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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.7316625 [View]
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>yet they all united
Only goes to show how desperate "you" are.
>you are talented at this
Of course i am, Anon-kun. Because i am always fucking right.

>> No.7304671 [View]
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>delete your own patreon
>"Wow gaise and gails who like bobs n vagen who didn't know about my patreon. My patreon got nuked for no reason at all but you will imagine the why because le PURITANS! Doesn't that make you mad and want to support the poor artist? pls sub to my fanbox so i can post other epic porn! *wink wink nudge nudge*"
There is never "no reason", nigga.

>> No.7269424 [View]
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both of the og paintings were meant push boundaries in their times, because as much as porn addicts like to schizophrenically screech about puritans, those times were filled with genuine puritans who knew nothing about sex and church being the highest moral authority.
The birth of a venus was an honest to god shitpost mean to piss of the church and shock people since it was displayed out in public.
The sin was meant to insult and be edgy because of the subject matter.

Modern pornshitters are not the same. Not even by mistake.
What message or boundaries are the to push anymore in the modern world? Subscribe to their patreon with your parents paypal account to btfo drumpfnazispuritanstransphobes???

All porn in the modern era IS just "cum now". Saying otherwise is simply delusional and uneducated.

>> No.7176643 [View]
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>t. teenage newfag who should take his own advice
>hehehe we were all laughing at YOU don't yxou feel hecking socially ashamed? heheh hoohohoho
gtfo my board

>> No.7121133 [View]
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It will only continue and these exact scenarios were predicted years ago on this board, as well.
And it is an issue porn peddlers and consumers created and enabled themselves; along with AI porn.
With increased and reasonable anti-porn sentiments, no one outside porn circles will side with adult sites and industries.

Porntards kept crying "puritan" at any slight and reasonable criticism and kept shooting the messenger and now they're getting fucked.

Next big thing will be social media being pay2register and sites asking upload fees to post content.
Soon you will see manga, hentai or overall physical prints of smut being burned.

Sucks to be a retarded porn addict

>> No.7102335 [View]
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>be me
>don't give a shit what retarded amerilards and trannies say
>do what the fuck i want
wow i did not think it was this simple but it do be like that

>> No.7082812 [View]
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Yes, Anons, you totally got the right guy
btw im a concept pornographer
Do you hate me and still want to be friends with me irl?

I'm also incredibly racist but i won't show it

>> No.7045035 [View]
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>yet another flavor of the week shitposting bait thread
the absolute state of shitposters

>> No.6942539 [View]
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its the usual
>shit on eceleb and then start calling everyone a jealous crab thread
>those who call everyone else a crab never post their work
What do you shitposters even get out of that?
(you)s will never fill the void

Csr 's coomslop is bland shite but it fulfills the purpose of wowing the normies by having the soft colors and the epic anime girls with abs and shit
Same as sakimishit, irrya garbage and all the other hacks who do nothing but the same thing over and over and have been successful with it, exactly because it is bland therefore it has mass appeal

i won't reply

>> No.6920437 [View]
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>filtered by anime
Your mom's a tranny

>> No.6908851 [View]
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>it's because titties
And there you have it. Was that so hard?

>> No.6880311 [View]
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>it's malasya anon
i remember seeing a malasyan shitposter in every /pol/ thread constantly getting shit on
shit makes a lot of sense now
>mikufag still hasn't gotten any better since 2015
>actually has gotten worse
damn, mikufag-kun

>> No.6868274 [View]
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>no words
>no drawing
>literally nothing
>from an account with 570k followers drawing generic anime girls being kawaii n shit

>> No.6848801 [View]
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Just go watch one youtube art tutorial about classical painting and go from there for the render.
Make the same small mouth and big anime eyes for every character but change the hair so your average cattle can tell from which videogaymeanime it is.
Always draw the new anime videogame stuff the instant it comes out.
Also keep a bunch of poses pre-drawn and pre-rendered so that you only need to swap out the anime head.
Lineart doesn't need to be clean.
There is no super secret sauce recipe.
>waaah crab 10k a month waaaah muh style copy his work muh copycat niche ai muh style
Literally just go draw.
If you want money that badly, get a job or sell ass.

No one respects a copycat and you should honestly feel ashamed of yourself if copying someone elses work is your art goal because of shallow shit like money and imaginary social media numbers.
If you want shit that bad and with no effort, the ultimate solution is to break laws and go steal shit.
But no, you also want to be worshipped as an artist, am i right?

Good god, the absolute state of effeminate zoomers.

>> No.6835594 [View]
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>nice coom who is she
A regular /ic/ drawfag, she posts her stuff every once in a while and has gotten in quite some fuss before, specially about the topic of drawing NSFW art of other's characters. Thing about this femanon is that she posted some pics of herself that are archived in some old /trash/ threads and has mentioned that she is also a stripper, hence the draw.
I made that draw not as a gotcha or to try and outsmart her, but for the fun and thrill of drawing a pinup of a real woman. It was fun.
Agreed, I still doubt that anon is actually going to draw her, you have to actually care about something in order to do it and mere contrarianism for the sake of it isnt going to cut it.

