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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 250 KB, 1122x843, sdsadasdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1511506 No.1511506 [Reply] [Original]

Any batch file I can download that has this or similar pictures to it? I'd rather not pay that dirty jew and the sticky is shit when it comes to actual reference photos.

>> No.1511508
File: 19 KB, 218x210, 1373729262856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1511509

I've just given up on reference photos and just use movie stills.

But yeah, some new reference sites would be nice.

>>1491561 was also a good thread while it lasted

>> No.1511513

Relevant to my interests, getting kind of sick of pixelovely :/

>> No.1511518

I swear i've drawn every picture on that site.

>> No.1511519

Might not answer your question, but dance videos often feature the whole body and have been pretty useful for me as refs.

>> No.1511520


Seriously Anons? You just love to complicate your lives.

>> No.1511523

I've tried that for a while but all the pictures are shit. All the poses are girls trying to be sexy and don't push the form in any useful way.

>> No.1511525

For the most part you're right but you have to admit every now and then some good sets do come around.

>> No.1511526

To be honest 10 bucks is very little for that amount of photos, the quality seems to be pretty damn good, and they were created with artists in mind.

>> No.1511527

Maybe, but I'd rather not have to browse that shitty board just for the off chance a good set may appear. Just something I can have on my PC and bring up at any time is much more viable.

>> No.1511528 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 343x400, 1373159473486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1511530

You're misusing the joke, retard.
That would work when referring to bad business practices, or unfair treatment towards the consumer.
Lurk more before borrowing culture from other boards.

>> No.1511531
File: 41 KB, 450x436, 1304002896566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why don't you buy it and upload it for the rest of us?

>> No.1511532

>studying from photos

>> No.1511535

I bought the set, it's mine, my property.
I won't share something I bought with my money.
I am egoistic like that, sorry.
>i herd photos is bad, dunno why tho

Studying from photos isn't recommended for beginners because it's harder to analyze the figure as a truly 3D object in space.

If you are experienced you can use photos to expand your visual library, next time keep your layman shit-talk to yourself.

>> No.1511537

>dump them here :3

Uh, right.

>> No.1511536

Hmm...433 photos of potential Mikus.

Give me the link I'll buy them and dump them here :3

>> No.1511541

How else would I be able to share these?

>> No.1511538

Wait nevermind I got it form the OP image

>> No.1511544

You won't be able to dump them all, even then you probably won't be able to post them due to file size.
Just post a download link.

>> No.1511545

So once I get the download link how many times may people download, and for how long would it stay available?

>> No.1511546

I doubt that's how it works. You would have to upload them to mediafire or something similar for us to get them.

>> No.1511547

Don't know.
You should be able to download the set and then upload it to mediafire or something.

>> No.1511551
File: 62 KB, 700x520, figure-1-1303874559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what site I go to I cannot escape this man

>> No.1511555

I really like the poses he makes, this guy and the chinese/asian guy.

>> No.1511554
File: 205 KB, 899x650, 1322532391589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cannot escape this man

>> No.1511558

I always forget this board isn't very computer savvy, archive the images and upload to a filehost. Mediafire like >>1511546 said, Mega is pretty decent too.

>> No.1511560
File: 127 KB, 316x495, 1366575474979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'd rather not pay that dirty jew"
>I'd rather not pay
>implying OP isn't the dirty jew

>> No.1511561


Mediafire has a 200mb limit per file. If its gonna be an archive you should probably use something like DepositFiles or something of the sort.

>> No.1511562

>ten dolors is a lot
A photographer is crying somewhere

>> No.1511565

I've been using photos of models on Tumblr and /fit/ progress/mirin threads for references lately.

>> No.1511568

This artist likes to eat and respects photographers, I use free resources
>mfw 10 dolors is what I eat with for a week
>mfw sometimes I don't even have that much

OP pay the price or use some free reference photos. Don't be a scumfuck

>> No.1511569 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 432x461, spooked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go, I hope this won't somehow come back and bite me in the butt.

>> No.1511571

22 mb?
Let's check this out.

>> No.1511574

Normally I would agree, but proko is a cunt.

>> No.1511576

'sup proko

>> No.1511575


>> No.1511578

i bought 2 sets as soon as they became available.
i don't understand why would anyone want to share with a board full of pricks. you've done nothing for me (inb4 mad lel)
also this >>1511562
Stanislav makes his own videos without anyone's help, makes his own art, buys his models and photographs them, makes a website for everyone to get it, puts out free videos and you still want to leech off the guy's efforts for free.
someone will come around and upload it, but i don't care.

>> No.1511579

I've just paid for the price and am happy knowing an artist somewhere is going to eat.

You're welcome.

