.1626957

MInes been this for the past month

Wake up
Don't do anything worth while
Tty to draw some porn, try to do a piece for an upcoming show, draw some porn.
Beat off to porn.
go to bed.

>> No.1626960

What does that have to do with the topic at hand?

>> No.1626968

>wake up
>put on audiobook
>draw with breaks sometimes
>go to sleep

>> No.1626977

It's probably in reference to how the schedule in the OP has them staying inside everyday.

>> No.1627029

wake up cook breast fest for husband
clean up
exercise (must have pretty body for husband)
shower and do as much beauty related stuff as I can. Skin must be pretty for husband
walk dogs. Used the rest of the hour to poke the internet.
work. Tuesday is drawing for card game. Wednesday is working on comic (on going client). Thursday is working on my own comic. Friday is open to any temporary freelance job I have. If none, either catch up other work or take pictures of junk for ebay.
make/eat lunch. Watch super sentai while eating
open time. Most likely having to go to post office, laundry mat, shopping, or sewing.
walk dogs/internet
continue working on art
change out of gross outside clothes into something pretty. Do my hair. Get dinner ready.
husband comes home. Hang out and have fun
go to bed,

sat/sun/mon is off of this time table as husband is home and it really depends what's up. Mostly fun times. If he decided to play video games I get some time to myself to work some more. Recently got skyrim.

>> No.1627031

>breast fest for husband
oh god audio correct what have you done?

>> No.1627036

>breast feeding husband

>> No.1627039

>audio correct

>> No.1627344
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wish I had a wife who would make me some breast fest in the morning

>> No.1627346

laughed so hard, i almost forget im depressed.

>> No.1627347

>tfw no breast fest

7:00 wake up, breakfast, coffee
8:00 work
11:00 procrastinate
12:00 lunch
12:30-3:00 work
4:00 household chores, dinner, further procrastination
7:00 - whenever, work/procrastination
12:00 lie in bed and think about how much time I wasted today

>> No.1627352

>Pretty much this. Ideally though i would like to follow this.

which i have done for about 6 months or so last year. But find life and randomness of it to distracting.

>> No.1627354
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forgot image

>> No.1627358

whats after 5 pm ?

>> No.1627359

Generally more painting same with on the weekends etc.. but it's just less "constrained" it gives me the option to go out with friends "if i had any" go to the movies go to artist meetups or whatever.

My goal when making this was to have a schedule similar to how i would at a traditional job or school.

>> No.1627362
File: 453 KB, 3000x3000, Art Practice Schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once done for the day i usually do some daily spitpaints and start/do a personal piece

>> No.1627375

>4 pm - sleep
>Choose: .... anything else...

That's a long time, almost all afternoon and evening you could go outside and do whatever you want.

A schedule doesn't prevent you from going outside, it helps you manage your work time as efficiently as possible so you won't end up wasting a good chunk of your potential study time browsing 4chan or playing video games and stuff like that. If anything, a schedule will give you more free time to do whatever you want because you won't end up wasting time with other indoor related time-sinks.

>> No.1627524
File: 44 KB, 618x450, lady-holds-breasts[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Wake up dear, your breast fest is ready"

>> No.1627527

Breast fest time.

>> No.1627546

>wake up cook breast fest for husband
Miss, you are a great waifu

>> No.1627553
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Seems alright so far.

>> No.1627557

That's what my days look like:
10-12 - wake up and relax
12-14 - eat and relax
14-16 - draw
16-18 - take a bath and relax
18-24 - draw
0-2 - relax

Now that sounds like a lot of drawing, but it usually ends up being 4 or 5 hours of solid work and the rest is just procrastination.

>> No.1627563

>all that relaxing

damn nigga

>> No.1627565

snorlax of ic/ or the panda of ic... also no breast fest for you either. :(

>> No.1627570

chronic masturbating hermit neet living in moms basement and rarely draw master race reporting in

though i surpassed people that i've seen going on a strict schedule so its obviously sort of working out for me

>> No.1627573


with 4-5 hours of drawing he's probably still amongst the hardest workers on this board. I doubt there are that many posters who work on their art more than that every day consistently.

