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>> No.4329604 [View]
File: 125 KB, 168x225, hungry banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Woof, this one took a really long time to make. This is a list of all of the available domains through my provider that did not have any other legal requirements (such as government organizations or license to work in law).
This is by no means the final domain name vote. This is more of a screening one. Please note that this is MULTIPLE CHOICE: choose the ones that appeal to you.

>> No.4274849 [View]
File: 125 KB, 168x225, 1523626347_85e6fdc1159f88c2b09b101274b52e00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, guys!

No matter where you are, or what you're doing, I hope that your winter holiday has been restful. I know a lot of you have been working really hard, be it on art, or gifts for other dads. It's really heartening to sometimes see how connected the community has gotten, from doing secret santa art exchanges to literally living together. Rest assured, I'm still mulling over the finer details of your super-belated gift, and one of the most important aspects of those pieces of development is finding ways to bring the community as a whole closer together. DAD is, in a lot of ways, just like a family to me and I hope it is to you as well.

In keeping with the transparency I wanted to maintain since I started administration of the site, and as sort of fun mini-gift, I've opened an ask/suggestion/comment/shitpost/complaint page briefly for anyone who wants to anonymously ask any question they may have about the DAD site, the upcoming development, planned features, the community at large or about myself. As long as you post your question before New Year's Day (GMT-6), I'll make sure to answer it. There are some ground rules though. I won't answer anything that:
> Would provide too much personal identifying information (name, location, etc) about myself or other DAD users
> Attempts to humiliate or call out certain DAD users
> Attempts to get me to favor certain DAD users over others
> Anything that compromises the site's security or the security of its users
> Other outstanding situation as posts warrant

If you ever were curious about any specific thing, here's your chance to ask. I will answer all valid comments/questions very thoroughly, earnestly and truthfully.


A Merry Christmas to all of you, DAD! Take it easy. A lot of you are working really hard, and some of you are dealing with difficult things. I hope that in some way, you can find some solace, comfort, and maybe even warmth during this holiday season.

>> No.4244838 [View]
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So, the fact that Fighting Artist Challenge is labeled as explicit caught my attention, and so, I apologize for things not being clear.

The NSFW rating for a challenge is not the "maximum" NSFW rating permitted for submissions. It's a general guideline for the anticipated level of submissions. For instance, there's nothing wrong with submitting an explicit submission to a "Safe" challenge like InkTober 2019. Nothing's stopping you or preventing you from drawing pinups or porn in ink, the ink is the only prerequisite. Albeit, there are some exceptions, you probably don't want to submit anything Questionable/Explicit for a "design a children's picture book" challenge, or only sfw work to the "Dragon Dick Badge" challenge but these exceptions are far and few in between.

Here are some potential examples of challenges at each level:
Safe: General challenges. "Design 5 mecha!" "Environments Challenge"
Questionable: "Life Drawing Week" "Draw a Pinup Poster"
Explicit: "Furry Porn Challenge" "Hentai Challenge"

>> No.4231859 [View]
File: 125 KB, 168x225, 1523626347_85e6fdc1159f88c2b09b101274b52e00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the United States, the fourth Thursday of November marks a holiday known as Thanksgiving, where families gather together, reflect on what they're thankful for in their lives and indulge in an absurd amount of food and a giant turkey before getting into political shouting matches and awkward reminders of why you probably shouldn't invite certain sides of the family.

