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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 306 KB, 770x779, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1547582 No.1547582 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning Thread!

"We never copy from the model, but analyze it." - Glen Vilppu

Previous Thread: >>1541369

Try to keep calm, have a positive attitude and avoid making Kind Janitor-san angry!

A general message to aspiring artists: Don't ever think that you should stop attempting to learn how to draw because "it takes too long" or "drawing is just a hobby." Being shitty at your hobby is definitely not better than doing your hobby well, no matter what your laziness tells you. Have some dedication in what you love to do, damn it!

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. Or you could muscle through it and end up like Genzoman or worse, your choice. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!
>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Animu Tutorials

Keep calm, take it easy and remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

>> No.1547592

thanks for starting it up for me again, sorry I've been so Late. hectic work schedule.

>> No.1547595

It's alright! Don't worry about it, Anon.

>> No.1547604

Stop drawing anime, draw from life.

>> No.1547607

Can't I draw both, sensei-kun-sama?

>> No.1547625
File: 534 KB, 978x722, fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been working on this but i have troubles getting rid of the lineart
any critique?

>> No.1547657

What... exactly is that anyway?

>> No.1547661

>mostly simplified
>hyper detailed knees

>> No.1547670

Fizz from League of Legends
From recollection the shark in the background is his ultimate.

>> No.1547671


those faces just look pain weird

>> No.1547683
File: 55 KB, 420x424, 1364947477611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1547684

Kyle shepard can't into aesthetics

>> No.1547689


My nigga, fuck keions though.

>> No.1547705
File: 135 KB, 1024x1280, painter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone red line this for me?
I know, my line art is shit but. I'm working on it.

>> No.1547712

I don't have a tablet but I feel like your proportions are out of whack. Her arms, and especially her legs look too small for her body. A good idea to start off with would be to make her left knee (the one that's pointing towards us) bigger, so that it looks more in perspective.

>> No.1547714

Holy shit did that retard put Hajime and Yui in the same level.
Hajime is actually smart.

>> No.1547722

Why this threads are always full of creepy/over muscular girls? Who finds that shit beautiful?

>> No.1547724

>not wanting muscle girls

>> No.1547726
File: 633 KB, 690x960, snipsnip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorta rendered kinda not really sketch

3 weeks w/o drawing and I feel like a wretch

urg bad image

Best thing ever is when your computer explodes and you lose everything I dont really mind though any of my special shit is tucked away in muh super secret portfolio.

The drawing board is about to get swamped

>> No.1547737
File: 286 KB, 1024x1280, painter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed the knee a bit. Still not sure if it's right.

I can see why the arms seem off. I'm not trying call "muh style" but in the pose (I tried it my self and it wasn't too uncomfy) her left shoulder is raised and the right elbow is bent making the upper arm look short as I attempted to show with these red arrows.

If it still looks off let me know and I'll try to fix it.

>> No.1547736
File: 489 KB, 1257x800, mrnvsetn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help i duno how to fix etna

>> No.1547739
File: 113 KB, 937x623, zuil-doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here goes. First, this is a doodle I did at work the other day. When I got home I began doing some serious sketching (cont.)

>> No.1547740
File: 189 KB, 1740x938, posetests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...and here's various attempts to construct the pose in 3D

>> No.1547741
File: 69 KB, 762x619, zuil-rough1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's where I'm at now. Leave it to me to choose a hardass pose for the first thing I show off on /ic/. (also just noticed her hair is flowing in the wrong direction, gotta fix that)

>> No.1547749
File: 11 KB, 501x450, alt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1547764
File: 244 KB, 827x1170, IMG_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1547766
File: 364 KB, 1800x1548, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like SAI's lines but I miss the shitty photoshop feel

>> No.1547773
File: 283 KB, 1014x900, oc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not steal plz

>> No.1547780
File: 1.43 MB, 2063x2069, totans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried experimenting with some new techniques.

>> No.1547785 [DELETED] 

Ah, the garbage thread is back, load it up hacks

>> No.1547786


>> No.1547787

The fuck is that

>> No.1547789


>> No.1547799

Remember folks, these threads are designed to derail you're progress, your participation is appreciated

>> No.1547804

And im sure your misplaced rage is serving you well

>> No.1547814

>Robot hands
>Not one human arm and one winded arm

Dropped the ball so hard, the Earth cracked.

>> No.1547843
File: 137 KB, 818x765, Screen shot 2013-09-15 at 3.20.52 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

etna is a skinny loli, you're doing it wrong

anyway, dont mind me, i havent drawn in so long i even forgot how to use my tablet. shamefurr dispray

>> No.1547854



why would I want to faggot?

>> No.1547857


My guess is that that is her right leg and knee. Not a penis...yeah. Kind of bad right?

>> No.1547859

Hahaha. Needs color.

>> No.1547860
File: 211 KB, 905x719, jkfhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's a penis

>> No.1547861

The feet you draw make my dick feel funny, keep drawing more like that please.

>> No.1547869
File: 88 KB, 503x598, Safer_sephirothFFVII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant "winged". I've got a fetish for merciless demi-god lolis with animal parts that will bring about the world's destruction. Still looks good though.

Also, seriously man. Your stuff is inspiring me to stop with this mainstream comics dream of mine and just go into adult anime. Keep up the good work!

>> No.1547879
File: 278 KB, 905x719, yuyufeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm touched.

I just started doing commissions and I made more money on one picture then I do working an entire week.

but Even though I love drawing sexy girls. sometimes, deep down I wish was drawing something more wholesome.

>> No.1547880
File: 219 KB, 500x500, 1371104518249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexualizing the yuyushiki's is strictly forbidden.

>> No.1547884

what's wrong with sexualizing hand puppets?

>> No.1547885
File: 933 KB, 500x281, classy-bean-in-stereo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you kidding? that show is super sexual

>> No.1547886

>Even though I love drawing sexy girls. sometimes, deep down I wish was drawing something more wholesome.

That's funny. I'm trying to get good enough to possibly get a contract with Marvel or DC as a penciller (I only really come to these threads to look at the great art and see everyone's progress) and I can't draw porn to save my life.

I started taking commissions at Furaffinity, tasteful nudity and stuff like that. But I hardly get any offers. Guess I'm not good enough yet.

>> No.1547889

Over-detailed feet with a face like that - 2creepy4me

>> No.1547891

I used a lot of advanced loomis techniques on that face. not sure what you mean

>> No.1547907

Well you have the proportions kinda down but the face and the clothes kinda look "ugly" to me

>> No.1547953
File: 119 KB, 256x251, notablet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's neat, although I feel the line that defines the chin & jaw is a bit off, and I know it is le sketch, but it makes the face look awkwardly narrow and pointy, attached file is my attemp of a correction, still not looking better, but I just want you to note that little tilt in the line "directly below" the chin.

