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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.4144987 [View]
File: 2.25 MB, 2691x3512, 235. fucking moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate alarmism is funded by the oil industry.
climate "skepticism" is. "Conservatives" are. The fossil fuel industry is the overwhelming driving force behind "climate skepticism." People like the Kochs have dumped billions into astroturfing and have funded pretty much every prominent "conservative" organization that rejects climate science if it risks damaging the fossil fuel industry. You whatabouting away from that to some wiki doesn't change this. Pointing out that fossil fuel companies also control "the opposition" while working to ensure that they maintain control of how people use energy isn't an argument against the realities of global warming.

The things you've been trained to say to reject climate science or whatabout to globalist conspiracies and whatever else is all just messaging strategy being boosted and normalized by the globalist fossil fuel organizations that stand to lose billions if the west stopped slurping their greasy cum. The Saudis love to see you cucks cluck against the realities of global warming. The Russians do to. It's what their entire economies are built on, and it has the added advantage of guaranteeing that the United States self destructs in our lifetime. Every foreign active measures agency with a vested interest in causing the west to collapse in this century is dumping millions and billions into training useful idiots to shill for their malignant industries and interests.

>> No.3763174 [View]
File: 2.25 MB, 2691x3512, 235. fucking moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus m8 try harder. or less hard. idk. be less autistic.
>We didn't get the oil tho
We always get the oil. The Republican Party aren't shills for oil companies because the Iraq war. They're shills for oil companies because essentially every policy platform they have is designed to benefit oil companies. They reject climate change for oil companies. They fight solar and wind and nuclear for oil companies. They gave Exxon Secy of State.
>Obama didn't do shit
The opioid crisis is an outcome of the health insurance crisis. It's cheaper and easier to give someone a bunch of opioids than physical therapy and all these other things when they have no/shitty insurance.

Also whataboutism. Obama spent his entire Presidency being hysterically called a Socialist because he did ANYTHING to address the reality that there's 600,000 healthcare bankruptsies a year and the average American has to spend $300,000 on healthcare in their life. Republicans literally spent billions on messaging strategy designed to agitate and radicalize their followers against government, in general, to protect health insurance companies and pharma companies.
>Obama literally gave bankers a trillion dollars pro bono lol
So did Bush in 2008. They did that to stop a great depression. Why did Trump just give $2 trillion in tax cuts to corporations again? There was no problems financially. There had been stable growth since the crash. Then suddenly corporations get trillions of dollars pro bono to dump into re-deregulated markets. What was that for?

You should try reading your sources. Or being older than 14?

>> No.3748211 [View]
File: 2.25 MB, 2691x3512, 235. fucking moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done some politiks meme paintings. Thinking about trying to do cartoons more this year tho so I'll probably try doing some propaganda toons or whatever.

>> No.3698182 [View]
File: 2.26 MB, 2691x3512, 235. fucking moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pls stop spamming /ic/ with these retarded request threads.
yeah this was when there were also like 6 nazi waifu draw this threads. and again, who cares? anyone can type anything they want. What is up with you bad-at-art children obsessing about what literally every anonymous stranger shitposts about?
>Everything from the colors,to the mood, to the subject matter in everything you spam is complete garbage
It's clearly very effective at triggering you though.
>and you're basically an autistic retard who probably got lost on his way to /b/
eh I've been shitposting on /tv/ since like 2007.
>just goofs eh?
everything is.
>you care
You seem to a lot more than I do.
>that was my whole statement to begin with.
So you admit to only being in thread because you have a personal community vendetta?
>you're downplaying the amount of anons that are giving you shit
You're obsessing about it. This is what makes you an ngmi coward.
>because you obviously have a problem with how many people are tired of your spamming.
Why would I have a problem with that? Even if you are implying that a ton of people knew I was OP just from a picture of Eva Green, this goofy throwaway thread has 138 replies when it would have otherwise had like 8. You butthurt stalkers that are "tired of my spamming" so you stalk me and endlessly give me things to respond to are the reason there's spamming in the first place.

yeah you did you boring retarded baby. Maybe draw something next time you get triggered about me instead of being the cause of the thing you're so upset about. Like what have you done ITT other than give me more excuses to respond with a meme? Do you think any of this has helped you in your aurtistic journey?

>> No.3590584 [View]
File: 2.26 MB, 2691x3512, 235. fucking moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lazy man pretending to be an artist is confronted by the ministry to show that he is trying
Why do you obsess about lazy strawmen? Human progress isn't marked by the lazy. The concept of basic income is about giving the people that have passion the ability to chase it.

If some otherwise NEET asshole wants to pretend like they're an artist to justify why the sit around and play vidya all day, that's basically everyone here as it is.
>"yeah i'm trying, i'm trying alright! you can't just cut my basic needs off. it's a hard time!"
Yeah god forbid the basic survival needs of your countrymen are ensured and protected by their government.

Like the US just gave away almost $2 trillion a year in revenue when they cut corporate taxes from "historically low" to "effectively nothing." They did this while increasing military spending by hundreds of billions. We're cutting social programs to pay for the corporatist welfare state as it burns hundreds of billions on unambiguous waste. If a fraction of that was spent on investing in people, the future of the country and the prosperity of it's people would increase. But instead we suck Exxon's dick and then whatabout to some boogieman asshole that might take advantage of a welfare system that makes their life less fucking dire.

>fits so perfectly
Yeah you're a cuck for corporations that spend billions training retards to whatabout to imaginary welfare queens that help you justify why you support policies that are fundamentally destroying your future and your life.

If you think some vidya playing dipshit would "abuse" a basic income that increases that keeps them out of desperate poverty, why do you then trust that the corporate plunderbund that gets all TRILLIONS in yearly welfare assistance wouldn't also take advantage?

Why are you ok with Walmart and McDonalds getting hundreds of billions in handouts a year while hundreds of millions of working people can't afford to eat without food stamps as it is?

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