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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.6995807 [View]
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People slowly gave up on it because of the drama and some specific users constantly shitting up the general. There was always something new to get angry about and anons never knew how to cut the dramafagging, always engaging with the shitters which scared away most people.

If you guys dont want this thread to receive the same treatment as the original OC redraw thread, here's a hack: The guy that is constantly bitching about "slopfags" and "discord trannies" shitting up the threads is the one responsible for shitting up the threads (ie. >>6995737). Do not, I repeat, DO NOT humor this guy in any way possible, tell him to shut up, tell him to fuck off, but other than that do not engage. Your thread will be saved this way.

>most of the people in the OC redraw threads prior to the split were there for the lewdness.
Not exactly, the SFW threads were still thriving after the split, some artists were even seen active in both threads as well.
>it would be best to let this thread die so someone could create a new one. Or a new one could be created now.
I personally believe OC redraw threads should be buried for at least a trimester or a semester. Let it have time for people to completely forget about the whole drama and remember why they wanted an OC redraw thread in the first place. Give it the same treatment that /alt/ got, basically.
This guy is right, as it is, the thread is being forced and attracting a lot of bad apples in.
>the way I see it /i/shitters, /co/trannies, and /vg/tweens should make their own oc redraws threads already.
They dont want OC threads, they just want to burn this one out of community vendetta, although I believe it's just the usual bunch of /i/fags like Delta, Green and the like. I repeat, simply do not engage.

>> No.6971817 [View]
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>thanks to the trannies that literally adopted her as if she was always a real Nintendo character ot the point she's cross contaminating Wario and Waluigi now.
Really? I started to like her for that exact same reason kek. It's a nice breath of fresh air since Bowsette because people are treating her more in line with the Mario canon. Also, on the bright side, that also gives Wario and Waluigi more engagement and art by extension.
>Doing something while its "hot" to me shows...
>If the "fanbase" wasn't cancer...
Believe what you want to believe, I guess. If you want to cut yourself from having fun simply because you believe ill of everyone around you, that's completely up to you. You will have your misery complaining, I will have my fun drawing.

Havent posted it yet, Im still pondering about it or waiting for the "right time" to post it. I did post everything else I had on my gallery and it obviously didnt go stellar or anything, it sucks, but it's to be expected with 1.3k and nothing real to engage. I got to see some of my regular followers engage, though, and that is enough for me. Also if I post it and it makes numbers, I already have my blondie set to greet the new people, which gives them a reason to engage past the Warupichu craze.

>> No.6961004 [View]
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Honestly I dont think I would date a woman that draws NSFW or gets too involved into what consuming that kind of media implies (the degeneracy landslide, fetishes, and such). Not because of some stupid gender rule or something like that, I just had a bad experience with someone I was hanging out before that was into stuff like that, so to me it's a bit of a red flag if a woman is actively into NSFW in one way or another.

Im a coomer in my own right and I have drawn NSFW, but I know how to keep things to myself and keep my tastes as boring and vanilla as humanly possible, to the point Im a puritan in public by mere reflexes. I dont expect my partner to be a puritan, but I wouldnt like someone who is too openly sexual.

>> No.6932940 [View]
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>young wolves play as both predator and prey
This doesnt even make sense as an example for the argument you are presented. Wolves dont become preys because they are psychologically driven to desire becoming a prey, they do it for the sole purpose of learning the necessary technical and mental knowledge needed to survive as predators. This scenario and the artist one do not correlate psychologically.

>inb4 TLDR
Like I said earlier, your whole argument boils down to railroading human psychology, a wildly variable subject, into specific scenarios that are extremely susceptible to internal and external factors as is. A human can be, feel, perceive and communicate as their mind allows them to based on their knowledge and experiences over the course of years, and this gives them the ability to branch from behavior patterns significantly.

I rest my case saying that you trannies/tranny apologists really should stop this unhealthy mindsets from spreading any further.
>Verification not required.

