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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 110 KB, 478x516, thread-start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1515179 No.1515179 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning thread.

Previous Thread: >>1513325

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge with us and remember to thank those who've critiqued or redlined your drawings and most importantly have fun.

And remember when in doubt - Read The Fucking Sticky as our chubby red haired friend so diligently puts.

"...in the end, nature is the best teacher." - Andrew Loomis

>> No.1515183

<<[cancer containment field activated]>>

>> No.1515186

Alright, degeneratives! Into the cancer containment thread!

>> No.1515188

All aboard the cancer train!

>> No.1515189

Is anime neo expressionism?

>> No.1515191
File: 196 KB, 1076x1024, chemotherapy004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Preemptive :

>> No.1515200 [DELETED] 
File: 445 KB, 3187x4125, dasdsda dasesea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this a while ago and decided to continue working on this. Aside from the deformed hands (I'm working on them) anything glaringly off?

>> No.1515202

Line thickness, dude! I can barely see anything.

>> No.1515209
File: 488 KB, 3187x4125, dasdsda dasesea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to paint over this so lines won't be as necessary. Here's one with thicker lines.

>> No.1515214

r u 12 ?

>> No.1515218

That tail looks very wonky.

>> No.1515220

Her left hand looks like a blob.

>> No.1515237

Wonky? Like how? Can you explain?
Admittedly it was a placeholder when I started drawing this, but couldn't figure out how to draw it without looking worse. Thanks for reminding me though.

>> No.1515239

I'd comment, but someone might get mad and defensive again. :)

>> No.1515241

Figure overall needs work. Hands...foreshortening everything.

>> No.1515252

Your tail kinda looks strapped on like a toy prop. Make it more like a lizards tail, continuing from the spine and making a slight curl upwards.

>> No.1515256

Somethings wrong with your sensitivity settings.

>> No.1515258
File: 227 KB, 1362x722, ss (2013-08-01 at 11.17.40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Prinnies allowed here dood?

>> No.1515263
File: 362 KB, 2400x1500, doodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on the WIP
No one replied on the one last thread so I'll just post the update. Any advice?

>> No.1515269

Faces look pretty good, all animu like.
But the bodies look like they have no weight, and it looks a little off, I say you just need to work on gesture.

Oh and the brown dude's right leg looks a little longer than the left.

>> No.1515270

shit meant for


>> No.1515271

alright cool thanks. The brown chick'c leg that closer has the pants tucked in higher that's why. I'llI go ahead and fix that anyways. Um could you explain what you meant by the bodies have no weight? Sorry I'm a little confused at that

>> No.1515274
File: 113 KB, 773x753, 812315355454120112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone red line the right arm for me? I can't figure out how the obscured elbow and forearm should connect for the hand placement.

>> No.1515287

Looks stiff dude.

>> No.1515298

With the way you give 'advice' it's not surprising someone calls you moronic.

Go ahead and call that defensive, moron.

>> No.1515301

God damn what a shitfest.

Why do you people come to this shithole for critique? Why not go to better places?

>> No.1515304

That's good question, anon. I'd imagine it would be in the vein MUH STYLE or IT' NOIT FINIOSH. The insight of some would be baffling.

>> No.1515305

cancer treatment

>> No.1515324


Still mad. :D

>> No.1515331

It's funny because the people here are just as talented in anime as the others in anatomy.

It's the blind leading the blind

>> No.1515335 [DELETED] 

I want GeyDeath and that one other faggot to stop shitposting already.

>> No.1515337

I want GeyDeath and that one other faggot to stop shitposting already.

>> No.1515344
File: 67 KB, 774x827, ss (2013-08-04 at 06.40.22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up all night sketching and this is all I have to show for it.

I'm new-ish here so I haven't quite familiarised myself with all the regulars yet, but is there anyone else here who sort of blends their anime with a more western/personal stylistic approach? I feel like I'm so on the fence that idk whether I belong in this thread or not

Also does anyone have any good guides on colouring lineart? I don't really like flat or cel style colouring but don't really know any other way

>> No.1515354


Scott Robertson's How to Render Matte Surfaces will help you think more about value and lighting and how it relates to form. Once you have value change = form change down dead cold, color won't seem so much like an esoteric clusterfuck.

Also you've been around since the 2nd or 3rd anime thread at least Dick.

Before anyone else jumps on your nads what exactly about being considered anime makes you uneasy? If you feel like you'll fall in a pigeonhole just don't, try and learn in a whole manner of styles and mediums that interest you. Don't feel like you have to be a one trick pony but don't spread yourself to thin trying to cover a whole fuckton of bases either. Do what you like to do.

>> No.1515355
File: 458 KB, 500x500, skyfall4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of artists do that I think
>I see a lot of that sort of mix of style on tumblr.
your stuff looks like it'll be fine in either the drawing or animu thread, depending on which style you lean more towards on any one work. got any finished stuff?

>> No.1515356
File: 584 KB, 773x753, Red_line2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1515359 [DELETED] 
File: 736 KB, 773x753, 123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna do a full redline for you but then it hit me that I really don't know exactly what you want that right arm doing. I can't really see how she's holding that gun, is that really how you want it? The arm posture itself is fine, it's just the length of the arm that's the issue. But yeah, reassess how you want her to hold that gun. If you leave the gun where it is, she can't actually hold it with a trigger grip, so she'd have to support from below with her hand between the magazine and the monopod.

>> No.1515361
File: 720 KB, 773x753, 3333232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was gonna do a full redline for you but then it hit me that I really don't know exactly what you want that right arm doing. I can't really see how she's holding that gun, is that really how you want it? The arm posture itself is fine, it's just the length of the arm that's the issue. But yeah, reassess how you want her to hold that gun. If you leave the gun where it is, she can't actually hold it with a trigger grip, so she'd have to support from below with her hand between the magazine and the monopod.

>> No.1515367

It looks traced.

>> No.1515368
File: 122 KB, 1166x823, ss (2013-08-04 at 07.13.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really? I've been here that long? Shit. Feels like I've only been posting for half a dozen threads or so. The reason I asked now is because I've only really seen balls to the wall 100% anime style illustrations here so far, which isn't bad or anything, I'm just curious. And it's not so much a matter of uneasiness, just that I like being able to convey as much personal style as possible in my work, even when drawing upon stylistic inspirations. I mix things up a lot, probably too much. I often feel like I'm getting that whole 'spread too thin' feeling, like you said, like I'm trying to get good at too many things at once.

>> No.1515370
File: 281 KB, 918x697, 35PERC_medigal3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably the most finished thing I've produced in like, nearly 12 months. I've been really hung up on fundamentals so basically all I really do anymore is sketch

>> No.1515376


Commit to more finished pieces, ones with figures and backgrounds. Something that you like, something you wouldn't mind devoting more time and effort to. If you fuck it all up, try again. Don't be afraid of what you might or might not be capable of.

>> No.1515411

Thanks for the red line, I'll look into the neck.

