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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 142 KB, 475x500, Thread-Start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1496126 No.1496126 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Misc. Cartooning Thread

Previous thread: >>1491622

Emphasis on Anime and/or cartoon stylized drawing, remember to thank those who redline your drawings and most importantly have fun while you draw!

And remember, Read The Fucking Sticky as our red haired friend so diligently puts.


>lurk/post/troll /ic/

>> No.1496153

Looks like your last cancer zone stayed relatively on topic. Try doing it again in this thread.

>> No.1496164

Does anyone know how to get the proportions of the face down?

I always make the size of the eyes too small for the face.

>> No.1496184

I don't know if this would help.


A bunch of animu/mango related tutorials.

>> No.1496186

last thread was a disaster, im going back to the drawthreads, these threads are retarding my progress

>> No.1496191

Gee, why would anime threads hinder your progress as an artist? How unexpected.

>> No.1496393


no john, you are the egos

>> No.1496423
File: 48 KB, 862x591, the problem with these threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems like it.

Some people need to stop redlining for sure.

>> No.1496481
File: 31 KB, 250x166, 1364296856474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1496485


It's not about egos. It's about some people thinking all critiques are the same and should be given the same amount of attention, then bitch and whine and call out other people and the board when they are ignored.

Advice should be be judged individually, and freely discarded when the redliner is demonstrably shit.

>> No.1496504

>thinking all critiques are the same

That's not a fair way of thinking. Why should a few have more preferential treatment than others? I thought this was about anons helping each other. I didn't know there was an unspoken social order. Perhaps I need some explaining?

>> No.1496509


I know, right?

Some people need to stop drawing altogether for sure.

>> No.1496512


It's not about preferential treatment, but demonstrable merit. Some people have it, some people don't, and some people over-estimate their merit and redline someone else's redline, making a clear drawing into something vague, and accompany their posts with drivel. Separating these and making an intelligent evaluation for yourself isn't giving preferential treatment that no one asked for.

>> No.1496513
File: 103 KB, 611x616, elinboobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick little sketch before I go to bed

this might be a sacrilege but it's an oppai elin.

on a side note, what do you find more sexually appealing? revealing clothing or full nudity. I like full nudity but I know there are people out there that like revealing clothing and I can see the appeal because certain types of clothes can accentuate different body parts.

>> No.1496516

micro bikini besto

>> No.1496517

IMO, nothing about your drawings are sexually appealing, clothing or not. It's so exaggerated it's like a parody of the more extreme busty women in hentai.

>> No.1496519

>nothing about your drawings are sexually appealing to me


>> No.1496520

That's why I started the line with "IMO." Adding "to me" is redundant.

>> No.1496521


So there is an unspoken social order here. There is a certain rite of passage an anon has to pass in order to be "heard". Who's to say what earns merit? How? And, why should the everyone listen? I thought this was about drawing animu and not whether if some people have it; or if some people don't; or if some people are overconfident. Why such hostility to a divergent opinion.

>> No.1496532

All clothes can be sexy, even sweaters, its a matter of how and where its hugging
the form, its all about showing the volume of the body, you can do it with cloth
or shadow and lighting, its always important to chose the right light source and
the right tension point for the clothe to follow, after that its all about preference.

With fetishes you can never please everyone, see nezumi or nezunezu, the artist
is very popular and loved by many, myself included, but many will be even disgusted
by some of her works. So be prepared to please many and also to displease as many,
just don't water down your passion for more audience.

Same as what i said above, lets keep it technical.

>> No.1496533

Fuck off. He asked for opinions: I gave him one.

Stop acting like the authority you aren't you stuck-up cunt.

>> No.1496535
File: 101 KB, 800x1000, Sheena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip. thoughts?

>> No.1496540

Here's thing about anime: there's nothing wrong with anime/mango style itself, but most people who use it also happen to draw like shit.

>> No.1496541

He asked if you find more sexual appealing half or full nudity, and you proceeded to
tell him how unappealing his drawing chooses are, by giving him nothing to work with
which at best you could let him puzzled and confused about what he does wrong.

And as you said i have no authority to stop you from saying what you want, and
neither i should have. I am just trying to point out how personal preference based
critique to the context of, this sucks or i don't like this can be pretty unnecessary
and in some cases harmful for the artist.

>> No.1496556

>his drawing chooses

>> No.1496557

Isn't that the same with realism? I mean, 99% of the people who post their wannabe realism stuff on this board are pretty damn bad too.

>> No.1496558

>by giving him nothing to work with
>It's so exaggerated it's like a parody of the more extreme busty women in hentai.
Come back when you learn to read.

>> No.1496569

At least they are on the road of learning basics and anatomy from which they can stylize to animu/mango style as they see fit

>> No.1496571

>On the subject of improving technically before you try to use a “style" no no no no no no no no no no no that is such a huge misconception and I wish people would stop perpetuating it. If you want to learn to draw, you have to practice drawing the kinds of things you want to draw. People get this idea that if they master the art of photorealistic life drawing then they’ll be able to draw anything, then get frustrated when they can’t because it’s an entire art form unto itself that needs to be developed and honed. You should be learning the fundamentals in tandem with the direction you want to take your art, and figuring out how things like anatomy, shadows, lighting, and perspective apply to the stylized art you want to make, because being able to execute a stylized drawing well IS a technical skill. This is not to say you shouldn’t be working from life and doing realistic studies! I just mean that it’s bad to compartmentalize like you have to do one thing first and then the other, because recognizing how to turn a real thing into a balanced, identifiable graphic representation of that thing is a skill like any other.

>> No.1496574

kill yourself

>> No.1496591
File: 50 KB, 420x329, 137296415541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, no one gives a shit, all this drama derails the threads an turns them into cancer.
About the "credibility" of the advicer, no one should mind that as long as the advice is good, and you can judge something as "good" or "bad" only by having the proper knowledge, so go and read the fucking sticky (or at least have some common sense, It's not hard to spot and avoid shit advice).
And, about the oppai loli guy, I don't like his work on the creative side either, but I like his drafstmanship, so please stop white knighting him or he'll become the Teal 2.0 of these threads.

>> No.1496609

>"credibility" of the advicer
>of the advicer


>> No.1496612

English is not my native language, sorry.

>> No.1496613


>> No.1496614
File: 799 KB, 864x648, 1373479098201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just goes to show how... passionate /ic/ is when it comes to Animu :3

>> No.1496630
File: 238 KB, 650x650, 1360728153091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't get involved, Miku. Just keep drawing.

>> No.1496937

Of course it isn't.

>> No.1496938


>> No.1496939
File: 34 KB, 500x571, tumblr_m9lmtb0onO1r1ee7mo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it m8.

