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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 652 KB, 864x1152, Buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1441939 No.1441939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Buddha by Chunbum Park

It's good stuff.

>> No.1441957

Don't TELL us your art is good stuff. SHOW us. Until you can communicate something to viewers, you're just jerking off.

Fractured angles and colors making up a figure. OK, nice idea. Now make it actually work.

>> No.1441977

i think the face works.
what part doesn't work? neck? chest? arms?
i agree it could be improved.

>> No.1441979

I love it.

>> No.1441983

YAY! You are awesome! At last I found someone who thinks like I do.

>> No.1441985

Thank you my friend. I really like your works.
They make me cheerful.

>> No.1441995

I wish I knew you. If you want, e-mail me.
I know someone from Greece who's friends with me online. He's regular visitor on my blog. He's fan of my art.

I am not a kidnapper, serial killer, scammer, or anything like that. Well it's useless saying it I know.

>> No.1441996
File: 1.97 MB, 1408x1056, optrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this.Fuck haters, most of them do not even make art.

>> No.1442001

No problem. I almost never use e-mail, but that can change. What's your blog? I'll take a look.

This is excellent work.

Bravo, that is inspiring.

>> No.1442008

search Chunbum Park on google.
you will be led to a blogspot site.
I update it regularly. You can comment there.

>> No.1442016

Ok, thank you.
We should start a movement, seriously. I am very excited. Ahaha.

>> No.1442019
File: 232 KB, 900x685, ripe_fruit_by_pastelchu-d5nzry6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this work? i consider this my best work

>> No.1442021

I love all your works. They remind me of van Gogh, which I appreciate.
I really like the colours in this one, and the woman. She seems to be posing. It's interesting to see. The strokes are well defined and the impasto just makes it better.
How much time do you usually take on your paintings?

>> No.1442022

I used to work really slowly. There's one huge piece titled Camerata Virtuosi which took about two months. Ripe Fruit took 3 days.
But ever since I went to RISD which is art school I work really quickly. I finish pretty much everything in 2 days now.

>> No.1442023

do you have facebook?
This is my facebook profile.
facebook dot c/chun.park.7

>> No.1442025

That's nice. I don't know much about Impressionism but how exactly do you make the strokes? One by one? And I am looking at your blog right now, it's excellent.
Don't even care about the idiots here, they know nothing. It would be nice if we started a movement, maybe we could find more people like us!

>> No.1442027

I have a few profiles with almost nothing on them but I will see what I can do.
Thanks for the links, I appreciate them. Will post a comment on your latest submission as soon as possible.

>> No.1442037
File: 167 KB, 900x690, the_janitor_and_his_mother_by_pastelchu-d5nzs8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to explain but I will try.
When I paint oil, I first use remnant paint left over from working on previous painting to cover the whole canvas as background.
Then I scratch the whole canvas with palette knife to thin out the background layer so it doesn't mix and interfere with subsequent layer of paint.
To make impressionism-style strokes, you need a medium to small size brush (mine is 8 bright/short flat from Winsor & Newton but it can also be smaller). You mix two different colors that you want like yellow and blue or yellow and red, and then adjust brightness by adding white or black (you make black by mixing paynes grey and raw umber). Then you put down the paint in simple strokes that are one or two inches long. You can alternate between lighter and darker tones or different colors like blue and orange.

>> No.1442046

Does it take a long time to make the strokes?
By the way, your Geisha paintings are absolutely wonderful!
The pieces you make of your family are very cool too, especially the Little Brother ones. He seems like a fun brother to have.
I'll post a comment on the Buddha painting as soon as I finish something.

>> No.1442048

You could at least make it a bit less obvious that it's samefag.

>> No.1442053

Just like someone said before...
Getting compliments don't mean it's the same person.
It's not samefag, retard.
I'll use a name now.

>> No.1442055

Maiko Mamehana is simply stunning. There is she from? Her eyes and mouth are the best features.

>> No.1442057

>letting /b/-tier comments get under your skin

>> No.1442060
File: 712 KB, 2000x3000, geisha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is she from*
Anyway. I had this photo in my hard drive before.
She is also beautiful.
I think that asian women, especially using make up are very pretty.

