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>> No.4287367 [View]
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There are some people that wouldn't mind that. There are probably some hardcore musclechads that wouldn't mind eating chicken breast and broccoli for the rest of their life.
Additionally there is a difference between the statement "I spent 3 years eating nothing but pizza, and so now that I'm bored of it I'm going to try something else" and "I want to warn everyone that pizza is DANGEROUS and SOUL CRUSHING. Do not eat pizza unless you absolutely have to, and if you have to eat pizza then you have to be vigilant and make sure that as soon as you can stop eating pizza you drop it like a rock and run for your life". Just because something can get monotonous doesn't mean that its some kind of fucking soul curse that will kill every person that even dares interact with it for more than 2 picoseconds.

>> No.4254868 [View]
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>>"everyone please be calm i'm sure he's just a misunderstood villain guys"
What a disingenuous fucking mongrel mutt you are. In no capacity have I said that there should be no reaction to epstien. All I said is that the solution to epstein isn't to go full 1488 gas the kikes race war now, and you've somehow turned that position into "nah yeah just let epstein fuck kids mate, nothin wrong with it".
If your brain genuinely saw my posts and thinks that I endorse, support, or condone epstein in any capacity then you're either schizophrenic, illiterate, or both
>bitchute owners cater to right wing conservatism
If bitchute caters to the right wing then it isn't a youtube alternative. An effective youtube alternative should be seeking and promoting all kinds of content, not just sucking alt-right cock. I do not care about the content of the videos, this thread is about youtube and other big platforms being fucked and where one can go to instead of being stuck on youtube, and so my main point is that an effective youtube alternative should have more than one kind of content and should try to cater to more than one type of person.

>>[allcaps screeching]
>hysterical roasties never change
Your entire post is false claims about what I'm saying a bunch of irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with anything I've said. You can play it off as me being hysterical but you're the one who brought up the shit in the first place and you're the one turning this into a political discussion and outright lying while doing so.
>when shit hits the fan, you have nothing to blame but yourself.
I'm the one trying to look for youtube alternatives. If looking for solutions to a problem makes you at fault for it then I suppose I'm to blame

I'd be willing to bet my life savings that the 2 replies to this post will just be more deflections and irrelevant nonsense. Prove me wrong

>> No.4252067 [View]
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Fuck off. This is not your personal "give me a job" training board. If you can draw then you can spend the 5 seconds it takes to google your shitty, stupid, braindead question instead of further poisoning this board with your faggotry.

Literally kill yourself if you can't comprehend how getting a job works, because its either that or homelessness.

>> No.4198440 [View]
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An appeal to nature is a fallacy, not a valid explanation for something. "We should do X because humans naturally do it" is fucking stupid. Should we live in mud huts because humans naturally do that? Lets all burn down the cities because humans naturally lived in small hunter gatherer tribes for millions of years before we invented agriculture. How about we go back to murdering the children of rival tribes because thats what early humans did. Lets all go shit in the fucking woods and eat uncooked raw meat because thats what humans naturally did before we invented fire.
>despite being common knowledge
Humans being pedophillic is not common knowledge. Common acording to whom and common among what fucking group?
>are to explain your reasoning that's not on par with 'Think of the children'?
My reasoning is that appeal to nature is retarded and holds no weight. Even if my sole reason was "think of the children" I can easily put some actual fucking weight behind that. Children can be and often are traumatized by sex. Children develop unhealthy habits and destructive lifestyles when sexualized before they can comprehend sex. From damn near any perspective I can justify the concept that we shouldn't traumatize children. Economically it doesn't make sense because a traumatized population is inefficient and doesn't take economic risks. From a national defense perspective it makes sense because traumatized people are less likely to go to war or be willing to enlist, meaning the only way to maintain a military is forced enlistment. From an ethical perspective it is bad to inflict emotional harm on people, as well as the fact that because children have underdeveloped frontal lobes they can't properly make decisions to the same degree as an adult thus meaning they cannot consent.

You have no arguments. Fucking children is bad and you have no way to defend it. Not only do you have no way to defend pedophillia but you likely have no actual criticism of futa either.

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