>> No.1547957

I want your blog link.

>> No.1547966

>I just started doing commissions and I made more money on one picture then I do working an entire week.

Congrats! That is my fucking dream... I'd be totally fine with drawing adult oriented art for a living, but I'm not at the skill level where I can charge enough to make a living of it (tfw also living in one of the most expensive countries in the world ;_;)

>> No.1547970

the face gets thinner the more the head turns away, plus the head's tilting away from the camera while turning away.

but yeah, i get what you mean.

>> No.1547974
File: 989 KB, 3508x2481, Oshinokawa Shinobu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one

MS5, G-pen, no anti-aliasing

>> No.1547979

details about your "commission succes" pls, I want to know as much as I can because I will try to delve in the world of commercializing art, and since I'm not sklled enough to be picky on what to draw, yet, (you guessed it) I'll start with furry freaks and/or DA fags, this is a temporal meassure, I don't want to stay pleb tier forever.
I'll soon buy a tablet to make some monis on my own, and I know you just started, but, can you share some "experience tales"? :3
>How much do you charge?
>where do you host your comissions?
>Do you have a "Do/Don't" list? and if so, what is on that list?
>What do you think of that "selling your soul/dignity" stuff?

>> No.1547981

looks traced

>> No.1547984
File: 1.40 MB, 3508x2481, IMG_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1547997
File: 292 KB, 753x857, sketch3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't really call myself a success yet. I've only made one big commission so far so I don't have really any tales to tell atm.
but If your going to do commissions make sure your charge 50% up front so you don't get stiffed. The way I'm doing it right now is; I show the client a rough sketch and I'll allow a few revisions. once they ok it I'll wait till they send half the money to my paypal then I'll start finishing the drawing and coloring it. Once I'm done I'll show them a thumbnail of the finished picture. once they send the rest of money, I'll send them the full sized image. Basically you want to be in full control during the whole proccess
my hentai foundry is here with my what I'm charging right now http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/KairuHentai/profile

>> No.1547998
File: 97 KB, 620x1200, AT130915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Dirty Pair, No Ass, One Trick Pony. :)

>> No.1548000

Are you on any other websites then hentaifoundry? I noticed you're relatively new there and only have 6 pics posted.

>> No.1548001
File: 447 KB, 850x786, waifu_reaction_face_request___wowzers_by_piddlepoddle-d5tgqfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1548002

I simply love your inks! I know the tools doesn't make the art, but.... PS or SAI? Brush and settings...?

>> No.1548005

it still looks traced
your other drawing and your lines don't fit the "quality" of the drawing itself.

>> No.1548006

i dont get it

>> No.1548009

Melon-kun buy yourself a tablet and stop chickenscratching.

Also start studying real humans and even their 3DPD faces, it helps a lot.

>> No.1548012

I've noticed you charge +$15 extra for a private commission, do people request this much? I would have thought people who pay for custom made porn would want to keep it for themselves but I see a lot of work in progress porn commissions posted on /ic/ so maybe most don't really give a shit?

>> No.1548011

OP here- I'm not Kyle, though I do have his blog link- enjoy!


>> No.1548016

I have a question. If I have finished a commission, do I post it myself or somehow send it to the person?

>> No.1548017

Stylized faces with realistic feet just look strange to me. Imagine that gurl on a standing pose with similar stylization. Sure the feet need to be more detailed than the face in a pose like that but too much is too much. You'd need to make the face less stylized or stylize the feet more so one or the other wouldn't look quite so out of place

But hey, that's just me. I bet some people like the way you are doing it now

>> No.1548023

I'm not the one who drew it, but... WTF are you talking about?! The lines work here doesn't imply that it's traced in any way, unless you can submit some kind of proof I suggest you stop tossing loose accusations around!

>> No.1548025

Dude, it looks kind of traced or copied, mainly because the features don't "add up" correctly around the face, nobody is accusing anyone.

>> No.1548028

i kinda adjusted the positioning of the eyes during the digital drawing

>> No.1548031

Yeah I know the feet don't work with that face. I mainly did it for luls

>> No.1548033

You have a very distinct and consistent style and I envy you for that AND you can create lulworthy faces. Keep it up but spook me less next time

>> No.1548035


>> No.1548037

>it looks traced
>no one is accusing anyone

You gotta pick one!

>> No.1548040

original artist here, he said it kinda looks traced

i dont see what he means but i dont think he's accusing me of tracing but says it just looks like that.

i still dont get what he means by looks traced though

>> No.1548043

Well the setting was lulworthy but the combination of face & feet just landed right into the uncanny valley for me so it turned spooky

>> No.1548048

I guess the drawing looks exactly like if someone traced an already existing picture on paper. Linework of an amateur but the shapes themselves are good, combined into one it looks traced

>> No.1548049

cant be helped

>> No.1548052

Incorrect. Don't be a faggot and learn2draw lines

>> No.1548064

Before I get too into it, can someone tell me what's wrong?
>inb4 chicken scratch

>> No.1548065
File: 108 KB, 800x900, Chub practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot file.

>> No.1548067
File: 411 KB, 1700x2324, slark1v1menub086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1548114
File: 1.45 MB, 3508x2481, IMG_0s002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did do that on on a tablet

>> No.1548138

The faces.

>> No.1548146
File: 59 KB, 829x715, PUG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1548174
File: 52 KB, 1080x720, RACEs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey. really new... how shit am i?

>> No.1548230
File: 480 KB, 1600x1200, MSPen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga Studio 5 EX actually. I have a very old version of PS not real useful to me for inking, but I really like the Pen Tool in MS. I have yet to do any real page work with MS and have only barely scratched the surface for what it can do, using it more as a sketching/layout tool. I like that you can tweak the pressure curve of the tools, I just mess with it till it feels good to me. YMMV.

As for the inking, it's an extension of the Image-type style from the 90's. I'm influenced by inkers like Al Gordon, Mark Farmer, Tim Townsend, Alex Lei (over Ed Benes) and Scott Williams. Essentially all I'm doing is a Dot-Dash-Dot. Traditionally, I work with brush and I've gotten the style fairly close to what I do IRL into the computer.

Japanese manga artists that I like for inking styles are Mee-kun, Hiyo-Hiyo, Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, and Haruhiko Mikimoto. I like inkers that push and vary the line to give a drawing more energy.

>> No.1548245

Thank you for the useful response! I don't have much experience with Manga Studio, but I'm getting tempted to give it a go.

