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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 53 KB, 485x599, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1546277 No.1546277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Work your ass off for several years to become a professional artist
>Sacrifice much of your life for it
>Finally make it
>After a few years you realize that being a professional artist kills you from the inside because you sit in front of a monitor all day long, you often don't get to see other people for days, you don't have any friends anymore because other artists just treat you like competition and you can't connect with non-artists, you're treated like a slave by clients, you often have to work into the night, your social life gets crippled, you lose any hope for a romantic relationships, you often don't know where you'll get your next job from, you don't have any time for yourself anymore, you get looked down upon by your family, people laugh at you when they hear you're an artist, the asian market is starting to cheapen the worth of entertainment art all around the globe, you start to hate doing art because you get to do nothing else and the list goes on and on

The urge to kill myself gets stronger with each day. This dream of mine turned out to be a nightmare.

>> No.1546278


Before you kill yourself, can I have your art supplies?

>> No.1546280

This doesn't make sense. You said you sacrificed most of your life, then you "make it," and then you sacrifice your life. Wut.

>> No.1546281

What's not to get? Once you "make it" you're able to live off your art. Do you think you don't have to work anymore at that point? You're making no sense

>> No.1546282


oh god please tell me that's not what happens ...

there's many guys who say "stick with it, it's gonna be so worth it".

opie maybe you should get professional help.

>> No.1546284

>mfw some babby artist near me thought that it gets easy one day and that art isnt a life long battle to maintain skillsets and acquire new knowledge

ill let you in on a little secret, if you don't enjoy hours of study and lots of work, you're gonna have a bad time trying to make it as an artist

>> No.1546285


>oh god please don't tell me there is hard work involved


>> No.1546286

If you're one of the "stars" your life can be pretty decent. You get paid way more than most artists and you can chose who you want to work for. Everybody else is in for a world of pain, which only gets softened by your love for art. If you don't already love working/painting all day then you probably shouldn't consider doing this professionally.

>> No.1546287

>you get looked down upon by your family

And by the looks of your post you haven't 'made it'

>> No.1546292
File: 79 KB, 590x582, cove-village_theoprins-590x582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go paint outside homo.
>Working digitally has been great for me. However, I sometimes feel trapped on the computer. As an artist, so many of my basic necessities, like tools and sources and inspiration, can be found on the computer that there's a tendency to depend on it
alone for these things. On the other hand, working digitally has freed me up tremendously. As a freelance artist I can work from anywhere on the globe, travel, and support myself at the same time. That's something I'm trying to take advantage of as much as I can. For instance, I recently worked on a big freelance project while I took a container ship across the Pacific. That was very fun. So, digital art has opened a lot of doors, but if there's any advice I have it's just to keep a balanced lifestyle and not get entirely absorbed by the computer. Remember your body and get out and about in the world!

>> No.1546289

Sucks to be you.


>> No.1546290

If "made it" means being able to make a living from your art or artistic skills, then I made it.

>> No.1546295

doesn't sound like you're making much of a living

>> No.1546293

I'm curious. What do you actually do?

>> No.1546297

Of course I'm not rich. If you go into this thinking you'll earn much then you're probably a retarded person

>> No.1546298

no one's accusing you of being rich, i'm just saying; if you're miserable all the time have you really "made it"?

>> No.1546299

if you base your happiness on money then chances are youre going to be miserable regardless of what you do in life

>> No.1546300


>> No.1546308
File: 2.37 MB, 480x270, 1375142995368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is what I have to look forward to after college

>> No.1546312

For me personally, the better I got at art, the more fun it became. Once art stops being a source of frustration, it becomes addictive as hell. At least for me. So my guess is that OP is still pretty bad at art, so I can see how grinding lowest of the low tier freelance jobs for a living must be very frustrating.

>> No.1546314

boo hoo

get a g/f you fag

>> No.1546316

Well basically that's what happens to a REGULAR artist of the industry..
What I can say. Be more unique, find weird ass friends.. Spend money for random funny shit.
Try to enjoy it, that's what I do.
Those people who said that money kills ar were right actually

>> No.1546318

>can't get a girlfriend
>can't make friends with 'non-artists'
Your problems don't stem from being an artist, but from being an autist.

>> No.1546320

I'm not willing to reveal my identity but I'm not bad at all when it comes to character/humanoid art. Better than anything I've seen on /ic/ in the last six years at least. But I do have to work on low end gigs mostly because IMO the market is oversaturated at the moment and I don't have any contacts that could help me land jobs at wizards, ffg or what have you.

>> No.1546321

Do you all actually call yourselves artists when you're asked about what you do?

Maybe I'm just insecure, but I just say I'm a painter" when people ask me what I do and it usually ends there. If they want to go further and ask the "houses or art?" question, I usually just respond with "pictures". I try to avoid the modern connotation of art and artists at all costs.

>> No.1546323

>> you don't have any friends anymore because other artists just treat you like competition and you can't connect with non-artists

these are serious problems with your personality

I also spend most of my time on the computer (maybe even 80% of the time). But I am in contact with old friends, I hang out with other artists (fx guys, concept artists, 3d modellers) and they are one of the coolest people I met.

>> No.1546324

If you are better than any artist here in the past 6 years then you'd be good enough to get work at wizards or fantasy flight without the help of contacts. Just saying...

>> No.1546326

How? They get hundreds of applications each day. They look a them sporadically at best. I send my work around all the time but every bigger company or studio simply ignores me. And I'm not alone when it comes to this. If you're not popular or if you don't know someone who can drop your name in front of them then you simply don't have a chance.

>> No.1546327

obviously you suck, cant draw, cant talk to people, what a mess

>> No.1546330

Try tackling niche mediums OP, like animation, game development, 3D modeling, or sculpture.

>> No.1546331
File: 341 KB, 1600x678, the tick 62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the asian market is starting to cheapen the worth of entertainment art
This is the saddest truth. :'( This goes for digital as well as it goes for traditional arts like oil painting

>The urge to kill myself gets stronger with each day
I know that feel

>> No.1546332

> it goes for traditional arts like oil painting

hahahaha no

>> No.1546333


ha! now you have revealed yourself as mediocre.

get into concepting, get creative, get good at landscapes and environments, consider putting out your own ip (in whatever media, tom scholes for example is working on a tablet game)

srsly you have such a diverse skillset. if you just sit on your fatass cranking out "humonaid illustration" jobs or whatever it is that you do, you got nobody to blame but yourself.

i watched the stream of some swedish dude who makes a modest living with freelance illustration (modest living in sweden = decent everywhere else). and he too was NOT good-good. nor was his skillset diverse, or his portfolio remarkably creative.

thanks for taking the fear i had after reading the OP away again opie.

>> No.1546334


concept designer sounds so much more awesome lol. that's what i do. nobody asks further questions.

i dont consider myself an artist, nor would i ever even think about using that word to describe my aspirations.

>> No.1546336

This sounds like my cup of tea OP.

>> No.1546338

If you weren't doing art you'd be working some shitty job that was even worse probably. Picking a career (it seems) is kind of like picking your poison and choose the most bearable poison. There has to be SOME time to hang out with others, this sounds like a pretty specific and uncommon issue.

>> No.1546339


When I draw, especially for myself, I always enjoy doing so. In fact, I have problems where I stay up until around 2:00 AM rather than go to bed at midnight because I want to get more done and am already having too much fun with the sketch.

I can see why people would hate grinding away at shit, before I left art school I hated doing all of those cutesy-utesy oil assignmnets for Illustration but I loved Figure Drawing. Right now while I am trying to decide what to do in life, I still practice at least an hour a day and spend a few hours on a minor sketch each week, though I should do way more.

>> No.1546341

Well considering /ic/ has had people post here who actually do work for those companies...

But in any case if you are good enough these companies will pick you up. To say that there is no chance without connections is silly. That's why these companies have art drop boxes.

I guess this is all a bit besides the issue. I find it strange that you think all other artists view you as competition. I have never had that experience myself. People are usually happy to share and help out and talk about art. We are all in it for the same reason after all. Maybe there aren't many good artists where you are, in that case you can either A) move, or B) try to make friends online. I talk on skype or message people on forums, and everyone I have contacted or been contacted by has been very nice to talk to and have not treated me poorly because I may be taking jobs away from them. Hell, I've even had people offer to help find me work through recommendations or by having me join projects. So far nothing has come from that, but still.

>> No.1546343

i am god

>> No.1546347 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 500x281, 1342866592480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but don't look at my work...i-im too shy...

okay, pro. I totally believe you.

>> No.1546348
File: 81 KB, 262x238, 1356132053725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but don't look at my work...i-im too shy...

okay, pro. I totally believe you.

>> No.1546358

how naive are you?