Jokes aside, I want to say a few things at this moment.
Even with all the baggage associated with being the site administrator of the third Last Artist Standing website, Do Art Daily, I am reminded on a daily basis why I'm thankful to be in this position. It is a great privilege to be able to share the journey of artistic self improvement with so many people. I've received countless comments of support, tons of useful criticism, and general encouragement in terms of advancing my own work and that of the site. I've seen countless DADs create interesting and engaging challenges, develop unique works interpreting those prompts, and give meaningful feedback to one another on their work. Even outside of the site, people have met up and developer meaningful relationships and deeper communities in Discord and in real life. There's a deep satisfaction in observing the growth of others even if I haven't done much of it myself. A lot of people have reached out thanking me for making the third iteration of the site, but in truth, I'm merely a third torchbearer in a lemur's mission, a mission I believe in. The rest was all your doing!
We have something special here, and I think with a bit of nurturing from the community, and a bit of technical work from my end, we can really make it into something great. So to all the people who engage with DAD regularly, and meaningfully, thank you.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, DAD. Take it easy, and go stuff your faces with something tasty.

>> No.4193796 [View]
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>> No.4171273 [View]
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Aight, I'm home.
Will pump this out as soon as I finish making and eating my dinner.

>> No.4143315 [View]
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Hey guys.
Now that I'm done with DAIB, I will be working intermittently between art and the newest patch until it's released, at which point, I'll likely dedicate more hours towards art while working on small fixes and improvements at my own pace.
I don't have an end date on this development, but the feature list is pretty large, and yes, the Tribunal is coming along with a lot of other changes.
Do not hesitate to ping me in the DAD discord, through PM or email if there's a feature important to you. Things slip my mind all the time, and I want to make sure this "2.0" launch can be something I'm proud to host and you guys are proud to use.

>> No.4085234 [View]
File: 125 KB, 168x225, hungry banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small late sunday night menu:
> Fixed a bug where a user's current streak would not be properly set when penalized or eliminated
> User search now accounts for display names, with results sorted by current streak, then by id. This means both display names and original usernames are valid to search on. More options and features will be added later.
> Reversed challenge sorting, so that more completed challenges with more recent start dates appear at the top, with order challenges at the bottom.

With this completed, I will be moving on to much, much larger things. Keep your eyes peeled.

>> No.3942093 [View]
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Everyone getting notifications again? I created a challenge I had been meaning to create for a while to test it.

>> No.3889288 [View]
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I do have tokens / vacation days coming up as a feature.
As for retaining your levels, your account still has a record of the highest level you've achieved (used for site privileges). Perhaps part of the issue is that it could be more transparent (only shown on an on-hover dialogue over avatars).


I mulled this one over and was playing devil's advocate ("oh, people are gonna dig up dirt on everyone") but it honestly just makes things easier for people who want to archive their own stuff or get references of an artist they like.
I'll consider it. I don't know what this would technically entail but I'll be working on it sometime in the future.


Given that there's web support for viewing 3D models, it's not impossible by definition, but I've never worked with something like that before and I'm not sure how valuable sinking time into something about 5% of the userbase would actually make use of is a useful allocation of time.


I'll think about this.

>> No.3862472 [View]
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> You heard that, banana? I'm legal again.

I was the one posting that. I don't use my trip unless it's really necessary.
You are completely welcome to post penises if you spent at least thirty minutes on the drawing. You are completely welcome to draw anything as long as it took at least thirty minutes for you to make, as long as it isn't loli, abusive content or anything else illegal or otherwise deliberately damaging to the site or community.

>> No.3838729 [View]
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Hello, DAD. It's Mardi Gras.

Don't forget to eat a quantity of food you'll regret later.

>> No.3768083 [View]
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Just integrating w's pull request to remove ww3 functionality since that's going offline.

I'm going to be pushing something small but probably pleasant for you blokes in a little bit.

>> No.3745076 [View]
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May 26th. Why?

Anyhoo, I'm so glad that this actually seems to have fixed everything. Turns out the issue was not even slightly complex. I was chasing down possible sources of memory leaks when in fact I just had to fix some really, really shitty queries I wrote when I was first learning Ruby on Rails. Thank god I have a job working as a Rails developer. Who knew that December banana is actually a better developer than April banana?

For the first time in a long time, I can breathe somewhat easy. I'm going to drink and eat my weight in cocktails and junk food. More stuff coming later. Peace out guys.