Dot-Dash-Dot, hmm... surprisingly descriptive, I'll have to try playing around with that. I've always had more of a Swoosh kind of inking style, but despite cranking up the pressure sensitivity (I use SAI), my lines tend to end up not as "dynamic" as I'm aiming for...

>> No.1548253
File: 70 KB, 973x771, showme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1548254

Why is her head so big and her hands so tiny?

>> No.1548259

I send it to them using an image site such as imagaeshack. But I also post it to my page unless stated otherwise.

>> No.1548262

Melon, finish those god damn waifu pictures already.

>> No.1548263


>> No.1548271

That's his signature style. I can appreciate the work but it's really not appealing to me. I like the linework over the final colored works.

>> No.1548276

Do you mind if I ask how your paypal process works? Do you have them send you money or do you send a request? Is it a service or product?

I'm about to go into commissions myself, but I have no idea what I'm doing in that regard.

>> No.1548285
File: 517 KB, 1310x715, 3dpd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup anons it the Frenchie guy again
i'am studing some 3dpd here so any advice for more look-like reference pic (beside the nose and chiken-strikes )

>> No.1548287

His signature style is way of shading contours and how he uses lines even if he mostly draws feet and animu grills

>> No.1548301
File: 423 KB, 904x623, 3dpd32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update 2 eye fix

>> No.1548310

> dat squint
Check the positioning of the eyes (irises). Also you made the face too long. I hope you are not keeping the lines for that nose

>> No.1548318

This one looks kind of better, but, shit son! those hands, also foreshortening.

>> No.1548327

thanks buudy i,the nose is competely fucked up
when you mean face
you talk about the eyes nose.. or the skull ?
because the width looks good

>> No.1548337

The angle seems kinda wonky. You should start with easier pictures that have a clear lighting so the angle of the face is easier to see

>> No.1548340

You do know what thread your in right

>> No.1548357

You sound british

>> No.1548363

and u got a fried slark.

>> No.1548368

> using dust and not sentries against slark

>> No.1548374

Yes but that doesn't stop me from asking

>> No.1548384

>What is a counter-gank

>> No.1548385

They send me the money. Its really straight forward. Just make sure they don't send you any messages about porn through paypal bc you can get banned. Only talk about it on Your email.

>> No.1548392
File: 358 KB, 1024x1280, painter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help. I cant into coloring

>> No.1548543


You can't into drawing either

>> No.1548563

Well the past 3 or 4 times I posted asking for help or a redline I didnt get anything. So I'm obviously a master.

>> No.1548564


Redlines cant fix what you don't understand
For the most part redlines are a crutch if you don't understand what you're doing to begin with

Form Perspective Planes Flow and Figure

Get to studying your fundies.

>> No.1548565
File: 567 KB, 1024x1280, painter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want someone to point out to me whats wrong so I know what to fix. Me staring at it wont tell me whats wrong if I don't know what to look for.

here's the sketch I did. I even have an even rougher gesture sketch.

I've been reading up on loomis and for the most part this looks anatomically correct to me. But that's just to me

>> No.1548571

>perspective grid with inconsistent 'squares'
>not using the trick for measuring identical distances in perspective
>lack of form in arms
>ridiculous expression
>style of face mistaches body
>very disturbing tits
>shit pants contours
>terrible and awkwardly place arms
>miniascule neck
>very clearly male body shape for female face
>the list goes on.

>> No.1548573

Thank you for pointing those out.
Was it that hard?
Constructive criticism is still constructive.

>> No.1548577

Sure, not really.

>> No.1548580

Is this really the first time you've been giving this list because I think I recall typing a similar list earlier to something that could be made by you

>> No.1548586


I posted here earlier.

Someone just posted saying my proportions where off and to start at the knees. Which was helpful.

I gave a reason to why my arms looked fugged. I'm not trying to be lazy and make up excuses to not fix them. So if they're still wrong I would like to know.

>> No.1548588

Also a lot of my clothing contours I fixed when I put my lines down, I know they don't look like designer fabrics but they're better than in the sketch.
And that's what I'm trying for right now, just getting better.

Also this picture wasn't really planned for a finish product. I just wanted to see if I could apply what I learned so far. And I know, That's no excuse for laziness.

>> No.1548592

Shit, that's a girl?

>> No.1548594
File: 149 KB, 1024x1280, painter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this better?

>> No.1548597

No, but if you draw it a bit lower it could make for an okay beer gut.

>> No.1548630
File: 472 KB, 900x742, redlime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1548644
File: 626 KB, 700x950, fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an americlap doe.

anyway this is my first commission I did

>> No.1548656
File: 254 KB, 1171x1092, drawing exercise_new01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1548663

Ever worry about getting busted for loli (even if it wouldn't hold up in court)?

>> No.1548681

Why would anyone worry about that for just posting one's artwork online?

>> No.1548682

Because it counts as CP in a lot of countries

>> No.1548684

I was always interested, at what point does it become CP? If I draw two stick figures fucking and label one a loli, clearly noone would give a shit. Make it a little better, likewise noone gives a toss. The better your art becomes, the more people will call you out on it. So CP is okay as long as it's shit?

>> No.1548685

It's not like he's sending it in mail to FBI. Nobody will come after you for posting drawings on 4chan.

>> No.1548693

Difference is that he's (potentially) making a living off of it, which would involve the government for tax purposes. I don't actually know if it would ever become an issue (ie - during an audit), which is why I asked.

>> No.1548695

He could always say that his characters are 18. Its dumb but people do it.

>> No.1548702
File: 736 KB, 1500x1060, Oshinokawa Shinobu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there, used SAI for this. Resized since full size is 3.3MB for jpg and 5.1MB for png

>> No.1548726

Why doesn't the blonde girl have eyebrows?
When will you work on your hair?

>> No.1548755

Same here, I've also been looking for a map which showed where loli/shota is illegal, but I've never found any good ones.

>> No.1548757

Do you ever do loli because you want to draw it yourself or is it all oppai and feet?

The hair texture is atrocious, the eye shading is even worse and the dimples on her collarbone are 'oh shit nigger what are you doing'-tier. It looks even more traced than before

>> No.1548764

It's pretty much illegal everywhere but it's rarely prosecuted so the only places we know for sure are where there's been a precedent set, like that guy in America who got done for having Bart x Lisa porn.

>> No.1548766

I believe that was Australia.

>> No.1548770

It's not illegal in finland so I'm one happy little artist and in most countries you can bypass the law by just saying that the character is of legal age

>> No.1548772

Chicken Leg circlejerk No. 232532646

>> No.1548775 [DELETED] 

If it's not illegal in Finland, I would like to think that it's legal here too. I considered contacting the ombudsman about it once.

>> No.1548828

more Dirty Pair

>> No.1548834

I think everything is illegal in AUS.