>> No.1496968
File: 149 KB, 767x968, nuggets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been having a really hard time trying to draw the feet and the bottom part of her left leg. i was hoping for the foot to be slightly on the ground all graceful-like, if that were realistically possible, and her left leg bent. if someone could point me in the right direction, that would be great. (and any other advice would be good too)

>> No.1496990


Inside of the lower leg is generally straighter. The calf on most people is not overdeveloped and only protrudes on the outside.

When I say straighter, I don't mean a line - I mean far less of a curve than the outside...

>> No.1497004

i dont know what you mean by "all graceful-like" but with the angle that leg is at there is no way she could get any part of her sole on the ground. i suggest you just have her float, it fits her calm expression/pose more

>> No.1497007

I see people talk of studying, but what exactly do you study? Follow along with Vilppu and that's it? What do you study after you are done with his stuff or do you keep on going over and over the same lectures?

>> No.1497008

You never stop drawing, it's simple as that.

>> No.1497020
File: 447 KB, 640x360, 1333244233534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you implement what you studied. You see, I use to just primarily do studies. It went great until recently when I actually tried drawing from imagination. Didn't go so great. So, you draw along let's say, a Vilppu video and you implement what you learn. You can do this by taking an image and drawing the anatomical features you learned or draw what you learned from memory in different angles and stuff. Rinse and repeat. Atleast, that's how it working for me so far.

>> No.1497031


i'm >>1496393. i was just pointing out how certain guys say unecessary things to boost their little ego.
well at leat they can shit on the animu-thread!
but it makes me wonder just what they are doing. and how shit they must be to constantly post in the animu thread without drawing animu.

i mean for gods sake, look at those pretentious posts, especially the firt and second. you say that i somehow considered that critique?

>> No.1497032

>, by giving him nothing to work with
>which at best you could let him puzzled and confused about what he does wrong.
there we have it again, entitlement.
put that shit somewhere else.

>> No.1497037
File: 433 KB, 1139x847, hue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do I draw pupils. I just can't seem to get them right.

>> No.1497049


cry harder

>> No.1497062
File: 415 KB, 720x1280, 2013-07-13-20-41-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd try at drawing anime-ish stuff.

>> No.1497067

Where did you draw that?
It's interesting though.

>> No.1497072

just draw a smaller version of the outer iris then place the pupil at the center, this works for any perspective and the pupil will always be in the center.

>> No.1497083
File: 210 KB, 1688x884, ohthehorror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks ArtRage Fan!

It took me 5 minutes using my Note 2 and Sketchbook Mobile.


SBM has its downsides though: No lasso tool and only 4/5 undo steps (blows my mind considering the amount of ram Android devices have nowadays)

The one on the left was done with the same app and it was my first anime drawing, for Meiko I used AR like I always do on PC, I only included her because she kind of looks like anime too.

>> No.1497105

Thats probably because she is so extremely off balance, an "about to"

pose might be good sometimes to give more live to your drawing but

she must have a realistic off balance state so she can then find

her balance again, like running. In this one there is no way that she would be able
to keep her balance.

>> No.1497135
File: 155 KB, 767x968, nuggets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this look better?
i see what you mean
does this looks better? or more awkward
the feet kind of bug me

>> No.1497160
File: 181 KB, 750x750, 34234234234123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so ive been stuck trying to redo the arms for the past day, can someone help me? also i know how messy it looks but thats just the sketch, and when its lined i actually take time on it

>> No.1497167

Hands seem really big and the arms a bit too large. Check your perspective. Also, the tongue seems pasted onto the teeth. Neck is a bit long. Feet/leg pose looks nice but, the arms/face throw me off.

>> No.1497170

You're trying too hard to hide the nipples with those hands. Looks incredibly 'posed'.

Seriously, try out that pose for yourself. If it feels awkward, it looks awkward - even if the character is feline.

>> No.1497178

thank you

>> No.1497180
File: 202 KB, 1479x909, noimagination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still a lot of trouble with coming up with poses from imagination as usual.

>> No.1497181

watch some samurai matrix kung-fu movie and
draw poses there.

I suggest once upon a time in china series

>> No.1497187
File: 480 KB, 720x1280, 2013-07-14-00-42-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta sleep

>> No.1497189

I didn't mean you have to become a master at drawing people realistically but getting the basics of a person in 3d space wouldn't hurt. Gesture drawing and a tiny bit of proportion study gets rid of a lot of issues even when drawing mango. Trust me, this is coming from someone who draws moe bubbleheads doing all sorts of fun stuff

>> No.1497190

I had to go look at that in the other thread because I just couldn't believe it. Holy shit, wow.

>> No.1497194


Don't be afraid of the dark, add more contrast. Also, hands are off but, it's a WIP so I assume you're going to be fixing it soon. Tits look nice tho.

>> No.1497203

The legs do look wrong. Not everybody is perfect.

>> No.1497204

hiding the nipples just kind of ended up that way. it doesn't matter because she's going to end up being clothed.
>try that pose out for yourself
yeah i would if i could lel.
how do i fix it being incredibly posed/awkward is what i want to know.

>> No.1497220

You can try out the pose of the upper body, and I think you'll find having the wrists pressed against the breasts to be unnatural. What is she doing?

You need to have a clear action in mind. Act it out in front of a mirror if you have too. Use a strong gesture that emphasizes the movement of the figure.

I can't tell you how to fix it because your intent seems ambiguous, and that shows in the pose. What's in her environment? Is she interacting with it? Right now she has a weird leaping motion, and she's looking down at something, but I as the viewer can't tell what that is, or why.

If she's intended to just be floating, then study some gestures from master paintings that include floating figures. Angels, nymphs, etc are often depicted in 'weightless' poses. Study what works. Bouguereau paints a lot of floating figures, but you should look towards masters that you personally admire.

>> No.1497221

it does correct the issues in terms of placement which i'm sure was the poor anons purpose, it's a testament to the mediocrity of the mango thread that it's doleful inhabitants can't see past a drawings finish.

>> No.1497225

well you got me there. there wasn't any background/action or intent to what's going on. i just wanted to draw a cool pose.
i'll check out some floating references, and maybe that will help. thanks.

>> No.1497236

Really, now?

>> No.1497275


It doesn't. The original drawing tilts the pelvis to the right and back, giving a nearly top-down view of the pelvis. This was clear in the construction sketch. This fits the perspective and the pose. The drawing on the left breaks those things in order to show the pelvis and legs from a conventional view that doesn't match the pose or perspective. It doesn't even show the twisting of the leg.

>> No.1497314
File: 90 KB, 721x568, dfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff her butt

>> No.1497336

her eyebrows are way too thick, also her right hand looks off

>> No.1497343

Why would she be building a sandcastle with her panites down like that? Do you plan to add in a second figure pantsing her? Remember context is important too.

>> No.1497365
File: 229 KB, 292x282, 1370490389847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her eyebrows are way too thick

This nigga don't know kawaii

>> No.1497368

thick eyebrows is usually for manly anime like honto no ken

this thickness. makes it look like too much of a parody to map to

>> No.1497370


>> No.1497371

That picture is horrifying... Damn you, anon. Damn you.

