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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 289 KB, 800x966, thread-start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1531864 No.1531864 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning Thread

"We never copy from the model, but analyze it." - Glen Vilppu

Previous Thread: >>1528934

Try to keep calm, have a positive attitude and avoid making Kind Janitor-san angry!

A general message to aspiring artists: Don't ever think that you should stop attempting to learn how to draw because "it takes too long" or "drawing is just a hobby." Being shitty at your hobby is definitely not better than doing your hobby well, no matter what your laziness tells you. Have some dedication in what you love to do, damn it!

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. Or you could muscle through it and end up like Genzoman or worse, your choice. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!
>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Animu Tutorials

Keep calm, take it easy and remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

>> No.1531868

You know, we should try and draw /ic/ tan otherwise known as d/ic/k haha

>> No.1531869
File: 449 KB, 850x1454, Broken record.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you who have not met him yet.

>> No.1531877
File: 95 KB, 506x1280, furrycomic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-h-here I go again. Again.

>> No.1531879
File: 363 KB, 660x750, gahara2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I tried the more realistic approach to eyes but I think I ventured into not-anime field.

>> No.1531880

It looks pretty flat. I cannot tell if she's wearing a necklace or that's suppose to be the cut/accessory of the top.

>> No.1531882

They look flat. look at some references, they are basically balls.

But it seems that you already know how to fix it.

Also the nose looks like a brick, and its because the highlights.

>> No.1531884
File: 13 KB, 438x300, 1366385586512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Turtleneck and necklace, it will probably be more obvious once I color it.

>> No.1531888

I don't know about you, but when I first saw it I got the impression of a female character.

>> No.1531892

i don't agree, there is a lot of beautiful flat art out there you are missing out on because of your ideals.

>> No.1531891

It's a trap. Yeah, that's it.

>> No.1531893
File: 30 KB, 640x825, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still lacks dimension and look at that hand. That's a cute flamboyant furry though

>> No.1531894
File: 1.94 MB, 235x180, 1373346259287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teal pops in every now and then and gives amazing advice to an otherwise pointless thread full off autistic spazlords drawing women all day
>everyone tries to chase him off as best they can even though he's one of the few people in these threads that's worth his salt in knowledge

God damn, you are all so hopelessly insufferable. I really only come here to watch Mikufag and chickenloli at this point.

>> No.1531897

Oh fugg, thanks. I never really see mistakes while drawing, I have to go look at something else for an hour in order to see them.

>> No.1531896
File: 38 KB, 555x312, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This post

>> No.1531899

>i didnt get aattention in the last thread so i'll try this one!

>> No.1531900

Have you ever seen a woman?

>> No.1531902

I guess not, nowadays I can't tell anymore.

>> No.1531908

Just position yourself as the furry in that pose. Check on what's exaggeration and what's subtle. If that doesn't help, referencing could be a thing.

>> No.1531905 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1817x878, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to push those values much more, the corners of the eyes and the need a lot of work. The iris could use a higher contrast

The nose should blend in a much softer way, right now is looks very edgy, It also looks a bit too long.

Please don´t get discouraged. You remind me to myself when I started this one,

Just try to look at some references and see what works for you, trying to harmonize realistic and stylized features is a very hard thing to do.

>> No.1531906
File: 35 KB, 620x465, bilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>biting the bait

>> No.1531910

>that difference

Holy shit

>> No.1531911
File: 144 KB, 1817x878, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to push those values much more, the corners of the eyes need a lot of work. The iris could use a much higher contrast

The nose should blend in a much softer way, right now is looks very edgy, It also looks a bit too long.

Please don´t get discouraged. You remind me to myself when I started this one,

Just try to look at some references and see what works for you.

Trying to harmonize realistic and stylized features is a very hard thing to do.

>> No.1531914

Is that progress or two different artists?

>> No.1531915

imblying I said that.

But they look unnatural, at least on this piece

>> No.1531918

The same artist, he spent about two weeks working on it adjusting it and adding onto it despite /ic/ telling him to drop it.

Good stuff though.

>> No.1531919


>> No.1531917

Do we really need a new one everyday?

>> No.1531920

>But it seems that you already know how to fix it.
R-right. I'll study balls until I either learn or I become the ball.
I'll fix the nose and work on my values too. Thanks.

>> No.1531921

>become the ball

I LIKE the way you think :3

>> No.1531922

Oh yeah, I remember him posting the left one. That's great, good for him.

>> No.1531923

He got the second drawing from some dude who painted over his shit.
God knows why he's trying to claim it as his own now though.

>> No.1531924


Sorry, I had too add some stuff, you were referring to this one >>1531911

At the beginning I wasn't really sure about what I wanted to do, so it was a VERY messy and rough start.

It's my progress.

left: ~2 hours
right: ~23 hours

Thanks, I'm glad I persisted on it since It's my most successful work so far, it has more views and favourites than my others combined and the Vocaloid FB group re-posted it.

>> No.1531927

You're downright wrong Anon.

While the paint overs made me realize of the many flaws I had, I adopted none of them into the process.

>> No.1531929
File: 72 KB, 285x315, 1682943752213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, hey! Remember the guy who told you to either go full on realistic or full stylized but not somewhere inbetween? That was me! (Well, i don't know if it helped)
I'm surprised you actually managed to salvage that tough.

But it's still pretty subpar. The facial features are kinda alright now but everything else looks terribly lazy.
For example: don't you know that pretty hair makes a prettier face?

>> No.1531931

It's got a fucking foxes head or some shit. How is that relevant.

>> No.1531932

I'm bald.

>> No.1531934

You're such a faggot. Someone painted over it and you essential repainted over that. This 'progress' isn't your own. You're just that full of yourself.

>> No.1531935
File: 56 KB, 390x470, dlfjkviuga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1531957

Yes, it helped. I think it ended looking more realistic than stylized but I like how it looks (even if in some months it makes me cringe), it definitely has its issues but judging by the comments I received, the suspension of disbelief seems strong with this one.

>But it's still pretty subpar. The facial features are kinda alright now but everything else looks terribly lazy.
For example: don't you know that pretty hair makes a prettier face?

Please take into consideration that I´ve only been drawing for 7-8 months, I do several other things besides drawing and painting, hair is a fucking nightmare for me and if something looks lazy it's due to my current skills or lack thereof not because I didn't feel in the mood to push myself.

Nope, Sorry to dissapoint you but I have never done that.

Besides, I only received 3 paint overs at the beginning before /ic/ got rightfully tired of me for posting a turd polishing process that lasted almost 3 weeks with several minimal but improved revisions.

Almost any regular to this board can attest to that.

Why would I have done all those things and waste so much time if your accusation were true?