>> No.1548857

This doesn't look as good as your usual work you draw for yourself

>> No.1548867

Not the poster

I agree the hair texture is horrible. Paint it properly.
How do you make something look traced anyway?

>> No.1548872

By mixing amateur techniques such as the hair texture with overly accurate lines without much use of line weight

>> No.1548883

Are you uploading your pron somewhere?

>> No.1548890
File: 1.23 MB, 3508x2481, Oshinokawa Shinobu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will forever have no idea what you mean by looking traced

>> No.1548897

Please.. I want to color like that

How.. Please how

Saw a tutorial which produced similar results but it was waaay too vague.

>> No.1548898

Ugh...that painting technique literally made my mouth water, I don't know why but maybe its the same way you react when you see your favorite candy.

>> No.1548901

Having seen a lot of traced work, it's one of those things that you acquire an eye for.

Generally the mismatch of correct/attractive proportions and shitty linework is what gives it away.

>> No.1548903

well i can guarantee you that this was not traced

>> No.1548908


>> No.1548913

How long does it take you to work on these? That piano is kinda nice.

>> No.1548915


Finally. Thank you so much!

>> No.1548940

Her arms are way too long for that perspective. Also her left arm looks like it's bending backwards.

>> No.1548999


>experimenting with some new techniques

Neat. Now go learn perspective. Your stiff, flat poses undermine your otherwise okay color work.

>> No.1549021

>anime thread
Pick one

>> No.1549090

There's a thread in the /ic/ catalogue that has Kyle's rendering tutorial as OP.

>> No.1549216
File: 126 KB, 1050x1007, (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1549221
File: 118 KB, 879x1100, (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one

>> No.1549253


Work on perspective and proportions. Anatomy as well. The first image has a torso that seems far too large with stubby legs, and the second is very stiff and flat. Some perspective studies will help with that, it teaches you about drawing volumes instead of outlines.

Consider doing a regular study of a pose and really dig into it. Find the perspective, get a solid sense of the volume of the model and really evaluate it, then redo it with ">muh style"; without sacrificing the gained fundamentals. Compare the two and see what you've learned.

Other than that, you're doing fairly well. Your line control is pretty nice, but could be better.

>> No.1549287

Yeah i read that. Its really vague. It doesnt tell you what brush settings you need or what the color blending setting needs to be set to, or the density etc.
It really skips some important parts and isnt a very great tutorial.

>> No.1549297
File: 164 KB, 1550x1487, (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could u explain it more?also i have read perspective made easy and im actually halfway with vilppu.
i tried fix the anatomy, is it right?

>> No.1549316
File: 180 KB, 900x1008, bigsword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right now your drawings show no perspective. basically never draw a character straight on, it always comes out boring . unless it's for a reference sheet or something or if you want to practice proportion. but I still, don't recommend it.

>> No.1549319

Kairu pls

>> No.1549321

Her right leg is a bit long, just raise her knee a little. Her left hand is also too long, you tried to hide it under the sleeve, didn't you?
Overall, it's really good.

>> No.1549326

. For brush settings on The water tool turn blending all the way off and press very light with your tablet

>> No.1549391
File: 2.98 MB, 220x152, 1379444876952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gets your dick hard with this great reference*

>> No.1549401

> reference
> animated gif

>> No.1549404

I could never understand what's so special about feet, I can't even believe there is such a fetish out there hehe. I guess someone gets aroused by feet the same way I do from flat chested girls I ADMIT IT!

>> No.1549405

a gif is just like having dozens of references in one image

>> No.1549407

I was pretty surprised by the stone girl fetish (ie - photoshopping naked girls to look like statues).
Nothing against it, I just really didn't expect it.

>> No.1549453

wow u just made it look cooler men. why would u recommend to practice perspective?any book or something?

>> No.1549462

Have you ever drawn Midna. Your proportions seem suited for her.

>> No.1549464

You need an understanding of perspective to be able to draw well in general. For poses I would recommend studying gestures. Michael Hampton Figure Drawing has a good section teaching gestures.

>> No.1549468
File: 103 KB, 600x848, sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn hands

>> No.1549469

go do dem hand studies then

>> No.1549502

Does even one tutorial exist about how to draw and color folds. All i can find is some line shit.

>> No.1549528
File: 210 KB, 981x747, 1375118458488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This all I have man, hope it helps. Generally speaking though, drawing and coloring folds for animu is not really any different than in real life, minus any stylization. Color is dependent on the original color of the fabric, shadows, and the color of the light, along with the color of any bounced light.

Try some drapery studies.

>> No.1549543

This is coming true as predicted:

>> No.1549550
File: 1.23 MB, 500x4188, how_to_draw_cloth___the_basics_by_janemere-d3itqpp (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1549686

Anything can be used as a weapon or a fetish.

>> No.1549699
File: 1.61 MB, 1250x869, BCsketch19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always thought this was kinda animu. maybe not.

>> No.1549801
File: 171 KB, 800x827, Linework.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for tracing /ic/.

I just got a tablet and I'm wondering how to get better lines using it. The stabilizer doesn't really give me freedom in weight distribution and my hands shake when I do it without stabilization.

>> No.1549846

Hey, I was thinking of making profiles on sites like hentaifoundry. I've been drawing just for myself for a long time but recently I got a lil better and I feel I can finally post something online without cringing at myself. I follow your posts and I noticed you are relatively new to this too. Did you just make hentaifoundry profile, uploaded your drawings and got noticed? Or maybe you rather use other sites like deviantart, tumblr, pixiv?

Also, what is the fair price on this hentaifoundry site? I used to draw one picture 8 hours for $10 or for $15 charity donation, but I should probably charge way higher on sites like hentaifoundry? For the picture with the piano, did you charge like $200?

>> No.1549852

Kinda limited when it comes to actually learning how to do any of it. Only showcases the artists own skills

>> No.1549859

How high do you crank up the stabilizer? I wouldn't go further then S1, it gives you some stability but still quite fast free movements. Try that setting and keep practicing. Work speedy with confident strokes, don't hesitate. It will come to you eventually.

>> No.1549863

Hentai Foundry has quality control, the bar isn't set too high, but just so you are aware... And Pricing can be a bit tricky, it depends on both work-speed and quality. Oppailoli guy can charge a decent amount since he's skill level is above average (what ever I mean by that). If you have some work you wouldn't mind showing here, we could more easily help you with pricing if you want. How ever I can at least start by saying that 8 hours of work for 10-15 dollars is too little....

