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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1470526 No.1470526[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been told to learn how to draw on paper first before going digital, I am honestly getting tired of the noise the sketchbook leaves behind after I scan it. I often wish I had a drawing tablet so everything would look clean, so at this point in time do you think I am ready to...invest in a five hundred dollar Intuos :3

What say you, /ic/? Also where is the Animu thread?

>> No.1470530

Well, you're certainly better than when you first started posting. Don't expect your work to be better just because you start working digitally (in fact, it'll be worse until you get the hang of the medium).

Whether you're ready or not is really up to you. Can you spare the $500? Are you going to stop using the tablet a month from now? Have you ever used a tablet before, and aren't inflating your expectations?

If you think it's time, go for it. You'll still be learning and focusing on the fundamentals either way.

>> No.1470532

$500 for what, certainly not a tablet

>> No.1470535

If you find that you enjoy drawing i don't see why not, just don't get disappointed at first, but don't get discouraged ether it doesn't take more than a

month or two to get used to drawing indirectly. Also don't buy anything smaller than medium as you wouldn't be able to use your whole arm, and if you

buy any wacom and especially an intuos if you change your mind you can easily sell it, its not going to loose its value any time soon.

>> No.1470538

Whoops. I was multitasking when writing that up - no idea where I got the $500.

>> No.1470539

Thanks for the advice fellas, I certainly do enjoy drawing and I've heard that the transition from traditional to digital is not easy for some and it would feel like learning to draw all over again.

If I where to buy a drawing tablet, it would have to be one with quality and I've heard many good things about Intuos but it is also a pretty penny.

Perhaps this next paycheck would be enough to buy myself one.

>> No.1470540

start with a bamboo or used intuos off ebay mikufug

also shit dude do something with those empty ass eyes

>> No.1470541

I'm still afraid I would smudge the face if I try to fill in those eyes.

>> No.1470547


Did that stop your favorite animu artists

Fear is the mind killer

>> No.1470548

I must say: You've improved a lot (which is very good) since you've first started pestering us with your shit (It's still shit, btw). Your faces, however, haven't improved much.

As to the topic at hand, I don't think you have any need to go digital yet. Do you even render your drawings now? I think you should get a hang of doing pencil renderings before you dive into digital, but really, it doesn't matter all that much. If it's cleaner linework you're after, I wouldn't go running to a tablet. A tablet is quite a bit harder to draw with than a pencil is.

>> No.1470549
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Hehe thanks I'll keep drawing, and now that you mentioned it I think I'll go back to Loomis and look over drawing in planes of light and shadows; hope to see another Animu thread real soon too.

>> No.1470593

Miku, that's fucking amazing

Please post before afters

>> No.1470595

holy shit miku-fag your are actually getting pretty good, your faces are still very ehhhhh, but other than you're actually progressing !!

>> No.1470596

I would advice against a bamboo especially a small one as it will restrict you alot and give you a very wrong first impression of what
a tablet is, i brought a small bamboo first and sold it for a medium intuos months later.

Also if you draw anime you will want to go digital at some point anyway so you might start from now, you can
do half your drawing studies on paper and all your creative drawings digitally, you will have to start learning alot of

new things that will probably overwhelm you, but don't give up on paper entirely, i feel that when you draw on paper
you are forced to work with a more natural way, to move your arm around the paper and to be more careful, but thats
just me.

>> No.1470597
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not mikufag, but I was just thinking the same so here. ignore redline

>> No.1470599

Get a cheaper tablet like a bamboo to play with. Then when you get good at drawing, buy an Intuous or a Cintiq. It's what I'm doing.

>> No.1470614

Try out a bamboo first, this way you´ll know if you´re ready, and if you´re not, its still fucking handy from time to time.

>> No.1470627

I tried to bump the Animu Thread, but I guess it doesn't go to the front page if it's too old.

I bought myself a Samsung ATIV and love it for sketching. I could never get the hang of the hand/eye disconnect with a traditional tablet, but with the new tablets the disconnect is much less (still drawing with a cursor). If Wacom or some other company can give the user the ability to fine tune the pen calibration, it'll be fantastic.

>> No.1470631 [DELETED] 

Hey miku, bout how long did it take you to get to where you are now from when you decided to serious about art and drawing?
I am about to start the long journey of cleaning my shit up and was wondering how much time you have now.

>> No.1470633

Hey Miku, bout how much time have you put into art so far to get to where you are currently (from when you started getting serious about art)? I am about to start the long journey to cleaning my shit up and was curious on how long have you been at it so far.

>> No.1470640


Adjusting to a tablet is fairly rough, I was ultra shit tier when I started drawing and mind you I started drawing on a tablet.

If and when you do get a tablet try some hand eye coordination exercises. It will help substantially.

Also the Intuos 5 Large is TOO LARGE, trust me I bought it, returned it and bought a medium. Very much worth it.

However if I were you I would buy a used intuos 4 S just to get a feel of things.

>> No.1470646
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I've been at it for about five months now, I draw something every day although I don't finish the drawing to where I want it but I satisfy myself by saying well at least I made my mind work to put something on paper today.

I have a very busy schedule and I draw at any given opportunity during the day but just recently I don't get to draw that often so I am barely making it by with one drawing a week for Unmotivated Losers.

I posted this drawing to keep me from getting kicked out of the group, it is a combination of learned tools I use from Loomis and Vilppu

>> No.1470665

If you need to get used coordinating your hand on the tablet, play the osu! game.

>> No.1470673

Do you keep drawing the same picture over and over for a reason or...

>> No.1470677

Hopefully I will be able to draw somewhat decent by then, I kinda doubt it but whatever. I have actually saved some of your other drawings of miku, your style is very interesting. Do you have other drawings that you can post by any chance? I'd like a copy of them if you don't mind.

>> No.1470690
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Well I have this last one before the OP, started to try and color just to see how it would pan out but it is too messy.

>> No.1470695

I'm lucky a bamboo for free and intuos5 medium with autism bucks.

>> No.1470696

*i got

>> No.1470697

heheh autism bucks, I remember when /pol/ had a heated discussion about that :3

Interesting people that they are, and they never fail to amuse me oh how I love those guys.

>> No.1470774
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Can we have another Animu thread going?