>> No.1531967

Don't take those false accusations to heart, I saw your drawing on DA and everyone loved it which was funny because I remembered /ic/ telling you to stop polishing the turd.

It's a matter of opinion, just remember that. Also wow 7-8 months is quite impressive, I've been drawing for that time frame myself and only improved slightly.

I admit I feel quite jealous of you right now hehe

>> No.1532192
File: 455 KB, 516x3800, lamia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything I should know before I keep working on it?

>> No.1532208 [DELETED] 
File: 497 KB, 2299x855, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

I think the whole negativity partially motivated me to finish it. heh...

I don't think I've advanced that much, I'm still afraid of colors as you can see and my style is all over the place..I think I would trade your progress if that means having a more solid knowledge of construction (I'm depend too much on gut feeling and eye balling) and Photoshop (ArtRage is starting to feel limited but I just can abandon its superb interface)

>> No.1532215
File: 497 KB, 2299x855, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

I think the whole negativity partially motivated me to finish it. heh...

I don't think I've advanced that much, as you can see I'm still afraid of colors and my style is all over the place.I think I would trade your progress if that meant having a more solid knowledge of construction, basics (I'm depend too much on gut feeling and eye balling) and Photoshop (ArtRage is starting to feel limited but I just can abandon its superb interface)

>> No.1532217


Mikufag is terrible too imo

Teal himself is the ONLY one worth a damn in these threads

>> No.1532227

>I saw your drawing on DA and everyone loved it which was funny because I remembered /ic/ telling you to stop polishing the turd.
And what is funny about that? You will always get positive comments on deviantart if you post something like the drawing on the right >>1531911 and you will always get negative comments on /ic/ if you post something that looks like the drawing on the left. There is nothing unusual and you proved nothing.

I wasn't in the prievous thread with the drawing on the left, but if I did and if I were to comment on it, I would advise stop polishing the turd - and I would be right. The structure of the face on the right has been completely redesigned. I am almost sure that the author started it over from the scratch.

>> No.1532256

show us the paint over

>> No.1532281
File: 42 KB, 419x741, Rin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one helped me to see that the features weren't parallel, values were bland and that her eyes lacked expression (I've found that spending too much time with a single piece can ruin your sense of objectivity towards it)

>> No.1532286

I find the premise a tad unrealistic.

>> No.1532296

wait I thought this shit already happened to everyone at least once

>> No.1532315

flat as fuck

>> No.1532340
File: 96 KB, 500x1000, Female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count as animus? I really love when artists have that very slight hint of anime style but push it to look really realistic while still having lots of style to it.

boobs are hard.

>> No.1532360

boobs are supposed to be soft...

>> No.1532362

Love the design, but that head is small as hell.

>> No.1532367

Draw the skull, ribcage and pelvis on top of this drawing. You should notice something very wrong. Post results if you don't see it.

>> No.1532368

you are correct sir, i shall fix that

captcha opMnsta torments

>> No.1532384
File: 103 KB, 500x1000, Female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh dang thank you, hows dis?

>> No.1532414

You're not the flinger of apples by any chance, are you?

>> No.1532418


Not that Anon, but I remember that one guy who had Apples has his art dominus lol

>> No.1532422

Better, but the pelvis is still too tall.

Going by Vilppu's ideal proportions, the distance from the top of the head to the bottom of the nose is equal to:
-bottom of nose to pit of neck
-pit of neck to end of sternum
-end of sternum to bottom of 10th rib
-bottom of 10th rib to anterior superior iliac creat

Half of that length is the distance from the anterior superior iliac crest to the pubic arch. The crotch lies just a bit below that. Going by those measurements, your pelvis is much too tall, and the crotch and glutes too low by extension.

>> No.1532453

>Teal, I want to literally suck your dick. I’ll cradle the balls, stroke the shaft, work the pipe, and swallow the gravy.

>> No.1532456

This picture is about ass and titties, so they gon be big

>> No.1532461
File: 138 KB, 607x727, wayukata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random thing I forgot about that I prob wont finish

>> No.1532468
File: 35 KB, 735x683, chemotherapy017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1532481

who is teal?

>> No.1532482
File: 45 KB, 535x664, boyzhouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story writing is hard so I took a doodle break

>> No.1532484
File: 459 KB, 1720x994, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this one on the questions thread, but I'm itching to make a finished piece out of it but with oils, I hope the construction is ok.

>> No.1532485

Story? :3

>> No.1532486
File: 312 KB, 548x900, gasmaskweeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know gas masks are a shitty trend, but i like drawing them

>> No.1532487


I'm working on an idea for a comic and eventually an animated short. It's a revisitation of an old idea, but I knew absolutely NOTHING about how to actually craft a narrative at the time so the story more or less collapsed under its own weight and I ended up throwing like 60% of a completed graphic novel away and starting it from scratch

I'm much happier with what I have now, but it's still got a ways to go before I actually start drawing the thing again

>> No.1532495

if you are having trouble just write it like a hollywood script

come up with a beginning, an ending, and fill the middle with set-pieces.

>> No.1532498

I read that they actually use the theory described in this book:


>> No.1532499

Is this an actually good book on crafting a narrative or is it Joseph Campbell-tier dreck

>> No.1532500


Rosetta stone? How far are you? The only part of that I didn't understand was teint/dyed

>> No.1532501 [DELETED] 


>> No.1532502


>> No.1532508
File: 467 KB, 1582x1019, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowadays, it seems to be extremely popular among screenwriters. Read this Slate article if you want a thorough synopsis:


I finished the 4th level today, Just started the 5th and final one 2 hours ago.

I've been learning French on my own for 3 years, I adopted RS after my 1st year, I would say that It's really good if you don't use it exclusively.

For instance I also review 2 Anki decks, listen to News in Slow French, read French literature and translate Vocaloid songs into French.

>> No.1532509

Reminds me of Gorrilaz

>> No.1532510

I recommend www.memrise.com
It's like rosetta stone, but free and browser-based

>> No.1532511

Je connais un peux de francais. Je l'etudie pour sept ans a l'ecole. Je le regrette.

Fuck remembering accent codes.

>> No.1532512

No, learn head construction, Michael Hampton has a great chapter about that.

Also that neck is horrifying, the only reason you can make thing remotely passable is cause you rely heavily on reference and other peoples advice. Stop it.

>> No.1532520
File: 259 KB, 1235x869, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I will look into it when I finish RS.

Mais si t'utilise le clavier avec une IME différente tu n'auras pas besoin de memoriser ces codes.

Quel dommage que tu n'aime plus le français. Je le trouve très beau.

