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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.4319006 [View]
File: 174 KB, 600x832, these_arent_my_glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>so It's clearer that it's in his hand.

I obviously meant to say *NOT in his hand...

>> No.4183764 [View]
File: 174 KB, 600x832, these_arent_my_glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shitzors. That's fucking amazing. Just the right amount of stylization to the face without it looking like a thirsty anime piece. It's like Brad Rigney but with better taste. Do you have a blog and do you have any process images of this saved? Would love to see how you approach a piece like this.

As for feedback: I think you could lose just a little bit more detail (like 5%) on the BG and also the carpet closest to the camera (which you were probably going to do anyway).

GJ anon!

>> No.4151149 [View]
File: 174 KB, 600x832, these_arent_my_glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. (>>4151128) I'm from northern Europe. I actually go to the meetups for digital art people but those usually turn into sessions that go like this:

- People who are already in the local industry talk among themselves.

- Newbs try to show off their portfolios but nobody cares.

- Mediocre people show off their sketchbooks to newbs and draw. The newbs tell them how good they are. Mediocre guys are like "I dunno :-PPP, I wish I had a job", wishing the guys who have jobs would 'accidentally' hear what they just said. Again, nobody really cares.

- People get drunk and the people who work start complaining about work.

- I get along with everybody but I don't ever feel like I 'really' want to get to know anybody better. They're all my friends on Facebook but I only contact them for information on how much I should charge for some shit and vice-versa.

I'm not a typical "art guy". I'm not introverted and I'm not super existential about what I do, even though I'm really interested in being a pseudointellectual motherfucker on other subjects. Most of my friends work in the restaurant industry and other shit like that. At least I friends. Mehh...

>> No.4128456 [View]
File: 174 KB, 600x832, these_arent_my_glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the type of metal but Brad Rigney had some pretty fine tips for super tight weathered metal rendering, though it's not painterly at all:


They used to sell that tutorial but you can't buy it from anywhere anymore so I don't feel too bad for sharing it here.

Another good one is this series by Clint Cearley:


It's in 3 parts and you can find part 2 in the video description.

Hope these get you started. Just remember that it's a surface that's reflecting the environment around the subject depending on how reflective the material is so you absolutely need to know where the guy is standing to make the metal look believable.

Here are 3 more tutorials:




Don't just copy any of these. Do some studies before you re-do it and come back with some knowledge instead of just trying out different things.

>> No.4114748 [View]
File: 174 KB, 600x832, these_arent_my_glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a pretty OK artist and I'm fucking drunk. I'll overpaint/repaint/give drunk feedback to anybody who posts in this thread for the next ~2h or so. I'm just a fucking narcissist who likes doing this sort of thing.

If you're pretty OK yourself I won't do anything because I'm just pretty OK myself. I'm not art Jesus.

Let's go!

>> No.4103696 [View]
File: 174 KB, 600x832, these_arent_my_glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend looking at some Proko's or Jeffrey Watt's stuff. Over all I feel like you're approaching your whole drawing process as if were copying abstract symbols from another paper when you should be spending your time trying to fiugre out the underlying forms.

- The legs are too short. Might be the perspective but haven't indicated that the upper body is closer to us in any way so we just have to assume things.

- The muscles on his abdomen are just wrong. I bet the original statue(?) that you're probably copying had the same mistake... Get really good reference that you know to be correct and work from there. If you dont' know what's good reference, you can ask here or something.

- You're working with a pencil but you're not really utilizing the values you could get from that medium. Actually you're making things worse by making the arm closest to us more dim than the one that's much further away. The same goes for the legs. No mid values either except on the legs which aren't even a focal point.
So there you go.

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