The hidden arm is positioned that way so the hand is resting on top of the rail. I pushed the gun further back to show a bit of the stock so a trigger grip is still possible, I'll just move it forward.

I wanted to know what the hidden parts of the arm looks like because I plan to do a version without the weapon and I'm confused how the forearm should connect to the elbow, so I'd appreciate if you could help with how the arm should look at a resting position.

>> No.1515453

>still full of yourself
>using emoticons


>> No.1515477


I concur with moving her right hand to the space between the magazine and the body of the rifle. She can keep her hand where it is and make the shoulder strap taut.

The mechanics of her arm is a little confusing, parts not seeming to have any rhyme or reason techwise, some parts rendered look more like fabric.

>> No.1515479


>still mad


>> No.1515480


>OR She can keep her hand where it is and make the shoulder strap taut.

>> No.1515491

your work reminds me of Sam McKenzie, but obviously not nearly as good. see if his work is the blend you're looking for.
on another note, you're such a huge whiny annoying faggot, if you need a shoulder to cry on, yo picked the wrong place.

>> No.1515559

FUCKING STOP this is the second thread youve ruined.

>> No.1515628


I think my tablet's broken

I cant draw anything but the tablet works like a fucking mouse

>> No.1515630

restart the service
or if that doesn't work, reinstall the drivers.

>> No.1515633

again? really? What the fuck is your gripe? Either your reading comprehension skills are completely fucking abysmal or you're just a generally shit person. Literally kill yourself.

>> No.1515640
File: 179 KB, 768x1024, 20130803_2327471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a redline or any tips on this before I continue?

>> No.1515717
File: 1.13 MB, 3325x4800, Akari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1515750
File: 92 KB, 900x720, Punpun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to do with her right hand....

>> No.1515757
File: 227 KB, 658x829, maz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually post my more serious stuff in the draw thread, but this is more animu, so here you go animu d/ic/ks.

>> No.1515761

start thinking about composition and the emotional spectrum of your illustrations.

Really think about what message you want to convey.

>> No.1515777
File: 207 KB, 1121x1323, miku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip in progress

>> No.1515790

>do i belong here
>is my style ok
>i dont like to color that way because everyone is doing it and i want to be a special snowflake
>i am so worried about my personal style
My reading comprehension is alright, but you need to work on yours if you dont think he is a huge faggot who is annoying you like a baby who cant do anything by himself so he goes "is it ok? is that ok?"

>> No.1515792
File: 226 KB, 1280x720, Punpun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1515825


To be honest that's pretty nice. You kinda need to work on your line confidence and how clothing folds work though.

>> No.1515833

Thanks, I still practice line confidence everyday, this is still better than me last month to be honest....

>> No.1515844

>tbh, its a steaming pile of shit. bullshit shadow overlay doesnt hide the garbage beneath


>> No.1515853

I know there are many wrong parts in that pic, but as I am now I can't even know how to fix.
I uploaded the sketch before but no one said anything, so I think I should finish it quickly and move on to study more instead.

>> No.1515884
File: 409 KB, 773x753, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe try some thing like this. try not to hide hands. hands are very interesting and add a lot of personality to your character.
I also think her stance could be more planted unless of of course she is flying or something

>> No.1515892
File: 82 KB, 486x540, maz2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted the wroooong one

Anyway, progress. Not quite used to working in perspective, any glaring errors?

>> No.1515894

so i was wondering where should i start with vilppu?

>> No.1515903

I recommend hampton first because his book is pretty brief and he covered most of the important stuffs in it. You can check Loomis or Vilppu later.

>> No.1515928

This looks nice. Do you normally draw anime/furry porn? That would be a pity.

>> No.1515935

Why would you assume that that anon "normally" draws furry porn?

>> No.1515951

These threads are for "dog whistling" Why not?

>> No.1515990
File: 87 KB, 800x746, asfasdf_cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me guys. How do i construct heads. how do i know where to place eyes, how to draw chin, how to draw hair on other side? Is there a method to this madness? I practice Loomis too but i go nowhere.

>> No.1515996

No, I normally draw oppai futa lolis

>> No.1516005 [DELETED] 

like CP stuff?

>> No.1516007 [DELETED] 

A drawing isn't cp

>> No.1516008 [DELETED] 

and hentai isn't porn?

>> No.1516012 [DELETED] 


Even if it is cp, what's wrong with drawing little girls?

>> No.1516016 [DELETED] 

Irrelevent false equivalency

>> No.1516020 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 492x454, nojudge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1516031

do u mean Figure Drawing - Design and Invention ?

>> No.1516047 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 395x399, 1345419196675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If a drawing is CP then should an artist be arrested for murder if you draw a decapitated little girl?

CP don't create Pedos just as violent Comics and Video Games don't create Murderers.

>> No.1516050 [DELETED] 

He's being sarcastic, chill.

>> No.1516054

"Tattoo you will regret" of the century!

>> No.1516055 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 643x858, 1274170438052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoops Clarifying: That is -Drawings- of CP don't create Pedos. Actual CP is CP, naturally, and those creating from abusing children should be arrested.

>> No.1516069 [DELETED] 


>> No.1516100 [DELETED] 

>raping children=/=abuse

this is what pedos actually believe

>> No.1516102 [DELETED] 


I didn't know you can rape a cartoon character...

>> No.1516107 [DELETED] 

>Actual CP is CP, naturally, and those creating from abusing children should be arrested.


>> No.1516114 [DELETED] 

I didn't know the celebration of kiddie rape wasn't an endorsement for kiddie rape.

You Pedos must have a complex view of the world. Fascinating.

>> No.1516119 [DELETED] 

Please don't call me a pedo. I'm more of a hebephile.

>> No.1516123 [DELETED] 

its fitting in these threads esp. since teal likes to draw murdered boys covered in blood and man juice

>> No.1516124 [DELETED] 

I hit puberty when I was 9; would you fuck a nine-year-old?

>> No.1516125 [DELETED] 

If it walks like duck...

>> No.1516128 [DELETED] 

I'll pat your head gently and take you out to Baskin Robbins if you'd like, but not fuck you.

>> No.1516129 [DELETED] 

>Hair on your nuts?

>> No.1516133 [DELETED] 

>>1516128 cont'd

...but I will slip some zolpidem into your double scoop of Birthday Bash and Pink Bubblegum, and then later take some pictures.

>> No.1516140 [DELETED] 


Your critical thinking at such a young age will my my stomach flutter so much that I'll buy you extra icecream.You'll hug me for no reason-because you are a child-and stuff your face with the extras. Our relationship will come closer for the next 2 years before it gets intimate.

>> No.1516142 [DELETED] 

Your critical thinking at such a young age will get my stomach fluttering so much that I'll buy you extra icecream.You'll hug me for no reason-because you are a child-and stuff your face with the extras. Our relationship will come closer for the next 2 years before it gets intimate.