Actually, this is the original but since it has been a while since I used oils I changed the canvas and copied my 1st construction. Maybe it's worse now...

When I use references I usually just block colors and eyeball everything that's why I'm trying to construct first this time.

>Also that neck is horrifying,

Thanks but actually, I didn't pay much attention to the neck because I plan to change other things...

>the only reason you can make thing remotely passable is cause you rely heavily on reference and other peoples advice. Stop it.

I honestly don't think that's the case.

Anyway, I will look into Hampton's method because I only know 2: Good old Loomis and Wendon's

>> No.1532522
File: 429 KB, 700x615, IMAG1273c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting. Ever.

Just looking for some critique if ye be so kind to lend.
Taken with a camera, so I'm aware the angle might make his head look bigger than it is... And hell, if it's too big, I'll fix it.

Mostly concerned about shoulders (collar bone I already know I fucked up and that's why it's smudged everywhere) I also have no imagination. What the hell should he be doing? Ideas also welcome. Thanks!

>> No.1532523

I just watched Gravion and I want to learn how to draw giant robots.

How do I set myself on that path?

>> No.1532525

Tons of references. Observation, practice. Tutorials. Knowledge of perspective. I don't draw robots myself, but these are the things I come up with.

>> No.1532526

>I also have no imagination
good, you won't need one for at least the several months you will be studying the basics of anatomy and still life.

>> No.1532530

You haven't seen nearly enough to even make that statement.

>> No.1532538

No, I have seen just enough to make that statement. I have not seen enough not to.

>> No.1532541

Artists on 4chan.

>> No.1532542

you have no idea how learning how to draw works, do you?

>> No.1532551


Decent start finish that and repost it later I like how that's turning out

>> No.1532554


get rid of that line between the teeth and you're good to go

>> No.1532557

Ah, didn't even think about it. Thanks.

>> No.1532566

It is 80% hand eye coordination.

>> No.1532624


Good shit here

Motion to include in the OP

>> No.1532669
File: 185 KB, 1000x925, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I am not the only one doing this, going to go through the entire sketchbook series and hopefully learn a thing or two about gesture and basic forms coming together.

>> No.1532673

do you sometimes get injured raising chickens for a living?

>> No.1532674

They've scratched me a whole lot, it shows.

>> No.1532680


You should keep in mind that while you're copying their drawings, the Disney animators drew these at the zoo and even studied roadkill as it decomposed.

>> No.1532684

Ah...real life studies trumps everything else once again, it's a shame I am stuck in this office eight hours a day.

>> No.1532709

>Also that neck is horrifying, the only reason you can make thing remotely passable is cause you rely heavily on reference and other peoples advice. Stop it.
are you dumb? are you stupid? are you blind? there is nothing wrong with the neck. it's an outline of it, only thing being different from the reference is the lack of values. in what bizzare different way would YOU depict the neck?

>> No.1532734
File: 130 KB, 810x950, ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1532759


>> No.1532766
File: 482 KB, 1235x869, inb4gitgud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I took some time to redline your drawing.
It looks like you just want to jump right in and make illustrations right away and it's not that you can't, but if you really want your stuff to look good try to sit down and take the time to study the fundamentals. You won't get them in a day or a couple of weeks, but if you atleast tried to I'm sure it will show in your work. (This doesn't mean you have to stop drawing anime or whatever you want to draw, study the basics on the side)

Btw this is already the second time I've seen you post that, hopefully you won't post this 15 more times like the last piece you did.
I'm afraid he is right anon, that neck is really bad. Even if it is just a quick outline, his lack of anatomical knowledge is very obvious.

>> No.1532773

What's bad about the neck? Don't give me any "It's just bad", bullshit.

>> No.1532774
File: 68 KB, 384x698, clothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first attempt at clothing.
I doodled this after watching the Vilppu video on drapery.
This is very hard.

>> No.1532791 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 881x996, landscape3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for getting it, I wasn´t even constructing the neck, I can hardly see it on the reference so I just left an outline to work on it later.

What I wanted to do is make a correct construction of the head based on the reference and perhaps make a piece out of it.

Thanks to >>1532766 I can see that mine is a bit off in that regard, for ex: her head isn´t that tilted, whereas the only issue I see in yours is that the ear is too high.

>Btw this is already the second time I've seen you post that, hopefully you won't post this 15 more times like the last piece you did.

Don´t worry, I will not do that again.
Thanks for the advice.

>> No.1532792
File: 55 KB, 881x996, landscape3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for getting it, I wasn´t even constructing the neck, I can hardly see it on the reference so I just left an outline to work on it later.

What I wanted to do is make a correct construction of the head based on the reference and perhaps make a piece out of it.

Thanks to >>1532766 I can see that mine is a bit off in that regard, for ex: her head isn´t that tilted, (However in yours the ear is too high.placed and the eyes could be better aligned)

>Btw this is already the second time I've seen you post that, hopefully you won't post this 15 more times like the last piece you did.

Don´t worry, I will not do that again.
Thanks for the advice.

>> No.1532794

>Don't worry, I will not do that again

And why not? You know, /ic/ is not one person and I for one love to see what other people are doing; not to be nosy or anything.

I used to do it all the time but the reason why I don't anymore is because I personally do not feel satisfied enough to post.

>> No.1532797

>I can see that mine is a bit off in that regard, for ex: her head isn´t that tilted, (However in yours the ear is too high.placed and the eyes could be better aligned)
Hmm yeah I see it now, I did not intend to make it an exact copy of the picture though.

>> No.1532802

How about some actual critique?

>> No.1532804

>*(However in his/her


I know but now I'm aware that I went a bit overboard last time.

Neither did I but you're the one who is fixing my mistakes and claims to understand the FUNDAMENTALS.

What bothers me is that you nailed the tilt angle but half your features were off. I changed the tilt angle but probably my features aren't that wrong.

>> No.1532807

I have never once claimed to be a master in the fundamentals at any point, I simply told you how I personally improved(which was by studying the fundamentals), sorry if it came across in some other way?

I fixed the ear position(which was obviously very wrong, thanks for pointing it out), but if you indeed are so good with your features would you mind redlining my redline? I'm not sure where I went wrong.

>> No.1532808 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 425x481, gitgud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops forgot pic

>> No.1532812
File: 148 KB, 425x481, gitgud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up again

>> No.1532815

>link to amazing inspirational article on deviant art
>artist draws furry or subpar

Not to slam that guy he's better than average, but I laugh when people post these awesome DA blog clippings to something inspirational. Then you check their gallery, and it's awful! The only exception was foxorion, he's good at perspective, but I don't think his actual figure work is that strong, now that I think about it. But this DA guy is alright so thanks, anon.