>> No.1497375


>> No.1497378
File: 79 KB, 250x302, mugi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you ever watch k-on? tsumugi does have thick eyebrows too
and one of the characters in ao no exorcist also does, i forgot her name though

>> No.1497379
File: 22 KB, 503x383, lh_mutsumi079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ken Akamatsu said he likes his women like that too.

>> No.1497388
File: 68 KB, 356x295, MangaPanties2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like to think Mangaka to assistant was Ken's autobiography

>> No.1497389

Man, I actually really like Mikufag's style.

pls go to Tokyo and become a mangaka, Mikufag. You pen name can be Mikufaggu.

>> No.1497423
File: 194 KB, 900x1260, marona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to studies i go...

>> No.1497436


Did you draw that or what

>> No.1497438

Looks better now

>> No.1497440

dem hands

>> No.1497447
File: 457 KB, 720x1280, 2013-07-14-12-44-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably going to continue it on the PC.

>> No.1497452

She looks pudgy. And really, really bored.

>> No.1497464

>blue fire in her hands
>her power is Chartreuse

>> No.1497487


I'm ok with that because the bored look was something I was aiming for.

The chubbiness not so much but I can work on that.

Thanks for the input!

>> No.1497507
File: 93 KB, 534x793, hajimesalute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything wrong with it besides the hand?

inb4 everything

>> No.1497571
File: 68 KB, 686x732, lewdbunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here I go.
I am not very good at feet or hands.

>> No.1497574

>>tfw the only bodypart you're able to add emotion to the face is mouth.
What. Those eyebrows give her a pretty solemn look. If that was even what you were going for.

Anyway, the jawline should go up at a higher angle, and try adding ears instead of hiding them.
Also the head itself should be bigger, the part covered by hair at least.
Blush should go more under the eyes and less over the nose.
I really like the eyes.

>> No.1497577

I'd say you study up on general anatomy more. I can't really help you in improving your "anime style", since the face is really the main thing that gives a character it's anime vibe, and you didn't quite detail the face at all.

>> No.1497596
File: 87 KB, 831x1027, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it looks better now.

Changed the expression, among other details...

>> No.1497598
File: 1021 KB, 2560x1920, 2013-07-14 18.53.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my first attempt to actually draw something.

Fucking faces, man... so difficult...

>> No.1497600

Wow, sorry... shitty phone pic because no scanner, didn't realize it'd be sideways... forgive me /ic/.

>> No.1497603

It's the double chin that's making her look chubby.

>> No.1497605

That's a chin strap son

>> No.1497610
File: 100 KB, 921x655, Faaaaaaaaaastness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puh lease dongness of long get better fucking scrub lord of shtdrawingness

>> No.1497613

What ever :3 atleast it is resize... fuck. It's not that bad.

>> No.1497619

Why thank you.

Any constructive criticism? I feel like the face is flat and kind of expressionless, but I don't know how to fix that...

>> No.1497620
File: 100 KB, 1029x1018, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See >>1497605

I agree that she still looked chubby though, so I fixed the perspective a bit (maybe it's still wrong...any help?) and added some more values too.

>> No.1497621

pls critique

>> No.1497626
File: 108 KB, 534x793, perspective on toenails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copy and do exactly like Teal to fix your perspective with the toenails.

>> No.1497628

saggy boobs, bad mouth. boobs are only acceptable if she is intended to be braless under the dress

>> No.1497644

Ah I think I see it now. You should make it more defined as a chin strap, add some extra doo-dads here and there to separate it from the face.

Right now she has no jaw. When turning that way (3/4), you should be able to see the shape of the jaw more. As it is it looks like her jaw bone is either missing or deformed.

>> No.1497671
File: 73 KB, 804x1003, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it!

I hope this one addresses those issues

I know the helmet looks weird but I just decided some few minutes ago to make a P4A Fan Art instead.

Fan art seems to bring more views than originals after all.

>> No.1497673
File: 124 KB, 1410x1080, agrippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished up the linework in Flash. I didn't draw the other arm since I didn't know whether it would be visible from that angle or not. If so, what do you think he should be doing? Also, any accessories?

>> No.1497676
File: 21 KB, 563x394, vilppu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been studying my viplu

>> No.1497682
File: 220 KB, 874x998, kuroko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to draw poses that include hands, but they always look deformed.
Fuck, gotta do more hand studies.

>> No.1497686
File: 184 KB, 437x499, rline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1497696
File: 126 KB, 1000x789, Bon4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like something is incredibly fucked up, but I don't know what it is

>> No.1497697


The gesture on the right feels like it's trying to hold something back rather than pushing

>> No.1497700

Aw shit, that was actually the exact thing I was trying to avoid. Thanks for the input though, I'll try out some other poses and see if they work better

>> No.1497701
File: 131 KB, 1000x789, rline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1497702

sanic PLS

>> No.1497704

now that its sonic it looks like she's pushing, weird.

>> No.1497741

Lel no. If the pelvis was tilted to the right and back then the top of the right leg would have been turned more to the viewer, and the foot would have been more tuck under the ass instead of the leg. In either drawing the legs and pelvis are wrong.

>> No.1497742

cuz of sonica fatass paunch tipping the balance

>> No.1497745

I wonder if sonikun did that on purpose

>> No.1497746

undoubtedly. we r in the presence of a master

>> No.1497748

Could always just have his left arm holding the sword as well.

Maybe try to have that figure do a body check towards the coffin?

>> No.1497764

top lel

Start a separate thread for these red lines.

>> No.1497766
File: 137 KB, 1696x1056, cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this on /jp/ but the only comment I got was about loomising. Is this shit?

>> No.1497834

yes i did
i'll keep this in mind as one of the things to properly study again.
shit, completely forgot! she had a cyan-like aura ingame though IIRC and too much yellow would be bad so...

>> No.1497856

You need Loomis

>> No.1497867

you need the sticky

>> No.1497872

beep beep

>> No.1497943

nigga, you need SUPER LOOMIS.

>> No.1497974

>she had a cyan-like aura ingame
I've been playing recently and I don't remember that. Vid related.

>> No.1497990


it's just me then. the last time i saw her actually do that was months ago though lol and thanks

>> No.1498011
File: 502 KB, 829x795, wiplolibutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting coloring the skin this morning

I added a girl pulling down her pants

>> No.1498013

That's way too much fucking muscle for a loli, much less a cute girl.
But holy shit that is some beautiful coloring.

>> No.1498017


hullo mate, I've been into coloring/shading/rendering recently. Got a question here, what methods are you using to achieve something like this? Simply blending colors in PS, perhaps?