>> No.1546365
File: 189 KB, 432x505, 1378980670336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling literally everybody on /ic/ wants to be a concept artist. Or at least an illustrator. Its like the most competitive field in art. I'm so glad I'm niche

>> No.1546373

So wait, you didn't see this coming when you were studying art in the exact same conditions for 4-5 years? I don't think drawing professionally is any more tedious than doing life studies with flowers and shit.

>> No.1546383


what is your niche?

>> No.1546397

Breaking News: Chinese kids are making oil paintings for 2 cents each, killing the gallery scene in America.

Whatever dipshit.

>> No.1546399

Not all of us, some of us stick to "traditional". There just isn't as much discussion from the "traditional" artists, except when stupid flame wars start up.

>> No.1546404

Indeed. There needs to be more traditional art discussions.

I'll make a thread about the oil piece I'm doing in a few days. Think we should start "traditional art general" threads as well.

>> No.1546415


just because you're making money off of furry art on Furaffinity and the likes doesn't make you a sucessful artist,bro.Start learning and stop bitching.If it's too much for u let natural selection do it's job and kill yourself.

>> No.1546427

The problem with traditional art is it is becoming slowly cut out of the market within illustration and concept art (which is the focus of this board essentially).

Sure, you can still find a ton of traditional stuff out there, I'd say over half of it in Spectrum is. BUT, it is dying. The fact of the matter is traditional paints are slower so can't do as tight turnaround times (need time to dry, photograph etc, also can't make major changes without complete repainting). I know that a lot of guys who do oil paintings now if they need to make changes simply do the changes digital.

Especially within concept art I think traditional art is pretty much obsolete, except maybe pencil sketches. But how many pros are still doing gouache or acrylic paintings? Not many, maybe a few older guys who have been in the industry since that was the norm. And maybe a couple still doing marker sketches. But it is almost completely digital now, and it is heading more and more in that direction.

>> No.1546437
File: 40 KB, 236x421, 1352372104664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not believing something with no proof

There's no reason for him to refrain from posting one of his works; especially if he claims to be professional. That would mean he shows his stuff to people all the time, right? It's not like he's stretching the truth or anything. That would be crazy.

>> No.1546438

or maybes omeone just doesn't want this type of post to be associated with their work...

>> No.1546449

You're only looking at the concept art and illustration world, anon.

Traditional art still has its place. Yes, it's dying but I don't mind since what's being added isn't bad at all.

>> No.1546456

As long as their are people with money that want to invest in something to decorate their house, there will ALWAYS be traditional art.

People that are past college age and not poor don't hang concept art posters on their walls, they hang traditional art.

I live in a city where there are more traditional artists than "concept" artists. Other cities will of course be different.

This is NOT to start the stupid old traditional/digital art horseshit either.

I do, and make money from both methods (and photography). It just comes down to what circles you hang out in.

My friends (non-artists) can name several of our local traditional artists. Not a one of them could name a single concept artist, because we live in a small city (75,000) with about 50-100 galleries.

Making a living off of traditional art here is easier than getting one of the few digital art related jobs, unless you wanna throw "graphic design" in the same category.

>> No.1546458

> Freelance

I keep hearing that but isn't it better to actually work for someone ?

I can understand that for specific medium you have to for someome (Movie, Video Games, ...) but in general why do you choose to be freelance than joining a team ?

>> No.1546467

You should have realized the risks before you became an artist. If you're going to bitch, go ahread and quit and get a job. Every job requires hours and hard work though.

>> No.1546478

We study a magnificent discipline but work in a shallow trench of an industry.

>> No.1546480

>implying he doesn't have sketches that he didn't upload publicly
He's not much of an artist then.

>> No.1546482

Not that anon, but not every country has awesome game studios.

>> No.1546486

Yeah I was pretty clear in saying it is dying in illustration and concept art, and I mentioned those because 99% of this board is just that. Obviously it is still thriving on the fine art side because digital art can't be fine art. Or it isn't yet at least.

>> No.1546496

It sounds like you're in the same situation Dan Warren was in. Now that he has a studio job and is around people he sounds a lot happier.

The competition for studio jobs is much lower than freelance, and you have to be a very specific type of person to be able to do it.

>> No.1546507

how old are you?
How could possibly think I'd want my identity linked to that post? And how new are you to art that you can't even think of the fact that people can recognize an artist based on their sketches or work in general. I do have unpublished work I could show but I know damn well that people would recognize me

>> No.1546509

>people can recognize an artist based on their sketches
So you only work in one style? Don't have realistic studies, gestures or anything that can't be linked to MAH STYLE? Not much of an artist then.

>> No.1546531

Alright, now it's getting too obvious you're trolling. Got me for a minute though

>> No.1546542

Wait what? How am I trolling? I really and honestly expect every decent artist to be able to draw in more than just one recognisable style. At the very least every decent artist should be able to draw realistic shit. If you can't do it then it's really obvious that you are in fact the one who's trolling.

>> No.1546565


Hurry up with my damn massage

>> No.1546574

Make sure you keep a regular exercise routine, OP. Not only will it get you away from the computer/your work, but you'll have more energy throughout the day which can help decrease turnaround time and free up more time for yourself in the long run

>> No.1546581

It's still not as great as the fan boys think...

There will be new keeners graduating every semester, willing to suck off a recruiter to get their first job. Then they will work unpaid overtime cause they are in over their head, but convince themselves that this is what they have always wanted to do.... Use computers 60+ hrs a week.
And every semester this happens, the studios want cheap labour. They only need a few key leads, the rest are just cheap fresh meat. The more experiences artists went down that same road and need more balance in their lives, meanwhile the studio continues to hire cheaper and cheaper labour... A wage ceiling.

>> No.1546773
File: 14 KB, 237x266, 1338722112167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd never want my identity linked with such a filthy awful post!
>actual post is just complaints about personal life, would be an acceptable post anywhere; artblog, facebook whatever

Keep it up, champ. You must be very good at marketing if you're this secretive about your work, no wonder you're so wealthy. :^)

>> No.1546786

>sitting in front of a monitor all day long
>not working in a studio with other like-minded artists
>being a commercial "artist"


>> No.1546836

Christ, these deviant-art tier exchanges in this thread
people, don't respond when it is obvious you're talking to someone underage

>> No.1546897
File: 10 KB, 333x367, banan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people make it look so easy... :( :(

>> No.1546904

Or maybe he just isn't a faggot that uses every chance possible everywhere to boot in with his blog? And call it "marketing". Lel.

>> No.1546911

oops wrong thread

>> No.1546919

Get out of it. It is not for you. You are probably horrible also.

>> No.1546921

Hey OP. Do you really like making art? Because it sounds from your description that you don't enjoy it at all.

>> No.1546923

pro here. OP... is not entirely wrong. Doing art for money is definitely not an easy or perfect job.

Maybe you need to learn to set time aside for yourself, OP. You get into a mindset of needing to spend every available second working on your skills when you're trying to go pro, and that's important and necessary, but if you continue with that mindset for your entire life, of course you're going to get sick of art.

And consider the fact that lots of jobs involve sitting at a monitor all day and being treated like a slave by clients who don't understand how difficult your job is. Lots of people who aren't artists have trouble finding time for socializing.

It's not a perfect job, but it's not a terrible one, either. Anything becomes soul-killing if it's all you ever do. Learn to set limits with clients, to demand respect from your family, and to set time aside for personal uses like making friends and romances; these are things that everyone has to learn to do, not just artists. Best wishes bro.

>> No.1546943
File: 51 KB, 504x624, 1336602970644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how many people criticize OP. I was like them but then I had to make a living out of it.

There is a difference between the craft and the ideas. I think many people get into art because they love the ideas. When trying to make art for money you have to spend your time only in the craft and not on the ideas that you had in mind.

Others just enjoy drawing but don't care about the underlying value about the ideas.

I have to note that all the great artists and writers on the past had a secondary job and then explored their own opinions on their free time away from social responsibility.
Whether you like it or not your profession influences your personal opinions, often making you feel burned out for contradicting your true self.

The answer is pretty simple. Don't sacrifice anything! I just do art selfishly for a living. I developed formulas to manipulate people into buying my shit.
I'm shameless and guiltless on making commercial art. Art is not my passion, just a job.

I have a taboo belief that 2D art is a pretty shitty way to express some ideas. This makes many artists buttblasted but it's true.

I don't confuse important things(such as living beings) with the painting of important things. That's why I'm free to do whatever I want.

>> No.1546953

So you're drawing furry pron amirite?

>> No.1546955

I won't ever criticize your view on art because I understand it's a pretty personal thing, but have you ever considered that you only consider art as a job exactly because you're not quite satisfied with the work you're currently doing?

