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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1619980 No.1619980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets do something different, /ic/;

Post your artist's statement on what you ultimately want to create or do with your artistic career.

Think big.

>> No.1619986

there is no one who reached the ultimate artistic statement that I'm after yet so there is nothing to post.

also get better taste instead wanting to paint like those old dead guys.

>> No.1619991

i'd rather want to paint like godward than some deviantart trash you'd probably find more creative.

>> No.1619994
File: 2.50 MB, 3000x2173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't let me post without a picture.
I was going to post this painting if that's any better.

>> No.1619995

lol, you think that's a godward? what a pleb.

you probably paint in digital too, you hypocrite.

>> No.1620004

The painting is "Tranquility" by John William Godward.

Now go back to dA and let the adults do art now.

>> No.1620008

I wanna make loads a fat stax

>> No.1620013

who cares if that's by some guy?

>> No.1620016

I want to be able to create works of art that imbue an emotional reaction within the viewer.
I want to paint like those old dead guys.

Also, fuck off.

>> No.1620019

I want to break down the wall between souls and transfer emotion and feeling.

To make something that can make someone feel something is my goal. Hopefully it can make the world a slightly better place.

>> No.1620023

I want to be well known in the artistic community for my abilities, I want other artists to know my name by heart and be able to talk about me on the spot.

>> No.1620029

nothing. I just want to fuck around and waste time drawing when I should be doing more productive shit.

>> No.1620039

Great question OP.

I want to create a sort of omnipresence that opens people's minds, not to water it down with feel-goodiness, but to enlighten it and make it more able to handle life one way or another. I want to inspire with the finished products of my work, and be inspired by those I learn from and work with in the process of creating the art. I want my work to be palatable to an overwhelming majority. I want my work to be humble and respectful to all peoples, yet clearly professional and demanding of respect. I want my art to be clear and definite one way or another, yet clearly open to interpretation in other ways. My work should be able to be enjoyed in both a short glance and a close-up, discriminating examination. My work should evoke a wide range of emotions, especially those that mainstream artists/etc tend not to bother with--yet still remain tasteful/not too strong at all times. I want to be able to be content with my work because I do appropriate research and put sufficient time and effort into all of it.

Overall, my art is pretty reflective of what I want to be as a person, come to think of it.

>> No.1620046
File: 49 KB, 740x571, skull mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will stand atop a multiverse of skulls as i hax all before me.

>> No.1620055
File: 198 KB, 1055x757, 1388381084124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to dethrone this guy and claim the title of the best imagineFX artist. WISH ME LUCK /IC/

>> No.1620059
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I just realized that the way I draw has a lot to do with who I am. Until now I have been emulating without admitting and striving to achieve aesthetics that belong to other artists. This creates a very stressful mindset for myself because I try so hard to get my work to look like something that I saw somewhere that someone said was 'good'. The same thing stops me from ever starting some of my works because of fear that it won't turn out up to par with world-famous shit.


>> No.1620063

Fire it up and let it roll.

>> No.1620081

There are many for me... from the top of my head

I want to do a Gesamtkunstwerk (Total work of art) In this specific case I aim to make a Vocaloid production entirely made by me (Lyrics, Illustrations, Music, PV, etc...) For those who know about Vocaloid, something along the lines of Kous, Atols, Whoo, Monaca:Factory, lemo... not all Vocaloid music is moe stuff.

That's in huge part the reason why I've been studying Japanese and drawing/painting for some time (2.5 years and 12 months respectively) the element I'm lacking the most is the music itself (I've only been studying piano/music theory for 4 months), however I just finished 1m of a melody I've been working on for some weeks, it's very basic just my keyboard + a synth but I really like it, I did it in F minor so it's pretty haunting.

I'm also a stem fag who no longer like his career (CS, no point in quitting now because I only have 7 classes left) so I would feel lucky if someday I could make a living of my creative input. If I ever return to college it will be for something related to arts or languages, that's for sure.

Overall, like Saul Bass said: "I just want to make beautiful things even if no one cares".

>> No.1620096

I want to become a great animator who masters in the movement of figure, atmosphere, narrative, interactivity, and backgrounds.

>> No.1620102

I want to play a part in creating engaging stories, characters, and worlds that people will enjoy for years to come. Most importantly, I want to have fun while I'm doing it.

>> No.1620107

i want art that brings all the cuties to my yard

>> No.1620116

i want to make nice, stylish yet skilled art that makes people feel warm and happy.

>> No.1620117

make an 2-3 graphic novels

I don't even care if they sell or not, if I could just get these damn stories in my head onto paper in a satisfactory condition I'd be happy.

>> No.1620123

I want to do art but unfortunately, I don't know what I want from it. I'm not really after fame, money, creation of beauty, historical significance, freedom, comfortable life or not even a fun life but maybe I can make something worthwhile out of it. I don't believe in eternity but I just want to do shits before I die.
Maybe one day I might have a clearer idea.