>> No.1498018
File: 114 KB, 662x1058, BUFF LOLOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had her more buff originally but I toned it down sum. I guess it wasn't enough

>> No.1498019
File: 95 KB, 800x1000, sheena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me senpai

>> No.1498021


The wrinkles in her feet are particularly magnificent good sir.

>> No.1498024
File: 911 KB, 2029x2355, coloringtips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the water tool in sai to blend.
I change brush sizes a lot so I can blend in one stroke some times use the air bush too for lighter gradients
wiped this up real quick. sorry I'm not very good a tutorials or giving conceptual additive

>> No.1498025


>> No.1498028


thank you sire.

>> No.1498029

wow men this is awesome! thx for the advice

>> No.1498033
File: 37 KB, 256x320, sanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reat mah sanic

>> No.1498043

I disagree actually. It looks like there's a joint in the middle of the foot. It shouldn't really bend at all, other than just how the foot is shaped.

>> No.1498044

She has high archs and the sole of the foot naturally has wrinkels

>> No.1498046

Not wrinkles like that. They all extend from one point, as if it bends at a joint.

>> No.1498105
File: 39 KB, 1197x1009, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Those eyebrows give her a pretty solemn look. If that was even what you were going for.
Yes it was what I was aiming for. And these are pretty much the standard eyebrows I do for every emotion (pic related).

>Anyway, the jawline should go up at a higher angle
Not sure if I understand what you meant. Redline would be appreciated.

>Also the head itself should be bigger, the part covered by hair at least.
>Blush should go more under the eyes and less over the nose.

>I really like the eyes.
Thanks. Took me some time to pixellate it.

Also...is it just me or is the mouth the most important when expressing emotions. Literally, one single pixel can change the whole impression.

>> No.1498107

I should really start using a proper program instead of paint :3

>> No.1498110

Damn. That bad? Aw.

>> No.1498114

Don't feel discouraged, friend I think I used to draw much worst than anybody here but after about six months now I drew what you see in the OP just recently.

Just keep drawing, as long as you keep drawing you'll improve but it takes time, lots of patience and persistence.

>> No.1498120

Nigga you should be using pencil and paper, your hands shakes like a parkinsons patient

>> No.1498126

Lol it's the dirtcheap mouse I got.

Any criticism about the drawing itself?

>> No.1498140

>hands shakes

>> No.1498142

Drawing with a mouse is like drawing with a stone. You will never produce anything of quality
so why don't you just draw on paper or buy a tablet?

>> No.1498158

>draw on paper
I aint got no camera

>buy a tablet
Just for drawing? No thanks.

Again - respond only if you have any criticism about the picture, not about the quality of the lines.

>> No.1498161

>quality of the lines.
That's a part of the drawing, you vapid jackass.

>> No.1498167
File: 164 KB, 900x500, tumblr_mpkvmr4MFd1rxx0cco1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498168

As someone who's drawn with a mouse, if you're looking to improve, draw on paper. Even if you can't share it on the web, it's still better.

>> No.1498169

Jesus. You proved that bad lines are bad great job. Anything else?

>> No.1498172

he also proved that your a jackass

>> No.1498174

I do draw on the paper. The only place for me to get any (somewhat) good criticism is here though.

>> No.1498178

Do skills from drawing on paper transfer to drawing on tablet? Or are they incomparable?

>> No.1498182

they transfer.
After you get used to drawing on the tablet, of course.

>> No.1498184

Drawing tablets are just for drawing, how old are you?
also a drawing of a face done in paint by a mouse can't be considered
something worth of a criticism. Just draw on paper if you can't or don't
want a tablet.

>> No.1498190

>Drawing tablets are just for drawing, how old are you?
I wouldn't be using it for anything else than drawing anyway, so why bother?

>> No.1498193

I'm pretty sure most people do in fact buy it just for drawing. If you're seeking to improve, you'll be using it a lot unless you strictly paint traditionally, which you don't.

>> No.1498194

Well they don't really have any other use if you don't want to
use them as a mouse, but why isn't drawing a good enough reason
to buy a drawing tablet?

>> No.1498200

I'm stuck in the same situation honestly, but I know that whatever I draw with a mouse is not comparable to what I can do on paper. Just learn how to spot your own mistakes.

>> No.1498202


>> No.1498211
File: 296 KB, 1197x1009, McCritique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hair's perspective is off. And you need sharper corners to make your dude look less feminine.

>> No.1498213

Maybe cause he's an emotional little bitch who likes to cry on tumblr for attention? He bitches here so it wouldn't be surprising

>> No.1498226

Heh, funny.

>> No.1498286

Are you thinking tablet = ipad? To quote that other guy, how old are you? Because no, there are actual drawing tablets, which are made for drawing and are much cheaper (if you get a small one).

>> No.1498292

Dewd, be more flowing and confident with the hair. It's pretty stiff. The eyes are pretty good though.

>> No.1498293

Study some anatomy and perspective and the body and arm look really out of proportion. Head's too big and your shoulders are at the wrong perspective.
Keep studyin nigga

>> No.1498316

And to add to that. Gestures, lots and lots of gestures.
There is no point if you learn every bit of muscle and bone

if you don't know how a human body moves and rests
naturally, your poses are going to be stiff, you have to

observe a lot of poses and do a lot of gestures to start
developing a "feeling" of what is a natural, gestural pose and
what isn't.

>> No.1498324
File: 233 KB, 1230x578, gestures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I do gestures everyday.
I guess I just have to keep going and do more?

>> No.1498337

yes, this is not a natural pose at all, it might be a familiar pose that you have
seen somewhere but its not correct. It is very painful to try and bring your

knees so close to each other, a more natural pose would have been if half of her
right leg was resting on the knee and if it was just a little bit foreshortened,

you must also start getting familiar with foreshortening in the near future.
Now even if you did bring your knees so close, to pull your leg so that your
heel is almost further back of your knee is a lot more painful.

Don't wary too much, study proportions and get the basic things to stack
to your brain, and start developing a visual library fore poses.

>> No.1498440
File: 197 KB, 1280x1008, mango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498489


This is what happens when you maximim overpolish a turd

>> No.1498497

and it feels so good

>> No.1498522

How is that worse than any other animu shit posted in these threads?

>> No.1498544
File: 38 KB, 625x625, deliciousb8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498554

Everyone already realized that and didn't respond.

>> No.1498569
File: 131 KB, 600x366, 130715_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first style or second?

>> No.1498573

not styles

>> No.1498575


Looks like all you did was change the levels to one of those, slapped on some textures and called it a "style"

>> No.1498587
File: 95 KB, 299x366, Stylin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498588

explain. I don't get it.

>> No.1498589

How did you learn to color like that? I really want to give my draw color but it always looks like shit.

>> No.1498599
File: 136 KB, 648x648, guyuls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still cant get the anime out of my system today...

>> No.1498623

Their faces look extremely flat.