>> No.1546956

I agree with you except for this. Opinions cannot be "true."

>> No.1546970

Concept art and book covers, marketing, as freelance. I did furry in the past when I was starting.

Of course I'm not satisfied with 2D art. It just sits there staring smugly at you. I consider programming, engineering architecture or virtual reality superior forms of art.

I'm not a dualist, I don't have opinions.

>> No.1547086

I never understood how people like you got to become professionals. If you hate it so much, why did you spend so much time learning it? Were you pushed into art by your parents or something? Art isn't something you can just learn accidentally, you need to actually spend years practicing.

>> No.1547138

>you get looked down upon by your family
sounds like your family is pretty shit.

>> No.1547223

>professional artist
>working digitally

yeah no

>> No.1547245

I think I'm not explaining myself. Art is like women, the more you put it in a pedestal the less you're likely to get it (that's why art historians don't do good art).

There are also beta artists that are all about
>muh passion!
>muh artistic integrity!

The rest see the absurdity of art making and don't kill themselves over it.

>> No.1547249

>professional artist
>not working digitally
you probably never had a deadline in your whole life

>> No.1547251
File: 996 KB, 1202x1754, sergio toppi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a taboo belief that 2D art is a pretty shitty way to express some ideas.
i'll just call you a faggot then

>> No.1547265

Not that anon, but so?

And by the way, I work both digital and traditional, and have deadlines for both.

Besides deadlines for commissions and getting stuff in before it goes to print using digital, I am part of an artists collective where we are expected to submit a themed painting every month fitting that upcoming show's theme.

So YES, there are deadlines for traditional as well as digital.

Get off /ic/ once and a while, meet some artists that aren't just trying to be concept artists and it's AMAZING what you can learn about the art world.

>> No.1547268

i think he was being a bit of a dick, you know internet styles. there are plenty of traditional painters in the imaging field, and even more in the illustration field. just because you can finish a digital painting in 7 hours doesn't mean it's the only option, people will hang out for 30 hours or whatever it takes if they wants your mad skillz.

>> No.1547274

almost every professional i know works in the comic book industry, and they all HAVE to work at least partially on computer. expecially for inks and colouring with the kind of deadlines you have there.
maybe it's just because when you work there you have to do a bunch of stuff. dunno. apart from that, not saying you can't draw traditionally, but your previous post implied that professionals do most or all of their work traditionally, and that's a pile of steaming crap dude.

>> No.1547281

if you look up the first post in their discussion it goes like this
>>professional artist
>>working digitally
>yeah no
so who's the dick

not the anon you were talking with but I'd like to know if you live off your art ? The problem in these threads is that a lot of people participate with sometimes little to no experience, it can be pretty confusing for complete outsiders like myself.

>> No.1547293

I have no idea what you're talking about. How do you practice 6 hours a day for 4 years without taking art seriously? How do you become a professional without studying at least that much?

>> No.1547298

probably both? or everyone.

i took that to mean professional artist as in a gallery artist. and it is true that digital painting is still pretty poorly regarded. so with the automatic internet hyperbole, is more or less true,

>> No.1547308

Being a pro is relatively easy because 80% of artists out there have autistic tendencies, they don't know how to sell themselves. Networking is more important than skill.

Also I didn't wasted my time on a formal education, that just makes you procrastinate harder.
My method was
>find the worst artist that is making money
>out do his work
>try to gain over his employers/clients
>If failed, readjust the formula
>try to escalate on bigger artists each time

I went straigt for the money and not for fine art principles.

>> No.1547309

>implying the mayority people that make a living off drawing do traditional painting in galleries
>implying you need only 4 years of practicing 6 hours a day to become a professional

>> No.1547311

that's just what i had assumed he was talking about because, you know, unless he just smashes his head on the keyboard he was trying to say something that makes sense and that makes the most sense.

>> No.1547313

>thinking that people try to say something that makes sense online
you should totally browse /b/ sometimes

>> No.1547315

i try to keep my social instruments tuned for irl.
tbh i never really read anything anyone ever said on /b/ just looked at the funny images and jalibait.

>> No.1547316

What previous post of "mine" are you talking about? I don't believe I ever said professionals do all or most of their work traditionally. This is an anonymous board, so when you see "Anonymous" as the poster, it doesn't mean it's me. It was most likely another anon. Thereby I think you're "steaming pile of crap" comment was actually aimed at someone else.

BTW, welcome to 4chan!

I simply pointed out the anon that thinks that traditional artists don't have deadlines is wrong, as I have deadlines for traditional art. Digital artist have deadlines. All artists that make money off of their art have deadlines in some way.


I do not make a living off of my art, I make a few hundred a month on average. I'm simply a hobbyist artist that made money since I was a kid with my art.

Now I paint and draw for myself, and take a few commissions here and there for spending money. And if people happen to like the paintings and photographs I make to hang in my own home enough to pay me for them, cool.

I spent about two years living off of my art, and I got tired of it. I was always making stuff, but it was always for other people, and I never had time to paint stuff I wanted, so I eventually went back to a good day job, and paint/photograph with the rest of my time.

Hopefully by retirement age I'll be able to make a living selling and creating my own art.

>> No.1547318

Oh, so you're more of a whore than an artist. Good for you.

>> No.1547325

It's called having a job. I can't whore myself out because I didn't had any respect for artistic values to begin with.

>> No.1547329

so you didn't posted this?

anyway before responding to my comment you could make an effort an look at what i was replying.
>welcome to 4chan
i've been since at least 1994, brah

>> No.1547336

No I did not post that. You were incorrectly assuming other random posts were mine. That's fine, it happens.

>> No.1547384

Do you respect drawing porn as a job?

>> No.1547406
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1003905_10151645337314807_847864880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes a phony and ur fallin for the b8 m8

>> No.1547443

>4chan in a nutshell

>> No.1547456

>Not OP
Drawing porn for a living is fine in my opinion
People like porn and will like you if you draw the kind of porn they like
Drawing furry porn is a goldmine and really fun if you get popular

>> No.1547473
File: 75 KB, 775x775, helm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>More people catch on and crowd the market
>Furry gets even more boring and pedestrian

>> No.1547488

I quit a few months ago because I lost fun to frustration. Did you have a turning point?

>now being frustrated for not facing the frustration

>> No.1547494

People have trouble thinking about buying shit for £30+ when they're horny

>> No.1547507

how go you get dem furries to know you and ask you for commissions? wanted to do that but don't want to go around random on furry websites
god i hate furries
but i liek money

>> No.1547512

Post furry porn on lots of different sites
Booru like websites are good because people tend to browse through recent tags
Pony porn's getting quite alot of attention and they're fuck easy to draw >no hands

>> No.1547516

Welcome to the real world, where all jobs are black holes that consume all of your passion, energy, time, and love, leaving you feeling like an empty, soulless drone.

>> No.1547522
File: 873 KB, 1280x738, 1379182795363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good place to keep an online sketchbook?

>> No.1547525

For yourself or others?

>> No.1547526

>muh trade secrets
The more talented people the better, its not all about money.

>> No.1547528

Myself mainly..not gonna post anything showy, just want a place to keep my sketches

>> No.1547530

Then why does it need to be online?

>> No.1547531

Sell your equipment and buy paint, then paint and paint and paint untill you die. They will eventually find your body and all of the artwork you made during your lifetime. That's the alternative to suicide I'm taking.

>> No.1547532

I'm guessing
>Not enough space on computer
>Doesn't use the same computer all the time
>Doesn't want to risk losing everything

>> No.1547555

such is the way of the starving artist. I apprenticed at a tattoo shop for a while. worked my ass off, took all the shit from the older artists until I was finally accepted as one of the guys, and got certified. I quickly realized that in order to have a comfortable, normal life, I had to have a job making a steady income, which is near impossible tattooing alone. I held on for another year, did so much work... I spent more money on supplies than I was able to make, even living at home and working part time at a coffee shop. I began hating art, I hated drawing, I hated knowing I was nobody, and even to gain recognition in this small town I would have to compete with the people I had come to know as family. that's not why I got in this... that's not what I worked for. like any business, to be successful, you have to step on some people on the way up. I made a choice.

I quit the shop, and got a job as a mechanic. now I'm married with a wonderful son and wife, and I'm about to buy my first house at only 24. I still go to the shop, I like drawing again and I do it on my terms, nobody else's. that's everyone's problem, here. I do this out of love, not for profit. I made friends, and I didn't sacrifice my whole life trying to make it work. if you can sell your visions, and not work thats the vision of someone else, then you've really made it. but we can't, and won't, all be profitable artists. its not our best path. that's the harsh truth.

>> No.1547557

Use dropbox or google drive.

