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1606708 No.1606708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A lot of Japanese people are tweeting about SAI 2.
Does anyone know if Paint Tool SAI 2 has a release date yet or something?

>> No.1606717

this is really cool. Any way to keep updated with this?

>> No.1606719

> II
> 1 = £3
> 1 = £3
> ListaSAI
> bunny
> SAI2

Japanese can't spell for shit.

>> No.1606721


I don't understand why they don't release SAI for OSX

>> No.1606726

because porting to other platforms can be a massive pain in the ass

>> No.1606742


OSX is used by a lot of people using graphic programs. It's not like porting it to Linux.

>> No.1606767

but osx is unix

>> No.1606793

afaik the market share of apple desktops in japan is p small.

btw, why do people use SAI?

>> No.1606795

>btw, why do people use SAI?

because it's cheap and pretty good to draw comics. While photoshop is expensive, much bigger and it also has a lot of features that are more oriented on photography

>> No.1606796

>btw, why do people use SAI?
mostly just for stabilizer and blending, other than being free. personally, i also like how convenient UI is. in PS everything is so tiny.

>> No.1606798

Because it has a line stabilization tool that shitty animo artists use to make up for shit tier skillsets

>> No.1606799

oh, it's free? okay.

>> No.1606800


yes, but many software aren't developed on Linux because it has 1-2% of the market share and even that small fraction is fragmented in several distributions + other problems like Developing proprietary software on Linux is a nightmare.

>> No.1606801


It's not free. They give you a free trial for 31 days. Then you have to buy it. But it's cheap.

Obviously it's free if you use the cracked version like for any other software.

>> No.1606802

>Developing proprietary software on Linux is a nightmare.
i think with ubuntu/mint now established as the most used distro by far, that's becoming a thing of the past. problem is rather the neglectible market share and the thing about people installing linux because they don't want to use proprietary software, so making proprietary software for linux seems like kind of a fruitless effort

>> No.1606804

It's in beta I think

>> No.1606806
File: 124 KB, 660x600, 1ca5b2eb321f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>line stabilization
B-but i can't draw on a small tablets.

>> No.1606817

>i think with ubuntu/mint now established as the most used distro by far

Wikipedia publishes the stats of the OS and browser used by their users and if you give a look nothing has changed in the latest years. Linux is still used by the same ~2%. Ubuntu has just taken the market share of the other distros on the desktop.

The fragmentation of Linux as a platform it's not just between multiple incompatible distros, but even between incompatibilities across versions of the same distro.

>> No.1606828

Whatever line of horseshit that gets you through the day

>> No.1606830

yeah, but that's the same with other OSes (version incompatibility)

>> No.1606838

>being this mad

>> No.1606841


Yes, but not like on Linux.

>> No.1606844

Sorry Miss, not everyone that calls you on your bullshit can be bothered to get mad at it.

>> No.1606851
File: 395 KB, 500x226, ThisIsBullshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, i think pretty much anyone who calls anything bullshit is mad

>> No.1606954

This is why you fail.

>> No.1606978
File: 49 KB, 583x498, reactiongirlsnotlaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt sai pretty much abandonware at this point?

>> No.1606982

wat/ get out of here you canernum

>> No.1606983


Because macs are for faggots and you should kill yourself.


SAI is great. Lightweight program, good layout, good tools, clean lines. PS a shit. PS is for image editing, not digital art.

>> No.1606984


Is there any other difference?

>> No.1606998

For some reason whenever I open sai it splits my tablets active area. Any way to fix this?

>> No.1607023

yeah, don't open sai on a tablet.

>> No.1607025

Yeah, I guess that's why every professional worth a damn uses PS and only irrelevant weebs on deviantart ever use SAI.

>> No.1607029

Yeah, I guess that's why mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream.

>> No.1607030

that isn't true at all. i had the chance to go to massive black studio way back when and guess what?

they all use sai! yup i got to watch jason chan paint and he was using sai for all his line work.

>> No.1607038

You can find the links here.

>> No.1607052

Though I haven't played with it too long the problem with non wacom tablets + multiple monitors has been fixed. (at least it is for my huion)

>> No.1607057

Next thing you're gonna do is call everyone who uses SAI or Corel Painter a booger-eater.

>> No.1607080

>Yeah, I guess that's why mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream.

Yeah you are so much smarter than the likes of Craig Mullins, Jaime Jones, Ruanjia and co, they all have no idea what they are missing out on by using photoshop instead of SAI. If only they knew, they'd be almost as good as you are.