>> No.1549865

>$10 or for $15

>> No.1549866

>How ever I can at least start by saying that 8 hours of work for 10-15 dollars is too little
Way to set him unrealistic expectations of how much this shit pays
>Hentai Foundry has quality control
More like artstyle control. Lineart & cellshading is what they like. Anything with visible brush strokes

>> No.1549870

>Lineart & cellshading is what they like. Anything with visible brush strokes

That sounds a bit contradicting...

>> No.1549871

technically cel shading was done by actually painting cells, pre computer. so like it would be perhaps possible to see a brush stroke. so he is 100% correct.

>> No.1549872

>Way to set him unrealistic expectations of how much this shit pays

you honestly can't mean that! Off course, pricing depends on skill level to, but he would have to be really incredibly shitty to charge 10-15 dollars on a full color illustration, no matter how "porno" it is!

>> No.1549874
File: 99 KB, 800x600, cell_shading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What...? Cell shading is stuff that has a more stylized and simple graphic style then what you'd call a "painting".

>> No.1549876

i can't believe people would sell their work for so little. even for buds i wouldn't go under $20/h.

if you don't think it's good enough to sell at a proper price just do it for free under a pen name.

>> No.1549882

That's $1.25/hour. Think about that.

>> No.1549892
File: 18 KB, 400x343, jetGrind[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah okay you're using it in a weird modern young person way.

cel shading was originally a 3d gfx term, hence the 'shading' part, as in a shader. it mimics the look of cartoons, cartoons which are painted on celluloid sheets hence the 'cel' part.

love how words change ^^

>> No.1549895

ah it cut off my post somehow, anything with visible brush strokes is shunned upon

>> No.1549896

Because unless you have a couple hundred people at least following or someone famous promoting you will not get anyone to try out random unknown artists commissions for that price

>> No.1549898
File: 609 KB, 707x1000, Animu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still see it as something different then art that have "visible brush strokes", I think of something with a more painted look, then.

>> No.1549900

Ha, hah, well that explains it!

>> No.1549916

Well, I started drawing for $5 when I was really bad. It was few months ago. And I live in a country where $5 is like $20.

I am still shit, but I feel like I could do it for more than $5-$10 now (and that's why I asked about how to promote myself on hentaifoundry once I create an account there).

Now I have few "long-term clients" for whom I draw daily $5 pictures, one hour per piece. I would show something from the past few days but I got so many responses in the thread I feel disconcerted now. I will post it later so that nobody notices "oh, it's THAT guy from the third world, who destroys the market and takes our jobs"

Still interested in tips about entering hentaifoundry though

>> No.1549932

Ah, I live in a country where 5 dollars are more like 2,5 dollars... something to take in to consideration. You could probably still raise your prices a tiny tad without loosing your clients.

>> No.1549938

Yes. I got 200 for the piano one

>> No.1549945

Also I gained a lot of followers drawing fan art and popular oc's for a few months. You should also try and have a unique angle or style that will get you noticed. For example, I plan on doing a nice kill le kill drawing pretty soon to get more followers

>> No.1549952

>want to do kill la kill fanart
>ryuuko's hair and clothes are surprisingly difficult


>> No.1549953

>watching entry level crap
Shiggy diggy

>> No.1549954

It's not even out yet.

>thinking entry level is bad

>> No.1549957

>Someone paid 200 dollarydoos for that

>> No.1549958
File: 298 KB, 342x240, tumblr_msqn27KcvN1rm4wgqo1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should only watch anime for the occasional sakuga.

>> No.1549960

Is that a problem? Art is worth whatever somebody is willing to pay.

>> No.1549961

But it is bad


>> No.1549963

This sure convinces me not to watch it

>> No.1549967

>not waiting for the PC release
Enjoy your shitty graphics consolepeasant

>> No.1549966
File: 119 KB, 480x640, 457916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy being a sheep, faggot
I bet you bought GTAV

>> No.1549968
File: 62 KB, 338x506, 1001-condescending-businessman-comstock[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I plan on doing a nice kill le kill drawing pretty soon to get more followers
This is so wrong and yet, I love this. You, sir, with your business policy, are going to get far.

>Also I gained a lot of followers drawing fan art and popular oc's for a few months
But all you did was just upload drawings and draw well, right? I ask because sometimes I see really good artists but very obscure and with almost no following on various sites. Supposedly because people don't bother checking submissions of fresh members. The works of great, popular artists with older accounts get featured everywhere, while new users get pushed down very quickly. Or at least that's what I was told.

>> No.1549972
File: 78 KB, 420x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so you're a gainax entry-level fag AND a steam kiddie sheep, good to know.

>> No.1549974

I don't know what this is.

>> No.1550009
File: 305 KB, 757x1709, 1358043406919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeeg please.

>> No.1550041

And fraud correlates with ignorance.

>> No.1550097

That word doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.1550207

If you didn't understand that, you're dumber than you think.

>> No.1550249
File: 333 KB, 1240x1015, drawing 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit-tier artist here. :(
I need help.
Could someone critique this for me, and maybe tell me what I need to improve on or what books I should look into?
Id appreciate it allot...

>> No.1550253
File: 236 KB, 550x578, Screen shot 2013-09-18 at 9.32.04 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the drawing on the left a few months ago and just came back to the idea this past weekend.
it's really encouraging to see how my style's been developing as a result of practice, but now I need some advice on where to proceed from here. I'm thinking about touching up the castle with some highlights. maybe laying in some bricks...

>> No.1550281

Okay what is up with the pot shot at Genzoman?
I don't get it.

>> No.1550283

He's the rob leifield of video game art

>> No.1550285

Wait... really? I like the one on the left a lot better, the shading is more delicate and less disney-ey

>> No.1550286

looks bretty gud to me :^))))

>> No.1550287

Nice turd polish

>> No.1550290

voted best artist of ImagineFX
>rob leifield.

>> No.1550293


His work is perpetually stuck in time. Compare what he does now to something from like 2006.

>> No.1550294
File: 773 KB, 725x594, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hands and joints seem to be the most problematic areas here. I'd try to find reference for their positions, but in the meantime here's a swift redline of how I think it should look. I like your line variation, but I think it also could be used a little more intentionally, it seems arbitrary in some areas.

>> No.1550298

one day this turd will fertilize a beautiful flower ❤

serious? i thought the shading looked way weaker in the first draft. I was thinking of the loomis chapter where he's like 'nobody will like your thin grey drawings' use contrast etc.

>> No.1550302
File: 351 KB, 574x959, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i roughly colored a pencil sketch of mine. once i get my workstation set up i'll do more practice on scans from my sketchbook.


>> No.1550301

Oh thanks man. :)

Thank you very much for taking the time to comment & red-line out my flaw/problem I was facing, I appreciate it.