>> No.1547563

muh...muh FEELS!

>> No.1547564

kim possible porn

>> No.1547565
File: 32 KB, 376x384, postoftheday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah nigga...

>> No.1547573

>I'm so glad I'm niche
what the hell is niche
sorry but eurofag

>> No.1547578
File: 4 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a niche. A hole in the wall, often decorative, that looks like a window, where you can put stuff.

>> No.1547590

it's one thing to alter and edit shit digitally, but an entirely digital aesthetic is pig disgusting. The look of traditional media is so much better.

>implying no deadlines

>> No.1547591

>google drive
that would work, but I want to see them in a gallery sort of view.

>> No.1547601

You sound like an opportunist, I'm embarrassed for you.

Not all artists want to whore out their PR on social media though, or simply mimic another artist. where's the satisfaction in that? Some of us are comfortable and producing without the façade, or some need to be a celebrity.

When you inevitably have an identity crisis later on in your life, we'll be watching.

>> No.1547623
File: 28 KB, 500x423, Premtive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only live to feel.
Go purposely give yourself as many feels as possible.
its good to be depressed.
thats life.

>> No.1547656


fuck you. i will be the best.

>> No.1547680

your problem is that you equate tattooing with being a real artist

>> No.1547845

Me too.

>> No.1547922
File: 122 KB, 670x747, tat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying tattooing isn't art.

Tattoos are one of the hardest mediums of all. Imagine drawing on a moving canvas that you have to stretch with your hand usually bent at an uncomfortable angle with a pen weighed about 5lbs heavy on the back side, and a grip 3/4" in diameter while being completely unable to see the point of your utensil because the surface ink and being forced to activate it with your foot, and being very cautious to avoid cross-contamination. Not to mention the almost infinite number of different needle setups, tubes, skin tones, types of skin (dry, course, fine, firm), mixing inks, techniques (ie. bloodlining, lineless, skin shading, etc.), cover-ups (which are often the most difficult pieces), learning to contour your work and tailor it to each individual customers body/ muscle type, and the direct customer interaction.

That, and there is no eraser, there are no layers, there is no white paint.

Do a tattoo yourself, then tell me tattooing isn't art.

>> No.1547928 [DELETED] 


>> No.1547930

why are the proportions so bad in that back piece

>> No.1547931

Did that artist even loomis

>> No.1547932


2/10 troll for making me respond

present your work

>> No.1547933

While we're waiting on the faggotry, have a look at some of these.


>> No.1547935

>being so mad he can't even look at work objectively and see how bad the proportions are

dude there is no argument, those proportions are terrible, try to imagine a human being with those proportions

what youve presented is an artist who is good at copying and has limited understanding of what they are drawing

>> No.1547936

bro if any of that shit in your link actually impresses you than all i can tell you is that you need to raise your standards and expose yourself to some great art. the stuff in that link is literally high-school tier in terms of the draftsmanship, at least that oddly proportioned backpiece posted above has decent rendering, but in the end all of this is just banal trash that can't hold a candle to anything that's actually good

>> No.1547938


The argument is not even about that piece, it's that tattooing is, in fact, art.

I could give a fuck about some guys work I came across on a google image search, it's the hate on the entire medium that gets me.

>> No.1547940

and most of the stuff is garbage, some, like number 6 are downright impressive, especially with a tattoo machine

>> No.1547942

maybe if you took your artistic skill and focused it towards something meaningful people would respect you

edgy crying girls on past back and bullet wounds in flabby bellies aren't going to garner a lot of respect from the art world, seeing as it is full of incredible art that surpasses every tattoo ever made

>> No.1547944

pasty backs*

>> No.1547947
File: 81 KB, 800x481, 3d-leg-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck. forgot pic

>> No.1547946

>Not sure if being trolled or /ic/ going full retard

So you consider this art >>1546943
but not pic related?

>> No.1547949

Firstly, it's on a back, which is not a flat plane, which makes it harder to photograph. secondly, lens distortion. It's extremely hard to take good photo's of big tattoo's, particularly one of a large face, like here! Even the best can end up looking distorted and odd.

>> No.1547951

at least someone here isn't completely fucked in the head

>> No.1547952

That's Photoshopped. Also that isn't even that great.

>> No.1547954

Holy shit, that's one of the most convincing "3D" tattoo's I've ever seen! Kind of creepy... (But probably won't be as convincing once it gets some years behind it)

>> No.1547956

Uh, I retract my earlier statement...
... there's a lot of PS involved here, yeah.

>> No.1547955

troll harder

saw irl @ at The Gambling Rose tattoo con.

>> No.1547958

that's what touch ups are for.
most artists will touch up their work for free

>> No.1547959

He didn't mean that the tattoo is just Photoshopped! It's been digitally enhanced to look more convincing then it is here. The more I look at it, the more I see it..

>> No.1547960

Touch ups don't involve going over the whole tattoo! All color in skin will fade a bit over time, new tattoo's always look a heck of a lot better then those who are 10+ years old, especially if it's gotten a lot of sun exposure.

>> No.1547962

oh, well that's a bit different.
It's still very convincing until you get within a foot or so. and Models are ALWAYS shopped. My wife does ammy lingerie shoots and even though she looks amazing in the originals, minimal shopping makes it look professional

>> No.1547963

sun will wreak so much havok on ink, it's scary. A friend of ours, and artist we call "Jimmy he Saint" is positively terrified of it. He'll walk around midsummer with long sleeves and a parasol.

but his ink is IMMACULATE

>> No.1548050

No but being a "concept-artist" that draws wizards and furries garners LOTS of respect in the art world.

>> No.1548055
File: 11 KB, 260x194, He's_right_you_know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1548056

anything related to furries make me want to stab a chicken till the knife is dead

>> No.1548066
File: 213 KB, 456x268, saded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1548137

A small target group within a market.

Non-art example, your market is fitness. Your niche: women who want to lose weight right after pregnancy, but who don't have time to cook or go to sport clubs.
An art niche could be something like watercolour pet portraits.

>> No.1548143

Tip for OP: buy yourself one of those new wacom companions and do your art outside of your house. It'll help you get a life and connect with people... maybe.

>> No.1548149

>wacom companion
>over 1000$
Yeah go ahead.

>> No.1548154

>More powerful than most laptops
which is essentially what it is... a moderately priced touchscreen laptop with a built in cintiq

>> No.1548289

if deluding yourself into thinking that concept work is limited to wizards and furries makes you feel better about being a banal tattooist with no taste than by all means go ahead

>> No.1548698

implying that anyone that is good enough to make a living as a concept artist for movies or vidya would waste his time on 4chin

>> No.1548729



>> No.1548791

Not a tattoo artist, nor a concept artist.

I realize there is more to concept art than wizards and furries, I was making a joke. I know, I should have added "lol" so you'd get it.

The point (which you obviously missed) is that anyone on THIS board, which is just a circle jerk for concept artists, that shits on tattoo art as being lowbrow has to get out of their little circle of concept art friends and realize that what 90% of /ic/ users want to do is looked down on in the art world as well.

>> No.1548799

thats because concept art is like a mixture of art and design so the artsy fartsy people get all butt hurt that concept art is more about creating cool ideas not expressing your feelz. which is more up my alley anyways, fine artists annoy the shit out of me

>> No.1548800
File: 285 KB, 1024x689, Darrow-The-Matrix-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking that those are good concept artists
protip: good concept artists use their real name. meet my dear friend geoffrey darrow

>> No.1548802

daarken doesnt use his real name. bitch.

>> No.1548804

Why would anyone use their real name on 4chan 9_9

>> No.1548812
File: 86 KB, 717x960, 1305505_10200987221136419_1771896700_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ThizZ azn right here?? Yea Trippin about the Uni! Haha! -[azn pride]-

>> No.1548818

>le secret 4chin club
>le smiley face

>> No.1548835

what really sucks is when you have to take a huge dump before art class but dont have enough time so you gotta hold it in while interacting with hot chicks

>> No.1548848

no, what really sucks is when you shit yourself in art class in front of all the hot girls that are ugly btw because art class

>> No.1548960

>poorman's cracked

>> No.1549001

>concept art is looked down on in the art world as well

and who gives a flying horsefuck about the art world? they can keep their pretentious bullshit and skillless phaggotry, what do i care?

>> No.1549022 [DELETED] 

The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts The arts the arts the arts

>> No.1549035
File: 33 KB, 500x333, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is either someone who never really wanted to be an artist or he's a faggot who'd suffer in any career path that involved work.

Either way, he seems like a real downer. Especially that comment about not being able to talk to other artists or seeing them as competition. That's just OP being an antisocial dickhead. The vast majority of other artists I've met have been good people. If OP made some friends i bet he'd become much less of a dipshit.