>> No.3680994 [View]
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Shriney, please include the following in the next sticky, in whatever format you choose.

Backup URL: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/
Project and Bug Tracker: https://trello.com/b/YueRX0es/dad-feature-and-bug-tracker

>> No.3605659 [View]
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Oy mates.
Between tech interview prep and general moving logistics (living in the city at the moment), I haven't had a chance to do much development.

However, I'm literally sitting on my desk and pumping out fixes right now in my now thankfully properly air-conditioned apartment.

If there were any minor features or annoying problems that you want taken care of (don't be afraid to throw out ideas, some may take days, others could literally be a matter of seconds).

The current list of things on my plate for this patch are: making the user search features more useful, proper leaderboards, some bug/vulnerability fixes, and general quality of life fixes.

We will open up discussions for expansions to the challenge system and how topic challenges should work soon, and I have a few ideas on those.

I'll return as an active submitter when the autumn season begins.

>> No.3469460 [View]
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Aight, I guess that's fair enough.

Although, is all this stuff I'm hearing about Aguri legit? I mean, from what I can tell, I'm learning a fair bit (the perspective course has been really useful). Is someone just meming hard, is this some new /ic/ crab bait or is it still a meaningful course to develop core skills?

>> No.3459468 [View]
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Not true.
If the post frequency is set to "None", you can make unlimited submissions to the challenge on any particular day.
This helps distinguish challenges that require habitual posting and ones that just require a specific task to have been accomplished.

>> No.3409768 [View]
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Going to chime in on this one.
Prestige 2 still seems appropriate for me. For instance, note that:

> A lot of people are doing 30 min - 1 hour of DAB in lieu of an actual submission
> It's only a month of work.
> It doesn't require any deliberate design decisions on the participants, you are literally following a set of instructions to complete a few exercises, some of which are fairly rudimentary.
> People are already complaining, but it's just been 5 days

I might meditate on prestige 3, but likely not. Do note that prestige 1, 2 and 3 has a very sizeable gap. 4 and 5 are on a whole other level (mech challenge for instance, is 2 months of design and meditation, and the final product should be as close to professional as possible). Prestige 1 embodies most "fun challenges", and basic prompts. DAB would sit at the middle-upper edge of prestige 2. If it were something more than just "work through these tutorials", it would probably be prestige 3.

>> No.3402405 [View]
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A patch has been pushed to the site. You can view the changes in the News page.

I'm going to get some sleep.

>> No.3391974 [View]
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After observing some of my favorite and least favorite online artists, writers and the odd celebrity achieve some level of fame and make complete asses of themselves on their blogs or twitter, I've constantly fantasized about reaching the same level of power and acclaim with my art.

Just so that I can prove that I can still be a decent, accessible person who's above petty drama and achievement-driven arrogance even under those circumstances.

I don't intend to become a complete cunt simply because I have the highly tentative support of blokes in an art community I like.

>> No.3372492 [View]
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Sure. Just bear in mind that ultimately I'll be making the final judgment call on all of this, but it's not like I'm actively monitoring every single submission.

I'm pretty laissez-faire when it comes to this stuff after spending pretty much a decade on 4chan, but as soon as it becomes a legal/hosting problem, everyone will be notified, the relevant submissions will be removed, and policies will be updated accordingly.

Hopefully, that's acceptable. I'm trying to ensure the longevity of this site, and I want to avoid any potential pitfalls.

>> No.3351702 [View]
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According to Amazon AWS S3 (the hosting service), explicit material is fine so long as it isn't illegal.

You'd be surprised at the rates.
Honestly though, even if the overall site costs balloon much higher than that, I'm fine with fielding it. I don't spend much of my money beyond food, utilities and the occasional guest.

>> No.3329541 [View]
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Sure. After all, you do know my trip already.

I guess just search /dad/ sometime later next weekend. Saves you the insanity of keeping this thread bumped.


I'll make some mention of las in the OP, don't worry.

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