>> No.6834870 [View]
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>anon wont phw so you can just post whatever
based and stickmanpilled
>trying to flex with another man's dick
Cringe and bugmanpilled

>> No.6832122 [View]
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>go join alcoholics anonymous
>never drank a drop of alcohol your whole life
>complain that you won't get a sobriety coin

>join karate dojo
>bring a baseball bat
>complain you're not given the title of grandmaster

>be man
>put on wig and say you're a woman
>join women's competitions
>complain that people aren't willing to accept you

>join basketball game
>start kicking the ball
>complain that you get booted of the team

>join drawing club
>start copypasting pictures
>complain that artists won't accept it

>join sculpting club
>bring a 3d printer
>complain that the sculptors don't accept you

>go into club
>start talking about to make the hobby more efficient with all sorts of tools to skip doing the work and actually learning the craft
>believe you're smart because you know the technowabble buzzwords and watched a youtube vid about networks

>> No.6811548 [View]
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>proceeds to be that guy
Yes, reluctantly.
>muh selective memory buzzword
Everything you dont know is a buzzword now? The concept is not that complicated and it applies well in this case.
>let me tell you what you're thinking since i am literally in your mind right now
Yes, and let me tell you there's a lot of space in yours.
>because we are all aware that we're generalizing.
Good! Then I dont need to tell you that generalization is a poor and ill-willed argument in any qualitative context.
>I've seen retarded shit like yours posted on the regular by all types of artists, where they can the most innocuous shit, and make an elephant-
Holy project keeeek.
>This retarded behavior is why people say they hate artists.
>"Y-you make us look bad! It's not us shitting on people for nuances!"
Holy project keeeeek

>> No.6796067 [View]
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>ok anon, so what are these specific "projects" for which you are creating OC's ?
A novel, I already started writing for the first chapters and putting the setup and characters together and. If things go well, I may upgrade it into an illustrated novel. Admittedly, Im very slow to write and I havent finished the writing of a single chapter (other than drafts), but since it's a personal project among other important things, Im taking my time with it, in the meantime Im still practicing my writing and drawing the characters.

And like I said, since Im giving this project a professional approach, I dont see this characters as "OCs", but rather as characters, Im also saving myself from sperging about them as I used to and limiting to ask for feedback on my characters and setups if I actually need it.

>> No.6791180 [View]
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>But this is a bad thing somehow because it makes you feel like you wasted your time...
No, it is annoying that you fags invade artist spaces and want to be considered real artists and feel entitled to money and job opportunities while sabotaging other artists by stealing their works with a machine.
You posses no skill nor do you make an effort, you have a car and demand to compete in foot races while calling everyone who doesn't accept you as a transathlete a bigot.

I mean, it would be fine if you went to compete with other car owners.
>but muh infinite content
Content is nice because it is finite.
If i could shit out infinite images, what's would be the point of doing it in the first place?

>> No.6782664 [View]
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>i kept telling them but they didn't want to listen
>They disregarded the warnings as "schizo" rambling
>a board being shitposted 24/7 is the result
I can tell you the magic formula on how to get rid of them:
Just write more words and engage in honest discourse.
They hate reading, they hate truth and they are intellectual abominations.

Whenever someone replies with the usual snark and overused one word ad hominem, just don't reply.
Only reply to good posts.

>> No.6778499 [View]
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Yep, we totally did have this thread a few days ago >>6770679, and it most certain now that it's from the artist himself shilling his stuff in his usual attempt of larping as someone else.

That said, for those genuinely curious on the subject, Im going to repeat myself from the post on the prior thread.
>How do you recognize an artist?
By their unique stylization and drawing babits. Stylization comes from the artistic choices you pick for your style and works, while the drawing habits come from the unconscious small details in your performance and techniques that certify your art as yours.
There are other subjective factors I forgot to mention, such as the artist's actions in the communities they're in and also the things they draw.
>How do we know the artist in the OP
Mostly due to the drawing habits and his actions in this specific board, he's been acting up heavily, so some of us already caught up to the drawing habits behind his generic weeb coom trash. But aside from that, not many people know his works and it's not very recognizable to begin with. Also this pic is even less recognizable than the last one.


>> No.6760126 [View]
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>acting tough over the internet is somehow a thing
>over text nonetheless
>wants a (you) that bad
Post something good then, epic 4channer.
If your next shit ain't good, you get no reply.

>> No.6749958 [View]
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>no human can have such visual memory how to know every single angle?
I dont think you got the point of what I meant, but let me clarify myself since what I said was kind of lacking anyway.

What I mean is that, when you cant find a precise reference for something, you can simply create it yourself by grabbing as many useful images as you can (keeping them near you for quick consulting, I mean) and making the combinations for the whole composition inside your head while also changing some things to make the combinations make sense.
An example of this would be using three different draws to make a final draw based on A's legs, B's arms and C's facial expression. You acquire the references for each element you need separately, then combine them in your mind to have the general idea and accurately make the connections, while you have the original references at hand to for consulting the details of each element separately.

This method has helped me a lot whenever I have problems finding a reference, it's also a good way of studying poses and construction as you're essentially doing what OP did but in your head and making the corrections there and on the canvas. Granted, this method gets more difficult to pull off depending on the elements you need to combine, and the incompatibilities can be a pain to deal with too.

To answer your question, no, Im not talking about visual memory here, it's about using references and mental construction.

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