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>> No.6570426 [View]
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the amount of sophistry in this thread is truly and remarkably shocking. I guess i shouldn't be so surprised, artists usually think they are smarter than they actually are.
See >>6569633
>Norman Rockwell
>He was influenced by modern art you stupid nigger.
Omegatard you know what I mean is that he wasn't influenced by concrete dilo fucking whores and razorblade eating mutant retards. By your definition every fascist on the planet was influenced by the modernist movement including Hitler.
When did I ever say that I was a racist? Jews aren't a race omegatard. The handful of Jews who run the world are literally like a single family who happen to be Jewish. If they cared about their own race they wouldn't have vax-maxed their own country folk before the president of the USA got his first dose.
All races are slaves to those certain few in power. I would happily stand hand in hand with a black and a Mexican to oppose this shit. Modern fascism is very diverse you know :)
>Marxists (want) to destroy power itself
Yeah and I want my cock to be 50ft long. Retards who believe in fairy tales are easily controlled.
This post should be included in the dictionary for the definition of sophistry.
>some white people were slaves in colonial America
>hashtag not all
>I knew a tall Asian person and a short black guy
>I knew a girl who was 2 feet taller than her boyfriend
>I knew a guy who won the lottery
I think you know what I mean but are spouting this shit in bad faith. The overwhelming majority of people in actual power (the federal reserve and central banks all over) are funny hats despite making up not the majority of the population.
What you call cap bourg I call funny hats. Same shit different anus.
If this doggo is AI gen I'm kms.
Every single person in this thread is confusing the term "modern". We mean like right now shit not like post-meta-precum modern academically 150 years ago.

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