>> No.1549094

You know I was about to post the exact thread as OP did.
I myself is a professional artist for almost 6 years.
What I am complaining is I went to this school reunion. And most of my friends become a lawyer and a doctor drove fancy cars and clothes . And when they find out I'm a freelance artist they look down at me and think like I'm some kind of a joke.
I mean I don't envy them and I'm not bitter. But people should appreciate artist more. It's the same hard work as other profession (even more endless works and study in some cases!!)

>> No.1549096

can i see some work ? its fun to see pro level work it gives a good indication to noobs like me of the work that remains to be done

>> No.1549099
File: 69 KB, 566x800, 05490595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here a quick drawing I did as a gift

>> No.1549112


i'm terrified of this. i'm too much of a sensitive pussy to not give a phuck.

+ there is so many guys who were mad jelly of my success with the ladies (good looks + chiseled physique)during our teens and younger years, that they will go out of their way to impress me with their big car and designer clothes and make me feel bad. and i'm a sensitive fag, i don't handle shit like that very well.

it's probably best to build a portfolio of experiences and awesome things to make up for a little bit. oh you have your own law firm? that's fine i worked in shanghai for 2 years and then worked on a ship travelling the world for 18 months after that. oh and i published 2 books with drawings and photos i did/took while travelling through africa and southamerican jungle.

... shit like that. ofcourse being man enough to not give a phuck helps too.

but the one biggest source of emotional support is a loving, awesome, likeminded girlfriend.

>> No.1549117
File: 103 KB, 800x1135, 1333920615753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading a thing about a nurse who worked for a long time at one of those sections of the hospital for people who are definitely dieing.

She talked to all her patients and she's seen a lot of people die; she said the number one regret people have, by far, is that they didnt do what they want but instead did what was expected.

Going into art is a great expression of doing what you want. OP clearly didnt truly want to be an artist. Or he's just burnt out and lonely and mad. Dont let his bitterness rub off.

Dont let it discourage you. Do what you want. Sometimes you gotta do things in life with an attitude of complete and desperate defiance

>> No.1549118

darks are too saturated, nice drawing though

>> No.1549120

desaturated* phone autocorrect to the opposite, gj google!

>> No.1549129

thanks for your advice

>> No.1549373

This is the sad reality of being a pro artists and I can understand why a lot of them end up moving to cities, because there are more like minded people doing what you are doing.

Maybe OP would feel better working as an artist somewhere in an office instead. You could get a good salary and find more people to hang out with. That way when you are married with kids then you can start to think about going freelance again.

Just a suggestion.

>> No.1549375

Never thought I'd be thankful for becoming a lawyer.

>> No.1549376

I think one of the ways to fight the crushing loneliness is to find groups or conventions or meetings where people in your field gather. I know OP said that they treat you like competition, but, ultimately, it's the best way to still meet people.

Also, there's teaching. Supplement your income by teaching. That way you can still meet more people.

>> No.1549651
File: 30 KB, 390x310, gt+Freshman+year+of+high+school+gt+English+class+_7f3611d60c269f57831de3441cae21fa (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 post. Top. Fucking. Lel

>> No.1549736

So you'd reshape your life just so you can "keep up"? That's just stupid. Just don't go to those reunions

>> No.1549756

OP here.

It's so easy to brush it off because some anonymous guy said it but it's true. I tried hanging out with artists for years but I can't deal with it anymore - it's all too fake.

They act like they care about your work and your improvement when in reality they wish competition like you didn't even exist. A good example is when an artist, who is better than you, tells you that your latest piece is awesome and great while at the same time they cry about how shitty and awful their obviously superior work is.
Then there's this type of artist who only hangs around you as long as you have something to offer them, like advice or industry connections. Once you're no use to them anymore they simply drop you.
I also had to deal a lot of with artists who just constantly annoy you with their newest sketches and pieces so you can "critique" them when in reality all they want to hear are compliments and reassurance. It gets especially fun when they get defensive once you actually deliver critique.

There was this manager of a pretty prolific concept art studio, who I hung out with from time to time and who supported me for a while when I was just starting out. Pretty early on he told me that he was always in search of young talent for his studio. In my naivety honestly thought we were friends for a while and I was sure I'd become a member of that studio. Hell, I even got hang out with all the awesome artists from that studio. But once he found someone better he simply dropped me and never talked to me again.

Mostly it's: either you're of use or you can fuck off

>> No.1549762 [DELETED] 

And what I hate the most is how they talked behind other artists' back and shitmouthed them when they're not around. This is he number one reason why I don't hang out with artists anymore. And I had to pay for it with shit rumours that are spreading behind my back. People I never even talked to messaged me in the past to see if the rumours are true. It's completely fucked up

You can keep acting like you and your artist friends are all buddy-buddy but there's one simple truth you shouldn't forget: You're in a competition with limited seats.

>> No.1549767 [DELETED] 

And what I hate the most is how they talked behind other artists' back and shitmouthed them when they were not around. This is the number one reason why I don't hang out with artists in my city anymore. And I had to pay for it with shit rumours that are spreading behind my back. People I never even talked to messaged me in the past to see if the rumours are true and if I'm doing "ok". Even if I wanted to I couldn't go back to hanging out with artists from my city because of all the awful shit that has spread behind my back. It's completely fucked up

You can keep acting like you and your artist friends are all buddy-buddy but there's one simple truth you shouldn't forget: You're in a competition with limited seats.

>> No.1549768

And what I hate the most is how they talked behind other artists' back and shitmouthed them when they were not around. This is the number one reason why I don't hang out with artists in my city anymore. And I had to pay for it with shit rumours that are spreading behind my back. People I never even talked to messaged me in the past to see if the rumours are true and if I'm doing "ok". Even if I wanted to I couldn't go back to hanging out with artists from my city because of all the awful shit that has spread behind my back. It's completely fucked up

You can keep acting like you and your artist friends are all buddy-buddy but there's one simple truth you shouldn't forget: You're in a competition with limited seats.

>> No.1549800

sounds like you just found shit friends, I have a lot of art friends and while they are shit at receiving honest critique, they're not the types that would talk shit about people behind your back.

>> No.1549839 [DELETED] 

Just make art. Love your art. Never make art if you're just trying to sell it. If you're just in it for the money and you're that unhappy with it, go fucking sell insurance or something.

>> No.1550304

>They get hundreds of applications each day. They look a them sporadically at best. I send my work around all the time but every bigger company or studio simply ignores me.
It helps if you know what the studio is currently working on or will work on and try to work off of that to make what you would consider the best interpretation of the work or your idea of what it should look like or what you think they would want it to look like. Also expand your portfolio with amazing work for smaller studios, demonstrate a variety of skills and styles. I think. I'm not an artist; I just lurk here.

>> No.1550343


To be fair, you sound like the worst guy and I'd hate to hang around you.
Stop projecting your own bullshit onto others, if you don't like your friends, get better friends.
Being an Artist is also about getting contacts, it's only a competition when dickheads like you act like it is.

>> No.1550373

You didn't get what I was saying at all

>> No.1550376


op are you the guy who, a long long time ago, talked about how marko djurdjevic is an arrogant faggot?

the guy sounds alot like you. there's alot of shitty fake opportunistic people out there op, regardless of what industry they work in.

it might help you to keep job and friends separate. yeah it's cool to have people you can "connect" with and talk about art and stuff but maybe you should go find a gym-buddy. or a "friday night poker" group and shit like that.

artists in general are difficult people, sensitive (i know i am, and you sure as fuck sound like it too), judgemental, insecure etc etc. you need some different hobbies outside of art, and then to find warmhearted people there. and hey maybe there's some engineers or accountants who are awesome guys.

i dont know, i wish you the best op.

>> No.1550384

You can set your art as private in the popular art sites (dA, pixiv, furaffinity, hentaifoundry, etc).

>> No.1550428

>make stupid shitty animations in my free time and put them on youtube
>somehow gain an audience
>keep doing, more audience
>maker gives me an offer
>now making 10k+ a month
I dont know how to feel about this. Blows my mind, every day i wake up and realize this is not a dream.

>> No.1550436


tell us more plz?

>> No.1550471

You probably found shitty people to hang out with. Just a word of advice...always be wary of the first people who come to you acting really nice. Those are the people you really can't trust.

>> No.1550472

Here's an idea:

Why not find some studio or coworking space to work in? You can always meet people there.

>> No.1550496

>maker gives me an offer

>> No.1553266


>> No.1553848

You're a fucking idiot if you didn't see this coming. The pretentious shitheads in art school didn't clue you in on the shit show you were about to embark on?