>> No.1607082

I really don't care if you use inferior programs, your choice, I just stated a fact. Almost every relevant pro uses photoshop. Some use painter or art rage in combination with photoshop, but no one uses SAI.

>> No.1607085

It's funny because it's actually always the SAI fanboys who start this shit by going "photoshop is not for digital painting, SAI is so much better blablabla" and crap like that.

See >>1606983

He started the shit because of insecurities about his shitty painting program of choice isn't used by any professional and he needs to convince people it is worth a damn. It's actually kind of ridiculous that a drawing software has a defense force and fanboys when you really should only care about what provides you with the best results and the most convenient workflow and for 99% of professionals, that's photoshop.

>> No.1607094

jesus, look at this projection.
>it's your own fault if you don't use teh best progrum in da world!
>i only use the best programs for great artists such as myself!
people literally just said that *some* people actually use sai and listed a few obvious reasons for doing so:
and that some prefer the UI. there are obviously a lot of things you can't do with sai.

look through this thread and notice who's talking shit. it's the insecure psfags who pretend like ps is on the verge of extinction or something.
it actually makes me a little sick to the stomach...

>> No.1607097

There is no need to compare programs, I think.
There is just a need for comparing the works done with using the help of a certain program, the outcome of what a software offers to an artist and the artist's skill.

>this software is shit

Don't use it then.

>this software is the best

Continue to use it.

>> No.1607122

>literally strawmanning this hard
it's not like they were responding to
>SAI is great. Lightweight program, good layout, good tools, clean lines. PS a shit. PS is for image editing, not digital art.
or anything

>> No.1607124

again, notice the anons who started shitposting.
it was before that. maybe it was just the same guy, who knows.
i also find it funny how one of you delusional faggots mentions ARTRAGE in combination of the argument "why would i use sai if i have photoshop", now that just takes the cake.

some people clearly have issues here. next time try to contain your asspain.

>> No.1607127

I hate this word so much. It's like the new "ad hominem" nerds used to say all the time when arguing.

>> No.1607731
File: 6 KB, 313x136, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone get the beta to work? I keep getting this error and I have no clue what it means.

>> No.1607742

SAI has much cleaner lines than PS (one thing that pisses me off majorly about PS to the point where I rarely use it anymore). That being said PS is better for brushes. SAI has blending, which is fantastic. It also doesn't fuck you around with layers and transparency and just lets you draw right on the first layer and have that be transparent too.


>> No.1607764

the only thing SAI lacks is good brush customization, if they implement a good one in SAI2, I'll happily trade PS for SAI anyday. I don't use all those lasso, levels, mask, filters etc anyway.

>> No.1607767

it does have lasso and mask and a few filters.

>> No.1607766

Perfect. I was about to move to FireAlpaca. I'm glad I didn't.

>> No.1607768

>What is locking your unused layers

>> No.1607773

How the fuck does it weight less than 1MB?

Also I can't believe that it runs feels smoother than SAI1, even with the new text tool.

>> No.1607777


>> No.1607784

Error occurred. Program has requested an illegal operation.

>> No.1607803


Lite weight and fast
Smooth and sensitive pen

Limited Functions
Crowded UI
No precise editing of tools
Hassle to create original brushes or other assets
Not OSX native
Destructive Layers
Can't open 3d files or videos
Translation retarded

Besides Sketchbook pro is a better alternative to SAI

>> No.1607804

Same error. Maybe we need aplocale or jap language or some shit like that?

>> No.1607818

Probably. I have my computer set to Japanese language by default and had no problems opening Sai 2.

>> No.1608113

Daily reminder that "u mad" is not an argument and you're a kid from /b/ if you think it is.

>> No.1608114

>Implying Krita

>> No.1608158

>incompatible distros
You sure seem to know what you're talking.

>> No.1608160

>You sure seem to know what you're talking.


"To sum up: (a) First dimension: things change too quickly, breaking both open source and proprietary software alike; (b) incompatibility across Linux distributions."

>> No.1608177

>that new circle selection tool
fucking finally

>> No.1608181

Tried applocale, still the same error. ;_;

>> No.1608207

This is great news.
I really like Sai mainly because of its simplicity. I actually spend more time painting than editing shit when I try to get things right.