>> No.1550305


Not to shit on your parade but I like the first one more simply because on your revision, while having more contrast, uses colors that just make it look more muddy and you pushed for a somewhat more realistic rendering style which makes it look a little more...amateurish for lack of a better word. The first one comes off as intentionally cartoony (though unfinished) while the second looks like its trying to go for something more realistic with a very stylized aesthetic which makes it look awkward.

>> No.1550312
File: 470 KB, 720x1280, 2013-09-18 23.30.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1550313
File: 203 KB, 518x829, 1355324710978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eye-balled from this illustration using my Note 2 and Sketchbook pro.

>> No.1550322

I bet he steals the red line, and only adds crap clothing and colour to it.

>> No.1550323

you should eyeball some drawing classes.

>> No.1550324
File: 497 KB, 500x269, marie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when not realistic enough to satisfy the regular drawthreads
>tfw when too realistic to satisfy the animu threads

>> No.1550325

I am not even sure if I used the correct term. "Based on" would have been better perhaps.

As for the classes... I don't have time, I think I have made some process on my own and anime isn't my strong point.

>> No.1550326

study from artist who can pull off stylized drawing with realistic rendering.

>> No.1550331


>> No.1550334
File: 73 KB, 612x612, 3ee719326a5411e29d0322000a1f97e3_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suggestions? the only artist I can think of off the top of my head is Mark Ryden, but his work could probably be called 'awkward' for similar reasons as the ones listed above.

>> No.1550338

How much did you get for this? Great job btw.

>> No.1550354

I'm not even into girls but your shit is just damn too sexy.

>> No.1550356

That pretty much just makes you into girls, despite what you think.

>> No.1550360


creepy as fuck but it is pretty good though

>> No.1550386

just found out my art teacher is like best pals with Mark Ryden. so fucking jelly.

>> No.1550407

You're a dumb jealous baby.

>> No.1550421
File: 93 KB, 1270x787, sketch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the perspectives and proportions look correctly?

>> No.1550433
File: 104 KB, 1436x796, sketch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small update on the right leg.
Would still like critiques.

>> No.1550444

If any you want Ryden play a game called "9 - the last resort". That was some spooky shit and it's visuals are all ryden

>> No.1550568


Yeah but I don't know why you made the person so bowlegged, head seems a bit big too unless you're going for a fish eye style perspective or something

>> No.1550589

Quite nice and soft looking, you have a cute style! just be aware of the slight Tumblr-nose, don't go too far in that direction...

>> No.1550605
File: 330 KB, 633x420, 032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do u think?

>> No.1550616 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 631x420, 033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one

>> No.1550633

are you doing any construction? it looks like you just rushed it very hard and didnt pay very much attention to details. try laying guidelines first then re-doing it sharper and better

>> No.1550655
File: 20 KB, 362x403, kotomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1550665

fix that nose, man

>> No.1550683


everything below her breast looks terrible, like you completely gave up on correct anatomy all together

WIP? more like steam pile, it's already done just let the mold grow over it

>> No.1550685

Alright? So just scrap it and redo it basically?

>> No.1550687

The head is too tall, it makes her look like an alien. If you compare the lengths of the arms you will find the right arm is freakishly long. The legs, I don't even

>> No.1550711
File: 448 KB, 839x629, Screen shot 2013-06-02 at 11.46.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the pose and expression look OK so you get an idea of the emotion, but the delivery isn't good. You just need to fix that face so it doesn't look like a chipmunk with brain tumors and fix those arms. The left one (left to us, right to the character), needs the shoulder to be behind right by the neck and the other arm needs the shoulder to not suck inside the torso.

>> No.1550712

contd. I wouldn't start coloring until you get everything down. You put a LOT of good coloring in there but the figures are shit. You wasted a bunch of time in doing so.

>> No.1550721
File: 44 KB, 512x512, howsthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks a bunch for the helpful advice. Sorry if it's shit, I was really focused on coloring but yea, that doesn't excuse shitty figures. Is this any better? I'm still working on those legs and the left arm

>> No.1550726


Take the pose yourself. Seriously, look at where your arm is in relation to your chest, your shoulder, where your hand rests. You'll also feel how unbalanced and uncomfortable it is to sit like that.

>> No.1550731

I tip my hat to you, sir. (Which is not a fedora)

>> No.1550737


throwing sprinkles on shit basically

I recomend you work on basics like general anatomy 1st, I don't care how boring you may find it but do straight poses 1st before you get into thinks like sitting or any other type of pose you're not ready for

If you're that impatient at least use a reference next time ffs

>> No.1550744
File: 44 KB, 512x512, Ihopethisisbetteratleast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright I get it, it's polish on turd. I'll abort thread for a while then and do more anatomy studies and shit. I'll drop this update for now

>> No.1550746
File: 126 KB, 645x1000, AT130919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some quick Kei. Kinda plain, needs some color. But I suck at the coloring... :/

>> No.1550754
File: 603 KB, 1132x1015, Imps & bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really bad at coloring...
Id like to improve on cell shading, or find a better way of coloring that suits my shitty drawings.
Anyone have tips/ways or ideas they could share for getting better at coloring?

>> No.1550764
File: 247 KB, 1200x1500, korraelementswip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is animu enough right?

>> No.1550774

weird i just got a penta on fizz in an aram.

>> No.1550782

No I didn't do construction, I thought that by sketching anime, I could practice line economy which is something I feel I need.

Seems like I was wrong though.

>> No.1550794

construction is like um.. if you're drawing from life, you have the model in front of you and you can base your drawing on them. construction is there to sit in place of the irl model. that's how dem skills from drawing from life transfer to drawing from imagination.

you can practice line economy drawing anime stylez, but you still need something to base your drawing on.

alternatively you could always plot out the pose by looking at a photo, or both.

>> No.1550817
File: 88 KB, 1094x922, Anonthispose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1550821


When I said that I didn't mean you were going for straight up realism but rather tried a more realistic rendering method and was unsuccessful with it due to your lack of knowledge/practice. >>1550334 is what I'd consider successful, its got a great sense of form and good use of colors whereas yours looks far more flat, almost with a sort of 'embossed' look to the face with colors that just make it look dirty. I believe it would've been more successful with a more pastel palette like it appears you were doing with the original.

>> No.1550828
File: 158 KB, 544x1200, AT130920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nother Kei, with more back.

>> No.1550830


Dirty Pair is okay but do something else

>> No.1550833

love your stuff, skill mixed with the dirty pair nostalgia is a potent mixture.

>> No.1550832

>File: 1379659345736.jpg-(158 KB, 544x1200, AT130920.jpg)
Dost thou hast a tumblr

>> No.1550841

will you draw her with haman karn

>> No.1550851

It's like you never left the 90's

>> No.1550881

EX is out? well now I feel like a slowpoke.