>> No.1516145 [DELETED] 

>>1516142 cont'd
...And after two years I'll reveal those photos I took of you, from our first date. (FYI: Technically I never fucked you, just to be clear here)

>> No.1516156 [DELETED] 


I'll shove away the photos you showed me and, without thinking, begin to give you what you were craving for a long time; to be kissed passionately as I embrace my hands right under your shirt to pinch your nipples. You loved the kisses so much that you delete the photos.

>> No.1516158

>He didn't comment on my work!
It's okay anon, which one is yours?

>> No.1516161

>People depicting their sexual fantasies while calling others pedo

>> No.1516163 [DELETED] 

our view of the world is realistic, i.e., there is a real world and there is also imaginary world. we see the difference plain as day, you don't, either because you're too stupid or blind.

>> No.1516164
File: 70 KB, 600x900, spirited01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these threads actually useful?

>> No.1516169

Past few have been pretty bad. Just hoping the storm clears soon.

>> No.1516179

I'm still waiting for some actual discussion and critique, what do you think?

Nice job. Though you might want to show that the background has their shadows to or something and get secondary shading on them so they wont look so flat.

I'm really jealous of you and everyone else here who can do simplified folds.
>Cant do folds for shit
>Friend calls me out on it and tells me to work on it more
>Study from life
>Other friends see my work
>Simplify your folds, anon.


>> No.1516186 [DELETED] 

So... you are a pedo?

>> No.1516187 [DELETED] 

>fantasizing about seducing 11-year-old

yep, pedo

>> No.1516188

Don't worry, the trolls will leave eventually.
Anyways, I think Chihiro's expression looks a little odd, so I can't tell what's going on. Is she supposed to look scared? She looks like she's making a weird lewd face to me lol

>> No.1516191
File: 741 KB, 800x1200, spirited06s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't need any critique on this drawing since it's done, so I had posted the in-progress shot instead.

I rarely if ever come to /ic/ for crit. It's useless.

>> No.1516190 [DELETED] 

>pedophile is love
>if he says, "yes," it's consensual
>Who cares if he's four?

>> No.1516193 [DELETED] 

Just... stop, please

>> No.1516194 [DELETED] 



>> No.1516196

Oh, sheesh, it looks a lot better with her lip colored in lol. Guess I missed that.
/ic/'s crit isn't always useless, but it many times is, yeah. Work on foreshortening eyes, btw.

>> No.1516198

It doesn't need it.

>> No.1516199

well shit, that's really nice. if a little twilight-ish.

>He smells weird
>My feet hurt
>Why am I here?
>I just wanna go home and play drums

>> No.1516200

Have you tried studying curtains or just other illustrations?
Reduce your life studies to simple contours - maybe that'll help.

>> No.1516202

well okay, but really dont think just because it's finished that you dont need critique for it. take it as advice so you dont repeat any mistakes on your next work. oh, and discuss further to make sure the mistakes you made are actually wrong or just a matter of opinion

>> No.1516205


well, i'm trying.

thank you pixiv

>> No.1516206 [DELETED] 

Tomayto, Tomahto

>> No.1516211 [DELETED] 

Hiiiiiiii (*o*)/

>> No.1516212 [DELETED] 

fuck off faggot

>> No.1516214

It wasn't traced, but when I made the lines thicker it made it looked traced. My plan was to paint over the lines.

Anyone care to provide a redline?

>> No.1516217

No one will redline your work if people can tell that hardly any real practice or study was put into it.
Draw more, study more, and then come back.

>> No.1516222


>it doesn't need it

Then why share it here? /i/, an /a/ drawthread, or even /co/ is more appropriate if you aren't seeking critique. Also, you come off as conceited, no offense, but saying that work doesn't need to be judged makes you come off as someone who thinks there work is perfect without the need for improvement.

>> No.1516226

I don't agree that it's useless to come here.
It's valuable to get the opinions of others because staring at your art for too long makes it impossible to see obvious errors.
Even if you disagree with what another person has to say about your art, it shows what aspects of it the public may dislike.
/ic/ does give some good crits from time to time. Stick around long enough and you can tell what's good and bad critique.

I'm giving critique anyway because you can always learn from your past works.
From the image you posted, I suggest working on values. The hair, for instance, looks very flat and clashes with the way you drew the face. Push the values there and also work on rendering the hair, concentrating on making it look more three-dimensional to match the face. You have the locks of hair down, but there's not enough detail to make it actually look like hair.
Also, don't use pure black for lineart. It stands out far too much. If for whatever reason you decide to use black anyway, you should make the lines much, much thinner.

>> No.1516242 [DELETED] 

>take my critique or shutup

>> No.1516244
File: 197 KB, 1208x842, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone been through this phase where everything you do just frustrates you and feels like you're getting worse even though you put in the effort? I'm feeling it and its a bummer, I can't even construct heads like I used too anymore it just doesn't fit well with everything anymore.

Or have I finally realized that what I have been doing wasn't fitting to begin with. I need someone to kick me in the butt maybe that's whats missing.

>> No.1516259

You try to construct using basic forms AND exactly at the same time you try to copy things you don't understand. Don't do it. Don't jump into details. If you draw torso, then draw it! Don't draw fucking breasts or those scratches around them. As Vilppu said, you should have a basic procedure. Draw all parts in basic forms, and, after that, apply the details. But first, of course, is the gesture.
>I can't even construct heads
Oval or sphere. Simply. Details later.
>it just doesn't fit well with everything anymore
No, your skill is changing. Don't jump into depression, or, in other words, don't stop.

>> No.1516266

umm no he's saying that if a work is posted on a board for Artwork/CRITIQUE that it's reasonable to expect it to be critiqued.

if people don't want critique they should post elsewhere.


>> No.1516267

he's saying that if a work is posted on a board for Artwork/CRITIQUE that it's reasonable to expect it to be critiqued, you stupid fuck.

if people don't want critique they should post elsewhere.

go be a colossal faggot somewhere else

>> No.1516273 [DELETED] 


Not all critics can be respected. Some in fact offer bad advice or don't help at all. If you can't handle it, that your critique was crap, then maybe you should go critique elsewhere.

go be a self entitled little prick somewhere else.

>> No.1516276

Thanks I'll keep it simple I appreciate your help.

>> No.1516277 [DELETED] 

I don't think he's samefagging, I think his post didn't show up for him or something.
Also, that wasn't his critique. It was mine. He just replied to a kid freaking out.

>> No.1516287
File: 1.43 MB, 1477x1991, tyhnynyhf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boobs don't work like that.
Your line of action/spine/gesture thingy or whatever suggest a 3/4 positioning of the whole body, yet you placed it in a front view.
You're not thinking in 3D/perspective.
You're reliying on contours.
Try to construct your drawings with 3D shapes.
No matter what the style, everbody does this, and if they don't but their art is good, is because they have developed a good spatial imagination.

>> No.1516291

Do some life drawing, and study other stuff, not just loomis.