>> No.1620126

i want to become known as the guy that conceptualizes the most mindblowing visuals and (duh) visualizes the most mindblowing concepts for entertainment productions.

yeah my goal is that generic.

>> No.1620148

I want to create the most erotic hentai art imaginable that will make
people waste hours upon hours of their lives trying to procreate with my

>> No.1620152
File: 83 KB, 600x600, brethren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-can I be your brother?

>> No.1620155


>> No.1620190

I wanna be the very best that no one ever was

Besides that it would be cool if I could work off my art to the point I can live comfortably,travel a little, and retire as a teacher. Maybe I should think bigger.

>> No.1620221

I want to be able to visualize scenes from my head on to canvas in a way that conveys the feeling I had when the idea popped into my mind. Gonna be so very hard as I struggle even with the basic techniques like blocking in and more complex 3d construction with lighting

>> No.1620222

I want to be able to change the world with my art, and I want to be remembered even after I die.

>> No.1620223

dont think it as "hard", it would be hard you were a chimpanzee or a 5 year old. There's nothing you can't do.

>> No.1620225
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I'm mostly just clueless at what I should be doing to achieve my goals. I've been trying to do this one by bumskee for almost a month now but I just can't find the right colors nor lay them out properly to make it look anything it's trying to look like

>> No.1620227


try doing something you actually like, maybe you like painting dragons instead of fucking apples, interest and drive is more important than all the forced "studies".

>> No.1620229

But I don't know how to paint anything at all. I asked how to learn to paint digitally a while ago and this was the resource I was pointed to and for some reason I just don't get how to do it

>> No.1620230

While that's certainly true for motivation, if you're trying to utilize knowledge you don't have, it won't turn out well.

>> No.1620249

Try to be realistic anon no one can match his skill.

>> No.1620250

Try devoting equal (or as equal as you can) time to studies and personal projects. The personal projects will give you motivation to do the studies and the studies will give you tools to use in the personal projects.

>> No.1620256

I don't know man.
You might die in the process. He was one of the few who were blessed by god. Michelangelo, Leonardo, Bernini, Rembrandt, and then there's Genzoman. Us mere mortals should not dare to come close to that level of technical skill and creative vision.

>> No.1620257

"my goal is to draw whatever i am able to imagine"
originally a cartonists goal, but this is what i've been thinking since forever. and it's gotten me pretty far, but last year i've kinda lost sight of it after doing more painting.
i'm just starting to pick it up again since i feel like it's such a natural and motivating goal that really helps develop my drawing skills.

>> No.1620457

big booty bitches

>> No.1620470
File: 52 KB, 554x849, popeye 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about making any money off art. I have enough from my real job. I just want to create fun fanart for my favorite shows and games. (Smth like pic related. I love these realistic renderings of typically cartoony things) And to be able to draw anything anyone asks me to without being embarrassed by it. Oh, and hot pinup girls.

And I guess the overarching purpose of that is to win approval and admiration from people on the internet, but not DA hugbox bullshit, I want it to be legitimately earned. Also, I like the sense of accomplishment when I finally excel at something that requires a lot of effort to become proficient at. (That's also why I play fighting games).

>> No.1620475


You forgot Rob Liefield!

>> No.1620493

epic kek!

>> No.1620507

creat the worlds and stories I am writing and invite people in them to dream and forget the real world for a while

>> No.1620515

I just want to be able to sustain myself doing what I like.

>> No.1620685


well I have an idea for a comic book. Actually 3 ideas for 3 different comic books.
But I want to work on it very slowly and to create my master piece. It will be my Asterios Polyp thing. Or at the end it will be total crap.

Also I want do a porn comic book with a story I have in mind, but I want to release it for free under an alias because I don't want my parents to know the perv I am.

>> No.1620693


I want to make what I want to make, and do what I want to do. Whatever captures me at the moment, I want to have the skill to be able to do.

I want to make beautiful things.

>> No.1620743

Just do studies of something that makes you pop a boner. Works for me.

>> No.1620780

who the hell can draw with a boner?

>> No.1620838

that "some guy" is a good artist.

and what does painting digitally have to do with any thing. i work in both digital and traditional.

>> No.1620844

>tfw drawing your own porn even though you suck
At least my imagination will fix the flaws that I can't fix myself

>> No.1620923


I have a bit of narrow urethra for it but after getting the pencil in I can VERY carefully thrust and swing to draw. After a few months of practice it's just like a third hand.

One fuck up though and you're in a world of pain. I don't know if it's worth it for most people, but it frees up my hands for pizza and soda pop.

>> No.1620949

I want to keep something alive through my work, as vague as that sounds. As long as it provokes something genuine in at least one person, I would be happy.