>> No.1608270

Yep, installed and changed the main language to jap and it still gives me the same error. I guess we will have to wait till the english ver

>> No.1608281

who needs sai when there is manga studio 5

>> No.1608311

The weird thing is that going by tumblr a lot of people seem to be running it just fine, so something tells me that's not the problem.

>> No.1608317


I can't figure out how to install the materials for that and it lags.

>> No.1608333

would some kind soul compile the shortcut list fo9r SAI 2?

>> No.1608334

Yeah, people don't seem to understand it's either for serious use locked at one specific version that happens to be convenient at the time, or for development where everything is bleeding edge until you die.

>> No.1608365

maybe we are just cursed (or poors and the program doesn't runs on cracked vers)

>> No.1608397

I'm able to open SAI 2 fine but I'm having a weird issue. For some reason when I start drawing, the cursor on the screen is at the correct place where I put my pen down, but when I press down to draw the lines come up about 2 inches to the right of where my cursor is. I've never had this problem in SAI 1, photoshop or anything else and restarting doesn't fix it. What the hell is going on and how do I fix it?

>> No.1608398


You're not missing too much. The beta is extremely limited, and the only thing to try out is a perspective tool that will make drawing circular speedlines much easier. Everything else is functionally identical.

What I really want is an easy way to install custom brushes and textures, and brushes that don't become blurry when the opacity is lowered. So far there doesn't seem to be any evidence these will be addressed.


Abandonware isn't an actual legal concept. Either it is under copyright, out of copyright, or made available for free under certain conditions of its license. Regardless, Sai is still being sold, and still being maintained. There is a version 1.2 that is in beta.

>> No.1608623

Sup anon. Found the reason why it isn't working for us:

We weren't cursed, just dumb all along.
Have a great day!

>> No.1608719

>Everything else is functionally identical
Dunno if I have just somehow improved in a very short time then, but doing lineart feels way easier on sai2 than sai.

Might be placebo though.

>> No.1608722

Nope, I was using the right files. I think that's a different problem since that anon describes a different scenario ("as im downloading i get a box with three boxes i can check/uncheck").

>> No.1608800

You say files but the rar only comes with just one .exe
You sure you arent using the first links instead of the second ones? Because I was using the first ones when I got the same error that you got.

>> No.1608815

I'm think so, yeah. "Files" as in both zips, 32-bit and 64-bit (64-bit system).
They generate a crash log as well, but I can't make heads or tails of it. Pastebin for the interested: http://pastebin.com/NVEw8EWb

>> No.1608817


At first I didn't test smoothing because I normally don't use anything above 3. Having just tried it again, they definitely tweaked smoothing a bit to reduce the amount of hooking that happens at the end of the stroke. Instead of becoming a tail when you lift the pen too quickly, now it just ends nice, sharp, and straight. So it might not be the placebo effect.

>> No.1608823


I should also add, for those who wish to try out the perspective tool, that you can change the vanishing points and rotate the horizon by holding the ctrl or alt keys.

>> No.1608843
File: 259 KB, 1433x700, sai2_pers_tool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1608892
File: 179 KB, 304x272, 1372119915836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take my money

>> No.1609330

teal are you japanese?

>> No.1609373

manga studio and illuststudio could always do that though

>> No.1609374

The problem with these perspective tools, same as Manga Studio, is that they don't provide the necessary level of geometrical correctness. There are fairly simple, mathematically valid ways to graphically construct a correct perspective context for a given rectilinear camera (i.e. height, focal length, zoom...) but these tools don't help with that. You're still left to either eyeball, reference or make your own system if you want consistent, predictable results.

>> No.1609379

these are just rulers for convenience.
you usually wouldn't sketch with them.

>> No.1609381


>> No.1609924

just use clip paint studio it has everything you could possbily want.

>> No.1609981

Is there a crack yet?

>> No.1610015

it's a statement

>> No.1610018

manga studio 5 is the english version, that's been cracked for a while now

>> No.1610020


>> No.1610025

Got one without having to register?

>> No.1610033
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>can't remember my gfxpeers or cgpeers logins

>> No.1610038

It's also on CGPersia. It's just the Manga Studio crack, the program are identical. But Celsys now want to do international digital distribution for it and relegate SmithMicro to just selling the boxed versions in retail outside of Japan.

>> No.1610163

I thought manga studio wasn't so good for painting

>> No.1610236
File: 15 KB, 244x244, youre-right-pillow[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my experience

I prefer SAI for that

>> No.1610258

is there a shortcut/hotkey for 'preserve opacity' in SAI like there is in PS ( / )?