>> No.1532817
File: 197 KB, 900x592, journey_by_hotaruarc-d60gtno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the fact that he draws cat people and shit, he is definitely not a bad artist.

He is an excellent animator and he's really not bad at the fundamentals either, plus the advice he gave was solid.

>> No.1532826

I think he might be one of the few the exceptions. That is to say it's rare for good artists to emerge from those hugbox communities. Artists that are usually young women or half-a-fag boys that like to draw cutesy or furry tumblr/DA art.

I wouldn't follow him, but I bet he will make great things in the near future.

>> No.1532833
File: 753 KB, 2394x1693, hqd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice on color?

>> No.1532841
File: 270 KB, 1000x1412, Object S234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the hands too small? Any way to make them more correct?

Anything else conspicuous?

>> No.1532843

draw from references, not from construction books
draw what it looks like, not how it would look if you sliced it up
all those plane edges are detracting from the elegant feminine neck. the muscles, which are not edgy by themselves, are even more smoothed out by the skin and sometimes fat.
the "flat" neck you drew looks that way because you didn't indicate any overlaps with trapezius, etc. and a frontal view. turning it 3/4 and using tricks like slicing it up like an onion is no more three-dimentional than it would look in frontal view, which isn't even relevant to the OP, because we only see a tiny bit of the neck. how can that tiny indication be so fucking horribly off?

>> No.1532847

Uncanny valley :/

>> No.1532849

Her hands in proportion to her arms are okay. The arms in proportion to the rest of the body it's what's wrong. Try thickening them.

>> No.1532852

I simply saw that anon ask what is wrong with the neck and I demonstrated what was wrong. I exaggerated the neck to get my point across not because it looks good.
The onion slicing was to give him a better insight to what it looked like in 3D since I suck at value and coloring.

git gud

>> No.1532867
File: 42 KB, 480x480, 2013-08-23-164046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey saw this might as well upload.

Picture was taken from a vita, so the quality is shit. Gonna upload another CnC is appreciated.

>> No.1532872

Yeah, please scan it because I can't see shit.

Also redraw it on a proper non-lined paper.

I can tell you right off the bat that the eye is too far back.

He also has Hank Hill's problem of not having an ass.

>> No.1532873
File: 869 KB, 1000x1203, 2314412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some fun.

>> No.1532874
File: 145 KB, 700x594, more-lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and develop gesture on your drawings, we're both on the same level of drawing so I think I can relate to you. The character looks very stiff right now.

>> No.1532876

Yeah scanning it would be better. Though it's retarded so it'll take while.

>> No.1532893
File: 883 KB, 1353x1455, FOOLINGAROUND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fooling around a bit.

>> No.1532898
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, 20130823_151529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out with this one,
I got lazy after i started drawing the hand

>> No.1532906

Troll-chan? Is that you?

>> No.1532913 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1840x892, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I was trying to take a jab at the way you wrote "fundamentals".and how you criticized my knowledge of the fundamentals.

Just to be fair. I did the same comparison with my construction and it was better than I expected:

The tilt angle was much closer to the original than I though, the eyes despite being bigger, are on the proper angle and the 4th quadrant (ear) is aligned with the eyes and the bottom of the nose

I drew extra hair but honestly I think it compensates the stylization of some other features.

As for the neck, like I said before I didn´t even pay attention to it.

>> No.1532916

I like it.

>> No.1532917 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1840x892, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I was trying to take a jab at the way you wrote "fundamentals".and how you criticized my knowledge of the fundamenttals when you also have some construction misakes.

Just to be fair. I did the same comparison with my construction and it was better than I expected:

The tilt angle was much closer to the original than I though, the eyes despite being bigger, are on the proper angle and the 4th quadrant (ear) is aligned with the eyes and the bottom of the nose

I drew extra hair but honestly I think it compensates the stylization of some other features.

As for the neck, like I said before I didn´t even pay attention to it.

I like this approach

>> No.1532918

What's wrong with Genzoman?

>> No.1532920
File: 124 KB, 1840x892, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I was trying to take a jab at the way you wrote "fundamentals".and how you criticized my knowledge of them when you also have some construction misakes.

Just to be fair. I did the same comparison with my construction and it was better than I expected:

The tilt angle was much closer to the original than I though, the eyes despite being bigger, are on the proper angle and the 4th quadrant (ear) is aligned with the eyes and the bottom of the nose

I drew extra hair but honestly I think it compensates the stylization of some other features.

As for the neck, like I said before I didn´t even pay attention to it.

I like this approach.

>> No.1532929

He's a prisoner of his own technique.

He's become so dedicated to the illusion of goodness that he can no longer obtain genuine goodness.

>> No.1532940


That's literally everyone on /ic/ that squeals, "MUH FUNDAMENTALS"

>> No.1532976

>is a squealer of muh style and/or muh hearfelt drawings

>> No.1532993


I really should know better than to wade into these kinds of conversations. But I'll bite.

I am not dismissing the critiques going in both directions. But if you want to get the most out of gestural drawing and construction and drawing from imagination, you'd do well to not give so much weight to how closely you or the other artist were able to reproduce the angles in the photo. You obviously approached it as a study, while the other artist used the photo as a reference and built a face through construction, using information s/he gleaned from it. The various angles may not match the photo, but they mesh together okay, and his/her drawing has an expressiveness that better captures the subject. To put it simply, his drawing has more life and dimensionality than yours, accuracy aside. That should be your goal too since, outside of /ic/, people are not going to look at your drawing and the photo side-by-side and judging how accurate it is. Instead they'll be looking at how convincingly you created a person, her emotion and presence.

That simple sketch is, to my animation-oriented eyes, better than your other finished portrait drawing. It is obvious you spent far more time and effort on yours, yet this sketch has an intelligence behind the eyes and expression that is far more convincing to me than your polished rendering.

And yeah, eyeballing is easier, because it is an exercise in regurgitation, not decision-making.

>> No.1533018


>> No.1533022

you're exactly wrong, please be trolling

I scoff'd/10

>> No.1533033

If you are asking for it.
You know nothing about anatomy, you pose is stiff, hair doesnt work like that. Go study references and get some shit done, thats why ppl are ignoring you in here.

TL;DR go read the sticky

>> No.1533035

not trolling actually totally serious.

If you use spheres and cylinders to describe the figure in your drawing it's going to reflect that, same thing if you approached a drawing using the cast method or the straight ahead method.

Fundamentals=Styles. You probably can't see that because you've made the fundamentals so ubiquitous it's impossible to see how they affects things; how you really are, in a sense, a prisoner to your style.

>> No.1533047

Why did you take the obvious bait?