>> No.1621090

I draw to expand ideas in my head. I hope that, one day, I can create one piece, a true master piece, that opens the mind of any passerby who sees it, into reflecting upon them, their self, and evoke whatever utmost emotion that have within their being. If it makes them laugh, I hope they laugh harder than they ever have, or will. If it makes them cry, I hope the sobs wrack their soul and leave it marked until they draw their last breath. If it angers them, I hope they start a revolution in protest of the idea that gave that emotion form. If it simply overwhelms them, then I hope it steals the breath from their lungs, and forces them to believe, if even for a moment, that Something Greather Than Themselves exists, unequivocally and with utter certainty.

I hope to create, in the hopes of instilling in everyone who sees it, the unshakable truth that it is the most weighted and important thing they will witness in their time spent with a beating heart.

And that is why I will draw until I shuffle from this coil of mortality.

>> No.1621113

I want two things.
I first and foremost want to be able to create something that captivates my self. You know those pieces that make you just stop and take it in for a second? I want to be able to create things like that from imagination.
The second thing I want to accomplish is the ability to convey philosophical concepts and ideas through my art. I've always heard that a picture is worth a thousand words but very rarely do I see a picture even achieve a simple message.

>> No.1622735

I want to share my perspective on the beauty of the world by capturing my interpretation through my work.

>> No.1622772

I want to write and draw my own graphic novels and animated shorts sudo-anonymously. I want to blur the line between fan fiction and literature. I want at least some of my work to measure up to auteur's like Stanley Kubrick and Alan Moore. I won't shy away from porn, because my ideas can lean into rule 34 to make a wider point and filter out normalfags and keep myself unpopular.

>> No.1622775

I want to draw people into something, a feeling, an atmosphere, an alternate world or an exaggeration of the real one. Affect their perception, emotions, set a mood, or make them nostalgic.

I think that's about it.

>> No.1622777

I just want the conviction to keep going with my studies of all the resources d/ic/ks have given me, so that I may finish using them to make a webcomic and give it away for free, something that's more than half decent, and isn't dragged down because it has shitty art, people constantly complain about it, or because it has too good art and shit story telling and makes everyone post it with "LOL" every week (not saying all those that do get posted like that even remotely have good art, Bum Tickley and Preston can go eat a dick).

I'm giving myself two years, up to the point I graduate from my engineer's degree, I'm pretty sure I will need more than two years, so I guess that's in some way a big dream. I want to stay as a hobbyist but I don't want my name to be bogged down because I'm one of "Those guys that never improves" either, so I'm willing to learn everything.

>> No.1622792

I want to learn to put my mind on the paper, using my hands

>> No.1623027

I want to be able to freely express my ideas and feelings through visuals and create great work for the sole purpose of creating great work.

>> No.1623104

does /ic/ laughs If I want to make games and some day will make games that could be in fine art galleries?

>> No.1623375
File: 1.97 MB, 285x205, eHeEkHa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wants to make games
>hopes to have them in fine art galleries one day

in all seriousness though, ic laughs anyway. it's good to have dreams, no matter how retarded.

>> No.1623378


Yes, i laugh quite hard.

Dont get me wrong, I think games can be art..but they will never be in "galleries" or considered "fine art"

>> No.1623382

My name is Jamie im want to paint for a living. always was fascinated with drawing, creating my own storys and characters

love to work from home and or in a studio/in house.

would like to make 40k-100k a year from art and other stuff.

but would accept 15000k a month starting.

>> No.1623384


>> No.1623420

As soon as comics get in fine art galleries.

And I mean real comics. Not some pop art blown up single panel bullshit. Something that actually has to do with the medium of sequential images to form a full story.

The whole fact that it's interactive would cause most "serious" artists and critics to scoff at the whole notion.

>> No.1623422

I think the statement is flexible because your goals should be flexible.
Right now, I want to learn to communicate, be sincere, and make fun work, to break away from the technique and to discover my sincerity again.

>> No.1623442

I want to create things that make you think and feel
I want to breath life into stories others create
I want to create stories that I can breath life into
I want to create the backbone of productions
I want to make functional but beautiful design
I want to learn and never stop improving apon myself in the arts and in myself
I dont want my name on them, and I dont want all the money in the world
I like to dream

>> No.1623723

I want to bring visual art back to life and make it relevant again

>> No.1623857
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Make a livable wage :( and not have to sell my hipster, tuna fish smelling body

>> No.1623909

I want to make good looking art some kid is going to find awesome and starts to save all my pictures and searches all over the internet for more art of mine and starts to draw just because of my stuff, just like it happened to me.

>> No.1623912

I want to design worlds, places, people and things on paper. Freeze frame the most epic momment of a story and represent Real Life.

>> No.1623933

what does that even mean? when was it ever relevant, except for when it was determined by religious institutions?