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>> No.6798070 [View]
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>The reason I say bigger artists are less justified and should be more accountable is because of the influence that they have.
Fair enough, objectively speaking it is far more destructive act coming from someone with enough influence to cause damage, people using their audience as a personal army are human scum.
>This is also in regard as to WHY they're assholes despite the reach they have
Well, I firmly believe fame corrupts people in one way or another, not just in the sense of making their egos skyrocket and stuff (those are a different kind of hell), but it can also become overwhelming to always be put on thin ice even if you're not doing anything noteworthy bad. I say this because there is a lot of people that like to hate for the sake of it or for "Fox and the Grapes" kind of nonsenses like one anon said, and having to be put to test by this people constantly can take a toll on your system, so it makes sense some people become defensive and wary, or worse, offensive and arrogant.
That said, if some of these big artists just so happen to be opinionated, then they're just silly among other things lol
>If you wanna trudge through passive aggressive bitch behavior go for it, misery loves company.
If you want to call it that, sure. I may just be getting too old for the mainstream internet autism and I dont see a reason to waste energy on people that are just stupid and have nothing to do with me. I can dislike them, show no sympathy, be wary of them and even let people know as simple remarks, but that's as far as I can go, no reason to be so spiteful... unless they're trying to pull a stunt on me or my friends, then I'd rain hell upon them myself if I have to.

>> No.6782505 [View]
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At 1.3k follows with ~30 likes per post and a slow yet steady looking audience on the grow, I cant say Im really satisfied, but Im not mad, cause I understand it's because of my huge neglect to the social media game in pursuit of college. I've been in hiatus for so long with a lackluster posting intervals and Im not applying my own -most certainly to work- strategies, so it makes sense Im still stuck in that number.

I'd like to think that once I start putting my strategies in motion, I can finally start getting the numbers and the audience grow that I wanted.

>> No.6769865 [View]
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>We're just doomed, wanna do art? Do it for passion, there's no money here.
There're always middle grounds, anon, you can charge a reasonable amount of money that, while it wont be enough for a living on it's own, will help you greatly if you hold it as a secondary income and push it enough to make it consistent, or even make it a primary income if you really put your head into it professionally.
And like I said earlier, an appealing style calls for commissioners who will seek your art for what it is, rather for how much it's priced, even if it's too much, or too little, or someone does something better for a lower price, they wont leave you because your art can only be done by you. Some people just want to consoom, but that's not for everyone, and those people wont come back to you anyway, so who cares about them? focus on the ones that will hold onto your art. I know about this, because my regulars come back to me for my art, and some even dare to tell me to increase my prices because my art, as beg as it is, it's worth it for them, apparently.

>never posts their work
I can p my w if you want, but you will not listen to anything I'll say and solely focusing on weaponize my words while you make fun of my art, I know you will, you're not here for a proper discussion, you want to stroke your ego, and I havent p my w because I know this is how it will turn out with you.
>never makes reasonable arguments but resorts to the usual insults
I gave you arguments, you dont listen, you only keep digging deeper into your own delusions even when I point out the glaring flaws in said delusions.
>namefags some tranny
Samefagging as usual, I see. You are not fooling anyone anymore.
>But coomers dont care
not all commissioners are coomers, that's the route you chased, as a mid anime trash artist that has nothing to offer other than girls with funni faces and lewd barebones poses.
That's intentional, anon, Im not giving this guy a (You) know it's him.

>> No.6494589 [View]
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First off, learn how to fucking use punctuation marks, holy shit.
>drawing alone already means i'm drawing for myself
Wrong, the act of drawing and your reason to draw are two different things. Drawing is a action, a physical exercise produced by a thought process and driven by a reason. Reason is a mental concept that serves as a driving force that motivates your actions.
When people say "draw for yourself" it's because your reason to draw must come from your own personal desires and thoughts, drawing must be an act of self fulfillment, while sharing your stuff to others is an act for expression and further fulfillment that doesnt relate to your self fulfillment.

Im going to use myself as an example: The reason why I draw is because Im extremely fond to storytelling and creation, I love making character and tell stories, Im not good at storytelling or character design yet, but that is what I strive for. I want people to be happy with the things I do, sure, but that is because I want to share my passion with others, they are not my main reason to draw, but a support for my reason to draw.
I also happen to be good enough to bring some income with my art, which serves as another complement for my reason to draw, because it gives me good money I very much need.

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