>> No.1553859

It's called an echo chamber. Luckily I always read books that disagree with me so I escaped this bullshit early.

>> No.1553870

>After college

Lolno. More like several years after college after struggling at least for the first six months during which you might leave art altogether just to make a living.

>> No.1553873

You don't need contacts to get a job at Wizard. Just consistently send work to their Dropbox and eventually they'll hire you.

>> No.1553874

Why not just post traditional art in the regular draw threads? They're the same fucking principles...

>> No.1553875

>Digital art can't be fine art

Maybe in the modern sense, but in the traditional sense it most certainly can be.

>> No.1553878

because drawing is a differnt fucking concept... dumbass

>> No.1553879

You're either a moron or extremely new. Drawings aren't the only things appropriate for draw threads.

>> No.1553895


i think we had all agreed that op is simply not good enough yet

i mean the market is supposedly self refulating. if you can't bring anything to the table that all of the undercharging rookies can't, you won't make it past undercharging-rookie-tier jobs.

diversify, improve, draw furry porn if you are so starved for cash

i haven't begun my journey into going pro yet but threads like this scare me, although i have faith in myself.

>> No.1553919

I'm interested in this, how exactly did you get on the ship? I'd love to do something like that for a while and get away from big cities and land for a while.

>> No.1553925

Visualiser reporting in.

Gets just as many 'buh?' reactions from people, but then I mention that it's a job in the advertising industry and they think I'm from Mad Men or something.

>> No.1553928

is that one of the guys who mocks up the animatics and stuff>

>> No.1553931

Cargo Collective.

>> No.1553937

How can i implement a full blog page into my personal website?

Like how jamie jones is?


>> No.1553938
File: 992 KB, 3649x2627, Elite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marker sketches, storyboards, that kind of thing.

Most of my work would never pass muster here because I'm expected to hammer out sketches that give the client some idea what the finished project might look like on an extremely fast turnaround (sometimes less than an hour).

You know what, I'll post something for you guys to mock. I did this in 45 minutes as practice.

>> No.1553940

that is the coolest thing ever.

>> No.1553944


how do you get a job at doing that? souds fun, challenging and rewarding.

>> No.1553952


hang out with some musicians bro...

>> No.1553953


wow neat

do you do any printing stuff like warhol?

you make have some amazing skills on your hands brother

>> No.1553957

> you sit in front of a monitor all day long, you often don't get to see other people for days, you don't have any friends anymore because other artists just treat you like competition and you can't connect with non-artists

This is literally every day of my life for the last 10 years.

I prefer it this way.

>> No.1553960
File: 30 KB, 720x393, 1372494880219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1553970

'alot' is two words you uneducated ungulate

>> No.1553977
File: 36 KB, 268x265, 1377247073457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I will say one thing.

I don't need to see your work to know that you're a shitty artist.

Because your mentality is negative and weak, you'll never get anywhere.

>> No.1554004


i was obviously referring to the creature alot. the alot. google it. owned bitch.

>> No.1554109
File: 365 KB, 1000x1422, 1207196 - Ticklishways doge meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you aren't doing the same sort of thing

>> No.1554113
File: 65 KB, 223x210, 2005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still haven't posted your work, yet you claim to be professional; why is that?
If it's because your scared we'll insult you? Then you're a wuss.

Is it because it's not actually professional work and in reality you've never made more than pocket change off of your drawings? Then you're a liar.

Is it because you think for whatever reason that being seen posting this thread will somehow jeopardize your chances of having a successful art career? Even in spite of the fact that people who do art for cash have posted here plenty before, without any problems other than the occassional shitty post? Then you're a fool

>> No.1554114

that baby's expression is like it doesn't want to be here right now. Bretty gud

>> No.1554118
File: 456 KB, 480x361, 1338501731259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that varies between fields, though. I'm taking software rather than accounting.

but i guess that's still possible

>> No.1554504

Wow. Certainly wasn't expecting that kind of reaction from /ic/.

It's a long story, in my case.

At the end of my second year of university I caught my father having an affair. One thing led to another and I ended up in a heart hospital for a couple of weeks, had to defer my exams for a year and then tell my mother what was going on.

One thing led to another and I ended up being homeless in London. A two-week internship with a media company in South London turned into three months of work including launching a magazine I was never paid for. I managed to get some emergency student funding and was able to pay to stay in a hostel while I tried to study for those exams. They kept underpaying me and paying me late, or not at all and my efforts to find a job all turned up nothing, even McDonalds wouldn't take me.

Eventually I had to give up on university and just drop out. After about six months of not putting pen to paper following my sour experiences with that media company, I started drawing again. By chance I met someone at the hostel who worked in advertising and he suggested that I should try getting work as a marker visualiser. Then by complete coincidence the night manager saw some of my work and suggested I speak to his friend, who happened to be the ACD at the London branch of a major ad agency. He gave me access to the office at night to use their equipment to get work done and tries to hook me up with freelance work whenever he can.

If you want to get into this the more straightforward way, make a portfolio of quick sketches of adverts and storyboards, then arrange to meet with creative directors from ad agencies and show them your work. Don't just email them cold asking for work, go and speak to them and build up a rapport. Ask for portfolio feedback to begin with, when you know them better ask them if they need any freelancers.

>> No.1554510


Your story makes me want to punch down a tree, kill a bear and make a ballpoint pen with the wood and his blood.

I wish I had your strength.

>> No.1554518

It's going to be pretty sweet when the freelance day pay starts flowing and I can get out of this fucking hostel.

I'm going to eat steak and eggs for breakfast every day for the rest of my life once that happens.

>> No.1554671


wow that sounds like quite the adventure man. wish you the best in the future.

not saging because i want you to read this. keep arting brah

>> No.1554712

Geez OP..

>> No.1554753

Congrats OP, you've just realized what 99% of these delusional posters will come to accept as the years go by.

It has less to do with your skill than it does the market at this point. There are not enough jobs despite what your college teachers are telling you.

Some will be very lucky, but the majority of you will give up as you get older and want to pursue other interests.

That doesn't mean don't try, it just means you need to be more realistic. Sitting at a computer working on art 24/7 for years will make you delusional.

>> No.1554754


Why don't you post some of your work, or are you scared?

>> No.1554760

ditto to everything you just said.

and speaking of furry porn, how does one enter that business? ps. i am good enough

>> No.1554790


So you haven't gone pro yet but seem to know exactly how the market works and have deduced that OP is a hack with no evidence.

Typical ignorant /ic poster.

>> No.1555088
File: 119 KB, 1116x664, kitty-n_inflation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I ever claimed to be a professional
>implying you didn't miss the point of the post
but what the hell;

>> No.1555422 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 500x727, tumblr_m9iftbJPRW1r4oxqso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whooooole lot of projecting there buddy.

There is no 'realistic'; it doesnt matter if your 'very lucky'.

You, like a lot of other people was suckered into thinking the whole process of becoming an artist was a thing with a beginning and a clear goal and an end. Maybe a job or something; i dont know. You wanted to get to some arbitrary point. Some people just enjoy art for its own sake. They dont begrudgingly do it to get a job or get ahead; they just do it. You'll see your brand of bitching about "markets" and all that dumb shit all over there internet from every type of academic graduate. You might have to comes to terms with YOU being the problem, not art is the art world or whatever.

And it's not being "delusional" or unrealistic; ask any truly successful artist. You're the delusional one, blaming your own failure on a market, the world or an unrealistic goal. You're so delusional that you can't even see yourself projecting all your inadequacies in your post.

Threads like this is why i tend to avoid the wallowing pit of shit that /ic/ is on most days. Do art if you want to; shut the fuck up already if you dont. The rest is pointless abstractions about nothing.

>> No.1555424
File: 100 KB, 500x727, tumblr_m9iftbJPRW1r4oxqso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whooooole lot of projecting there buddy.

There is no 'realistic'; it doesnt matter if your 'very lucky'.

You, like a lot of other people was suckered into thinking the whole process of becoming an artist was a thing with a beginning and a clear goal and an end. Maybe a job or something; i dont know. You wanted to get to some arbitrary point. Some people just enjoy art for its own sake. They dont begrudgingly do it to get a job or get ahead; they just do it. You'll see your brand of bitching about "markets" and all that dumb shit all over the internet from every type of graduate. You might have to comes to terms with YOU being the problem, not art is the art world or whatever.

And it's not being "delusional" or unrealistic; ask any truly successful artist. You're the delusional one, blaming your own failure on a market, the world or an unrealistic goal. You're so delusional that you can't even see yourself projecting all your inadequacies in your post.

Threads like this is why i tend to avoid the wallowing pit of shit that /ic/ is on most days. Do art if you want to; shut the fuck up already if you dont. The rest is pointless abstractions about nothing.