>> No.1516295

The face looks kind of flat, but I like it so far

>> No.1516300

It is shit.
Are you even trying?
>Shit critique for a shit drawing

>> No.1516304

>wip in progress
>Work in progress in progress
Btw, nice trips brah, don't forget to post the finished product.

>> No.1516305
File: 405 KB, 1300x1616, VNsketch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's the lack of a defined nose or a lot more than that, I don't know, but it just doesn't look as good as I'd like. Suggestions?

>> No.1516307

Do you have any idea what you've done?

>> No.1516310 [DELETED] 

Not really, but by the looks of it, I just pissed a taletless artist/troll/shit poster.

>> No.1516311 [DELETED] 

thanks for destroying the thread

>> No.1516312 [DELETED] 


>> No.1516315 [DELETED] 

K, see you in the next one.

>> No.1516341
File: 53 KB, 650x800, sg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the mouth should move a bit to the left (her right), and in that angle it's better to have some nose... but i'm a beginner so don't trust what i'm saying too much...

>> No.1516397

>Not all critics can be respected. Some in fact offer bad advice or don't help at all.
what was bad or unhelpful about that dude's critique.

> If you can't handle it, that your critique was crap, then maybe you should go critique elsewhere.
>hurr if they didn't like a critique it was bad

this is why these threads are cancer.

>> No.1516416 [DELETED] 

>hurr if they didn't like a critique it was bad

>hurr if they didn't accept a critique they butthurt

See how that reciprocates?

>> No.1516462

I'd say that the shadows on the figures' faces can be lightened up a little, much too dark and falls to the same level as the black darkness around the edge of the piece. It would make the characters pop a bit more off the background.

Reflected light on the girl's face can be tinted with a little bit more color from the guy's shirt just to blend in a better. As of now it looks like there's a secondary light source coming from something other than the guy's shirt.

>> No.1516469

Pointless not helpful advice but at least you are trying. I guess. Should have known better than to ask this place for help.

>> No.1516478

i wholly agree with you, but that's a terrible attitude you're displaying, so you're just as bad.

>> No.1516481

B-B-But oniichan :C

>> No.1516487


>> No.1516490
File: 296 KB, 1000x881, Object G212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where to go from here, my Afr/ic/an bruthas.

Even though I thought I had planned it out fine, everything looks off.

Values are just to mark things off. Haven't done shading yet because I think the core structure is wrong.

>> No.1516492
File: 220 KB, 2338x1700, Yui 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attempted at redrawing Yui from last week. I'm going to be drawing profile and from the back as well

Have I improved; even a minuscule amount? How/Where do I go from here?

>> No.1516497

Is the horse face intentional?
Other than that the left leg looks disconnected from the body, like it was severed and it's just laying there.

You need to start from the basics, there is a very helpful sticky in this board full of good guides.

>> No.1516501

So don't even bother trying to practice profile or backshot, because at the level I'm at, the practice wouldn't help me anyway?

>> No.1516502


Wow you improved a lot since last week! I recommend you buy Mastering Manga by Mark Crilley, it helped me a lot.

>> No.1516504

You sound like you know what your talking about. Let's see your stuff, anon

>> No.1516506

All right, will flatten the face. I guess I put the eyes too high up in the beginning.

Dunno what to do with the left leg, though, move it in closer, make it fatter?

>> No.1516512

true, i'm just shit and angry. i wish i know whats the secret to drawing simple shit as this

>> No.1516520

I'm sorry, but there's no secret. Only patience

>> No.1516519
File: 39 KB, 596x734, sketch4_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What helps me is not overthinking it. Look at a picture as a reference and draw what you see, not what you think you see. Trying to construct a body from imagination is a painful exercise.

Your picture isn't too bad. Something I'd look more into is perspective and not necessarily construction. The position of the hair doesn't match the position of the face, or at least it doesn't look like it to me. You have style down, it's just a matter of making your figures anatomically correct.

Don't just study Loomis or art books, study actual pieces that you really like. Look at how they make their faces and bodies unique and what sets an artist's style apart from everyone else while keeping everything in proportion.

I'm relatively new to artsy stuff, so you can take all of this with a grain of salt, but this is what I've been doing and I don't think my drawings are necessarily bad. Pic related, it's something I drew.

>> No.1516523

Just just telling me to feel it and i don't know how to do that. How do i even use perspective there Should i build grids, projects shapes and measure it like crazy when some 5 year old can do it in few strokes? I tried to learn from references but i only got "how" not "why". When i gotta change eyes, rotate head its impossible.

there is either secret or im retarded because i doubt it should take months to understand.

>> No.1516528

It DOES take months to understand for many people. Don't doubt yourself

>> No.1516529

If you're *trying* to "feel it" you're doing it wrong. Treat art like an existentialist treats life. Rather than thinking about what goes where, take a step back and look at the big picture. For me it was kind of an a-ha moment where things just kind of made sense. From then on my practice started paying off rather than me just going in circles. From the look of your picture it looks like you've already had that moment, but you're falling back down into the rut of "why can't I get this right I'm a terrible artist." That's when you have to stop and take that step back. Can't get the head to look the way you want it to? Try drawing it in a totally different position. Maybe you'll notice something you didn't before.

So you get the "how" but not the "why" from looking at references. I'm guessing the "how" is how to make your drawing look like the picture. I'm not sure what the "why" means. Can you explain a little more?

Also, post more of your art.

>> No.1516530


I don't know if this a stylistic thing or not but perpective should not make her right eye shorter. Thinner maybe, but not shorter.

>> No.1516533

Sorry, double post, but something I didn't answer. Look up how to go about learning perspective. I read somewhere that once you learn perspective, it's like adding a tool to your toolbelt. Once you get it, it comes really easy. As for a 5 year old being able to do it, I'm guessing the kid is either a savant or has had a good teacher.

>> No.1516535 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 205x246, 290392n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm relatively new to artsy stuff
>gonna give advice anyway

No! Keep your mouth shut!

>> No.1516537 [DELETED] 

Oh hush. Just because I'm not seasoned doesn't mean I can't say what is and what isn't helping me improve.

>> No.1516546 [DELETED] 

Am I the only one that cringes when looking at the work here, and knowing they made by full grown adults?

>> No.1516548 [DELETED] 

Am I the only one here who cringes, when looking at the work posted and knowing they were made by full grown adults?

>> No.1516549 [DELETED] 

>full grown adults

/ic/ is one of the most underage boards on the site, and no, not just the anime threads.

>> No.1516550 [DELETED] 

everyone is a newbie at some point, anon

>> No.1516551 [DELETED] 

There might be gaps/mistakes in your knowledge so you should probably just recommend the person to a professional.

>> No.1516553 [DELETED] 


>18+ and you draw like a 7 year old

>> No.1516557 [DELETED] 


>> No.1516558 [DELETED] 


>> No.1516561 [DELETED] 


That's it. Full grown people drawing like underage children. What more do you need an explanation for?