>> No.1442061

Actually, it didn't.
But I'm tired of people thinking the same thing.
Every time there is good content they say that.

>> No.1442110
File: 684 KB, 1320x880, 3404659394_4da137b2f9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamehana is the most beautiful woman on this planet.
Search her on flicker.

>> No.1442114

She's a Japanese.
She used to work as a Maiko and later as a Geiko at Gion kobu near Kyoto.
She's retired now. I was so sad to hear that.

>> No.1442141
File: 236 KB, 900x1253, rock__glacier__reform_by_illastrat-d5wdxhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yo Chunbum. Honestly, your first painting is not good. The concept is decent but the execution is much less than stellar. The problem is that the colors are very muddy and there is not sense of valuation or composition. Its apparent that you are a much better acrylic painter than oil. To make this work you are gonna have to start laying down you darks first then your lights. Also, i suggest for colors you use already established color schemes off the internet. Oil is much different than acrylic. The thought process is different. keep working.

>> No.1442144

That would make sense if not for two things.
1) All of the threads previously have been pretty unanimous in how much this shit sucks.
2) You're writing style is the same.
It's easy to spot a samefag when you're lazy and don't put in any effort. You aren't going to convine anyone here with such a paltry and obvious display. 0/10, you put as much effort into this as your art and it shows.

Like I said in the previous threads, there's no reason for you to be here if you aren't going to listen. The person you hurt the most is yourself, though, so enjoy it, I guess.

That said...
>barely there anime face with a nose that appears to be pointing to the side rather than forward
>spindly arms, thick giraffe neck
>randomly placed strokes that contribute nothing except clutter
>one leg is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than the other, no person could walk like this
>noodle arm
>broken spine
>head appears to be detached from body

>> No.1442145

Ah yes, Japanese, I knew.
I'll search her up. She is so beautiful.
Too bad she is retired.

>> No.1442146

This is the first time I see a circle jerking in /ic/

>> No.1442216
File: 534 KB, 840x1050, 4782462773_f87d52b130_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey illastrat. I really like all of your works. I am a fan.
Thanks for giving me constructive criticism and advice. I will try the method you suggested.
But I also like this muddy style. It consists of different structures of strokes that come together to form an image.
I am afraid of using acrylic because it dries so quickly.
I realize people are giving me good advice. I won't post on ic again because I think their effort will be wasted. Sayonara
Another picture of Mamehana

>> No.1442221

>it's my style

Glad to see you go

>> No.1442230

I'm not the same person.
Sorry if you think otherwise.
You are terribly mistaken about me and my identity.
Do u want me 2 spk liek dis? I'm a fairly educated person, born in South America. No thanks. Most people here write correctly anyway.
Chunbum Park isn't lazy, he is just being an artist.
You'd say van Gogh was lazy because he painted with the same style? No.
Just because Chunbum does not comply with your artistic rules, it does not mean his work is worthless.
There are thousands of people on 4chan. Not all have the same opinions.

>> No.1442231

Jesus Christ, she is divine. I am in love.

>> No.1442232

The effort will be wasted? The people here usually don't appreciate this kind of thing.
But I really like your art. Please do not stop painting.
You should sell.

>> No.1442233

Stop being mean to him. Don't be a /b/astard. We all hate this kind of behaviour. You know it.

>> No.1442234

man you aint got to leave. I actually enjoy your presence and would be interested in your evolution. believe it or not they are trying to help you out. As far as your style i use to do the same thing. Like the painting posted here, I painted different strokes but it is not muddy. The muddiness distracts from your idea because it looks noobish. What you are doing reminds up ALL of how we use to paint in the beginning. The colors just aren't working because that are obviously dirty. Keep working, do what people recommend, and be HUMBLE. You are a skill painter, just not with oil YET.

>> No.1442237

How are we going to keep in touch?
I think you should make a google account, so you can comment on my blog, which is a google product. Do you not have a facebook?

>> No.1442238
File: 145 KB, 600x759, Voodoo_Queen_by_illastrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the painting in a similar style as yours.