>> No.1511582

It's almost funny how you think so highly of yourself and this board.
Why would someone like proko browse this shithole?
Hell, take a look around, why would ANY respectable artist come here to give or to receive critique?
I'm just here for the resources that occasionally get posted and for the networking threads.

>> No.1511583

I just bought Marcia because dayum those hipz.

>> No.1511586


>> No.1511584

To be honest I feel that it was /ic/ that helped me improve for the most part. Back then I used to be proud of stuff I drew but today I look back and cringe.

>> No.1511589

Scanned and no virus here ;)

>> No.1511590

you lost my respect, miku. sleep with one eye open, bad things are coming your way.

>> No.1511587
File: 649 KB, 1274x1742, Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 10.55.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Miku.

Love you lots.

>> No.1511592


>> No.1511593

Thanks, Derek.

>> No.1511591
File: 348 KB, 521x448, 1367697246056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1511594
File: 12 KB, 184x184, 73e4d4585e60c54cce50bf93ce5e50191c25ed6d_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, good. Keep buying!

>> No.1511597

Happy merchant pls go.

>> No.1511598

I love you, uncle Jew!

>> No.1511599

I did say respectable.
Jokes aside, there are infinitely better communities out there.

Seriously, if you want to get serious, join CGhub or crimson daggers, set your standards high.

This board will hold you back a lot.

>> No.1511601

You have my respect and eternal gratitude, mikufag.

>> No.1511600
File: 33 KB, 576x432, 1373573479338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why

>> No.1511604

Now if we can just get the Aaron set

>> No.1511605

The male sets are great.

>> No.1511607

Maaaaa', why won't you lend me yer credit card!
I swear it's for them drawings!

>> No.1511609

because out of all people who bought it, you happened to be the idiot to share it with the worst community on the internet, not even exaggerating.

>> No.1511612

Why are you even here.

>> No.1511613

Welcome to 4chan, even boards like /po/ do this, deal with it or fuck off.

>> No.1511615

I take it you've never been to /mlp/

>> No.1511617

If you scroll through the images really fast it's like some sort of bizarre interpretive dance

>> No.1511620

I love you

>> No.1511622

I really don't understand why people who seem to hate this place so much come here. I really really don't understand it.

>> No.1511630

It's a love and hate relationship, no need to understand it at all :3

>> No.1511631

Just leave if you hate it so much.

>> No.1511632

Well it's the least I can do for this board, after all they did help me a whole lot and have put up with me for the past six months.

>> No.1511646

I was just about to say that. Cycling back and forth at 307-312 had me laughing like the immature kid we all try to hide.

>> No.1511652
File: 133 KB, 900x1000, istud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody's muse.

i love how he always has some kind of arty expression on his face.

>> No.1511720

well, you have my thanks

>> No.1511750
File: 999 KB, 1920x3000, 71f796a72fb2fd7397381ad3b34404fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon can not into torrants?

>> No.1511766


down :(

>> No.1511800

dammit too late :( can u upload it again?

>> No.1511814


>> No.1511817


>> No.1511818

thanks anon!!

>> No.1511822

>my feet is numb
>the artist is creepy
>its too ankward here
>i want to go home

>> No.1511828

reference.zip (22.2 MB)

File is deleted.

>> No.1511832


>> No.1511870

ITT: this should be free because I'm too poor to afford it and if you disagree youre a dirty jew.

Fucking idiots.

>> No.1511874

Uh, that's how it is though. This whole pay2have things was enforced by Jews with their banks, interest etc.

>> No.1511881
File: 102 KB, 215x251, 1371267264568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you bought 4chan pass?
If not then you're hypocrite. And dirty jew.

>> No.1511896

actually I'm fairly certain that Proko used to come here. sure, not regularly, but still.

>> No.1511901


>> No.1511905


wtf you guys talking about. you dont have to pay for this shit, nobodys making you. you can surely find some others

pay2have certain things isnt 'enforced by jews', its actually quite normal, since somebody had to spend some time making those photos, someone had to pose. what the fuck do you think, that youre entitled to take things just because? that people should just give you stuff they spend their time working on?
are you this retarded?

i dont need 4chan pass, i feel cool writing captchas, so wtf is your point?

take your anti-semitic asses and fuck off to /pol/-

>> No.1511908

And you don't have to post your shit in a thread about people trying to get their stuff for free.

This is internet. Everything you can get for free IS free. Go cry somewhere else.

>> No.1511912

well arent you an entitled little kiddo?
tell me more about how anomenus and le superier internet is pls, seems like youve spend a lot of time here and youre very exporiencet

>> No.1511914


I think you mean self-entitled.

>> No.1511915
File: 25 KB, 502x481, 1363795420247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I'm shitting on Proko himself just because he decided to ask money for his shit.

You are the one who's acting like some kind of entitled artist rights activist bitch. Getting pissed at people (who wouldn't pay in the first place) getting their stuff for free.