>> No.1516563

Yes, let me point to some random anonymous person on an image board that sort of seems like they know what they're talking about and say, "Listen to that person. They're a professional." Excuse me, but how do you expect me to go about referring someone to a professional? Does everyone here have a list of people who are good at art that they email whenever they have questions? No, you're being unreasonable. People can benefit from the advice of others who are also just starting a craft. "Here's the mistakes I've been making the past week. Maybe you're making them too. Oh, and I just learned how to _______. Maybe you could benefit from that." For all you know, anyone who posts with something slightly intelligent on here may have just started looking at an art book today and is only posting something akin to what they read without saying that they are unsure of their advice. At least I mentioned that I'm new and that my advice might not be the best around.

tl;dr Are you retarded?

>> No.1516566
File: 65 KB, 600x616, fdshdfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know how perspective helps here. Sure 3d is in perspective. But not once in any of the books or 1million tutorials i read about using perspective in constructing heads...

Also have another shit that took me half hour to do now. I can't progress for months.

>> No.1516570 [DELETED] 


I dont see your point

>> No.1516571

There isn't really any way to get any help on the net anyway. Maybe you can get one good critique once a year. But it's mostly misinformed, bullshit or you just gonna get ignored.

You need to either know someone skilled or pay for some mentoring.

>> No.1516573
File: 1.03 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_20130804_183657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring all the pedo conversation, how is my drawing? Any tips? I personally like it, as I Don't usually shadow often. I would color it, but I don't have much proffesional colrporing pencials atm. (=

>> No.1516577 [DELETED] 

Adults drawing like children. That's the point. Simple observation. Make of it what you will.

>> No.1516578

You can rotate images even in windows image viewer, what's your excuse?

>> No.1516580

how can you be this bad after all that reading material? what the hell do you even read? loomis mentions it in like the first pages of every book he does. the whole construction method is based on form and perspective. just quit. you clearly have some learning impediment.

>> No.1516579

My picture took me two days, so yeah.

I just looked up "how to draw perspective heads" on google and got a ton of nifty stuff on the first page, so check that out. I'm not gonna try to give specifics about how the head SHOULD look and draw pretty red lines all over it because honestly I don't know how, so I'm not going to pretend to.

>> No.1516581

I really dont see what you're getting at here, they're new at drawing, that's just it

>> No.1516583

Yeah, "new" is in "newborn baby"

>> No.1516585


>> No.1516587

Head is too big for the body, calves are super long, and either her nose is too far off center or her left eye is too close to her ear. Maybe both. I wish I could be more help rather than just being nit-picky.

>> No.1516588


>> No.1516591

Yeah, i know i have no talent at all for this

>> No.1516590

I rotated it with my phone tools, why did it go back? -_-

>> No.1516592

And what?
What more do you want?

>> No.1516593

Don't listen to: >>1516580
That's like telling a person they're stupid because they can't learn math in one specific way. Maybe it just doesn't click for that person in the specific way they're being taught. Everybody learns differently, and treating Loomis as the end-all beat-all of art books makes that anon a super jackass who doesn't know what he and/or she is talking about.

>> No.1516594
File: 557 KB, 1920x1200, Konachan.com_-_1247_black_eyes_black_hair_boots_choker_cleavage_elf_navel_shining_tears_shining_wind_taka_tony_thighhighs_wings_xecty_ein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm. If it helps, this was what I was looking at.

>> No.1516595

All those "perspective" tutorials is just about drawing at different angle. There is no perspective measurement involved like for example in drawing buildings or interiors.

>> No.1516596


You accidentally drew it at a 90 degree angle from the reference. Work on your observational skills.

>> No.1516597

For you to stop shitposting.

>> No.1516600


Trying to copy Tony is futile. Read loomis and refer to the sticky.

>> No.1516602

Sorry about the rotation, my phone is really pathetic. But yea, I see what you mean.

>> No.1516601

Oh. Well. Hmm. Have you looked up different perspectives of a skull? Those can be helpful.

Man, I don't know. It's a bunch of trial and error. You still never said what the different between "how" and "why" when learning from references.

>> No.1516603

god damn you're retarded

>> No.1516605
File: 22 KB, 500x500, adultsjustdontgetit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one shit posting?


>> No.1516606

I say this every thread, but whatever.
No shitposting or drama next thread please.

>> No.1516607

Are you doing any of the anatomical sketching that the artist would have done before they started drawing hard lines? If you're like, starting with the sleeve or hair or boots you're doomed to fail.

>> No.1516608

Troll harder, buddy.

>> No.1516610

it's sad because you don't realize how stupid and ignorant you are, and you actually think im the one trolling bwahahhaha. this is what i get for coming into the animu thread though, ciao. enjoy your cesspool

>> No.1516611

Just for that, I'm going to shit post harder

>> No.1516612

K bye.

>> No.1516613

Are you trying to say that skill is related to age? Or are you just not fond of the approach of learning these individuals have?
Link to the image because duplicate file and whatnot:

>> No.1516614


>> No.1516615

epic m8, just epik :)

>> No.1516616

I fear if I did those anotomical base sketches before starting, that they would just leave pencil/erase marks, even if done lightly. I do start out light, then go over darker. In this 1, I started with the head.

>> No.1516617

a clap for you

>> No.1516618

It means that looking at reference i won't ever know how was it constructed. "Why" were the lines placed at their positions. There should be some knowledge behind every stroke so you can then build heads in different angles.

>> No.1516620

God help us if we left marks on our sketches from starting with the foundations for a body. Go get a better eraser or some shit if it smears when you erase. Faint lines left behind even after a clean erase? Get over it. It's not the end of the world. I'd rather have a good looking work that has some remnants of outlining than a shit drawing that looks a little cleaner. That's what image manipulation software is for.

>> No.1516621

At that level Tony probably doesn't need any sketching before drawing.

>> No.1516622

Are you trying to say in your 18+ years on this earth you never once drew a picture until today?

And that Deviantart pic is unfair. They're way better than most who post here.

>> No.1516623
File: 62 KB, 486x495, tumblr_mehlqj1NbH1rhr7hyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1516624

>those dont count!

>> No.1516627

Ok ok, I'm not trying to argue or anything. XD. Just pointing out how I attempted this drawing so I can get accurate feedback. I don't plan on entering it in contests or anything. Just wanted to know how I can get better. However, everyone else seems to have a very seriously escalating arguement right now...

>> No.1516628

That's because no one here knows how to get better so we just shitpost. No one good ever comes here unless they want to "advertise" themselves.

