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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.3782335 [View]
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>They don't understand how much they are shooting themselves in the foot trying this
You are absolutely delusional if you think this is "shooting themselves in the foot"

>> No.3744655 [View]
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What the fuck is wrong with people on this board? This shit you people say reaches the highest levels of mental retardation.

>> No.3661490 [View]
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>what IS eskimo?

How can people be this fucking uninformed? Like - is this not common knowledge? How can someone not know what 'Eskimo' means? How does a person get anywhere in life when they think 'Eskimo' is a fucking country? Next thing you're gonna say is 'potatoes' are a continent.

Eskimos is a term for the indigenous people inhabiting northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland, and eastern Siberia. They are the natives & first settlers of these places close to the arctic circle.

Jesus christ.

>> No.3546762 [View]
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What the fuck are you smoking? How is this a releveant to my post at all?

>Doing porn is a job like any other job out there
>porn is considered low-tier porn. However in reality there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
>I'm not a cuck that things porn is some kind of low tier art
>You are what is wrong with society. Sexuality should be something normal. Not sonething that needs to be hidden as if it were some weird taboo.

At no point in my post >>3546735 did I imply that making porn is "low tier", "taboo" or that there's something wrong with making erotic art. You're responding to to things I didn't say. Quit projecting. In case you need it spelled out for you (since you apparently can't read) - I was calling out ignorant /ic/ users on why its wrong to think porn Patreons are the end-all-be-all of the world of art - NOT that making a living doing porn is wrong.

>> No.3532942 [View]
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>this fluorescent green all over the sky

>> No.3489216 [View]
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I completely baffled why you saved & shared the screenshot of my Upwork earnings that I posted in another thread. Why did you do this?

>> No.3278725 [View]
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>> No.3223934 [View]
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I see your counter and raise you a counter counter.

I don't disagree with you there - there are plenty of inhouse positions that artists can fill. That's not what we were talking about though - we were talking about whether or not freelance artists are apart of the commercial art industry. For you to suggest otherwise is just fundamentally wrong. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you probably think the 'industry' only refers to the standard fantasy / sci-fi / concept art work that /ic/ circle jerks over. Those are only sub-industries of the larger commercial art industry of which both freelance and in-house studio artists are apart of.

>> No.3208234 [View]
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>redpill me

>> No.3166463 [View]
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> All I've seen here are winners and those who never really tried in the first place

>> No.3160603 [View]
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I can't even tell what's bait and what's not anymore.

>> No.3139511 [View]
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>shits on DA
>recommends artstation

Both are garbage.

>> No.3121614 [View]
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>Then you don't need to self promote at all

>> No.3057392 [DELETED]  [View]
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Wow. What an entitled little shit.

>> No.3057382 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.3039032 [View]
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>> No.3021673 [View]
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>> No.3003537 [View]
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If you are this clueless in what you need to do in order to get a job at a AAA developer, then I promise you that you are so far behind that you might as well not apply. These are unfathomably competitive positions geared towards professionals that are already far in their career.

You are either really naive or stupidly arrogant to believe that you have any shot at landing a job at a AAA studio.

>> No.2996768 [View]
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>Recall the paintover and notes I did for you in the previous thread
The person you're replying to is not the artist - just some nub trying to help. Work on your reading comprehension, nerd.

>> No.2942214 [View]
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> "Founder of the Memetic Realist movement"
> Runs an empty Patreon with no followers
> Offers no perks to potential Patreons
> Thinks using Instagram is for "normal fags", as if that's a bad thing

>> No.2927577 [View]
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If you're wondering why "Industry Standards" are the price that they are for the same level of work as personal commissions, it's simply because of this:

The big money in illustration comes from the licensing of the work more so than the work itself. When you're hired for an illustration for a commercial project, you need to be accounting for the standards fees (time spent, materials, skill level, etc.), and then on top of that, you add a fee based on the usage of the work. The higher the usage, the higher the fee. For example, OP's example is for book illustration. The higher the estimated print run is to be, the more value you're adding to the project and the more money you should get. It's why the New Yorker pays $5000+ for a cover while an alternative weekly pays about $300-500.

Usage fees go out the window when pricing for personal commissions, which is why they're often so low. I strongly advise against personal commissions becoming your main source of income, especially (in this thread) for furry artists. You are so much better off developing a portfolio and trying to land commercial gigs in illustration than being a furry artists. It'll be harder to build up, but you could develop a style that propels a lifelong career. Furry art (and anime art) cannot be used to cross over into any reliable commercial illustration industry. It's a dead end road.

>> No.2919878 [View]
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>you drew face features for the different angle of the face- also i think diferent angle.
>You are right,the character looks that dont belong to the scene
>Maybe is annoying for you to give some arguments

>> No.2883806 [View]
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>just four values
>just four values
>just four values
>just four values

>> No.2860772 [View]
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This thread is complete horseshit.

>deal with furry artists
>it's hard to commission people on tumblr

Oh, well that explains it. OP thinks commissioning people = hiring people off Tumblr, sometimes to draw in styles that are not their own. These observations only apply to the weird, awkward and clunky interactions of hiring amateur artists online to draw private commissions. This is likely done over those bullshit, fast-food style commission sheets.

None of what OP said applies to professional artists working in any of the professional illustration industries.

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