>> No.1498627


Secret tip anon: Value change = form change

It's all in how you create the lighting in your head and applying lighting knowlege.

>> No.1498696

Dubs nice

>> No.1498715
File: 72 KB, 712x1008, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498725

You're face looks extremely flat

>> No.1498740
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, animu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to make my version of this, i dont know how to do the animu face very wel tho

>> No.1498748


Do you have a blog? After your few faces here, I need to know.

>> No.1498759

anybody know of any good tutorials specifically for inking comics and cartoons? i tried google but i just find deviantart tutorials that aren't too helpful.


>> No.1498763
File: 836 KB, 1944x2592, WP_000306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here's my first venture into /ic/, I've been lurking for a while, watched some good art shit, I've been practicing my poses and my anatomy a bit more. I've been drawing literally my entire life, but I guess I've never realy taken it seriously. Personally, my art satisfied me, but when I started comparing it to top art, I started feeling like it was shit. Now I can't draw anything without seeing every flaws in it and even I think my drawing skills are really shitty. So I decided to retreat back to the basics and practice this a bit more.

I have tons of experience drawing, but literally no technical practice nor experience, just drawing shit from memory, so I'm not unknown to drawing, but, still, I'm having such an hard time now. Faces that I used to think were symetrical I see as completely fucking assymetrical and I can't for the love of me not draw them any other way, so whatever, here's my practice for today.

I've been practicing dynamic poses for a few days now, only drawing stick figures in dynaic and fluid poses until I'd get the hang of it, then I decided to apply a bit of anatomy to it. the pose and proportions are purposefully exxagerated since I'm trying to work on poses, I decided to go with the idea of a castlevania character as inspiration. Next time, I'll try the same pose, but with proprer refferences and proportions.

I'm overall satified by it, except for awkward angles in the arms and me being terrible at drawing proprer shin position. The rest is fine by me, though I'm aware of how innacurate it probably is..

I've always drawn with passion, but, lately, for some odd reason, I stopped seeing beauty in my art, I started finding it stale as fuck and without any taste, so I came here in search for help. Thanks for the practice material. Only problem is that I'm so bummed out, I can't draw every day, though I at least TRY something once a day. I prefer trying than just letting my pad rot there.

>> No.1498773

I'd be interested in this too.

Though, really, it just sounds like learning to know your values and pushing contrasts to the max (if you're talking about typical Batman b&w inking)

>> No.1498784

Make the shadow sharper and add some text below, reading something like:"Fight the capitalist scourge, proud bicyclist".

>> No.1498787
File: 86 KB, 800x800, pad16713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are comparing your work too much to others. To be perfectly honest with you, I don't think you are ready to be learning anatomy because you have holes in your fundamentals. Notably, your seem to lack solid knowledge in perspective. Your head and cranial mass is flat and forced at such an angle so that you don't have to worry about wrapping lines and deeper understanding. Your pectorals also are out-of-perspective, easily denoted by your nipple placement and the bottom of both the masses.

You should stop, take a step back from figure drawing, and work on perspective.

Pic sorta related. My warmup page because I haven't finished your red line as of yet.

>> No.1498790


Thanks anon, that cheered me up :)

I do have a blog but it's just to upload the text of my Vocaloid translations:


Here are the videos:


My deviantArt and Pixiv pages:



Both are nothing to brag about though. I've only been drawing for 6 months and my available time doesn't allow me to draw as much as I would like :/


I'm afraid the reference is lost on me, but yeah it would make a nice propaganda poster.

>> No.1498792


YEah, thanks, the hard part is going back to basics. after spending so many years making big project, going back to drawing shapes and perspective lines is pretty boring, but I'm kicking myself into it. Also overcoming the urge to trash something as soon as I find it shitty without completing it.

I think the hardest part is the realisation that I'm really not as good as I used to think I was. It's like those old videogames where you beat it and they tell you "well if you want the true ending, you need to go alll the way back to the beginning and beat the game again on a more difficult setting, that's exactly how I feel, going back to the beginning makes me want to shut down the fucking console and make me feel like my efforts were all in vain.

That's why I'm starting to spend more time around here, because you guys are actual passionates about it, not circlejerkers patting each other on the back for low tier porn. Despite sucking so much, I trully feel at home here.

>> No.1498793

>To be perfectly honest with you, I don't think you are ready to be learning anatomy because you have holes in your fundamentals.

Like you would fucking know?! Seriously, what are YOU able to justify that with? The anon posts one pic, and suddenly your autistic ass develops clairvoyance about his skills.

>> No.1498794


Yeah, except he is actually right, I do have problem with perspective. sometimes, I manage to get it right out of either experience drawing a certain shape or by a mere fluke. I can't for the love of me get any perspective the way I want it to be. that's what I'm aiming for.

Don't perpetuate this drama, nobody is here to comfort someone else's ego. I think I suck, but I want to get better. I practice to get there and if the advice is good, I take it.

>> No.1498796

You just fed. Congrats.

>> No.1498799


Both of you shut the fuck up. You all have no idea of what you're talking about, you all are parroting troped slogans. You think shitting your banter on someones is considered a motivational critique--it's not, it's just you talking shit.

And just cause someone calls shit out on the most obvious stupidity that floods these kind of threads doesn't make the post a troll. You on the other and are the troll, for continuously going around calling out everything that upsets you, in the slightest, a troll. Get over it.

>> No.1498803
File: 99 KB, 800x800, dsfdvfaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't sweat it, dude. In my opinion, there's a meditative quality to just drawing a ball or doing a simple value study. There's no shame in going back to basics. Just never compare your progress to others. They've spend many years honing their craft. If you start comparing your stuff to someone's end result, your stuff is always going to look like shit.

Again, your big issue seems to be you are afraid of thinking in form. Your head just screams this. You use a really simple circle and cross. It's rigid, flat, and does not work in perspective. It's also so "dead-on" that it just plain doesn't seem natural. You can solve this issue and many others by studying some simple perspective techniques. Perspective and abstraction will also help you jump into figure drawing and, inherently, anatomy, since both of those subjects require a firm understanding of form before you can make use of any knowledge you can gain from studying them.

>> No.1498870
File: 131 KB, 1920x1200, laydown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix the arms and torso while keeping them in that position?

>> No.1498877
File: 764 KB, 3808x2424, pornoref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498878
File: 805 KB, 3216x2136, pornref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498879
File: 233 KB, 1800x1200, pornreff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498890

Learn to construct the figure. There seems to be zero fundamentals involved in your drawing. Just chicken scratch lines with no form and volume whatsoever. Also don't bother copying reference images like the poster above me suggested, as that doesn't really teach you anything and you'll always be depending on exact reference images for any pose you ever attempt.

>> No.1498910

Sweet. I +watched you in deviantArt.

>> No.1498916

this is why i hate humanity, because it has dickheads like you
maybe you were joking or just trying to get people to react, but you're still a dickhead

>> No.1499033
File: 1.55 MB, 2000x1414, Hayley - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1499039

Resize you slut!