>> No.1516629

Loomis doesn't explain this? There's no part of any of his books that says something like "I'm putting a line here because" or "this is where you draw eyes because." Find a reference and try redrawing it starting with the sketching the original artist would have done before hand and figure it out yourself why the lines are where they are. "Oh, the line that crosses the top of both eyes goes at a slant so that the facial features match up with the direction of the head." Draw your own lines, make reference points, ask yourself why the artist draw something a certain way. There's not going to be a book that says "Oh well in this position we draw the nose shadow like this because the septum has to be at a 22 degree angle with teh dimples of the chin." Learn from experience; there's no quick fix to getting everything right. There is knowledge behind every stroke once you become the epitome of an amazing artist. Until that point you'll have a general idea of how things should look. Try to find your mistakes and correct them rather than "this work sucks I need help." Find out what isn't working in what you drew and ask specific questions. "What position do I draw the right eye so it doesn't look wonky," "do the bottoms of the eyes raise when the person makes this face?" etc. If you really can't find out what looks wrong that's when you ask "what the hell is wrong with my picture?"

>> No.1516630

You used a pic from another site as a model example for work produced here. And you think I shouldn't call that unfair?

>> No.1516632

>There's no part of any of his books that says something like "I'm putting a line here because" or "this is where you draw eyes because."

There should be a question mark at the end of that. My bad.

>> No.1516635

>There is knowledge behind every stroke once you become the epitome of an amazing artist.

You'll never get there, with that attitude.

>> No.1516634 [DELETED] 

Yes; you obviously hadn't interacted that much with others, if you had, you would know that not everyone has the same skills even as beginners.

>> No.1516636

Isn't this section made for posting artwork and improving? I'm sure there's tons more better places to fight over the internet. =D

>> No.1516638

>Every animu thread turn into shitpost with little or no critique
Abandoned all hope, I will get back to the draw thread.

>> No.1516639

he's not drawing much, that's his problem
he has to learn to "think" with his hand.
every time i draw i learn to do it in a different way or reiterate what i've learned to understand it better and you can't do that if you're not drawing at least something every day.

>> No.1516640


I'm sure there's tons more better places to use emoticons over the internet. :P

>> No.1516642


>> No.1516643

You mean being realistic in saying that I'm going to make mistakes when I'm drawing? It will take a while before I can, in one fell stroke, draw a perfect, anatomically correct body.Until then, I'm going to have to use my eraser sometimes.

>> No.1516644

Yes, I'm trying to say that, you obviously haven't interacted too much with other people, otherwise you would know that not everyone is fond of drawing and therefore, not everyone has the same amount of skill as beginners.

>> No.1516645

we can play this game too, buddy

god damn you're retarded

>> No.1516646

@ 6636 - tre. Hehe %)

>> No.1516648 [DELETED] 

I've lived on 3 continents. Sleeped with the poorest of the poor. Worked with the busiest of the busiest. And even still it seemed most had a familiarity to doodling.

>> No.1516650


not all

not everyone has the time to doodle a lot

>> No.1516652

I've lived on 3 continents. Sleeped with the poorest of the poor. Worked with the busiest of the busiest. And even still it seemed everyone had a familiarity to doodling.

And don't try to pass of this stuff as "beginner". This stuff is far far to early to be considered "beginner".

>> No.1516654

didn't need to be a lot, even a little you could see its effect

>> No.1516653

we all say that but we always come back to see if our post got any replies.

>> No.1516655

Have you ever met a nice South African?

>> No.1516660

Yes. Did you know they have some the most rigid design principles and are usually taught art from infancy?

>> No.1516661

>This stuff is far far to early to be considered "beginner".
Ok, show me a "doodle" and some beginner's work, and If you don't mind, some substantial proof that you are not full of shit.

>> No.1516662

...like painting their own bodies. alright, move along.

>> No.1516663

Compare this thread to a draw thread

>> No.1516664
File: 491 KB, 1200x1500, bvmghkf46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1516668

Ahh....you're like an oasis in this infernal racket of Anons bickering at each other. Thank you Teal.

>> No.1516669

fuck off to the draw thread then.

>> No.1516670

in reality, you can convey orientation in perspective with fewer line than Teal has shown (2-3 lines)

>> No.1516675

you also need to factor in how little and how often they doodle

also, if they are even interested

and at what stage in life they got into drawing

how commited they are

>> No.1516677
File: 1000 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mfrv5uJkb81rkmjjzo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna get good at drawing and then draw you a picture one day, Teal.
Even if your art is stylistic in a way that I don't prefer, you're just the most chill dude.

>> No.1516678

Thanks bro. I wish I could have explained it like that.

>> No.1516684


>make a plane that lines up with the top of the ears and eyes
>you have direct control where to put everything and it will be correct

fucking science!

>> No.1516683

>I'm gonna get good at drawing and then draw you a picture one day, Teal.

Hehe you and I both, Teal has been helping us since I started drawing here and he redlined one of my early Miku drawings.

>> No.1516685


>> No.1516691

I think I'm loosing brain cells.

>> No.1516694

No fuck I didn't do that on purpose. Holy shit.

>> No.1516695
File: 101 KB, 758x680, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it time to buckle down and study perspective this made SO much more sense now it's no wonder I couldn't figure it out earlier.

Thanks again Teal, I am going to go back to perspective made easy right now.

>> No.1516696

Let's get good at drawing together! Yaaay!

>> No.1516702
File: 4 KB, 222x211, 136183063146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-can I join you in your journey?

>> No.1516705
File: 519 KB, 823x1097, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to post this again. Learning anatomy currently. Been drawing since I was a kid but didnt focus on how to properly draw a human figure until now :p

>> No.1516709

Depends on how loving you are!
...This is probably giving away but I was person who said "I like you Mikufag,. Not you but your art....." person.

>> No.1516711
File: 40 KB, 908x840, chemotherapy005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1516713

You mean as a person and not the art, right :3 By the way that Anon was not I.

Try applying for Unmotivated Losers on Deviant Art.

>> No.1516714
File: 1023 KB, 372x242, eadDJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes as people!
People who love other people listen to other people

>> No.1516721
File: 94 KB, 432x461, spooked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awh, you're too kind...

captcha: much-loved owebyve

>> No.1516734
File: 411 KB, 1600x853, I love you Mikufag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't speak too fast Mikufag. I still don't like your art. You're scare face still isn't worth shit.
>but still filename <3

>> No.1516735


>Traditional Animu Circlejerking

>> No.1516737

Try having fun by making harmless stupid comments from time to time Billy, it's invigorating.

>> No.1516739

I'm going to take the safe road and believe you're not making a joke.

Everything is out of proportion. Boobs are too high, eyes are too open and big, nose and mouth are too high on the face, shoulders make a straight line across. Try reading the sticky. It helps a lot.

>> No.1516741

Leave me out of your pedo fantasies

>> No.1516742

>Everything is out of proportion. Boobs are too high, eyes are too open and big, nose and mouth are too high on the face, shoulders make a straight line across.

Yep. That's animu in a nutshell.

>> No.1516743


>> No.1516749

Nearing autosage...anyone want to contribute for next OP image?

>> No.1516747

Oh! That's right you people prefer "Hebephiles"

>> No.1516754

just use mine if you want, i dont really care all to much.

>> No.1516756
File: 49 KB, 896x818, chemotherapy006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1516758

Was it this one?
and thanks for that haha had a nice laugh.