Go cry me a river.

>> No.1511924

I can't agree with idea of paying him just because he put some effort in making those photos. If you think otherwise you should also pay moot - he put very much work in creating this place and he is asking for money. Only difference is that moot doesn't force you to do this.

I don't see reason why those photos couldn't be also free. Author could just ask for donations or put some advertisements and earn money on them. That's how work wikipedia, youtube, many porn sites...

>> No.1511928

everything should be free because some people give it away free. -infantile logic

>> No.1511929

also, Stan is a nice guy, i've talked to him on few occasions. if you explain to him why you can't afford to dish out 10 bucks on a photoset, i'm sure he'll let you have one of them for free.

>> No.1511937

So did you pay for every copyrighted piece of pornography you used?

>> No.1511961

>not supporting bro-gobengo
stay pleb /ic/

>> No.1511962

this guy, the curly redhead and that brunette with big tits

they are almost like friends to me at this point

>> No.1511968

Why? Yeah he's trying to make money. You guys try to save money. He's no more of a cunt than you.

And the free videos are helpfull enough.

>> No.1511972

pornography can't be copyrighted, you are trolled if someone says that it is.

>> No.1511973

if you are featured in it or made it, and some 3rd party without your premission host it you can sue their ass

>> No.1511974


I switch between both. problem with movie stills is the blur in the action scenes.

>> No.1511975

that includes your own homemade videos, copyright is automatic

>> No.1511977

Both of those are dead now, I'm too late again. Can any of you guys upload it one more time?

>> No.1511988

not in every country, most certainly not in Germany, where porn is NOT copyright protected.

>> No.1512015

Reminder: The internet is not Germany

>> No.1512056

can someone upload again please? The male ones would be really nice too.

>> No.1512058

someone re-upload it

>> No.1512059
File: 189 KB, 732x485, 7063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1512061

Is the male set all w/underwear? Was thinking about buying it since male reference is much harder to come across than female, but if I want photos of bodies, I want them naked (no homo)

>> No.1512063

Why can't the /ic/ gods just get them all and put them in the sticky.

>> No.1512065

Yeah, probably. Or it would have stated otherwise.

>> No.1512092

Proko seriously needs to read this before he starts photographing all these models to sell reference


>> No.1512096

thx dude

>> No.1512099

Thanks Chen.

>> No.1512100

Oh god thank you for this.

>> No.1512101
File: 38 KB, 400x280, posefile7_interior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After reading this, I'm wondering if there are Pose File books available to download, which I highly doubt it

>> No.1512102

>I don't want to pay for those photos
>but I don't want to use references that there are available for free either

>> No.1512105

I'm pretty sure he posted these reference for the "gesture series" of his videos though?
There's no need for high contrast when doing gestures, in fact it's only distracting.
In the end, a good reference is one that suits your needs. Even a blurry and messy photo can be a good reference in very specific situations.

>> No.1512106

>I can't read

>> No.1512113

This is gold and should be in the sticky.

>> No.1512116

>(no homo)
I fucking envy people who can use naked guys as a reference.

This ugly circumcised package hanging between model's legs is fucking disgusting and distracts me too much.

>> No.1512121


>> No.1512122

You should do more penis studies.

Or just go to actual life drawing classes, can't excape the packages there.

>> No.1512124

It's a fundamental skill.

>> No.1512123

>penis studies
Why the fuck would I need those? I'm not going to draw dicks.

>> No.1512126
File: 50 KB, 292x206, nothing to honk about.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the Aaron poses and I want to share, but I can't compress it smaller than 800mb.

How do I share this?

>> No.1512127

split into parts?

>> No.1512131

thanks anon

>> No.1512132

The curly redhead has the most retarded poses.

>> No.1512133

I've Never done it but I can see why it would be useful

It's pretty useful to be able to draw an imperfect cylinder with veins wrapping around under the surface and a slightly abstract shape at the top with folds and shit.

>> No.1512134

you don't need to, you're being trolled.

>> No.1512135

>Pose File 7
Can I download this book anywhere, if not, does anyone on here have this particular book?

>> No.1512141
File: 1.17 MB, 350x372, lyl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1512144

You are giving his intellect too much credit.

>> No.1512146

lol okay I can watch this all day

>> No.1512158

lol awesome

>> No.1512163

>they are almost like friends to me at this point
This somehow made me laugh and feel at the same time.

>> No.1512173

please share

>> No.1512178

PB, they'll be here forever.

>> No.1512184

Mega or make a torrent.

>> No.1512186

You can batch compress it using photoshop CS5 or 6

>> No.1512187
File: 102 KB, 386x529, 1339174992795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaron Poses


>> No.1512189

Good photos for lighting is only half the story. Proko emphasizes the school of gesture.