>> No.1627572

yeah, nice example of your work there. I'm sure you're an absolute genius.

>> No.1627574

it's obviously ic's hero.

>> No.1627581

Pick up my pencils , sharpen them all and arrange them , draw some lines and maybe one thing then stop and play vidya all day

I need disiprine

>> No.1627603


LOL same

>> No.1627617

I have a full time job... haha

are you a neet OP? wish i had no shame/obligations and could do the same ;_;

>> No.1627619

Shit, sounds like me.

>> No.1627627
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So I just made this to see if how much time I would have to draw. See this just makes me sad and want to kill myself.

>> No.1627649

man im pretty much the same fuck depression.

>> No.1627659

blog so hard motherfuckers want to find me

>> No.1627662
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shedule of some manga artist.

>> No.1627663

>wake up, work as much as possible

>> No.1627665

I work 10 to 5. I wake up at 6. Do whatever I have to do, breakfast, meditation etc. Start drawing/painting at 7 for two hours. Get ready for work, come home, get dinner, draw/paint at 6 and draw and paint until time for sleep

>> No.1627729

I saw this schedule first time it was posted and I was inspired to write up a schedule of my own based on it, seeing as I'm now neet masterrace and hoping to improve. Suffice it to say that the 6am starts haven't happened yet, but I'm finding it really beneficial of having some kind of plan to stick to, even if I start late, clock off early, and browse /ic/ during drawing. Just setting aside the time to *do art* has helped my output, even if my actual efficiency is way down.

Anyhoo, it's only the first week, early days yet. In a couple weeks time this will be my new life.

>> No.1627730

Hory shet.

(no breastu festu for grorious nippon)

>> No.1627731

try this, Don't come to /ic/ unless your bringing an art to sketch/draw thread.

>> No.1627733

Visit /ic/ twice a week!?

If I had that kind of discipline I wouldn't need a written schedule... I get what you mean though, an artist is somebody who makes art, not talks about it. Time to start bothering the sketchbook threads.

>> No.1627748

12:00 wake up
1:00 browse /ic/
2:00 eat lunch
3:00 play games
7:00 eat Dinner
8:00 play games
12:00 drawing time
1:00 sleep
I'm almost pro

>> No.1627784
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>> No.1628041

There's a reason 8 hour work day is the norm. It's because if you try to work more than that you'll go crazy. Don't be a hero, spend 8 hours a day working. And if you don't take weekends off, you can actually work just 5,5 hours a day. That doesn't sound hard at all to me. Do it faggot or you'll fail at life.

>> No.1628067

mines pretty simple

not working atm/waiting for class to start but i think my schedule isn't so bad.

-wake up at 7:30am
-spit paint
-Gym for about an hour 1/2
- random study (landscapes atm because i suck at them)
-work on personal work for the rest of the night

>> No.1628080
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4:00 AM : Wake up
4:10 AM : Look at Sketchbook and despair
4:11 AM- 11:59PM : Play video games
12AM-3:59 AM Go to sleep
rinse and repeat

>> No.1628112

>and browse /ic/ during drawing
Since I started browsing /ic/ I draw all day long, and I don't seem to get tired. While before /ic/ I had to make "gaming breaks".

thanks /ic/

>> No.1628163


"spit paint" is 30 mins.

How long is your fucking breakfast ,you pig

>> No.1628185


You sleep from 12pm to 4 am?

How can you sleep more than 12 hours every day? I can only manage to sleep 8, I never get 10 hours without waking up three or four times in the last two hours.

Only person I know that does this is my sister, she's like a sleep athlete. God damn.