>> No.1442239

Yes, am going to. As Stuckactivism or something like that.
And please, don't leave. The people here are harsh. I know it hurts. They probably feel guilty afterwards.
I do have Facebook but I never use it, and it's mostly accounts made for commenting on websites or playing games.

>> No.1442241

This is really excellent illastrat. Clap! clap! clap!

I won't leave then. You guys can all blame illastrat for encouraging me to stay. Hahaha

>> No.1442243

That is quite funny to me, actually.
It looks like he is an Arab holding a plate full of macaroni/pasta.
I like it.

>> No.1442244
File: 1.38 MB, 400x225, f58908fbc9096bb4bb995de242433bf5[1].gif_115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>type exactly the same
>no really, I'm not the same person!
>mfw you think you're fooling anyone
And yes, he is lazy. He's specifically said he doesn't want to do studies, and he puts forth little effort. He doesn't want to put in the work required to learn, and he doesn't want to put in the work required to correct his mistakes. He's lazy.
>Van Gogh
>same style
No. Not only is that insulting to Van Gogh's work, it's patently untrue. Van Gogh's work shows a knowledge of color theory far beyond this drivel, and he was able to paint people that looked like people. His paintings have a cohesive quality that makes the strokes appear as part of a larger whole rather than random splashes of color that serve only to clutter. Similarities to Van Gogh in these paintings are strictly superficial.

>> No.1442246

Hehee. I have been following you for several weeks and I am truly impressed with your ability.
When did you start painting?
Also, c.dot, while I don't know much about you, you seem pretty good too.

Psst... my name is meant to be a reference to the Stuckist art movement and activism, both related.

>> No.1442245

I like your work. You are just learning OIL. You can move a lot faster if you humble yourself and realize you have some stuff to learn. I've seen your work and been to your blog. You have a very good neo-expressionist style in acrylic. Paint more annd your oil will be just as good.

>> No.1442252

>And please, don't leave.
>ignore criqitue and claim MUH STYLE
He has no reason to stay
>The people here are harsh. I know it hurts. They probably feel guilty afterwards.
Nothing to feel guilty about. Cock-sucking "you're great" comments are more detrimental to an artist's advancement than harsh critique.

>> No.1442251

if he doesn't study he will never get good. He should study a little at a time. He claims hes in art school. He could learn to paint at proficiency in 4 months if he studies. The paintings seem very unlearned. I don't doubt that he is in art school but hes making some noobish mistakes that could be avoid. Right now he is at a very rudimentary level. I am anxious if he takes our advice and improve.

>> No.1442253

Really? You're so childish.
I know that his style is similar, but not equal to, van Gogh's style since each person is different than the other, and it is not insulting.
I'd say that Chunbum's work is more like Cubism + Impressionism, with a hint of the good old Asian creativity and aptitude with the arts that nobody else has.
Please leave, re-read your (pirated) Loomis' books or draw around. Don't waste your time trolling.

>> No.1442254

I am not at art school right now. I am on voluntary leave. I am trying to return to school by next year.
Yes I am a student at RISD.

>> No.1442255

Critique is good, really. Being rude is just part of the critic's job.
But perhaps you could be a little nicer to him.
He is a very good artist and one of the best I've ever seen. He seriously has potential, unlike some people on /ic/.
Not sure about studying, he's in art school, I never saw anything made by him before that, at least not that I know.
Are you a professional, c.dot?

>> No.1442258

well my best advice to you is to get on google and youtube and learn. The resources are out there. Once you learn how to REALLY oil paint you will understand that all this shit happening now was insignificant. You will value what people have told you.

>> No.1442257

Oh, I see.

>> No.1442259

Hey, I'm going to tell you something.
I thought this new Buddha painting looked more like a therapist; he seems loony and out of his mind. It's cool.

>> No.1442260

what is your definition of professional?

>> No.1442261

What do you think is art?'

>> No.1442262

There are two.
A person who is very experienced in something, or a person who makes money out of their own knowledge.

>> No.1442267

>Critique is good, really. Being rude is just part of the critic's job.
>But perhaps you could be a little nicer to him.
Oh yes, let's cock-suck the guy who constantly insults us, goes around cryin' MUH STYLE, and has generally made an ass of himself.