>> No.1533054

>I don't like this, it must be a troll

>> No.1533063

>fucking assuming identity

when you make a post towards someone, the whole board doesn't magically sit on the sidelines, it's an open forum you dumb fucker.

fundamentals have nothing to do with style.

>> No.1533064
File: 115 KB, 635x867, flutttershy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mylittledoxy starts following you
>tfw when your last upload gets 460+ notes

the pressure is on and I need to quit smoking

>> No.1533066

Dude, those tits...My penis is growing hard as fuck.

>> No.1533067
File: 40 KB, 313x299, 1363087590024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1533069

>I've never seen how a girl actually looks like.

>> No.1533071

What does that even have to do with that post even remotely?

>> No.1533072

because girls don't normally look like that you basement dwelling fat fedora freak.

>> No.1533073


what you need to stop doing is plastic oil shiny skin

>> No.1533074


>> No.1533075

And what does that have to do with literally anything that post said. I get that you're possibly retarded, but christ bro.

>> No.1533077


looks good but even with that perspective the head looks off centered and even if she's tilting it to the side

other than that it's way more advanced to the likes this thread normally sees

>> No.1533078

stunned development. look at his artwork from 2006 and you'll barely see any difference between that and his current work. the same flaws are still there. reuses the same compositions, too. and filters backgrounds.

all in all he's really terrible.

art fundamentals aren't a style, you cock-munch.

realism is actually anti-style, it's what's all art is derived from and the key to making good art is drawing from life.

>> No.1533079

Yeah, and I was sitting on the sidelines too. I hold the position that fundamentals=style and am willing to defend that.

>> No.1533083

Whatever or whomever you choose to make a fundamental, necessarily changes the final product. Style isn't something that comes afterward, it's naturally in the process all the way through. This pretty obvious if just think about for a moment. Ask this: What is style?

>> No.1533086

Not that Anon, but that's what I just started to ask myself and honestly I couldn't answer it...but in my opinion it's a type of genre no different than music is to art. Bach is a unique style as Heavy metal is its own.

>> No.1533090

Shit.. for a second I thought I was looking at kidney stones.

>> No.1533093

>not Heavy Metal
Terrible example, dude.

>> No.1533094

I've never heard of this Genzoman until now, why is he well known now?

I ended up buying this japanese hyper angle book and started doing some gestures and quick sketches from it, but with this sketch I need more work with foreshortening the arm, shoulder and hand

>> No.1533095

Yes, and while the may share a common language--each one is coming from a unique set of "fundamentals". Thus, affecting their work. For the better or worse is another discussion altogether. The fact remains: whatever you decide to make a basic element (fundamental) necessarily changes how the rest is made.

I doubt Bach would still sound like Bach if he based his work around the improvisational blues techniques that are fundamental to nearly all of modern rock that spotlights the guitar--i.e. Heavy Metal. And likewise I doubt a mangaka would still give the same look if he/she decided to approach drawing differently.

The setup necessarily changes the outcome. So whatever you choose to make a fundamental, and how you chose to utilize that fundamental will alter the "stylization" that is seen in the final product.


>> No.1533130 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 703x1000, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I into moe

>> No.1533146


>> No.1533150

Just a quick question: Do you guys think that somebody can get by using traditional tools only for anime/manga style art?

I struggle with this a bit because my art never looks as "finished" even when colored when I compare it to something that somebody else has done with photoshop, but at the same time, whenever I've tried photoshop out, I can never make it look even halfway decent.

>> No.1533171


what's the book?

>> No.1533179
File: 629 KB, 858x1000, pirou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1533180

thats why we draw girls who look like that :) get fucked legbeard

>> No.1533187

Thank you, you've restored my faith in the threads a little bit.

>> No.1533212
File: 68 KB, 527x750, 168447_s0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.1533213

some anon already shared that (thank you based someone) alongside hyperangle 4, you should have bought another set instead.

>> No.1533221

Would you be so kind as to link to that resource?

>> No.1533227


>> No.1533229

You have my utmost gratitude kind sir.

>> No.1533233
File: 166 KB, 703x1000, kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you give me your site trollchan? because 90s style, just tell me if you don't want to post it here because you know, it's /ic/.

np, thank the guy who upload and share it long ago.

>> No.1533244

I bought the hyper angle book about a year ago along with this other one with movie like fight scene sequences
And thanks for the hyper angle links!!

>> No.1533258
File: 1.01 MB, 2551x3299, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want your criticism /ic/

I have interest in becoming a conceptual artist in the future and I would like opinions in how I could improve.

I drew this from imagination for a DMPC I plan on using in Pathfinder, since I'm the head drawfag of my group. I suck at doing outlines and am really, atleast somewhat, decent at finishing drawings when I start with the eyes or some other detail of the face. I tend to go right into detail as I draw and it's a habit I hate but I can't shake.

My friends think I'm naturally talented, but animu style really isn't that hard to emulate after watching it for so long in one's life.

>> No.1533261

Cloth doesn't consist entirely of lines and pointy bits. You actually need to work on drawing cloth and getting it to look like it has volume.

Also his proportions are incorrect. Either his forearms and forelegs are way too short, or you did not clearly depict where his elbows and knees are.

Start working on basic body composition, then work on depicting cloth, then work on putting the two and two together.

>> No.1533270
File: 345 KB, 4800x3300, bigswordgirlsketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to do a few sketches a day and one coloured in drawing. Just started trying to draw this week.

Not gonna lie. I'm kinda proud of this drawing. It's shit, and I can see just how shit it is, but it's a lot less shit then the others I've done, and that feels damn good. Especially since I did this all from my head, with the exception of the gun-blade which I lifted directly from Squall's armoury.

>> No.1533271

> Especially since I did this all from my head
Don't do this. You have little knowledge of proportions and anatomy. Draw from references and practice until you know enough to construct a correct human body.

>> No.1533272

>Hmm, now what am I going to do with the hands?
>Stick them behind her body?
>Stick them beyond the edges of the page?
>Can't do that, not with a pose like this.
>I know... even though they're in the center of the picture and they're actually needed to hold something, I'LL JUST OMIT THEM.

Even though you may not be confident in drawing hands, there is no excuse to just avoid putting them in the picture.
Draw them, and even though they might look bad, learn from your mistakes and draw them again.

Same with the face. Even though you're probably just doing pose sketches right now, at least work on faces separately or something.

>> No.1533273
File: 67 KB, 267x199, You dissapoint me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb redlinin'

>> No.1533274

When doing a full figure drawing don't start with the eyes. Gesture first then volume.

>> No.1533275
File: 384 KB, 3600x2400, fullbikinigirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bahaha. Still working on it. Hands are hard, so I tend to leave them until last. As for the face, the outlines done, it's just under the paint.