>> No.1555446

I can see where OP is coming from. I know a good amount of artists who "made it," which to me means they're talented individuals who found work at major companies. But it's all become contract work and you really just become a salve to them churning out crap.. A friend I knew got canned working at Lucas Arts because they decided to cut the division he was part of. It's ridiculous.

It's become less about your skills, talent and hard work but more about what sets you apart from the rest. Not only do you have to be exceptionally good but exceptionally hirable and memorable as an artist. It's just waaaay too competitive.

>> No.1555520

>ask any truly successful artist

As if they're a dime a dozen.

The world must seem like a magical, Equestria like, place when viewed through your laptop.

>> No.1555522

>I think I'm not explaining myself. Art is like women, the more you put it in a pedestal the less you're likely to get it (that's why art historians don't do good art).

a lot of what youre saying is retarded, but that line there is the smartest thing ive ever read on /ic/. everyone in this thread should take a second and read that line over a couple times.

>> No.1555529


i'm exceptionally good looking. will that put me ahead?

>> No.1555538

Not really.

If you're good looking but draw like a weeabo you're going to look a hipster-fag-psudointelect. And at that point you might as well eat a gun.

>> No.1555564

>sit in front of a monitor all day long

the fuck is it with you 4chan fuckers and thinking digital art is the only thing in the world?

Sure, I use it for editing my work and stuff, but the majority of illustrators don't work exclusively digitally. We just use it as an added tool. Why do you neckbeards think video game art is the only thing in existence?

>> No.1555567


I second this.

Tangible art tends to pay better. Digital i can only manage to get a few bucks for. Though the volume of broke people wanting digital art is a bit greater.

>> No.1555578


because i don't give a fuck about art. i want to create stuff. the visual representation of that stuff is just the means to an end.

working digitally means i can serve clients all over the world. ofcourse i'm gonna put a heavy focus on digital.

nothing to do with being a neckbeard either lol.

>> No.1555582
File: 53 KB, 494x359, 1372687148685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>because i don't give a fuck about art. i want to create stuff. the visual representation of that stuff is just the means to an end.

If you can't see what's wrong with this sentence, you might want to think long and hard about why you do art.

Also not realizing you cant make traditional work and still sell it online...

>> No.1555583
File: 1006 KB, 1280x720, Bugs_Sunbathes_and_Daffy_Mowing_the_Lawn_in_the_Backyard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After a few years you realize that being a professional artist kills you from the inside because you sit in front of a monitor all day long, you often don't get to see other people for days, you don't have any friends anymore
But I already do all of that. Sounds like fun to me

>> No.1555584
File: 347 KB, 651x1000, 1361982613874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're some kind of social butterfly who hates being alone for five minutes, why did you choose to be a professional artist in the first place? Art is how people who don't have a voice express themselves. Most people do it BECAUSE they have tons of free time alone and want to use it productively.

I really don't know what you were expecting. Perhaps you would be more suited for acting?

>> No.1555587

Do you understand "aesthetic"?

Digital brush strokes =/= physical media. You do realize that you can scan your traditional work and send it to clients...right?

I guess if your focus is drawing space suits and other neckbeardly bullshit (or pixar/dreamworks bullshit), digital is your realm, but for anything else, it's obvious when someone gets out the traditional media and when someone tries to mimic that aesthetic in photoshop. It's just not the same.

>> No.1555597



>> No.1555598


my focus IS drawing space suits and other neckbeardly bullshit. by neckbeardly bullshit you mean visual elements commonly seen in entertainment productions, right? which is a billion dollar industry. right? you fucking moron.

if you want to express your feelings and capture human emotion on a canvas why are you even here? go stuff spaghetti in your vagina and piss infront of a crowd you inbred, entitled, clown of an "artist"

>> No.1555601

you actually think those billions go to you as the shit-on underling?

lel, good laugh mate, would read again.

>> No.1555602
File: 1.00 MB, 943x1250, 1364212934652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only person that seems to be losing their spaghetti here is YOU.

Billion dollar industry? Are you making some of those billions? If not you need to shut the fuck up and stop being a try-hard.

You also notice that poster never mentioned 'feels' just that practical traditional technique is often imitated by digital artist. Funny since one is trying to capture the feel or aesthetic of the other.

To me you sound like some edgy late teen early 20s try hard that thinks they're going to be the next hot shit with their 'innovative' ideas that no one has supposedly seen before.

In truth everything you do is derivative and uninteresting. I've seen it alot.

But you can prove me wrong by showing me your innovative unseen original work...

>> No.1555604


i never implied that. i threw in the number to make you realize that there is high demand for neckbeardly bullshit.

i'm perfectly fine with making a modest living. i believe i will make a respectable living sooner or later, but a modest living would be good enough for me.


>you sound like some edgy late teen early 20s try hard that thinks they're going to be the next hot shit with their 'innovative' ideas

i will, i'm 100% serious

>> No.1555611
File: 46 KB, 480x640, 1332655346899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If that's the case kid the good luck to you. But watch your mouth on /ic/.

We got enough brain-trust morons here with 'ideas' and 'advice'

Though I just spoke against 'advice' from /ic/ I'm going to suggest this if you REALLY want to make it.

You're going to have to give up entertainment. Sure a few hours of tv a week won't hurt, but unplug the youtube, the internet, and everything else. Otherwise you're just going to be another weeabo who talked a big game and didn't have the stones to do the hard part of it all.


You're going to lose friends, you're going to be a shut in. Pretty much everything OP says at the top. But unlike OP you have to suck it up and deal with it.

>> No.1555612

I know many grads of my school in the entertainment industry that are a bunch of fucking peons. They get hired as concept artists for major motion picture companies ranging from dreamworks to disney to sony, etc. and they are well trained, amazing artists, but they are hired as "interns". When the companies are finished with them wasting their time on a product, they bring in a new crop of interns for $10 an hour. As the entertainment industry is headed, everyone is becoming freelance with the exception of a very select few, and those freelance jobs are not ending up here in the states, but rather in Korea or some other shit country where they can hire cheap labor.

Currently, the entertainment industry is a bad choice. It's best to learn to be self-dependent, and if you grab a job in the entertainment industry, you must contractually maintain your rights to work freelance at the same time (which is not easy to maintain with monstrous companies like Disney).

>> No.1555613

>if you grab a job in the entertainment industry, you must contractually maintain your rights to work freelance at the same time (which is not easy to maintain with monstrous companies like Disney).

I have friends in Marvel that had to do this. Their shit is ironclad though. They had some guy checking their work give them a bunch of shit and not respond promptly. They called his manager who apologize and fired the guy.

>> No.1555615

Marvel is another company lost in the new era. What was once lucrative business is now dying... print is fucking dead. They certainly aren't passing their movie revenue on to their actual comics artist either.

>> No.1555616

>print is fucking dead

Comics and other traded media have too much money in them to go completely away.

As one Comic Con goer said "With digital comics is my ipad going to go up in value?"

Tangible media has money in it. Sure the volume won't be there, but a digital copy has little worth.

>> No.1555656

if you're a girl it'll likely give you an edge
you'll still have to draw stuff, though

>> No.1555667

Well to be fair, Marvel is being kind of fucking retarded. DC too.

Back when I was a kid, you could find comics in convenience marts. Now you can't even get them at Wal-Mart, except Archie, and I'll get back to that.

With the comics boom of the 90s, specialty shops rose up and comics moved into their own places. The problem now is those places have a reputation for being dens of angry neckbeards, and oh yeah the bubble burst when people realized they couldn't resell their floppies ten years down the line because lots of other people were thinking the same thing and their comics had no value.

Marvel and DC aren't getting new readers. Yeah, the movies bring in a few, but not in the numbers they need. That they're writing for 40+ year old neckbeards doesn't help.

On the other hand, you can pick up an Archie digest just about anywhere. I see them all the time, on stands in checkout aisles. Which is where Marvel and DC need to be, with cheap, fun comics. Not in caves haunted by loonies, to grab an overpriced floppy that won't hold up to repeat reads anyways.

Instead they've gone with gimmicky shit like the New 52 and Marvel NOW which are doomed to failure as soon as they arrive.

>> No.1555673

just on this topic, just in case you though otherwise. being a man is a huge advantage in the fine arts 'scene' (industry) fits better with the picasso image of the passionate genius. and a lot of the people who decide whether or not to hang your shit are gay or female or looking for the next young guy to carry their torch. also in a way all the feminist painters are competing for the same spots and there are a lot more of them.

>> No.1555754
File: 1.27 MB, 575x3629, 1379970567508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feminist painters

There is no such thing. Feminists don't do ANYTHING productive. They say brushes were phallic devices created by men to oppress women and keep the out of art. Or say that men need to lower their 'talent' to give women a chance.