>> No.6923759 [View]
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>I love that this, one of the few reasonable posts, gets ignored while the absolute brainlets are getting
all the attention.
I think it's because of that, it's not entertaining as this whole """"discussion"""" is about throwing shit at each other instead of having a decent argument.
Take this guy >>/6923587 for instance, he has been slinging shit all over the thread but most likely skipped the post I made because it wasnt fun for him to poke... until you pointed it out and now he can shit on it for being boring, not for the arguments or the points stated, but because it's not fun. Im not even going to humor him because all he said is pretty much name-calling, ad hominem and response to tone, all at once.
The vast majority in this thread just want to win a dumb internet fight. It's pathetic.

>I have one disagreement, however, that either party deserves incarceration.
>No, they're in desperate need of mental assistance which is unfortunately hard to obtain in most places.
You know what? That's fair and I agree, I honestly never thought about that, before those people commit an actual crime, they could instead get the medical treatment they require and stop being potential threats. That said, once they got the crime done, Im not very sure any amount of medical assistance can help them get it over, I could be optimistic about *potential* criminals, but not *actual* criminals.

>> No.6873016 [View]
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Damn, four AI threads in roughly than an hour, cool. You never have too much discussion about AI on this board.

Yeah, I also believe everyone should just give up on drawing too, why bother when the AI can make stuff that is infinitely better than what humans have done for the last four hundred centuries, right? In fact, why bothering proompting too when the AI will soon make way better prompts than what humans have done for the last two hundred centuries? What a revolutionary tool we got, art as we know it is over, it sure sucks to be an artist right now, it's over for real this time.

Bump limit, here we go?

>> No.6866533 [View]
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>Im interested in seeing if anyone has even a smidge if helpful information.
I do, actually, which is why it pisses me off to talk about this topic so much on this hellhole, nobody ever listens and simply like to complain while pretending to know the subject like the back of their hand while in truth they know shit about it.

Anyways, if you want my two cents on how to grow an audience on social media:
1. Craft yourself an appealing and unique art style. Make something to catch looks for being special in it's own way and not just another anime artist in the sea of anime artists.
2. Pick a content of your liking and stick with it. Whether it's a small niche, a huge franchise or your own OCs, make sure to create a content schedule of your own.
3. Balance quantity and quality. A doodle can have as much potential as a fully rendered piece, so for the sake of consistency, balance your doodles with your finished pieces just so you always have something to offer.
4. Make friends online and grow your community circles. By interacting with more people you get the chance of improving your craft and also grow among a supportive community. Cant always do things on your own.
5. Know your platforms. Do your homework and study the place you interact in just so you can make the most of it and dont fall for the issues it may present.

That's it from me. My following is roughly 1.3k, I havent grown much because I stopped using social media and didnt quite follow these advices, but Im positive I'd see some improvements if I come back to it and do the social media grind.

>> No.6843225 [View]
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pls show me a modern master of composition at the level of a renaisance master.

>> No.6814936 [View]
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I got 1.3k in the span of a year on twitter simply by appeasing to a very small, yet popular niche and interacting with other artists in my fields. My current goal right now (once I finish commissions) is to appease to a different, broader niche and shoehorn my blondie until and after she makes the numbers.

Grinding retweets from big artists and sucking their dicks only gets you so far, you first need to get onto a niche and have a consistent posting routine, retweets and whatnot are just for free advertisement, but if you rely solely on them you will be nothing more than "that one artist I followed because they made 1 piece I liked"

>> No.6749585 [View]
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>> No.6635318 [View]
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All that stuff about Roko's Basilisk seems less funny than it did ten years ago.

>> No.5251818 [View]
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Ok, why this board never discuss "soul"
It's really the only thing that matters.

Like, sure technique can be learned by anyone.
But I doubt you can teach "soul"

Soul is what makes even stick figures to be more pretty and interesting than overpolished souless realistic concept art.

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