But fuck that's close to my reasoning right there. Got me all giggling now.

You're probably right. I do try and copy stuff down, but it's just not as much fun.

i'm just glad it's not as shit as my first drawing. Pic related :P Or maye it's not better. I can't tell anymore.

>> No.1533285

okay, not >>1533273
but challenge accepted

>> No.1533288

do yourself a favor and stop drawing digitally. seriously. start traditionally, it's much easier to get into and it's in my opinion easier to learn fundamentals with traditional pen & paper/sketchbook

no point in redlining because the flaws are on such fundamental level. you really can't point out "this is wrong" because it's all wrong

>> No.1533289

I despise wastefulness. I'd much rather doodle about on the computer where I'm wasting only my own time then go about buying lots of paper to draw on. Because, really, other than my own enjoyment, the paper isn't serving any purpose.

But I understand what you're on about, i think. Maybe when i've improved a little I'll be less afraid of sullying some nice clean, white, virgin paper and then I can really start to learn.

>> No.1533292

buy sketchbooks then.

and even the paper isn't exactly going to waste. just put them aside somewhere, and after some time (months, years) you can look back on them and see how much progress you've made

>> No.1533301

trees for paper are grown and harvested like a crop. you can also recycle it when you are finished.

>> No.1533310

>why is he well known now?
For Capcom/Udon art. And he's been popular for a while, how long have you been on /ic/?

>Whatever or whomever you choose to make a fundamental, necessarily changes the final product.
Yes? If you don't use perspective you're art ends up looking flat. No use composition make you're art look like clutter. No knowledge of anatomy/gesture makes moving your characters the way you want to impossible.

A lot of artists like to say that not being able to do those things is a "style" but all you're doing is holding yourself back from the art you can see yourself doing.

>Style isn't something that comes afterward, it's naturally in the process all the way through.
Style IS something that comes afterward. Artists don't have a style in the beginning because they don't know how to control their drawings. You're actively trying to change you're learning and drawing habits when you start.

>Ask this: What is style?
It's how you organize you're skillset.

To say that artists that use the same fundamentals have the same "style" is ridiculous. Do all the classic Disney artists have the same style? Walt Disney was pretty strict about all of his animators learning the same art principles but this didn't lead every artist at the studio having the same look and ideas in their art. Unless you think Fred Moore, Ward Kimball, and Milt Kahl have the same style. Or the MANY artists that left Disney and went on to magazine illustration or comic strips have the same style.

>> No.1533388
File: 1.18 MB, 2000x2916, 1377350726525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but i tried

polite sage

>> No.1533413 [DELETED] 

Choosing not use something is still a choice. So it's really is a style via commission.

Skill set is nothing more than the your "fundamentals" applied.


>> No.1533415 [DELETED] 

Style is there from the beginning, what's absence is the control of it or at least your awareness. Usually in the begining just them echoing the style of the source. Eventual they make there own. There is always a style, no matter what.

>> No.1533421

Congrats! Also, nice tits, I for one like the oily effect...

>> No.1533422

When did animu-porn ever represent "what people really look like"?

>> No.1533424

I'm not the OP, but this was so nice of you, I must say :3

>> No.1533430

This. Eroge for men tend to be exaggerated like that. Eroge for women shows more realistic bodies.

>> No.1533471

>Eroge for women shows more realistic bodies.
nooooooooo, each and every shoujo is Clamp-esque

>> No.1533512

Is Proko Premium Section worth buying?

>> No.1533564
File: 546 KB, 1000x1415, Object S239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's start adding a little color.

Improvising the background as I go along. As trite as blue & orange may be, at least it will match the jacket.

>> No.1533565

Choosing NOT to use a "fundamental" is still choice, and makes for a style still, just via omission.

Style has always been there. It is in the application of a fundamental. In the beginning you're not in control of it , nor are you aware of it. You're too busy trying to follow something else, trying to capture the "correctness" of whatever teaching you're making a fundamental. Style usually comes to forefront when it's said your fundamentals are secured. You notice it later but it's been there whole time. There may be some patterning tacked on later, but that's still influenced by you "fundamentals". Style is innate to how you proceed; how think about drawing something. Which is why it equates with fundamentals.

You can spot a Disney animation because it has that Disney look, which is derived from a set of unique fundamentals. Even with the 9 Old Men, as different as they were, still gave a similarity that sprung from a common set fundamentals that was necessary for Disney animation production.


>> No.1533567

do you have a tumblr or some sort of blog i can follow

>> No.1533573

>>1533567. .kairunoburogu.tumble

>> No.1533581
File: 52 KB, 1000x1000, Face practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, just wondering if anything should be fixed so far.
I'm just drawing a random face for eye coloring practice. Trying to find a nice style to work with.

>> No.1533592

I'd consider redoing the knuckles. Make them more subtle and not make them some "u" shape.

>> No.1533596

Are you the person who gets all snipey at this guy for anatomy every single thread? Maybe a personal issue with your own anatomy?

>> No.1533602


Neck looks too long and one eye is looking ahead and the other is looking slightly down

>> No.1533604

Are you the white knight faggot that goes around pretending you're on some social justice crusade? Maybe you have personal issue of making other peoples business your own perhaps?

>> No.1533624
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, Face practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the hair, any last minute changes before I start on the coloring?

>> No.1533628

Put more cranium back there.

>> No.1533631
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, Face practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, didn't see that. Any other problems?

>> No.1533632

Woah, thanks man. I didn't expect something like that. I guess I'll actually have to do some reading and shit instead of just drawing from my imagination.

Maybe it'll be more fun the more effort I put in! ^_^

>> No.1533650

She'd look cuter if you upturned the nose a bit.
Unless you don't want that...

>> No.1533658

So do you just want to draw porn as your career?

>> No.1533662

not enough cranium

>> No.1533665
File: 38 KB, 659x816, chemotherapy018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat Kyle Style

>> No.1533688

What? I drew out the head beforehand, it should be fine.

>> No.1533691

Don't argue just fix it.

>> No.1533695
File: 205 KB, 1000x1000, Face practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Just fixing it" won't help me learn. I honestly don't see what's wrong here.

>> No.1533697

Stop being a baaby, and just fucking fix it already. This attitude of yours isn't helping.

>> No.1533698

Looks like a finger instead a head.

>> No.1533701

Isn't a critique supposed to explain why something's wrong?

That's just the base. It's not supposed to look decent.

>> No.1533702

It's not about how it looks, I mean, I think it needs more volume.