He brought this on himself with his behavior.
>He is a very good artist and one of the best I've ever seen.
Then you haven't seen many. A good number of artists on /ic/ are far, far better than him, despite his insults.
>He seriously has potential, unlike some people on /ic/.
No, no he doesn't. He has ZERO potential until he's drops the egotistical bullshit and starts accepting his mistakes. Without the ability to recognize and correct mistakes, it is impossible to advance in any skill.

>> No.1442268

I think art shows intention. If somebody can paint something intentional, mix intentional colors, make intentional marks then that is art. Artist can make what they conceive tangible. Also I don't think i am THAT experienced but yes, i make money off my art, i am displayed in galleries and i went to school for art (i dropped out).

>> No.1442272

I don't get it...
Why do you kids keep whining about the style?
He isn't egotistical. I take the initial post as something good-humoured and fun.
It's good to have at least some confidence, because I don't, and I feel ashamed to even write on here, 4chan, since they people seem to be in a higher level, not only talking about skill but knowledge than I currently have.

>> No.1442279

You guys are the ones who first started off saying I was arrogant and ignorant. Where did you get that I was arrogant? That's the most ridiculous accusation ever. You don't know me in real life or online. I only give compliments or I give no comments.
And then you said my best work was shit because it had wrong anatomy.
I just notice so much derogatory comments that's not constructive criticism. So I looked around on ic to see how people reacted to works by others. The comments on others' works weren't derogatory or mean. There were actually compliments on really shitty works. I don't get this. It's confusing. You say you'd buy stuff like that. It's ridiculous.

>> No.1442286

>I don't get it...
Wow, using the exact same phrases and still pretending to not be samefagging.
>Why do you kids keep whining about the style?
No one cares about the style. Your complete lack of a good grasp on the english language means you've missed the fucking point, which is that he is attempting to hide mistakes under the guise of it being style. It's not, because that would imply an active choice on his point rather than not knowing what the fuck he's doing.
>He isn't egotistical. I take the initial post as something good-humoured and fun.
But he IS. He has continuously insulted board users while parading his work around as better than theirs, despite obvious flaws and asinine comments about how he doesn't need to learn, and generally being ignorant and arrogant at every turn.
>It's good to have at least some confidence, because I don't, and I feel ashamed to even write on here, 4chan, since they people seem to be in a higher level, not only talking about skill but knowledge than I currently have.
Maybe if you would put in some effort to fucking learn something you'd be on the same level as other people.

>> No.1442289

I never said "it's my style." You guys are the ones who paraphrased what I wrote as that.
I repeat. I never said "it's my style" EVER.
I am not trying to hide mistakes or anything. God! I just don't get what mistakes I made!
Also there can be mistakes or intentional manipulation of the rules. Those things don't make the artwork worthless. You could follow all the rules there is and still not make a good work.
Your understanding of the theories is too strict.

>> No.1442301

Don't worry, I am sure they only follow Loomis' and Vilppu's rules by heart, which don't need to be applied all the time. And it's just a tip, not something to spend your whole life with.
Not everything has to be the way you want, or the right way, sweetie. Are you enjoying art? You are probably stressed from working 20 hours a day on a drawing.
Seems nobody knows how to read nowadays.
Well, I haven't fully read his other threads, but am sure that he isn't arrogant. Not the same person speaking. Would show my IP but it is a bad idea. You can also see that I don't even insert text on the e-mail or subject field, since it is optional.
I'm from South America, not from Korea as his name suggests, sorry if I do not speak the language fluently. Not my fault if I wasn't born on the same country you were

>> No.1442312
File: 86 KB, 480x640, Mamehana 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just saying, he does make recognisable humans, just highly stylised, for example the Maiko series.
Found in blog.

>> No.1442336

Were you finally defeated, or lost interest?

>> No.1442367

Ok, this thread motivated me to do more studies. I'm fucking tired to see people hiding behing the style card.

>> No.1442375

What I Think:
You have zero knowledge of color theory, like the basics of what colors go together and how or are used for contrast are completely wrong.