Art is all about selling one's self and being technically proficient.

All things feminists aren't because they rather blame other people than seek achievement.

>> No.1555758
File: 771 KB, 485x750, 765568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>brushes are phallic devices

I've never ever heard any female painter say this, or say men need to "lower their talent"


>muh experiences

>> No.1555768

>I've never ever heard any female painter say this, or say men need to "lower their talent"

Clean your ears out when listening to Feminist dogma. Also doesn't this also say pretty much what I said?

>being a man is a huge advantage in the fine arts 'scene' (industry) fits better with the picasso image of the passionate genius

Smells an awful lot like what I said...

>> No.1555767


As someone who has a full time job, attends college for something totally unrelated to art (CS) and has too many interests for his own good, I think that comic oversimplifies the issue, obviously you don't need a Mac or an expensive studio in order to max-out your skills but a minimal amount of resources and time is vital to keep learning, creating and don't stagnate.

>> No.1555769


Sounds like excuses to me tripfag.

>> No.1555772

The ignorant anti-feminist rhetoric should really stay on /b/. Now that everyone is realizing how annoying it was to be a raging anti-theist, anti-feminist comments are the new edgy trend.

>> No.1555777

You can keep believing that, besides linking to my YT channel and dA account (which I've done in the past), I don't have a way to prove it to you anyway.

Just wanted to add my 2 cents based on my own experience of pursuing some extracurricular interests like: art, languages, music and literature whilst keeping up with life responsibilities.

>> No.1555776

>anti-theist, anti-feminist comments are the new edgy trend.


People are just tired of 'enlightened' cunts forcing their invasive values on the rest of us. When they have to sign up for the draft I'll give them the time of day.

>> No.1555778

>invasive values

So people being honest about obvious reality is invasive?

So if people worship a leaf and everyone is afraid of this leaf, you're not going to tell people that it's just a fucking leaf and it has no power?

>> No.1555785

Can this shitty thread just die already?

>> No.1555790

>a minimal amount of resources and time is vital

You're right. But this comic rather adresses the excuses we make, that we will do it when the time is right, when the house is paid, when the stars align. Which never happens.

History is full of men who achieved to create despite all the odds, wars, diseases, etc. I forgot his name but I remember the story of a man who "wrote" a book while in a gulag in Russia. He had to memorize it by heart because he had no pen, no papers. There was a fair chance that he wouldn't make it out alive, yet he felt the need to create.

>> No.1555806



>> No.1555818

when women start wars they will sign up

>> No.1555835

As insensible as it may sound, at least he had time, but yes, I agree with your premise.

Btw that sounds like a Borges' short story I read on Ficciones or El Aleph (This guy was in front of a firing squad and prays to be able to finish his last novel, instead of saving him god dilates the time so he can prepare and memorize the novel word by word, the squad fires when he recites the last word)

Do you have any more information about your example?

>> No.1555846


>when they have to sign up for the draft
>sign up

don't you mean "when men allow women to sign up for the draft"? it's your own stupid fault women aren't allowed, you think they're too "delicate and feminine" to serve.

>> No.1555848


not delicate. not feminine. weak. mentally and physically. nature made women to give birth and nurture babies. nature made man to conquer, fight, hunt, kill, and build.

u mad womenz? yeah u mad.

>> No.1555856

Women are stronger mentally than men.

>> No.1555870


all of my lel. no i'm sorry. you are like those fat guys who think "hey if that guy is fucking handsome, i have to be smart! he can't have it both". sorry mrs! us men DO have it both. we are mentally AND physically stronger.

and it makes sense biologically. because we have to put up with your bullshit TOPKEK

>> No.1555879

How would you go about measuring something like that?

>> No.1555913

Recovering after trauma, dealing with tragedies.

>> No.1555914

see women vs men suicide ofter traumatic events

>> No.1555916

>>Work your ass off for several years to become a professional artist

a professional artist isn't someone who works in art for a living---that is just another wage slave, drone, sucker, idiot.

A professional artist is someone who does art, for himself, and for the world, and is already financially secure and no need to "work" for a wage.

Your idea of a pro artist is twisted by capitalism.

>> No.1555920

the idea of turning your passion and hobby into a wage-job is like turning your wife into a prostitute.

absolutely disgusting.

>> No.1555930

Not quite.

The definition of a professional is - one who makes a living from a hobby.

If art isn't your main source of income, you're not a professional. There is no grey area, no room for opinions. That is the definition of a professional in any field.

>> No.1555933

males commit suicide something like 4-6x more often then females. traumatic events probably even much higher, but then again, women don't fight on the front lines in wars.

>> No.1555964


The real professional artist doesn't need the money, the money is a bonus. guys like Rothko were making money by selling paintings, but they didn't need the money, it was a bonus.

The wage slave professional artist is just a grunt worker, no different than a burger flipper---of course he will despise his art, his hobby, his work, his life, his "job". etc.

>> No.1555965


This ^
OPs mistake was that he turned himself into a "burger flipper" wage-slave artist.

Not a real, dignified, financially free professional artist.

>> No.1555974

>boo hoo I thought art was my way out of not doing any work for my entire life but then I found out it was hard and now my life sucks I'm gonna kill myself BAWWWWW

>> No.1555982

A commercial artist works in a work field, a field that supplies customers with goods and services. A doctor works in a work field, a field that supplies goods and services to customers. An engineer works in a work field, a field that supplies goods and services to its customers... Get where I'm going? Thats how a job WORKS. Thats how regular old Joe earns his honest living. It SUCKS, its DIFFICULT, its NOT FAIR. Thats how the world works. The least a person can do to ease the pain is to at least do something, ANYTHING, that they ENJOY on some level. What is with you people trying to remove art from the realistic world like its some untouchable godliness.

>> No.1556008


why not just live off a large inheritance?
If you need to make art to simply survive and pay your bills, then of course you're gonna hate it.

OP didn't you think this through?

>> No.1556131


Hellen of Troy


Queen Elizabeth

Queen Victoria.


Women start plenty of wars. They just never own up to them.

>> No.1556133


Yeah, this who response probably only made sense to you...

>> No.1556136

>don't you mean "when men allow women to sign up for the draft"? it's your own stupid fault women aren't allowed, you think they're too "delicate and feminine" to serve.

All my NOPE.

As a voter I am required to pay that right by being available to the state at their whim. As a woman you are not.

To illustrate the hypocrisy of you and your statement let us take the founder of the women's movement


She advocated the right of women to vote and to take down male privilege right?

Except she did it in a time when even men didn't have the right to vote. And she only wanted the vote for upper class women.

Men only got the vote after World War I and after over a million of them died.

One of which was a 13 year old boy who had just comeback from a tour at the front, was then handed a white feather of cowardice and cuz the shame she'd cause him went back out to the front the next day.

Where he died.

FUck you feminist cunts. You didn't earn a damn thing.

>> No.1556164

>see women vs men suicide ofter traumatic events

Actually women attempt to commit suicide more often than men, but men are more likely to succeed. There are various theories to explain that gap, the more plausible imho being the chosen method (men tend to use firearms while women prefer to take drugs).

>> No.1556469

Idealism doesn't put food in your mouth.
This, although I think my doctor doesn't work so much as goof off.


P.S. Guys take the feminist argument to /b/ or something, that shit doesn't belong here

>> No.1556477

Not everyone is fit to be an artist. There is a lot of sacrifice and the industry is small so yeah people will fake smile to your face...but can you blame them.I took fashion design and had a phenomenal teacher. A student of hers who went to FIT came back and talked to my class. She told us a story of how she made a blouse for an assignment. She didn't keep an eye on it and a peer in her class took it. She confronted her and did not accuse her of stealing it but the girl basically fluffed her off. She ended up just having to make another blouse. Point is our teacher asked her why she didn't go ape shit cray when this girl took her blouse and she said because "one day that girl could be my boss"

tldr:It's a small world so better to not make enemies.

>> No.1556689

>After a few years you realize that being a professional artist kills you from the inside because you sit in front of a monitor all day long, you often don't get to see other people for days, you don't have any friends anymore because other artists just treat you like competition and you can't connect with non-artists, you're treated like a slave by clients, you often have to work into the night, your social life gets crippled, you lose any hope for a romantic relationships, you often don't know where you'll get your next job from, you don't have any time for yourself anymore, you get looked down upon by your family, people laugh at you when they hear you're an artist, the asian market is starting to cheapen the worth of entertainment art all around the globe, you start to hate doing art because you get to do nothing else and the list goes on and on

sort of like, every other career for most people on earth?

>> No.1558117


Actually pronounced Boudicca, friend.