>> No.1533703

>Isn't a critique supposed to explain why something's wrong?
Posting for critique would usually imply that you have read the sticky and taken some advise from it even if you decide to instantly jump into mango

>> No.1533705

>That's just the base. It's not supposed to look decent.
Try to make it look decent next time then and post results

>> No.1533706
File: 88 KB, 565x681, lil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's just the base. It's not supposed to look decent.
Hes talking about the form. Heads arent like that, that looks more like a thumb.
Go and look for some references of the skull so you can actually think how they work

>> No.1533707
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, Face practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I personally don't like poofy hair.

I've read the sticky a long time ago. I'm working on anatomy and such with vilppu. I'm working on this in between because I felt like drawing something with pretty eyes.

This is what I do over the base.

It seems that whenever I draw like that, any female I draw looks like a man.

>> No.1533709

>This is what I do over the base.
But that's not at all how you draw heads. If you imagined a jawbone under that nose, the lower jaw would be ridiculously tiny even for an animu head

I'd suggest starting with some basic stuff like gesture and perspective before moving on to vilppu

>> No.1533711

wtf is vilppu?

>> No.1533713

read the sticky

>> No.1533714
File: 161 KB, 573x786, lil2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck its been a while since I drew animu

Anyway, just fucking tweak it.
The skull is similar in all the human beings.

>> No.1533715
File: 239 KB, 1000x1000, Face practicefinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's been telling me to do goddamn Vilppu though.
Anyways, I get what you mean. The nose is too low. I'll work on the proportions more and then work more. I'll just post the finished product from a couple of hours ago, like I said, I just wanted to draw some pretty eyes really.

>> No.1533721

tl;dr i'm not even /ic/

>> No.1533724

>I just wanted to draw some pretty eyes really.
Im ok with drawing what you like or feel like drawing even if is stickmans.
but you should actually apply what are you studying

>> No.1533726

To add to this anon you should be automatically applying what you have studied so far

>> No.1533725
File: 180 KB, 625x626, 1377154540536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1533731

how's this bait? i don't want to be part of your kool kidz club i'm from another board and i asked a simple question

>> No.1533732

You could just google it yaknow...

>> No.1533735

Welcome to /ic/
Go read the sticky

You dont want to? you suck unless you prove me wrong.

>> No.1533736

/ic/ - faggotry general
thanks and fuck you

>> No.1533737

>be into animu when I was a teen
>was a shitty artist
>give up
>learn how to draw
>can drawn well now, even animu
>am not into animu any more
>all my creativity went along with it
>just practice realism for fun

Guys who watch animu or read mango, what's your inspiration to draw whatever you draw? Is it just absorbing enough content then doing what you feel like?

I wanna start using my skill to create fun things but I'm creatively dead.

>> No.1533739

Watch some animu, read some mango, browse some pixiv or danbooru.

>> No.1533740

I don't like animu, anon. I'm questioning these anons about their creative process so to gain insight on how to adjust mine.

>> No.1533741

Watch people in the street, and idealize them, "it would be great if that guy could... that girl needs to..." etc.
Feel sad about how powerless human beings are, then desire to become a superhuman, became a god who manipulate people lives...
Think about the problems of your family and friends, don't you want a better world for them?
Just imagine it, spread you hopes, frustrations, happiness and sadness into your drawings.

>> No.1533744

Not that anon, but, I never saw it this way.
Thank you

>> No.1533745
File: 127 KB, 732x851, fluttershyboobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lole'd
it's more of a hobby right now.

>> No.1533753

I know you could make it big time in the industry. And I don't say that to just any human MLP hentai fetishist.

>> No.1533754
File: 192 KB, 775x776, Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 3.28.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started using photoshop, this is my 3rd drawing, any tips

>> No.1533755

Get in bed with Betty Edwards and don't come out until you know what Symbol Drawing is and are no longer doing it.

>> No.1533756

Yeah, learn to draw.
Then learn how to draw humans.
Then after that learn to draw animu.

>> No.1533759

Keep taking the bait, morons. It's only amusing apest left in these threads.

>> No.1533762

Cool dog, maybe you can draw something for nickelodeon

>> No.1533764
File: 244 KB, 1794x2058, PSG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having trouble shading the hair

>> No.1533768


>breast shinny
>everything else is matte


>> No.1533772

her tits are oiled up

>> No.1533783


Also you need to go through "Keys to Drawing" by Bert Dodson.

>> No.1533785

i hate mlp fetishes as much as the next guy, but youve got to respect the actual talent here

her face, hair, and a bit of her abdomen are shiny. and her tits are probably oiled up like that other guy said

>> No.1533787

w-what? is this a new kind of religion?

>> No.1533789

I'm mainly doing this humanized pony for practice because I applied for Doxy's humanized pony calendar thing

>> No.1533795

>I wanna start using my skill to create fun things
Then do just exactly that.
Honestly it's hard, but the biggest problem is usually that you are too much out of the routine.
Just spend and invest more time in your hobbies/work. You need to get engrossed in the craft again, otherwise "fun" and "creativity" is never going to happen.

>> No.1533800


The palms of the hands fondling the breast should be shinny to so they convey that the oil was applied

>> No.1533807

you're welcome


>> No.1533808

oh, and drawing from imagination is fine as long as you can cover the basics first

>> No.1533810

this thread is gay

>> No.1533834


>> No.1533858
File: 82 KB, 500x718, Tumblr Gaiaonline Reddit Facebook etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He probably meant otome and yaoi, even though girls are also read yuri more than boys.

>> No.1533859

That's cause yuri is for faggots and casuals whose biggest fantasy is seeing 2 girls kiss.

>> No.1533860

I'm not blaming them, women are much more aesthetically pleasing. The only good thing about males is their cock. Futas are obviously the solution to all world problems.

>> No.1533863

Disgusting, are you really so borderline homosexual you're afraid of males or something?

>> No.1533864
File: 127 KB, 1072x594, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how I'm suppose to approach constructing the face?

>> No.1533866


>> No.1533872

Though if you do that for a girl, you will end up with a weirdly elongated horseface.

You need to make slight adjustments based on the character. For many manga characters to look recognizable, they will require the bottom of the face to be shorter and wider.

>> No.1533880

Is it the jaw that's the problem? The upper-left and lower-left were two methods I caught myself doing (pic related) and I've only been recently favoring the latter. However, I DO see what you mean about elongated faces. Any other alternatives I should try instead?

>> No.1533882
File: 339 KB, 1236x1632, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.1533884

Female faces are more squished. Try rounder and smoother jaw lines and shrink the nose down to avoid long horse faces.

>> No.1533888

Move the eyes down to 50% of the way up, instead of 66%.