>> No.1516760


i meant >>1515717

>> No.1516762


>> No.1516763

Can you use the one of Mikufag's scared miku next to the redrawn one? It made me laugh

>> No.1516764

Ah, okay thank you.

>> No.1516765

which one?

>> No.1516770

This one
Sorry for not using the reply function, it's hard from my phone

>> No.1516774

Fat fingers?

>> No.1516783

Why the fuck are you guys allowed to have your these anime threads if they ALWAYS derail into shit storms concerning loli?

Either get it to together or get the fuck out. Nobody wants you faggots here in the first place.

>> No.1516788


>getting trolled endlessly by dissenters
>hey why don't you get your shit together you faggots?

Maybe if dickheads with nothing to do but bait and troll this thread endlessly would just hide it and go the fuck away?

>> No.1516795

Question for you guys, I'm new here as well as drawing on a tablet. I noticed that my lines come off weird. Anybody know a reason for this? This is with CS2 since I'm a poorfag and it's free. I also have Sai but I don't like how it auto-corrects. If I try to draw it comes off with lines like these

>> No.1516796
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.1516797

Nice b8 m8

And in the very unlikely chance that you're serious, the animoemoedesu thread people stick to their own area. Be glad they're not shitting all over the board and getting in arguments constantly.

>> No.1516798

turn your damn stabilizer off

or use MS5

>> No.1516801

>trolls should stop trolling

Do you even know where you are? The only practical way to control the content in these threads is to not take the fucking bait every single time.

You know there's a fucking "/ic/ asks questions" thread going on right now? Use your brain anon and dump your problems there.

>> No.1516811

Dude I'm just going to assume that you're some sort of autistic fuck, because we were not talking about pedophilia.

>> No.1516815

>the animoemoedesu thread people stick to their own area. Be glad they're not shitting all over the board and getting in arguments constantly.


Do you want to see the ones fucking up the Draw threads too?

>> No.1516817

Obvious newfags and attention whores. Draw thread is a place for critique.

They used to invade every goddamn thread here.

>> No.1516822
File: 8 KB, 240x240, relaxchefdontjudge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1516826

>newfags and attention whores

you all ARE newfags and attention whores.

>> No.1516828
File: 240 KB, 704x960, 12345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys, this is my first time here.

>> No.1516840
File: 216 KB, 834x918, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do good gesture
>Later in the piece, lose all motion

Any feedback so far? Not the final lines. Also, I can't quite figure out how to place her skirt without it being incredibly lewd (or is that the only option - ever?)

>> No.1516847
File: 379 KB, 834x918, idk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1516848

How does it helps with drawing heads i don't know. Sure teal can do it but how do i learn how to do it too? Because this shape is more complicated than a cube.

>> No.1516850
File: 18 KB, 400x300, Give in to your buttmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1516852
File: 200 KB, 900x582, oh look a chance to use notes from NMA videos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1516853
File: 179 KB, 900x582, woohoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ignore the chicken scratch. And horrible perspective.

Notes from a Steve Huston video, by the way. If they don't make sense, go watch the guy's videos on new masters academy. 7 day free trial and all.

>> No.1516856

I think this is all a lie and in reality you have to memorize every angle of the skull. And if you can't then you are fucked.

>> No.1516868

If troll, 0/10

If sarcasm, 10/10

>> No.1516889
File: 56 KB, 750x750, 3d_test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do i learn how to do it too?

The importance of drawing primitives cannot be overstressed. In fact, let's just forget the other shapes, and say you need to learn how to draw the cube. When you draw cubes, you aren't just learning how to draw one shape, but you are developing an innate understanding of space, the x, y, and z axis. Without being able to appreciate 3D space, it doesn't matter what method or formula of shape combinations you learn for the head, it just won't click.

If you think you already know how to draw cubes well, then allow me to invite you to do this little test. Imagine I've taken two photos of a wire, one from the front, and one from the side. Can you draw this wire in 3D space? If you've really done your work, learned how to draw cubes and interpret space, this is doable.

>> No.1516892
File: 286 KB, 834x918, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude.

Gonna just go for a leggings/shadow thing under the skirt.

Anymore feedback?

>> No.1516895


I guess do it like they did it in the animay. Just black over everything that would be lewd.


Can you draw what it should look like? I am fairly certain i can construct the thing in a perspective cube, but i would like some confirmation

>> No.1516896
File: 14 KB, 640x480, image201308050001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did i do

i'm not the guy you were talking to, btw
i just entered this thread

>> No.1516903

Interesting exercise. Won't post mine till he posts his, though. Juuuust in case.

>> No.1516904

Her balance is pretty off, but just focus on finishing this and work on it after, since it would require re-working. Pose could probably be a bit more fluid. Look at pictures of people snowboarding.

The right eye still looks strange, it's not in perspective like the other eye, or maybe it's that shape. Either way, it makes it look flat.

Ear is too high up, should touch the top of eye and bottom of nose when lined up.

>> No.1516905

Ok I will read the sticky. Thank you for the honesty.

>> No.1516909

>Can you draw what it should look like?
Nice try.

>> No.1516911
File: 30 KB, 446x755, blegh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got to do more sports studies then. Yeah, it looks like she's just sitting on an invisible chair.

And okay, I'll work on the face. Thanks anon.

Welp, back to cubes I guess.

>> No.1516916

I can draw cube and i can't draw this. I will call bullshit here because it's more advanced concept than cubes.

>> No.1516925
File: 163 KB, 714x834, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started tackling portraits and I'm having trouble drawing muzzles and eyes that stick out of the face. My portraits end up looking like strange monkeys. Goddamnit Loomis.

>> No.1516929

Getting better.

Try drawing horizontal lines across the tops and bottoms of features to be sure they're lined up properly. Across the mouth, eyes, bottom of nose, chin, etc. That'll tell you what your face perspective is looking like, and where you're off.

Or if you used some kind of perspective for this, refer to that - Try to trace everything back to the vanishing point.

If not, maybe try carapace to see what your perspective is doing.

>> No.1516931

This is a pretty stupid response. You call the other anon's post bullshit because ... why exactly? Because you couldn't do his suggestion to your satisfaction?

>> No.1516937


2 cute 4 me

Can i order that as a poster when its finished.

>> No.1516955
File: 128 KB, 1275x562, 3d_test_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I suppose I should have mentioned that showing your work is more important than the answer itself.

This is basic drafting 101 stuff. Notice how rectangles and cubes in perspective are used to find the intersections of the front and side views. You need to develop a natural sense for this.

Had we been drawing a shape and not wire, we'd have difficulty describing such a weird object as an exact combination of primitives. But that doesn't change how we use the box to help us with the *alignment* of the important features of this shape. It's the same with the face. You probably already have a decent idea of what the head should look like from the front, and what it should look like from the side. The complexity of the shape doesn't matter, if you understand how to project the flat views into 3D freehand.