>> No.1550882

and god bless him for not leaving them

>> No.1550884

>Rob Liefeld was awesome

>> No.1550895

So, I'm guessing you-know-who is done here?

>> No.1550924
File: 117 KB, 241x655, 2we.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I noticed that in the past few times, but it struck me only now: there is something wrong with colours in my SAI. When I flatten the image, the skin of my character looks okay, but once I save it and open the saved file, IT TURNS FUCKING ORANGE. It's like, some layers (I guess the layers in luminosity mode) change qualities. Another creepy thing is that when I try to screencap the SAI window, the effect is orange too. Does SAI have some script that fakes colours on my monitor?

>> No.1550934

>oh god is that thing even human

>> No.1550931

(What I meant is that some places turn orange. The rest changes colour very slightly, but the main problem are these orange places on legs and ass)

>> No.1550936

If you have photoshop too you can try saving as .psd, opening it there and saving as .png

>> No.1550948

he needs to make one

>> No.1550951


Before you flatten an image in Sai, create a new layer on the very bottom and fill it with white.

The trouble is that Sai gives you the appearance that you are painting over a white canvas, when in actuality you are painting over a transparent canvas. This makes a difference to layers in overlay/luminosity/shade modes.

>> No.1550969
File: 75 KB, 568x1200, AT130920_Misa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...uh what does tumblr do that I can't do here? Only got time for 4chan and FB. Even my blog I haven't updated in ages (and my website even longer than than.) -_-

I am all about nostalgia. It's when anime influenced my art the most. For newer stuff, I've been catching Gundam Unicorn, Panty and Stocking, and Lupin III: A Woman Named Fujiko Mine (fookin' ending *shakes fist*). As for newer shows, I loved Tron: Uprising, and thought Korra had potential, but failed (again fookin' ending).

MS5 EX I thought came out at the same time as MS5, but then again, I didn't upgrade till an artist swayed me at SDCC. MS5 is really so much better than MS4, although I miss the autogenerating of a name and jpg when you save the master file.

>Rob Liefeld was awesome

Yes, my style is dated, slightly influenced by some more recent inky artists. But in today's mainstream comics, an inker is almost a dinosaur: pages have no shadows on them, intending to be filled in with color; linework has no variation and is flat and dull (blame Frank Quietly for that.) I picked up the new Batman Black and White, and seriously, half the stories in there looked like they could have been color, but just changed to grayscale. In that respect, what's the point then?

Rob Liefeld is not the pinnacle of the 90's style. To think so is to believe that Carter and Obama are great Presidents (sorry for the /pol/).

Anyhoo, fine, enough DP, have some Misa. Yeah, I've drawn her a lot too back in the day. I haven't drawn Iczer-1 maybe I'll give that a go. She's got some nice curves, something you don't see in anime nowadays. ;D

>> No.1550971

>what does tumblr do that I can't do here
He probably just wants to see an archive of all your previous images and an easy way to check for new ones. Something that 4chan isn't quite suited for.

>> No.1550972

Wouldn't sticking a layer of white under the whole thing fix that? Also, I don't work with SAI, but do they have Color Spaces like PS? I notice colors and contrast are sometimes different in my version of PS than when I look at the same pic in a picture viewer.

>> No.1550975

>Wouldn't sticking a layer of white under the whole thing fix that?

Yes, read the very first sentence.

No, Sai does not have icc profiles.

>> No.1550976
File: 117 KB, 884x830, ss (2013-09-20 at 11.24.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey is there anything i missed that i should fix before i polish this turd?

>> No.1550979

Ah, yeah... I suppose I can check it out. For older works (the good, the bad, and the ugly) you can find it at my blog, which apparently I can't post here or be banned. Just do a search for Philip Moy Blog and it should come up. The tag for Sketches should bring up pretty much everything.

Sadly, no site for my hentai stuff except for here.

whoops, my apologies. Sometimes I gloss over posts too fast.

>> No.1550980


Stop hiding your hands.

The blouse isn't casting correct shadows on the skirt, if the shadows on the chest are any point of reference for the lighting. Body isn't casting a shadow on the arm as well. Same goes for the shadow on the skirt, it's lit differently than the blouse. The shadows should line up a little more, since there's little difference in distance between the surfaces.
You don't know where her crotch actually is, do you?

The sharp angle and transition from the forehead into the hair, especially the outer contours, makes it look like she's missing the top of her head. Or that' there's a huge dent in it.

>> No.1551007
File: 54 KB, 498x805, ss (2013-09-21 at 12.13.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you for your advice.

i dont understand what you mean when you said shadows should line up more.

>> No.1551009
File: 138 KB, 822x876, ss (2013-09-21 at 12.17.02).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here are my drafts.

i actually enjoy drawing hands, but my writer specifically suggested this pose with hands clasped around back, since it fit the character.

>> No.1551021
File: 274 KB, 600x499, at this moment i am euphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like coloring non human skin very much

>> No.1551022

According to your tutorial, don't you just color it the same way anyway?

>> No.1551032

That's delicious. And great line work. You're one of the few artists in this thread of whom I just love the artwork every time. You should do comics.

You mean 80s.

brown elves>green elves anyway

>> No.1551035

Back of the head should be larger.

Skirt shading and folds could be far better, get a ref.

If you go for the "clasping hands behind back" pose make her left arm visible as well.

>> No.1551034

Basically, its actually Easier to do then a real skin tone. I guess I just don't like non realisct skintones

>> No.1551037

I personally don't follow, the tones and lighting on this elf's skin looks better than the human skin you usually color, in my opinion.

>> No.1551038

Oh and forgot to mention: try to imagine her right arm in 3D. The way you drew it the arm is drilling right into her back.

>> No.1551039

that's an orc/troll I think

>> No.1551052

You talk way too much.

>> No.1551057

You complain way too much.

>> No.1551068

Last but not least (sorry for posting 3 comments basically in a row): I think it's best if you just rework the bottom part entirely, preferably from reference. But do try to imagine, or even better draw it out, the body resting underneath the skirt. Work from construction even when you use refs. As >>1550980 said right now you obviously don't know where her crotch is, and the legs peeking out underneath her skirt are completely fucked as well. The positioning is wrong and just take a look at the thickness of her right thigh, it's almost thinner than her arm.