>> No.1533913
File: 368 KB, 1200x1500, quick-anatomy-sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a quick sketch of MY anatomy style drawing. im not after a 100% realistic anatomy because that wont fit my style. but i still need to improve on some points..
also i did a male form wich is more... "natural" not super buffed

>> No.1533918

>MY anatomy style drawing
>im not after a 100% realistic anatomy because that wont fit my style
>male form wich is more... "natural" not super buffed

Way too obvious, 2/10 that's the best I can do

>> No.1533919

He's still more buff than would be normal. Very triangular model/athlete type torso.

Too many short straight lines, which give everything a rough, imprecise look, and don't convey form very well. Though, it's a sketch so not a big deal.

The girl's shoulders are a bit too wide. Her shoulders should be the same width as her hips.

It looks like both their legs are a bit on the short side, but that may just be my impression because I draw unnaturally long legs. Or it could be that their bodies are horizontally wide overall.

>> No.1533924

>No actual anatomy
>No perspective
>Not buff guy is super buff
>Feet are tumors twisting in random directions
Keep working. I'd recommend figure gesture drawing and perspective studies after you have practiced drawing lines

>> No.1533925

Your eyes are too far up the face making most of them look like horses

>> No.1533952

Her right eyebrow is floating off her face.
Also please work on your hair, it never looks like it's attached to the skull and is kind of just floating there.

>> No.1533957

> im not after a 100% realistic anatomy because that wont fit my style
So your style is deformed mutants? How about learning how proportions and anatomy work first then talk about style?

> chicken scratch
> male: lower section too narrow, belly button too high, forearms too bulky, legs have no correct form
> female: hips too high, massive feet, shoulders too wide, no wrists

>> No.1533963

Boobs looks more realistic than anything. Which makes it look odd since her face is like animu. I would loose the plastic/oil shine and render it with the way you did the thighs and stomach...if you did that I think it will look 10 times better.

>> No.1533975

Those oiled breasts.

>> No.1533999
File: 319 KB, 685x800, Atom .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1534003

somehow i can see this as a short kids show or some DEEP niche cartoon

>> No.1534021


When you use shapes to construct faces, or anything for that matter, the idea is that the shapes simplify the task of judging proportions and perspective, divide forms, and keep features aligned as the head is rotated. You are not really doing any of these things in your sketches.

The vertical center lines you used for the faces do not wrap around the sphere of the skull. None of the faces tilt vertically, so there is almost no need for the horizontal eye line; the relationship between the eyes and the ears never change in your drawings. The drawings do not demonstrate any real understanding of form that would allow you to draw flexibly.

If you do not know how shapes behave in perspective and cannot convincingly draw primitives from a variety of angles, it takes away most of the reasons for constructing. You are just winging it.

>> No.1534060
File: 380 KB, 220x220, a6xsutGGr1qf529x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1534073
File: 50 KB, 485x700, tumblr_lqam7qdNIk1qf529x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least, try

>> No.1534080

that's pretty bad...

>> No.1534082

Are you me?

>> No.1534083

that's from ntdevont tumblr.
Truth to be told, its kinda old and quite a lot better than the other guy "style"

I remember at that time he was studying anatomy from vishstudio on dA

>> No.1534092

This looks a lot better.

>> No.1534114

This looks like there's an artist on newgrounds who draws like that constantly and keeps telling he has his own style but God his limbs and anatomy is so off it hurts to watch him getting tons of attention for oversized breasts and hidden hand drawings

>> No.1534119


>> No.1534147

Found him.

At least he does coloring pretty decently

>> No.1534192

I guess this is what you get when you dont even try to advance correctly and are always defendin on muh style, without anybody to tell you otherwise/go defensive as fuck and dont care about anything.

>> No.1534208

Dear god. I guess if you draw video game characters with boobs you will gather a shitton of fans no matter how low the quality might be

>> No.1534224
File: 120 KB, 800x600, calypso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>keeps telling he has his own style

Why am I not surprised?

>> No.1534239

Nearing autosage, anyone want to contribute their current work to be displayed as OP? All I have are a bunch of boring gesture drawings and am having issues with chicken scratch so I am automatically disqualified.

>> No.1534243

Fuck me. I tried to abort it. Ignore this.

>> No.1534242

I need help... can someone redline? I need to learn proportions.

>> No.1534251
File: 993 KB, 2700x1145, 2difficult4drunks2handle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Current work

But it's shit.

>> No.1534253

Much better than what I can do, though. How about it?

>> No.1534255 [DELETED] 

Just pick one from the thread you like

>> No.1534256

Why lithuania's so poorly drawn..

>> No.1534258
File: 829 KB, 1000x1415, Object S245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slight changes implemented.

Also making a proper background. I think I made it too colorful, though.

>> No.1534262

Listen to the one anon about the hands. The shading's too strict, it looks like a brick.

>> No.1534266


Because I started drawing from the left, you can see how it gets worse from left to right. Plus, we had a little argument with them yesterday, although it was probably just banter.

>> No.1534272

I can't unsee Finland's hair being it's torso

>> No.1534274
File: 135 KB, 325x500, 1367779383549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That rhymes!

>> No.1534275
File: 270 KB, 907x790, no nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-Still taking OP suggestions?

>> No.1534279

Well you got my attention.

>If you do not know how shapes behave in perspective and cannot convincingly draw primitives from a variety of angles

I have been practicing drawing multiple shapes in perspective. I won't lie though, I feel like I'm not absorbing it because I feel like I'm forgetting an important step.
That said, what would you suppose would be a good exercise to do? All my resources are on another computer right now (moving stuff around) so if I need a specific book, I'll go hunt it down as soon as possible.

>> No.1534281

I like this. The face makes me remember that I still didn't finish Final Fantasy Tactics.

>> No.1534295

New thread


>> No.1534298

you should fix the eyes a bit, she isnt looking straight forward to me

>> No.1534304

That's some nice cartoon/doodle.
Unlike this >>1532468

>> No.1534379 [DELETED] 
File: 469 KB, 1024x1544, tonfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1534584 [DELETED] 
File: 290 KB, 720x1080, FionnaCake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fionna and Cake work in progress; is it any good?

>> No.1535192

Posted in >>1532722 at >>1535029 and was told to come here for critique. Hopefully someone can help me? And yes, i hid her hands in her sleeves. That was intentional for the overall look. Hands aren't really a dealbreaker for me personally. My problem is with perspective most times as well as Proportion. But those come with practice and time.

"Not really into shading until i've hashed out all the details myself, And i'm also really working on Anatomy. So far i'm still leaning toward a manga-esqe look. I know drawing other types of faces would help with that, but i have no inspiration to do so. well, Except maybe when you mention Phobs from DA."