In a perfect world, an artist will study both.

>> No.1512202


>> No.1512201


could you upload the small version of these images like the other 22mb one? or you can batch reside than with phoyoshop or imagemagick

please and thank you

>> No.1512203

Truly a god amongst men.

This would be helpful as well.

>> No.1512205


Right, but my point is that if gesture/quick drawings are the name of the game, you can use just about any shitty photo not even intended for artists. If there's a need for anything, it's better lit photos that artists can use for more serious studying. That's where the real lack is.

>> No.1512206

Thank you very much

I'll repost the compressed version, you were already a dear.

>> No.1512204

8min left, if this is a troll manga i'm going to be angry

>> No.1512249

Please do

>> No.1512265

This is fucking gold but I wish his stash had pictures that weren't fucking tiny.

>> No.1512279

Compressing right now

>> No.1512330

"If you like this post or like the GRG, you can always join the hungry and motivated artists that ‘get it’ by signing up for the FreshTips Newsletter. You’ll get the latest updates and more great content, and by the way, subscribers also get exclusive access to my private reference library."

>> No.1512328 [DELETED] 


Yes, there is penis and scrotum.

>> No.1512331


yes, there is a hairy penis and scrotum showing

>> No.1512340

Many thanks.

>> No.1512341

Thank you very much!

>> No.1512367
File: 86 KB, 600x900, IMG_1290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pics with the thong look kinda uncomfortable… until you get to the ones without it.
Isn’t there a set with a more shaved/cute guy? (no homo)

>> No.1512371

But chicken scratches make the figure more believable.

>> No.1512388

>no homo

dude only people who are insecure aobut their sexuality (thus afraid of being perceived as gay) say no homo

it's ok if you think guys are hot, no one cares

>> No.1512397

Sorry if my sarcasm was to subtle to you…

>> No.1512408

who could possibly mistake a sarcasm that wasn't funny in the first place? oh right, everyone except you. eat a dick, gaylord.

>> No.1512421


not the same anon but I got the joke

you need to calm down dear

>> No.1512424


>> No.1512425

It doesnt really make a difference to me if you were being sarcastic or not (although I dont think you were)...I just think using "no homo" is clearly homophobic and it's 2013 so...

>> No.1512426

>File does not exist on this server
Could we get a re-up, kind anon?

>> No.1512428

Pretty sure most people get the 'no homo' joke.

>> No.1512433

Niggah U full of mad.

>> No.1512456


and then there's this faggot ruining a good thread

>> No.1512457

once again, this is what happens when a board has a dedicated tumblr megathread

>> No.1512458


its not even a joke its more like a meme.

that anon must be new, it is still summer after all.

>> No.1512650
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1315777615813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I said "no homo" earlier in the thread and nobody jumped on my ass but a different anon did and someone wants to pick a fight with them

>> No.1512666


The file is still on, you have to use the "www43" thing

>> No.1512670

oh my bad, thanks. never seen that before

>> No.1514335

bump, we need the other packs

>> No.1514336

>buying anything


>> No.1514340

>still begging for cheap change

feels good to be rich as fuck

>> No.1514342

A fool and his money are soon parted.

>> No.1514343

except I held it and earn more through the years

what's your paypal maybe I should give you $1000 just so you could buy something for yourself once in a while

>> No.1514347

spend it on a gf instead

>> No.1514348

except my gf isn't a gold digger so I don't need to.

>> No.1514349

Then I guess you win at life.
Feel free to spend as much money as you want.
Actually, it's people like you that makes other artists survive, so, kudos to you.

>> No.1514364

Still doesn't make you any less of a fool for paying for shit that you can get for free.

>> No.1514415

you only get it for free because someone has to pay for it you dumbass, but if you want to be a leech all your fucking life then so be it.

>> No.1514418
File: 86 KB, 803x1200, Dark_Dream_C___12_by_mjranum_stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And let's not forget this girl as well. I see those 4 everywhere

>> No.1514426

Buying pictures of naked women on the internet is like buying bottles of air on the street. Even if you had a billion $ at your disposal, it'd still make you stupid.

>> No.1514429
File: 41 KB, 151x133, we meet again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but she's cute, don't you think?

>> No.1514445
File: 100 KB, 500x331, hat-tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are gentlemen and a scholar

>> No.1514455


>driving cap
>not fedora

c'mon son

>> No.1514476

except this is a photoset and the only times you'll see photoset is because someone bought it and share it, I'm rich because of my intelligence about making money roll but not much to say about yours.

>> No.1514484

>I'm rich because of my intelligence

oh boy

>> No.1514485

>intelligence about making money roll

please learn to comprehend once in a while, it helps a lot when debating.

>> No.1514500

Just end you argument at "You should buy the photo set because he deserves the money" and stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.1514510

stay poor pleb