>> No.1499048
File: 920 KB, 1500x1060, Hayley - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fucking rig are you running if you need to resize this shit further? it's already resized from 4700 X 3325

>> No.1499058

desktop resolution must be 800x600

>> No.1499059

Not that anon, but your image did seem entirely too large.

>> No.1499060

That thing that suppose to be wire i think, is so unconstructed that looks like cloth, the whole thing is a symbol like the

little houses we used to draw when we where little, it resembles it, but its not it, get some photo references.

The face and hair is kind of cute but the rest of the body has a pretty stiff pose. If her hand is resting on the iron thing

then it needs to be a bit further back so she can actually but some weight onto it, so she could actually be resting on it,

then it also needs to be a bit foreshortened. Her body seems to be like a unified maze. Let loose, the torso is not one thing,

raise the shoulder to show that it puts weight on the hand, make the ribcage turn a bit to where she is looking, its a lot more natural.

also the hand must be in a resting position as it dose not do anything, this position is very intense, it doesn't feel like its resting.

You also seem to be still stuck in the idea that the shadow goes next to a line, or you just didn't put the shadows yet.

You are getting there thought, just become more familiar with how the human body naturally reacts in different situations
and poses, every little detail matters an this point.

>> No.1499101

Does your name start with D?

>> No.1499180


There's no saving this, just study Loomis please

>> No.1499197

In this case, I call it a critical anatomy failure and give it a status of abandoned. I will be back when I know how to draw juicy belly and stuff when they are being stretched. I delete the post.

>> No.1499202

It's not beyond saving, just rotate the pelvis a bit so its facing forward because that ass n tits pose doesnt make any sense.

>> No.1499218
File: 452 KB, 1024x600, Sketch162195954~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please teach me the Sketchbook mobile ways. Just recently I got this tablet stylus, only to discover that my screen can't form a straight line when drawing slowly (thank god for the smooth brush option). I really don't know which brush I should use for outlining, shading, and so on. Also, could someone explain the difference between "screen" layer and "add" layer? Seens the same, though some minor differences can be spotted. Also, drawing(s). Critique.

>> No.1499228

>IMO, nothing about your drawings are sexually appealing, clothing or not. It's so exaggerated it's like a parody of the more extreme busty women in hentai.
You are probably a mature person who has sex daily or something. If the anon that you are quoting was to publish some work, be it a comic or whatever, and he wanted to hit the the majority, he should draw using exactly these proportions.

>> No.1499236

Switch to human proportions when drawing humans.

captcha:that extraiu

>> No.1499274

how could you tell when to use soft and hard edges when blending colors together? I always end up with all soft edges so it makes my drawing look like I used the gradient tool. Is this just something you pick after doing studies or?

>> No.1499309
File: 206 KB, 837x818, So many lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn these lines are going to be the death of me. It's amazing how important a few lines are and how quickly they can zap the energy out of your sketch if you don't place them right... oh well, gonna keep on moving along. Once I finally get this I'm gonna be one happy man.

>> No.1499312

you post a picture, expect to get critique

>> No.1499368
File: 153 KB, 900x900, Sonico Fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I posted about this one but I'm still determined to finish this. Here's an updated WIP after reading the CC from many threads ago. I've just been caught up in other stuff so I hadn't really worked on it.

Deviated a little bit from the hand position on her waist and the boob size in the redline. Also going to try a different position for the other foot not drawn yet from the original.

>> No.1499376

I don't really have much to offer as a form of critique, and sorry to bother you with this shit because I know it's boring, but how did you get your lines like that? They are so clean and have great variation. I'm guessing sai and working a hell of a lot bigger than what the size of that picture is, but what tool did you use, and do you actively think about the thickness of your lines and such? It looks like you his each line with one go, but do you go back to bulk them up? I've been at this for a couple of weeks, but still seem to lose a bit of life from my initial sketch to final line work, where as yours looks pretty damn good.

>> No.1499382
File: 1.53 MB, 2000x1500, PIZZA ROOLLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not usually the anime styled artist but its fun messing around with that sort of style once in a while.
It's a roughie, I only spent 30 minutes on it and never plan toreturn to refine it.

>> No.1499384

Love your stuff, very clean and effective line work.


Oh! I exported the project to my PC, and started working with ArtRage.

However, you can do some very decent work with SBM. Did you check the preferences?
SBM usually has the "Stylus mode" turned off.

It also depends on your tablet, iOS devices don't have pressure sensitive digitizers, there are some stylus that emulate this feature (pogo, iPen, etc...) but afaik they are only supported by some apps (ProCreate, ArtRage iOS version and some others).

On Android the best option is a Note 10.1, the digitizer and stylus are made by Wacom.

>> No.1499390

Her left leg looks a little dislocated at the hip, as the knee seems to be digging into her other leg.

Did you use a ref?

>> No.1499402
File: 57 KB, 500x500, animerrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Limbs are off, coloring's off, hair's off: too tired to care at the moment.

>> No.1499421

Thanks. And thanks for the watch back. The thick lines and simple colouring are just excuses for my lack of knowledge in form, control, and values BUT, hopefully we'll get passed that soon.

>> No.1499431

I couldn't find this "stylus mode" option.
Well, I guess it is as expected, mine is an old 7" samsung galaxy tab, with a Yogo iPen. I think I'm just better off with pencils and a paper.

>> No.1499433
File: 94 KB, 1024x1224, niro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing good rigth? not horrible, not amazing rigth?

>> No.1499438
File: 692 KB, 900x999, trap copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another trap. I fucked up the farther arm.

>> No.1499439

Shit. I just noticed the ear is way too close to the eye. Will be more careful in the future.

>> No.1499454

I just add more lines and erased some of them, which is sort of time consuming but I like having varying line weights. Thanks. The original file size is a lot bigger, I just downsize it when I upload anything. I use photoshop, default brush. I always think about the line weight and how I want it to be presented as a final piece, but whether or not I care enough to put in the effort on every single drawing I do is a different story. This is definitely not each line in one go, it's more like 5-10 lines more or less since I never feel like I'm really drawing 1:1 on a tablet like I would on paper and pencil. I think most final line art always loses a little bit of life in comparison to the sketch unless you're that amazing and can just do line art without sketching. I'm sure you'll get to how you'd like it to be for you with practice.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I honestly don't see it. I left the right calf smooth so that there was no indentation on it to suggest that the left leg is digging into her right leg so I'm not personally seeing it. It could be my error though and I'm just blind or something.

>> No.1499463

Ah, thank you so much. That really clears up a lot.
I've been mostly trying to hit it in one go and it has been hell on me. I mean, I think it looks "acceptable", but it just doesn't convey the feelings of the sketch and I always end up disappointed by my end result. I also am working very small, so I'm going to start working much bigger and shrinking it down.