>> No.1628196
File: 51 KB, 484x328, are you kidding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6:52 wake up & get ready to leave
7:21 leave for work
7:30 stop and get pop at Speedway
8:05 get to work
8:10 to 12:00 do minimal work and goof off on /ic/ and the rest of the internets
12:00 to 12:30 wolf down my lunch like a fucking animal because we only get a half fucking hour. Maybe sketch a couple gestures on my tablet.
12:30 to 4:30 do minimal work and goof off on /ic/ and the rest of the internets
4:30 to 5:05 drive home
5:30 to 7:30 do some woodworking in my shop
7:30 to 8:15 Eat dinner
8:15 to 11:00 DRAW LIKE A MACHINE while watching TV with my family. Sometimes still life, sometimes studies from drawing books or photos, sometimes works from imagination. Whatever I feel like, basically.
11:00 Go to bed

This is what I've done since I've gotten bored with all my video games. When a new Soul Calibur or Tekken comes out it's really gonna cut into my drawing time.

>> No.1628238


That's just sad.

>> No.1628316
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B-but that's not even what he said, Anon-kun

>> No.1628323

Generally it goes like this
8:00 get up, coffee
9:30 arrive at uni, life drawing (short poses)
11:00 break for coffee/maybe eat something
11:30-12:30 more life drawing (longer poses)
12:30 - 2:00 lunch, usually hang with gf or work
2:00-about 6 work on animation project(s)
get home about 6:30
Sketch from old masters for 30 or 60mins
have dinner ("tea" to scotfags like myself)
eat, watch TV and chill for about an hour
then work on animation until about 11, then bed at 12 or 1. If I'm busy I usually do my scanning, colouring, compositing etc late at night because I don't need to concentrate so hard on that stuff

>> No.1628324
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6:40 get up, get dressed, go to work.
8:00 Arrive at work, set up laptop, begin drawing if no customers.
?:?? May still be drawing unless someone shows up.
5:00 Close up, go home.
6:00 Set up laptop at home, draw more.
10:00 sleep, repeat.

I have no life, I regret nothing.

>> No.1628325

He sleeps for 4 hours, after playing vidya for just under 20 hours, which if anything is even more impressive...

>> No.1628330

wake up at 2 pm
drink a big ass cup of coffee
draw the rest of the day
go to bed at five

>> No.1628420

my breakfast/lunch are both shakes, i do my best to brain storm on ideas for the spit paints/then do my best to do them all. I usually redo them a few times until i like what i did. After those i just browse around on online for more inspiration/reference photos, facebook/art social media sites updating my accounts.

didn't think my random browsing was worth the mentioning but i guess so ;D

>> No.1628425
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wake up at 7-10 depending on when classes start
at uni till 16
17 I get home
17-22:59 study, browse 4chan, play vidya, fuck around, do nothing
23 shower
23:30 - 4:00 scribble some shit
4+ go to sleep

>> No.1628430

>Fat bastard detected

>> No.1628438

I used to have schedule, like all those guys /ic is inspired by. But if you would ask them about schedule, you would know that this is not good method.
You may want to have writen "draw from 10am - 6pm" or something like that but don't use schedule like this where there is noted what you should draw every hour. Schedule like that will kill your drive sooner or later, believe me.
And you don't want something in your life that is killing the desire to do what you want.

In the other hand i would say go for it, try it and you'll figure that out on your own.

Once you will love drawing, love failing and getting up again and failing and getting up again, all over again, then you won't need any schedule. Drawing will become your live. That's when you'll get on Craig Mullins, Kekai, Jaime Jones, Justin Sweet, Frank Frazetta or any top dead or alive artist's level.
You must live for that.

>> No.1628439


this. Schedules are for those who aren't motivated. If you aren't motivated to study on what you want to become in your life, then you shouldn't do it anyway.

>> No.1628556

But I am not motivated to do anything, having a schedule like this makes me want to do it.

>> No.1628558


Eh, it's gradual for everyone. I used to have a schedule, but it's a daily routine for me now.