Do you even plan out your paintings before you start? It looks like you can't decide on a style it palette and change it several times mid painting.

It's a jumbled, confusing mess.

>> No.1442376

Stop studying that much. Don't push yourself to the limit. Relax, breathe.
And please stop talking bad stuff about Chunbum because you know he is good.
He's a young painter, like many on here, that has a different perspective in life.
Tell me what you think of Impressionism.
You'd say, piece of shit, right? But you are, most likely, losing money with supplies, while the real artists are having their art seen by thousands of people, and the ones who aren't dead are earning a fortune.
Meanwhile, you are here, behind a computer keyboard, insulting someone you don't even know.
People want something new, not regurgitated shit. Sure, realistic paintings (without meaning, not talking about good ones such as Michelangelo's or whatever) might impress for a while, but certainly wouldn't make you famous. Maybe on DA.

>> No.1442377

You don't need to know colour theory to put out something decent.
And he was in art school. So he's probably learning about that.

>> No.1442379

That is almost exactly what I think, Stuckactivism.
Invent! Imagine! Just be yourself and do what you want.

>> No.1442382 [DELETED] 

>You don't need to know colour theory to put out something decent.

You have got to be ficking kidding me. Technique wise, sure. Composition wise? No.

>> No.1442386

Technique wise? Sure. Composition wise? No.

It's the composition that draws the audience to a work, then they look at the technique. If Mona Lisa had a fucked up color palette, would it still be a great work of art because of the masterful brushwork? No.

>> No.1442388

What the fuck dude? I am totally allowed to hate his 'style'. It's a critique board.

Also... who are you? You don't know me, you don't even know what I am studying. Do you know who's my favorite painter? Francis Bacon. Now don't tell me that this arrogant OP is worthy, all his canvas look similar, they are all fade and there's no composition. It's always someone in front view and since he can't draw he use patern to covers what he doesn't understand. Anyway I'm not going to continue because it's not like I want to save this shitty artist, plus we already told him many times what to do and he just keep posting the same shit.

He's an attention whore, not an actual artist. My bet is that he will soon realise that he sucks and quit art.

>> No.1442389

> Sure, realistic paintings (without meaning, not talking about good ones such as Michelangelo's or whatever) might impress for a while, but certainly wouldn't make you famous. Maybe on DA.
kill yourself

>> No.1442394

La Joconde is one of the worst paintings I've ever seen. Boring.
A mixed, confusing palette and loose strokes would be perfect though...

>> No.1442397

Ugh, I've never read his other threads, maybe two or three posts, since they were so long.
Chunbum seems very nice actually.
Wasn't talking about the good ol' stuff.

>> No.1442400

That's because you clearly don't know what to look at when critiquing Or even interpreting a painting.

>> No.1442403

What is your interpretation?

>> No.1442412
File: 52 KB, 500x248, Bruce-Lee-Inspiration-1023x507-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop studying that much. Don't push yourself to the limit. Relax, breathe.
Pushing your limits is how you surpass them. You have no idea what you're talking about, and it's time for you to stop posting.
.And please stop talking bad stuff about Chunbum because you know he is good.
No, I KNOW that he's bad, as does most of /ic/.
>He's a young painter, like many on here, that has a different perspective in life.
he's a young man with a chip on his shoulder who doesn't want to study.
>Tell me what you think of Impressionism.
>You'd say, piece of shit, right?
No. Impressionism is fine. Any style is fine, so long as you have the foundation skills to effectively do it. This guy does not.
>People want something new, not regurgitated shit.
Yeah no. People flock to trends, and we get tons of samey shit until something strikes a chord and becomes the new fad. Movements happen because people want more of the same, sequels happen because people want more of the same, ect.
>Ugh, I've never read his other threads, maybe two or three posts, since they were so long.
>I have no idea what is going on but I will stick my nose in anyways and make an ass of myself
Lemme sumarrize for you.
He posted;
People told him what he was doing wrong;
He made excuses and denied any criticism;
He made more threads, and more excuses, and basically did not accept ANY critique whatsoever.