I really appreciate you taking the time to explain all of that. As I said, this tends to be a boring subject for most artists, probably why there isn't much on it. Hell, there's only 2 links on the subject in the sticky, and both are relatively vague or don't tend to go into to much detail for a digital artist, so again, much appreciated sir.

>> No.1499487

Everything is very stiff and your linework is a tad "flat" and lifeless. If I were you I would take a while with gestures and life drawing. Get some more foundational skills before trying to stylize. I think that would do you some real good. Also might want to read "perspective made easy".

>> No.1499492

No problem. It's ok, I honestly don't mind you asking. I don't get asked specifically how I draw almost ever so it's no biggie. Plus I'm always interested in the way professionals draw so I personally don't find it boring,

Well if you want to just do it with one line then you're gonna have to practice a lot, and get used to pressing ctrl+Z a lot until you're more comfortable with controlling your lines. I don't use SAI but I think you can get consistent and smooth lines if you use stabilizers or something, not sure about line weights though. I don't know of any kinds of tutorials for that, someone more knowledgeable on the subject would be better to help you out. The next time you post some art I guess just ask in the post since I don't think most people read all the comments here. I admittedly skip quite a lot of it myself.

I forgot to mention, no I did not use ref for this one. I wanted to try my hand at not using ref for once and trying to do semi interesting angles/positions when I first started it.

>> No.1499497
File: 136 KB, 1200x736, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not saying you're wrong, but I honestly don't see it. I left the right calf smooth so that there was no indentation on it to suggest that the left leg is digging into her right leg so I'm not personally seeing it. It could be my error though and I'm just blind or something.

Let me see if I can explain it better:
The perspective of her pelvis is easy to read (a 3/4 and bottom view). Her right leg comes straight forward with respect to the pelvis. Those two together also imply the angle of the floor plane.

Her left leg however, does not go straight forward with respect to the pelvis. Instead, it looks like it's angled towards her centerline (and perpendicular to the viewer). Spatially, it seems like it would be digging into her right leg. Shitty pic related. Basically, it looks like her right knee is coming towards the viewer, but the left knee is perpendicular to the viewer.

I think the problem lies with the linework of her left thigh. The hamstring is forming a tangent with the calf instead of lying underneath the calf - implying a profile view. It might also help to show the cylindrical form of the hamstring as it connects to the pelvis underneath the glutes (which would also clarify that the knee is coming forward, and the glutes are receding).

Just my 2 cents though.

>> No.1499498

Stabilizers tend to help until you go to the higher numbers. For some reason they begin to make your lines look extremely mechanical and lifeless(and using anything as a crutch is never the best idea). I'm actually sketching now using the techniques you shared and it's working fantastically. I thought to get clean lines you had to get it in one go initially(as I said), but now I have a lot more freedom and the ability to thin out and beef up lines wherever I want and to do so without it looking sketchy or using vector tools.

Feels fucking good man. I have been on this shit for almost a month now and couldn't find anything other then a few horrible youtube videos that were super flat animu, or comic artists using vector lines to do their work. I'm FINALLY getting the look I wanted out of my lines. It means a lot to me man. Can't wait to post some of my next sketches.

>> No.1499583
File: 474 KB, 846x1000, wild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very good at the see-masses thing yet.

>> No.1499590

pls draw ryuko

>> No.1499593

I know you guys are practicing anatomy, muscle studies, gestures, etc. the traditional way(following the sticky). How do you practice anime/manga style?

>> No.1499594
File: 464 KB, 1700x600, Fx8im5s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting it for you.

>> No.1499612
File: 626 KB, 846x1000, rline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1499631

You don't.
If you know your fundamentals you can draw in whatever style you want.

>> No.1499633

>On the subject of improving technically before you try to use a “style" no no no no no no no no no no no that is such a huge misconception and I wish people would stop perpetuating it. If you want to learn to draw, you have to practice drawing the kinds of things you want to draw. People get this idea that if they master the art of photorealistic life drawing then they’ll be able to draw anything, then get frustrated when they can’t because it’s an entire art form unto itself that needs to be developed and honed. You should be learning the fundamentals in tandem with the direction you want to take your art, and figuring out how things like anatomy, shadows, lighting, and perspective apply to the stylized art you want to make, because being able to execute a stylized drawing well IS a technical skill. This is not to say you shouldn’t be working from life and doing realistic studies! I just mean that it’s bad to compartmentalize like you have to do one thing first and then the other, because recognizing how to turn a real thing into a balanced, identifiable graphic representation of that thing is a skill like any other.

>> No.1499634

it's best to keep it under a meg. really more than about 500kb is pretty inconsiderate.

>> No.1499635

I've always wondered, is that really true? How so? Why should we take your word for it?

>> No.1499650

with alot of practice why not? You can draw with forms and you got deep understanding of perspective, it should be less of a problem than it would be to someone who has never drawn before. I'm sure he wasn't talking about flat cookiecutter deviantart tutorial anime style.

>> No.1499653

No its not, you still have to spend a shitload of time observing and analyzing other anime artists but thats it,
if you really know your fundamentals just observing and copying some anime art is enough, also you must

observe anime/japanese culture's gestural/body language, its different. Some things you do with your body
and hands japanese people never do. I remember reading about this from some foreign animator that animated

a scene in some anime, everyone was sending him emails asking if he was foreign because of the way the characters
was moving, acting.

>> No.1499661

because poster assumed a basic capability of logic from people

>> No.1499667

Except it's not logical at all to assume you will magically be good at something that you never exercised.

Of course fundamentals are extremely important, that should be a given, but you will never be good at stylization unless you work at it. A LOT. Look at artists who are great at stylization, they constantly work on making the right choices when it comes to what to exaggerate, what to simplify, what needs to stay realistic. That is something you only learn from experience by actually doing it over and over again. You will not magically have that ability because you watched a bunch of Vilppu DVDs and did a few life drawing sessions.

>> No.1499680

The one who asked the question here.

I actually spend time to work on fundamentals (real human model poses, etc.) then I practice anime/manga style by, well, copying some references like I do on human models. Then I work on imagination on some days.

For me, I can't draw what I didn't draw or at least tried to draw with reference.

>> No.1499696


Not the person you were replying to, but having fundamentals will make everything else easier, and I do think they are things you need to focus on initially.

The issue is that there is a lot of confusion over what the fundamentals actually are, and fundamentals for different disciplines do differ a bit.

The way I was taught is this: Realism is not a fundamental. Anatomy is not a fundamental. Fundamentals are what gives you the ability to draw realistically, or draw correct anatomy once you've learned it. It comes down to your ability to depict form, understand perspective, rotate forms, control your hand so that they do what you want, line/stroke control, and the like.