If that already IS her left arm visible (can't make it out clearly) it looks really awkward at he moment. If you tried to draw the girl clasping her hands behind her back then the positioning is completely wrong (once again, use refs), and if instead her right arm is grasping her left one, you should actually draw the hand grasping it. And give us at least a hint of her left hand as well. Not to mention that the latter pose would be an awkward one, which doesn't fit her smug and proper attitude. There's also no continuity between her shoulder and the part of the arm visible under her breast. Once again, use construction. It might also be a good idea to use thinner lines for the arm and thicker ones to emphasize the part of the body left to it. In general line weight is obviously something you should practice, it's quite arbitrarily used in your drawing.

And you should really go practice your anatomy before you try to draw sprites (since that's what I think you're working on, right?).

So? He's just enthousiastic.

>> No.1551079

He does seem to know where the crotch is (>>1551009) but it just doesn't /look/ like he does in the cleaned up version, probably because the skirt doesn't follow the body structure at all. And I agree about the legs and everything else. Just erase them and draw them again.

>> No.1551083
File: 2.71 MB, 3264x2448, 20130920_191534[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go further or drop it?
i'm especially not happy with the guys face, he's a pussy

>> No.1551099
File: 141 KB, 498x805, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1551121
File: 268 KB, 850x850, sample-7f42ea055da94b0e1f108956131bb94e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When drawing an indoor space, where do you figure the horizon to go? Is the horizon where the wall meets the floor?

>> No.1551130

imagine if there was no wall, because behind it is where the horizon will be. When you begin drawing you need to plot out where you want the horizon to be in relation to the viewpoint. Think 3d space.

>> No.1551187
File: 357 KB, 900x900, magical vampire flan-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


protector of oppai lolis everywhere!

>> No.1551188
File: 361 KB, 900x900, magical vampire flan-tanb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the same without the tumors

>> No.1551218


>> No.1551240

But the tumors are the best part.

Jokes aside, the perspective on the batwings and the star don't match the round circular thing on the wand. Though actually fixing the circular thing's perspective would be a whole lot easier than redrawing the star and batwings, however I think it might be more interesting if you did.

>> No.1551358
File: 604 KB, 571x998, GLWritedonegood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pencil sketch, colored with photoshop

Any good coloring tutorials out there? I'm pretty much self taught, and haven't been coloring for very long

>> No.1551497


that you magister?
I knew you'd return you going to set up a table at AWA?

>> No.1551680
File: 307 KB, 703x697, mighty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try a more simple style with thicker lines. it was going to be cel shaded but shading like this is more fun.

>> No.1551681

Thank god for this version.

Flan with those gigantic milk bags looks just wrong. WRONG I TELL YOU

>> No.1551883
File: 94 KB, 394x1285, 2013092101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I try to draw two legs at once, it turns out awful (among other things)

>> No.1551963
File: 286 KB, 598x816, Hc7LbTw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh been spending way too long on this and now all the errors are starting to become more and more apparent.

Problem is I've put so much time into it at this point I just don't want to go back and deal with fixing them (this is why I will never get better as an artist).

>> No.1552010

>over detailed feet

there is no such thing.

>> No.1552012

Draw another in a similar pose. Then be sure not to create the same mistakes.

Or you can wait a while, and come back to that picture when you feel ready. We all know how frustrating it is when something you've put a lot of effort into doesn't end up looking like you want it to. All you have to do is keep studying and practicing. You WILL get better as an artist as long as you don't give up!

>> No.1552023
File: 293 KB, 800x914, tabletPractice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm attempting to learn how to use my tablet, and it's a pain. I'd much rather be working with pencil, I feel like I can control my shapes and line width better. Any tips for how to adjust? I've been trying to use photoshop for drawing.

Girl in the image supposed to be leaning inside a sonic-title-screen-like ring, but everything feels... just out of whack. Maybe it's cause my tablet is wide and my monitor isn't.

>> No.1552142

Straight up practice. I've been drawing for months with mine, and I can't color for the life of me, but my lines are getting better, so I must be doing something right. Eventually, your arm and eyes will connect enough to have the same effect you have with a pencil and paper.

Of course, for some people, it's actually better to stick with the pencils. None of them are shunned this day and age. People only care that you can actually draw

>> No.1552146

Isn't this the OC of that guy who draws her as a diseased cumdump?

>> No.1552210
File: 364 KB, 900x900, magical vampire flan-tanb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...don't live anywhere near there, sorry. Are you the guy that always speaks to me really intimately in other threads even though I'm pretty sure we've never talked?

Is this better? I'm really no good at perspective and geometric things, so pointing that out helps.

>> No.1552231
File: 209 KB, 640x817, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump with loli feets

adding the base color is the most boring part ugh..

>> No.1552232
File: 593 KB, 800x987, fisting3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. I did it for a commission

the next one I'm doing is quite realistic. so a change of pace for me but I know can do it

>> No.1552240

W-where do you get your sexual references from?

>> No.1552295

I'm doing the same thing right now. Too bad I don't know anything about color theory.

>> No.1552304
File: 25 KB, 347x387, 1377922808345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn anon, nice job.

Do you have a tumblr or image gallery where you keep some of your other paintings? I would love to see more.

>> No.1552401
File: 265 KB, 900x900, 1379860401872 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better and I like all the minor adjustments on the rest of the drawing too, but I think it could still go a little further. Here's how I think it should possibly look like for the wand part but even I'm not 100% on it. Take this suggestion with a grain of salt.

Oh, and uh...hopefully you're gonna still post the tumor version when done too.

>> No.1552490

Your deviantart gallery is full of if not traced then heavily referenced stuff. You couldn't make it anymore obvious.

>> No.1552857
File: 244 KB, 1320x840, mrnvsetn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh this one bombed pretty badly too

>> No.1552872
File: 365 KB, 900x900, magical vampire flan-tanb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this? I guess the thread is dying so it's alright to post so much of the same thing...but I will probably end up moving to something else regardless.

>> No.1552880

I like it a lot better now and it's much better than what I suggested. I think it looks really good and got nothing else to say about it.

>> No.1552979
File: 244 KB, 490x420, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manga is hard to get back into!

>> No.1553000
File: 240 KB, 700x700, Practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out how I should position her legs is giving me trouble...

>> No.1553321

new thread?

>> No.1553526

I was about to start another one just now, but I noticed that there's one already up.

Link's here!

>> No.1553799

>Makes new thread with pornagraphic imgae
>Gets deleted/pruned

Fuck you man.

>> No.1553826

It was a janitor that deleted it, I guess we can't have an OP image depicting sexual activities.

>> No.1553838

As much as I liked it, I think NSFW(despite this being a red board) would reflect poorly on the thread. I liked the image, but I think something SFW would be better.

>> No.1554084

I wasn't that OP, but I'll go ahead and make another one.. I'll re-use an old image, though.

>I think NSFW(despite this being a red board) would reflect poorly on the thread.
I agree!

>> No.1554088

Here we go.. New thread!