>> No.1516967

Thank you. Welp, time to grind.

>> No.1516969

Ohhh, that's what you meant by front and side...

>> No.1516973
File: 54 KB, 884x526, ehhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

This is what I ended up with.

>> No.1516979


Got any tips on where? The place im grinding at seems like its giving terrible xp and its boring as fuck.

>> No.1516981

new masters academy seems like the place to go right now.

not that anon, btw.

>> No.1516983
File: 299 KB, 576x620, fuckeditup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere along the line I bungled it. Think I might just scrap this and move on to the next one.

>> No.1516984


Might i know what you fucked up? Only flaw i see is the alert marks perspective, and a bit of the body could use some touching up.

>> No.1516986

Something about the eyes is driving me nuts, and I've got a feeling it's that they're not correct given the perspective and angle of the head. I don't quite know how to fix that.

>> No.1516988

Is there some reason you had to use my bad picture to try an incriminate me as the shit-poster?

Or just drudge up my picture as shit?

It's not very good yes, but can you leave it at that? I'm trying to improve, which is why I'm in the thread. Unless you've got a critique to throw at me, please, just leave me out of it.

>> No.1516990


Upon closer inspection, it seems that moving the point of interest a bit more to the right would be better. I think it just makes it feel a bit off center.

>> No.1516991

Yeah, the eyes do look a little flat. Eyes go slightly inside the skull. remember?

>> No.1516993

Maybe it can be salvaged yet. I'll try these, thank you.

>> No.1516995

I wish i know how to practice like that. I pretty much don't understand how to learn those fundamentals. i get book on perspective, learn to draw those floating cubes and cylinders and then cant even do something like that.

>> No.1516997


Im not that anon, but i did get better by stepping up my game.

1. Draw cubes
2. Draw flying cubes
3. Draw cylinders
4. Draw spheres
5. Draw combinations of previous shapes (cylincubes, and spherinders hehheh).
6. Draw simple houshold items, cutlery, erasers, computer mouse, phone

>> No.1516998


Btw by phone i mean those old phones, not the simple cubes you use nowdays.

>> No.1517006

Guy with shoulder pads is alright.

>> No.1517007
File: 294 KB, 607x638, maybenotfucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I think I've fixed the eyes at the least. Messed with the perspective on the legs, realized that I've been shading willy nilly without really having defined what my lightsource is doing. Aah, well.

>> No.1517011

The ahoge needs a sharper end.

>> No.1517012

Much better.

>> No.1517018
File: 426 KB, 740x873, miku resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1517036

Great subject, btw!

>> No.1517037

imo you could add lines for her motion, as if she was turning or sweeping, that'd justify her center of mass being slightly missplaced

>> No.1517052
File: 476 KB, 800x1090, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying really hard to break out of generic standing poses. Not that this is much better, but it's a start.

>> No.1517053

please fix that chin.

>> No.1517054

>This is basic drafting 101 stuff. Notice how rectangles and cubes in perspective are used to find the intersections of the front and side views. You need to develop a natural sense for this.

Don't you mean projection? (As in orthographic projection) You keep using perspective as if it's a catch all here.

>> No.1517055

Any advice on how?

>> No.1517057

it is pointy and looks bad.
i am at work and can't redline it for you, but my suggestion is just make it a bit rounder.

keep in mind the direction of her head, though.

>> No.1517059
File: 345 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.1517062
File: 88 KB, 756x439, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would slightly push out the chin. also lower mouth/nose a little bit.

i tried to show you what i mean in paint.

>> No.1517066

Ah, okay. Thank you very much.

>> No.1517067

you could also put her eyes slightly closer together.

i really like your lines, by the way. very neat.

>> No.1517068

Chin looks better to me. Other than that, you may want to watch the sleeve folds on her upper arm, they're kind of flattening the form instead of adding a sense of volume. Nice linework.

>> No.1517069

I'll definitely keep those in mind, and mess around with it a bit more. And thank you.

>> No.1517071

anytime. make sure to finish the drawing, it looks very nice so far. :)

>> No.1517091


You can project in perspective too

>> No.1517092


Check the perspective of the neck of her left boot.

>> No.1517094


Orthographic Projection does not take perspective into account. It is what you would end up with if you don't practice your perspective.

>> No.1517096

Uh, I apologize for my ignorance, but which part of the boot is the neck?

>> No.1517100

Also the thread needs better opening post material

where to find 0033's stuff, where to find teal's stuff, links to perspective form drawing learning material, links to Hampton's book and other miscellaneous useful links, like where to get that one action figure base with the insane articulation.

Matt Kohr's and Scott Robertson's perspective videos are amazingly useful.

>> No.1517103

haha, if all the ones who didn't learn perspective really sticked to orthographic projections, it wouldn't be so bad...

>> No.1517107

i want to draw tacticool prinnies

>> No.1517112

You need to draw from real life. Go see real prinnies in a zoo, or use photo references. Only when you know the anatomy of a real prinny perfectly will you be able to distort it so as to show higher level prinnies, with stylized muscles.

Also, where is the bag?

>> No.1517114

How long till I'll be able to draw like this

>> No.1517115


>> No.1517117
File: 168 KB, 800x500, w0csr26y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1517121

I've finally gotten a teal redline. My life is complete.
But ah, I see what you mean. Thank you.

>> No.1517123
File: 121 KB, 1200x723, redline130805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what Anon is suggesting is that you make sure the lines that are conforming to the volume of the legs indicate that they're wrapping around the backside of the legs.

Hmm, might want to work on the contours for the knees. Maybe a little more definition might help.

>> No.1517133

Okay, will do!
Also, I generally leave knee definition for coloring and shading, though I can try it out and see how it looks with a few contours to help the shape.

>> No.1517136
File: 315 KB, 608x646, ranrnfbgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything of mine ends up being a painting.

>> No.1517141

>It's not very good yes, but can you leave it at that?

>I'm trying to improve, which is why I'm in the thread.
There are better resources, to give you the help you need.

>Unless you've got a critique to throw at me, please, just leave me out of it.
Yes I do have a critique. Here it is: "Deal With It"

>> No.1517143

Perspective drawing is a form of projection. Projection is not a form of Perspective Drawing.

>> No.1517144
File: 30 KB, 280x311, 1370529740064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1517150

>Orthographic Projection does not take perspective into account

And diminishment is not always needed in every picture. (Especially in an exercise that basically trying to demonstrate 3 dimensional thinking.) Not every picture needs to be drawn as if it's projected from a wide-angle lens

>> No.1517154


>> No.1517158

New Thread:


>> No.1517230

So basically, you're just here to be an asshole

>> No.1517316

I'm a d/ic/k, you're an /a/sshole. We were meant for each other

>> No.1517642
File: 810 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not anywhere as good as most of you, but I'd Love to get some critique on my art

>> No.1518438
File: 1.15 MB, 1086x2053, yoruichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoruichi 3rd drawing ever