Realism is really a style. It has a set of perimeters in how proportions and lighting are applied. Various kinds of cartooning are also styles, with their own sets of perimeters. These are variables you can change. Understanding form and hand control are things you generally do not change. Fundamentals are also things which you continuously improve, because they require your mental judgement.

Back to an earlier post, should fundamentals be learned separately from style? In away, I can understand the argument against it, because fundamentals are not something you learn once. But, you should have a minimum level of proficiency with it. And I feel it's much easier to get to that level by focusing on it first. Learn basic forms. Learn the basic geometric rules of box division and orienting ellipses. Get through this stuff first, and you would have much less frustration later on.

>> No.1499706
File: 166 KB, 615x697, 453453453435435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I really need critique. I think maybe her nose is a little too long?

>> No.1499730

>but muh feels

>> No.1499799
File: 1.07 MB, 2020x823, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update on the two elins at the beach

I tried a new style for the hair
cant decide if she should have tan lines or not.

>> No.1499809
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, ScreenShot2favtemp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep the tanlines. they look sexy and add realism.
but i think you overdid the hair.

>> No.1499810

elins are a-sexual so they don't have vaginos

>> No.1499813

who's art is this? Do they have a deviantart, or a place where they post their art? I really love their coloring.

>> No.1499815
File: 87 KB, 575x400, 13775175804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall motherfuckers need some highlights

>> No.1499816
File: 245 KB, 425x584, 15PERC_ayanamihead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, I'm the guy who had to take like 2 months off of illustrating during a big move. Slowly starting to make improvement but I'm still pretty discouraged by how much I feel I've fallen in just 2 months.

Experimenting with colour and trying to work out what sort of lines I like atm. I can never ever seem to settle on lines and it really stresses me out. Any line advice? Spent about an hour on this

>> No.1499820

Its not the coloring technique by itself that is wrong, but you used too much black.
This overdone unrealistic contrast make the hair feel kind of plastic.

Also the hair around the forehead, sorry i don't know how they are called normally
they have a curve that goes inside, they are supposed to go around the forehead not dig into it,

it makes it feel fake and wrong, the hair there must go around the head in a circle,
the highlights of the hair and the coloring suggests that they curve inside and outside gain.

>> No.1499858

Guys please

Like, redline it or something

>> No.1499880
File: 61 KB, 366x712, reiaiaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having another crack at this without lines, even though I'm super new to painting and colour in general. having fun so far

>> No.1499907

If any drawfriends feel like drawing non-lewd stuff, I'm trying to see if I can start drawthreads on /c/.

>> No.1499910

is she a futa?

>> No.1499911
File: 436 KB, 748x1000, REI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks ! I added some hi lights in those areas and it definitely pops more
yeah I got caught up in trying to make it look pretty but I'm not sure I get what you mean about digging into the fore head but I added some extra strands of hair that go be behind the front fringe if that's what you mean

>> No.1499912

pretty strong so far, light source is perhaps a little confusing

>> No.1499913

I actually know absolutely nothing about lighting when it comes to direction and all that. What are some good exercises for this?

>> No.1499916

observe nature

>> No.1499922

How do i into folds? i can't visualize this shit at all. Drawing real clothes doesn't help when i have to use imagination.

>> No.1499929
File: 1.53 MB, 3000x3500, mechagodzilla_iii_wip_by_obershutzewienman-d6du00o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda mango/animu related (I'm sorry, theres no official Godzilla monsters drawing thread)

Hows my Kiryu /ic/?

(I know the tails off, I'm fixing that)

>> No.1499948
File: 458 KB, 1178x724, aefaef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i am not surprised, my English are not that great.

What i mean is that hair follow a certain patter around the head and when
they are effected by gravity they go in a circle, the way you did it is like

some of the hair are stuck on her forehead, they are much more inside
than the others. I did this to show you what i mean, now the color will

play a bigger role but my coloring doesn't resembles yours at all so i didn't
bother, but you get the idea. The easiest way that i find to do this is make a

round line for all the hair and then curve it as i see feet for the hair style.
Now i am not in any way at a level to be teaching so don't follow my example
by the line, i just wanted to get my point across.

>> No.1499950

I meant carve not curve

>> No.1499953
File: 315 KB, 1913x1076, ss (2013-07-18 at 03.33.22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to do some scribbles

>> No.1499956


>> No.1499957

hey men how did u manage o get the color wheel?
i downloaded one from sycra site but it doesnt appear in the windows menu

>> No.1499958

You have a neat style. Very unique.

>> No.1499960

I can't remember, I think I found it on the conceptart forums and followed the install guide with it
thanks a lot compadre

>> No.1499961

now draw a giant Jaeger in the distance.

>> No.1499964


> a Jaeger would stand a chance vs Mecha G with the Absolute Zero system.

>> No.1499968

>not doing it because it's awesome
seriously, half the shit in those movies don't make sense logically.

... I really need to go see Pacific Rim in IMAX before it's to late...

>> No.1499971


Haha, I would put him in the back, but my intention is to flood the pictures BG with maser tanks.

I need to see it it IMAX as well, normals theaters don't cut it for this kind of movie

>> No.1499973

You should(plus whatever blog you put it on would get easy hits due to you posting something relevant even in a small way)

But yeah, friend of mine bought me a ticket and we saw it in the regular theater... my fucking body was not even ready. I can't imagine how it would look in IMAX.

>> No.1499981


deviantart-fag....reporting for duty

Surprisingly little PR fanart on there actually.....

>> No.1499985

Not surprised, drawing giant robots is much harder than drawing ponies, or homostuck characters.

>> No.1499989


on a random note, I put this in the "Digital art/ mixed media/other" sub-section, and all of the related pictures are of bondage...waht

>> No.1499991


Obviously bondage is a performance art.

>> No.1500161

Think of folds and cloth as if you were using water.
There's a book about folds though.

>> No.1500240
File: 656 KB, 2048x1232, 2013-04-18 23.52.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here's something. Kind of old but oh well. Sorry for the lack of a scanner.

>> No.1500342


Pointing out that putting ok-ish colors and PS tricks over a shitty underdrawing is turd polishing counts as being a dickhead now?

Do you even know what board you're on?

>> No.1500371


>> No.1500391

New Thread:


>> No.1500557
File: 97 KB, 1252x786, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would agree but the way you drew the leg doesn't match the direction of the leg I drew. Her kneecap would be drawn in a totally different position and way if I drew it as you're describing wouldn't it? With the way you've described and drawn as an example, her kneecap should be half way into her other leg's calf is how I see the example shown.

I can agree that the thigh and calf needs some work which I will eventually get to but I just personally don't see it being as off as you describe even with your visual example.

This is what I see but again maybe I am wrong here.

Well if it helped you then great. I didn't think I was doing anything special but I'm glad it was useful to you.

That's what I based it off of.

>> No.1500807

Her hands are pushing against a flat surface, it doesn't look like she's interacting with the objects in your scene.