He even went so far as to claim a painting was an "extraterrestrial" and human anatomy didn't apply while his DA clearly says it's a pregnant model.

>> No.1442415

>Pushing your limits is how you surpass them. You have no idea what you're talking about, and it's time for you to stop posting.
I didn't express myself clearly.
I was talking about how you guys are probably awfully tired of studying and reading shit.
>He's a young man with a chip on his shoulder who doesn't want to study.
He was learning. He was in art school, but let it cool down for a while.
>Yeah no. People flock to trends, and we get tons of samey shit until something strikes a chord and becomes the new fad. Movements happen because people want more of the same, sequels happen because people want more of the same, ect.
Innovation is a good step.
>He even went so far as to claim a painting was an "extraterrestrial" and human anatomy didn't apply while his DA clearly says it's a pregnant model.
What is the address? And one thing is different than another. You didn't understand.

>> No.1442417

One may have different interpretations and while he could consider the woman an extraterrestrial, she is also a pregnant model.

>> No.1442419

>You didn't understand
You weren't there by your own admission; how the fuck would you even know? He said in no unclear terms that this was an extra-terrestrial and that human anatomy didn't apply. That's what HE said.

>> No.1442422

Because he's samefagging under another name.

>> No.1442424
File: 94 KB, 812x532, 1266281029776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He even went so far as to claim a painting was an "extraterrestrial" and human anatomy didn't apply while his DA clearly says it's a pregnant model.
ahah this is a joke right?

>> No.1442425

I wasn't, right, but reading what you said now, it came to my mind. See?
Why are you being an arsehole? You know that I am not him. Why the fuck would I do that?
Every time there is something different you guys keep saying it's samefag but it isn't.

>> No.1442426
File: 50 KB, 269x269, 1353896788922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, look at this guy.

>> No.1442428

This is not the first time.

>> No.1442429

Oh, and there was nothing about extraterrestrial on the DA page.

>> No.1442434

Do you have brain damage?

>> No.1442454

dont bother with him, he has autism

>> No.1442460

I really like this one. It would be cool to actually see it live. What's the size?

>> No.1442462

you are really painfull to watch dude
stop samefagging

>> No.1442483
File: 153 KB, 673x891, greco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucked up color palette

>> No.1442488

I don't know about the other guys and I don't really care for the rest of the muddy paintings, but I actually like that painting and the one with the black couple.
Why the fuck are you on a crusade against the guy, though? Stop bumping his thread, eat shit and die.

>> No.1442493

The samefaggotry, ego, and masturbatory compliments on your paintings are also inherent in your work:
>Shitty, scratchy, unconfident strokes, zig zagging in a sad pattern of inferiority and superiority complexes
>muddy and has no cohesion in composition, just like your ego trying to bullshit yourself that you're "a pro artist"
>no sense of anatomical knowledge or form, because your massive ego prevent you from studying and doing the work, the massive ego a compensating mechanism for your tiny, sad cock
>flat and symbolic, like a child's painting, but replace purity with perversion

Fuck you. You're not here to get better. You're here to masturbate. Promptly get the fuck out

>> No.1442521

ahah saved this shit

>> No.1442523


>> No.1442532


>> No.1442536

they're not here for critique. i wish we had janitors.

>> No.1442555

>i wish we had janitors.
Most of /ic/ shares that sentiment. Hell, I'd apply to do that shit if applications were even open right now.

>> No.1442598

I insulted your work like 2 weeks ago so I won't do it again, but

>obvious troll is obviouc



>> No.1442604

actually I've been browsing 4chan for years and still don't give a fuck about your ways :P

>> No.1442638

The samefaggotry in this thread is rampant and it's pathetic. I've seen your work before and no one was ever eating your asshole over it, like the people you're pretending aren't you.

Please stop.

>> No.1442725

I was at work.
Let me read the new replies.

>> No.1442726

I'm a girl.
Glad that there is one more decent person in this board.

What do you guys think about this painting by Billy Childish? He is very influential and well-known in the UK.

>> No.1442727
File: 61 KB, 397x600, Billy Childish's The Drinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot pic.
My browser hides half of the screen.